Howard County Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Plan
Unit: Ethics
Lesson Title: Introduction to Ethics
Instructional Objective(s):
The student will:
 Define “ethics.”
 Explain the purpose of a code of ethics.
 Create a code of ethics.
Creative Problem Solving Process (check all that are included)
 Understanding the Problem/Issue
 Generating Ideas (Divergent, Creative Thinking)
 Preparing for Action (Convergent, Critical Thinking)
Literacy for Technical Subjects(check all that are included)
Argument Writing which is focused on discipline-specific
 Explanatory Writing which is focused on technical processes
 Close reading of complex texts in technical subjects
CCSSI Math Standards of Practice (check all that are
 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
 Reason abstract and quantitatively
 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
 Model with mathematics
 Use appropriate tools strategically
 Attend to precision
 Look for and make use of structure
 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (must use all)
 Representation: Presenting information and content in
different ways (the “what” of learning)
 Action and Expression: Differentiating the ways that
students can express what they know (the “how” of
 Engagement: Stimulating interest and motivation for
learning (the “why” of learning)
Teaching Strategies
X Scaffolded Questioning
X Independent Reading
X Interpretation of Primary
___ Interpretation of Graphics
(maps, graphs, cartoons,
X Concept Attainment
___ Grouping Strategies
___ Think-Pair-Share
___ Roundtable
___ Jigsaw
___ Pairs Check/Review
X Indep/Group Project
X Integration of Technology
___ Audio
___ Formal Writing
X Informal Writing
___ Modeling/Demonstration
X Small/Large Group
X Reading (Pre, During, Post)
___ Simulation/Act-it-Out
X Video Clips
X Cross-Curricular Connections
___ Other___________________
Materials/Resources Needed for Lesson:
Textbook (Intro to Business 5E, p. 124-125; Intro to Business
6E, pp. 79-80; Business Principles & Management, p. 41-43)
Computers with Internet access
Dilbert Video Clip on Ethics in Business:
Optional: markers, poster board
Nike Corporation’s Code of Ethics (CTE_Business_Nike Code of
Ethics_2012.pdf )
Kohl’s Corporation’s Code of Ethics (CTE_Business_Kohl's Code
of Ethics_2012.pdf
Anticipatory Set/Context Setting:
Using the Internet, look up and restate in your own words the definition
of “ethics.”
1. Have students share their definitions of ethics.
2. Discuss ethical behavior.
3. Introduce some situations of ethical behavior at school, at work
and with friends. (see Teacher Resources below for examples)
4. Display the Dilbert video clip.
___ Tiered assignments
___ Flexible grouping
___ Learning centers
___ Curriculum compacting
X Varying questions
___ Independent Projects
Learning Modalities
___ Auditory
___ Tactile/Kinesthetic
___ Adapting the skill level
___ Adapt the number of items
___ Adapt materials
___ Provide learning strategy
___ Provide audio/video/digital
___ Increase personal assistance
IEP Goals/Accommodations
(Based on Student IEP/504 )
Transition: Ask, “What questions do you have about ethics? Write
them down.” Explain that we need to look at the big picture.
5. Direct students to the textbook and have them read “Business
Ethics.” (Intro to Business 5E, p. 124-125; Intro to Business 6E,
pp. 79-80; Business Principles & Management, p. 41-43)
6. Ask:
a. What is a code of ethics?
b. What is the difference between a code of ethics and a
code of conduct?
c. What are the three guidelines? What are some of the
costs to society of unethical behavior?
Reading Strategies
X Purpose
___Prior knowledge
X Preview
___ Predict
X Voc./Concepts
___ Self-monitoring through
clarifying questions and
notations on text
___ Reread
___ Metacognitive conversation
___ Summarize or paraphrase
___ Write BCRs in answer to
reading questions
___ Use rubrics
General Reading Processes
Transition: Say, “It is not enough to just read the definition. Let us
look at the ethics policies of two companies you know very well.”
7. Direct students to the ethics policies for Nike and Kohl’s
(download the .pdf files or find these at the companies’
websites). Using the graphic organizer
(CTE_Business_handout1_July2012), ask students to look for
trends, themes, similarities and differences.
a. Nike
b. Kohl’s
8. Questions: (all of these questions can lead to further discussion)
a. How is the writing style of the Nike policy different
from that of Kohl’s? You can use the introduction as an
example. What are the differences between the two
policies presented?
b. Compare and contrast the level of detail in each policy.
c. Identify topics are that are included in each policy. Why
is important for these topics to be addressed?
d. Is there any topic that is covered in one policy, but not
in the other? Look at the section headings.
e. Why do you think the Kohl’s policy is so extensive and
f. Why are vendor issues such a big topic? Ask students to
define the term “vendor.”
g. Why are companies concerned with social responsibility?
h. Why is it necessary to address international concerns?
i. Kohl’s refers to a pyramid. What could that mean?
j. What does Nike mean when they refer to respect?
k. Which one did you like to read? Which one of the
policies do you think the employees will be more likely to
___ Reading Apprenticeship®
___ Other
Transition: Ask, “Why do companies have a code of ethics?” Discuss
with students what issues are in the HCPSS Code of Conduct. Ask them
where they can find a copy of the HCPSS Code of Conduct. (The Code
of Conduct is in their agenda books.) What is the connection between
conduct and ethics? What ethical principles is the HCPSS code of
conduct based on?
9. Ask, “What ethical standards is the student code of conduct
based on?” Have students make a bulleted list of the standards.
10. Compare and contrast the students’ lists. Then, compare and
contrast the lists with the ethical standards of the codes of
ethics for Nike and Kohl’s.
Discuss, create and agree upon a classroom code of ethics and have
the students sign it.
Resources for Teachers
Interesting article on teaching business ethics in the world of
Why business schools should teach ethics:
Additional Video Resources: (Elevator Ethics)
___ Collect and Grade
___ Check for Completion
___ In-Class Check
___ Rubric
___ Checklist
___ Peer/Self Assessment
___ Journal/Learning Log
___ Portfolio
___ Constructed Response
___ Quiz
___ Test
___ Presentation
___ Performance Assessment
___ Informal Assessment
___ Exit Slip
___ Other