PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 1 EXOPLANETS: Prof Michael SMITH An extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is a planet outside the Solar System Module page: latest on discovery methods: latest on discoveries: TOPICS COVERED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction: Review & Status Measurement : Dynamics, Binaries2-component systems Definitions, planets, disks; Detection methods Populations Theory of formation Theory of evolution, Migration/eccentricity Review We are still in the early days of a revolution in the field of planetary sciences that was triggered by the discovery of planets around other stars. . Showing 661 planetary systems / 838 planets / 125 multiple planet systems as of 22/09/2012 Showing 750 planetary systems / 986 planets / 168 multiple planet systems as of 28/09/2013 Comparative planetology, which once included only our Solar System's planets and moons, now includes sub-Neptune to superJupiter-mass planets in other solar systems. Overview of units: mass, distance and constitution 1 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Mass: Sun Jupiter 's mass Earth's mass Sun 2 1.989 10 30 kg MJ = 1.898 1027 kg ME = 5.974 1024 kg = 300,000 Jupiter = Neptune = Mercury = Professor Michael Smith ME 300 ME 17.1 ME 0.0553 ME. Orbit/Distance: 1 astronomical units (AU) = 1.496 108 km, distance between Earth and Sun Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Distance from Sun in AU 0.39 0.72 1.0 1.5 5.2 9.5 19.2 30.1 39.5 Constitution Sun + MVEM gas rock + asteroids (Ceres) + JSUN rock gas 2 + P rock/ice PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 3 SUN: 99.85% of SS mass, 92% H, 8% He Density kg/m3 1 Earth 5515 2 Mercury 5427 3 Venus 5243 4 Mars 3933 5 Moon 3350 6 Pluto 1750 7 Neptune 1638 8 Sun 1408 9 Jupiter 1326 10 Uranus 1270 11 Saturn 687 + moons, comets, asteroids, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, debris, dust Back to Review HOT JUPITERS Began earnestly in 1995 by definite discovering hot jupiters. SUPER-EARTHS Thanks to remarkable progress, radial velocity surveys are now able to detect terrestrial planets at habitable distance from low-mass stars. The unexpected diversity of exoplanets includes a growing number of superEarth planets, i.e., exoplanets with masses smaller than 10 Earth masses. Unlike the larger exoplanets previously found, these smaller planets are more likely to have similar chemical and mineralogical composition to the Earth. EARTHS-TWINS And since 2011 we discuss earth twins ……. In April 2013, using observations by NASA's Kepler Mission, a team led by William Borucki, of the agency's Ames Research Center, found five planets orbiting in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star, Kepler-62, 1,200 light years from Earth. These new super-Earths have radii of 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.9 times that of Earth. Theoretical modelling of two of these superEarths, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f, suggests both could be solid, either rocky or rocky with frozen water. 3 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 4 On June 25, 2013 Three “super Earth” planets have been found orbiting a nearby star at a distance where life in theory could exist, according to a record-breaking tally announced on Tuesday by the European Southern Observatory. They are part of a cluster of as many as seven planets that circle Gliese 667C, one of three stars located a relatively close 22 light years from Earth in the constellation of Scorpio, it said. The planets orbit Gliese 667C in the so-called Goldilocks Zone — a distance from the star at which the temperature is just right for water to exist in liquid form rather than being stripped away by stellar radiation or locked permanently in ice. DOPPLER METHOD SPECTROSCOPY: RADIAL VELOCITY Gliese 581d & Goldilocks. In April 2007, a team of 11 European scientists announced the discovery of a planet outside our solar system that is potentially habitable, with Earth-like temperatures. The planet was discovered by the European Southern Observatory's telescope in La Silla, Chile, which has a special instrument that splits light to find wobbles in different wave lengths, HARPS. Those wobbles can reveal the existence of other worlds. Gliese 581c. What they revealed is a planet circling the red dwarf star, Gliese 581. The discovery of the new planet, named Gliese 581c, is sure to fuel studies of planets circling similar dim stars. About 80 percent of the stars near Earth are red dwarfs. Super-earth. The new planet is about five times heavier than Earth, classifying it as a superearth. Its discoverers aren't certain if it is rocky, like Earth, or if it is a frozen ice ball with liquid water on the surface. If it is rocky like Earth, which is what the prevailing theory proposes, it has a diameter about 1 1/2 times bigger than our planet. If it is an iceball, it would be even bigger. Gliese 581: M star: 3480K, mass: 0.31 solar masses; 0.29 solar radii Luminosity: 0.013 solar Hot Neptune Gl 581b 15.7 ME 0.041 AU Super-earth Gl 581c 5.06ME 0.073 AU Super-earth Gl 581d 8.3 ME 0.22 AU Gl 581c: a pleasant 20C (albedo = 0.5 assumed) Greenhouse? 4 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 5 Tidal locking? Extremophiles? However, further research on the potential effects of the planetary atmosphere casts doubt upon the (extremophile life form) habitability of Gliese 581c and indicates that the third planet in the system, Gliese 581d, is a better candidate for habitability. An extremophile is an organism that thrives in and may even require physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are detrimental to the majority of life on Earth. Most known extremophiles are microbes. Currently, Gliese 581d, the third planet of the red dwarf star Gliese 581 (approximately 6.12 parsecs from Earth), appears to be the best example yet discovered of a possible terrestrial exoplanet which orbits close to the habitable zone of space surrounding its star. Going by strict terms, it appears to reside outside the "Goldilocks Zone", but the greenhouse effect may raise the planet's surface temperature to that which would support liquid water. HZ – Habitable Zone: life zone", "Comfort Zone", "Green Belt" or "Goldilocks Zone" (because it's neither too hot nor too cold, but "just right") Planet “c” receives 30% more energy from its star than Venus from the Sun, with an increased radiative forcing caused by the spectral energy distribution of Gl 581. This planet is thus unlikely to host liquid water, although its habitability cannot be positively ruled out by theoretical models due to uncertainties affecting cloud properties and cloud cover. Highly reflective clouds covering at least 75% of the day side of the planet could indeed prevent the water reservoir from being entirely vaporized. Planet “d”. Irradiation conditions of planet “d” are comparable to those of early Mars, which is known to have hosted surface liquid water. Thanks to the greenhouse effect of CO2-ice clouds, also invoked to explain the early Martian climate, planet “d” might be a better candidate for the first exoplanet known to be potentially habitable. Sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The photosynthesissustaining habitable zone (pHZ) is determined by the limits of biological productivity on the planetary surface. 5 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 6 Although Gliese 581 d orbits outside the theoretical habitable zone of its star, scientists surmise that conditions on the planet may be conducive to supporting life. Scientists originally believed that Gliese 581 d would be too cold for liquid water to exist, and therefore could not support life in forms as existing on Earth. However, since Earth's temperature would be about -19°C without any greenhouse gases, and due to a theorized greenhouse effect of Gliese 581 d, research now suggests that atmospheric conditions on the planet could create temperatures at which liquid water can exist, and therefore the planet may be capable of supporting life. Now: f and g have been discovered but NOT confirmed. Gliese 581 g has attracted attention because it is near the middle of the habitable zone of its parent star. That means it could sustain liquid water on its surface and could potentially host life similar to that on Earth. Top view of the GJ 581 system. For reference, the orbits of Earth, Venus, and Mercury are overlaid as dashed blue, green, and red lines, respectively. 6 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 7 7 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith DOPPLER METHOD 8 8 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 9 Radial velocity method permits a minimum planet mass to be determined. HARPS is a vacuum spectrograph designed to measure precise radial velocities, with the specific goal of searching for exoplanets in the Southern hemisphere. This high-resolution Echelle spectrograph (R=115000) is fiber-fed by the ESO 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla Observatory. R is the spectral Resolution: R = c / v. So R=15,000 is not itself very good. TRANSITS Currently the most important class of exoplanets are those that transit the disk of their parent stars, allowing for a determination of planetary radii. SELECTION: Of course, while planets close to their parent stars will preferentially be found, due to their shorter orbital periods and greater likelihood to transit, planetary transits will be detected at all orbital separations. CONFIRMATION: In general, the detection of three successive transits will be necessary for a confirmed detection, which will limit confirmed planetary-radius objects to about 1.5 AU. DENSITIES: The first confirmed transiting planets observed were all more massive than Saturn, have orbital periods of only a few days, and orbit stars bright enough such that radial velocities can be determined, allowing for a calculation of planetary masses and bulk densities. A planetary mass and radius allows us a window into planetary composition (Guillot 2005). The first transiting planets were mainly gas giants although one planet, HD 149026b, appears to be 2/3 heavy elements by mass (Sato et al. 2005; Fortney et al. 2006; Ikoma et al. 2006). Understanding how the transiting planet mass-radius relations change as a function of orbital distance, stellar mass, stellar metallicity, or UV flux, will provide insight into the fundamentals of planetary formation, migration, and evolution. The transit method of planet detection is biased toward finding planets that orbit relatively close to their parent stars. This means 9 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 10 that radial velocity follow-up will be possible for some planets as the stellar "wobble" signal is larger for shorter period orbits. However, for transiting planets that are low mass, or that orbit very distant stars, stellar radial velocity measurements may not be possible. For planets at larger orbital distances, radial velocity observations may take years. Therefore, for the foreseeable future a measurement of planetary radii will be our only window into the structure of these planets. Orbital distances may give some clues as to a likely composition, but our experience over the past decade with Pegasi planets (or "hot Jupiters") has shown us the danger of assuming certain types of planets cannot exist at unexpected orbital distances. SPACE MISSIONS The French/European COROT mission, launched in 2006 December, and the American Kepler mission, launched 2009 March 6 have revolutionized the study of exoplanets. COROT monitored 12,000 stars in each of five different fields, each for 150 continuous days. COROT detected its first extrasolar planet, COROT-Exo-1b, in May 2007. Planets as small as RE could be detectable around solar-type stars. The mission lifetime is expected to be at least 2.5 yr (extended to 2010 COROT-7b (previously named COROT-Exo-7b)[4][5] is a reported exoplanet orbiting around the star COROT-7. It was detected by the French-led COROT mission in 2009. It is the smallest exoplanet to have its diameter measured, at 1.7 times that of the Earth (which would give it a volume 4.9 times Earth's). The mass of COROT-7b is about 4.8 Earth masses,[2] so its density is similar to Earth's. It is possible from this to exclude that the planet is made purely of iron, but other compositions, including a predominantly rocky one, are possible.[1] It orbits very close to its star with an orbital period of 20 hours. The star, in the constellation Monoceros, is 150 parsecs (490 ly) away and is slightly smaller than the Sun. The Kepler mission (Transit Method) continuously monitors one patch of sky in the Cygnus region, monitoring over 100,000 main-sequence stars. The expected mission lifetime is 3-5 years. Detection of sub-Earth size planets is the mission's goal, with detection of planets with radii as small at 1 Mercury radius is possible around M stars. 10 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 11 Until the announcement of Kepler-10b in January 2011, it was the smallest exoplanet to have its diameter measured, at 1.58 times that of the Earth (which would give it a volume 3.95 times Earth's), and the first potential extrasolar terrestrial planet to be found. The planet is also notable for its very short orbital period, revolving around its host star in less than one day. Kepler-10b is the first confirmed terrestrial planet to have been discovered outside the Solar System.[3] Discovered after several months of data collection during the course of the NASA-directed Kepler Mission, which aims to discover Earth-like planets crossing in front of their host stars, the planet's discovery was announced on January 10, 2011. Kepler-10b has a mass between 3.3 and 5.7 Earth masses and a radius of 1.4 Earth radii. However, it lies extremely close to its star, Kepler-10, and as a result is too hot to support life. As of December 2011, there are a total of 2,326 candidates.[9][10] Of these, 207 are similar in size to Earth, 680 are super-Earth-size, 1,181 are Neptune-size, 203 are Jupiter-size and 55 are larger than Jupiter. Moreover, 48 planet candidates were found in the habitable zones of surveyed stars. The Kepler team estimated that 5.4% of all stars host Earth-size planet candidates, and that 17% of all stars have multiple planets. Multiple-Planet Systems: The latest: HD10180 HD 10180 is a solar-type star that is thought to harbour seven planets, possibly 9! The system contains five planets with minimum masses from 12 to 25 times Earth's (comparable to the mass of the ice giant planets Uranus and Neptune in our Solar System) at orbital radii of 0.06, 0.13, 0.27, 0.49 and 1.42 AU. There is also an Earth-sized planet located at 0.02 AU (minimum mass 1.4 times Earth's; and a orbital period of 1.17 days. A Saturn-sized giant planet at 3.4 AU (minimum mass 65 times Earth's. Orbital radii ranging from about one seventeenth that of Mercury . The outermost planet revolves at a distance from HD 10180 comparable to the distance of the outer part of the main asteroid belt from our Sun. 11 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 12 The planetary system contains no planets in mean motion resonances, although it has a number of near resonances.[8] The approximate ratios of periods of adjacent orbits are (proceeding outward): 1:5, 1:3, 1:3, 2:5, 1:5, 3:11. Very massive systems are all found around metal-rich stars more massive than the Sun, while low-mass systems are only found around metal-deficient stars less massive than the Sun. It thus appears that both quantities independently impact the mass of formed planets. When both effects of stellar mass and metallicity are combined, we obtain an even stronger correlation between total planetary system mass and total metal content in the star. Exoplamets are associated with: Fusing stars, Pulsars, Brown dwarfs There is currently at least one known planet orbiting a brown dwarf. Direct detection: must be large and distant from star RESOURCES Book: Chapter 23 of Carroll & Ostlie, Modern Astronomy, second edition 732 planets 3469 unconfirmed Kepler candidates Candidates detected by microlensing 13 planets 12 planetary systems 1 multiple planet systems Candidates detected by imaging 25 planets 22 planetary systems 1 multiple planet systems 12 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 13 Candidates detected by timing 14 planets 9 planetary systems 4 multiple planet systems + some cluster and free floating?, plenty of candidates, retractions, …… Names: According to astronomical naming conventions, the official designation for a body orbiting a star is the star's catalogue number followed by a letter. The star itself is designated with the letter 'a', and orbiting bodies by 'b', 'c', etc 13 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 14 14 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 15 15 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 16 16 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 17 17 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 18 18 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith Log scale: 19 19 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 20 20 PH709 Extrasolar Planets - 1 Professor Michael Smith 21 21