Index for Friends Magazine 1-50 magazine format

Kings Park Guides
Key: #
issue number
Friends Foundation Meeting
Guides begin 1984
Cryostorage technique
Grevillea scapigera
Botanic Garden Flowering May-July
#1 A 1993 p1
#1 A 1993 p2
#1 A 1993 p4
#1 A 1993 p4
#1 A 1993 p4
#1 A 1993 p4
Oak (the lone Royal Oak)
Memorial plaques in May Drive
Eucalyptus botryoides
Memorial trees – Records of Fallen
Bushland management plan (Draft)
Bushland stories – Steve Hopper
Pea Flowers
Kangaroo Paws
#2 W 1993 p1
#2 W 1993 p1
#2 W 1993 p1
#2 W 1993 p1
#2 W 1993 p1
#2 W 1993 p2
#2 W 1993 p2
#2 W 1993 p2
#2 W 1993 p2
#2 W 1993 p2
#2 W 1993 p2
Wildflower Festival 1993
Wildflower exhibition (1964)
Wildflower exhibition renamed
Wildflower festival themes
Wildflower video
+Kangaroo Paws and Catspaws
+ Hopper, S, Kangaroo Paws….
What’s flowering? Oct – Dec
Christmas Tree
Nuytsia floribunda
Banksia (Slender or Candle)
Banksia attenuata
Leschenaultia (Free-Flowering)
Lechenaultia floribunda
Rose Banjine
Pimelia rosea
Eucalyptus marginata
Buttercups, Hibbertia species
Fan Flowers, Scaevola species
Calytrix (Pink Summer)
Calytrix fraseri
Myrtle (Honey)
Melaleuca species
Tree Smokebush
Conospermum triplinervium
#3 Sp 1993 p1
#3 Sp 1993 p1
#3 Sp 1993 p1
#3 Sp 1993 p1
#3 Sp 1993 p2
#3 Sp 1993 p2
#3 Sp 1993 p2
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
#3 Sp 1993 p4
(magazine format)
For People and Plants
Newsletter of the Friends of Kings Park
Fraser’s Restaurant Complex 1993
Kings Park Garden Restaurant 1957
Restaurant (Fraser’s)
Restaurant (Kings Park Garden)
Tearooms (Terrace Tearooms)
Tearooms (Mt Eliza Tearooms)
Mount Eliza Tearooms 1909
Terrace Tearooms 1899
What’s flowering? Dec – March
Lily (Yellow Autumn)
Tricoryne elatior
Sand Bottlebrush
Beaufortia squarrosa
Eucalyptus calophylla
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p1
#4 Su 1993 p4
#4 Su 1993 p4
#4 Su 1993 p4
#4 Su 1993 p4
#4 Su 1993 p4
#4 Su 1993 p4
#4 Su 1993 p4
Kings Park corporate logo 1994
Bunya Bunya Pine
Araucaria bidwillii
+Common Animals in Kings Park
+Tingay, A & S, Common Animals….
#5 A
#5 A
#5 A
#5 A
#5 A
1994 p1
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p3
1994 p3
Art in the Park
Year of the Family 1994
Ernst Wittwer Playground
What’s Flowering? May - July
Firewood Banksia
Banksia menziesii
Native Wisteria
Hardenbergia comptoniana
Hovea (Common)
Hovea trisperma
Lomandra preissii
Prickly Moses
Acacia pulchella
Orchid ( Banded Greenhood)
Donkey Orchid (Common)
Hackett’s Hop Bush
Dodonaea hackettiana
Bushland Management Plan
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
#6 W
1994 p1
1994 p1
1994 p1
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p2
1994 p3
Centennial Enhancement Project
Guiding in the Park 1946 – 1994
Art in the Park
Bushland Regeneration 1994
Wildflower Festival 30 Sept – 4 Oct
Eremophila – theme for Festival
Tar Bush, Eremophila glabra
Eremophila glabra, Tar Bush
Wildflower Festival theme 1994
#7 Sp 1994 p1
#7 Sp 1994 p2
#7 Sp 1994 p4
#7 Sp 1994 p5
#7 Sp 1994 p6
#7 Sp 1994 p6
#7 Sp 1994 p6
#7 Sp 1994 p6
#7 Sp 1994 p6
Centenary Year 1995
What’s Flowering? (banksias)
Banksias in the bushland
Floral Clock
Guides’ new Info Centre opens 3 Nov
#8 Su 1994 p1
#8 Su 1994 p2
#8 Su 1994 p2
#8 Su 1994 p4
#8 Su 1994 p5
Kings Park Mission Statement
Kings Park Visitor Focus Charter
Kings Park Centenary Year
Bushland Regeneration 1995
Woody Weeds use Bradley Method
Bradley method of Woody Weeding
Kings Park by-laws 1904
Floral Clock
What’s flowering? Feb – May
Red-flowering Gum
Eucalyptus ficifolia
Corymbia calophylla
Lemon-scented Gums
Corymbia citriodora
Cockies Tongues
Templetonia retusa
Rushes, Restionaceae
Sedges, Cyperaceae
#9 A 1995 p1
#9 A 1995 p1
#9 A 1995 p1
#9 A 1995 p2
#9 A 1995 p2
#9 A 1995 p2
#9 A 1995 p3
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
#9 A 1995 p5
Art in the Park opening (Saw Avenue)
Centennial Enhancement Project
Ways to be Active in the Park (insert)
Rare and Endangered Plant Rescue
Genetic monitoring (definition)
Tissue culture (definition)
Cryostorage (definition)
Corrigin Grevillea
Grevillea scapigera
Meelup Mallee
Eucalyptus phylacis
Wattle (Golden)
Acacia pycnantha
#10 W 1995 p1
#10 W 1995 p1
#10 W 1995 p1
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p3
#10 W 1995 p7
#10 W 1995 p7
#10 W 1995 p7
+The Private Life of Plants
+Attenborough, D, The Private Life….
Centennial Enhancement Project
Haemodoraceae Family
Wildflower Festival theme 1995
Western Australia’s floral emblem
Anigozanthos manglesii ssp manglesii
Kangaroo Paws and related plants
#11 Sp 1995 p3
#11 Sp 1995 p3
#11 Sp 1995 p4
#11 Sp 1995 p5
#11 Sp 1995 p5
#11 Sp 1995 p5
#11 Sp 1995 p5
#11 Sp 1995 p5
Agonis flexuosa
Peppermint (Native)
#11 Sp 1995 p6
#11 Sp 1995 p6
Centennial Board (Committee) meeting
Bushfire in the Park
Lily (Bugle)
Watsonia bulbifera
Orchids recorded in Kings Park 1995
Signs in the Park
Wildflower Festival 28 Sept – 2 Oct
#12 Su 1995 p1
#12 Su 1995 p2
#12 Su 1995 p7
#12 Su 1995 p7
#12 Su 1995 p7
#12 Su 1995 p7
#12 Su 1995 p8
Bushfire in Kings Park 1996
Kings Park areas burnt 1989 / 1996
Hectare (one) = 2.5 acres
Smoky Water, making
Woody Weeds
Kings Park Fires and Fauna
Sugar Gums
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Wildflower Festival 21 – 30 Sept
Eucalyptus erythrocorys
#13 A 1996 p1
#13 A 1996 p2
#13 A 1996 p2
#13 A 1996 p5
#13 A 1996 p5
#13 A 1996 p6
#13 A 1996 p7
#13 A 1996 p7
#13 A 1996 p7
#13 A 1996 p7
#13 A 1996 p7
Kings Park funding for upgrading
Scarp restoration
Edith Cowan Memorial Clock-tower
Ivey Watson Playground / Hale Oval
Playground (Ivey Watson)
Rare and Endangered Garden
Grevillea (Pouched)
Grevillea saccata
#14 W 1996 p1
#14 W 1996 p3
#14 W 1996 p6
#14 W 1996 p6
#14 W 1996 p6
#14 W 1996 p7
#14 W 1996 p7
#14 W 1996 p7
Wildflower Festival (new site) 21-30Sept
Scarp snail
Snails (Mt Eliza scarp)
Lechenaultia biloba
Tornado in the Park
Woody Weeds
Orchid (new) recorded in the Park
Banksia bed seating
#15 Sp 1996 p1
#15 Sp 1996 p3
#15 Sp 1996 p3
#15 Sp 1996 p3
#15 Sp 1996 p3
#15 Sp 1996 p4
#15 Sp 1996 p6
#15 Sp 1996 p7
#15 Sp 1996 p7
Lotteries Family Area
Ivey Watson Playground & Café
Playground & Café ( Ivey Watson )
Gladiolus (Wild)
Gladiolus caryophyllaceus
Harlequin Flower
Sparaxis bulbifera
Mulla Mulla
Prince of Wales Feather
Ptilotus polystacchyus
Narrowleaf Mulla Mulla
Ptilotus drummondii
#16 Su 1996 p1
#16 Su 1996 p1
#16 Su 1996 p1
#16 Su 1996 p6
#16 Su 1996 p6
#16 Su 1996 p6
#16 Su 1996 p6
#16 Su 1996 p7
#16 Su 1996 p7
#16 Su 1996 p7
#16 Su 1996 p7
#16 Su 1996 p7
Kings Park first theatrical event
#17 A 1997 p1
Guides alphabetical index
Wildflower Festival 20 – 29 Sept
Bushland / Jarrah & Tuart
Jarrah restoration in Kings Park
Tuart restoration in Kings Park
Spiders (Trapdoor) on the scarp
Scarp spider (Trapdoor)
#17 A 1997 p2
#17 A 1997 p2
#17 A 1997 p3
#17 A 1997 p3
#17 A 1997 p3
#17 A 1997 p5
#17 A 1997 p5
Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal
#18 W 1997 p1
Guides National Conference, Brisbane #18 W 1997 p2
Kings Park Framework Plan 1997
#18 W 1997 p3
Bushland management
#18 W 1997 p4
Aboriginal Art Gallery opened
#18 W 1997 p5
Watering system upgrade
#18 W 1997 p6
Master Gardeners’ Programme
#18 W 1997 p7
Wildflower Festival 1997
#18 W 1997 p7
Wildflower Festival 1997
Roe Memorial garden beds upgrade
Lotteries Family Area ‘soft’ opening
Bushland Restoration Programme
Bushland Management – veld grass
Veld grass control
Jarrah/Tuart restoration in the Park
Tuart/Jarrah restoration in the Park
Scarp – new discoveries
#19 Sp 1997 p1
#19 Sp 1997 p3
#19 Sp 1997 p6
#19 Sp 1997 p6
#19 Sp 1997 p8
#19 Sp 1997 p8
#19 Sp 1997 p9
#19 Sp 1997 p9
#19 Sp 1997 p10
Lotteries Family Area opening
۞ Kings Park Bushland, early impacts on
Kings Park Federation Flame
Federation Flame
Wildflower Festival news
Guides National Conference, Brisbane
Fusilade (herbicide)
Woody Weeds
Peppermint (Native or Weeping)
Agonis flexuosa
Acacia lasiocalyx (Wilyurwur)
#20 Su 1997 p1
#20 Su 1997 p1
#20 Su 1997 p2
#20 Su 1997 p2
#20 Su 1997 p4
#20 Su 1997 p6
#20 Su 1997 p8
#20 Su 1997 p8
#20 Su 1997 p8
#20 Su 1997 p8
#20 Su 1997 p8
Kings Park pre-stamped envelope
Tissue Culture
South African War Memorial
War Memorial, South African
Queen Victoria Monument
Memorials and Monuments
Anzac Day 25 April 1998
Anzac Day posies on plaques
Seed collecting in the bushland
#21 A 1998 p1
#21 A 1998 p2
#21 A 1998 p2
#21 A 1998 p4
#21 A 1998 p4
#21 A 1998 p5
#21 A 1998 p5
#21 A 1998 p6
#21 A 1998 p6
#21 A 1998 p10
Botanic Gardens & Parks Authority Bil
WA Plants & World Horticulture
Fungi of Kings Park
Lotteries Family Area Update
Cryostorage 1998
Woody Weeds
Brachychiton populneus
#22 W 1998 p1
#22 W 1998 p2
#22 W 1998 p4
#22 W 1998 p6
#22 W 1998 p7
#22 W 1998 p8
#22 W 1998 p8
#22 W 1998 p8
Wildflower Festival 18 – 28 Sept
Bold Park Reserve created
Kings Park Tip Site Restoration
Boabs in the Botanic Garden
Lechenaultia biloba
Blue Leschenaultia
Fungi in Ecosystems
Bushland Restoration
Jarrah/Tuart restoration
Tuart/Jarrah restoration
#23 Sp 1998 p3
#23 Sp 1998 p4
#23 Sp 1998 p5
#23 Sp 1998 p8
#23 Sp 1998 p8
#23 Sp 1998 p9
#23 Sp 1998 p10
#23 Sp 1998 p10
#23 Sp 1998 p10
Acacia Garden & Steps Launch
#24 Su 1998 p1
Spiders (Trapdoor) on Mt Eliza
#24 Su 1998 p5
Scarp Spiders (Trapdoor)
#24 Su 1998 p5
Wildflower Festival 1998
#24 Su 1998 p9
Sunset Cinema opens in Kings Park #24 Su 1998 p12
Fraser Avenue Redevelopment
#24 Su 1998 p13
Butterfly (Painted Lady)
#24 Su 1998 p13
Summer Flowering Plants
#24 Su 1998 p14
Sturt Desert Pea
#24 Su 1998 p14
Swainsona formosa
#24 Su 1998 p14
Gomphrena canescens
#24 Su 1998 p15
Water Garden Project launched
Women’s Suffrage (Centenary)
Suffrage (Centenary of Women’s)
Honour Avenue Opening 1919
Honour Avenues Committee
Bold Park
Tawny Frogmouths
Kings Park Lights launched
Seed dispersal by ants in bushland
#25 A 1999 p1
#25 A 1999 p2
#25 A 1999 p2
#25 A 1999 p3
#25 A 1999 p4
#25 A 1999 p6
#25 A 1999 p6
#25 A 1999 p9
#25 A 1999 p10
Scarp Restoration
#26 W 1999 p1
Bridal Creeper
#26 W 1999 p4
Asparagus asparagoides
#26 W 1999 p4
Century Plant
#26 W 1999 p5
Agave americana
#26 W 1999 p5
Scarp snail
#26 W 1999 p6
Snail (Scarp) on Mt Eliza
#26 W 1999 p6
Wildflower Festival 17– 27 Sept
#26 W 1999 p7
Transitional beds plantings
#26 W 1999 p10
Centenary of Women’s Suffrage
#26 W 1999 p15
Suffrage (Centenary of Women’s) #26 W 1999 p15
Water Garden Project
#26 W 1999 p15
Bushland Restoration
#26 W 1999 p16
Fungi, biodiversity & significance
#26 W 1999 p17
Yellow Buttercups
#26 W 1999 p19
Hibbertia hypericoides
#26 W 1999 p19
Common Hovea
#26 W 1999 p19
Hovea trisperma
#26 W 1999 p19
Wildflower Festival 17-27 Sept
Federation Flame (Kings Park’)
Spirit of Suffrage (Kings Park)
Dampier’s Conostylis
Boabs from the Kimberley
Water Garden redevelopment
Orchids – Part 1
DNA fingerprinting plants
Weeds to Wilderness
#27 Sp 1999 p1
#27 Sp 1999 p4
#27 Sp 1999 p4
#27 Sp 1999 p6
#27 Sp 1999 p8
#27 Sp 1999 p10
#27 Sp 1999 p14
#27 Sp 1999 p16
#27 Sp 1999 p19
#23 Sp 1998 p1
Tawny Frogmouths (also back cover)
Jarrah/Tuart Restoration Project
Eucalyptus marginata
Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Tuart borer damage to Tuart
Borer damage to Tuart
Leaf miner damage to Jarrah
Jarrah, leaf miner damage
Sugar Gum Invades Kings Park
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Snail ( Mt Eliza scarp)
Scarp Snail
Stinkwood (Grey)
Jacksonia furcellata
Starflowers (Pink)
Calytrix fraseri
Wattle (Grass)
Acacia applanata
Acacia (Two-winged)
Acacia wildenowiana
Women’s Suffrage (Centenary
Women’s Suffrage Pavilion
Pavilion, Women’s Suffrage
Suffrage Pavilion
Women’s Suffrage Memorial
Memorial, Women’s Suffrage
Japan Flora 2000
#28 Su 1999 p1
#28 Su 1999 p2
#28 Su 1999 p3
#28 Su 1999 p3
#28 Su 1999 p3
#28 Su 1999 p3
#28 Su 1999 p4
#28 Su 1999 p4
#28 Su 1999 p5
#28 Su 1999 p5
#28 Su 1999 p8
#28 Su 1999 p8
#28 Su 1999 p10
#28 Su 1999 p10
#28 Su 1999 p11
#28 Su 1999 p11
#28 Su 1999 p12
#28 Su 1999 p12
#28 Su 1999 p12
#28 Su 1999 p12
#28 Su 1999 p16
#28 Su 1999 p16
#28 Su 1999 p16
#28 Su 1999 p16
#28 Su 1999 p16
#28 Su 1999 p16
#28 Su 1999 p17
Water Garden Project launched
#29 A 2000 p2
Water Garden Artwork
#29 A 2000 p6
Swamp Paperbark
#29 A 2000 p6
Melaleuca rhaphiophylla (Water Garden) #29 A 2000 p6
Pioneer Women’s Memorial Fountain #29 A 2000 p9
Memorial Fountain (Pioneer Women’s) #29 A 2000 p9
Pavilion, Women’s Suffrage
#29 A 2000 p11
Suffrage Pavilion
#29 A 2000 p11
Women’s Suffrage Pavilion
#29 A 2000 p11
Water Garden Artwork
#29 A 2000 p12
Women’s Suffrage Pavilion
#29 A 2000 p14
Pavilion, Women’s Suffrage
#29 A 2000 p14
Women’s Suffrage Memorial
#29 A 2000 p15
Memorial, Women’s Suffrage
#29 A 2000 p15
Bookleaf Memorial
#29 A 2000 p15
Leschenaultia, Spirit of Suffrage
#29 A 2000 p15
Spirit of Suffrage Leschenaultia,
#29 A 2000 p15
Dwellingup Mallee
#29 A 2000 p16
Eucalyptus graniticola
#29 A 2000 p16
Botanic Garden flowers in autumn
#29 A 2000 p17
Mallee (Rose)
#29 A 2000 p17
Eucalyptus rhodantha
#29 A 2000 p17
Starflower (Summer)
#29 A 2000 p19
Calytrix flavescens
#29 A 2000 p19
Banksia Field Trip, species collected #29 A 2000 p24
Banksia Garden, banksias in bloom
#29 A 2000 p26
Nodding Banksia
#29 A 2000 p30
Banksia nutans
#29 A 2000 p30
Western Mountain Banksia
#29 A 2000 p30
Banksia oreophila
#29 A 2000 p30
Aboriginal bush tucker (back cover)
#29 A 2000 p32
Bold Park Update
Symonanthus bancroftii
#30 W 2000 p4
#30 W 2000 p5
Rare and Endangered Plant
Caesia, winter’s nectar (S Hopper)
Eucalyptus caesia ssp caesia
Eucalyptus caesia ssp magna
Scarp replanting
Grasstrees on Mt Eliza
Xanthorrhoea preissii
Zamias on Mt Eliza
Macrozamia riedlei
Fungi from Kings Park
Seeds, artificial seed technology
Artificial seed technology
Kings Park & Kew, genetic exchanges
Conostylis, DNA-based family tree
DNA-based Conostylis family tree
Fanflower (Goodeniacae family)
Woody Weeding & new paths
Banksia prionotes
Acorn Banksia
Scarp replanting
#30 W 2000 p5
#30 W 2000 p6
#30 W 2000 p8
#30 W 2000 p8
#30 W 2000 p8
#30 W 2000 p12
#30 W 2000 p12
#30 W 2000 p12
#30 W 2000 p12
#30 W 2000 p12
#30 W 2000 p14
#30 W 2000 p16
#30 W 2000 p16
#30 W 2000 p18
#30 W 2000 p18
#30 W 2000 p18
#30 W 2000 p18
#30 W 2000 p19
#30 W 2000 p20
#30 W 2000 p20
#30 W 2000 p21
Wildflower Festival 6 –15 Oct
Everlastings at the Festival
Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal
Zamia fruits
Japan Flora 2000
Plant Science
Artificial seeds
DNA (genetic fingerprinting)
Pea (Holly Flame)
Chorizema ilicifolium
Scarp (jute matting)
Veld grass grown as fodder
#31 Sp 2000 p1
#31 Sp 2000 p3
#31 Sp 2000 p3
#31 Sp 2000 p5
#31 Sp 2000 p6
#31 Sp 2000 p11
#31 Sp 2000 p11
#31 Sp 2000 p11
#31 Sp 2000 p17
#31 Sp 2000 p17
#31 Sp 2000 p18
#31 Sp 2000 p18
Wildflower Festival 2000
+The Western Australian Flora
+Paczkowska & Chapman, The…
Tuart (Friends’ Tree dedicated)
Friends’ Tree dedicated (Tuart)
Barrens Regelia (grey-green foliage)
Regelia velutina (grey-green foliage)
Kangaroo Paws
Guides’ 2001 Workshops
Hybrid Leschenaultias
Spinifex grasslands
DNA fingerprints Kangaroo Paws
Kangaroo Paws DNA fingerprints
Lotteries Federation Walkway
Bold Park Post-fire Restoration
#32 Su 2001 p4
#32 Su 2001 p10
#32 Su 2001 p10
#32 Su 2001 p11
#32 Su 2001 p11
#32 Su 2001 p14
#32 Su 2001 p14
#32 Su 2001 p16
#32 Su 2001 p16
#32 Su 2001 p21
#32 Su 2001 p22
#32 Su 2001 p24
#32 Su 2001 p24
#32 Su 2001 p25
#32 Su 2001 p25
Centenary of Federation
Perth Park opened by John Forrest
Kings Park named 1901
Perth / Kings Park Board members
Bees (Native) in Kings Park
Scarp Project Update
Scarp update
Bold Park Management Plan
Bushland Restoration
#33 A 2001 p1
#33 A 2001 p4
#33 A 2001 p5
#33 A 2001 p6
#33 A 2001 p10
#33 A 2001 p12
#33 A 2001 p14
#33 A 2001 p14
#33 A 2001 p16
#33 A 2001 p17
Ribbed Hakea, Hakea costata
#33 A 2001 p17
Hakea costata
Orchids (at threat in Perth area)
Comesperma integerrimum
Acacia jibberdingensis
Federation Flame (photo back page)
#33 A 2001 p17
#33 A 2001 p19
#33 A 2001 p20
#33 A 2001 p21
#33 A 2001 p23
#33 A 2001 p23
Western Power Parkland Stage 1
Arthur Fairall Adventure Playground
Mallees, Conservation of threatened
Scarp Road Mallee (one plant only)
Eucalyptus graniticola (one plant only)
Dandaragan Mallee
Eucalyptus dolorosa
Eneabba Mallee
Eucalyptus impensa
Meelup Mallee (one plant only)
Eucalyptus phylacis (one plant only)
Woody Weeding since 1989, a review
Eucalypts of the South West
Federation Walkway
Botanic Garden flowers in bloom
Volunteers Garden launch
Hovea trisperma
Hovea (Common) herald of spring
#34 W 2001 p2
#34 W 2001 p8
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p13
#34 W 2001 p16
#34 W 2001 p18
#34 W 2001 p20
#34 W 2001 p26
#34 W 2001 p27
#34 W 2001 p28
#34 W 2001 p28
Wildflower Festival 21 Sept –1 Oct
Orchid Pollination
Orchid Conservation
Rare & Endangered Orchids
Volunteers Garden
Rose Mallee
Eucalyptus rhodantha
Pine Banksia
Banksia tricuspis
Large-fruited Mallee
Eucalyptus youngiana
Pear-fruited Mallee
Eucalyptus pyriforma
Federation Walkway
Rottnest Island Daisy
Trachymene coerulea
Sturt Desert Pea
Swainsona formosa
Orthrosanthus laxus
Iris (Morning)
Seedbank (Millennium)
Millennium Seedbank
#35 Sp 2001 p1
#35 Sp 2001 p4
#35 Sp 2001 p6
#35 Sp 2001 p7
#35 Sp 2001 p16
#35 Sp 2001 p16
#35 Sp 2001 p16
#35 Sp 2001 p16
#35 Sp 2001 p16
#35 Sp 2001 p17
#35 Sp 2001 p17
#35 Sp 2001 p17
#35 Sp 2001 p17
#35 Sp 2001 p17
#35 Sp 2001 p18
#35 Sp 2001 p18
#35 Sp 2001 p18
#35 Sp 2001 p18
#35 Sp 2001 p18
#35 Sp 2001 p18
#35 Sp 2001 p21
#35 Sp 2001 p21
Volunteers Day (International)
Anigozanthus humilis
Honour Avenue Committee
Fraser Avenue Restaurant Precinct
Floral Clock refurbished
#36 Su 2002 p3
#36 Su 2002 p4
#36 Su 2002 p10
#36 Su 2002 p10
#36 Su 2002 p10
#36 Su 2002 p11
#36 Su 2002 p11
#36 Su 2002 p11
Banksia prionotes, herald of autumn
Bold Park Research
#37 A 2002 p2
#37 A 2002 p4
Restaurant Precinct (Fraser Avenue)
Gardner, Charles Austin (botanist) #37 A 2002 p6
Woody Weeding makes a difference #37 A 2002 p8
Sugar Gum
#37 A 2002 p9
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
#37 A 2002 p9
Orchids (Kew & Kings Park)
#37 A 2002 p12
#37 A 2002 p14
#37 A 2002 p16
Banksias (why are they dying?) #37 A 2002 p18
Botanic Garden Entry, Fraser Ave #38 W 2002 p3
Seed Storage of Rare Orchids
#38 W 2002 p4
Scarp landslip 7 July 2002
#38 W 2002 p5
Seedy Stories (Luke Sweedman) #38 W 2002 p6
+The Long Dry (book review)
#38 W 2002 p8
+George, A, The Long Dry….
#38 W 2002 p8
Western Power Parkland
#38 W 2002 p9
Winter Flowering in the Park
#38 W 2002 p10
Scarlet Featherflower
#38 W 2002 p10
Verticordia grandis
#38 W 2002 p10
Diplolaena species (Native roses) #38 W 2002 p10
Diplolaena grandiflora
#38 W 2002 p10
#38 W 2002 p10
Lachnostachys eriobotrya
#38 W 2002 p10
Silver Princess
#38 W 2002 p10
Eucalyptus caesia ssp caesia
#38 W 2002 p10
Common Hovea (Two-tone)
#38 W 2002 p10
Hovea trisperma
#38 W 2002 p10
#38 W 2002 p12
Western Power Parkland
Zamia Café
Bancroft’s Symonanthus (rare)
Symonanthus bancroftii (rare)
Bold Park, restoring bushland
Seedbanking for Bold Park
Bold Park Seedbanking
Wollemi Pine
Wollemi nobilis
#39 Sp 2002 p2
#39Sp 2002 p8
#39 Sp 2002 p10
#39 Sp 2002 p10
#39 Sp 2002 p12
#39 Sp 2002 p16
#39 Sp 2002 p17
#39 Sp 2002 p17
#39 Sp 2002 p19
#39 Sp 2002 p19
Acacia or Racosperma ?
Orchid Discovery Walk
Desert (Great Victoria) exploring
South African Cape region
Survivors in the Plant World
Trigger Plants (Stylidium species)
Stylidium species (Trigger Plants)
Botanic Garden Entrance
Bushland Carers
Weeders (Wednesday)
#40 Su 2003 p2
#40 Su 2003 p4
#40 Su 2003 p6
#40 Su 2003 p8
#40 Su 2003 p10
#40 Su 2003 p16
#40 Su 2003 p18
#40 Su 2003 p18
#40 Su 2003 p20
#40 Su 2003 p21
#40 Su 2003 p21
Friends 10th Anniversary
Veld grass, Erharta calycina
Kings Park plants, old & new names
Name changes of plants in the Park
Watering system in Kings Park
Leschenaultia (Blue)
Lechenaultia biloba
#41 A 2003 p2
#41 A 2003 p5
#41 A 2003 p6
#41 A 2003 p6
#41 A 2003 p9
#41 A 2003 p10
#41 A 2003 p10
#41 A 2003 p10
Wildflower Festival 26–30 Sept 2002
Federation Walkway
#42 W 2003 p2
Elevated Walkway
Walkway (Federation)
Tuarts, Cherish the Tuart
Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Forrest, John, Premier & Statesman
Federation, the story of…
Federation Walkway signage
Federation Walkway trees
Trees along the Federation Walkway
Adansonia gregorii
Federation Walkway signage
Federation Walkway signage
Aboriginal (Walkway signage)
Beedawong (Meeting Place)
Logo of Federation Walkway
Federation Walkway Logo
Qualup Bell
Pimelia physodes
#42 W 2003 p2
#42 W 2003 p2
#42 W 2003 p4
#42 W 2003 p4
#42 W 2003 p5
#42 W 2003 p9
#42 W 2003 p10
#42 W 2003 p11
#42 W 2003 p11
#42 W 2003 p12
#42 W 2003 p12
#42 W 2003 p17
#42 W 2003 p17
#42 W 2003 p19
#42 W 2003 p20
#42 W 2003 p21
#42 W 2003 p23
#42 W 2003 p23
#42 W 2003 p23
#42 W 2003 p23
Bali Memorial opened 12 Oct 2003
Federation Walkway official opening
Federation Walkway Update
Orchid Walk in September
Orchid (new in the bushland)
Reaching Spider Orchid (new in KP)
Caladenia arrecta (Reaching Spider)
Wildflower Festival history
Wildflower Festival 25-29 Sept
Christmas Tree (photo back cover)
#43 Sp 2003 p2
#43 Sp 2003 p4
#43 Sp 2003 p6
#43 Sp 2003 p7
#43 Sp 2003 p7
#43 Sp 2003 p7
#43 Sp 2003 p7
#43 Sp 2003 p8
#43 Sp 2003 p9
#43 Sp 2003 p12
#43 Sp 2003 p15
Mt Eliza history on signage
Western Power Parkland Stage 2
Kings Park Retail Outlet (being built)
Retail Outlet (being built)
Bold Park Ecology Centre (being built)
Christmas Tree
Nuytsia floribunda
Queen Victoria Statue
Monument, Queen Victoria
Memorial, Queen Victoria
Banksia rosserae
Matthew Flinders
Law Walk Upgrade
Tissue culture saves rare plants
Orchid Carers Group formed
Seed banking research
DNA fingerprinting wheatbelt trees
Banksias, seed dispersal
Seed dispersal of Hooker’s Banksia
Guides Conference 2003, Perth
#44 Su 2004 p2
#44 Su 2004 p6
#44 Su 2004 p6
#44 Su 2004 p7
#44 Su 2004 p8
#44 Su 2004 p8
#44 Su 2004 p9
#44 Su 2004 p9
#44 Su 2004 p9
#44 Su 2004 p10
#44 Su 2004 p12
#44 Su 2004 p13
#44 Su 2004 p14
#44 Su 2004 p16
#44 Su 2004 p17
#44 Su 2004 p17
#44 Su 2004 p18
#44 Su 2004 p20
#44 Su 2004 p20
#44 Su 2004 p21
National Conference of Volunteer Guides #44 Su 2004 p21
Growing Friends
Bushland Carers
Botanic Garden Carers
Orchid Friends
Office Friends
Pacific Flora 2004
#45 A 2004 p2
#45 A 2004 p2
#45 A 2004 p2
#45 A 2004 p3
#45 A 2004 p3
Charles Fraser 1827 Collection
Robert Brown 1832 Botany of Perth
Macrozamia fraseri
+Hopper, SD, Cinderella Flora…….
+Cinderella Flora, SD Hopper
Proteaceae on Parade
Millennium Seedbank (MSB)
Kangaroo Paws
Macropidia fuliginosa
Somatic embryogenesis
Volunteers’ Garden
Wildflower Pavilion
Banksia brownii
#45 A 2004 p8
#45 A 2004 p8
#45 A 2004 p10
#45 A 2004 p10
#45 A 2004 p11
#45 A 2004 p11
#45 A 2004 p13
#45 A 2004 p12
#45 A 2004 p14
#45 A 2004 p16
#45 A 2004 p19
#45 A 2004 p19
#45 A 2004 p19
#45 A 2004 p21
#45 A 2004 p21
#45 A 2004 p24
Hopper, Dr Steve, 12 years review #46 W
Winter flowering plants
#46 W
Seed germination – new discovery #46 W
Seed Science – butenolide discovery #46 W
#46 W
Western Power Parkland – Stage 2 #46 W
Kings Park Retail Outlet
#46 W
Kings Park Guides 20th Anniversary #46 W
+Memorials and Memories booklet #46 W
Kings Park Nature Trail
#46 W
Nature Trail in Kings Park
#46 W
Bold Park Ecology Centre
#46 W
Ecology Centre Bold Park
#46 W
2004 p4
2004 p6
2004 p8
2004 p8
2004 p11
2004 p13
2004 p15
2004 p16
2004 p16
2004 p18
2004 p18
2004 p20
2004 p20
Canning Stock Route
Pacific Flora Update
Lotterywest Family Area – Stage 2
Orchid Carers
Rhizanthella gardneri
Underground Orchid
Bold Park bushland highpoint
Wildflower Festival 2004New Native Plants in Kings Park
Native Plants, new in KP
Kings Park, new native plants
Spryidium globulosum germination
Basket Bush germination secret
2004 p2
2004 p6
2004 p7
2004 p8
2004 p8
2004 p10
2004 p10
2004 p12
2004 p13
2004 p14
2004 p14
2004 p14
2004 p16
2004 p16
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
#47 W
Mark Webb, Chief Executive Officer #48 Su 2005 p4
CEO Kings Park , Mark Webb
#48 Su 2005 p4
Plant Conservation Centre
#48 Su 2005 p6
Shark Bay Heritage Area restoration #48 Su 2005 p8
Wildflower Festival 2004
#48 Su 2005 p12
Master Gardeners Program
#48 Su 2005 p14
Pink Lotus Lily, Nelumbo nuciferous #48 Su 2005 p16
Nelumbo nuciferous Pink Lotus Lily, #48 Su 2005 p16
Swainsona formosa (back cover)
#48 Su 2005 p18
Sturt’s Desert Pea (back cover)
#48 Su 2005 p18
Swan River Daisy (front cover)
#48 Su 2005 p2
Brachyscome iberidifolia
#48 Su 2005 p2
#45 A 2004 p4
Eucalyptus caesia (front cover)
Aspects of Kings Park
Aspects Official Opening
Swan Car Park & Dryandra Lookout
Dryandra Lookout & Swan Car Park
Volunteer Garden
State War Memorial Restoration
Growing Wetlands Workshop 2005
Wetlands Workshop 2005
Bushland Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of Bushland
Restoration Genetics
Australia Day in Kings Park
#49 A 2005 p2
#49 A 2005 p2
#49 A 2005 p4
#49 A 2005 p7
#49 A 2005 p7
#49 A 2005 p8
#49 A 2005 p10
#49 A 2005 p12
#49 A 2005 p12
#49 A 2005 p13
#49 A 2005 p13
#49 A 2005 p13
#49 A 2005 p17
Canning Stock Route Expedition
Fire & Rebirth in the Park
Future Directions Garden (WPParkland)
Western Power Parkland
Tipsite to bushland
Bushland – former tipsite
Reabold Hill
Bold Park restoration
Hakea orthorrhyncha
Bird Beak Hakea
Mt Eliza escarpment rockfall
Escarpment risk management
Hackett’s Path South removal
#50 W 2005 p3
#50 W 2005 p12
#50 W 2005 p14
#50 W 2005 p14
#50 W 2005 p17
#50 W 2005 p17
#50 W 2005 p18
#50 W 2005 p20
#50 W 2005 p23
#50 W 2005 p23
#50 W 2005 p24
#50 W 2005 p24
#50 W 2005 p25
Updated by AJ Pearson (1-50) – January 2008
Index for Friends Magazine #1-50 magazine