" ,\ TABLE OF CONTENTS A detailed Table of Contents for each title in this V olume appears at the beginning of the title. Page Arrangement ofTides by V olume References Abbreviations Table ofStatutes [7] and [11 ] [13] Table ofStatutory Instruments [17] Table ofCases [23] 1 Real Property Part 1 Property and Conveyancing 16 471 Part 2 Registration ofTide . Receivers 675 Registration Concerning the Individual . 677 Rentcharges 789 Index. 813 [9] .... REAL PROPERTY Outline Table ofContents Page 1 2 16 471 Alphabetical List of Statutes Preliminary Note . Pt 1 : Property and Conveyancing Pt 2: Registration of Title Cross References For Administrators Advowsons Agrieultural Tenancies . Annuities . Building Regulation Commons . Compulsory Acquisition ofLand Crown Lands See title Devolution. Drainage and Improvement ofLand . Easement s . Exeeutors . Foreshore Leases .Lieensed Conveyancing . lmprovement Limitation of Actions Marriage ofLand Settlements Matrimonial Property . Mines and Minerals Minors Perpetuities Portions Preseription Profits a Prendre . Renteharg es Sale ofLand Settled Land T enaneies . Tenant for Life Executors and Adminİstrators Ecclesİastİeal Law Agrİeulture (Pt 3) Renteharges London; Pubhe Health Commons Compulsory Aequİsİtİon Constitutİonal Law (Pt 2(d)) Exeeutors and Admİnİstrators Land Draİnage and Improvement Easements and Profıts a Prendre Exeeutors and Admİnİstrators ConstİtutİonalLaw (Pt 2(d)); Water Agrİculture (Pt 3); Land Draİnage and Improvemem Landlord and Tenant Notaries and Lİeensed Conveyaneers Lİmİtatİon of Actİons Trusts and Settlements (Pt 2) Matrimonİal Law (Pt 2) Mİnes, Mİnerals and Quarrİes Chİldren Perpetuİ ties Trusts and Settlements (Pt 2) Easements and Profıts a Prendre Easements and Profıts a Prendre Renteharges Sale of Land Trusts and Settlements (Pt 2) Landlord and Tenant Trusts and Settlements (Pt 2) EcclesİastİeaI Law (Pt 9) Town and Country Planning Trusts and Settlements (Pt 1) W ills Tithes Town Planning . Trusts Wills Alphabetical List ofStatutes Page Administration ofJustice Act 1956 ss 53, 57 . Administration ofJustice Act 1970 ss 36, 38A, 39, 54(1), (2), (4), (6) Administration ofJustice Act 1973 ss 8, 20(1)(b), 21 Bodies Corporate (Joint Tenancy) Act 1899 Cestui que Vie Act 1666 1. 652 397 432 63 26 -'" 16 VOL 37 REAL PROPERTY (PT 1) Part 1 Property and Conveyancing TabIe ofContents Statute ofWestminster the Second (1285), c 1 Quia Emptores (1289-90) Statute conceming Tenants by the Curtesy of England (ternp. incert.) . Statute ofUses (1535) Tenures Abolition Act 1660 Cestui que Vie Act 1666 Cestui que Vie Act 1707 Fines and Recoveries Act 1833 . Conveyancing Act 1881 Land Transfer Act 1897 . Bodies Corporate (Joint Tenancy) Act 1899 Law ofProperty Act 1922, ss 137,144, 144A, 188, 191 . Law ofProperty (Amendment) Act 1924 Law ofProperty Act 1925 Law ofProperty (Amendment) Act 1926 Law ofProperty (Amendment) Act 1929 Law ofProperty (Entailed Interests) Act 1932 Law ofProperty (Joint Tenants) Act 1964 . Law ofProperty Act 1969, ss 23-25, 28, 29, 31 Administration of)ustice Act 1970, ss 36, 38A, 39, 54(1), (2), (4), (6) Land Charges Act 1972 . Administration of)ustice Act 1973, ss 8, 20(1)(b), 21 Local Land Charges Act 1975 . Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, ss 33, 47(2), 49, Sch 7, Pts XII, XIII Reverter ofSites Act 1987 Page 16 19 20 21 25 26 28 31 56 60 63 64 69 72 384 387 388 389 391 397 401 432 435 , 455 460 13 EDW 1 (STATUTE OF WESTMINSTER THE SECOND) (1285) ST A TUTES OF KING EDWARD Made at WESTMINSTER in his P ARLIAMENT, at EASTER, in the THIRTEENTH YEAR ofhis Reign The numbered notes refer to words which appear only in certain printed versions of this Act. Other words in square brackets to which there are no specific notes have been written in modern English for the purpose of clarification. Northern Ireland. C 1 below applies. Whereas of Iate our lord the King, in the quinzim of Saint John Baptist, the sixth year ofhis reign, calling together the prelates, earls, barons, and his council at Gloucester, and considering that divers of this realm were disherited, by reason that in many cases, where remedy should have been had there was none provided by him nor his predecessors, ordained certain statutes right necessaryand profıtable for his realm, whereby the people ı LAN D REGISTRY ACT 1862 471 Part 2 Registration ofTitte Table ofContents Page 471 514 516 647 648 652 653 654 663 669 Land Registry Act 1862 . Y orkshire Registries Act 1884 . Land Registration Act 1925 und Registration Act 1936 Middlesex Deeds Act 1940 Administration ofJustice Act 1956, ss 53, 57 Land Registration Act 1966 LawofProperty Act 1969, ss 16-22,30,31, Sch 2. Land Registration and Land Charges Act 1971 Land Registration Act 1986 LANDREGISTRY ACT 1862 (25 & 26 Vict c 53) Section 1 Extent ARRANGEMENT SECTIONS OF Page 474 PART I As TO THE REGISTRATION OF REAL ESTATES, AND THE TITLE THERETO 475 475 475 2 Registry to be established 3 Limits of registry 4 By whom application for registration to be made Proceedings to obtain Registration <if a Title as indifeasible i ii / 476 476 476 476 477 477 477 477 478 478 479 5 Examination of tide 6 Reference of questions as to tide 7 Particulars to be furnished to registrar 8 Description may be verified on oath 9 Claim to mines and minerals. 10 Identity oflands to be established 11 Notice of intention to register 12 Contents of notice 13 Cause may be shown against registration . 14 Completion of registration 15 Books may be inspected As to the Record <if Title 16 As to exceptions, ete, in record of tide 17 Any question as to the true construction of any deed, ete, to be referred by registrar to judge . 18 Registrar may refer in record of tide to deed, ete, for estates of parties 19 Persons entided to proceeds of trust for sale, ete, not to be entered in record of tide unless registrar thinks fit 479 479 480 480 REGISTRATION CONCERNING THE INDIVIDUAL Table ofContents . Prıliminary Note Non-parochia! Registers Act 1840 Marriage and Registration Act 1856 . Births and Deaths Registration Act 1858 Births and Deaths Registration Act 1874 Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Army) Act 1879 CeIııUS Act 1920 . Births and Deaths Registration Act 1926 Population (Statistics) Act 1938 Marriage Act 1949, ss 53-67,74,76,78(1), (2),80(1), (2), (4) . Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 Registration Service Act 1953 . Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Special Provisions) Act 1957 . Population (Statistics) Act 1960 Industrial Diseases (Notification) Act 1981 . Family Law Reform Act 1987, ss 24,25,31,33(2), (3), 34(1)-(3), (5), Sch 3, paras 11, Page 677 680 687 688 690 692 693 700 703 706 722 759 774 780 781 782 12 . Cross References For See title Baptism and parochia! registers Birth, Concea!ment Burial Citizenship, by Registration Coraners . Evidence False statements lnguest Legitimacy . Marriage . Medical practitioners Midwives . Parentage, determination of, declaration of . Ecclesiastica! La w (Pt 1 (d» Crimina! Law Buria! and Cremation Nationa!ity and Immigration Coroners Evidence Crimina! Law Coroners Children Matrimonia! Law (Pt 1) Medicine and Pharmacy (Pt 1) Medicine and Pharmacy (Pt 1) Children; Matrimonia! Law (Pt 3) Preliminary Note This tide deals mainly with the registration ofbirths, deaths and marriages under the 1 Actsknown collectively as the Registration Acts (see the Registration Service Act 1953, ı21(l)). For the principal subordinate legislation made under those Acts, see (in relation to marriage) the Registration of Marriage Regulations 1986, SI 1986/1442, and (in re/alion nowonly to births and deaths) the Registration ofBirths, Deaths and Marriages Regulations 1968, SI 1968/2049. 677 RENTCHARGES AND ANNUITIES Table ofContents Page 789 794 Preliminary Nofe . Rentcharges Act 1977 Cross References See title For Annuity certificate Annuity, government and savings bank Annuity, registration as land charge . Apportionment Charging orders by local authorities . Deed, creating rentcharge Distress, to recover rentcharge . Extinction of rentcharge Improvement charge Income tax . lnheritance tax Personal representatives, powers and liabilities Receiver, appointment . Settlements, powers of tenant for life. Tithe rentcharge and tithe redemption annuities, abolition . Wills Local Government; Money (Pt 3) Savings Banks Real Property (Pt 1) Compulsory Acquisition; Landlord and Tenant (Pt 1); Real Property (Pt 1) Housing; Public Health Real Property (Pt 1) Compulsory Acquisition; Real Prop erty (Pt 1) Limitation of Actions Agriculture (Pt 4); Land Drainage and Improvement; Trusts and Setde ments (Pt 2) Taxation Taxation Executors and Administrators; Trusts and Setdements Real Property (Pt 1) Trusts and Setdements Ecclesiastical Law (Pt 9) Wills Preliminary N ote Rentcharges A rentcharge is a certain annual sum of money issuing out of or charged upon lan d to which charge the re is incident a right of distress (cf Re Lord Gerard and Beecham's Contract [1894] 3 Ch 295 at 311, 63 LJ Ch 695, CA, per Lord Herschell, LC). Ifit is a rentcharge in possession issuing out of or charged on land being either perpetual or for a term of years absolute then it is capable of being created for a legal interest; other rentcharges take effect as equitable interests (Law of Property Act 1925, s 1 (2), (3), (8), title Real Property (Pt 1) ante). The Law ofProperty (Entailed Interests) Act 1932, s 2, title Real Property (Pt 1) ante, explains that a rentcharge (not being a rentcharge limited to take effect in remainder af ter or expectant on the failure or de ter mina tion of some other interest) is a rentcharge in possession (and consequently can subsist as a legal interest) although the payments in respect thereof are limited to commence or accrue at some time subsequent to its creation. A rentcharge is within the definition of "land" for the purposes of the Law of Property Act 1925, and includes by definition in that Act fee [arm rents; see s 205(1)(ix), (xxiii) of that Act, title Real Property (Pt 1) ante. Since 789