Hiram College, Chem. 161, Fall 2009 Chemistry 161: Physiological Chemistry Instructor: Office/hours: Telephone: Email: Website: Dr. Carol D. Shreiner Gerstacker 205, open door policy 330-569-5156 Class: MWF 11:00-12:20 Room: Colton 103 Lab: M 1:30-4:30 W 2:30-5:30 shreinercd@hiram.edu Room: Gerstacker 19 http://home.hiram.edu/chemistry/Physiological/Chem_161_main.htm Chemistry for Today General, Organic and Biochemsitry, 6th Ed., Seager and Slabaugh Study guide: Survival Guide for General, Organic and Biochemistry, Morrison, Atwood and Caughran **Study Guide and Solutions Manual for the text is on reserve in the library** Textbook: Course Description: This course is intended for non-science majors and is particularly aimed at those entering nursing and other allied health professions. This course will provide an introduction to the principles of inorganic and organic chemistry. Topics include: atomic theory, nuclear chemistry, the periodic table, chemical bonds, states of matter, chemical reactivity, solutions, principles of equilibrium and reaction rates, acids and bases and the structure and reactivity of organic compounds including alkyl, aryl, alcohol, carbonyl and amino compounds. Activities in this course will emphasize analytical thinking and problem-solving, particularly in the area of quantitative calculations. This course will also allow for insight into many of the utilitarian applications and developments as a result of chemistry, especially as they pertain to the healthcare field. The laboratory portion of the course will serve to further develop the principles and concepts learned in the lecture portion using guided inquiry-based, hands-on experiments as well as teaching students to analyze and report data. Course Goals: This course aims to provide students with an overall sense of the fundamental principles of chemistry. At the end of the course, students will be able to: Distinguish between the chemical and physical properties of matter. Utilize the scientific method to approach problems. Perform algebra-based calculations within the context of chemical equations. Describe the behavior of matter through bonding and non-bonding interactions. Identify important functional groups in organic compounds and predict solubility and reactivity based on structure. Explain how various functional groups react to form the compounds that make up living organisms and the practical applications of chemical synthesis. Apply learned chemical principles within the context of medicine and everyday life. Construct a written report based on laboratory test results and observations. 1 Hiram College, Chem. 161, Fall 2009 Attendance/Participation: Regular attendance and active participation in class will play a key role in how well you are able to grasp information presented. Make-up work will not be given and late work will not be accepted unless arrangements are made in advance with the professor, barring reasonable circumstances. In order to be eligible to make up graded assignments, a reasonable excuse must be given to the professor in the form of a professional note (doctor’s note, hospital admit slip, note from another professor, supervisor, residence life, etc.). Exceptions to this policy can be made at the discretion of the professor. Academic Integrity: While group work is encouraged in regards to homework problems and classroom activities, it is expected that any and all work submitted by you for grading is your own and is a result of your own understanding. There is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to academic dishonesty regarding graded materials. The information regarding Hiram College’s academic honesty policy is found in the Hiram College Policy Book. Any student found in violation of this policy will be given a grade of “0” for the assignment and will be subject to the rules and regulations of the College regarding academic dishonesty. Electronics: The use of cell phones and laptop computers, as well as any other electronic communication device, during class is prohibited unless arrangements are made with the course instructor. Any student operating such devices without permission may be asked to leave the classroom. Ringing (buzzing, vibrating, etc) phones will be cause for an immediate pop quiz for the entire class. Furthermore, a cell phone is NOT an acceptable calculator for this course. You will need a standard scientific calculator for all exams and problem sets. Students will NOT be permitted to share calculators on exams. Grading: The weights of the various graded activities for this course are as follows: Exams (2) Lab Problem Sets Quizzes Final 30% 25% 20% 15% 15% The grading scale will be as follows: (note: grades will be rounded to the nearest whole number) 94-100 % 90-93% 87-89% 84-86 % A AB+ B 80-83% 77-79% 74-76% 70-73% BC+ C C- 65-69% 60-64% Below 60% D+ D F Exams: There will be two in-class exams and a final exam. Since the material in chemistry builds on itself, each exam is considered to be cumulative by default. The dates for the exams are outlined in the schedule portion of the syllabus. 2 Hiram College, Chem. 161, Fall 2009 Laboratory: The laboratory portion of this class must be completed successfully in order for you to receive a passing grade for the course overall. You will be responsible for graded laboratory reports that will make up 20% of your lab grade, following the standard report format. The remaining 5% of your lab grade will come from preparedness, cleanliness and independence within the laboratory setting. Problem Sets: In-class problem sets and homework will be assigned, graded and assessed for topic comprehension. The material covered in the problem sets and homework assignments will be considered insight to exam material, so it is to your benefit to complete the assignments to the best of your ability. Quizzes: Announced quizzes will be given to assess student learning between exams. Quiz material will be drawn from the most current lecture material. Unannounced quizzes will be given in accordance with the electronics policy outlined in this syllabus. Learning Strategies: There are several methods that can help you fully understand the material presented in class. The single-most important thing you can do is to work the problems in your notes, in the chapter context and at the end of the chapter. If you are struggling with a particular topic or problem, it is better that you find out early so that you can seek help. Group work/study sessions are also an integral part of learning. Taking turns leading these group sessions helps to solidify the concepts and also allows for further critical thinking and analysis. One-on-one tutoring is available, whether it is on a semester basis or one time only. The Science Learning Center in Colton Hall also posts hours during which tutors are available on a regular basis. Having the material explained from a different perspective might be just what you need to grasp the concepts and make them your own. Taking good notes and summarizing them at the end of each lecture will also help you discover what topics you thoroughly understand and those you need more explanations for. Most importantly, maintain good communication with the professor. I am here to help you through this semester. 3