Course Description Name of University : Assumption University School/Faculty/Department : Martin de Tours School of Management Department of Marketing 1. General Information 1. Course ID: MKT4725 Course Title: Competitive Analysis and Strategy 2. Credit Units: 3 Credit Units 3 hours/week, totally 45 hours Lecture, Workshop and Self Study 3. Programme and Categorization of course: Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Marketing Major required courses 4. Responsible faculty member and list of instructors: Dr. Suwanna K. A. Tuangporn A. Porameth 5. Semester/Year level: 2/Sophomore Senior Standing Over 90 Credits or Department Chairperson’s approval 6. Pre-requisite Course: MKT2280 Principles of Marketing 7. Co-requisite Course: N/A 8. Place of study: Assumption University, Suvarnabhumi Campus Assumption University, Huamark Campus 9. Date of preparation or latest update: January 10, 2010 2. Learning Objectives and Development Objectives 1. Learning objectives: - To solidify understanding of fundamental tools of competitive analysis so that these tools can be used. - To develop the role of industry structure and the impact structure tends to have on competitive strategy and profitability. - To begin to build skill in competitive analysis, which entails formation of marketing, production, channel, investment and pricing strategies based on the way competitive forces appear to work themselves out in the market. - To analyze strategies to compete with competitors both direct and indirect, finally, make the future direction for strategic business unit and company. 2. Objectives for course development/improvement - Update the course content and add some new examples, especially through online, workshop in class applied from theoretical concept to practice through the semester project. - Emphasize more for the knowledge of marketing strategies, competitive tools and strategic directions for cooperations. 3. Course Content and Activities 1. Course content: Provision of analytical concepts in competitive environment; efficient market functioning, industry analysis, strategic groups in industry, local and global competition; also encompassing analysis for competitive advantage, vertical linkages, corporate diversification, and competitive strategic alliances; understanding the rivalry using game theory, product positioning, competitive pricing, research and development in competitive environment. 2. Number of hours per each semester: Lecture Tutorial Lab/Field Self-study Study/Workshop Lecture 45 hours Upon requested Workshop/Project 3 hours per week 3. Number of hours per week for advising and academic counseling for individual students: - Students can request for academic advices prior/after classes or in class hours. - Students can make appointment or stop by at the faculty members’ offices during the specified office hours (18 hours per week). - Students can request academic help through the website of the Department or emails of faculty members. - Students can download course materials from the Department website. 4. Learning Outcomes 1. 2. Morals and ethics: 1.1 Morals and ethics needed to develop - Possess ethical, moral and honest behavior academically and professionally - Have self disciplinary and punctuality - Pay respect to other people’s rights and their opinions - Comply with rules and regulations of the university, the organizations and the society - Comply with professional codes of conducts - Make valuable contributions to the society 1.2 Methodology - Emphasis on the importance of ethical and moral issues in the real business world - Case study of problems of unethical behavior in the real business world - Examples of unethical and immoral behavior in class lecture and discussion 1.3 Assessment - Students’ manners in class (pay respect to classmates and lecturer, come on time to the class, etc.) - Students’ disciplines (follow the university’s policy and classroom policies, on time submission of assigned works, no plagiarism, etc.) - Students’ self contributions to the society - Performance evaluation on quizzes, exams and project Knowledge: 2.1 Expected knowledge to be gained - Gain overall knowledge in the competitive analysis and strategy in the marketing field - Possess clear understanding of theories and principles of and new development in marketing and related industries - Possess analytical skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills, ICT skills, business skills to be successful entrepreneurs/marketing managers - Able to integrate marketing knowledge in making effective business decisions - Able to apply the research findings to handle business problems and develop new business and marketing knowledge - Update and understand changes in professional norms, values, rules, and regulations under market and related industries 2.2 Methodology - Class lecture on theories and practical knowledge - Examples of real world situations - Class discussion on case study, concerned marketing problems, etc. - Project - Presentations 2.3 Assessment - Quizzes, midterm and final examinations 3. 4. 5. - Project evaluation - Questions and answers in class discussion Intellectual Skills: 3.1 Intellectual skills needed to develop - Able to critically and logically analyze business/marketing problems - Able to apply theories to develop effective action plans for business/ marketing problems - Have innovative and initiative ideas in utilizing theoretical knowledge to solve business problems - Able to solve the problems intellectually, wisely and professionally - Able to analyze and predict the expected outcomes from decision making, problems solving, business practices and marketing decision - Able to perform routine and assigned tasks effectively - Able to initiate and develop systematic, effective, efficient working process with respect to the real situation - Able to evaluate data and ideas as well as gather new evidences from various sources of information 3.2 Methodology - Self learning and searching information from the Internet and other sources of information - Project - Class discussion on concerned topics 3.3 Assessment - Quizzes, midterm and final examinations - Project evaluation - Questions and answers in class discussion Interpersonal skills and responsibility: 4.1 Interpersonal skills and responsibility needed to develop - Able to manage emotional behaviors in oneself and others - Able to cope with changing environmental issues and work pressures - Open and willing to learn and reasonably accept criticism - Able to work as a team - Able to communicate effectively in a diverse team - Have responsibility in the assigned tasks - Continuously engage in self and professional development - Have good time management - Possess ability of being a good leader and a good follower and solving problems based on their priority - Contribute in making effective solutions to group problems 4.2 Methodology - Group discussion in class - Group project 4.3 Assessment - Self evaluation on group project - Peer evaluation on group project - Class observation in students’ engagement and responsibility Quantitative skills, communication skills, and ICT skills: 5.1 Quantitative skills, communication skills, and ICT skills - Possess and able to apply appropriate quantitative skills and 5.2 5.3 techniques in mathematics, statistics, finance and accounting to solve problems - Possess information and communication technology skills - Possess ability in acquiring and analyzing competitive information in making business/marketing decisions - Possess ability in summarizing, communicating and presenting information effectively - Possess discretion in the use of communication and information technology in an appropriate manner Methodology - Self learning and searching information from the Internet - Class discussion - Presentation - Class assignments for case study, problems-solving, etc. Assessment - Project evaluation - Class discussion evaluation - Presentation evaluation - Assignment evaluation 5. Course Planning and Assessment 1. Course planning (follow มคอ.3,book #15, page 6) TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE PERIOD/ 3 Hrs. CHAPTER AND TOPICS PREPARATION FOR NEXT PERIOD PART I: INDUSTRY ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION MARKETING STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SET UP TEAM MEMBERS (5 PEOPLE) (Ch.1) Worksheets: Discussion- Select one industry, identify 1.List of team players (companies within that industry) and members select one player (product and brand) as 2. Market fact sheet your selected term’s project. (for students’ Case study: download at preparation) (self-learning) Class 1 Class 2 Worksheets: 1.Blank sheet for graph 2. Advantage matrix 3. PESTEL 4. Micro worksheet Class 3 Worksheets: 1.Five forces - Find out industry/market size, market growth rate, segment share, segment growth rate, market share of your selected brand. - Find out the PESTEL related your company/brand. MARKET/INDUSTRY ANALYSIS (Special in-class lecture) INDUSTRY EVOLUTION and FORECASTING (p82) ADVANTAGE MATRIX (p89) PESTEL AND MICRO ENVIRONMENT (Ch.3, p59~) Workshop: Draw graph showing market size, growth rate, segment share PESTEL Case study: download at (self-learning) - Prepare the analysis of opportunities and threats, EFE matrix FIVE FORCES MODEL (p73) OT ANALYSIS EFE MATRIX (Special in-class lecture) (Ch.3-continue and supplementary material) -Workshop: Five forces model to explain -Find SBU (strategic business units) of the company chosen and each SBU’ market size, market 2. EFE each selected industry/brand and develop some strategies - EFE MATRIX Case study: download at (self-learning) growth rate market share. and PART II: UNDERSTANDING COMPANY STRATEGY/POSITIONING Class 4 Worksheets: 1.BCG 2.GE 3. Vision and Mission statement (for homework assignment) Class 5 Worksheets: 1. Space analysis 2.Draw space matrix 3. Brand Portfolio 4. IFE Class 6 Worksheets: 1. Strategic focus 2. Generic strategies 3.Competitive grid (Distribute the sheet for Assignment I) Class 7 STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING COMPANY VISION/MISSION CORPORATE PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS -BCG MATRIX -GE MATRIX (Ch. 2 and supplementary material) -Workshop: BCG and GE portfolio Case study: download at (self-learning) - Find out the strengths and weaknesses of your company/brand - Identify the brand portfolio - Assignment: Vision & Mission 6 FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (p503) SPACE ANALYSIS (p87) PRODUCT ANALYSIS (Special in-class lecture) BRAND PORTFOLIO (Special in-class lecturer) SW analysis IFE matrix(Special in-class lecture) Workshop: Space analysis, Brand portfolio, IFE Case study: download at (self-learning) - Identify company value chain STRATEGIC FOCUS(Ch.2, p45) GENERIC STRATEGIES(Ch.2, p.48) UNDERSTANDING THE ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCE (Ch.6, p.143) VALUE-CREATING DISCIPLINES (Ch.5,p.126) VALUE CHAIN -Workshop: Space analysis, advantage matrix, IFE Case study: download at (self-learning) -Analyze and specify target market CUSTOMER ANALYSIS (SELF-STUDY ) (Ch.4,p94) SEGMENTATION/TARGETING/POSITIO Assignment I: Competitive Positioning of each Worksheets: 1. Product and customer matrix 2.Positioning statement Class 8 (Presentation) NING TARGET MARKET SELECTION POSTIONING STATEMENT (Special inclass lecture) (Ch 8,9,10 and supplementary materials) - Workshop: possible strategies of your brand Case study: download at (self-learning) competitor Competitive GridPrepare to analyze competitors - Identify strengths and weakness of each major competitor (From worksheet provided) Submission of Assignment I: Competitive Grid and Analysis (Group Project 5%) Presentation I: (Individual Presentation 5%) MIDTERM EXAM Preparation of Midterm PART III: ANALYZING COMPETITORS Class 9 Worksheets: 1.Competitiors analysis 2.Strategic groups 3. CPM 4. Strategic competitive posture COMPETITORS ANALYSIS (Special inclass lecture) STRATEGIC GROUPS (p79) COMPETITORS CAPABILITIES (Ch.5, p115) COMPETITIVE PROFILE MATRIX (CPM) (Special in-class lecture) STRATEGIC COMPETITIVE POSTURE (Special in-class lecture) (Ch.5 and supplementary materials) -Workshop: Draw competitor’s analysisdirect, indirect, and substitutes - strategic groups - CPM, and draw strategic posture of each competitor Case study: download at (self-learning) -Prepare each competitor’s strategy PART IV: COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES Class 10 Worksheet: 1.Competitive advantage creation SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE (Ch.11, p301) COMPETITIVE POSITIONING STRATEGIES (Ch.19 p556) OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE COMPETITVE STRATEGIES (Ch.11, p319) (Ch.11, 19 and supplementary materials) -Prepare company/brand strategies - Suggest some B/R strategies Use the brand portfolio and competitive analysis (2pcs.) 2. Positioning mapping NEW STRATEGIES FOR CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS (p68) - Workshop: positing strategies, draw positioning mapping Case study: download at (self-learning) BLUE, RED AND WHITE OCEAN STRATEGIES (Special in-class lecture)and (Ch.18,p514) Worksheets: LONG TAIL (Supplementary materials) 1.Strategy canvas SOCIAL NETWORK MARKETING 2.B/R ocean strategies (Supplementary materials) BRAND GAP(Special in-class lecture) COMPETING THROUGH THE NEW -1ST CHECKLIST FOR MARKETING MIX AND INNOVATION, PROJECT (p336) (Ch. 12, 13 and Supplementary materials) STRATEGIES THROUGH CUSTOMERS (SELF-STUDY) (Ch. 14 and 15) -Workshop: Strategy canvas, B/R ocean strategies, Brand Gap Case study: download at (self-learning) Class 11 to find brand gap -Find out the examples of long tail and social network marketing -- Find out the examples of corporate strategies that you realized and adapt them to your concern SBU/brand PART V: THE STRATEGIC DECISIONS Class 12 2ND CHECKLIST FOR PROJECT Class 13 Worksheets: 1.Tows CORPORATE STRATEGIES - ANSOFF - INTEGRATION - DIVERSIFICATION - ACQUISITION - MERGER - JOINT VENTURE - STRATEGIC ALLIANCES (Ch.16 and supplementary materials) Case study: download at (self-learning) - Prepare all data to analyze strategicdirections for your concerned brand/SBU TOWS MATRIX STRATEGIC MARKETING DECISION GRAND STRATEGY IE MATRIX (Special in-class lecture) - Submit assignment II (see the details of project guidelines at homepage guide). 2.IE (See supplementary material) Workshop: Tows, IE matrix Case study: download at (self-learning) Class 14 Submission of Assignment II: Competitive Analysis and Strategy of your selected brand/company (10%) Presentation II: (Individual presentation 5%) FINAL EXAMINATION 2. Assessment (follow มคอ.3,book #15, page 11) Participation Semester Assignment (5+10) Workshop (Content analysis in class) Presentation (5+5) Midterm Examination Comprehensive Final Examination Total 5% 15% 15% 10% 20% 35% 100% - Prepare individual presentation – Powerpoint 6. Course Resources 1. Required text books and readings: Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, Gramham Hooley, John Saunders, Nigel Piercy, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, Co. UK, 2008 2. Supplementary reading list/references: 3. Recommended reading list/references: - Modern Competitive Strategy, Gordon Walker, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2007. - Marketing Management, Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Kller, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall 2009 - Competitive Strategy, “Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors”, Michael E. Porter, The Free Press, 1996. 7. Course Feedback and Improvement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course evaluation by students: - Discussion with students - End-semester questionnaire - Class evaluation/peer evaluation Other methods of course evaluation: - Discussion with experts - Industry survey Course development and improvement: - Research - Seminars - Course workshop and meeting - Course mentor - Class observation - Knowledge sharing Quality assurance of the course: - Internal committees - External committees - Internal quality assurance - External quality assurance Course revision and development plan: - Major revision every 5 years - Minor revision where appropriate