Chapter 11 Kinematics of Particles 11.1 Introduction to Dynamics Galileo and Newton (Galileo’s experiments led to Newton’s laws) Kinematics and dynamics (kinetics) (Dynamics is composed of kinematics and kinetics.) Rectilinear Motion of Particles 11.2 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration v x t (units of m/s, ft/s, etc.) x dx t 0 t dt v lim a v t (units of m/s2, ft/s2, etc.) v dv d 2 x t 0 t dt dt 2 a lim Also a dv dv dx or dt dx dt av dv dx Jerk da dt Figure 11.6 11.3 Determination of the Motion of a Particle Three common classes of motion 1. a f (t ) dv adt f (t )dt t v v0 f ( t )dt 0 dx v0 dt t t x x0 v0 t f ( t )dt dt 0 0 2. a f ( x) v dv dx vdv adx f ( x)dx x 1 2 f ( x)dx (v 2 v02 ) xo and v dx dt then get x x(t ) 3. a f (v) v v0 dv dt t dv dt t f (v ) 0 for a v x v x0 v0 dv f (v) dx vdv dx f (v) Both can lead to x x(t ) 11.4 Uniform Rectilinear Motion v constant a 0 x x0 vdt vt x x0 vt 11.5 Uniform Accelerated Rectilinear Motion a constant v v0 at x xo v0 t 12 at 2 Also v dv a dx v 2 v02 2a ( x x0 ) 11.6 Motion of Several Particles When independent particles move along the same line, independent equations exist for each. Use the same origin and time. Relative motion of two particles xB A xB x A the relative position of B with respect to A vB A vB v A the relative velocity of B with respect to A aB A aB a A the relative acceleration of B with respect to A Dependent motions See Figure 11.8 System has one degree of freedom since only one coordinate can be chosen independently. Figure 11.9 has 2 degrees of freedom 11.7 Graphical Solution of Rectilinear – Motion Problems v dx slope of x t curve dt a dv slope of v t curve dt t2 x2 x1 vdt is the change in x equal to the area under the v-t curve. t1 t2 v2 v1 adt is the change in v equal to the area under the a-t curve. t1 If a constant then v is linear in t and x is quadratic in t. 11.8 Other Graphical Methods See Figure 11.12 v1 x1 x0 v0 t 1 (t1 t )dv dv adt v0 t1 x1 x0 v0t 1 (t1 t )adt 0 Note t1 t1 0 0 tadt t adt t (area under a t curve) Moment-area method x1 x0 v0t 1(area under a t curve)(t1 t ) Consider v-x curve. See Figure 11.13 BC AB tan v dv a dx Curvilinear Motion of Particles 11.9 Position Vector, Velocity, and Acceleration See Figures 11.??? And 11.??? r d r v lim t 0 t dt v ds dt dv a dt 11.10 Derivatives of Vector Functions dP P P( u u ) P( u ) lim lim du u0 u u0 u d ( P Q ) dP dQ du du du d ( fP ) df dP P f du du du d ( P Q ) dP dQ Q P du du du d ( P Q ) dP dQ Q P du du du dPy dP dPx ˆj dPz k̂ î du du du du Rate of Change of a Vector P Px î Py ˆj Pz k̂ See italics at bottom of section 11.11 Rectangular Components of Velocity and Acceleration r xî yˆj zk̂ v xî yˆj zk̂ a xî yˆj zk̂ See projectile example to show how equation can be separated into parts in some cases. 11.12 Motion Relative to a Frame in Translation rB rA rB A rB rA rB A vB v A vB A aB a A aB A 11.13 Tangential and Normal Components Of acceleration with respect to the path of motion Plane Motion of a Particle Note what happens if we do êt êt sin( 2 ) 2 sin( 2 ) ên lim ên lim ê lim n ên 0 0 0 0 2 lim v vêt dê dv dv a êt v t dt dt dt Remember that s r or s 0 r lim dêt dêt d ds v ên dt d ds dt dv v2 a êt ên dt Discuss changing radius of curvature for highway curves Motion of a Particle in Space 11.14 Radial and Transverse Components Plane motion dêr ê d dê êr d Note êr î cos ˆj sin dêr î sin ˆj sin ê d dêr dêr d ê dt d dt dr v rêr rêr rêr r ê vr êr v ê dt vr r v r a ( r r 2 )êr ( r 2r )ê ar r r 2 Note a r a r 2 r dv dvr and a dt dt Extension to the Motion of a Particle in Space: Cylindrical Coordinates r Rêr zk̂ v R êR Re zk̂ R 2 )ê ( R 2 R )ê zk̂ a (R R