Philippine Education Issues & Policies

In this chapter, discussion is focused on the issues that are shaping
Philippine education toward making a major contribution in the government
effort to energize our economy; the emerging issues that have to be addressed
to improve the education system program; and the latest developments to make
it more attuned to global concerns thus making graduates highly competitive in
the global market and community.
This chapter takes a glance at Philippine education, its philosophy,
vision, aims, mission, mandates and the DECS organic structure. It also
presents the problems of Philippine education, issues and policies; and results
and impacts of policies and programs.
At the end of this chapter, the student should have:
1. Familiarized himself with the Philippine educational ladder,
philosophy, vision, aims, mission, mandates and the organic
structure of DepEd;
2. Identified the problems of Philippine education in terms of:
2.1. access to basic education
2.2. quality of basic education
2.3. weaknesses of the public school system
2.4. critical areas requiring priority attention
3. Determined issues and policies on:
3.1. access to quality education
3.2. decentralization of educational management
3.3. legislated educational reform
3.4. deregulation of private schools
3.5. educational innovation
4. Interpreted the results and impact of policies and programs.
Brief History
The Philippine education system is a dynamic one. It has continuously
undergone several stages of change and development from the pre-Hispanic
period to the present time.
Pre-historic education in the country was informal, unstructured and
without method. Learning was experiential rather than theoretical. Religious
instruction was conducted by missionaries for the society’s elites during the
Hispanic era. Primary schooling for boys and girls and a normal school for
males were introduced through the Education Decree of 1863. Primary
instruction was free and Spanish instruction was compulsory. Education was
very inadequate and controlled.
The Americans established a free public school system. Instruction was
delivered in English by non-commissioned officers and chaplains to prepare
people for the duties of citizenship and for training in democracy. The
centralization of public schools in 1901 resulted to a heavy shortage of teachers.
It also marked the arrival of Thomasites or teachers from the United States to
teach in the Philippines.
During the Spanish regime the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine History
and Character was reserved to Filipinos. The Japanese emphasized love for
work and dignity of labor.
In 1947, the Department of Instruction was converted into the
Department of Education through Executive Order No. 94. The establishment of
regional offices made possible and allowed the exercise by the government of
its regulatory and supervisory functions over public and private schools.
Through Presidential Proclamation No. 1081, the then Department of Education
became the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, which was
transformed into the Ministry of Education when the Philippines experimented
on a semi-parliamentary system of government.
In 1982, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports was created. It
later became the Department of Education, Culture and Sports in 1987. The
DECS remained unchanged and continued to exercise its regulatory functions
over schools until 1994, when the CHED, and in 1995, when TESDA, were
created to supervise tertiary curricular programs and non-degree technical-
vocational programs, by virtue of R.A. No. 7722 and R.A. No. 7796,
The Philippine Educational Ladder
Educational programs are delivered through the formal, non-formal and
informal ways. Starting SY 1995-96, the entry age prescribed for elementary
education was 6 years old. For secondary education and tertiary education, the
entry age requirements are 12-15 years old and 16-19 years old, respectively.
The formal education ladder consists of a 6-4-4 structure, or 6 years for
elementary education, 4 years for secondary education, and 4 years for tertiary
education. However, there are courses, e.g. engineering, medicine and law, that
require 5 or more years of schooling. Pre-school education is optional. A
number of private schools offer 7 years of elementary education.
Non-formal education is an alternative system that is focused on Out of
School Youth (OSY) and Out of School Adults (OSA). Its main thrusts are
literacy education, training for employable and/or productive skills, and
citizenship training.
Philosophy of Education
The philosophy of Philippine education proclaims that education shall
develop citizens who believe in God, love their country and fellowmen, actively
participate in building a just Filipino society, conserving and developing the
nation’s human and material resources.
Vision of Education
The vision can be quoted as “We have seen the Filipino nation of the
future in the best of the Filipino today. Nurturing, enhancing and articulating
the best in us are the central tasks of education.”
Aims of Education
Philippine education aims for the fullest development of the potentials of
all individuals, the only sure way of achieving our common and shared
national goals. Education should develop all socially valuable talents of persons
as its contribution to building a cohesive, peaceful and progressive society.
From this educational experience, students are expected to emerge as expected
and valued participants in the global community because of their world class
experience and excellence in ability.
Mission of Education
Basic education intends to provide universal access to quality and
relevant education through formal, informal and non-formal channels. It shall
develop in the young Filipino, including the disadvantaged groups of children
with special needs and extremely difficult circumstances, knowledge, skills and
attitude necessary for active and successful participation in the economic,
political, socio-cultural, spiritual and moral life in a just and humane society.
Mandates of Education
The mandates of Philippine education can be derived from three major
documents, namely:
the Education Act of 1982;
the 1987 Philippine Constitution; and
Executive Order No. 117
The Philippine Constitution expressly provides in Sec. 1, Art. XIV, that
the “State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education
at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible
to all.”
Education Act of 1982. The law enunciates the mandates of Philippine
education. It mandates that the education system should:
 provide for a broad general education that will assist each individual
in the peculiar ecology of his own society to
attain his potential as a human being,
enhance the range and quality of individual and group
participation in the basic functions of society, and
acquire the essential educational foundation of his development
into a productive and versatile citizen;
 to train the nation’s manpower in the middle level skills required for
national development;
 develop the profession that will provide leadership for the nation in
the advancement of knowledge for improving quality of human life;
 respond effectively to changing needs and conditions of the nation
through a system of educational planning and evaluation.
Executive Order No. 117, s. 1987. Under this presidential order, DECS
has been made primarily responsible in the formulation, planning,
implementing and coordinating of policies, plans, programs, and projects in the
areas of formal and non-formal education in all levels, be it elementary,
secondary, tertiary, technical-vocational, non-formal, sports and culture;
supervise all educational institutions, both public and private and provide for
the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate and integrated
system of education relevant to the goals of national development.
Organization and Management Structure of DepEd
The DepEd is divided into two major structural components: the central
office and field offices. The central office has five (5) service units, namely:
financial management;
administrative services;
human resource development; and
technical services.
It has four (4) bureaus, as follows:
Bureau of Elementary Education;
Bureau of Secondary Education;
Bureau of Non-Formal Education; and
Bureau of Physical Education and Sports.
Its five (5) centers are identified as:
School Health and Nutrition Center;
National Education Testing and Research Center;
Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force;
National Educators Academy of the Philippines; and
DECS Learning Materials Center.
Cultural agencies attached to DECS are the:
National Museum;
National Library;
National Historical Institute;
Record Management and Achiever’s Office; and
the Commission on Philippine Languages.
The field office consists of regional and sub-regional offices. The regional
offices numbering 16, including the ARMM is each headed by a regional
director; a regional secretary for ARMM; 134 provincial and city school
divisions, each headed by a school superintendent; and 2,128 school districts,
each headed by a district supervisor.
As of 1996-97, the 46,644 schools established nationwide are categorized
as 36,640 elementary schools; 6,411 secondary schools; 1,276 post secondary
schools; and 1,287 higher education institutions (HEI’s). Of the 46,644 schools,
39,154 are government schools; and 7,490, private schools.
Ever since the Philippine education system was established, the
occurrence of problems were always part of its operation. The major problems
that have been besetting the modernized education system are those that
pertain to:
access to basic education,
quality of basic education,
weaknesses of the public school system, and
underinvestment in education.
Access to Basic Education
In 1992, there were 12,956 barangays or 30 percent of the existing 43,302
barangays, without elementary schools and only 11,800 or 35 percent of 34,081
existing elementary schools offer only primary education.
Seventy five (75) or 4.9 percent of 1,537 municipalities were without
either public or private high school; 175 or 11.4 percent municipalities were
without public high school.
In 1990, participation rate among the 7-12 years old was 82.9 percent
only. This easily translates to 1.5 million school-aged children who are outside
the formal school system. About 4 million of the 45 million population, 10 years
old and above were illiterates.
Quality of Basic Education
The quality of basic education has been immensely affected by the
inadequacies in terms of:
 school buildings and teachers,
 inadequate instructional materials and equipment, and
 below standard achievement levels in elementary and secondary
The possible causes of poor quality of education are traceable to:
(a) reduction in the contact hours for academic subjects under the new
elementary and secondary curricula;
(b) poor quality of instruction owing to the poor student input to
teacher’s education program;
(c) pedagogical processes or student-teacher interaction in classroom is
generally characterized by one-way flow where teachers deliver the
(d) unqualified teachers to teach subjects outside their areas of
specialization; and
(e) centralized system of academic supervision and management
discourages innovations and initiatives at the school level.
Weaknesses of the Public School System
The quality of the Philippine education is continuously declining in
terms of basic education’s failure to EDCOM Report (Making Education Work,
teach the competence the average citizens need to become
responsible, productive and self-fulfilling;
colleges and technical and vocational schools are not producing the
manpower we need to develop our economy; and
(iii) graduate education is mediocre and failed to generate the researchbased knowledge we need to create more job and raise the value of
This decline has been attributed to a number of causes, namely:
low budget, high enrollment;
shortage of teachers;
shortage of classrooms; and
shortage of textbooks.
Low budget, high enrollment. For SY 1999-2000, the budget of DECS
was P83.35 billion or 18 percent of the national budget. Although budgetary
priorities were given to education sector, such budgetary increases in the last
few years were not enough to address the influx of enrollment in the basic
education levels.
Earlier in SY 1989-90, enrollment for the public schools has increased by
22 percent while enrollment in the private school has gone down, indicating
that more parents were enrolling their children in public schools. This points to
the need for government to extend total support to free basic education.
As per DECS estimate, the government would spend an average of
P4,753 for every public elementary or secondary student. This amount would
eat up P74 billion of DECS’ budget and would mean less amount to meet fund
requirements to cover shortages for teachers, textbooks and classrooms.
Shortage of teachers. Since 1990, the number of public school teachers
has decreased 13 percent from about 372,000 in 1989-1990 to about 328,000 this
year. This is in direct contrast to the growing enrollment in public schools this
In the last four years, there was an average of more than 30,000 vacant
teaching positions in public schools. This school year (SY 1999-2000), at least
19,000 additional teachers are needed to meet the enrollment requirements in
elementary and secondary levels. To address this gap, an amount at P1.86
billion is needed to cover shortages at the end of the year, according to DECS.
The acute shortage is forcing some mentors to handle two or more grade
levels. Latest available data show that almost 20,500 teachers handle multigrade
classes. Teachers are forced to handle a maximum of nine academic subjects.
This situation not only drains the energy of teachers, but also affects the
learning process of their students. Teachers with excess load naturally tend to
relax or rest at some points because of stress and fatigue.
Shortage of textbooks. On the average, seven students share the use of a
textbook in each of their subjects. In order to achieve an ideal of 1:1 textbook to
student ratio, the government needs at least 92.8 million new books. Today, the
number of books available in the system is more or less 18.28 million. This
translates to roughly P5 billion since the average cost per book is pegged at
If the government seeks to achieve a 1:1 student to textbook ratio before
2004, an appropriation of P2.5 billion which must increase annually by P500
million should be infused to the system beginning this year. This is almost
impossible as the government has yet to release the P850 million for textbooks
two years ago.
Classroom shortage and more. Instead of decreasing classroom
shortage, the past three school years witnessed an increasing demand for
classrooms. From 1996 to 1998, classroom shortage has grown an alarming 63
percent. This implies that old school buildings are rapidly deteriorating while
the government is not providing new ones.
According to DECS estimates, at least 21,500 new classrooms are needed
to accomplish this year’s enrollment for the first two levels. Such classroom
shortage translates to P6.6 billion since P305,000 is needed to build new
classrooms. But again, the problem is where to source the needed funds.
The situation is even worse in some remote areas. There are 11,420
elementary schools in the country without toilets. There are also 12,956
barangays that do not have a single elementary school, while about 13
municipalities in four regions do not have public or private schools.
Underinvestment in education. This is a perennial problem that is
besetting the education system. This situation has been brought about by (i)
increase in the education budget from 1986 to 1989 was not sustained in the
succeeding three-year period; (ii) real per capita expenditures declined starting
in 1990; (iii) the growth in the universal size of the education budget was
attributed to the growth of salary input which account for about 80 percent of
the total education expenditures; and (iv0 due to lack of funds, the education
sector has failed to take advantage of recent technological advances. Computers
are practically non-existent in public schools.
Improving Access To and Quality of Basic Education
Establishment of schools. In accordance with the Constitutional
mandate to make basic education accessible to all, DECS adopted a priority
program of establishing elementary schools in barangays without elementary
schools and the establishment of high schools in municipalities without high
Between 1992 and 1996, the number of rural barangays without
elementary schools was reduced from 6,019 to 4,231; while the number of
incomplete elementary schools was reduced from 6,139 to 2,569. At present, out
of the 75 municipalities without public or private high school in 1992, only 26
municipalities remain without a secondary school.
Creating item position for teachers. From 1992 to 1997, a total of 50,858
items were provided to address the problem of teacher shortage. In SY 1997-98,
requirement for teachers stood at 11,670 to meet enrollment increases. With
7,000 new teaching positions authorized in 1997, a backlog of 4,674 teachers
Social Reform Agenda (SRA). The SRA is a package of intentions that
Philippine Government is implementing to improve the welfare of the
disadvantaged groups and facilitate their early integration into the political and
economic mainstream. It consists of (i) access to quality basic education, (ii)
asset reforms and sustainable development of productive resources and access
to economic opportunities. DECS is the local agency to work towards the
fulfillment of 15 basic reform commitments in collaboration with local
Under the 1996 Poverty Alleviation Fund, 2,240 nurse items were
provided for deployment to the SRA provinces.
Entry age for grade 1 and national school enrollment day. Starting SY
1995-96, the entry age for grade 1 was reduced from 7 to 6 years old, thus,
increasing the number entering grade 1 pupils. To enable DECS have adequate
time to plan effectively for teaching assignment, classrooms and textbooks, an
early enrollment day for entering grade 1 pupils is adopted. The National
School Enrollment Day is held on the last Monday of January for every year.
Education for All (EFA). The four goals of EFA Plan of Action are:
early childhood care and development;
universalization of quality primary education;
continuing education; and
eradication of illiteracy.
Alternative non-formal education delivery schemes were developed and
implemented for selected cultural communities.
Non-Formal Education (NFE). This scheme aims to raise the literacy and
numeracy skills of the poor to enhance their capacity to engage in self-help and
community development activities. It seeks to expand access to basic education
by establishing an NFE equivalency and accreditation system and alternative
learning program to serve community with high drop-outs and low
participation rate. The activities of NFE are focused on literacy classes and skills
Multigrade Schooling Program (MGSP). The multigrade schooling
program was implemented via provision of MG instructional package, training
of teachers and supervisors and monitoring and evaluation of program
Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP). This project is now being
implemented in 14 of the 26 provinces identified as part of the SRA. Its
objectives are threefold, namely:
to improve learning achievement, completion rates and access to
quality elementary education;
build the institutional capacity of DECS to manage change; and
(iii) actively involve the community and the local government in
educational programs.
The TEEP begins with capacity building program at the provincial and
divisional levels to equip local DECS officials with skills to implement
decentralized education administration and school empowerment. This is
followed by the formulation of DEDP, a work and financial program which
identifies activities or an intervention to be done by stakeholders (PTAs, SAs,
NGOs and LGUs). Financial assistance is provided by TEEP once work
program is approved. DEDPs consists of several interventions like INSET for
stakeholder participants, school improvements and innovation of facilities
(SIIF) and the school building program (SBP) involving LGU’s. The TEEP has a
budget consisting P16.9 billion or $569.4 million.
SEDP. This was an ADB funded secondary education project completed
in 1955. It provided a total of 675 school buildings and furniture packages to
various high schools nationwide and distributed 32.69 million copies of
textbook and instructional materials. Another project is underway, SEDIP. This
project is seen as single intervention in the 10-year basic education cycle
covering secondary education in disadvantaged provinces.
Lengthening of school days. The number of school days was increased
from 185 to not more than 220 days. Science was reintroduced as a subject in
Grades I and II. Contact hours were increased in English, Science and Math
subjects for the elementary level; and English and Science subjects for high
school levels. The replacement of Values Education in the third and fourth year
with English, Math and Natural Science subjects was permitted in private
Regional science high school and new science curriculum. Science and
Technology (ST) were given emphasis via establishment of a regional science
high school in each of the 16 regions.
A new science curriculum has been developed by DECS, which was
initially implemented in five national high schools. The curriculum for the first
year through fourth year would concentrate on academic subjects in science,
while fourth year curriculum would focus on hands-on training in instructional
and agricultural science.
National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT)/National Secondary
Achievement Test (NSAT). The NEAT was administered beginning SY 199394; and the NSAT was conducted starting SY 1994-95.
The Ten-Year Master Plan for Basic Education (1996-2005). This tenyear master plan was anchored on a policy of decentralization and
modernization of basic education. An initial step towards the modernization
thrust was the setting up of a Center for Education and Technology (CET) at the
DECS central office in June, 1996. The functions of the CET revolve around the
review and development of multi-media instructional materials, curriculum
development using multi-media and conducting training programs. A model
School of the Future (SOF) was set up at the CET. The SOF is different from a
typical high school in terms of the use of more instructional interventions using
multi-media technology and the shift in the role of teachers from provider of
information to facilitator of learning.
Pre-school program. This program aims to provide 5-year-old children
in disadvantaged areas time for early peer socialization and learning activities
before starting Grade I. The program on early childhood experience was
integrated in Grade I curriculum. The first eight weeks are spent on games,
songs, exercises, and play activities to make children feel that school can be
pleasant and enjoyable. The regular Grade I curriculum starts on the 9th week.
Teachers assigned to the program were trained on the use of ECE instructional
Drop-out intervention program. These interventions employed in this
program include the provision of multi-level learning materials, parent-teachers
partnership, school feeding, provision of school supplies for selected pupil
beneficiaries in order to reduce drop-out and improve achievement in
elementary schools.
Educational Testing. To facilitate the re-entry of OSY to the formal
school system, DECS administers the Philippine Educational Placement Test
(PEPT) every year. The examination is designed to assess the knowledge, skills
and work experience of OSY and over age youth in school and to determine
their appropriate level in the formal system.
Project Basic Education (PROBE), Leadership Enhancement for
Effective Results (LEADER), and Accelerated Learning Program for
Elementary School (ALPES). PROBE aimed at improving the English
comprehension among elementary and high school students and to enhance
education in grades V and VI; and in the 1st and 2nd year high school. On the
other hand, LEADER was initiated to develop higher levels of learning skills
among pupils in Sibika at Kultura/Heograpiya/ Kasaysayan. ALPES provides
that public elementary school pupils are promoted to the next level if they pass
the ALPES examination showing that they are too intelligent to remain in their
respective school levels.
Physical Education, School Sports and Health and Nutrition. The
Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports will produce books and audiovisual materials for physical education teachers. To complement the use of
these materials, the Bureau conducts training for P.E. teachers, coaches and
trainers. Health and nutrition revitalized the school feeding program to
improve the nutritional status of school children via provision of safe, cheap
and nutritious food in the school canteen. Proceeds are to be used to purchase
foodstuffs for supplementary feeding of undernourished and indigent pupils.
Lingua Franca Education Project. Lingua Franca Education Project will
replace English with Filipino and three other major dialects as a medium of
instruction in elementary schools, starting June, 1999-2000. The project aims to
probe a theory that pupils learn faster when subjects are taught in the
vernacular or native tongue. When pupils move on to Grades II and IV, they
would be taught in Filipino, except when the subject is English. In Grades V
and VI, all subjects will be taught in Filipino except Math, Science and English.
Decentralization of Educational Management
A recent policy of the DECS is the empowerment of school principals.
Substantive decision making powers are vested in the school head to provide
him/her with more administrative authority and corresponding accountability
for improving teaching competencies and raising pupil achievements. Plantilla
items of teachers who are designated officers-in-charge or teachers-in-charge of
schools are upgraded to become plantilla items of school principals in the said
Region-focused educators’ congresses were held beginning 1995 for the
Visayas and Mindanao areas, followed by Luzon and NCR areas in 1996. These
congresses were conducted to enhance regional participation in the
development plans and programs.
In 1995, RA 8047 known as the Book Publishing Industry Development
Act was passed. It provides for the formulation, adoption and implementation
of a National Book Policy and a corresponding Book Development Plan that
will serve as basis for fostering the growth and viability of the book publishing
industry and secondary textbook production and distribution functions.
Deregulation of Private Education
DECS liberalized government policies governing private education to
capitalize on inherent advantages of private schools. Among the initiatives
were the deregulation of tuition fees charged by private educational institutions
which are now subject only to consultation and other requirements mandated
by law; the lifting on the moratorium on the offering of new programs; and the
issuance of new Manuals for Regulations for Private Schools. Additionally,
voluntary accreditation by non-government accrediting agencies was strongly
encouraged as a means of improving educational standard over and above the
maximum required for recognition.
The results of the policies and programs will be presented in terms of:
provision of educational supplies and improvement of physical
(iii) expansion of literacy programs;
(iv) pupils/students’ performance in NEAT/NSAT Test;
(v) increased pay of public school teachers and provision of other
benefits; and
(vi) identification of critical areas for priority attention.
Enrollment increased from 15.1 million in SY 1992-93 to 17.14 million in
1997-98 in both elementary and secondary schools. Participation rate in the
elementary level rose from 85.16 percent in SY 1992-93 to 95.09 percent in SY
1997-98; and from 56.76 percent to 64.72 percent in the secondary level. With
this, the cohort survival rate has increased from 68.36 percent to 73.73 percent
over the six-year period.
Educational Supplies and Physical Facilities
Books, audio-visual aids and materials were provided in schools,
particularly in the remote areas. In terms of classrooms, 100,752 were
constructed in SY 1992-97 under the regular school building program, the
President’s Social Fund, and secondary education development project; and
through the Japan International Corporation Agency.
Literacy Program
Literacy rate has improved with the expansion of non-formal education
program and adoption of various alternative learning systems. The 1989
Functional Literacy Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS) has reported
that the simple literacy rate rose from 89.90 percent to 93.90 percent in 1994.
Functional literacy rate has increased from 75.24 percent in 1989 to 83.8 percent
in 1994.
Performance in NEAT and NSAT
The result of NEAT in 1993-96 indicated that the average achievement
level of Grade VI pupils was 76.66 percent or 1.66 percent more than the desired
level of 75 percent. At the secondary level, NSAT result revealed a better
performance in terms of an aggregate score of 79.08 percent in 1994 which
increased to 81.59 percent in 1995.
By subject area basis, starting in 1993, 59.56 percent of the NEAT
examinees scored 75 percent and above in English and this rating remained
constant up to 1995; in Math, 53.10 percent rated 25 percent and above and
subsequently reaching 68.17 percent in 1995; in Science, the performance has
improved from 67.96 percent in 1993 to 73.76 in 1995; and HEKASI, from 46.56
percent in 1993 to 73.38 percent in 1995.
In 1994, 85.44 percent of the NSAT examinees got 75 percent and above
in English and rose to 93.90 percent in 1996; Mathematics, 70.43 percent in 1994
to 84.53 percent in 1996; in Science, 71.65 percent of examinees rated 75 percent
and above which improved to 83.21 percent in 1996; and in Filipino, from 82.32
percent in 1994 to 91.70 percent in 1996.
Basic Salary and Benefits of Public School Teachers
The teacher’s basic monthly salary was raised from P3,102 in 1992 to
P8,605 in 1997. This salary increment was based on RA 6758 or the Salary
Standardization Law.
Financial assistance was extended to teachers through the GSIS and
other financial institutions, including the establishment of cooperative, shelter
programs and in-service education, etc.
DECS identified critical areas that require immediate attention, namely:
financing the basic education;
modernization program;
increased fund requirements for textbooks;
review of bilingual policy on instruction;
devolution of education function to LGUs; and
additional year of basic education.
Financing the Basic Needs in Education
The government has been trying its best to provide adequate fund
support to the education sector. However, due to economic constraints, year in
and year out, the budget support for education has been quite inadequate. And
so inspite of the scarcity and very limited financial capability of the national
government, it has been taping other sources via reallocation, rechannelling of
resources and exploration of alternative sources from LGUs, POs and NGOs.
Implementation of Education Modernization Program
The establishment of regional and provincial science high schools and
provision of science laboratories and science technology activities; sustaining
the rescue initiative for science education (Project RISE) which aims to retrain
science teachers nationwide over a five-year period; and the establishment of
schools of the future to give access in the provision of information technology
tools such as computers, CD’s and internets were undertaken.
Increased Fund Requirements for Textbooks
The implementation of the textbook privatization program mandated by
RA 8047 has triggered a threefold increase in textbook pieces. An estimated P8
billion is required to provide textbooks during the next two school years on 1:1
student-textbook ratio.
Review of the Bilingual Policy
The goal of DECS is to enhance learning via two languages; Filipino and
English. However, this cannot be achieved immediately. There is still lack of
preparedness with respect to teachers, students and instructional materials.
Devolution of Education Functions to LGU’s
This will enable the educational system to accommodate local
preferences, making the curriculum more relevant to local conditions and
needs, and generate greater support from local governments, communities and
Additional Year of Basic Education
There was a move to lengthen basic education from 10 years to 11 years.
This would enable our education system to globalize the standard of Philippine
education. However, this proposal was held in abeyance pending a government
decision to pursue it either in elementary or high school level.
This chapter focused on the issues and policies affecting the Philippine
educational system as it embarked on major changes to modernize its program
and delivery system. These changes are deemed necessary and timely,
considering the fast advances in science and technology, globally; the need to
modernize the education system program and delivery system; and the
necessity to produce graduates who can compete favorably with graduates
from the rest of the world.
This chapter made a passing glance at the Philippine education system
with respect to its philosophy, vision, aims, missions, mandates and the DECS
organic structure. It also presented the problems of Philippine education. A
capsulized description on the results and impact of policies and programs was
Activity No. 1 What interventions or remedies will you initiate to minimize the
effects of the problems now facing Philippine education on the
quality of education?
Activity No. 2 What is your reaction to the splitting of DECS into three equal
agencies, namely: Basic Education or the present DepEd;
Vocational-Technical Education or TESDA; and Tertiary
Education or CHED?