Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX I Simplified Tender Dossier - Services Negotiated Procedure: Between €10.000 - €50.000 SECTION I: STANDARD TENDER DOSSIER TEMPLATES Letter of Invitation to Tender Annex 1: Simplified Terms of Reference Annex 2: Simplified contract Annex 3: Simplified Service Tender Submission Form Annex 4: Bank account notification form Annex 5: Legal Entity File Annex 6: Simplified Evaluation Grids for Services Tender Annex 7: Outline for Technical Offer SECTION II: STANDARD FORMS FOR THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE Nomination of an Evaluation Committee Declaration of impartiality and confidentiality Simplified Evaluation report 1 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 SECTION I: STANDARD TENDER DOSSIER TEMPLATES Letter of Invitation to Tender Annex 1: Simplified Terms of Reference Annex 2: Simplified contract Annex 3: Simplified Service Tender Submission Form Annex 4: Bank account notification form Annex 5: Legal Entity File Annex 6: Simplified Evaluation Grids for Services Tender Annex 7: Outline for Technical Offer 2 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 LETTER OF INVITATION TO TENDER <Grant Beneficiary’s letterhead> Project Title and Contract Number: ______________________ INVITATION TO TENDER To: _____________ Contract Title: Dear <Contact name> 1. You are invited to submit your technical offer and price quotation(s) for the provision of the following services: (i) ____________________ (ii) ____________________ (iii) ____________________ 2. Information on the required services is contained in Annex 1: Terms of Reference 3. You have to quote for all the listed services in this invitation. The contract shall be awarded as a whole. 4. Your quotation(s) in the required format should be addressed to [Address] Telephone: Fax: 5. The financial offer should be accompanied by a technical offer i.e. adequate documentation and CVs and other printed material or pertinent information for each of the requested services, e.g. an outline of the approach proposed, a timing, sequence and duration of the proposed activities, taking into account mobilisation time, etc. Technical offer and financial offer –should be put into separate sealed envelopes. 6. The price should be without VAT because our project has been exempted from the payment of this tax 7. The deadline for receipt of your offer (technical and financial) in is …./…./….. and ……..hrs. Quotations should be delivered by courier, hand delivery or by registered mail. 8. Other Conditions of contract are as follows: (i) PRICES: payments shall be made in EURO or Dinar as an equivalent to the EURO value of the contract calculated at the exchange rate of the bank from which payments are made. (ii) PAYMENT: for your invoice will be made on completion of the contract. (iii) BUDGET:: the maximum budget available for this contract is set at …. EURO. (iv) EVALUATION: the most economically advantageous tender will be selected by weighing technical quality against price on a 80/20 basis 1 (v) VALIDITY: your quotation should be valid for a period of …… days from the date of your quotation. 3 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 9. Further information can be obtained from: [The person in charge in your project] [Address] Telephone: Fax: 10. Please confirm by fax or e-mail the receipt of this invitation and whether or not you will submit an offer. Yours sincerely, [Signature] 4 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 1 : SIMPLIFIED TERMS OF REFERENCE SIMPLIFIED TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE Contract Name: _________________ The Terms of Reference (ToR) should describe the following where the headings are appropriate 1. 1.1. 1.2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION General information about your project Contracting Authority (state the legal name of your organisation responsible for managing the contract) 2. 2.1 CONTRACT OBJECTIVES Results to be achieved by the service provider (The ToR should describe in detail the nature and quantity of the outputs of the services to be provided). 3. 3.1. 3.2. SCOPE OF THE WORK General Specific list of activities A clear and detailed list of tasks to be undertaken in order to achieve the contract objectives. Outputs Outputs of the specific activities should be specified 3.3 4. 4.1. 4.2. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. LOGISTICS AND TIMING Location where the service should be provided Identify the location (i.e, city/town) for the provision of the services Commencement date & Period of execution The intended commencement date is <date> and the period of execution of the contract will be < number > months from this date. REQUIREMENTS Personnel (State requirements to all the experts (education, skills, experience, etc.) who you assume to have a role in implementing the contract. They are referred to as key experts. Uredjaji Facilities and own equipment to be provided by the Service provider. No equipment is allowed to be procured.. DOBIJE (State if the Service provider should assure own equipment - office computer, training equipment or any other equipment you deem appropriate. MANAGEMENT / SUPERVISION AND FINAL APPROVAL Supervisor The person in charge inside your organisation to supervise the execution of the services. Definition of performance indicators State criteria the supervisor will use to evaluate the performance of the service provider and to access whether the services achieved the desired results. Special requirements or conditions (State additional requirements, if any – i.e. respect of EU Visibility, etc). 5 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 2 : SIMPLIFIED CONTRACT FOR SERVICES <Grant beneficiary’s headed notepaper> Contract for Service [Title of the Contract] To: [Name of the Legal representative of the entity which has won the service contract] Address: [Address of the firm] Dear Sirs, The [Name of Grant Beneficiary] would like to place an order for the service mentioned in Article 1 below to tender including the Terms of Reference and Invitation to Tender (annexed to this contract), on the basis of your offer and prices in your quotation. 1. REQUESTED SERVICES [List of services requested, stated as an attachment 1 to this contract)] 2. AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT The amount of the order is fixed at ............... Euro/TRY and is not subject to revision. 3. TIME DURATION AND PROJECT LOCATION The time limit for the service contract is set for .................(days, weeks or months) from the date of the signature of this contract by both parties. The service contract will be started on ……….. and completed on ………………………………. 4. PAYMENT Payment for your invoice will be made 100% against the acceptance procedure. Payments shall be made to the bank account declared by the Contractor. For the Company For the Grant Beneficiary Name: Name: Function: Function: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: Attachment A. Terms of Reference (Annex 1) B. Technical Offer, incl. CVs of key staff (Annex 4) 6 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 3: SIMPLIFIED SERVICE TENDER SUBMISSION FORM Negotiated procedure below €50.000 (minimum 3 compliant offers) Ref: < as per letter of invitation to tender > Contract title: < Contract title > One signed tender submission form must be supplied. 1 SUBMITTED by (i.e, the identity of the Tenderer) Name(s) and address(es) of legal entity 2 CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) Name Organisation Address Telephone Fax e-mail 3 DECLARATION(S) As part of their tender, the legal entity identified under point 1 of this form, must submit a signed declaration using the attached format. 4 STATEMENT I, the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the above tenderer, hereby declare that we have examined and accept the entire contents of the tender dossier for the tender procedure referred to above. We offer to provide the services requested in the tender dossier on the basis of the following documents, which comprise our Technical and Financial offer presented in two separate sealed envelopes: Technical Proposal Key expert(s) and their CVs Tenderer's declaration Completed financial identification form providing details of the bank account into which payments under the proposed contract should be made in the event that we are awarded the contract Completed legal entity file We recognise that our tender will be excluded if we propose key experts who have been involved in preparing this project or engage such personnel as advisers in the preparation of our tender and that we may also be subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts funded by the EC. Signed on behalf of the tenderer Name Signature Date 7 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 FORMAT OF THE DECLARATION REFERRED TO IN POINT 3 OF THE TENDER SUBMISSION FORM (To be submitted on the headed notepaper of the legal entity that is tendering) <Date> <Name and address of the Contracting Authority > Your ref: < Contract ref > Dear Sir/Madam TENDERER'S DECLARATION In response to your letter of invitation to tender for the above contract, we <Name(s) of legal entity> hereby declare that we: are submitting this tender on an individual basis led by ourselves for this contract. We confirm that we are not participating in any other tender for the same contract, whatever the form of the application; are not in any of the situations excluding us from participating in contracts which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (available from the following Internet address:] agree to abide by the ethics clauses in Section 2.4.11 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions and, in particular, have no potential conflict of interests or any relation with other short-listed candidates or other parties in the tender procedure at the time of the submission of this tender; and have only included data in the application form concerning the resources and experience of our legal entity; will inform the Contracting Authority immediately if there is any change in the above circumstances at any stage during the tender procedure or during the implementation of the contract; and fully recognise and accept that any inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided in this tender may result in our exclusion from this and other contracts funded by the European Communities. In the event that our tender is successful, we undertake, if required, to provide the proof usual under the law of the country in which we are established that we do not fall into the exclusion situations listed in section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions. The date on the evidence or documents provided will be no earlier than 180 days before the deadline for submission of tenders and, in addition, we will provide a sworn statement that our situation has not altered in the period which has elapsed since the evidence in question was drawn up. Yours faithfully <Signature of authorised representative of the legal entity > < Name and position of authorised representative of the legal entity > 8 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 4 : BANK ACCOUNT NOTIFICATION FORM FINANCIAL IDENTIFICATION ACCOUNT HOLDER NAME ADDRESS TOWN/CITY POSTCODE VAT NUMBER COUNTRY CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE FAX E - MAIL BANK BANK NAME BRANCH ADDRESS TOWN/CITY POSTCODE COUNTRY ACCOUNT NUMBER IBAN REMARKS : BANK STAMP + SIGNATURE of BANK REPRESENTATIVE DATE + SIGNATURE of ACCOUNT HOLDER : (Both Obligatory) (Obligatory) 9 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 5 : LEGAL ENTITY FILE LEGAL ENTITIES PRIVACY STATEMENT PRIVATE COMPANIES TYPE OF COMPANY NGO YES NO (Non Gouvernemental Organisation) NAME(S) ABBREVIATION ADDRESS OF THE HEAD OFFICE POSTAL CODE P.O. BOX CITY COUNTRY VAT PLACE OF REGISTRATION DATE OF REGISTRATION D D M M Y Y Y Y REGISTRATION NR PHONE FAX E-MAIL THIS "LEGAL ENTITY" FORM SHOULD BE FILLED IN AND RETURNED TOGETHER WITH: * A COPY OF ANY OFFICIAL DOCUMENT (E.G. OFFICIAL GAZETTE, REGISTER OF COMPANIES, ETC.) SHOWING THE CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS AND THE REGISTRATION NUMBER GIVEN TO IT BY THE NATIONAL AUTHORITIES; * A COPY OF THE VAT REGISTRATION DOCUMENT IF APPLICABLE AND IF THE VAT NUMBER DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE OFFICIAL DOCUMENT REFERRED TO ABOVE. DATE AND SIGNATURE 10 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 6 : SIMPLIFIED EVALUATION GRIDS FOR SERVICES TENDER2 (negotiated procedure without publication) (Your Project Title) Tender Nr. Title: Overall decision? (Accept / Reject) Key experts CVs included? (Yes/No) Tenderer's declaration signed (Yes/No) Organisation & methodology exists? (Yes/No) Tender submission form duly completed? (Yes/No) Tenderer name Proposal received before the submission deadline? (Yes/No) ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLIANCE GRID Tender envelope number 1. _____________________ ______________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 Chairperson's name Chairperson's signature Date 2. Specimen Technical Evaluation grid Proposed criteria and their weights are given below. Depending on the specifications of the project, these criteria and the weights can be modified. Maximum Organisation and methodology Rationale Strategy Timetable of activities Total score for Organisation and methodology Key expert Qualifications and skills General professional experience Specific professional experience Total score for Key expert Overall total score Tender 1 Tender 2 Tender 3 15 15 10 40 15 15 30 60 100 Each voting member of the Evaluation Committee completes individually the table above. The Evaluation Process is explained in detail in the “AKKM Procurement Manual for Services”, and can be downloaded from the following website: 2 11 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 3. SAMPLE Tender Evaluation Summary [The table below is an explanatory sample where the offers are evaluated by three voting members of the evaluation committee] Maximum possible Tender 1 Tender 2 Tender 3 55 60 59 174 174/3= 58.00 88 84 82 254 254/3= 84.67 84.67/85.33= 99.22 84 82 90 256 256/3= 85.33 € 27 000 € 28 500 100 27 000 / 28 500 x 100 = 94.74 99,22 x 0.80 = 79.38 100.00 x 0.20= 20.00 79.38 + 20.00= 99.38 100.00 x 0.80 = 80.00 94,74 x 0.20= 18.95 80.00 + 18.95= 98.95 1 2 Part 1: Technical Evaluation Evaluator A Evaluator B Evaluator C Total Average score (mathematical average) 100 100 100 300 Technical score (actual final score/highest final score) Eliminated* 100.00 Part 2: Financial Evaluation Total fees Financial score (lowest total fees / actual total fees x 100) Eliminated following technical evaluation Part 3: Composite Evaluation Technical score x 0.80 Financial score x 0.20 Overall score Final ranking Eliminated following technical evaluation * Only tenders with average score of at least 80 points qualify for the financial evaluation Date Signatures of the Evaluation Committee: 12 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 ANNEX 7: TECHNICAL OFFERS Please submit your technical offer in free format covering the following information: Main aspects of the strategy for the services proposed Activities, including the preparatory phase Activity Schedule Information on the services provided by the tenderer, certificates, brochures, etc. CV’s of the experts proposed The Financial offer should be put in a separate envelope and submitted together with the Technical Offer. 13 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 SECTION II: STANDARD FORMS FOR THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE Nomination of an Evaluation Committee Declaration of impartiality and confidentiality Simplified Evaluation report 14 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 1. NOMINATION OF AN EVALUATION COMMITTEE (Title of your Project) Nomination of Evaluation Committee TENDER nr. _____________ LAUNCHED ON: _____(date)___ FOR: (Contracting <works/supplies/services> for < the title of the tender >) TYPE OF PROCEDURE: Simplified procedure For the above mentioned tender the Evaluation Committee will be composed as follow: Chairperson: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(non voting member) First member: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(voting member) Second member: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(voting member) Third member: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(voting member) Secretary: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(non voting member) (If desired) Invitation to participate as an observer was sent to (the PMU, the TAT, other..) Date:____________________ The Project Coordinator _________________________ Signature 15 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 2. DECLARATION OF IMPARTIALITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Declaration of impartiality and confidentiality To be completed by all persons involved in an evaluation process (including members of the Evaluation Committee, whether voting or not-voting and any observers) Publication ref:____________________ I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to participate in the evaluation of the above-mentioned tender procedure. By making this declaration, I confirm that I have familiarised myself with the information available to date concerning this tender procedure including the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for external actions relating to the evaluation process. I further declare that I shall execute my responsibilities honestly and fairly. I am independent3 of all parties which stand to gain from the outcome of the evaluation process 4. To the best of my knowledge and belief, there are no facts or circumstances, past or present, or that could arise in the foreseeable future, which might call into question my independence in the eyes of any party; and, should it become apparent during the course of the evaluation process that such a relationship exists or has been established, I will immediately cease to participate in the evaluation process. I agree to hold in trust and confidence any information or documents ("confidential information") disclosed to me or discovered by me or prepared by me in the course of or as a result of the evaluation and agree that it shall be used only for the purposes of this evaluation and shall not be disclosed to any third party. I also agree not to retain copies of any written information or prototypes supplied. Confidential information shall not be disclosed to any employee or expert unless they agree to execute and be bound by the terms of this Declaration. Name Signed Date 3 Taking into consideration whether there exists any past or present relationship, direct or indirect, whether financial, professional or of another kind 4 i.e., all [ tenderers / applicants ]* who are participating in the [ tender / call for proposals ]* , whether individuals or members of a consortium, or any of the partners or subcontractors proposed by them 16 Simplified tender dossier for services > €10.000 and < €50.000 3. SIMPLIFIED EVALUATION REPORT (negotiated procedure without publication) SIMPLIFIED EVALUATION REPORT TENDER Nr. : ……………………………….. TENDER TITLE : ……………………………….. Procedure: Value of the tender: Negotiated Procedure without publication ……………………………….. For the above mentioned tender, the following firms were invited to tender: Nr. Name of the firm 1 2 3 4 5 The following firms presented offers that were delivered to us in duly time: Nr. Name of the firm 1 2 3 4 5 Town Town The Evaluation Committee examined all the offers using the “Simplified evaluation grid for < works / supplies > tender” annexed to this document. The following offers were disqualified for being not compliant with the requirements: Nr. Name of the firm Reason <Examples> 1 <origin of the company not compliant> 2 <technical specification not compliant> 3 <document not signed> 4 <period for completion not compliant> 5 <BoQ not completed> The final ranking of the tenders which were not excluded during the evaluation is as follows, in order of the arithmetically corrected financial offers: Nr. Name of the Firm Price offered Consequently, the Evaluation Committee recommends that the contract is awarded as follows: <Firm name> for a total value of____________________. Signatures of the Evaluation Committee members 17