Year group 3/4 Topic Title Term Possible WOWs/trips Literacy Writing Genre SPAG Handwriting Maths Science ICT Geography Healthy Lifestyle Autumn 1 PGL Cooking at NCS Traditional Tale (3) Report (2) Nouns and pronouns Conjunctions for cause Verb inflections Picklenash Junior School Tudors Autumn 2 Tudors - Rich and Poor Spring 1 Christmas Play Gloucester Cathedral Book (2) Poetry (2-vocab) Poetry (2 –riddles) Story setting (3) Persuasion (3) Wider range of conjunctions Prepositions for time and cause Direct speech punctuation Using horizontal and diagonal strokes to join letters and to decide which letters are best left unjoined Number Multiplication and Number Add and subtract division Add and subtract Fractions Multiplication and Measurement division Geometry Animals – digestion, Sound States of matter teeth Word processing Conjunctions for time Fronted adverbials Internet searching Scratch Settlement Outline plans for the year 15-16 Rivers Spring 2 Animals Summer 1 Ancient Egypt Summer 2 Bristol Zoo Play (2) Poetry (1 – vocab) Poetry (1 – narrative) Book (2) Present perfect tense contrasting with past tense Possessive apostrophes Story with a theme Poetry (1-vocab) (4) Poetry (2 - poet Discussion (2) focus) Explanation (2) Book (2) Conjunctions for cause Prepositions and adverbs for time and cause Increase the legibility, consistency and quality of their handwriting Fractions Measurement Geometry States of matter Scratch Rivers Fieldwork Number Multiplication and division Fractions Geometry Animals – food chains Living Things – grouping and classifying E-safety Study region of UK Measurement Statistics Electricity Presentation History Tudors – Henry VIII and local history Tudors – Local History Ancient Egypt – Importance of river Nile Art Sketching D&T Cookery Music Drumming African drumming Christmas Tudor song (Music Express) Play Composition RE Islam What is the Qur’an and why is it important to Muslims? What do stories from the life of Mohammad tell Muslims about Allah? How do Muslims describe Allah? Where, how and why do Muslims worship? (Harvest – aspects of how world resources are shared and divided – inequalities that exist between haves and have-nots) Swimming/OAA Christmas – Journeys Who was Jesus and why do people follow him? Easter - failure and forgiveness Peter at the Last supper Gethsemane Peter denying Jesus Jesus talking to Peter after the resurrection Christianity with references to other religions Gymnastics Gymnastics/Dance Dance Gymnastics Football/OAA (PGL) Rugby Tennis Lacrosse Rounders/Netball Personal responsibility Kindness and bullying Keeping Safe Citizenship and British values Internet safety and media influence PE Games PSCHE Painting Artist study Sculpture/printing Books with moving parts Journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem Then to Jerusalem after the birth How do religious families practise their faith and how does it influence their life? Light up pyramid? Burglar alarm for pyramid? Egyptian song (Music Express) Christianity with references to other religions How do religious families practise their faith and how does it influence their life? Dance/ Sports Day Practice Athletics Growing up