


 pre-Columbian life of Native Americans

 purpose of settlement of VA and Mass

 colonial status of women

 definition of mercantilism

Mayflower Compact

 Penn’s Charter

Dominion of New England

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Va. House of Burgesses

Why slavery developed – Triangle Trade, racism, westward expansion, cotton gin

Compare slavery in VA and SC



Wars – King William’s, Queen Anne’s and French and Indian---- who fought whom?

Outcomes of the Great Awakening

Proclamation of 1763

Sugar Act – what and impact

Stamp Act - what and impact

Intolerable Act- what and impact

Purpose, message and impact of Locke on Declaration of Independence

Why the USA won the Rev. War

Describe the govt. of the Articles of the Confederacy

Why the Bill of Rights?

 Hamilton’s plan for the economy

Platforms of the Federalists and the Dem-Reps

XYZ Affair


 political philosophy of John Marshall

 political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson

TWE was T. Jefferson partisan

La Purchase – when, what, why and ramifications

Warhawks- who and purpose

Hartford Convention- what, why and ramifications

American System

Monroe Doctrine- what, short and long-term ramifications

Adams- Onis Treaty- what and when and how

Panic of 1819- why

MO Compromise- what and when

Canals- why important and why short-lived?

Henry Clay- warhawk, corrupt bargain, 4 times ran for pres., Great Compromiser

Industrial Changes – textile first big industry- impact on women’s garments?

Texas Annexation- when and why delayed?

Mid-century changes in immigration

Nullification Crisis- what, when, Jackson’s response

 Jackson’s position on Indian Removal, Nat’l Bank, nullification, use of veto and the annexation of Texas

Panic of 1837- why

Jacksonian Reforms- what

Webster- Ashburton Treaty- what and when

Whig platform

Sphere of women

What type of people supported internal improvements

Oregon Treaty- what and when?

Seneca Fall Convention

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- what and when

Transcendentalism- what and who

Romanticism- what

Antebellum Southern white society – economic make-up and who most supported slavery

Compromise of 1850- what and ramifications

 Uncle Tom’s Cabin- what and when

Gadsden Purchase

Kansas Nebraska Act-what and when and outcomes

Brooks-Sumner fight

 John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry

Rights of free blacks in antebellum era

Platform of Know Nothing party

Panic of 1857- why
