Evaluating the Effectiveness of LA Challenge and

Torbay Extended Services
Co-ordinator Progress Report
Activity Area: Torquay West
(In meeting strategic objectives and developing individual proposals)
Additional School Nurse Time:
The proposal is for additional school nurse time on the Westlands School site. The aim is to allow a Band 6,
Specialist Community Public Health Nurse to provide the following:
 Regular ‘drop-in’ sessions, allowing access to prompt emergency contraception
 Input into Westland School’s PSHE Programme to include sexual, mental and physical health
 Planned community access/use utilising new accommodation, allowing confidential access for
community members.
 To provide an alternative to exclusion
 To refocus the pupil / student on resolving difficulties and reforming behaviour
The proposal has been written and will be presented to the Torquay West cluster on 12th February for a
funding decision.
Sexual Health Open Access Drop-in:
The proposal has been completed proposal will presented to the clusters on 12th February for a funding
decision. The young people will be able to access Nurse Led Information Advice and Guidance in relation to
sexual health matters including access to contraception. They will also be able to access support, advice and
guidance in relation to the use of drugs and alcohol use. This offer has been developed as a joint development
of services between the Youth Inclusion Programme, Karen Hughes, Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator / Being
Healthy Team Manager and members of the substance misuse team. The service would be sited in ground
floor premises at Commerce House, Torquay which is easily accessible to all young people regardless of their
school. It is considered that this will provide additionality to services currently available and will be staffed by
qualified youth workers who have undertaken the 4 day sexual health training and Maast Training in addition to
specific training in relation to dispensing contraceptive services. This will be overseen by Karen Hughes and
Yvonne Short (YIP manager).
The clusters (Torquay East and West) are being asked to financially support this initiative with the costs of the
premises for one year. Staffing costs will be found from existing resources. The facility will be available all year
round and take the form of a drop in facility from 3.30pm to 6pm week days. Additionally there will be a series
of workshops and advice sessions available covering a range of issues as identified by potential users. There
will also be a range of leaflets and advice available in relation to other issues concerning lifestyle. The proposal
has been completed proposal will presented to the clusters on 12th February for a funding decision.
Family Support Service:
The proposal has been completed proposal will presented to the clusters (Torquay East and West) on 12th
February for a funding decision. The proposal is for a Family Support Worker to work with parents and schools
at the first internal or fixed-term exclusion. The posts would link closely with the Access Coordinator, EWS and
other specialist agencies that may be identified to meet the needs of children and young people.
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Cluster Counsellor:
The current proposal is to have a child counsellor linked to both Torquay Clusters (East and West) as part of
an early intervention team. Any school or organisation would be able to refer into the team and the response
would be the counsellor arranging a time to come into the school or an appropriate setting to see the young
person. The counsellor would be line managed by the Cluster Team Manager. There would be a clear set of
criteria for referrals with a priority system so that the young people who are most in need of help get it first.
Every effort would be made to keep any waiting list to an absolute minimum. The emphasis of this service is
intervention at its earliest point offering support and an understanding ear.
I am liaising with Celia Marshall, CAMHS Project Development Manager, regarding the final proposal content
so that it can be presented to the clusters on 12th February for a funding decision.
Pastoral Support in schools:
To establish a baseline provision for pastoral support in all Torquay Primary schools for an allocated time each
week. This service would be school/ client based and would compliment the cluster counsellor proposal
already agreed by the cluster. This would be achieved by each school accessing funding to provide a named
person to undertake a pastoral role in their setting. Where schools have already invested in well-established,
high quality pastoral care, funding may be used to facilitate an expansion of provision or maintain provision that
may be threatened with reduction due to other budgetary pressures
This proposal links to early intervention and would allow for the important relationship between the pastoral
staff and the children at the school to be built up. This person would also be the key contact in the school for
other agencies in regards to pastoral support. It is expected that the pastoral staff member would access
training from other services for example solution focused brief therapy and restorative justice and training from
CAMHS as to the appropriate time to refer on to the counsellor and their service. All schools would be required
to maintain a pastoral care register and contribute to termly reports. I am liaising with Celia Marshall, CAMHS
Project Development Manager, regarding the final proposal content so that it can be presented to the clusters
on 12th February for a funding decision.
Cluster Turnaround Fund:
The opportunity template to create a cluster fund to resource urgent turnaround programmes for
pupils/students at risk of exclusion or offending has been circulated to the Torquay East and West clusters for
discussion on 12th February. The plan is for finances to be used for short term programmes of support at
pivotal times in a pupil/student’s life.
The money would enable schools, agencies or lead professionals to commission prompt access to appropriate
support from a range of agencies. Support would be tailored to the individual on a time limited basis. The
objectives of the support would be:
 To prevent a situation escalating
 To provide an alternative to exclusion
 To refocus the pupil/student on resolving difficulties and reforming behaviour
The money could be accessed through the CAF process as an urgent care pathway option.
Family Information Centre:
The proposal is to establish an information centre on the site of St Margaret’s Primary School. The plan is to
include ICT facilities, toy loan CAB office, benefits office and so on. Rob Breeze (Headteacher) and Helen
Cunningham (Torquay, Library Service) have had one and I am liaising with them and Torquay Sure Start
Children’s Centre on potential developments for the site.
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Torquay Library, School Libraries:
The project involves children/young people selecting stock for public libraries. I am liaising with Torquay Library
Service about there plan for rolling out this project across the Torquay West cluster and additional funding
arrangements to facilitate this.
(Recent and future challenges to progress and delivering proposed outcomes)
Maintaining the multi-agency working.
Moving from an opportunity template to a final proposal when working with busy people.
Developing sustainable services/ posts once the initial funding has ceased.
Managing conflicts between agencies.
More involvement of schools at cluster meetings.
Development of the cluster as the Cluster/Smart Team structures form.
(Potential risks to strategy and achievement of objectives)
Refusal to commit funds, particularly where there are conflicting agendas.
Young people / families are not given the opportunity to voice opinion on the development of services and
thus not engaging with provision.
Schools/partner agencies feeling like they are losing control.
Next Steps
(Prioritise to ensure risks are addressed, challenges overcome and progress maintained)
Continue to champion multi agency working.
Continuing current momentum and showing good transition from an opportunity template to a proposal.
Continually reviewing and developing cluster meeting structures and frequency.
Promoting consultation opportunities.
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Evaluation of Impact
(Select text box and type your answer)
1. Describe the impact service / activities have on outcomes for children and young people:
Evidence for the above can be seen in -
2. Describe the impact service / activities have on the quality and effectiveness of leadership and
Evidence for the above can be seen in -
3. Describe how service / activities add value:
Evidence for the above can be seen in -
Please complete, print and return (or email) this evaluation form to:
Lorrie Layne - Cluster Coordinator
Torbay Council,
Commerce House,
97 - 101 Abbey Road,
Tel: 01803 402747
Email: lorrie.layne@torbay.gov.uk
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