2.4.3 Preparing for exams Tuition The Actuarial Education Company (ActEd) is contracted to provide actuarial tuition for students, both by correspondence courses and in person. Their website offers a brochure with information on tuition materials and fees. The Actuarial Education Company 31 Bath Street ABINGDON OX14 3FF Tel: +44 (0)1235 550005 Fax: +44 (0)1235 550085 Website: www.acted.co.uk email: ActEd@bpp.com University courses There is a list of universities offering accredited degree programmes, and other degree programmes for which we have exemption agreements. City University, London and Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, also offer short revision courses. Past exam papers Exam papers and examiners' reports from April 1997 to date are available here. Specimen exam papers We have issued specimen exam papers and solutions for the new subjects ST7, ST8, ST9 and CT7, and for the revised subject SA3: CT7 specimen exam paper | CT7 specimen exam solutions ST7 specimen exam paper | ST7 specimen exam solutions ST8 specimen exam paper | ST8 specimen exam solutions ST9 specimen exam paper | ST9 specimen exam solutions SA3 specimen exam paper | SA3 specimen exam solutions Formulae and tables The second edition of Formulae and tables is available from publications@actuaries.org.uk The first edition is available as a pdf. {WHERE?} Level of mathematics needed for actuarial studies Core Technical subjects require a high level of mathematics knowledge. It is important you ensure you are familiar with the techniques covered at this level and are competent in their use. Guidance by subject You can also find further guidance on mathematics, with a detailed breakdown of the skills required for each of the Core Technical subjects. Suggested study hours and pattern The time you need to spend on a particular subject will vary. It's different for every student. The quality of study time is far more important than the quantity. However, we would suggest the following as a guide: Core Technical subjects (CT1-CT8) - between 125 and 150 hours depending on the subject and your past educational background in it. Business Awareness Module (CT9) -30 hours plus two-day course Actuarial Risk Management (CA1) - 400 hours Model Documentation, Analysis and Reporting (CA2) - 20 hours (assuming some of the preparation for this module forms part of Work-based skills) plus two-day course Communications (CA3) course based exam - 50 hours plus two-day course Specialist Technical subjects - 200 hours Specialist Applications subjects - 300 hours Specialist Applications subjects taken with UK Practice Modules - 320 hour So a reasonable workload for any one study session from September to April might be: Three Core Technical subjects Core Applications Concepts Two Specialist Technical subjects One Specialist Technical subject and the chosen Specialist Applications subject with the relevant UK Practice Module Some other comparable combination The study session from May to September is shorter and so may be difficult for you to study at the same rate. If you study every session with no failures, you might expect to attain Associateship within two years, or Fellowship within three years. Right hand side Associated documents Guidance on mathematics Suggested study hours and pattern Related pages University courses Past exam papers 2010 Past exam papers 2005-2009 Past exam papers 1997-2004 Formulae and tables