2009 BEWA EXAMS INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FORMS *Accounting Year 12 (E200) *Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy NEW FOR 2009 *Accounting and Finance Stage 2 *Business Management & Enterprise Stage 2 As a non-profit organization with annual turnover less than $100,000, BEWA is not required to register for the GST. To comply with withholding tax requirements, our Australian Business Number (ABN) is quoted on this sheet. ABN 47 665 285 901 ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA YEAR 12 ACCOUNTING EXAM TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2009 All students studying Accounting E200 (Year 12 Accounting Curriculum Council Syllabus) may register for this exam. EXAM CONTENT The exam will be conducted within the school on the designated date at a time convenient to school administration and will consist of a THREE HOUR PAPER plus TEN MINUTES READING TIME. The content of the paper will be based on all areas of the 2009 Curriculum Council Syllabus. AWARDS The top scoring student in the exam will receive a cash award of $300 from Curtin Business School and the second placed student, a cash award of $70 from BEWA. All students who pass the exam will receive a certificate. ENTRY FEE A registration fee of $15 PER CANDIDATE is payable and is non-refundable should the candidate withdraw within FOURTEEN DAYS of the exam date. Please note BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE WITH The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 21 AUGUST 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO 28 AUGUST BUT WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Printing arrangements need to be finalized on the official closing date and additional costs are incurred by having to print additional papers at an uneconomical rate after that date. BUSINESS EDUCATORS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (INC.) ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA YEAR 12 ACCOUNTING EXAM TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2009 The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 I wish to advise that ………………(number) of candidates have registered for the YEAR 12 BEWA ACCOUNTING EXAM. I enclose cheque for $…………………………to cover the registration fee of $15 per candidate ($20 per candidate late entry after 28 August 2009). BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. Payment may be made by direct debit to BankWest, Midland, BSB 306-041, Account No. 415548-9. This form must be returned promptly with details of the direct debit by either post, fax or email so that exam administration processing may be completed. TEACHER IN CHARGE………………………………………………………………………………. SCHOOL……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………………….……………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (Post Code) PHONE………………………………………….FAX……………………………………………….. EMAIL………………………………………. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 21 AUGUST 2009 DEFINITELY NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER 28 AUGUST 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Printing arrangements need to be finalized on the official closing date, and additional costs are incurred by having to print additional papers at an uneconomical rate after that date. ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE STAGE 2 EXAM TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY 5 NOVEMBER 2009 All students studying the Curriculum Council Accounting and Finance Stage 2 course in 2009 may register for this exam. EXAM STRUCTURE AND CONTENT The exam will be conducted within the school on the designated date at a time convenient to the school administration and will consist of a THREE HOUR PAPER plus TEN MINUTES READING TIME. The structure of the paper will be adapted from the Accounting and Finance WACE written examination design brief which appears on the Curriculum Council website. The content of the paper will be based on the Curriculum Council Accounting and Finance Unit 2A and Unit 2B syllabus. Content from Unit 2A and Unit 2B will each be weighted 40–60%. Note: Students will not be required to physically use MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) or QuickBooks. Theory will be weighted 30–35% and practical (application) 65–70%. Content areas will be weighted: o Financial institutions and systems 10–15% o Recording, using and evaluating financial information 70–80% o Government and the community 10–15% The exam will have two sections: o Section One will account for 10% of the student’s final score and will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions o Section Two will account for 90% of the student’s final score and will consist of four to eight written questions. AWARDS The top scoring student will receive a cash award of $200 from Curtin Business School and the second placed student, a cash award of $50 from BEWA. All students who pass the exam will receive a certificate. REGISTRATION FEE A registration fee of $15 PER CANDIDATE is payable and is non-refundable should the candidate withdraw within FOURTEEN DAYS of the exam date. Please note BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE WITH The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO 23 OCTOBER BUT WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Printing arrangements need to be finalized on the closing date and additional costs are incurred by having to print additional papers at an uneconomical rate after that date. BUSINESS EDUCATORS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC. ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE STAGE 2 EXAM TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY 5 NOVEMBER 2009 The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 I wish to advise that…………………………..(number) of candidates have registered for the ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE STAGE 2 EXAM. I enclose cheque for $……………………….to cover the registration fee of $15 per candidate. ($20 per candidate late entry after 16 October 2009) BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. Payment may be made by direct debit to BankWest, Midland, BSB 306-041, Account No. 415548-9. This form must be returned promptly with details of the direct debit by either post, fax or email so that exam administration processing may be completed. . TEACHER IN CHARGE…………………………………………………………………….…………. SCHOOL………………………………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Post Code) PHONE…………………………………………FAX…………………………………………………. EMAIL……………………………………………………. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER 2009 DEFINITELY NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER 23 OCTOBER 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Printing arrangements need to be finalized on the official closing date, and additional costs are incurred by having to print additional papers at an uneconomical rate after that date. ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE STAGE 2 EXAM TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2009 All students studying the Curriculum Council Business Management and Enterprise Stage 2 course in 2009 may register for this exam. EXAM STRUCTURE AND CONTENT The exam will be conducted within the school on the designated date at a time convenient to the school administration and will consist of a THREE HOUR PAPER plus TEN MINUTES READING TIME. The structure of the paper will be adapted from the Business Management and Enterprise WACE written examination design brief which appears on the Curriculum Council website. The content of the paper will be based on the Curriculum Council Business Management and Enterprise Unit 2A and Unit 2B syllabus. A Business Information Booklet of no more than three (3) pages about a hypothetical business will accompany the exam. The intent of this Booklet is to provide a context for students to frame their answer to the extended answer question. This Booklet will be forwarded to teachers who have registered students for the exam three weeks prior to the exam. Teachers may distribute the Booklet to students, discuss its content with them and predict potential exam questions/answers. The exam will have three sections. Section One: Multiple-choice will account for 20% of the student’s final score and will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions. Section Two: Short answer will account for 50% of the student’s final score and will consist of seven questions where students must answer five. Section Three: Extended answer will account for 30% of the student’s final score and will consist of two questions where students must answer one. These questions will both relate to the hypothetical business described in the Business Information Booklet. AWARDS The top scoring student will receive a cash award of $200 from Curtin Business School and the second placed student, a cash award of $50 from BEWA. All students who pass the exam will receive a certificate. REGISTRATION FEE A registration fee of $15 PER CANDIDATE is payable and is non-refundable should the candidate withdraw within FOURTEEN DAYS of the exam date. Please note BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE WITH The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO 23 OCTOBER 2009 BUT WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Note: Late registrations will inevitably mean that the Business Information Booklet will be distributed later to some students. It must be emphasized that a prolonged study of this Booklet is not required for the exam. BEWA is producing the Booklet to familiarize students with this examination strategy. BUSINESS EDUCATORS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC. ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE STAGE 2 EXAM TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2009 The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 I wish to advise that…………………………..(number) of candidates have registered for the BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE STAGE 2 EXAM. I enclose cheque for $……………………….to cover the registration fee of $15 per candidate. ($20 per candidate late entry after 25 September 2009) BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. Payment may be made by direct debit to BankWest, Midland, BSB 306-041, Account No. 415548-9. This form must be returned promptly with details of the direct debit by either post, fax or email so that exam administration processing may be completed. . TEACHER IN CHARGE…………………………………………………………………….…………. SCHOOL………………………………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Post Code) PHONE…………………………………………FAX…………………………………………………. EMAIL……………………………………………………. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2009 DEFINITELY NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER 23 OCTOBER 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Note: Late registrations will inevitably mean that the Business Information Booklet will be distributed later to some students. It must be emphasized that a prolonged study of this Booklet is not required for the exam. BEWA is producing the Booklet to familiarize students with this examination strategy. ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA KEYBOARDING SPEED AND ACCURACY EXAM TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 The exam will be conducted in accordance with the Standards Association of Australia AS2708-2001 thus giving Australia-wide recognition to the certificate. Typewriters/word processors/computers of any pitch or font may be used. Any automatic spelling checker and/or automatic correction facility MUST BE DE-ACTIVATED prior to the commencement of the competition. FORMAT OF THE EXAM The exam will be conducted within the school on the designated date at a time convenient to school administration and will consist of a FIVE (5) MINUTE test plus ONE (1) MINUTE READING TIME. The papers will be marked according to Australian Standards AS27081991. AWARDS All students reaching the required speed will receive an appropriate certificate. In addition BEWA will present a cash award of $50 to the top student. REGISTRATION FEE A registration fee of $8 PER CANDIDATE is payable and is non-refundable should the candidate withdraw within FOURTEEN DAYS of the exam date. Please note BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE WITH The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 21 AUGUST 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO 28 AUGUST 2009 BUT WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Printing arrangements need to be finalized on the official closing date and additional costs are incurred by having to print additional papers at an uneconomical rate after that date. BUSINESS EDUCATORS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (INC.) ABN 47 665 285 901 BEWA KEYBOARDING SPEED AND ACCURACY EXAM TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 The Exam Co-ordinator Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 I wish to advise that…………………………(number) of candidates have registered for the BEWA KEYBOARDING SPEED AND ACCURACY EXAM. I enclose cheque for $………………………to cover the registration fee of $8 per candidate. ($13 per candidate late entry after 21 August 2009) BEWA is not registered for GST and is therefore not permitted to issue Tax Invoices. Payment may be made by direct debit to BankWest, Midland, BSB 306-041, Account No. 415548-9. This form must be returned promptly with details of the direct debit by either post, fax or email so that exam administration processing may be completed. TEACHER IN CHARGE……………………………………………………………………… SCHOOL………………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Post Code) PHONE………………………………………..FAX………………………………………… EMAIL……………………………………………… REGISTRATIONS CLOSE AT 5.00 PM ON FRIDAY 21 AUGUST 2009 DEFINITELY NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER 28 AUGUST 2009 LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL ATTRACT A $5 PER STUDENT ADMINISTRATION FEE Printing arrangements need to be finalized on the official closing date and additional costs are incurred by having to print additional papers at an uneconomical rate after that date. ORDER FORM BEWA COMPETITIONS/EXAMS PAST PAPERS NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. SCHOOL ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Post Code) ACCOUNTING YEAR 12 – E200 Includes Examiner’s Report, solutions and marking key ACCOUNTING YEAR 11 – D200 Includes Examiner’s Report, solutions and marking key Cost per copy No.of copies 2005 $25.00 ………….. 2006 $25.00 ………….. 2007 $25.00 ………….. 2008 $25.00 ………….. 2005 $20.00 ………….. 2006 $20.00 ………….. 2007 $20.00 ………….. 2008 $20.00 ………….. 2005 $15.00 ………….. 2006 $15.00 ………….. 2007 $15.00 ………….. 2008 $15.00 ………….. KEYBOARDING SPEED AND ACCURACY Includes Examiner’s Report and marking key Please make cheques payable to Business Educators of WA Inc. and mail to: Business Educators of WA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 As a non-profit organization with annual turnover less than $100,000 BEWA is not required to register for the GST. To Comply with withholding tax requirements, our Australian Business Number (ABN) is quoted on this sheet. ABN 47 665 285 901 ABN 47 665 285 901 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO BE A MARKER OF BEWA EXAMS If you are a financial member of BEWA and would be interested in marking some of the BEWA Exam papers, please register your interest by completing the section below. BEWA Inc. 85 Riverton Drive ROSSMOYNE WA 6148 I am a current member of BEWA and would like to be considered as a marker for the following exams: ACCOUNTING YEAR 12 (E200) ACCOUNTING AND FINANANCE STAGE 2 (YEAR 11) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE STAGE 2 (YEAR 11) NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………….. SCHOOL…………………………………………………………………………………………. ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (Post Code) TELEPHONE…………………………………….FAX……………………………………….. EMAIL…………………………………………………………………………………………….