Test items and tasks Light end-of

Test items and tasks
Light end-of-unit assessment
Student name: _________________________
Objective items
1. The candle is the only source of light in the room. A convex lens is placed between the
candle and the screen. After the candle is lit, an image appears on the screen.
Which diagram (a–e) shows the image formed on the screen? ____________
Explain your choice.
2. The lens is removed so that it is no longer between the candle and the screen.
Which diagram (a–e) shows the appearance of the screen? ______________
Explain your choice.
3. The top half of the lens is covered with black tape.
Which diagram (a–e) shows the appearance of the screen? ____________
Explain your choice.
 Commonwealth of Australia, 2003
Test items and tasks
Light end-of-unit assessment
4. Sally wants to focus the beam of light from her torch to a small point. The best way for
Sally to do this is to use a:
a. triangular prism
b. small flat mirror
c. concave lens
d. convex mirror
e. convex lens.
5. Which form of solar radiation is the main cause of sunburn?
a. Visible light
b. Infrared light
c. Radio waves
d. Ultraviolet light
e. Microwaves.
6. On a warm sunny day you will feel cooler wearing light-coloured clothes because they:
a. reflect more radiation
b. prevent sweating
c. are not as heavy as dark clothes
d. absorb more radiation.
7. When you shine white light through red cellophane, the light looks red on the other
White light
Red light
What does the red cellophane do to the light?
a. The cellophane adds red colour to the light.
b. The cellophane lets all the light through but it stops all the colours getting through
except the red.
c. The cellophane lets the red light through but stops all other kinds of light.
d. The cellophane turns white light into red light.
8. When we see a blue book in daylight conditions, it looks blue because:
a. the light helps our eyes to see the blue colour of the book
b. the book absorbs blue light and therefore looks blue
c. the book reflects blue light and absorbs all other colours
d. the book adds blue colour to the light.
 Commonwealth of Australia, 2003
Test items and tasks
Light end-of-unit assessment
9. At the theatre, white stage lights shine on an actor wearing a red dress. Suddenly the
lights go off and a blue light is shone on the actor. The dress now looks black. Why
does the dress look black?
a. The dress reflects the blue part of the light.
b. The dress absorbs the red part of the light.
c. The dress absorbs the blue part of the light.
d. The dress reflects the black part of the light.
10. When you stand in sunlight your body casts a shadow on the ground. Which of the
following is the best explanation of the shadow?
a. Light is stopped from reaching the shadow region when it strikes your body.
b. The shadow is a reflection of darker light.
c. The shadow is a place where the light is reflected away.
d. The shadow is a reflection of your body.
11. Does the light from a candle
a. stay around the candle?
b. move out only a short distance from the candle, just a few metres?
c. move out a large distance unless it strikes some object?
d. slow down and stop as it passes through the air?
Extended response items
12. Draw arrows on the diagrams to show what happens to the light rays when they strike
the surfaces illustrated below.
A mirror
Clear glass
Frosted glass
Black cardboard
 Commonwealth of Australia, 2003
Test items and tasks
Light end-of-unit assessment
13. How does light help us to see objects?
14. Rays of white light are given off by light source S. The light is viewed at various
What colour is seen at position A? _____________
What colour is seen at position B? _____________
What colour is seen at position C? _____________
 Commonwealth of Australia, 2003
Test items and tasks
Activity-based items
Light end-of-unit assessment
15. Jot the dot
Materials required: a sheet of paper, pencil and 35 cm ruler
a. Draw a dot about 2 mm in diameter in the middle of the sheet of paper.
b. Place the sheet of paper on the desk at arm’s length in front of you.
c. Take a pencil in your hand, lift your outstretched arm above your head and then
bring it down attempting to touch the dot with your pencil. Mark the paper where the
pencil tip landed.
d. Measure the distance between the dot and the mark the pencil made.
e. Investigate the effect of using both eyes open, only your left eye open and only your
right eye open on the accuracy of your attempts to touch the dot.
f. Record:
i. the question you are investigating
ii. your results
iii. your explanation of your results
iv. any suggestions you have for improving your investigation.
 Commonwealth of Australia, 2003