Framework for vehicle routing planning system based-on the multipass simulation for inbound logistics in LCD manufacturing Kiyoul Lee1, Hyunbo Cho2 Department of Industrial and Management Engineering POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology) Hyoja San 31, Pohang 790-784, Korea Email: and Mooyoung Jung † School of Technology Management UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Banyeon-ri 100, Ulsan 689-798, Korea Email: Abstract - A careful vehicle operation planning for inbound logistics is required to resolve inventory and quality problems arising when LCD manufacturing adopts a just-in-time raw material delivery philosophy. Dynamic environments that disturb the system’s flexibility and robustness should be considered, such as regulation of stocks, distance of vendors, time limits of delivery, and changes of production plan. In this research, a multi-pass simulation approach (MPS) is proposed to support a dynamic and real-time nature of vehicle planning necessary to synchronize with production schedules. The MPS is a well-known method for solving real-time planning and its success depends largely on selecting the best decision-making rule quickly and effectively. In this paper, the framework and operational procedure of the proposed approach are investigated to satisfy various requirements existing in manufacturing LCD products. The proposed system consists of a simulation driven planning system and a real-time vehicle scheduling system, where the former develops a projected plan using the existing production plan and various static data. During this process, the system uses a job packing process to generate a truckload job plan and sends it to the real-time vehicle scheduling system. Then, the real-time vehicle scheduling system generates the vehicle routing schedule through the dispatching process by considering the projected plan with real-time environmental factors. The details of simulation and the effectiveness of the proposed method will be demonstrated through a case study. Keywords: Supply Chain Control, Real-time Scheduling, Multi-pass Approach 1. INTRODUCTION A supply chain is an integrated business process i n which various businesses work together to (1) acquir e raw materials, (2) convert these raw materials into s pecified final products, and (3) deliver these final prod ________________________________________ †: Corresponding Author ucts to retailers [Beamon, 1998]. In recent trends, the rapid development of new products is the foundation o f time-based competition strategies that have been adop ted by many manufacturing enterprises in the dynamic production environment. Accordingly, supply chain ma nagement (SCM) is one of the most important challen ges in improving enterprises' profitability, so many diff erent methods for optimizing supply chains have been proposed. However, to achieve high quality products at low cost, while maintaining lower inventory and high levels of performance in these global supply chains, s upply chain scheduling and planning (SCSP) very com plex and must occur within the enterprise and across t he entire supply chain [Moon et al., 2008]. From the logistical point of view, SCM can be classified to inbo und logistics, intercompany logistics, and outbound logi stics. The SCSP also can be divided in the same way, and outbound flow was well-investigated. However, inb ound logistics is more important because it affects the entire supply networks. In real situation, inbound sup ply chain is more complicate to execute because of a number of constraints, especially in logistics and at ma nufacturing site. Many factors can vary, including dista nce between vendors, delivery-time constraints, regulati on of stocks and changes of production plans. As a re sult, many researches about inbound supply chain are f ocused on the risk analysis or risk models. The manu facturers could reduce the effect of expected environm ental uncertainty; however, they cannot mitigate the eff ect of unexpected risk in practice. Therefore, enterprise s must employ more flexible, coordinated and integrate d planning and scheduling systems to efficiently provid e a best solution to the context. Multi-pass scheduling (MPS) is a kind of rule-bas ed simulation approach; MPS ranks strategies and selec ts the best one by forecasting using simulation of mult iple courses of action before actual execution [Cho & Wysk, 1993; Wu & Wysk, 1988]. MPS for a real time supply chain must provide speedy evaluation of rule combinations, and this speed depends on the number o f simulation trials required to evaluate the rule combin ations before ranking them. In this paper, MPS is adopted and applied to vehi cle routing planning system for inbound logistics to co ntrol networks' robustness, monitor the system's perfor mance, and sense emergencies occurrence. The framew ork consists of (1) a simulation-driven planning system and (2) a real-time vehicle scheduling system. The si mulation-driven planning system schedules estimated ve hicles routing plans of many vehicles using informatio n such as distance of vendor, condition of vehicle, and production plan. The real-time vehicle scheduling syst em executes the plan produced by the simulation drive n planning system, adjusts the plan by considering ext ernal factors, and monitors the system’s condition in re al-time. The remainder of the paper is organized as follow s: Section II provides an overview of inbound supply chain and the concept of simulation-based MPS. Sectio n III explains the constraints in application of SCSP, t he details of proposed system architecture, and Section IV provides the operating procedure of this system. Section V describes a case study using this system. Se ction VI presents a conclusion and outlines future wor k. 2. RELATED WORKs 2.1 Inbound Logistics The area of risk analysis of was a well-researched topic. However, much of the research on risk and the physical flow of goods in a supply chain have focuse d more in the outbound flow rather than inbound supp ly risk analysis [Zsidisin et al., 2000]. However, inbou nd logistics is an important issue, especially, in the ma nufacture site. And inbound supply risk is a well-know n research issue. Zsidisin and Ellram (2003) state that a supplier's failure to deliver inbound goods or service s can have a detrimental effect throughout the purchasi ng firm and subsequently through the supply chain, ult imately reaching the customers. Generally, inbound risk analysis is accomplished by 4 procedures; 1) risk clas sification, 2) risk identification, 3) risk calculation, 4) i mplementation/validation. Table 1: Risk models for inbound flow [Wu et al., 20 06] Risk Risk Risk Classification Identification Calculation Kraljic Chain Product- (2001) dependent focused Steele & Chain Product- Court(1996) dependent focused Zsidisin & Chain Product- Highest Ellram(1999) dependent focused factorial risk Finnman Chain Supplier- (2002) dependent focused Zsidisin Chain Product- (2003) dependent focused Validation No No Weight sum No Yes AHP Yes No Yes Table 1 briefly shows the previous researches on t he risk factors of inbound supply chain. Kraljic (2001) discusses the need to recognize the extent of supply weakness and treats the weaknesses with a 4-phase str ategy to manage supply. The strategy presents key risk factors such as availability, number of suppliers, com petitive demand, and make-buy opportunity. Steele and Court (1996) address vulnerability management which deal with an overall supply risk analysis procedure in cluding risk identification and calculation. Finnman (20 02) proposes a supply risk management framework and methodology to evaluate risks to help supplier risk m anagement framework and a methodology to evaluate r isks to help supplier selection process. Zsidisin and Ell ram (1999) propose a 10-step approach for risk assess ment by giving equal importance for 8 identified risk factors and using a 5-point nominal risk scale. 2.2 Simulation-based Multi-pass Scheduling Multi-pass approach is one methodology for rule selection which is to combine a rule-based expert system to select several scheduling rules in a real-time environment through the test which scheduling rule is the best. Wu and Wysk (1988) developed a simulator control mechanism that evaluates the candidate dispatching rules and uses various criteria to select the best control strategy for a given time period. Wu and Wysk (1989)] presented an MPS algorithm that includes a mechanism controller and a flexible simulator. MPS algorithms are defined as scheduling algorithms that solve the scheduling problem of selecting the best dispatching rule among a set of rules. Combinations of dispatching rules over a system's production cycle can produce higher throughput than a single rule alone [Drake et al., 1955; Wu & Wysk, 1988]. Cho and Wysk (1993) used neural networks to recommend candidate rules for MPS, and Jones et al. (1995) used inductive learning and genetic algorithms to build the relationship between shop conditions and rules; some modified techniques using neural networks [Kim & Kim, 1994] and production rules have also been used for identifying this relationship. MPS frameworks consist of five components: (1) recommendation of rules for each problem type, (2) generation of all rule combinations, (3) simulation, (4) evaluation and ranking of rule combinations and (5) scheduling [Cho & Wysk, 1993]. Whenever the decisionmaking rules need to be changed, a set of promising rules for resolving each problem type is recommended. A few different types of scheduling problem may occur during the next scheduling period, so all rule combinations must be generated, and each must be evaluated using simulation. The best rule combination is chosen and conveyed to the scheduling component. One method of MPS uses a nested partitioning (NP) method and an optimal computing budget allocation (OCBA) method to reduce the computational load without the loss of throughput [Yoo et al., 2004]. 3. FRAMEWORK OF PROPOSED SYSTEM 3.1 Constraints of inbound supply chain planning In this section, constraints of inbound supply chai n planning are considered. Several constraints interrupt application of inbound supply chain planning in the p ractice: Regulation of stock; through the adaptation of jus t-in-time (JIT) philosophy (or lean-manufacturing syste m), most manufacturers pursue a low-stock level to co pe with the risk of dynamic environmental uncertaintie s without the stock-out. As a result, they could mini mize the inventory cost and adapt more flexibly to the change of environment, however it would hire more vehicles to meet the requirements of JIT. Time limits of delivery; to comply with the produ ction plan under the JIT policy, vehicles should be mo re frequently traveled their routes with less-than-full lo ads within a limited time. This point reduces the effici ency of vehicle's operation. Furthermore, traffic congest ion or natural disasters may affect travel time. Therefo re, this factor should be considered during the inbound supply chain planning and execution steps. Changes of production plan; production plans cou ld be changed due to order changes, part shortage, or production line breakdown. In this case, all plans and schedules must be changed immediately. Distance of vendors; the inbound supply chain co nsists of many participants such as manufacturers, part s assemblers, and suppliers. These participants may be widely separated due to the globalized suppliers. Thes e factors could be impact on other constraints such as delivery time and stock level. Disproportionate order quantity; because of produ ct diversity, some parts may be supplied by more than one supplier. Disproportionate orders may occur biase d vehicles operation and then increase the number of vehicles required to transport it. Break time; in the factory operation, workers are given breaks. During the break, all vehicles and produ ction facilities must be stop; these also disturb operatio n of the plan and the schedule. 3.2 Simulation Driven Planning System The simulation-driven planning system develops a projected plan using the production plan and set-up dat a which include vendor information, vehicle informatio n, travel time and part cart information. The details ar e as follows: Travel time means the time required for a vehicle to move among suppliers. At first, these data are collecte d through the survey and then should be continuously improved by monitoring. Vendor information includes basic information about v endors such as the vendor name, the distance from ma nufacturer, and waiting time for loading and unloading. Vehicle information describes vehicle identification, ca pacity, and size. Part cart information is composed of cart size, capacit y, and data attached to vendor. Figure 1: Simulation-driven planning system With the aforementioned data, the simulation drive n planning system generates a modified production pla n to assign work to each vehicle (Figure 1). During th is process, the system uses simulation to generate a nu mber of solutions, then sends a best solution with give n constraints to the real-time vehicle scheduling system . Figure 2 shows the detail process of simulation-drive n planning system. During the packing process, the sys tem generate diverse projected plan by rearrangement o f production plan based on the vehicle's departure time through the production start time and travel time, cal culation of the amount of carts using the production pl an and part-cart information. 3.3 Real-time Vehicle Scheduling System The real-time vehicle scheduling system (Figure 3) generates the vehicle routing schedule by combining t he projected plan provided by the simulation-driven pla nning system with information which provided by the monitoring modules; this system include: Traffic information, which includes traffic reports and estimated travel time of each travel course. This module has a strong effect on travel time. Level of stocks, which directly affects production flow, so it is very important. Shortage of stock means loss of business opportunity. Vehicles, in the overage, cannot perform the next schedule before unloading pr ocess so the efficiency of vehicles is decreased. Real-time vehicle's condition, which provides the vehicle's location, whether it is loading or unloading, a nd the items being loaded. It is needed to assign work to the appropriate vehicle at the re-planning. Monitoring Module, which tracks various data to estimate the throughput of the generated vehicle routin g schedule. It senses the changes of production plan a nd other unexpected occurrences to adjust the generate d schedule and determine whether re-planning process is necessary. It is supported by other technology like RFID, which can measure travel time and waiting time automatically. Figure 3: Real-time vehicle scheduling system 4. Operational Procedure In this section, operational procedure of proposed system will be explained. The procedure is as follows: Figure 2: Flow diagram of packing process Step 1: Information gathering and sharing A major manufacturer generates a production plan using a customer's order. The firm shares the pla n with its suppliers, so they could prepare their p arts at the appropriate time. The manufacturer defines and collects the set-up d ata needed to simulate the simulation driven plann ing system. Step 2: Set the manufacturer's goal The manufacturer determines the major objectives concerning the levels of stocks, the number of ve hicles, and the minimum idle time of vehicle. Step 3: Generate projected production plan Simulate the simulation driven planning system by using production plan and set-up data. Calculate the departure time of resources from ve ndor to manufacturing site considering time allowa nce of just-in-time, waiting time, loading and unlo ading time, and break time. Pack the resources to their appropriate carts accor ding to cart capacity. Combine the appropriate number of carts in the s ame time slot to make one truckload, that is a jo b. Generate a projected plan by considering the jobs, departure time, and production plan in the order of time slot. Step 4: Create vehicle routing plan and execution Use the real-time vehicle scheduling system to loa d the projected plan. Set the vehicle routing schedule using the projecte d plan, traffic information, vehicle's condition, and level of stocks. Execute the schedule. If a vehicle is idle, then vehicle will be assigned the job. Else if no idle vehicle is available, select an appr opriate vehicle according to system operating polic y. If too few vehicles are available to execute the sc hedule, go to step 3 and take another projected pl an for scheduling (re-planning). If there are no ap propriated projected plan, go to step 2 and add m ore vehicles or change the quantity of stock. Step 5: Evaluate the performance index The monitoring module continuously collects vario us data concerned with planning and scheduling, u pdates that information, and evaluates the perform ance index of the vehicle routing schedule. If the index value does not satisfy the set up ind ex, send a promised message to the simulation dri ven planning system, and go to step 3. If an unexpected event such as change of product ion plan or breakdown of production line occurs, send a promised message to the simulation driven planning system, and go to step 3. Using this procedure, the proposed system can ge nerate a vehicle routing plan that is applied in practice by constantly adapting it to changes in the environme nt. If a new vendor or a new vehicle is added, the sy stem operator must insert the set-up information related to that component. Using Step 3, various solutions ca n be generated, allowing for existing constraints. Howe ver, the goal presented in Step 2 helps in selecting the best solution. In Step 4, the vehicle assignment proce ss can vary with the operation policy and the firm's g oal such as minimization of levels of stocks, of transp ortation cost, or of idle time of vehicles. Step 5 allow s the proposed system to evolve continuously to fit th e dynamics of environment. 5. The Case Study To validate efficiency and utility of the developed system, two case studies are performed; the first is to determine the important factors related with the comp any's policy, the second is to verify the performance o f the developed system. In these case studies, the com pany has 3 manufacture sites and 9 vendors, and vend ors provide two major sub-products. We collected vario us set-up data related with vendors, vehicles, cart data, part data, travel time, and correlation of these data in the field, and we generated 1,000 days production pla ns based on 30 days real data given by the company. The company has 16 production lines and produces ab out 14,000 products/day with 200 kinds of products. T he system was coded in C++ language and was run o n Core(TM) 2 Quad computer with 2.33GHz processor and 4.00GB of RAM. The simulation for generation of 1day's schedule takes about 5 minutes, the first cas e was repeated 10 times and the second was 2 times. 5.1 Simulation Case #1 To determine the appropriate values for (1) the time allowance of JIT (30min.~120min.), (2) the stock for next day (30min.~120min.), so 28 simulations was executed (Table 2) by using 5days production plans. Table 2: Simulation case #1 Stock for next 30 min. 60 min. 90 min. 120 min. 30 min. 1 2 3 4 45 min. 5 6 7 8 60 min. 9 10 11 12 75 min. 13 14 15 16 90 min. 17 18 19 20 JIT allowance day 105 min. 21 22 23 24 120 min. 25 26 27 28 5.2 Simulation Case #2 Based on the result of simulation case #1 (1hour time Figure 4 illustrates simulation result for 28 cases (Table 1) based on total number of vehicle, average stock level, and average idle time of vehicles. As shown Figure 4-(a) and (b), 2 hour ahead delivery performs better than others. To minimize the idle time (Fig. 4-(c)), 30 min. ahead delivery and 2 hour allowance for JIT is the best condition. However, details of 30 min. and 1hour ahead delivery schedule show that these plans can not apply because of the too early departure of vehicle. And these conditions are not appropriate for applying in practice due to the number of vehicle and the level of max stock. In this case study, the object is minimization of stock level (stock level limitation: 180) and minimization of vehicle number (limitation: 17/day). Therefore, simulation case 12 (1 hour allowance for JIT and 2 hour ahead delivery for next day production) was selected. Stock for next day Number of vehicles allowance of JIT, 2hour ahead delivery for next day), we repeat the simulation with 500 days production plan considering lunch time, dinner time, and 3 break times. Figure 5 illustrates result of simulation case #2. Average requirement of vehicles is 19.89 vehicles a day (Max: 25, Min: 15), and average idle time is 4:26 per day (Max: 9:07, Min: 0:57). And average stock level is 135.1 lots (Max: 179, Min: 96). Figure 5: Result of simulation case #2 (a) Stock for next day In case study, implemented simulation-driven planning system provides various simulation result considering diverse constraints and real-time vehicle routing scheduling system determines the required number of vehicles, stock level, and idle time of vehicles. And proposed system has flexibility and robustness because it collects and updates set-up data in the monitoring module. The system continuously generates suitable plans and schedules based on simulations that consider all constraints and conditions (b) Stock for next day 6. CONCLUSION (c) Figure 4: Result of simulation case #1 In this paper, the multi-pass concept is adopted an d applied to a planning system for inbound supply cha in execution. The proposed system consists of a simul ation-driven planning system and a real-time vehicle sc heduling system. This system considers many constrain ts that occur in the real world that impede utilization of the schedule in practice. The simulation-driven plan ning system generates an appropriate projected plan usi ng production plan, travel time, vendor information, ve hicle information, and part-cart information. This syste m can generate diverse projected plans by simulation, and can select a best solution by considering the firm' s goals. The real-time vehicle scheduling system gener ates a vehicle routing schedule and assigns jobs to veh icles. Furthermore, the monitoring module gathers diver se information related to system operation, and updates existing information continuously. Therefore, generated schedule is becoming more and more accurate. Finall y, the monitoring module evaluates the performance in dex using collected data, and determines the re-plannin g process by comparing the performance index and a standard index. These procedures can guarantee system' s flexibility and robustness. For further study, a mathematical goal model for decision-making should be developed. Diverse rules to relax an impact of sudden event have to be investigate d and considered. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by Basic Science Res earch Program through the National Research Foundati on of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Educati on, Science and Technology (2009-0077660). REFERENCES Beamon, B. M., (1998), Supply chain design and analysis: Models and methods, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 55, pp. 281-294. Cho, H. and Wysk, R. A., (1993), A robust adaptive scheduler for an intelligent workstation controller, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 31, pp.771-789. Drake, G. R., Smith, J. S., and Peters, B. A., (1995), Simulation as a planning and scheduling tool for flexible manufacturing system", Proceeding of the 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, pp.805-812. 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His research interests include supply chain planning and scheduling, simulation based multi-pass scheduling, and supply chain of energy industry. <> Hyunbo Cho is a professor of the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Seoul National University in 1986 and 1988, respectively, and his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering with a specialization in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1993. He was a recipient of the SME’s 1997 outstanding young manufacturing engineer award. His areas of expertise include business models creation, manufacturing management & strategy, and supply chain Integration. He is an active member of IIE and SME. <> Mooyoung Jung is a professor of the School of Technology Management at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), Korea. He received his Ph. D. from Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering at Kansas State University in 1984. He has published more than 200 research papers in the fields of Technology Management and Manufacturing Systems. His current research interests include Technology Strategy and Management for industry. <>