University of the East - Caloocan College of Arts and Sciences DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES School Year 2011-2012 A. SUBJECT : Political Science 111 (ZPS 111/PS112) B. COURSE TITLE : Politics and Government with the New Constitution C. COURSE CREDIT : 3 units D. COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course gives an overview of the study of political science with emphasis on politics and governance, constitutionalism, selected political and philosophical ideologies that shaped various forms and nature of government. The primary focus will be on the study of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, specifically on the structure of the Philippine government. E. PREREQUISITE : NONE F. COURSE OBJECTIVES : 1. General 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 : At the end of the course, the student should be able to: Discuss the basic concepts and approaches used in the study of politics and governance; Understand concepts on Philippine politics, government and Constitution and analyze how these concepts and institutions affect their lives; Develop critical thinking through comparative analysis and appreciation of contemporary political issues in the Philippines and in the world; Understand the basis of constitution in a universal perspective and evaluate its significance in democracies and governments Develop an informed, articulate and independent stand on global and domestic political issues. 2. Specific 2.1 : Cognitive 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.2 At the end of the course, the student should be able to: Define and explain the meaning of politics and governance; Analyze the different political ideologies and philosophical concepts and show how they shape various forms and nature of government; Point out the similarities and differences between democratic and authoritarian systems as major types of political regimes; Explain how politics could be an effective tool for development; Explain the concept of globalization and its implications on the traditional role of the state in international relations; Enumerate and explain the powers of the three branches of the government as provided under the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Affective 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 Understand the true meaning of politics and governance and be able to practice in our society; Take cognizance of the important role of politics in the socio-economic development of our society; Participate actively in the affairs of the country; Recognize the importance of knowing their rights under the law and learn to exercise those rights responsibly and with due regards for the rights of others; Participate in the discussion of basic problems of our society and contribute to their immediate solutions; Enhance their sense of responsibility as citizens of the country and as future leaders; Develop and exhibit values of nationalism, self-reliance, respect for and obedience to laws and duly constituted authorities, integrity, accountability, and social responsibility. G. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Major examinations (Preliminary, Midterm and Finals) 2. Quizzes (long and short) 3. Recitation / Class Participation 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Written reports and Research papers / reaction or reflection papers Group activities (role playing, panel discussions, debate, quiz bee) Seatwork Take home assignments Visits to various government agencies and offices and interviews with government officials, bureaucrats and technocrats H. COURSE CONTENT/OUTLINE WEEKS / HOURS 1st week 3 hours TOPIC OUTLINE A. Concept of Politics in Everyday Life and How it Affect Us B. Essential Vocabulary and concepts of politics like governance, order, state, power authority and control C. Role of Culture/Values of the People in the Political Behavior D. Inherent Powers of the State 2nd to 3rd week E. Political Theories/Ideologies 6 hours 1. Plato (The Republic) 2. Machiavelli ( The Prince) 3. Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan) 4. Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations and the Invisible Hand) 5. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism 6. Aristotle 7. Socrates 8. Jean Jacques Rousseau 9. John Locke 10. Max Weber 11. Karl Marx READING ASSIGNMENTS Magstadt, T., (2006) SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Class discussion Group work Haywood, A., (2007) EVALUATION Class participation rating Reflection paper evaluation Abinales, P. (2005) Seatwork: Individual reflection paper on politics De Leon (2008) Class discussion Class participation rating Research Paper Quiz Research paper evaluation Quiz 4th week 3 hours 5th week 3 hours 6th and 7th week 6 hours F. Comparative Political Systems: 1. Models of Presidential and Parliamentary Government 2. Models of Democracy 2.1 Philippine Democracy: Past and Present 2.2 Participatory-Accountable Elite Model 2.3 Majoritarian-Consensual Model 3. Authoritarian and Dictatorship: Key Characteristics 4. Unitary versus Federal Government Lawson, K., Class discussion Morada, N., Philippine Politics and Governance: An Introduction Panel discussion G. Constitutionalism 1. Meaning of Constitution 2. Classifications, Characteristics and Functions 3. Contents 4. Growth of Constitution 5. Preamble 6. Article 1 (The National Territory) De Leon, H., (2008), pp. 18-22; pp. 31-35; pp. 3742; pp. 44-68 H. Declaration of Principles and State Policies 1. Concept of Republicanism 2. Renunciation of Aggressive War 3. Separation of Church and State 4. Nuclear Free Zone Policy 5. Philippine Foreign Policy 6. Social Justice Program 7. Sanctity of Marriage and Family 8. Autonomy and Local Government Units 9. Gender Equality Family Code of the Philippines Reaction paper Class participation rating Reaction paper evaluation Group work Film “Batas Militar” Organista., The 1987 Philippine Constitution, pp. 17-29; pp. 37-76 Local Government Code Quiz Research work on the Constitution of different countries in the world Class participation rating Discussion Quiz Newspaper clippings analysis Class participation rating Discussion Quiz Newscasting Debates Research work evaluation PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 8th to 9th week 6 hours I. Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the People 1. Right to Life and Liberty 2. Right to Property 3. Right to Due Process J. Duties and Obligations of Citizens K. Citizenship De Leon, H., (2008), pp. 69124; pp. 125-137; pp. 138-146 Comic Strips Organista., The 1987 Philippine Constitution, pp. 75-109; pp. 111120 Reports on human rights violation in the Philippines Opinion article writing Class participation rating Opinion article evaluation Report evaluation Debate evaluation Debate on the Death Penalty Law Quiz Class discussion 10th to 11th week 6 hours L. Political Participation 1. Meaning of Election, Suffrage, Referendum, Plebiscite, Recall and Initiative 2. Types of Electoral System 2.1 Run-off Majority 2.2 Plurality System 2.3 Proportional Representation 3. Differences between Political Parties and Pressure Groups 4. Qualification and Disqualification of Voters 5. Major Problems and Issues in Election 6. Organista, pp. 121-123 Class discussion Recitation Ayson and Reyes. Pp. 179187; pp. 193-203 Class participation rating Quiz 12th week 3 hours M. Political Leadership and Party Politics 1. Political Parties (Definition, Types and Functions) 2. Pressure and Interest Groups 3. Public Opinion and Democratic Governance 4. Propaganda Techniques Austin., Introduction to Political Science Role playing Lawson., Introduction to Politocal Science Campaign speeches using propaganda techniques Class discussion Class participation rating Role playing evaluation Speech evaluation Quiz MIDTERM EXAMINATION 13th to 14th week 6 hours 15th to 16th week 6 hours N. The Legislative Branch 1. Unicameralism versus Bicameralism 2. Philippine Legislature 2.1 structure 2.2 membership 2.3 immunities and Disabilities of Members 2.4 Powers and Functions 2.5 Articles XI and XVIII as Powers of Congress 2.6 The Law Making Process O. The Executive Branch 1. Meaning of the Executive Power 2. Manner of Election, Term of Office, Qualifications of the President and the Vice-President 3. Grounds for Presidential Succession 4. Powers of the President De Leon pp. 153198; 327-345; pp. 486-489 Organista, pp. 124-165 The Senate that Said NO: A Four Year Record of the First Post EDSA Senate by Jovito Salonga Interviewing legislators Mock Congress/Role playing Class discussion Research paper on laws/bills authored or sponsored by lawmakers De Leon, pp. 200- Film showing 234 Reaction paper Organist, pp. 167200 Interview with cabinet members and bureaucrats Class participation rating Interview evaluation Role playing evaluation Research paper evaluation Quiz Class participation rating Reaction paper evaluation 17th week 3 hours 18th week 6 hours P. The Judicial Branch 1. Organization of Philippine Courts 2. Composition, Powers and Functions of the Supreme Court 3. Factors that Ensure the Independence of the Judiciary De Leon, pp. 235- Class discussion 265 Interview evaluation Organista, pp. 201-216 Quiz Q. The Constitutional Commissions 1. Compositions, powers and functions of: 1.1 Civil Service 1.2 Commission on Audit 1.3 Commission on Elections 2. Qualification of Members De Leon, pp. 267- Assignment: 308 Chart on the composition, Austin, Organista, qualification of pp. 215-233 members, powers and Organista, pp. functions 234-239 Class discussion Class participation rating Chart evaluation Research work evaluation Quiz Research work Final requirement presentation FINAL EXAMINATION I. SUMMARY 1st 2nd Weeks week 3rd and week 4th week 5th week 6th and 7th week 8th and 9th week Topics A. Concept, Origin, Theories, Elements, Inherent Powers of the State B. C. D. E. F. Political Theories/Ideologies Comparative Political Systems Constitutionalism, Preamble, Article I Declaration of Principles and State Policies Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, Duties and Obligations, and Hours 3 6 3 3 6 6 10th 11th and week 12th week 13th and 14th week 15th and 16th week 17th week 18th week Major Examinations G. H. I. J. K. L. Citizenship Political Participation on Electoral Process Political Leadership and Party Politics The Legislative Branch The Executive Branch The Judicial Branch The Constitutional Commissions Total 6 3 5 4 3 3 3 54 Week / hours are flexible depending on the length of topic to be discussed. J. STUDENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 1. University grading system: 11-point grading system, cumulative 2. Assessment criteria per term (based on university grading system policies) Criteria Term Exam (Prelim, Midterm, Final) Average of unit tests and Quizzes Class Participation (Class discussion, seatwork, Group work, assignment) Weight 30% 35% 30% Personal quality development/value Integration 5% TOTAL 100% K. REFERENCES/READINGS : Printed Resources Textbook: De Leon, Hector S. (2008). Textbook on Philippine Constitution. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore. Abinales, Patricio N. (2005). State and Society in the Philippines. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Ayson, Florentino (2000). Fundamentals of Political Science, 2nd Edition. Manila: National Bookstore. Austin, Ranney Introduction to Political Science, 8th edition: Prentice Hall Heywood, Andrew (2007). Politics, 3rd edition. New York: MacMillan Palgraves. Lawson, Kay (2002). The Human Polity: Introduction to Political Science, 5 th edition: Wadsworth Publishing. Magstadt, Thomas (2006). Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions and Issues, 7th edition. California: Belmont Morada, Noel (2006). Philippine Politics and Governance: An Introduction, Department of Political Science: UP Diliman, Organista, A. and Rivera A. (2000). Philippine Government and the 1987 Constitution. Manila: Knowledge Educational Supply, Salonga, Jovito (1995). The Senate that Said NO: A Four-Year Record of the First Post EDSA Senate: UP Press, 1995 Non-Print Resources Batas Militar - Martial Law (2009). A Documentary. Retrieved May 30, 2011, from Introduction to Political Science (2011, March 1). Youtube clip. Retrieved May 27, 2011, from watch?v=NR_Rglzamoo&feature=related Online Resources 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. Chan Robles Virtual Library. Retrieved May 27, 2011, from Philippine Government Officials (2006). Philippine Country Guide. Retrieved May 30, 2011, from government_officials Philippine government, departments, embassies, police and army (n.d.). Find Government Sites at Retrieved May 30, 2011, from Endorsed by: CAS Curricular Review Committee Approved by: DEAN JULIAN E. ABUSO, PH.D.