APPROVED BY: the decision of the Board of Directors Jsc "Samruk-Energo» Protocol No. 69 from February 27, 2013 year LONG-TERM STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SAMRUK-ENERGO» For 2012-2022 YEARS Astana, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS TERMS AND DEFINITIONS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONSError! Bookmark not defined. INTRODUCTION .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1 ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SITUATION ....................................................... 5 1.1 Analysis of the external environment ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.2 Analysis of internal environment ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 MISSION AND VISION .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS, GOALS AND OBJECTIVESError! Bookmark not defined. 3.1 Energy security of Kazakhstan .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.2 Enhancing shareholder value ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3 Social responsibility ............................................................................................ 11 4 EXPECTED RESULTS .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS АЖК Distribution Outsourcing Benchmarking RES WTO WEC Gw GRES THE POWER PLANT HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION DZO UES OF RK THE EEA kW-h IEIS EFFICIENCY Committee Mw The Fund guidelines The Ministry Of SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE Society The main activities of the Society The responsible structural unit, Developer The Risk Of CIS Strategy Alatau Zharyk Company Jsc Jsc "Almaty Power Stations» Organizational decision, transfer to the third-party provider of certain business functions or parts of the business process "Samruk-Energo» Analysis method by which JSC "Samruk-Energo is comparing its performance with other companies in order to implement specific changes to improve its competitiveness Renewable energy sources The World Trade Organization Wind power plant Gigawatts of electricity power, unit of measurement State district power station Gas turbine power plant Hydraulic power station Subsidiaries and affiliated organizations The unified power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan A single economic space, the Integration Association of the States of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia A kilowatt-hour of electricity, unit of measurement Kazakhstan intellectual power supply system "Galaxy" Key performance indicators indicators (indicators) that characterize the level of effectiveness of the Society, to assess the effectiveness of the activities of society as a whole as well as its executives The strategic planning Committee of the Board of Directors Megawatts of electricity power, unit of measurement Guidelines for the development, monitoring and updating of the development strategies of companies JSC "Samruk-Kazyna", approved by decision of the Board of JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" from October 16, 2012 No. 40/12 The Ministry of industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute Joint-Stock Company "Samruk-Energo» Electric and thermal energy generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, electricity sales, production and sale of coal A structural unit, the owner of a business process on the development and monitoring of execution of Strategy Exposure to uncertainties relating to events or activities that may affect the achievement of the goals and objectives of the The Commonwealth Of Independent States Long-term strategy development of JSC "Samruk-Energo» Structural units of the Society Risk owner TPP THERMAL POWER PLANT Fund CLT ITS-1 ITS-2 ÈTÈK e/e EBITDA ERP MES ROACE SWOT Unit of society, responsible for the implementation of the activity, as reflected in the organizational structure of the company (departments, service) Head of the independent structural unit, responsible for all aspects of the management of risks, in particular, reducing the probability of the risk and/or reducing the possible impact of the consequences of the risk Society Thermal power plant Combined Heat And Power Plant JSC national welfare fund Samruk-Kazyna Pulsed-current transport method LLP «ekibastusz Gres-1 Llp name» JSC "Ekibastuz Gres-2 Station» Fuel and energy complex of the Ekibastuz Electricity Operating income before deducting expenses for the use of the loans, taxes, depreciation and amortization (of Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) Enterprise resource system (from the English Enterprise Resource Planning) Automated control system of technological process (from the English Manufacturing Execution System) Return on average capital used (from the English Return on Average Capital Employed) Analysis of the positive and negative factors of the external and internal environment INTRODUCTION This strategy is a fundamental instrument for planning and implementing the activities of the company for the period 2012-2020 years. The company is established in accordance with the decision of the general meeting of shareholders in order to implement long-term public policy on modernization of existing and introduction of new generating capacity. The company is registered May 10, 2007 year. The sole shareholder of the company as of December 1, 2012 year is Foundation. Strategy takes into account the State policy in the field of strategic planning system national energy security is the main strategic directions, goals and objectives of the Fund and developed in accordance with the Methodological recommendations of the Fund. The strategy is aimed at making best use of the current portfolio of the company's assets and sets directions for the energy security of Kazakhstan, further increasing the value of Society and social responsibility. ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SITUATION 1.1 Analysis of the external environment The economic environment Energy complex plays an important role in the socio-economic sphere and defined as one of the priority sectors of the economy. At present, developed three scenarios for the further development of electric power industry (Basic, optimistic and pessimistic). In all scenarios, over the next ten years there will be steady growth in demand for electricity sector-electricity, thermal energy and coal. This situation creates exclusively favorable conditions for the further growth of production volumes and profitability of the company. Social environment The State is working on a balanced policy on the social responsibility of business. In 2011, the Company entered into the UN Global Compact and corporate social responsibility adopted the strategy, whose goal is to organize, improve and implement social programs. Technological environment Electric power industry is capital-intensive and knowledge-based area that causes the high level requirements of the process of elaboration and implementation of investment projects. Further work will depend on the success of the modernization of existing equipment and the introduction of energy-efficient technologies in the production of products. Ecological environment Improvement of the environmental policy of the country leads to a tightening of legislation, including the regulation of emissions and liability for non-compliance. At present, the number of quotas under the Kyoto Protocol for each organization are determined by the national ènergoproizvodâŝej plan. Air emissions of harmful substances such as sulphur, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter (ASH) are limited by the limits on the permissible norms, the excess of which is punishable by fines. The legal environment Basics of legal regulation of the activities of the company are established by the law of RK "on electric power industry". The law leaves uncertainty in determining the limit of tariffs for electricity and for services to maintain readiness of the electric power after the year 2015, which is one of the main sources of financial risk society. Regulation of supply and distribution companies are the subjects of natural monopolies-is carried out by the Agency for regulation of natural monopolies. In addition, the legislation leaves the definition of the list and size of recoveries at the discretion of the regulatory authorities in the field, which to a significant extent influenced by local executive authorities. Kazakhstan entrance in the common economic space and the planned entry into the WTO will expand opportunities for mutually beneficial transactions on the import and export of electricity and coal, as well as enhance the attractiveness of assets. However, it can also lead to increased tariffs and prices for resources in the direction of alignment with the major trading partners of the CIS and the West. Industry As of January 1, 2012 year, the production of electric energy in Kazakhstan are 68 power plants. The total installed capacity of power plants in Kazakhstan amounts to 19798.0 Mw, the available capacity is 15765.0 Mw. Coal mining in Kazakhstan for 2011 year is 85 million tons. Kazakhstan has significant potential renewable sources of energy: solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy and biomass. In accordance with the strategic plan of development Of Kazakhstan up to the year 2020 the share of RENEWABLE ENERGY in total energy consumption should be more than 3 per cent by the year 2020. Electric power market Electricity market consists of two levels: wholesale and retail. The society is crucial for the wholesale market. The structure of the wholesale market includes market purchase and sale of electricity, decentralized, centralized electricity trading market, balancing the market in real time and the market system and support services. Pricing for a decentralized market is governed by limits on tariffs. Central market is not limited to pricing, but the quantity of sold electricity is limited to 10-th% of electricity generation. From 2008 onwards the balancing market is functioning in the Republic of Kazakhstan in simulation mode, and arrangements for its functioning need to be worked out in real issues, sharing of financial responsibility. In 2016, provides for the establishment of power market in which individual tariffs will be installed on the service to maintain readiness of electric power. The competitive environment in the electricity market The organization includes Kazakhstan, not included in the structure of society, are part of large financial-industrial groups and have regional value, and, therefore, does not compete with the society on the wholesale level. Investment programs producing organizations, industrial and regional importance is currently focused on maintaining existing capacities and meet the increasing demand of consumers have, hence the further enhancement of the role of the State. As a result, the expected role of Society as an agency of the State energy policy of Kazakhstan. Consumers The largest amount of consumed electricity for industry (54.8%) and the rest of occupied households, transport and technological losses. in the structure of the industry is dominated by black and nonferrous metallurgy, in aggregate, consume 44% of all electric power to the industrial needs. In connection with the projected growth of Kazakhstan's economy and increasing oil prices, energy consumption in industry will also increase. In this regard, the Government had drawn up a State programme of forced industrial-innovative development, which is aimed at encouraging industrial production and, accordingly, the demand for electricity in industry. Historical indicators and forecasts of supply and demand on the electricity, heat and coal are presented in tables 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. Table 1.1 industry performance indicators, the fact 1 Indicator 2008 2009 2010 2011 20122 Consumption of e/e, bln. kW-h 80.6 77.9 83.8 88.1 91.5 Development of e/e, bln. kW-h 80.3 78.7 82.6 78.7 90.3 Development of thermal energy, mln. Gcal 94.7 93.4 96.1 96.8 - Consumption of steam coal, million tonnes 77 74 72 73 77 Table 1.2 Forecasts demand for e/e, bln. kW-h 1 2 Агентство Республики Казахстан по статистике; Мастер-План развития электроэнергетической отрасли до 2030 г. Оперативные данные за 2012 г. Министерства индустрии и новых технологий РК. Script development 2012 2013 2017 2022 Pessimistic 90 91 97 107 Base 88 92 107 121 Optimistic 97 103 127 147 Table 1.3 growth forecasts demand for heat, mln. Gcal Script development 2012 2013 2017 2022 Pessimistic 177 178 174 181 Base 178 180 192 205 Optimistic 196 202 228 249 Table 1.4 growth forecasts demand for steam coal, million. tons of Script development 2012 2013 2017 2022 Pessimistic 80.4 82.3 100.4 115.8 Optimistic 80.4 82.3 101.1 118.9 Based on the above data, it is expected to maintain robust growth in demand for the products of the company. 1.1 Analysis of the internal environment Production activities At the beginning of 2012, the installed capacity of electric power stations, are part of the Society was 9679.1 Mw, accounting for 48.9 percent of the total installed capacity of power plants of the EEC. The amount of generation of electricity totaled 32283 million. kW-h at 37.4% of the total electricity production in KAZAKHSTAN for 2011, the EEC. Financial and economic activity As of September 30, 2012 year, size of consolidated assets of society amounted to 327 billion. tenge. Of current assets totaled 74 billion. and long term assets-253 billion. tenge. Shareholders ' equity amounted to 180 billion. tenge. Revenue for the 9 months of 2012 made 69.6 billion. tenge income after payment of income tax for the same period was 11.1 billion. tenge. Investment activity The company is a major shareholder and member of the most important energy producing enterprises of RK. Current investment activity is directed on modernization, reconstruction and construction of production facilities, as well as to expand ownership shares in energy companies. Corporate governance and risk management system In the year 2012 was conducted Diagnostics of system of corporate governance of society on how to Fund the level of conformity of system of corporate governance best practice amounted to 65%. The current system of risk management Society provides a step-by-step process to identify the risks, their causes and consequences, the ranking by probability, impact, and exposure time, the owners and design activities. Strengths of the system include the consolidation of risks for the heads of directions. Innovation The innovative function of the Society is limited to resource security and decentralization. In order to ensure the growth, the company plans to increase the innovation component in its activities not only by increasing gross investment in investment projects, but also through participation in support of innovative ideas and innovations, as well as the establishment of centralized process of cooperation with institutions of higher education, scientific research and design institutes. 1 MISSION and vision Mission To maintain the rapid growth of the national economy and improve the living standards of citizens, providing a reliable and efficient production and supply of electric and thermal energy, and coal as part of global energy-related environmental initiatives through sustainable development. Vision Competitive electricity holding company Eurasian values. 2 STRATEGIČESKIE DIRECTIONS, goals and objectives To accomplish the mission and achieve the desired results, society must gradually evolve in three strategic areas: 1. energy security of Kazakhstan. 2. enhancing shareholder value. 3. social responsibility. 3.1 energy security of Kazakhstan The society aims to ensure energy security, which is one of the main priorities of the further economic development of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of this activity is to ensure the security of supply of electricity and coal, as well as maintaining the stability of the EEC. This goal will be made by society, perform the following tasks: 1) control stations of national importance. 2) The optimization of the structure of the generation. 3) ensure backup capacity. 4) centralizing the purchase and sale of exported/imported electricity and the development of export capacities. Information for each task is shown later. 3.1.1 Control stations of national importance The company is considering the possibility of establishing a high degree of control over the stations of national importance, which will lead to the strengthening of the role of the State in these sites and will help maintain the stability of the EEC. 3.1.2 The structure optimization of generation The company provides construction and capacity expansion of hydroelectric power stations and the POWER PLANT, which will increase the proportion of flexible capacity in the generacionnom portfolio of society, allowing reducing dependence on energy imports. To date, lack of investment in the maneuvering capacity (lack of data capacity is 12%, or about 1.5 Gw) leads to a lack of capacity in the hours of the morning and afternoon highs, and is covered by expensive imports from the Russian Federation and the countries of Central Asia. The introduction of the balancing market in real mode will provide fair pricing tool by creating an economic incentive for optimum loading stations. 3.1.3 Backup capacity The company plans to work to ensure the provision by increasing the available capacity. In recent years, the annual maximum electric load in Kazakhstan in late December (approximately 13000-14000 Mw), and the annual growth rate of 3-5%. For stabilization of the energy situation in the country there should be a Public building of reserve capacity to prevent sudden spikes. For stable operation of the EEC, the available capacity was no less electric loads at any point in time. If there is a violation of this condition the system is power shortage, which might lead to a deterioration of the quality of electric energy and the emergence of technological violations. 3.1.1 the Centralisation of sale exported/imported electricity and the development of export capacity Currently, the company exports in autumn and spring, when there is an excess of electricity generated (exit stations at the scheduled repair work occurs later than the decrease of demand, and as a result, there is a surplus, which may transfer to countries with excess demand). From 2018 onwards, thanks to the development of export potential of the country, Kazakhstan will export potential energy that is not bound to seasonal demand. Increased export capacity of electricity meets the public policy on the export of high value-added products. New opportunities in this field are connected with the introduction of additional export market in Belarus, as well as the possibility of electricity supplies from Central Asia to the countries of the EEA. 3.1 Enhancing shareholder value In view of the vysokodohodnosti electricity market in the foreseeable future, increasing shareholder value is also one of the strategic directions of the development of society. The main aims and objectives to enhance shareholder value are: 1. protection of the interests of the shareholders and the company's successful initial public offering (IPO 's): 1) participated in the creation of a stable system of tariffs; 2) change in dividend policy; 3) improved corporate governance. 2. ensure the financial stability of the holding: 1) diversification in related production; 2) participated in the creation of a stable system of tariffs (realization of this task, contributes to the achievement of the objectives of "protecting the interests of shareholders and the successful IPO of the company (people's IPO)", and the goal of ensuring the financial stability of the holding "). 3. participation in a commercially viable projects: 1) investing in core assets, including abroad; 2) innovative development. Information for each objective and the relevant tasks are next. 3.2.1. The protection of the interests of the shareholders and the company's successful initial public offering (IPO 's) IPO software subsidiary and affiliated organizations Fund in the securities market will be developed and implemented in order to execute the orders of the head of State during the 13TH Congress of the people's Democratic Party "Nur-Otan" from February 11, 2011 year. Society in the run-up to the IPO will need the support of the Fund and the Government in solving the following problems: The participation in the creation of a stable system of tariffs The society will participate in the improvement of the tariff legislation for energy supply, energy transmission and energy supplying organizations: Better management of energy transmission and energy supplying organizations-the subjects of natural monopolies Better management of energy supplying organizations Change in dividend policy Society will be working actively to change the dividend policy of inclusion in the approved cash flow plan of energy producing enterprises dividend payments required for the maintenance of investment attractiveness. The Improvement of corporate governance The strategic objective is to achieve corporate governance rating in 2015 year-75% and in the year 2022-85% (see graph 3.1) by focusing on the following areas for development that will make the most progress in corporate governance. 85.0% 75.0% 61.9% 65.0% 2011 2012 39.7% 2010 2015 2022 Chart 3.1 Actual and planned growth of corporate governance rating 3.2.1. Ensuring the financial stability of the holding To reduce the risks and increase the financial stability of the company diversifies its activities and will participate in the elaboration of the tariff legislation. Diversification in related production This task will be carried out in the following areas: • introduction of technology of processing of coal as part of the expansion of export potential of Kazakh coal, including coking coal; • development of coal chemistry based on newly purchased coal deposits (consideration of the possible application of coking, coal gasification, plasma; production of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels, humic preparations, activated carbon, etc.); • development of underground mining coking coal through the construction of mines. Actively growing demand for coking coal in Kazakhstan (4-5% per year, see graph 3.2), high export potential in the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, as well as extensive experience in coal mining were the decisive factors in the choice of the production of coking coal as the most profitable directions of diversification. Chart 3.2 coking coal consumption Prediction in Kazakhstan (base scenario), mln. tons. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 31 32 33 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 The main market for Coke concentrate produced by the metallurgy of the Russian Federation. To become one of the leaders in the country to produce enough Society over 3 million. tons per year. The participation in the creation of a stable system of tariffs The next key objective to ensure the financial stability of the Society is to improve tariff system that will provide profit growth and return on investment. Detailed information and a description of the measures to improve the system of tariffs is set out in paragraph purpose the protection of the interests of the shareholders and the company's successful initial public offering (IPO 's) ". 3.2.1. participate in commercially viable projects investing in core assets, including overseas. Under this objective will be implementation of the following Society of investment projects: • Construction of the thermal and gas-turbine power stations: The restoration and increase of capacity of ÈTÈK; Rekonstrukciâ THERMAL POWER PLANT, including the modernization of Distribution; Construction of THERMAL POWER PLANTS with a total capacity of 3320 MW; Construction of TPP of regional importance with a total capacity of 455 MW; Construction of the POWER PLANT with capacity of 100 Mw. Construction of hydroelectric power plants: Reconstruction, modernization of existing and construction of new HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION; Construction of small hpps in the Almaty region. • coal production projects: Introduction of CLT coal to Bogatyr Access Komir cuts. " • construction of substations: Construction of substations Construction of substation Turksib. Implementation of renewable energy projects: Construction of wind, solar and small hydraulic power plants 3.1 Attention should be drawn to the fact that diversification of the types of generation through the construction of alternative (renewable) energy sources, power plants that use gas fuels, etc., will be paid to their economic feasibility. The share of RES in the structure of the types of electrogeneration may increase substantially in the next 10 years, as a result of lowering the cost of electricity from RES and a simultaneous increase in the cost of electricity from traditional sources. Society should take into account the above factors and invest in the development of different types of electricity generation, in order to avoid the risks of concentrating on traditional kinds of generation. 3.2 Innovative development 3.3 This will be achieved by considering the possibility of an infusion of investment in related products and services, innovation and management innovation to improve energy efficiency: 3.4 • technological innovations in the field of mining and processing of coal: 3.5 • technological innovations in the field of electricity and heat generation: 3.6 • technological innovations in the field of power transmission: 3.7 • technological innovations in the field of marketing: IT initiatives: 3.8 Management of innovation: 3.9 Management of innovation processes: 3.10 Innovation is measured by rankings of innovation development, which is calculated on the basis of ten EFFICIENCY in innovation and technology strategies of the society. Thus, the challenge is to achieve 100%-s ' rankings of innovation development to the year 2015. 3.1 Social responsibility As noted in the strategy of the Fund, the growth of the long-term cost is impossible without taking into account the interests of all stakeholders, including the public interest, therefore, improving the standards of social responsibility is a key strategic focus. In this direction there are work-oriented response to the initiatives of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Fund in the area of social responsibility. For social responsibility before society has the following aims and objectives: 1. ensuring social sustainability: 1) Implementation of social initiatives Fund. 2. the exclusion of industrial injuries. 3. protection of the environment: 1) implementation strategy "green economy" and the development of clean coal technology and RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES; 2) reduction of losses in the electric and heat networks; 3) reduction of harmful influence; 4) introduction of a system of social and environmental standards; 5) energy efficiency. Information for each objective and the relevant tasks are next. 3.4.1 Social sustainability The Social Fund initiatives This task will be carried out through the following activities: 1) sponsorship-sponsorship to public organizations and participation in government programs of social responsibility. 2) educational programs-the establishment of scholarship programs with universities and schools presentations and study trips in the company. 3) construction of training centres (Distribution and 010000). 4) ensuring sustainable supply chain through the introduction of a system of social and environmental standards. 5) development of local content. 3.4.2. The exclusion of occupational injuries The company plans to achieve this objective by implementing the following measures: 1) conduct ongoing work to identify risks and develop plans for activities with a view to their prevention and removal; 2) reduction in the number of jobs with hazardous or dangerous working conditions; 3) increase the level of security through the use of modern equipment and means of collective and individual protection; 4) integration of safety and health for all existing and newly introduced processes; 5) staff development, as well as the introduction of advanced knowledge and experience in the field of occupational health and safety; 6) motivation to increase its involvement in the security management system and labor protection OHSAS 18001 standard; 7) tightening requirements for subordinate organizations on issues of occupational health and safety; 8) first personal responsibility of managers for ensuring a safe working environment for industrial accidents; 9) increase equipment reliability and reduce the accident rate. 3.4.1 Environmental protection The implementation of the strategy "green economy" and the development of clean coal technology and RENEWABLE ENERGY For the Elimination of "energy poverty" remote consumer Society plans to engage in a renewable energy balance. Reducing losses in electric networks. To achieve this goal, the company plans to conduct the following activities: 1) upgrading the technological base of electric networks; 2) Automation control system and metering (AMR); 3) establishment of a system of IEIS, including integrated automation of enterprises in society. Reducing the harmful impact. In order to minimize pollution by reducing emissions of harmful substances, the society conducts systematic works on modernization of technological process: 1) installation of electrostatic precipitators with ash collection 99.4 -99.6%; 2) installation on CHPP-2, Almaty 3 emulsifiers of the second generation for the ash collection rate o 99.4%. 3) introduction of modern methods of desulfurization; 4) development of industries for recycling ash dumps; 5) reducing water consumption and waste water treatment. At present, the equipment is installed to hold a significant portion of the emissions of particulate matter in the atmosphere (on the ITS-2-ESP with a 99.4% ash collection and Distribution-second generation emulsifiers). The quantitative commitments of the Kyoto Protocol before the year 2020, in Kazakhstan, a system of quotas for greenhouse gas emissions. As mentioned earlier, the number of quotas for each organization will be determined by the National ènergoproizvodâŝej plan approved by Government Decree. To avoid these costs, the company in the next 10 years to lower CO2 emissions, as well as additional quotas in Exchange for construction of renewable energy sources. The introduction of social and environmental standards. The company consistently implements an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 in all enterprises and is planning to work assiduously towards the reduction of the impact of industrial activities on the environment through the introduction of "green" technologies with the use of new sources of energy. Will be diversification of generation of electrical energy in the current structure of the society and economy of the whole country. For the implementation of these measures are indispensable support from the State, conducting research on the integration of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES to the grid, the national long-term monitoring and prediction of renewable resources, as well as development and implementation of the programme for the development of small RENEWABLE ENERGY power sources for remote and hard-to-reach areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan without the centralized electro supply. 1. EXPECTED RESULTS In accordance with the objectives of achieving the strategic goals of the company held financial-economic calculations for the period from 2013 to 2022 years, including information on key financial indicators. The cost of Society on December 31, 2011 amounts to 2.8 billion. dollars, net of debt. The total investment for the forecast period will be 2 trillion. 519 billion. tenge. EBITDA will grow from 32 billion. tenge to 2013 to 528 billion. in 2022, the own capital at 2022 city will amount to 2 trillion. tenge. Key financial indicators for the optimistic scenario are shown in table 4.1. Table 4.1 financial indicators: optimistic scenario № Indicator s 1 EBITDA EBITDA margin BN KZT Priv. Capital Debt / coeff. EBITDA Cap. BN KZT Attachm ents BN KZT EVA 2 4 5 6 7 8 Unit of measure BN KZT % The billion. Cost Of Society Forecast for the year 2013 2014 2015 2016 32 137 154 228 2017 263 2018 337 2019 377 2020 2021 508 510 2022 528 22% 41% 42% 42% 44% 45% 46% 50% 49% 48% 362 423 604 666 839 1,02 1 1,19 7 1,47 7 1,747 2,034 6.19 2.99 4.07 4.03 5.10 4.48 4.18 2.90 2.67 2.39 447 322 351 405 368 269 162 91 63 42 13.6 7 33.0 8 6.81 (34.1 3) (60.0 (53.1 4) 4) (45.6 8) 55.8 6 39.59 47.46 4.94 3 2022 year is planned to increase to: • electricity production up to 81 billion. kW-h; • coal production to 65.4 million. tons per year; • total installed capacity up to 15533 MW of thermal power capacity will reach 12836 MW hydro-2383 Mw, and renewable energy sources (including small hydro power plants)-315 Mw. Thus, the Society assumes the achievement of all the goals according to the strategic directions of development set out in section 3 of this strategy.