Comments received BPN response Comments from ITU

Comments received
BPN response
Comments from ITU-T:
<<Comment #2>>
The paragraph below was proposed to be removed via a WG LC comment. If
it is not
possible to remove, the following rephrase is proposed.
MPLS-TP will enable the migration of transport networks to a packetbased network that will efficiently scale to support packet services
in a simple and cost effective way. MPLS-TP needs to combine the
necessary existing capabilities of MPLS with additional minimal
mechanisms in order that it can be used in a transport role.
MPLS-TP will enable the deployment of
packetbased networks that will efficiently scale to support packet
in a simple and cost effective way. MPLS-TP needs to combine the
necessary existing capabilities of MPLS with additional minimal
mechanisms in order that it can be used in a transport role.
<<End Comment>>
I don’t like the proposed change as it implies existing packet based networks do not
scale and are not cost effective.
Although both static and dynamic configuration of MPLS-TP transport
paths (including Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM)
protection capabilities) is required by this document, it MUST be
possible for operators to be able to completely operate (including
OAM and protection capabilities) an MPLS-TP network in the absence
<<Comment #3>>
The following rephrase was proposed via a WG LC comment.
As it was not accepted, it is not clear what is the different between
plane protocols” and “control plane protocols for dynamic
any control plane protocols for dynamic configuration.
any control plane protocols.
<<End Comment>>
I think this comes down to one’s interpretation of control plane
protocols, e.g. is an OAM of APS like mechanism a control plane
protocol or not? Inclusion of “for dynamic configuration” emphasizes
(in my mind) that automatic protocols are still allowed for some
functions (like triggering protection switching) even when the network
is statically configured/operated. If we feel this emphasis is
unnecessary then I can remove it but personally think it is worthwhile
as we have already seen cases where people have stated “MPLS-TP
Requirements says X and you’re proposing something that conflicts with
<<Comment #5>>
We think that the definition of Section Layer Network below is not
fully in line
with the ITU-T definition as given in the LS from last December 2008
We are planning to provide some text proposal for the Section Layer
definition to resolve this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Section Layer Network: A section is a server layer (which may be
MPLS-TP or a different technology) which provides for encapsulation
and OAM of a client layer network. A section layer may provide for
aggregation of multiple MPLS-TP clients. Note that G.805
[ITU.G805.2000] defines the section layer as one of the two layer
networks in a transmission media layer network. The other layer
network is the physical media layer network.
I incorporated the text that Huub provided on the MPLS-TP list. See
below. Is this acceptable?
Section Layer Network: A section layer is a server layer (which may be
MPLS-TP or a different technology) which provides for the transfer of
the section layer client information between adjacent nodes in the
transport path layer or transport service layer. A section layer may
provide for aggregation of multiple MPLS-TP clients. Note that G.805
[ITU.G805.2000] defines the section layer as one of the two layer
networks in a transmission media layer network. The other layer
network is the physical media layer network.
<<Comment #6 (Technical)>>
There is a need to discuss the text changes below, proposed via WG LC
Transport Path Layer: A layer network that provides point-to-point
point-to-multipoint transport paths that may be used to carry a
higher (client) layer network or aggregates of higher (client) layer
networks, for example the transport service layer. It provides
independent (of the client) OAM when transporting its clients.
Transport Path Layer: A (sub-)layer network that provides point-topoint or point-to-multipoint transport paths that may be used to carry
aggregates of transport paths in the higher (client) layer
networks, can be the transport service layer or the transport
path layer itself.
<<End Comment>>
Removal of “may be used to carry a higher (client) layer network” implies
there cannot be a 1:1 mapping between a client layer and a transport
path (i.e. aggregation of client layers MUST be performed).
Change of “for example the transport service layer” to “can be the
transport service layer or the transport
path layer itself” implies the only two clients of a transport path are
another transport path in the same layer or the transport service
layer. i.e. it is not possible to carry a client layer (e.g. IP)
directly over a transport path. This appears to be a very rigourous
definition of transport layering that may not be required.
Any new functionality that is defined to fulfill the requirements
for MPLS-TP MUST be agreed within the IETF through the IETF
<<Comment #7>>
The use of the MUST seems to be in contradiction with “(as far as
possible)”. The fact that it can be practically not possible to re-use
standards, qualify the requirement as a SHOULD.
consensus process and MUST re-use (as far as practically
consensus process and SHOULD re-use (as far as practically
<<End Comment>>
I think MUST re-use (as far as practically possible) to be slightly stronger than
SHOULD re-use but happy to go with the consensus of the group.
The MPLS-TP data plane MUST be capable of
forwarding data independent of the control or management
plane used to configure and operate the MPLS-TP layer
taking recovery actions independent of the control plane
to configure the MPLS-TP layer network.
If the control
does not restart, the data plane connections MUST be held
NOT time out.
<<Comment #9>>
The second part of Req.15B is not clear. Does it mean that control
failures must not impact data plane?
Once the intention is clear, we can provide some text proposal for
Req.15 to
resolve this comment.
In the past the requirement was saying: “the MPLS-TP data plane MUST
continue to
operate normally if the management plane or control plane that
configured the
transport paths fails”.
That text was almost ok for us: there was only the need to clarify that
plane means forwarding, OAM and protection.
<<End Comment>>
It means recovery actions do not have to rely on control plane to operate. If a
control plane fails and is not able to restart itself then the data plane should
continue to operate in the absence of the control plane.
How about:
The MPLS-TP data plane MUST be capable of
forwarding data independent of the control or management
plane used to configure and operate the MPLS-TP layer
taking recovery actions independent of the control plane
used to configure the MPLS-TP layer network.
operating normally (i.e. forwarding, OAM and protection MUST
continue to operate) if the management plane or control
plane that configured the transport paths fails.
It MUST be possible to isolate the control and management
planes of the MPLS-TP layer network from the control and
management planes of the client and server layer networks.
<<Comment #10>>
We think that the option to have unified control/management of multilayer
networks encompassing MPLS-TP should be allowed. Please add Req.24C:
C. In case client and server layer networks are located in the same
administrative domain, it MUST be possible to operate client and server
networks via a common control or management plane.
<<End Comment>>
Saying something MUST be possible does not exclude other options. One of the
tenets of a transport network is client/server independence. Use of a common
control/management plane (depending on the meaning) breaks that. Do we really
need to specify this? Are operators asking for this? If we are to include it I think we
need to be very clear about what exactly is meant by “a common control or
management plane”, is it reuse of the same protocols but different instances of those
protocols? Is it a single instance of a protocol operating over multiple layers
simultaneously etc?
A transport path's source MUST be identifiable at its destination
within its layer network in coordination with the management
plane or control plane.
<<Comment #11>>
It is not clear what is the meaning of “in coordination with the
plane or control plane” in Req.30.
Once the intention is clear, we can provide some text proposal for
Req.30 to
resolve this comment.
<<End Comment>>
This means that for example the source address does not have to be
carried in every packet. In order to identify the source of a transport
path additional information MAY be required and that information (or
some of that information) MAY be provided by the control/management
MPLS-TP MUST be capable of using P2MP server (sub-)layer
capabilities as well as P2P server (sub-)layer capabilities when
supporting P2MP MPLS-TP transport paths.
<<Comment #12>>
In transport networks, only unidirectional and co-routed bidirectional
paths are required. As a consequence, associated bidirectional paths
are not required in MPLS-TP.
If there is a requirement to extend the MPLS toolkit to support
associated bidirectional paths as part of the MPLS-TP standardization
efforts, it is proposed to clarify in Req.32 below that associated
bidirectional paths are required for MPLS and not MPLS-TP environments.
We are planning to provide some text proposal for Req.31 to resolve
this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Please suggest text. However, although I take your point that ITU do
not require associated bi-directional transport paths, I am not sure
what the value of explicitly spelling that out is. If we take it to its
logical conclusion we will end up with a statement next to each
requirement stating whether a particular requirement is an ITU
requirement, an IETF requirement, a particular operator’s requirement
etc. As stated in the introduction the requirements are for a toolkit,
any standards body, vendor or operator is free to select whichever
components of that toolkit as they see fit, so I see no need to make an
explicit statement with regard to this requirement.
<<Comment #xx>>
Propose rephrase for Req.33, 34, 35 and 36
<<End Comment>>
The end points of a co-routed bidirectional transport path MUST
be aware of the pairing relationship of the forward and reverse
paths used to support the bidirectional service.
The intermediate nodes (including MEPs, MIPs and other internal
functions as appropriate) of a co-routed bidirectional transport
path at each (sub-)layer MUST be aware of the pairing
relationship of the forward and the backward directions of that
transport path.
The end points of an associated bidirectional transport path
be aware of the pairing relationship of the forward and reverse
paths used to support the bidirectional service.
The intermediate nodes (including MEPs, MIPs and other internal
functions as appropriate) of an associated bidirectional
transport path at each (sub-)layer SHOULD NOT be aware of the
pairing relationship of the forward and the backward directions
of that transport path.
To what? Asking for something to be rephrased without indicating how
you might like it rephrased isn’t particularly helpful in guiding the
authors as we do not know what the issue with the current text is.
<<Comment #13>>
The WG LC comment regarding ASTN and the references for ASON
architecture and
requirements needs further discussion.
<<End Comment>>
The ITU-T has defined an architecture for Automatically Switched
Optical and Transport Networks (ASON/ASTN) in G.8080
[ITU.G8080.2006] and G.8080 Amd1 [ITU.G8080.2008]. The control plane
for MPLS-TP MUST fit within the ASON/ASTN architecture.
OK, let’s discuss. I wanted to leave ASTN in as to someone unfamiliar
with ITU they may assume ASON only applies to Optical networks and not
Transport networks in general.
<<Comment #14>>
There is a need to discuss the following WG LC comment. Moreover the
looks to be generic rather than just for the control plane.
45 It MUST be possible to operate and configure the MPLS-TP data
plane without any IP forwarding capability in the MPLS-TP data
45 It MUST be possible to operate and configure the MPLS-TP data
plane (forwarding, OAM and protection) without any IP capability
in the MPLS-TP data
<<End Comment>>
OK, let’s discuss as there was significant discussion to agree the current text. Happy
to move the requirement to a more appropriate section, please make a suggestion of
where it is best to place it.
Recovery objectives SHOULD be configurable per transport
path, and SHOULD support objectives for bandwidth and QoS.
<<Comment #17>>
Req.57C is still not fully clear.
Once the intention is clear, we can provide some text proposal for
Req.57C to
resolve this comment.
<<End Comment>>
There are multiple parameters (objectives) that govern recovery that will not be
common across all transport paths, e.g. time required to recover and amount of
recovery bandwidth required. These SHOULD be configurable per transport path.
MPLS-TP MUST support 1:n protection (including 1:1 protection).
<<Comment #18>>
The WG LC comment regarding the difference between 1:n and (1:1)^n
needs further discussion
<<End Comment>>
I don’t recall the WG LC comment but I am not sure what discussion you are seeking.
I assume (1:1)^n means multiple instances of 1:1 protection.
1:n protection is required to enable a single backup path to protect multiple primary
paths to enable an operator to most cost effectively use their network resources
depending on the risk of failure and the level of protection required by the
Therefore 1:n protection does not exclude (1:1)^n protection.
<<Comment #20>>
It is proposed to add the following requirement that was present in the
has sent to IETF in September 2006:
MPLS-TP protection mechanisms MUST be capable to operate without any IP
<<End Comment>>
Can you expand on what exactly is required and meant by “without any IP
I can understand not requiring IP forwarding in an MPLS-TP network.
I can understand allowing options other than IP for the DCN.
GMPLS provides existing protection mechanisms based on IP AFAIK and I am
struggling to understand why one would want to reinvent a new set of protection
mechanisms that do not use IP when such functions are internal to the MPLS-TP
layer network.
<<Comment #21>>
The requirements below [63, 64, 65] are not requirements for a data
plane behavior. We do not
see any requirement on the data plane behavior (other than general
MPLS-TP data
plane requirements) to support restoration mechanisms. The requirements
apply to the either the control plane or the management plane.
<<End Comment>>
These requirements are not specific to the control plane or the management plane
and repeating them in both sections doesn’t make sense IMO. Happy to receive
suggestions on where best to place them.
<<Comment #22>>
66 MPLS-TP SHOULD support 1:n (including 1:1) shared mesh
66 MPLS-TP SHOULD support 1:n (including 1:1) shared mesh
<<End Comment>>
I believe the correct term is mesh restoration but happy to stand corrected.
MPLS-TP MUST support the definition of shared protection groups
to allow the coordination of protection actions resulting from
triggers caused by events at different locations in the network.
<<Comment #23>>
The definition of “shared protection groups” is missing. As a
Req.67 is not clear.
Once the intention is clear, we can provide some text proposal for
Req.67 to
resolve this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Let’s discuss as I did not author this requirement and require help clarifying it.
<<Comment #24>>
Please add Req.69A:
A. When MPLS-TP restoration is non-revertive, the working transport
path MUST be preserved.
<<End Comment>>
I am not sure what the requirement proposed means, following clarification can
assess whether to include it.
Where a control plane is present, MPLS-TP SHOULD support control
plane triggers.
<<Comment #25>>
A clear way to distinguish when control plane protects from when
control plane
notifies an action performed by data plane, should also be defined.
We are planning to provide some text proposal for Req.75 to resolve
<<End Comment>>
Please provide text.
MPLS-TP protection mechanisms MUST support priority logic to
negotiate and accommodate coexisting requests (i.e., multiple
requests) for protection switching (e.g., administrative
and requests due to link/node failures).
<<Comment #26>>
We think that there is a need to specify in this document the priority
logic that needs to be supported.
We are planning to provide some text proposal for Req.76 to resolve
this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Please provide text.
The external controls as defined in [RFC4427] MUST be supported.
<<Comment #26>>
The external controls defined in RFC 4427 are not fully aligned with
ITU-T requirements for external controls. It is proposed to align
Req.73 with ITU-T requirements for external controls.
We are planning to provide some text proposal for Req.80 to resolve
this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Please provide text.
There MUST be support for the configuration of timers used for
recovery operation.
<<Comment #27>>
Not clear the need/role of timers for recovery operations in Req.81. If
the objective is to require the configurability of wait-time-to-restore
and hold-off timers, it is proposed to spell these out.
Once the intention is clarify, we can provide some text proposal for
Req.81 to resolve this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Let’s discuss as I did not author this requirement and do not recall the context of it.
The main objective in considering a specific topology (such as a
ring) is to determine whether it is possible to optimize any
<<Comment #28>>
The last sentence is a vendor/operator issue and not a
standard/requirement issue. It is proposed to remove it.
mechanisms such that the performance of those mechanisms within the
topology is significantly better than the performance of the generic
mechanisms in the same topology. The benefits of such optimizations
are traded against the costs of developing, implementing, deploying,
and operating the additional optimized mechanisms noting that the
generic mechanisms MUST continue to be supported.
mechanisms such that the performance of those mechanisms within the
topology is significantly better than the performance of the generic
mechanisms in the same topology.
<<End Comment>>
This text does not constitute a requirement and is general text for background
information. I think it only fair to state both sides of the situation, i.e. ring protection
can provide benefits but those benefits needs to be weighed against the costs.
<<Comment #29>>
The statement below is not 100% accurate:
- Req.89 is specific to ring topologies
- Req.93 and 101 specifies some behavior that is required for an
It is proposed the following rephrase:
It may be observed that the requirements in this section are fully
compatible with the generic requirements expressed above, and that
requirements that are specific to ring topologies have been
It may be observed that the requirements in this section are fully
compatible with the generic requirements expressed above.
<<End Comment>>
Let’s discuss as it’s not clear to me what is ring specific about the requirements you
suggest except for your suggestion to include “ring optimized” within them.
<<Comment #30>>
MPLS-TP 1+1 and 1:1 protection in
time within 50 ms from the moment
network with a 16 nodes ring with
An optimized solution for MPLS-TP
support 1:1 protection with switching
time within 50 ms from the moment
network with a 16 nodes ring with
<<End Comment>>
a ring MUST support switching
of fault detection in a
less than 1200 km of fiber.
protection in a ring MUST
of fault detection in a
less than 1200 km of fiber.
Let’s discuss as I think stating “an optimised solution” is somewhat presupposing
what the general solution is. Possibly what is required is to state what the real
functional requirement is.
Recovery actions in a ring MUST be data plane functions
triggered by different elements of control. The triggers are
configured by management or control planes and are subject to
configurable policy.
<<Comment #31>>
Req.95 needs to be clarified.
Once the intention is clarified, we can provide some text proposal for
Req.95 to resolve this comment.
<<End Comment>>
Let’s discuss as I did not author this requirement and do not recall the context of it.
<<Comment #32>>
101 The default recovery scheme in a ring MUST be bidirectional
recovery in order to simplify the recovery operation.
101 An optimized solution for MPLS-TP protection in a ring MUST be
support only bidirectional
recovery in order to simplify the recovery operation.
<<End Comment>>
Let’s discuss as I think stating “an optimised solution” is somewhat presupposing
what the general solution is. Possibly what is required is to state what the real
functional requirement is.
<<Comment #33>>
Please add the following requirement:
It MUST be possible to support operator’s policies regarding agreed
<<End Comment>>
I do not know what that means.
Comments from Huub
In Section 1.1.1:
MEP = MEG End Point
MIP = MEG Intermediate Point
MEG = Maintenance Entity Group
ME = Maintenance Entity
The document no longer contains these terms/abbreviations so I removed them
from the list.
PM = Performance Monitoring
(management would indicate that the performance can be
What I discovered is that PM is only used once, so I expanded it and therefore
removed the need for expanding the abbreviation so removed PM from the list of
Section 1.1.2:
Associated bidirectional path
-- this is a typical MPLS path -This is not actually a typical MPLS path which are typically unidirectional, so I did
not include this text.
Co-routed bidirectional path
-- this is a typical transport network path -Accepted, I included this as a sentence on the end of the defintion which now reads:
Co-routed Bidirectional path: A path where the forward and backward directions
follow the same route (links and nodes) across the network. Both directions are
setup, monitored and protected as a single entity. This is a typical transport network
I propose that this distinction is added.
See above.
Section 2.1:
Req 2: how can a MUST be (as far as practically possible)?
This MUST should be SHOULD.
Had same comment from ITU-T so will address based on dicussion of that comment.
Req 17 and 18: what is the meaning of *homogeneous* ?
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
• adjective 1 of the same kind. 2 consisting of parts all of the same kind.
Comment from Adrian Farrel (prompted by e-mail from Sasha):
> <quote>
> The intermediate nodes (including MEPs, MIPs and other internal
functions as appropriate) of a co-routed bidirectional transport
path at each (sub-)layer MUST be aware of the pairing
relationship of the forward and the backward directions of that
transport path.
> <end quote>
There is no way this is a functional requirement. That is, there is
*nothing* that can be observed from a black box point of view that results
from adhering to this requirement.
Therefore it could be assumed that this requirement is met by configuring
some data plane database component through the management plane. The
database component is not used for anything except to satisfy this
requirement for "awareness".
Ben! Can we please try to rewrite this requirement in terms of behavior?
I followed Italo’s suggestion and moved to general requirements section and
changed the text to the following:
The intermediate nodes of a co-routed bidirectional transport path at each
(sub)layer MUST be aware of the pairing relationship of the forward and the
backward directions of that transport path.
May need further discussion if it is still felt it is not written in terms of behaviour.