Univerzity v Jižní Koreji Hl. město: Soul Část první- univerzity: Ajou University - Ajou University, Suwon HP: http://wwwold.ajou.ac.kr/~internat/ Andong National University - Andong National University HP: http://www.andong.ac.kr/english/main.htm Anyang University - Anyang University, Anyang HP: http://www.anyang.ac.kr/a.ueng/htm/default.htm# Catholic University of Korea - Catholic University of Korea HP: http://www.cuk.ac.kr/ Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung - Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung HP: http://www.cu.ac.kr/english/index.html Changwon University - Changwon University HP: http://www.changwon.ac.kr/english/ Cheju National University - Cheju National University HP: http://www.cheju.ac.kr/eng/index.html Chinju National University - Chinju National University HP: http://www.chinju.ac.kr/ Chonbuk National University - Chonbuk National University HP: http://www.chinju.ac.kr/ Chongju University - Chongju University HP: http://www.cju.ac.kr/english/ Chonju National University of Education - Chonju National University of Education HP: není k dispozici Chonnan National University - Chonnan National University HP: http://www.chonnam.ac.kr/en/ Chosun University - Chosun University HP: http://www.chosun.ac.kr/eng/ Chung Ang University - Chung Ang University HP: http://www.cau.ac.kr/english/ Chungbuk National University - Chungbuk National University HP: http://sobaek.cbnu.ac.kr/eng/ Chung-Ju National University - Chung-Ju National University HP: http://www.chungju.ac.kr/English/ Chungnam National University - Chungnam National University, Taejeon HP: http://plus.cnu.ac.kr/english/index.jsp Chungwoon University - Chungwoon University HP: http://www.chungwoon.ac.kr/english/index.htm Daebul University - Daebul University HP: http://www.daebul.ac.kr/ Dankook University - Dankook University HP: http://www.dankook.ac.kr/html/english/index.html Dong Eui University - Dong Eui University HP: Knihovna: http://lib.deu.ac.kr/eng/ Dong Yang University of Technology - Dong Yang University of Technology HP: http://www.dytc.ac.kr/ Dong-A University - Dong-A University HP: http://english.donga.ac.kr/ Dongduk Women's University - Dongduk Women's University (jen kor.) HP: http://www.dongduk.ac.kr/ Dongguk University - Dongguk University HP: http://www.dongguk.edu/english/ Dongseo University - Dongseo University HP: http://www.dongseo.ac.kr/index_eng.html Dongshin University - Dongshin University HP: http://www.dongshinu.ac.kr/ Duksung Women's University - Duksung Women's University (jen kor.) HP: http://www.duksung.ac.kr/ Ewha Women's University - Ewha Women's University HP: http://www.ewha.ac.kr/ Gyeongsang University - Gyeongsang University HP: http://www.gsnu.ac.kr/english/index.jsp Hallym University - Hallym University HP: http://www.hallym.ac.kr/eng/ HP-lék. fak.: http://www.hallym.or.kr/ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies HP: http://www.gsnu.ac.kr/english/index.jsp Hannam University - Hannam University, Taejon HP: http://www.hannam.ac.kr/eng/index.html Hansei University - Hansei University, Kunpo HP: http://www.hansei.ac.kr/index.asp Hanseo University - Hanseo University HP: http://www.hanseo.ac.kr/en/index.html Hanshin University - Hanshin University HP: http://www.hanseo.ac.kr/en/index.html Hansung University Seoul - Hansung University Seoul HP: http://www.hansung.ac.kr/eng/ Hanyang University - Hanyang University HP: http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/english/ Honam University - Honam University HP: http://www.honam.ac.kr/english/ Hongik University - Hongik University HP: http://www.hongik.ac.kr/english_neo/ Hoseo University - Hoseo University HP: http://www.hoseo.ac.kr/english/index_e.html Howon University - Chonbuk Sanup University of Technology - Howon University HP: http://www.howon.ac.kr/entrance/entrance_4_1_1.htm?sub=4 Hyupsung University - Hyupsung University (jen kor.) HP: http://www.hyupsung.ac.kr/ Inchon National University of Education - Inchon National University of Education HP: není k dispozici Information and Communications University - Information and Communications University, Daejeon HP: http://www.icu.ac.kr/ Inha University - Inha University HP: http://www.inha.ac.kr/english/ Inje University - Inje University HP: http://www.inje.ac.kr/ Jeonju University - Jeonju University HP: http://www.jeonju.ac.kr:8080/english/index.jsp Joongbu University - Joongbu University, Gumsan Chungnam HP: http://www.joongbu.ac.kr/english/index.html Kangnam University - Kangnam University HP: http://www.kangnam.ac.kr/ Kangnung National University - Kangnung National University HP: http://www.kangnung.ac.kr/ Kangwon University - Kangwon University HP: http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/ Kaya University - Kaya University HP: http://www.kaya.ac.kr/english/index.html Keimyung University - Keimyung University HP: http://www.kmu.ac.kr/e_kmu/ Kon-Kuk University - Kon-Kuk University HP: http://www.kmu.ac.kr/e_kmu/ Konyang University - Konyang University HP: http://www.konyang.ac.kr/english/ Kookmin University - Kookmin University HP: http://www.kookmin.ac.kr/english/ Korea Maritime University - Korea Maritime University HP: http://www.kmaritime.ac.kr/kmu_e/index.htm Korea National Open University - Korea National Open University HP: http://www.open.ac.kr/ Korea National University of Education - Korea National University of Education HP: http://www.knue.ac.kr/english/introduce/chronological.htm Korea National University of Physical Education - Korea National University of Physical Education HP: http://www.knupe.ac.kr/ Korea University - Korea University HP: http://www.korea.ac.kr/ Kosin University - Kosin University HP: http://www.korea.ac.kr/ Kwan Dong University - Kwan Dong University HP: http://www.korea.ac.kr/ Kwangju University - Kwangju University HP: http://www.kwangju.ac.kr/y2000/english/ Kwangwoon University - Kwangwoon University HP: http://www.kwangwoon.ac.kr/english/index.html Kyonggi University - Kyonggi University HP: http://www.kyonggi.ac.kr/eng/default.asp Kyongju University - Kyongju University HP: http://home.kju.ac.kr/english/index.jsp Kyunghee University - Kyunghee University HP: http://www.kyunghee.edu/ Kyunghee University - Kyunghee University HP: http://www.kyunghee.edu/ Kyungnam University - Kyungnam University HP: http://www.kyungnam.ac.kr/engVer/index.php Kyungpook National University - Kyungpook National University HP: http://www.kyungpook.ac.kr/2002_eng/index.html Kyungsung University - Kyungsun University HP: http://ks.ac.kr:8001/ Kyungwon University - Kyungwon University HP: http://ks.ac.kr:8001/ Miryang National University - Miryang National University HP: http://www.miryang.ac.kr/miryangHomepage/english/main.htm Mokpo National Maritime University - Mokpo National Maritime University HP: http://www.mmu.ac.kr/english/index.asp Mokpo National University - Mokpo National University HP: http://www.mokpo.ac.kr/english/about/introduction.jsp Mokwon University - Mokwon University, Taejeon HP: http://www.mokwon.ac.kr/eng/index.html Myongji University - Myongji University HP: http://www1.mju.ac.kr/my2001/english/frame.htm Pai Chai University - Pai Chai University, Taejon HP: http://www.paichai.ac.kr/Eng/ Pusan National University - Pusan National University, Pusan HP: http://www.pusan.ac.kr/english/ Pusan National University of Education - Pusan National University of Education HP: není k dispozici Pusan University of Foreign Studies - Pusan University of Foreign Studies HP: Pusang Women's University - Pusang Women's University HP: http://www.pwu.ac.kr/ Sahmyook University - Sahmyook University HP: http://www.syu.ac.kr/sahmyook/englis/ Samchok National University - Samchok National University HP: není k dispozici Sang Ji University - Sang Ji University HP: http://www.sangji.ac.kr/ Sang Myung University - Sang Myung University HP: http://www.smu.ac.kr/main.html Sejong University - Sejong University HP: http://www.sejong.ac.kr/ Semyung University - Semyung University HP: http://www.semyung.ac.kr/international/eng/index.html Seokyeong University - Seokyeong University HP: Seonam University - Seonam University (jen kor.) HP: http://www.seonam.ac.kr/ Seoul National University - Seoul National University HP: http://www.snu.ac.kr/ Seoul Teological University - Seoul Teological University HP: http://www.stui.net/index_e.html Seoul Women's University - Seoul Women's University HP: http://www.swu.ac.kr/english/index.jsp Seowon University - Seowon University HP: http://www.seowon.ac.kr/e-seowon/ Sogang University - Sogang University HP: http://www.sogang.ac.kr/english/ Sookmyung Women's University - Sookmyung Women's University HP: http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/ Soonchunhyang University - Soonchunhyang University, Asan HP: http://www-english.sch.ac.kr/ Soongsil University - Soongsil University HP: http://www.ssu.ac.kr/english/ Sungkyul Christian University - Sungkyul Christian University HP: http://sky.sungkyul.ac.kr/english/ Sungkyunkwang University - Sungkyunkwang University HP: http://eng.skku.edu/ Sungshin Women's University - Sungshin Women's University HP: http://www.sungshin.ac.kr:5050/english/main.html Sunmoon University - Sunmoon University HP: http://www.sungshin.ac.kr:5050/english/main.html Suwon University - Suwon University HP: http://www.suwon.ac.kr/ Taegu University - Taegu University HP: http://eng.daegu.ac.kr/ Taejon University - Taejon University HP: není k dispozici Ulsan University - Ulsan University HP: http://www.ulsan.ac.kr/English/Main/Main.aspx University of Inchon - University of Inchon, Inchon HP: http://www.inchon.ac.kr/ University of Seoul - University of Seoul HP: http://www.uos.ac.kr/ Wonkwang University - Wonkwang University HP: http://www.wonkwang.ac.kr/english/ Woosuk University - Woosuk University HP: http://www.woosuk.ac.kr/ Yeungnam University - Yeungnam University (0) HP: http://www.yeungnam.ac.kr/ Yonsei University - Yonsei University (0) HP: http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/yu/eng/index.html Yosu National Fisheries University - Yosu National Fisheries University HP: není k dispozici POLYTECHNICS: Hankuk Aviation University - Hankuk Aviation University (0) HP: http://www.hangkong.ac.kr/ KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology HP: http://www.kaist.ac.kr/ Knihovna: http://library.kaist.ac.kr/ Korea University of Technology and Education - Korea University of Technology and Education (0) HP: http://www.kut.ac.kr/Eng/index.html Kumoh National University of Technology - Kumoh National University of Technology (0) HP: http://www.kumoh.ac.kr/eng/index.htm Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology - Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Kwangju (0) HP: http://www2.gist.ac.kr/ North Korea University: (Seoul) http://www.korea.ac.kr/english/academy/EF2S01T13F07-0.jsp Postech - Pohang University of Science and Technology HP: http://www.postech.ac.kr/new/e/index.php Knihovna: http://www.postech.ac.kr/library/english/e_index.html Video: http://www.postech.ac.kr/library/english/e_index.html Knihy: http://www.postech.ac.kr/library/english/e_index.html Pusan National University of Technology - Pusan National University of Technology (Projít-dost zdrojů) HP: http://pearl.cs.pusan.ac.kr/ Grafické laboratoře: http://pearl.cs.pusan.ac.kr/ Seoul National University of Technology - Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul HP: http://plaza.snut.ac.kr/eng/index.html Taejon National University of Technology - Taejon National University of Technology HP: http://www.hanbat.ac.kr/english/index.htm Část druhá- podrobnější informace o vybraných univerzitách: AJOU UNIVERSITY Sowen (pop. 863,383) Language of instruction: Korean, English http://www.ajou.ac.kr/~internat Course Offerings (in English) Divisions: In English and Korean - Area Studies (Western Europe, Japan, China); Biology (biology, genetics, biotechnology); Business (business, accounting, advertising, business administration, commerce, finance, international, management, marketing, information systems); Chemistry (chemistry, biochemistry, industrial chemistry); Computer Science; Communications (communication, electronic communication technology, media); Economics; Engineering (chemical, civil, computer, electrical, environmental and urban, mechanical, industrial, material); International Relations; Literature (American, English, comparative, poetry, speech, Korean, French); Languages and Linguistics (Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, English); Nursing; Physics; Political Science; Sociology; Urban Studies. In Korean- Education (education, teaching English as a foreign language, teaching, teacher training, educational administration); Energy (energy, energy conservation); History (Eastern Europe, Latin America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, United States); Law; Statistics; Philosophy; Physics (biophysics, electronics, mechanics); Psychology; Public Administration; Public Health; Transportation Technology. EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY The first comprehensive university granted by the nation More than 200 English taught courses offered Male students accepted for all international programs Seoul (pop. 11 million) Languages of instruction: Korean, English http://www.ewha.ac.kr/ International Education Institute Course Information (in English) Graduate School Course Information (in English) Divisions: In English - Division of International Studies (diplomacy & security, international business, international development, international trade); Graduate School of International Studies (development cooperation, diplomacy & security, environment trade negotiations, human resource development & women, industry & cyber trade, information & knowledge, international business, international public relations, trade negotiations). In English & Korean - Art & Design; Business Administration; Education; Engineering; Human Performance; Liberal Arts; Music; Natural Sciences; Nursing Science; Social Sciences. In Korean - Human Ecology; Law; Liberal Arts (languages & literatures [Chinese, French, German], Korean literature); Medicine; Pharmacy. KEIMYUNG UNIVERSITY An exclusive host-university of the CCIS (the College Consortium for International Studies) Korean program. KAFSA (Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrator) Presidential University, 1999-2000. Faculty of International Studies and Commerce and Faculty of Fashion Design have recently received a special, designated fund from the government to be used for cultivating international experts. Daegu (pop. 2.5 million) Languages of instruction: Korean, English http://www.kmu.ac.kr/ Divisions: In English-Business and Economics; Computer Science; Engineering; Fine Arts; Korean Studies; Liberal Arts; Natural Science; Physical Education; Politics; Public Administration. Most majors offer at least one or two major courses taught in English. In Korean-Language & Literature; Humanities; International Studies; Commerce; Business Administration; Social Sciences; Politics & Economics; Police Sciences; Law; Natural Sciences; Environmental Studies; Engineering (construction systems, computer & electronic, chemical & material, mechanical & automotive); Nursing; Human Life Sciences; Music; Fine Arts; Fashion; Physical Education, Medicine. KOREA UNIVERSITY The first Korean higher education institution founded and run by Koreans. Internationally respected Asiatic Research Center and Korean Cultural Research Center. Library of 1.86 million volumes including rare books and books in archaic Chinese. Seoul (pop. 12 million) Languages of instruction: Korean, some English http://www.korea.edu/ Divisions: In English - Division of International Studies (undergraduate level); Korean Language and Culture Center; Graduate School of International Studies. In Korean Colleges of Business Administration; Economics and Commerce; Engineering; Humanities; Law; Liberal Arts; Life Science; Medicine; Political Science and Economics; Natural Resources; Science; Science and Technology; graduate schools and research institutes. YONSEI UNIVERSITY Broad variety of courses in English and most active international program in Korea. All courses on semester-credit system to facilitate credit transfer. Easy public transportation to downtown Seoul. Seoul (pop. 12 million) Languages of instruction: Korean, English http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/ Course Offerings (in English) Graduate School of International Studies Divisions: In English: International Education and Exchange Program (courses on a variety of subjects with a focus on Korea and East Asian studies, and Korean language courses); Graduate School of International Studies (Korean Studies, Area Studies, International Cooperation, International Trade and Finance, and International Management). In Korean: Colleges of Business & Economics, Engineering, Human Ecology, Law, Liberal Arts, Science, Sciences in Education, Social Sciences, Theology. Seoul National University (SNU) HP: http://www.snu.ac.kr/ University v Korejské lidově demokratické republice: Hl. město: Pchjongjang Bohužel, k datu 7.11.2004 jsou veškeré database s údaji o univerzitách v KLDR prázdné. Údaje o vyšším vzdělání v KLDR získané z informačních zdrojů v USA: North Korea Higher Education Institutions of higher education in the early 1990s included colleges and universities; teachers' training colleges, with a four-year course for preparing kindergarten, primary, and secondary instructors; colleges of advanced technology with twoor three-year courses; medical schools with six-year courses; special colleges for science and engineering, art, music, and foreign languages; and military colleges and academies. Kim Il Sung's report to the Sixth Party Congress of the KWP in October 1980 revealed that there were 170 "higher learning institutions" and 480 "higher specialized schools" that year. In 1987 there were 220,000 students attending two- or three-year higher specialized schools and 301,000 students attending four- to sixyear colleges and university courses. According to Eberstadt and Banister, 13.7 percent of the population sixteen years of age or older was attending, or had graduated from, institutions of higher education in 1987-88. In 1988 the regime surpassed its target of producing "an army of 1.3 million intellectuals," graduates of higher education, a major step in the direction of achieving the often-stated goal of "intellectualization of the whole society." Kim Il Sung University, founded in October 1946, is the country's only comprehensive institution of higher education offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. It is an elite institution whose enrollment of 16,000 full- and part-time students in the early 1990s occupies, in the words of one observer, the "pinnacle of the North Korean educational and social system." Competition for admission to its faculties is intense. According to a Korean-American scholar who visited the university in the early 1980s, only one student is admitted out of every five or six applicants. An important criterion for admission is senior middle school grades, although political criteria are also major factors in selection. A person wishing to gain acceptance to any institution of higher education has to be nominated by the local "college recommendation committee" before approval by county- and provincial-level committees. Kim Il Sung University's colleges and faculties include economics, history, philosophy, law, foreign languages and literature, geography, physics, mathematics, chemistry, atomic energy, biology, and computer science. There are about 3,000 faculty members, including teaching and research staff. All facilities are located on a modern, high-rise campus in the northern part of P'yongyang. Kim Il Sung University address: Daesong District Pyongyang (P'yong Yang), Korea, North without web-sites Virtuální univerzita Kim Il Sung: http://www.korea-dpr.com/moodle/ Konec rešerše