course - HSCPhysics

Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Preliminary Physics
Updated August 2007
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The World Communicates
SUGGESTED TIME: 28 indicative hours.
Humans are social animals and have successfully communicated through the spoken word, and then, as the use of written codes developed, through increasingly
sophisticated graphic symbols. The use of a hard copy medium to transfer information in coded form meant that communication was able to cross greater
distances with improved accuracy of information transfer. A messenger was required to carry the information in hard copy form and this carrier could have been
a vehicle or person. There was, however, still a time limit and several days were needed to get hard copy information from one side of the world to the other.
The discovery of electricity and then the electromagnetic spectrum has led to the rapid increase in the number of communication devices throughout the
twentieth century. The carrier of the information is no longer a vehicle or person — rather, an increasing range of energy waves is used to transfer the message.
The delay in relaying signals around the world is determined only by the speed of the wave, and the speed and efficiency of the coding and decoding devices at
the departure and arrival points of the message. The time between sending and receiving messages through telecommunications networks is measured in
fractions of a second allowing almost instantaneous delivery of messages, in spoken and coded forms, around the world.
This module increases students’ understanding of the nature, practice, application and uses of physics and current issues, research and developments in physics.
Assumed Knowledge
Domain: knowledge and understanding:
Refer to the Science Stages 4–5 Syllabus for the following:
identify waves as carriers of energy
qualitatively describe features of waves including frequency, wavelength and speed
give examples of different types of radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum and identify some of their uses
distinguish between the absorption, reflection, refraction and scattering of light and identify everyday situations where each occurs
identify that some types of electromagnetic radiation are used to provide information about the universe
describe some everyday uses and effects of electromagnetic radiation, including applications in communication technology.
applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with particular emphasis on first-hand investigations in
assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in physics
describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of physics research
describes the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations
explains wave motions in terms of energy sources and the oscillations produced
justifies the appropriateness of a particular investigation plan
evaluates ways in which accuracy and reliability could be improved in investigations
uses terminology and reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information and understanding
assesses the validity of conclusions from gathered data and information
explains why an investigation is best undertaken individually or by a team
justifies positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and non-living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for
critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science
Sense of the Sacred
Students gain an appreciation of the use of communications technology for the well-being of humanity and the way that the study of waves and the
electromagnetic spectrum may benefit people and develop our understanding of the universe.
Cathode ray Oscilloscope
Compact disc
Critical angle
Data Logger
Global Positioning System
Internal reflection
Longitudinal (wave)
Medium (waves)
Modelling (computer)
Optical fibre
Transverse (wave)
Wave band
Wave front
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Updated August 2007
Concept Map
Page 3
Types of Waves
The Wave
Properties of
Properties of
Use of E.M.
in technology
Reflection &
Devices based on
E.M. Technology
Compact Disc
and Digital
Versatile Disc
Fibre Optic and
Copper Cable
(The Internet)
The following tasks are provided as samples that could be used throughout the module.
In general, however it is unlikely that more than 1 task would ever be used.
Pencil and paper test
Waves Assessment
Directed Questioning
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Updated August 2007
Page 5
Bunn,D. (1990) Physics for a modern world Jacaranda Milton QLD ISBN 0 7016 2602
Cunningham J & Herr N; Hands on Physics Activities with real life Applications, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0 87628 845
De Jong E., Armitage F., Brown M., Butler P., Hayes J.; Physics One, Heinemann, ISBN 0 85859 544 3
De Jong E., Armitage F., Brown M., Butler P., Hayes J.; Physics Two, Heinemann, ISBN 0 85859 549 4
Deshon, F et al (1989) Physics Laboratory Manual for Senior Secondary School STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 13
Doyle M; Physics Enquiries, Macmillan ISBN 0 7329 2728 5
Giancoli.D.C (1997) Physics: Principles and Applications(5th ed). Prentice Hall New Jersey
Goodwin P, Physics Can be Fun A Sourcebook of Practical Problems Hawker Brownlow
Jacobs I, (1993) Senior School Physics Books One New House Publishers
Jardine J; Physics through Applications, Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 914280 7
Joyce J & Vogt R; Nuclear Physics, Brooks Waterloo, ISBN 086440 053 5
Lofts, G et al (1998) Jacaranda Physics 2 Chapters 1-3 Jacaranda Wiley Milton QLD
McDermott, L. et al (1996) Physics by Inquiry Volume I John Wiley New York NY ISBN 0 471 14440 1
McDermott, L. et al (1996) Physics by Inquiry Volume II John Wiley New York NY ISBN 0 471 14441 X
Millar,G. et al (1997) Heinemann Physics Heinemann Port Melbourne Vic.ISBN 0 85859 930 9
Moyle D.G., Allan P.T., Millar G.L. & Molde T.A. ;Year 11 Senior Physics Practical Manual, Macmillan ISBN 0 333 40146 8
Moyle D.G., Allan P.T., Millar G.L. & Molde T.A. ;Year 12 Senior Physics Practical Manual, Macmillan ISBN 0 333 40146 8
Nicholls J & Collins R; Light, The Science Foundation for Physics, University of Sydney
Nicholls J & Collins R; Light, Millennium Science The Science Foundation for Physics, University of Sydney 186487 062 1
Parham,R and Webber,B (1980) Fundamentals of Senior Physics Laboratory Manual 1 Heinemann Richmond VIC. ISBN 0 85859 032 8
Parham,R and Webber,B (1980) Fundamentals of Senior Physics Laboratory Manual 2 Heinemann Richmond VIC. ISBN 0 85859 014
Rennie, R. et al. (1998) Physics Impact Physics in context Year 11 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 30
Robinson P; Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual, Addison-Wesley ISBN 0 201 28653
Saunders B; Experiments and Exercises for Senior Physics Book 1, B&G Scientific ISBN 0 646 16067 2
Saunders B; Experiments and Exercises for Senior Physics Book 2, B&G Scientific ISBN 0 646 16068 0
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics Investigations in Context Year 12 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 29 6
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics in Context Year 12 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 28 8
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics in Problems Context Year 11 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 25 3
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics in Problems Context Year 12 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 26 1
State Library os New South Wales infocus topic lists Education and Client Liaison ph (02) 9273 1519
Taylor, C. (1992),Physics Context Problems Nelson. South Melbourne
Wilkinson J; World of Physics Book 1 Practical Workbook, Macmillan ISBN 0 7329 0559
Useful Programs
P4,10615,50679,00.html - TWAVE is simulation of a transverse and compression wave with adjustable
parameters. Good demonstration of amplitude, wavelength and frequency.,10615,59505,00.html - SigView turns a sound card in a computer into a signal generator. Excellent for
demonstrations when you don't have a CRO handy - Lissa is a Lissajous figure generator. - AM Modulation (Java applet) demonstrates how AM is produced.
W11 - This is an excellent site takes students through a series of self paced tutorials
including animations and self test exercises on a wide range of physics topics including Waves, Sound Waves and Music, Light Waves and Colour,
Reflection and the Ray Model of Light & Refraction and the Ray Model of Light This is a site t that focuses on developing general understanding of Light Waves and after a brief
introduction has a range of activities that students can work through This excellent site has links to animations which visualise certain related to vibrations and waves. This site provides an introduction to making waves and covers sound and electromagnetic waves This is a good site which demonstrates the combination of waveforms. The site also gives access to
other wave related programs This site lists internet resources related to sound and light waves with a brief overview of
each site. This is an excellent site through Sydney University. Resources are being sorted for each of the new Stage 6 science
syllabus topics. The site also has interviews with scientists and resources fro teachers. This website acts as a links to a wide range of websites relevant to both the Preliminary and HSC Physics Courses.
The website has a simple to use search engine that quickly captures sites relevant to the required topic. Again this provides links to a range of other sites that provided information and simulations for both teachers and students. The introduction to this site gives an overview of how Global Positioning Systems work. This site provides a discussion of the best region of the electromagnetic spectrum to use for
interstellar communication. This site provides an index to educational scientific resources and includes a area specifically designed to encourage science
awareness among school students.
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Updated August 2007
Page 7
Waves: Energy in Motion (VC Media) - Illustrates how waves transfer energy from one point to another. Also explains concepts such as reflection,
refraction, interference, diffraction, the Doppler effect, wavelength, amplitude and frequency.
Lasers: Technology of the Future (VC Media) - Dr David Suzuki looks at the role lasers play in various areas including communication, education,
medicine, manufacturing and weapons.
Light, Lenses and Lasers (VC Media) - Explains that light is just the visible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum which consists of a wide variety of
waves from radio waves to cosmic rays. The use of concave and convex mirrors and lenses is explored as are the concepts of diffraction and polarisation.
Journals / Articles
Feedback (assessment for learning)
Students will gain feedback through several avenues
1. Within the lesson
 directed questioning and immediate correction of aural material
 Checking and correction of homework, either by student themselves or by partners.
 Correction of homework for stages 4-5.
2. Formal Assessment Tasks
 Individual feedback will be supplied on the marking guidelines of the assessment and, if appropriate, on the task itself.
 Where possible, group feedback will be given via a powerpoint presentation to the whole cohort
2. Class-based Activities
 Individual feedback will be supplied on the marking guidelines of the activity and, if appropriate, on the task itself.
 Where possible, group feedback will be given to the class.
 On-going direction with the activity may be provided where appropriate
Students Learn About / Learn to
1. The wave model can be used to explain how
current technologies transfer information.
P2 applies the
• describe the energy transformations required in
processes that are
one of the following:
used to test and
mobile telephone
validate models,
theories and laws of
science with
radio and television
particular emphasis
• describe waves as a transfer of energy disturbance
on first-hand
that may occur in one, two or three dimensions,
investigations in
depending on the nature of the wave and the
P7 describes the
effects of energy
• identify that mechanical waves require a medium
transfers and energy
for propagation while electromagnetic waves do
P8 explains wave
define and apply the following terms to the wave
motions in terms of
model: ‘medium’, ‘displacement’, ‘amplitude’,
energy sources and
the oscillations
‘period’, ‘compression’, ‘rarefaction’, ‘crest’,
‘trough’, ‘transverse waves’, ‘longitudinal waves’,
P12 discusses the
‘frequency’, ‘wavelength’, ‘velocity’
validity and
perform a first-hand investigation to observe and gather
reliability of data
information about the transmission of waves in:
gathered from firsthand investigations
slinky springs
and secondary
water waves
sources (P12.3a, b, c,
or use appropriate computer simulations by
Key – Policy
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
SOS – Sense of the Sacred
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
GT – Gifted and Talented
identifying and using safe work practices during
ab – aboriginality
investigations (12.1d)
tech – technology
ESL – English as a
Second Language
lit - Literacy
ns – non-sexist
SE – Special Education
num - Numeracy
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 3 hours
 after brainstorming, develop as a class a concept map to
identify students’ prior understanding of waves, where they
have observed or experienced waves and to revise the
concept that waves are carries of energy (lit)
 discuss, as a class the concept of communication and some
simple features of the various forms of communication to
develop the understanding of communication as the
transfer of information from a source to a receiver (lit)
 discuss the equity of access to communications
technologies (SOS, lit)
 research by identifying and locating resources and
summarising methods indigenous Australians use to
communicate over short and long distances (ab, SOS, lit)
 by working in pairs, list in as many ways as possible how
modern communications technologies could improve the
lifestyles of people in developing countries and living
traditional lifestyles (SOS, ab, lit, ESL, G & T)
 identify that energy transformations and transfer occur in
most modern communication systems:
 brainstorm a list of various forms of communication and
forms of energy, including message sticks (ab, GT, lit)
 students draw up a list of the forms of energy possibly
involved in the communications forms identified
 students, with teacher assistance if needed, use teacher
identified resources to extract information to confirm the
transformations taking place in these communication
 discuss why flow charts may be an appropriate way to
represent some forms of information and assist students, if
needed, to develop a flow chart of energy transformations
taking place in the transmission of a voice message in their
chosen communication system
 discuss different systems of transmitting messages eg
message sticks, etc. (ab, lit, SOS)
 students compare information from secondary sources on
the transfer in the identified system (e.g. a fixed telephone
system) to transmission of radio or television
communication (GT)
Evidence of Learning
Production of
concept map
Depth of
discussion as
monitoring by
Depth of
discussion as
monitoring by
Research report
Provision of list
Diagram of
Provision of list
Research report
Depth of
discussion as
monitoring by
Production of
flow charts
List of systems
Research report
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Students Learn About / Learn to
• present diagrammatic information about transverse and
longitudinal waves, direction of particle movement and
the direction of propagation by
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
Updated August 2007
Teaching / Learning Strategies
students appreciate the many ways that humans can
communicate and are aware of larger issues in
communications (SOS)
Students use the Twave program to examine waves (tech)
(Ext: present diagrammatic information of torsional waves)
Page 9
Evidence of Learning
Print out of
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
Students Learn About / Learn to
• describe the relationship between particle motion
and the direction of energy propagation in
transverse and longitudinal waves
• quantify the relationship between velocity,
frequency and wavelength for a wave: v  f
• perform a first-hand investigation to gather information
about the frequency and amplitude of waves using an
oscilloscope or electronic data-logging equipment by
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
• present and analyse information from displacementtime graphs
for transverse wave motion by
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
o selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to
convey information and relationships clearly and
o identifying situations where use of a curve of best
fit is appropriate to present graphical information
Evidence of Learning
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 3 hours
Sketches of
 observe the motion of a mass hanging on the end of a
motion of
vertical spring which is stretched and released without the
assistance of any high technology (GT)
List of available
 discuss how more accurate observations of that motion
could be made (students may suggest strobe photography,
video etc) and the potential suitability and effectiveness of
each of the suggested technologies in the investigation
 students videotape the motion of a mass hanging on the end Videtotape and
of a vertical spring which is stretched and released and use
the video playback and still frame to observe the position of
the mass as the string rebounds in relation to the rest
position of the mass (tech)
 students suggest and make modifications to the
investigation to allow for more accurate observations (eg
using a scaled backing board) and repeat the investigation
(lit, GT)
Evaluation of
 discuss the effectiveness of any modifications that have
been made
Graphs drawn
 using the video students draw a series of diagrams to show
the position of the mass as the string rebounds in relation to correctly
the rest position of the mass (lit, esl)
Depth of
 discuss the different types of diagrams that students have
drawn and evaluate the effectiveness of each in conveying
information (lit)
 use the diagrams to discuss why the motion of the mass
could be considered to be describing a wave (lit, esl, tech)
 perform a teacher devised investigation using slinky
springs1, water waves2 and ropes to observe and record
descriptions of a single pulse and continuous pulses/wave
noting the direction of energy transmission relative to the
motion of the coils of the spring (representing particles
within the medium)3
Answers to
 using teacher provided stimulus material to assist students
questions on d-t
to analyse time-displacement graphs from longitudinal and
transverse waves.
Diagrams of CRO
 use a CRO demonstration to observe differences in the
wave characteristics when wavelength is increased or
decreased, amplitude is increased of decreased and
observe/discuss the effects of these on frequency and period
of the waves (tech)
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics Investigations in Context Year 12 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA ISBN 0 949820 29 6
Jacobs I, (1993) Senior School Physics Books One Chapter 2 New House Publishers
3 Waves in a Slinky Spring - C30)
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Students Learn About / Learn to
• plan, choose equipment for and perform a first-hand
investigation to gather information to identify the
relationship between the frequency and wavelength of
a sound wave travelling at constant velocity.
o demonstrate the use of the terms ‘dependent‘ and
‘independent‘ to describe variables involved in the
investigation (11.2a)
o identify variables that needed to be kept constant,
develop strategies to ensure that these variables
are kept constant, and demonstrate the use of a
control (11.2b)
o design investigations that allow valid and reliable
data and information to be collected (11.2c)
o describe and trial procedures to undertake
investigations and explain why a procedure, a
sequence of procedures or the repetition of
procedures is appropriate (11.2d)
o predict possible issues that may arise during the
course of an investigation and identify strategies
to address these issues if necessary (11.2e)
o identifying and/or setting up the most appropriate
equipment or combination of equipment needed
to undertake the investigation (11.3a)
o carrying out a risk assessment of intended
experimental procedures and identifying and
addressing potential hazards (11.3b)
o identifying technology that would be used during
investigation determining its suitability and
effectiveness for its potential role in the procedure
or investigation (11.3c)
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
• solve problems and analyse information by applying the
mathematical model of v  f to a range of situations
o use models, including mathematical ones, to
explain phenomena and/or make predictions
o identifying and explaining the nature of a problem
Updated August 2007
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Page 11
Evidence of Learning
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P11 identifies and
improvements to
investigation plans
(P11.2a, b, c; P11.3a,
b, c)
P12 discusses the
validity and
reliability of data
gathered from firsthand investigations
and secondary
sources (P12.1a,;
P12.2a, b, c; P12.3a,
b, c, d)
Students Learn About / Learn to
2. Features of a wave model can be used to account
for the properties of sound.
• identify that sound waves are vibrations or
oscillations of particles in a medium
• relate compressions and rarefactions of sound
waves to the crests and troughs of transverse
waves used to represent them.
• explain qualitatively that pitch is related to
frequency and volume to amplitude of sound waves
• perform a first-hand investigation and gather
information to analyse sound waves from a variety of
sources using the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) or
an alternate computer technology by
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
o using appropriate data collection techniques,
employing appropriate technologies, including
data loggers and sensors (12.2a)
o measuring, observing and recording results in
accessible and recognisable forms, carrying out
repeat trials as appropriate (12.2b)
(Demonstration - Experiment C7 - Superposition principle, Moyle)
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
 students make predictions about what might happen when
two sound waves interact and test out some of their
predictions using slinky springs. (G &T, lit)
 teacher demonstrate superposition of waves further test
student predictions4(G &T, lit)
 discuss the concept of superposition of waves by comparing
original and resulting waves in a variety of situations (lit)
 students use teacher developed graphical information to
solve problems involving the superposition of waves
 students practice solving problems involving superposition
of waves using both graphical and quantitative information
 use a CRO demonstration or computer technology to
perform a teacher planned investigation to observe and take
measurements (where possible) of different waves and
identify any patterns and relationships in sounds (tech)
 discuss difficulties in analysing the produced wave forms
and describe some strategies that could be implemented to
improve the accuracy of observations
 (Ext): investigate natural lasing effects such as interstellar
clouds, ball lightning and particular minerals in terms of
total internal reflection and amplification of the original
Evidence of Learning
Depth of
Written report
Rules of graphing
Drawn graphs
Diagrams of dual
trace CRO with
add function.
Depth of
discussion as
monitored by
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P11 identifies and
improvements to
investigation plans
(P11.2a, b; P11.3a, b)
P12 discusses the
validity and
reliability of data
gathered from firsthand investigations
and secondary
sources (P12.1a;
P12.2a, b; P12.3a, b,
Students Learn About / Learn to
• explain an echo as a reflection of a sound wave
Updated August 2007
Lofts, G et al (1998) Jacaranda Physics 2 Chapters 2 Jacaranda Wiley Milton QLD
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics Investigations in Context Year 12 p19-20 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA
Sofoulis,N. et al (1994) Physics Investigations in Context Year 12 Chapter 1 Exp 11 STAWA Inc. West Perth WA
Page 13
Evidence of Learning
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
Depth of
 brainstorm the nature of echo's based upon student's
personal experiences of this phenomenon and discuss echo's discussion
occurring in nature and in built structures5 e.g. the Whisper
Wall in St Paul's Cathedral or sonar6 (SOS, lit)
Diagrams of rays
 use teacher demonstration or student investigations to
examine qualitatively practical applications of the reflection in parabolic
of sound eg parabolic reflectors in some children’s
playgrounds (lit)
Written response
 use the concept of reflection of sound to explain the
production of an echo7
 students work in groups to plan and conduct a first hand
investigation to compare a range of sound absorbing
materials used in modern situations such as recording
studios, concert halls etc (possible open ended
investigation) (SOS, SE, num)
 identify dependent and independent variable in their
 discuss how they will gather valid and reliable data
 trial procedures and identify and justify any improvements
to their plan
 (ext): Research modern methods of sonar and explain why
image recognition is more of an art than science.
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P13 identifies
terminology and
reporting styles to
information and
understanding in
physics (P13.1a, b, c,
d, e, f, g)
Students Learn About / Learn to
• describe the principle of superposition and
compare the resulting waves to the original waves
in sound
• perform a first-hand investigation, gather, process and
present information using a CRO or computer to
demonstrate the principle of superposition for two
waves travelling in the same medium by
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
o using appropriate data collection techniques,
employing appropriate technologies, including
data loggers and sensors (12.2a)
o measuring, observing and recording results in
accessible and recognisable forms, carrying out
repeat trials as appropriate (12.2b)
o assess the accuracy of any measurements and
calculations and the relative importance of the
data and information gathered (12.4a)
o identify and apply appropriate mathematical
formulae and concepts (12.4b)
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
o selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to
convey information and relationships clearly and
accurately (13.1f)
Experiment C5 - Interference of Waves, Moyle)
Heinemann, Physics in Context 2, DeJong and University of Sydney Physics Web Site - Acoustics)
Evidence of Learning
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
 using a teacher planned procedure students observe, predict
and confirm predictions of the results of interference of
sound waves8 (G &T, lit)
Written report
 discuss qualitatively the application of an understanding of
reflection, absorption, superposition and echoes to the
concept of acoustics and need to take acoustics patterns into
account in the design of buildings such as the Sydney Opera
House9 (SOS, ESL, G & T)
(Ext): research the application of superposition in
technologies such noise cancellation devices, quantum
interference communications, quantum teleportation, etc.
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Students Learn About / Learn to
• present graphical information, solve problems and
analyse information involving superposition of sound
waves by
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
o selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to
convey information and relationships clearly and
accurately (13.1f)
o identify trends, patterns and relationships as well
as contradictions in data and information (14.1a)
o identify and explain how data supports or refutes
an hypothesis, a prediction or a proposed solution
to a problem (14.1c)
o use models, including mathematical ones, to
explain phenomena and/or make predictions
Updated August 2007
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Using teacher-supplied resources, students solve and analyse
problems on superposition.
Page 15
Evidence of Learning
Solutions to
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P12 discusses the
validity and
reliability of data
gathered from firsthand investigations
and secondary
sources (P12.3a, b, c,
P13 identifies
terminology and
reporting styles to
information and
understanding in
physics (P13.1a, b, c,
d, e, f, g)
Students Learn About / Learn to
3. Recent technological developments have allowed
greater use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
• describe electromagnetic waves in terms of their
speed in space and their lack of requirement a
medium for propagation.
• identify the electromagnetic wavebands filtered out
by the atmosphere, especially UV, X-rays and
gamma rays.
• identify methods for the detection of various wave
bands in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
 use teacher identified video, to assist student to recall that
different types of waves and to develop students skills in
summarising information from an oral presentation10 (lit)
 students work with the teacher and review a small segment
of the video to identify the main areas of information
presented and to develop a summary scaffold (lit esl)
 students use the summary scaffold and view the whole
video to extract the information that the class has identified
as relevant such as relevant some of the different types of
radiation type, wavelength, method of detection or other
relevant properties (lit, esl)
 using the information from the video use a class discussion
to identify common properties of the different types of
electromagnetic radiation including their speed and lack of
a medium for propagation (G &T, lit)
(Ext): Students research emerging technologies such as
terwave detectors and X-ray lasers for industrial use.
Video - Light, Lenses and Lasers (VC Media); Jardine J, Physics through Applications, Oxford University Press
Evidence of Learning
Notes on video
Filled-in scaffold
Summary created
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
P2 applies the
processes that are
used to test and
validate models,
theories and laws of
science with
particular emphasis
on first-hand
investigations in
P3 assesses the
impact of particular
advances on
understanding in
P5 describes the
scientific principles
employed in
particular areas of
physics research
P11 identifies and
improvements to
investigation plans
(P11.2a, b, c; P11.3a,
b, c)
P12 discusses the
validity and
reliability of data
gathered from firsthand investigations
and secondary
sources (P12.1a, d;
P12.2a, b; P12.3a, b,
Students Learn About / Learn to
• explain that the relationship between the intensity
of electromagnetic radiation and distance from a
source is an example of the inverse square law
1 
I  
 d 
• plan, choose equipment or resources for and perform a
first-hand investigation and gather information to model
the inverse square law for light intensity and distance
from the source by
o demonstrate the use of the terms ‘dependent‘ and
‘independent‘ to describe variables involved in the
investigation (11.2a)
o identify variables that needed to be kept constant,
develop strategies to ensure that these variables
are kept constant, and demonstrate the use of a
control (11.2b)
o design investigations that allow valid and reliable
data and information to be collected (11.2c)
o describe and trial procedures to undertake
investigations and explain why a procedure, a
sequence of procedures or the repetition of
procedures is appropriate (11.2d)
o predict possible issues that may arise during the
course of an investigation and identify strategies
to address these issues if necessary (11.2e)
o identifying and/or setting up the most appropriate
equipment or combination of equipment needed
to undertake the investigation (11.3a)
o carrying out a risk assessment of intended
experimental procedures and identifying and
addressing potential hazards (11.3b)
o identifying technology that would be used during
investigation determining its suitability and
effectiveness for its potential role in the procedure
or investigation (11.3c)
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
Updated August 2007
Page 17
Evidence of Learning
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
Brainstorm notes.
 brainstorm possible physical factors affecting the
transmission of electromagnetic waves over a distance (eg
physical distance, effect of the medium etc) (SOS, G &T,
Modified flow
 using teacher provided information and the flow charts
previously produced that show the energy transformations,
and add the types of waves involved in the energy transfer
that occurs during the use of a mobile phone, a television or
Depth of
radar to each step in the flow charts. (G &T, lit)
discussion as
 discuss the type of data that would need to be collected and
monitored by
possible data sources that could be accessed to chart the
depth of penetration through the atmosphere of different
Graph of
types of electromagnetic waves (lit
 using appropriate data gathering techniques, students
extract information from a variety of sources on the depth
of penetration through the atmosphere of a variety of
electromagnetic waves and the wavelengths filtered out by
the atmosphere including UV, X-rays and gamma rays and
identify the source of the data gathered (tech)
 develop a summary which identifies the depth of
penetration through the atmosphere of a variety of
electromagnetic waves and the wavelengths filtered out by
the atmosphere especially UV, X-rays and gamma rays (G
Depth of
&T, lit)
discussion as
 relate differences in the penetrating ability of the different
monitored by
types of electromagnetic radiation to the their different
frequencies or wavelengths
 discuss with students how light intensity can be measured
and ways in which they could devise their own scale to rate
different intensities of light (lit, ESL)
 working in groups, students use the skills they have
developed throughout the unit to plan, choose equipment or
resources for and undertake a first-hand investigation to
gather information to identify whether there is a
relationship between light intensity and distance from the
source (possible open ended investigation) (SOS, tech, G &
Depth of
discussion as
 as a class discuss each groups results and analyse them to
monitored by
develop a qualitative relationship between the intensity of
light and the distance from the source (SOS, tech, lit)
 using light as an example, generalise the results of the
investigation and the Inverse Square Law, to all
electromagnetic radiation
P2 applies the
processes that are
used to test and
validate models,
theories and laws of
science with
particular emphasis
on first-hand
investigations in
P3 assesses the
impact of particular
advances on
understanding in
P5 describes the
scientific principles
employed in
particular areas of
physics research
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P14 draws valid
conclusions from
gathered data and
information (P14.3a,
b, c, d)
Students Learn About / Learn to
• recall that electromagnetic radiation has some
everyday uses and effects, including applications
in communication technology
• identify some methods of detection for a number of
wave bands from the electromagnetic spectrum
• outline how the modulation of amplitude or
frequency of visible light, microwaves and/or radio
waves can be used to transmit information
• discuss problems produced by the limited range of
the electromagnetic spectrum available for
communication purposes.
• solve problems, analyse information and use available
evidence to identify the waves involved in the transfer
of energy that occur during the use of one of the
mobile phone
radar by
o identify trends, patterns and relationships as well
as contradictions in data and information (14.1a)
o identify and explain how data supports or refutes
an hypothesis, a prediction or a proposed solution
to a problem (14.1c)
o use models, including mathematical ones, to
explain phenomena and/or make predictions
o design and produce creative solutions to
problems (14.3a)
o propose ideas that demonstrate coherence and
logical progression and include correct use of
scientific principles and ideas (14.3b)
o apply critical thinking in the consideration of
predictions, hypotheses and the results of
investigations (14.3c)
o Formulate cause and effect relationships (14.3d)
• analyse information to identify the electromagnetic
spectrum range utilised in modern communication
technologies by
o justify inferences and conclusions (14.1b)
o identify and explain how data supports or refutes
an hypothesis, a prediction or a proposed solution
to a problem (14.1c)
o predict outcomes and generate plausible
Evidence of Learning
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
Brainstorm notes
 brainstorm or use teacher identified secondary sources to
establish a list of forms of electromagnetic radiation used in
communications technology including mobile phones,
television and radar (SOS, lit)
Summary notes
 research methods of detecting a number of wave bands
from the electromagnetic spectrum by locating information;
summarising and presenting the information.
Depth of
 Discuss the limitations of specific wave bands for
discussion as
communications in terms of interference, ability to be
monitored by
generated, overuse, sensitivity for research (eg wave bands
used by astronomers) (lit, ESL)
(Ext): Students research wavebands currently registered
and future wavebands to be sold, analysing whether the
bands are commercial, military, scientific, emergency or
other and identifying wavebands used by digital
broadcasting technologies.
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P12 discusses the
validity and
reliability of data
gathered from firsthand investigations
and secondary
sources (P12.2a, b, c;
P12.3a, b)
P13 identifies
terminology and
reporting styles to
information and
understanding in
physics (P13.1a, b, c,
d, e, f, g)
P14 draws valid
conclusions from
gathered data and
information (P14.1ah, P14.2b; P14.3a, c)
Students Learn About / Learn to
4. Many communication technologies use
applications of reflection and refraction of
electromagnetic waves
• describe and apply the law of reflection and explain
the effect of reflection from a plane surface on
• describe ways in which applications of reflection of
light, radio waves and microwaves have assisted in
information transfer
• describe one application of reflection for each of
the following:
plane surfaces
concave surfaces
convex surfaces
radio waves and being reflected by the
• perform first-hand investigations and gather information
to observe the path of light rays and construct diagrams
indicating both the direction of travel of the light rays
and a wave front by
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
o using appropriate data collection techniques,
employing appropriate technologies, including
data loggers and sensors (12.2a)
o measuring, observing and recording results in
accessible and recognisable forms, carrying out
repeat trials as appropriate (12.2b)
Moyle D G Allan P T, Molde T A Experiment A3 - Reflection from a Plane Mirror, Moyle)
Experiment A4 - Concave Mirrors, Moyle or Images formed by Curved Mirrors, Saunders
Updated August 2007
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 3 hours
 provide students with time to experiment with the various
components of the ray box kit
 students to formulate 10 statements or graphical
descriptions for the behaviour of light using the components
of the ray box kits
 each group to share and collate the findings of other groups
 compare the graphical representations produced by different
groups and identify the feature of the diagrams that convey
accurate observations (lit)
 students undertake a teacher planned procedure using a
plane mirror to confirm qualitatively and quantitatively the
Law of Reflection for a range of incident angles11 (lit, ESL)
 using the ray box kit (or similar) or a computer simulation
students observe and record the reflection of parallel rays of
light from concave and convex reflectors and identify
qualitatively any trends or patterns evident, discuss finding
with respect to observations of reflection from a plane
mirror.12 (tech, lit, G & T)
 students use the ray box kits (or similar) to qualitatively and
quantitatively describe the behaviour of a ray of light as it
passes from one medium to another of differing density and
describe the effect of increasing and decreasing the angle of
incidence and the angle of refraction (num, lit)
 model the refraction of a wave using the ripple tank (or
similar) define and discuss the term – wavefront (G &T, lit)
Page 19
Evidence of Learning
P2 applies the
processes that are
used to test and
validate models,
theories and laws of
science with
particular emphasis
on first-hand
investigations in
P3 assesses the
impact of particular
advances on
understanding in
P5 describes the
scientific principles
employed in
particular areas of
physics research
P13 identifies
terminology and
reporting styles to
information and
understanding in
physics (P13.1a, b, c,
d, e, f, g)
Students Learn About / Learn to
• present information using ray diagrams to show the
path of waves reflected from:
plane surfaces
concave surfaces
convex surface
the ionosphere by
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
o selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to
convey information and relationships clearly and
accurately (13.1f
• explain that refraction is related to the velocities of
a wave in different media and outline how this may
result in the bending of a wavefront.
• perform an investigation and gather information to
graph the angle of incidence and refraction for light
encountering a medium change showing the
relationship between these angles by
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
o selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to
convey information and relationships clearly and
accurately (13.1f)
Experiment A5 - Snell's Law, Moyle
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
 discuss refraction in terms of the change of velocity of the
wavefront as it passes from one medium to another . (G &T,
 undertake a teacher planned procedure to compare the
refraction of light for different medium including - glass,
perspex and water13 (num, lit, ESL, tech)
Evidence of Learning
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P8 explains wave
motions in terms of
energy sources and
the oscillations
P11 identifies and
improvements to
investigation plans
(P11.2a, b, c; P11.3a,
Students Learn About / Learn to
• define refractive index in terms of changes in the
velocity of a wave in passing from one medium to
v1 sin i
• define Snell’s Law: v 2 sin r
• identify the conditions necessary for total internal
reflection with reference to critical angle
• outline how total internal reflection is used in
optical fibres
• perform a first-hand investigation and gather
information to calculate the refractive index of glass or
Perspex by
o carrying out the planned procedure, recognising
where and when modifications are needed and
analysing the effect of these adjustments (12.1a)
o identifying and using safe work practices during
investigations (12.1d)
o using symbols and formulae to express
relationships and using appropriate units for
physical quantities (13.1d)
o using a variety of pictorial representations to
show relationships and present information
clearly and succinctly (13.1e)
o selecting and drawing appropriate graphs to
convey information and relationships clearly and
accurately (13.1f)
• solve problems and analyse information using Snell’s
Law by
o identify trends, patterns and relationships as well
as contradictions in data and information (14.1a)
o identify and explain how data supports or refutes
an hypothesis, a prediction or a proposed solution
to a problem (14.1c)
o use models, including mathematical ones, to
explain phenomena and/or make predictions
o design and produce creative solutions to
problems (14.3a)
o propose ideas that demonstrate coherence and
logical progression and include correct use of
scientific principles and ideas (14.3b)
Updated August 2007
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
 introduce the concept of relative refractive index - students
to analyse and solve a range of problems demonstrating
their understanding of Snell's law and the concept of
relative refractive indices (G &T, lit)
 discuss the term critical angle and undertake a teacher
planned procedure to observe and measure (where
appropriate) the critical angle for a range of materials (lit,
 use teacher selected text(s) to summarise how total internal
reflection is used in optical fibre technology (ESL, lit)
 identify some Australian scientists currently working in the
field of fibre optics and their area of research (lit, ESL)
Page 21
Evidence of Learning
P2 applies the
processes that are
used to test and
validate models,
theories and laws of
science with
particular emphasis
on first-hand
investigations in
P3 assesses the
impact of particular
advances on
understanding in
P5 describes the
scientific principles
employed in
particular areas of
physics research
P7 describes the
effects of energy
transfers and energy
P12 discusses the
validity and
reliability of data
gathered from firsthand investigations
and secondary
sources (P12.3a, b, c)
P13 identifies
terminology and
reporting styles to
information and
understanding in
physics (P13.1a, b, c,
d, e, f, g)
P14 draws valid
conclusions from
gathered data and
information (P14.3a,
b, c)
Students Learn About / Learn to
5. Electromagnetic waves have potential for future
communication technologies and data storage
• identify types of communication data that are
stored or transmitted in digital form
• identify data sources, gather, process and present
information from secondary sources to identify areas of
current research and use the available evidence to
discuss some of the underlying physical principles used
in one application of physics related to waves, such as:
Global Positioning System
CD technology
the Internet (digital process)
DVD technology by
o accessing information from a range of resources,
including popular scientific journals, digital
technologies and the Internet (12.3a)
o extracting information from numerical data in graphs
and tables as well as written and spoken material in all
its forms (12.3c)
o summarising and collating information from a range of
resources (12.3d)
o identifying practising male and female Australian
scientists, and the areas in which they are currently
working and in formation about their research (12.3e)
o identify and apply appropriate mathematical formulae
and concepts (12.4b)
o evaluate the validity of first-hand and secondary
information and data in relation to the area of
investigation (12.4d)
o assess the reliability of first-hand and secondary
information and data by considering information from
various sources (12.4e)
o assess the accuracy of scientific information presented
in mass media by comparison with similar information
presented in scientific journals (12.4f)
o selecting and using appropriate methods to
acknowledge sources of information (13.1c)
Teaching / Learning Strategies
Suggested Time: 2 hours
 discuss the changes that have occurred in the ways in which
data is stored and identify the types of communication data
that can be stored in digital form (lit, ESL)
 access information from a range of secondary data sources
to present information as a written summary identifying
current research and relating some of the underlying
physical principles used in one application of physics
related to waves such as: ((G &T, lit, SOS, ESL)
- Global Positioning System
- petrological microscope
- CD technology including differences between CD and DVD
- the Internet (digital process)
 draw a ray diagram to show the path of rays reflected from
the ionosphere and discuss how this is used in some
communication technologies (lit)
 brainstorm to identify ways in which communication
technologies have changed over the last fifty years with
students suggesting reasons as to why changes have
occurred (G &T, lit)
 use the information gathered above to identify the types of
technologies that are need of communication systems such
as CDs, Global Positioning Systems and discuss the
developments in those technologies ((lit, SOS)
 assess the impact of being able to store such a variety of
data in digital form on the development of communication
technologies and on society in developed and developing
countries (G &T, lit, SOS, ab)
Evidence of Learning
Domremy Program – Stage 6 Physics 8.2 The World Communicates Program
Updated August 2007
Program Evaluation Sheet
Program: 8.2 The World Communicates Stage/Course: Physics
Please comment where appropriate on the strengths and weaknesses of this Program. Factors that should be
considered include:
1. Time allocation: ___________________________________________________
2. PFAs: ______________________________________________________________
3. Domains: Knowledge and Understanding:
Domains: Skills:
4. Context:
5. Cross-curricular activities are appropriate (Stage 4/5 only)
6. Lesson sequence is appropriate:
7. Teaching strategies:
8. Improvements:
9. Assessment:
Please use the other side of this sheet for any further comment