Organisational Restructure - Alt Consult Proposals

Organisational Restructure
Alternative proposals submitted, July-October 2012 consultation
Divisional structures
25 October 2012
Following extensive consultation across the department between July and October 2012, the final organisational structure is now available on the human services
hub. During the consultation period, more than 2,300 questions, feedback suggestions and alternative proposals were received. This document summarises
alternative proposals that relate to Divisional structures and includes the department’s assessment of each and the rationale on which the decision was based.
Summary of proposal
DHS response
203. Resourcing for OH&S in divisions is inadequate. Reclassification
of injury management consultants from VPS 4 to VPS 3 and
senior people consultants (formerly risk management consultants)
from VPS-5s to VPS-4 does not reflect complexity of role. At least
2 additional senior people consultants (VPS-5) are required in
WorkHealth teams for early intervention.VPS-3 admin support
should be reinstated.
Accepted in part
Based on considered feedback and a number of alternative proposals,
the Divisional Health Safety and Wellbeing teams have been reviewed
and adjustments made to resourcing and classifications to respond to
204. Incorporate the existing accommodation services located in Ararat
(Central Highlands) into the Western District Area.
Not accepted
Accommodation services are located in the Area in which they reside
and no further changes to area boundaries are being considered at this
Summary of proposal
DHS response
205. Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing in Corporate Services
North and West divisions are under-resourced. Risk management
consultant should be renamed health and safety consultant or
something similar. Injury management consultants should be
higher than VPS-3. Health and safety positions should be VPS-5.
There should be a dedicated project team (minimum VPS 5 X2)
within North and West Divisions in EHSWU. The VPS-3 admin
support should be retained. Secure facilities should have their own
structure, not be part of North Division.
Accepted in part
Based on considered feedback and a number of alternative proposals,
the Divisional Health Safety and Wellbeing teams have been reviewed
and adjustments made to resourcing and classifications to respond to
206. Central occupational health and safety practitioner role is located
in West Division Workforce Services should be located with the
Claims Management Officer in the Work Health team.
Not Accepted
This role has been maintained within the “People Services Team
(Central)” as a service outlet to central office staff and will remain
physically located at 50 Lonsdale Street. As this role and the West
Division Health Safety and Wellbeing teams both report to a single
manager, it is expected that there will be greater crossover between the
roles, shared learning and professional development across the team as
a whole.
207. The Manager Individual and Family Support needs to have
expertise in Youth Justice, All Youth Justice Units should have the
same staffing structure i.e. CPW 5 as well as all other levels.
Accepted in part
Youth Justice staff map across in their current resources and
classifications into the area structures and as such there are no changes
to classifications. The existing staff have been mapped across to the
area structures by current regions, taking into consideration current team
locations, client demand and complexity.
The shift to area-based delivery will enable the department to deliver
services to people at a local level with greater integration and
responsiveness. The implication of this proposal (that separate Youth
Justice structures be maintained) is not accepted because it would
impede cross program integration in the area-based model and does not
align with the design principles.
To support the specialist Youth Justice needs across the 17 areas, the
current youth justice manager positions will be located in Practice
Excellence roles in Divisions and will provide support to area-based
youth justice staff in a flexible and responsive way.
208. Area offices with over 50 staff but under 300 staff should be
classified as 'medium' sized offices and be allocated a VPS-3
office manager and a VPS-2 business services officer.
Accepted in part
Based on considered feedback and number of alternative proposals a
comprehensive review of all staff, teams and functions has occurred.
This has resulted in changes to the final structure that aligns with part of
the proposal.
Summary of proposal
209. Child Protection and Youth Justice should not be separated in
West Division.
DHS response
Not accepted
This alternative proposal does not align with the broad direction of the
organisational restructure, particularly as it relates to delivering improved
client outcomes by shifting our existing resources to wrap around the
needs of our clients. Integration facilitates holistic responses to client’s
needs – enabling personalised solutions for individuals and families.
Consistency is another important feature of the restructure, and as such
Separate arrangements for the West Division for Youth Justice would not
be consistent with the Statewide approach.
210. Existing Lifecycle Asset Management Program Officer position in
BSW should be retained in the new division in Corporate Services
due to the value it provides in ensuring proactive and quality asset
management across programs.
This existing role has been incorporated into the West Division
Corporate Services team, with the Business Services Unit.
211. Divisional records management should have one manager (VPS4), one archivist/records officer per office (VPS-3), two records
officers per major office (VPS-2) and one records officer (VPS-2)
per medium office.
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including records management functions.
212. In Workforce Services the grade of the team leaders should be
increased from VPS-4 to VPS-5, and instead of all VPS-3s on the
team there should be a VPS-4 and a VPS-2. Safety and Wellbeing
should be organised functionally rather than the proposed generic
teams. Learning and Organisational Development should have an
extra VPS-5 consultant and an extra VPS-2 for admin support.
Accepted in part
213. Argues the location of Emergency Management (EM) within the
Divisional Corporate Services reduces focus on EM due to
competing priorities. Proposal for EM Division to be a discrete unit
reporting directly to ED. Proposal notes achievement in LMR by
ensuring EM reports to RD and sits on executive.
Not accepted
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes been
incorporated into the final structures.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning the divisional
corporate design.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes been
incorporated into the final structures.
The new Divisional Executive Director roles are different to current
Regional Director roles, having a greater span of control and
approximately twice the service and geographical coverage. It is
inconsistent with the design of those roles to report Emergency
Management directly to them.
Executive level Directors of Corporate Services have been established in
each Division, who will oversee Emergency Management teams. This is
a higher level of oversight than most current regions where Corporate
Services Managers are VPS 6, and is considered a sufficient level of day
to day oversight for Emergency Management. In addition, corporate
support staff play a critical role supporting capacity during emergencies
and having these staff in the same team as Emergency Management is
an important part of maintaining ongoing close relationships between
these groups..
Summary of proposal
DHS response
214. The Housing Call Centre should report into central, not South
Division as is currently proposed, to provide impartial oversight
and Statewide change management.
Not accepted
This alternative proposal does not align with the broad direction of the
organisational restructure, particularly as it relates to devolved decisionmaking and locating service delivery as close to the ground as possible.
It is not intended for central office to manage large service delivery
functions. It also aligns the management arrangements with the
geographical realities of this important service.
215. A new unit called Mobility Support Services should be created in
Service Delivery with 7 staff to support all iDevices,
videoconferencing and telecommunications across the
department. All support officers or technicians at VPS-3 level
should be regraded to VPS-4.
Not accepted
Additional resourcing and upgrading for these functions are not aligned
to the broader objectives of the restructure. It was assessed that the final
structures meet the requirements of the Department to deliver on these
216. The Learning and Development unit in divisional People and
Culture (Corporate Services) should have more staff because of
the span of functions and number of services it provides. Should
have two more VPS-5 learning and development consultants and
one VPS-3 position.
Not accepted
The integration of central learning and development functions and
creation of the Centre for Human Services Professional Development will
provide a stronger whole of Department focus on learning and
217. Proposed allocation of 3 VPS-5 Aboriginal Planning Officers for
North Division is inadequate - a VPS-3 should support the VPS-5
who is covering the Mallee.
All current Aboriginal Planning Officers are retained in new structure
218. The Shepparton area office currently has 103 staff so it does not
qualify as 'large' but the resources allocated to 'small' offices are
not adequate. Another VPS-2 position is required to support
management of the office.
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate office and reception staff and area based office administrative
219. Secure Facilities' in North Division should be renamed 'Secure
Services' and should have the following additional staff: an
Assistant Director (EO), a training business partner, a
project/compliance officer (VPS-5) supported by a VPS-4 reporting
to the Director.
Accepted in part
220. Placement Coordination Unit should be located in the Child
Protection Structure - possibly with intake.
Not accepted
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes been
incorporated into the final structures.
The name change has been accepted.
Staffing in the structure is based on existing service delivery staff, and
extra resources of this nature are not feasible.
This is not consistent with the broader proposal and the need to have
these functions more strongly linked to external services, which is a
critical role of the Client Outcomes and Service Improvement teams in
each Division.
Summary of proposal
221. Eliminate some VPS-3 positions in West Division Workforce
Services and create a VPS-5.
DHS response
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate office and reception staff and area based office administrative
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
222. In the proposed structure for North Division only one position has
been allotted to reception services in areas, and only an office
coordinator to carry out daily duties on site at the Wodonga Office.
A VPS 2 is required to assist the office coordinator in Wodonga,
Wangaratta and Shepparton offices.
This is required to meet service delivery requirements.
223. This proposal provided a detailed rational for the location of intake
and response teams to sit at the area level in West Division. It
included a case study.
Not Accepted
Although the proposal aligns with the intention for locally-based service
there are insufficient resources to be placed in every Area.
The final design for Disability intake has these functions line managed at
a Divisional level, allowing more flexible and adaptable deployment of
resources across areas to respond to changing demand and complexity.
The Disability response component will largely be facilitated at the Area
224. Learning and Organisational Development in divisions should
have more staff. The three secure facilities learning and
development positions that are proposed to be located in
Workplace Relations should be here also. There should be one
additional VPS-5, one VPS-4 and two VPS-3s. One VPS-5 and
one VPS-3 should be located in Ballarat or Geelong, Bendigo,
Traralgon and Wangaratta.
Accepted in part
225. Disability Intake and Response Teams should be at the area level
rather than the divisional level and in most regions there is
sufficient EFT to do this.
Not Accepted
The integration of central learning and development functions and
creation of the Centre for Human Services Professional Development will
provide a stronger whole of Department focus on learning and
Learning and Development for Secure Facilities and North Division
Learning and Organisational Development are now combined and
reporting to a single manager.
The final design for Disability intake has these functions line managed at
a Divisional level, allowing more flexible and adaptable deployment of
resources across areas to respond to changing demand and complexity.
The Disability response component will largely be facilitated at the Area
level, with Intake at a Divisional level.
226. Name the Divisions 'Super Regions' - the word 'division' implies
Not Accepted
The names for Divisions were finalised as part of the high level
consultation in early 2012.
The critical focus for restructure of existing regions is the creation of area
based services. The name “Super Regions” would potentially place
undue focus on what are meant to be administrative divisional
Summary of proposal
DHS response
boundaries, instead of on the area based model.
227. Youth Justice and Child Protection should continue to share the
same line management. There should be two to three CPW 5s
sitting across Youth Justice in the West Division to support team
leaders, ensure divisional consistency and report to the Assistant
Director Individual and Family Support or the Practice Excellence
Not Accepted
This alternative proposal does not align with the broad direction of the
organisational restructure, particularly as it relates to integrating services
at an area based services, including youth justice community based
Given the signification changes currently being implemented with the
Child Protection Operating Model, Child Protection has been maintained
at the Divisional level whilst these changes are bedded down. The
Manager of Child Protection, however, will form a part of the Area Level
governance and management group and staff will continue to work
closely together at an area level.
In terms of Youth Justice resourcing, existing positions have been
mapped across into the area model, and there have been no changes to
classifications of staff. Current regions have allocated the roles based on
existing staff locations, demand and complexity.
228. Divisional Performance, Quality and Compliance: performance
and quality should be a single team (no sub-managers), quality
team should have a VPS-2 to register incident reports, Quality of
Support review roles need to be adequately resourced given
future growth, privacy and agency performance oversight need to
be included in role descriptions.
Accepted in part
This team is large and diverse enough to justify distinct team structures
to align with functions and capabilities. However, the sub-teams will
simply be referred to as “Performance” and “Quality”.
229. This proposal contained a number of suggestions specific to
agency management functions, including: there should be an
adequate number of PASAs at divisional level and they should
work at a program level; area PASAs should work at an agency
level; lead model should continue; SAMS specialists should work
with PASAs to manage service agreements.
Accepted in part
230. Divisional finance should be organised to have a dedicated team
of four EFT for each area in a partnership model. Team members
would have specific roles but work flexibly together. For reasons of
efficiency SAMS data should be entered by PASAs. ECP
transactions should be completed by area workers, not finance.
Accepted in part
Based on considered feedback and number of alternative proposals a
comprehensive review of all staff, teams and functions has occurred.
This has resulted in changes to the final structure that aligns with part of
the proposal, namely that there are budget management roles with an
Area focus. Decisions around EC4P and SAMs processing will be made
post implementation by local management but there is no plan to roll
EC4P back into the Finance team.
231. The Emergency Management Officer, (VPS-4) role is integral to
emergency management arrangements in the division and can
only enhance the divisional structure with operational and
After consideration of feedback and alternative proposals, 2 VPS 4
position will replace a 2 VPS 5 position in East Division and 1 VPS$ will
replace a VPS% in West Division as it better represents the work in
Each Division has two VPS 2 project officers within the Quality teams.
The final structure reflects adequate resourcing levels for the functions
and activities contained within these teams.
Partnership roles will be provided in divisions and areas, but will be in
integrated teams rather than program-based.
Additional descriptive information on the balance of responsibilities
between divisions and areas have been included in the final release
Summary of proposal
DHS response
administrative support - it should be retained.
these emergency management teams, provides a better spread of VPS
positions and opportunities for career paths.
232. The proposal to reduce positions in East Division Finance to 15
(from 21) will have a serious impact on shared services and the
division. Three positions should be added.
Accepted in part.
233. The proposed divisional finance is top heavy. The VPSG6 budget
analysis and reporting position should be substituted for two
VPSG3s to provide more flexibility and a progression pathway.
Accepted in part
234. Divisional finance should have a financial compliance and
assurance position (VPS-5). It should have a shared services
team (VPS-4 team leader and VPS-3 budget officer) in Budget
Analysis and Reporting. In the Accounting Operations team, the
team leader should be a VPS-4, not a VPS-5 and instead of four
VPS-2s there should be one VPS-3 and two VPS-2s. This results
in additional staffing that what is proposed.
Accepted in part
235. The divisional finance structure is top heavy. There should be
more VPS-2s and VPS-3s which would allow a better distribution
of tasks and responsibilities and provide a career progression
pathway. Teams should be more generic and not assigned to a
specific program or area to allow for maximum flexibility.
Resources are inadequate overall and in the areas of compliance
and governance.
Accepted in part
236. Divisional records services provides no opportunity for career
progression as it is proposed, it is top heavy. The structure should
consist of 1 x VPS4, 2 x VPS 3s and 3 x VPS2s. Positions in rural
regions are lower grades than in metropolitan regions.
Accepted in part
237. Respective functions, responsibilities and activities for divisional
and area partnership roles needs clarification. Keep current PASA
role relatively intact, and locate in divisions. Locate a small
number of positions from current PASA EFT to areas. Areas
should be linking agencies with local government, community and
Not Accepted
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including records functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
This is not consistent with the broader intent of the restructure, including
devolving service delivery functions close to the ground where possible
and appropriate.
While different aspects of partnership roles will be provided in divisions
Summary of proposal
DHS response
each other to achieve a better range of service options to support
and areas, they will be in integrated teams rather than program-based.
On the basis of staff feedback, a more detailed description of the
partnership functions that will be delivered at an area versus divisional
level has been included in the final release of materials.
238. The divisional Business Services within Corporate Services should
have additional staffing to manage operations. Office management
teams: large areas - three staff; medium offices - two staff; small
offices - one staff per office (not one per three offices as
proposed). There should be a facilities management team of two
or three reporting to Manager Business Services. Fleet team
leader should be a VPS-4 (not a VPS-5) and there should be a
VPS-3 and a VPS-2 (not two VPS-2s). Records Services should
have staff in secondary records-holding sites. Fire risk
management should be centralised, reception and incident
reporting should sit in Client Outcomes and Service Improvement.
Accepted in part
The final structure outlines a greater spread of classifications than the
original proposal which should assist in retention and development of
staff. Further the final structure shows the different classification of
offices and includes large, medium and small sized offices and
associated staffing levels. This should provide better service provision
particularly in area offices.
239. Divisional Complex Clients should be renamed to Complex Care clients are not complex, services are. Entire range of MACNI and
High-Risk Tenancies functions not reflected in the business unit
and functional descriptions. Practice Excellence team should be
located in the Complex Clients.
Accepted in part
The name Complex Care has not been accepted as it is more commonly
used in clinical health settings and doesn’t fully encapsulate work of this
240. Proposed resourcing for emergency managements does not
reflect some existing functions: local government liaison and
audits, integrated fire management planning, management of
grants/payments. Additional resourcing is required of 4 EFT per
division (3 for East): portfolio coordinators (planning, business
continuity), fire service officers, support officer.
Accepted in part
After consideration of feedback and alternative proposals, a VPS 4
position will replace a VPS 5 position in the structure as it better
represents the work in the emergency management team for East
Division, provides a better spread of VPS positions and opportunities for
career paths..
241. Given the span of functions and activities, the resourcing for the
proposed Accounting Operations team in divisional Finance
Services is inadequate. It should be: one VPS-5 Accounts
Operations Manager, one VPS-4 Team Leader, three VPS-2
Finance Officers.
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
242. Quality of Care positions should not be VPS. If they are to
incorporate Disability clients, resourcing levels should be reassessed. Three Quality of Care Coordinators are required for
West Division, not two as proposed.
Accepted in part
The proposal on the Practice Excellence team has been accepted and
this has been placed in Complex Clients in the final structure.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
It is beyond the scope of the review to change staff service delivery
Three Quality of Care Coordinators have now been included in the West
Division to reflect the current staffing profile.
Summary of proposal
DHS response
243. Complex Clients unit should operate in areas under Individual and
Family Support or Local Connections and rebadged as Service
Integration. Aboriginal Partnerships and Planning should be
located in area Local Connections. Local Connections is not well
resourced, it could include agency partnership management.
Community participation doesn't need its own manager.
Not Accepted
In some cases, functions are too small to split across Areas, in which
case they will be based in Divisions. Local Connections does include
local agency engagement roles.
244. Divisional Budget Analysis and Reporting (Finance Services)
should not be organised in area teams, it should be organised
along portfolio lines - shared services, divisional budgets and
areas. The resourcing should be increased from 9 EFT (West 11
EFT) to 14 EFT.
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
245. There should be a quality enhancement officer (practice
improvement and standards and registration) in every division to
drive and support quality improvement across all programs and
services The role could be located in several places in Client
Outcomes and Service Improvement depending on the focus.
Accepted in part
Current Quality Enhancement Officer roles are placed in Divisions (in the
Client Outcomes and Services Improvement team) in their current
246. The department's direct support services should be open to the
same accountability as those in the community sector with clear
performance targets to be met - a team at divisional level should
fulfil this monitoring function.
Accepted in part
Divisional performance, quality and compliance teams will fulfil this
function and have been designed into the structures.
247. The Executive Assistant, Disability Accommodation Services,
Southern Metropolitan Region undertakes critical operational
functions but the position/functions are not reflected in the
proposed structure.
The position/function has been updated.
248. Due to significant demand, three Quality of Care Coordinators
(existing) are required for West Division, not two as proposed.
Three Quality of Care Coordinators have now been included in the West
Division to reflect the current staffing profile.
249. The Youth Justice Practice Excellence roles in divisions should be
closely linked to the Manager, Individual and Family Support. This
proposal also provides suggestions about the distribution of Youth
Justice tasks, activities and responsibilities across areas, divisions
(Practice Excellence), Youth Justice Centres and the Forensic
Services Unit.
Accepted in part
This proposal provided very useful information on the distribution of
functions that will support the implementation process and finalisation of
role descriptions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
To support the specialist Youth Justice needs across the 17 areas, the
current youth justice manager positions have been located in Practice
Excellence roles in Divisions and will provide support to area-based
youth justice staff in a flexible and responsive way. They will be expected
to work closely with Individual and Family Support teams across areas
within their division to drive improved Youth Justice Practice and to
support service integration and improved case management outcomes
Summary of proposal
DHS response
for clients who access multiple services including Youth Justice.
250. Redesign divisional Records Management so that there is a VPS3 and VPS-2 records officer in each division and an additional
VPS-2 in South Division to do caregiver payments. If the team
leader is a VPS-5 they should have responsibility for FOI and
privacy. Incident reporting should be transferred to Client
Outcomes and Service Improvement.
Accepted in part
251. Regarding Work Health teams in West Division - there should be a
VPS-6 to manage Health, Safety and Wellbeing. Each Work
Health Team should be multi-disciplinary with risk, injury and
claims management. The teams need to be geographically
disbursed, particularly having a presence in rural areas. Grading
some positions higher than existing positions means some people
may miss out on securing their existing roles.
Accepted in part
252. The Placement Coordination Unit should have a manager VPS-6
and be located in Service Implementation and Sector Partnerships
to have a close relationship with PASAs - not Client Support
Services (as proposed) which has a strong Disability orientation.
Not accepted
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including records functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including Health Safety and Wellbeing teams.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
Existing Placement Coordination Unit Managers will be mapped into the
new Divisional team. There is no capacity to increase the classification
level of current PCU staff.
PCU will stay in Client Support Services where other similar support
services are located. It does not functionally align with Service
Implementation and Sector Partnerships which supports new program
implementation and oversees contract management of agencies.
PCU and divisional partnership staff are both located in Client Outcomes
& Service Improvement so will be supported by a common Director.
253. Client Outcomes and Service Improvement: Partnerships should
be moved to Planning and Strategy and a Sector Strategy and
Engagement team should be created there also. A Practice
Excellence team should be created in Service Implementation. A
small number of time-limited positions should be created to
facilitate reform and change. Proposed increase of 4 EFT.
Not accepted
The functions of the roles identified have very different mandates, one
focusing on agency management of funded agencies the other providing
more strategic planning activities.
Practice Excellence will move to Complex Clients where it has a greater
alignment with complex client service delivery functions.
It is not feasible to create additional positions for this purpose. Sector
reform will be better served through local relationships and time-limited
positions can be utilised from existing FTE.
254. In divisional People and Culture: workforce services team leaders
should be VPS-5s, not VPS-4s as proposed. Learning and
development may need more resourcing in North and West
Divisions. Workplace Health and Safety should have four team
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including workforce services teams.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and modelled to address
Summary of proposal
DHS response
leaders with specific portfolios (not three generic team leaders) –
Workcover claims, work health, injury management and quality
improvement. A time-limited 3-EFT Work Health team should be
established in North and West Divisions to manage OH&S risk.
concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have been
incorporated into the final structures. The assessment of this alternative
proposal is that it provides a greater spread of classifications, which
should aid in staff retention and development. Further, organising the
Work Health team along functional lines should provide for more
concentrated expertise.
The proposal to include time limited resources into North and West
Divisions is not supported. Local management can pursue this if they
feel so compelled by the evidence.
255. Multiple and Complex Needs Initiative and High-Risk Tenancies
Initiative should remain together with Managed Support Service,
since they all deal with complex clients.
Not accepted
This is out of scope as it refers to the proposed Services Connect
service model.
256. This detailed submission contained feedback and alternative
proposals, including: Divisional Client Support Services should be
managed by an EO OR a range of service delivery functions
should move to areas; Hurstbridge Farm should be under
Residential Client Services North East Area; Placement
Coordination Unit should have a VPS6 team leader, move
Practice Excellence to Complex Clients, Local Connections
should have a lead role in monitoring, managing and leading
service integration, combine Planning and Strategy and Service
Implementation and Sector Partnerships. Proposed area structure
won't work in very small offices. Child Protection student
placement, workforce attraction, recruitment and retention require
one specific VPS5 position across the Loddon and Mallee areas.
EOs and VPS6 positions should be spread across metro and rural
offices. 3.0 EFT IT staff currently in Bendigo should remain, not
move to central as proposed.
Accepted in part
In development of the final structure changes have occurred which
support the proposals identified particularly as they relate to improved
functional alignment such as Hurstbridge Farm to an Area level and
Practice Excellence to Complex Clients.
257. This detailed submission contained feedback and alternative
proposals, including: Placement Coordination Unit should be
managed by a VPS-6, Practice Excellence should be in Complex
Clients and should include 4 EFT central court advice roles (West
and North), Hurstbridge Farm should report to divisional Complex
Clients, there should be a separate unit for centralised respite
booking within Disability Registration and Vacancy Management,
Disability Intake should remain at division level and Disability
Response should go to areas, Disability Justice units should be in
Individual and Family Support, quality of care positions to be
retained as is, quality enhancement and indigenous family
violence should have a dedicated position in Sector Partnerships,
two child protection recruitment officers should be in divisions, 2
Accepted in part
The Local Connections team will have a lead role in supporting local
development and capacity building along with agency management
functions, both of which play a significant role in supporting the funded
sector and better integrating service responses.
In regards to staffing levels service delivery staff will transition as is into
the structure. The structure identifies reporting lines for functions, not
necessarily physical location.
In development of the final structure changes have occurred which
support the proposals identified particularly as they relate to improved
functional alignment including
Hurstbridge Farm to an Area level,
Practice Excellence to Complex Clients
Intake being managed at the Divisional level whilst the
response component is facilitated via the Area
client support/case management being managed in Individual
and Family Support for disability. This will occur in Disability
Client Services.
Summary of proposal
DHS response
VPS-6 EFT (transformation, exec support) should be assigned to
Child Protection Director. This proposal also provides
suggestions about the distribution of Youth Justice tasks, activities
and responsibilities across areas, divisions (Practice
Excellence),Youth Justice Centres and the Forensic Services Unit.
The central court advice occurring in the Division, Practice
Excellence for West and North.
Respite booking sitting in Divisional COSI, however this will not
sit in a separate team with DSR
Disability Registration and Vacancy Management has been
renamed DSR and Vacancy Management to align with current
The proposal has also contributed to the functional descriptions of Youth
As for existing quality of care, executive support and Indigenous family
violence positions, these positions will transition into the structure as is
and there is no capacity to create extra positions.
258. The role of Child Protection immigration/visa liaison officer which
was recently decentralised to regions is a key support in the
department's recruitment of child protection workers and should be
Not accepted
This restructure process is not intended to create additional roles of this
259. Disability Intake should remain at the divisional level but Disability
Response should go to areas. Move Contracting and Kinship to
Child Protection Operations, intake to remain at divisional level, all
EO positions across the division should have Eas.
Accepted in part
The final design for Disability intake has these functions line managed at
a Divisional level, allowing more flexible and adaptable deployment of
resources across areas to respond to changing demand and complexity.
The Disability response component will largely be facilitated at the Area
level, with Intake at a Divisional level.
Intake, Contracting and Kinship all form part of Child Protection
Divisional Services. To retain an end-to-end oversight of all CP
Operations, these services will now also report to the CP Operations
All Divisional EOs (ED, Corporate, CP, Client Outcomes & Service
Improvement) and Area Directors will have dedicated EAs. Other
Directors will receive the appropriate level of administrative support.
260. Divisional finance should have a financial compliance and
assurance position (VPS-5). It should have a shared services
team (VPS-4 team leader and VPS-3 budget officer) in Budget
Analysis and Reporting. In the Accounting Operations team, the
team leader should be a VPS-4, not a VPS-5 and instead of four
VPS-2s there should be one VPS-3 and two VPS-2s. This results
in additional staffing that what is proposed.
Accepted in part
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including finance and accounting functions.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes have
been incorporated into the final structures.
Summary of proposal
DHS response
261. The majority of proposal provides suggestions regarding
implementation/staff transition approaches but also suggests that
the role of Principal Adviser, Change and System Improvement
report to the Executive Director East Division rather than Director,
Corporate Services.
Not accepted
The proposed role has a corporate services focus and therefore this
reporting line will be retained.
262. Workforce Services in divisional People and Culture should be
renamed People Services to reflect client orientation. The team
should be a mix of generalists and specialists (claims
management, recruitment). There should be two additional People
Service Advisers (VPS-5). Increase of total EFT to 15 (proposed
Accepted in part.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including People and Culture.
263. Aboriginal Family Decision Making should sit under the Child
Protection Operations Manager beside case management.
Aboriginal Family Decision Making roles will report through the Child
Protection Divisional Services, which now reports to the Child Protection
Operations Manager, as does the Practice Leaders.
264. This proposal provides a detailed mapping of where functions in
Divisional Client Outcomes and Service Improvement Branches
should go in the proposed structure.
Accepted in part
Revised functional alignment has occurred based on feedback
particularly as it relates to putting more focus on the frontline and
providing integrated responses. More detailed information has been
incorporated into functional descriptions and will be utilised for staff role
descriptions and implementation planning.
265. Partnership activities related to Aboriginal community-controlled
organisations (relationship, operational management, capacity
building, strategic / program development) should be allocated to
one or two people at the divisional level - those who have local
Not accepted
Aboriginal Partnership activities will be managed from the Aboriginal
Planning team sitting in Divisions.
266. The Workcover claims function in divisions has three claims
management officers. It is critical to have a VPS-5 overseeing this
area to provide strategic advice and manage complex cases.
Otherwise the team will simply process claims.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes been
incorporated into the final structures.
Funded Aboriginal agencies will continue to receive further support via
dedicated partnership staff.
There were a significant number of proposals concerning divisional
corporate functions including People and Culture.
These functions have now been reviewed in full and remodelled to
address concerns raised and alternative proposals, and changes been
incorporated into the final structures.
This included a workcover claims team leader which has been built into
the structure.
267. There should be a designated Student Placement Coordination
team in each division in Workforce Services, People and Culture
consisting of two VPS-4 coordinators responsible for all student
placements, work placement and work experience - one rural, one
metro. Incorporate Child Protection placement management into
Not accepted
It is intended that the resources within Workforce Services cover this
function and this has been factored into resourcing for the final structure
and that has been included in the functional description of this unit. The
proposal to create dedicated positions for this function was not accepted.
Summary of proposal
DHS response
268. Given the high level of client complexity and the fact that the
existing model operates successfully, the Family Team in
Disability Client Services in Southern Metropolitan Region should
be left intact as it is.
Accepted in part
Client service delivery will occur at an Area level where there is localised
knowledge and more integrated oversight of outcomes for clients. Areas
are intended to have soft boundaries and it is expected that teams will
continue to have close operational relationships.
269. The social inclusion activities within Disability Partnerships and
Service Planning LMR (Disability Services Community Building
Program and Communication Access Network) should be brought
into the Community Participation teams in North Division and the
positions should be VPS-5 not VPS-4 due to the high level of
expertise and experience.
Accepted in part
Staffing in the structure is based upon existing resources and
270. Provision of GIS mapping is critical to such functions as
emergency management, policy program and service
development, resource allocation and demand management.
There should be GIS mapping capability in each division - it could
be located in the Performance team or in Planning and Strategy
as part of a VPS-4 project officer position.
Not accepted
271. The structure for divisional People and Culture should be based
on a partnership model with each area assigned its own multidisciplinary team (workforce relations, health and safety, risk and
injury management, Workcover, learning and development) and a
separate divisional services team that is geographically dispersed.
The model uses the same number of EFT.
Not accepted
This proposal recommends a structure based on geography rather than
function, which is a principle of design for Divisional level structure. The
model proposed here potentially reduces flexibility to deploy staff and
reduces expertise.
272. Due to volume, complexity and client distribution, specialist
disability justice units comprising Manager Disability Justice (VPS6) with two teams each should be based in North Eastern
Melbourne (North Division) and Western Melbourne (West
Division), providing services to all areas and reporting directly to
Complex Clients, Client Outcomes and Service Improvement (not
to the area director).
Accepted in part
A Disability Justice team will be located under Complex Clients in Client
Outcomes & Service Improvement in the North Division to provide
expertise and support across the whole Division.
273. The shifting of SAM’s data entry from PASAs to VPS-2 divisional
finance staff will result in inefficiencies and errors, and no time will
be saved since it is the PASAs who have all the detailed
knowledge and information about the service agreement details.
Accepted in part
this model. Link this to a central placement coordinator position.
Community building activities will be facilitated at the Area level to
enable area-based management that provides stronger, locally-based
service delivery and decision-making with strong connections to the
The proposal to create dedicated GIS positions for each Division was not
accepted, however existing staff who undertake this function will
translate into new structure and will still be supported to undertake this
The centrally located Centre for Human Services Research and
Evaluation includes a Modelling and Forecasting Unit which is intended
to provide DHS-wide leadership and support in this area.
In the West, it was decided that support needed to be focussed on the
metropolitan area, so the team is located in the Western Melbourne Area
reporting through Individual & Family Support.
Having dedicated staff input into SAMS will be more efficient than having
partnership staff use the system episodically. Partnership staff can then
focus on agency engagement and monitoring, whilst expertise will be
developed by the dedicated SAMS team.
Summary of proposal
DHS response
274. Workforce Services (Central) in West Division People and Culture
needs additional resourcing: there should be VPS-5 managers
sitting over the two teams, not just VPS-4 team leaders. There
should be three additions VPS-3 staff: OH&S Practitioner and two
Workforce Services Officer.
Accepted in part.
Based on considered feedback and alternative proposals a
comprehensive review of all staff, teams and functions has occurred.
This has resulted in changes to the final structure namely 2 x VPS5
People Services Advisors have been included to provide higher level
advice and support whilst not being burdened with team leadership. The
quantum of VPS3 staff was felt to be adequate in the initial proposal.
275. The Family Team in Disability Client Services, Southern
Metropolitan Region should remain intact as it is due to its
multidisciplinary makeup, the unique complexity and specialist
supports provided. It should not take on any other responsibilities
because this will dilute the specialist nature of the role.
Accepted in part
Client service delivery will occur at an Area level where there is localised
knowledge and more integrated oversight of outcomes for clients. Areas
are intended to have soft boundaries and it is expected that teams will
continue to have close operational relationships.
276. One Aboriginal Planning Officer in West Division is not enough
resourcing to undertake all the functions of Aboriginal partnerships
and planning. One Complex Clients manager is not enough for
West Division - there should be another VPS-6 in this unit.
Accepted in part
There will be at least two Aboriginal Planners (VPS 5) in each Division.
277. As the position Manager Respite and Carer Support in the West
Division has a region wide role, suggest locating this position in
the Client Outcomes and Service Improvement - Client Support
Service area.
This proposal identifies a functional alignment consistent with the
statewide design and distribution of functions and has been incorporated
into the final design.
278. The Family Team in Disability Client Services, Southern
Metropolitan Region should remain intact as it is due to its
multidisciplinary makeup, the unique complexity and specialist
supports provided. It should not take on any other responsibilities
because that would dilute its specialist skills.
Accepted in part
Client service delivery will occur at an Area level where there is localised
knowledge and more integrated oversight of outcomes for clients. Areas
are intended to have soft boundaries, that is, it is expected that teams
will continue to have close operational relationships.
279. Youth Justice operations in South Division should have the
following design: a generalist team in both Dandenong and
Frankston managed by a VPS-5 and a cross-border team to
provide surge capacity; three specialist teams at division level court advice, custody liaison and parole supervision, and
community programs - reporting to Manager Practice Excellence
within Client Outcomes and Service Improvement.
Not accepted
Service delivery roles have been mapped to the Area structure as is.
Consistent with area-based service delivery, both Bayside Peninsula and
Southern Melbourne will have a dedicated Youth Justice team, providing
all current regional functions, managed by a CPW 5. Area-based teams
will be supported by the Youth Justice Practice Excellence team (CPW 6
x 2) that is comprised of the current YJ Regional Managers.
280. West Division has been allocated only two Quality of Care
Coordinator positions - there should be three. The Placement
Coordination Unit and PASAs should sit in the same reporting line
Accepted in part
Three Quality of Care positions have now been mapped to the West
Division in the final structure.
In relation to the Complex Clients manager suggestion, service delivery
roles are based on existing staffing levels and these have been allocated
to Divisional teams according to demand and complexity. These roles
will be closely monitored by Divisions during implementation to ensure
they remain manageable.
The Placement Coordination Unit and PASAs will both sit in Divisional
Summary of proposal
DHS response
and report to a specialist VPS-6 position. The balance of the
proposal related to implementation issues.
281. This proposal provided detailed information on resourcing levels
and functions for Emergency Management in West Division and
suggested changes to levels and resourcing..
Client Outcomes & Service Improvement; however they will be in
different teams reflecting the distinct nature of the functions.
Accepted in part
After consideration of feedback and alternative proposals, a VPS 4
position will replace a VPS 5 position in the structure as it better
represents the work in the emergency management team for West
Division, provides a better spread of VPS positions and opportunities for
career paths..