Question Distribution Analysis (Past Papers in AL Biology from 1990–1994 ) Syllabus Topics Section I The Variety of Living Organisms 1. The variety of life Micro-organisms: Viruses / Bacteria / Fungi Protozoans Years 90 91 92 93 94 Paper I A1 IA1 IA1 IA1 IA1 Taxonomic group; Taxonomic group; Cnidocil; Life cycle of Features & habitat Human diseases Gammae; nematoblasts bacteriophage of mosses & ferns eg.cholera, malaria, notochords; (hydra; jelly fish); measles, nematocysts; chaetae IIC11 Essay: Plants: etc. Pseudopodia; (earthworm); Application in food Algae / Bryophytes / Ferns strobili (cones); Tube feet industry Gymnosperms IA4 malpighian tubules (sea urchin); /Angiosperms Life cycle of Rumen (cow) IIB5 homosporous fern. IA3 Differences bet. Alternation of Feeding Hydroid Animals: generations mechanism of filter coelenterates, Cnidarians / feeder tapeworm & Platyhelminthes / Annelids IA6 earthworm Arthropods / Molluscs / Nephridium; Echinoderms / Chordates Malpighian tubule 2. Classification Section II The Cell 1. The chemical constituents of cells Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleotides nucleic acids Inorganic components 2. Cell structure IIB6 Role of water in organisms IA2 Nucleolus / ribosomes; ER / Golgi apparatus IIA2 Meristem; xylem; sieve tubes IA2 Labeling Plant cell; fx of organelles IA2(a) Cell organelles surrounded by 2 layers of membrane IA3 Collenchyma & sclerenchyma 3. Membrane permeability IIA2(a) Diffusion; active transport IIA2(c) Active transport in mammals 4. Enzymes (a) Enzymes as organic catalysts (b) Factors affecting enzyme activity Syllabus Topics Section III The Functioning of Living organisms 1. Nutrition Years 90 91 92 93 94 (a) Modes of nutrition (b) Autotrophic nutrition (i) Photosynthesis -- Photo-chemical reactions -- Carbon fixation -- Site of photosynthesis -- Factors affecting photosynthesis IA3 Equation of photosynthesis IB11 IIB3(a) Effect of light Adaptations of leaf intensity on photosynthetic rate IIB3(b)(c) of different plants Rate of photosynthesis; IIB8 Essay: limiting factors Way of carbon cell wall formation IA2 (ii) Mineral nutrients Roles of Ca2+ / N required by photosynthetic plants in plant growth IIA1(b) Contrast light & dark reactions IIA1(a) Accessory pigments; absorption spectrum IB9 Minerals in 6 plants (iii) Chemosynthesis (c) Heterotrophic nutrition (i) Holozoic nutrition -- Ingestion -- Digestion -- Absorption / assimilation -- Egestion -- A balanced diet IIB5 Liver; food requirements for human; symbiosis in ruminants IIC11 Essay: Nutritional diff. Betw. Western & Chinese diet IA8 Fx & source of Ca2+ / I- / Fe to man IIA1 Differences Betw. Herbivores & carnivores (ii) Saprophytic nutrition IIB5 Essay: Parasitic fungus & animal; overcome (iii)Parasitic nutrition IA3(b) Small intestine; tissue type & fx Deficiency symptoms of vitamins B, C, D 2. Respiration IA4 Flow diagram; 3 stages of resp.; carbohydrates (a) Cell respiration (i) Aerobic respiration -- Glycolysis -- Krebs cycle -- Oxidative phosphorylation IB10 Effect of KCN on resp. of yeasts IA2(b)(c) IIA2(a)-(c) Draw 3 stages; products; mitochondrion; roles of ATP structure related to fx (ii) Anaerobic respiration IIA 2(d) Protein, less efficient (b) Energy release (c) Gaseous exchange IIA1(a)-(d) between organisms and O2 debt; effect of environment (i) Gaseous exchange in temperature on ectotherms; rate & mammals IIB7 Problems of multicellular organisms; eg. depth of breathing (ii) Gaseous exchange in other organisms IIC9 Essay: Smoking is hazardous to health; economic cost to HK IA 3(d) Trachea; tissue type & Fx IA4 Lenticels in plants; spiracles in insects IIA3(a) Adaptation of leaf 3. Transport in organisms (a) The circulatory system in mammals IIA 1(e) IIB6 Essay: IA3(a) IB8 Efficient Capillary; Effect of electrical O2 dissociation stimulation & curves; animal size circulation of blood Tissue type & Fx of mammal chemical on IIB5 Essay: cardiac output & Circulatory system heart rate in insects/mammal; Adv. & disadv. IIB7 Role of blood in respiratory gases IA9 O2 dissociation curve (b) Transport in angiosperms IIA3 Transpiration; xerophytes; translocation IA7 IIA2 IIA2(b) Leaves not thin & Pathways for water Environmental flat? passage from root factors affect salt to leaves absorption in plants IIB8 Effect of temp. in plants & animals; Transpiration 4. Support and movement (a) Support in animals IIB7(a) Bone; cartilage IIB7(d) (b) Support in plants Aquatic & terrestrial plants; adaptive features IIB7(b)(c) (c) Locomotion in animals Ligaments; tendon; Amoeba; paramecium IIA3(a)-(c) Tactic movement; vertebrates IIA4 Joint; neuromuscular junction; muscle contraction IIA3(a) Joints IIA3(b) Skeletal & smooth muscles IIA3(a)(b) Tropic movement (d) Movement in plants 5. Perpetuation of species IA7 Amoeba; obelia; moss; bread mould; adv. (a) Asexual reproduction (b) Sexual reproduction IIA2 (i) The structure and Adaptation of function of flowers flowering plants on (ii) The reproductive land; compare system in mammals sexual & asexual (iii) The transfer of reproduction; gametes & fertilization dispersal of fruits (iv) The formation of & seeds the seeds and fruits (v) The germination of seeds (vi) The mammalian foetus and the newborn 6. Growth and development (a) The measurement of growth (b) Primary and secondary growth in plants (c) Metamorphosis in animals (d) The control of growth and development 7. Response and coordination (a) The detection of environmental conditions (i) The skin (ii) The eye (iii) The ear IB11 Exp. on crop plant; reduced yield by mayweed IIC13 Essay: In vitro fertilization; possibilities IA3(c) Oviduct; tissue type & Fx IIC13 Essay: Treatment of human infertility IB12(e) Juveniles; animal size IB7 IIB4 Essay: Female hormones; Successful sexual removal of ovary; reproduction in pituitary flowering plants & mammals IA5 Development of IA3 dicot. seed & Annotated diagram fertilized ovule of sperm; structure; Fx IB12 Juvenile fish; hormones; mixed sexes IIB8 Essay: Light affect growth IA6 of plants Adv. & disadv. of metamorphosis in animals IIA3 Draw ear; head movement; human retina IIB6 Essay: Fx in hearing & balance IA6 Instinctive & learned behaviour synaptic transmission; neurones; CNS (d) Phytohormones flowering plants IB8 Shell length of mussels; growth curves (a) Response to the environment IIA4 (b) Nervous coordination in Action potential; mammals (c) Hormonal coordination in mammals IA2 Artificial vegetative propagation; IA5 Testosterone; progesterone; source IIA3(c) Sympathetic & parasympathetic NS; Autonomic fx; eg. IIB6 Essay: Importance of pituitary gland IB9 Effect of kinetin on movement; uptake of a.a. of leaf IIB7 Essay: Hormones in flowering plants IB9 Plant hormones on growth of pea seedlings 8. Homeostasis IA6 (a) Regulation of water and Osmoregulation; mineral salts IB10 Exp. on urine excretion; annelid; output; osmolarity; insects drinking liquids; plot graph IB10 Amoeba; contractile vacuole; mean fluid output (b) Regulation of body temperature IIB6 Thermoregulation of skin; other fx. (c) Regulation of blood glucose level IB8 Pancreatic hormones; carbohydrates; Plot graph IIC11 Essay: (d) Defence against disease Transplantation of in mammals IIB8 Effect of temp. in animals & plants IB11 Renal reabsorption of glucose IA5 Blood clotting tissues & organs by artificial devices IIC13 Essay: Antibiotics; consequences Syllabus Topics Section IV Genetics and Evolution 1. Genetics IA6(a) IIB5 Essay: Differences Betw. Adaptations of Urea & urine flowering plants & mammals to dry environments IA5 IIC9 Essay: IA5 Diff. Betw.CMIR AIDS & its Immunological & HIR concern for modern basis of ABO blood society groups; IIC9 Essay: blood transfusion Cancer treatable by modern medicine? IIC7 Essay: Prevention of diseases is better than cure Years 90 91 (a) Nature and action of the gene IIA1(a) Allele; polyploidy; hybrid vigour (b) the role of gametes in inheritance IA6 Diff. betw. mitosis & meiosis (c) The inheritance of discrete characters IIA1(b) Incomplete dominance; feather colour; colour intensity; genotype 92 93 IIA1(a) Codon & anticodon IA4 Mitosis IIA4(a)-(c) Haemophilia IIA1(b) Colourblindness & haemophilia IIA4(d)(e) Mutations (e) Mutation IB13(d) Induce mutation 2. Evolution IIB8 Speciation; evolutionary significance of genetic variation; natural selection IA8(b) Paleontology (fossils) (b) The mechanism of evolution 3. Plant and animal breeding IB13 Plant sensitive to herbicide; mutant genotypes IIA1(a) Continuous & Discontinuous variation (d) Discontinuous and continuous variation of characters (a) Evidence of evolution 94 IA8(a) Selective breeding IIC10 Essay: Biotechnology useful to man IIC10 Essay: Biotechnology revolution in agriculture IIC11 Essay: Application in food industry Syllabus Topics Section V Inter-relationships of Organisms with Each Other and With Their Environment 1. Populations Years 90 91 92 93 94 IA6(b) Biome & habitat IIC11 Essay: Biological consequences of natural disasters 2. The ecosystem (a) Concept of the ecosystem IA7 Niche; habitat; production; biomass; succession; zonation IB12 IIC12 essay: Gonad size of Soil will soon face marine larval extinction invertebrates; diff. environmental conditions IB9 IIA4 Distribution of Field study of a barnacles; different named local parts of rocky habitat; shore inter-relationship of organisms IIA1(c) Flow chart; energy flow; carbon cycle; photoautotrophic & (b) Energy flow and nutrient cycling in the ecosystem chemoheterotrophic organisms IB10 Two protozoan species; population IB11 Interaction betw. grass & legume; biomass; inoculation with Rhizobium (c) Interdependence of organisms (d) Succession IA7 Biodeterioration; micro-organisms 3. The economoc significance of micro-organisms 4. Man’s impact on the environment (a) Resource exploitation IIC12 Essay: World's food supply & demand (b) The effects of agriculture IIC10 Essay: Adverse effects on biosphere (c) Pollution (i) Atmospheric pollution IIC9 Essay: Biological significance of greenhouse effect to plants (ii) Water pollution 5. Man’s responsibility for environmental protection and conservation IIC11 Essay: Development of marine farming as food for man IIC10 Essay: Ecological problems of Tolo Harbour IIC12 Essay: Rapid destruction of world's tropical rain forests IA6(a) Non-renewable resources IB10 Exp. on uptake of faecal bacteria by oysters in HK coastal waters IIC9 Essay: Impact of solid wastes disposal IIC13 Essay: Waste recycling IIC8 Essay: Country Parks in HK IA6(b) Eutrophication IIC10 Essay: Pros & cons of role of zoos IIC12 Essay: Education; animal rights Miscellaneous THE END