RAE pentru anul 2007-2011 1. DATE DE AUTENTIFICARE / IDENTIFICARE ALE UNITĂŢII DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE 1.1. Denumirea Centrul de Cercetare în Analiza Reală şi Complexă 1.2. Statutul Juridic: Centru de Cercetare Instituţionalizat de Interes Local din cadrul Facultăţii de Ştiinţe, Universitatea din Oradea 1.3. Actul de infiintare: Hotărârea Consiliului Facultăţii de Ştiinţe, Universitatea din Oradea, din data de 12 Mai 2008; Hotărârea Senatului Universităţii din Oradea din data de 13 Octombrie 2008. Titlul: Centrul de Cercetare in Analiza Reala si Complexa Data emiterii: 13 Octombrie 2008 Organul emitent: Senatul Universitatii din Oradea Modificari ulterioare: Director CCARC in perioada 2008-aprilie 2010, prof. univ. dr. Adrian Ban Director CCARC din aprilie 2010 pana in prezent, prof. univ. dr. Bica Alexandru Mihai 1.4. Nr. din inregistrare in Registrul potentialilor contractori 1155 (Universitatea din Oradea) 1.5. Director CCARC Prof. univ. dr. Bica Alexandru Mihai, Str.Universităţii nr.1, Pavilion C, sala C202, Tel. +40 259 408 656, E-mail: abica@uoradea.ro , ResearcherID: A-6613-2012. 1.6. Adresa Oradea, Str. Universităţii nr.1, Pavilion C, sala C202 1.7. Tel, Fax, Pagina web, E-mail Telefon: +40 259 408 461; Fax: +40 259 408 161 2. DOMENIUL 2.1. Conform clasificarii UNESCO • 12 Matematică 1202 Analiză şi analiză funcţională 1206 Analiză numerică 1208 Probabilităţi 1210 Topologie • 24 Ştiinţele vieţii 2404 Biomatematici 2.2. Conform clasificarii CAEN 58 581: Activităţi de editare a cărţilor, revistelor şi altele 72 721: Cercetare-dezvoltare în ştiinţe naturale şi inginerie 85 854: Învăţământ superior 856: Activităţi de servicii suport pentru învăţământ 3. STAREA UNITĂŢII DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE 3.1. Misiunea unitatii de cercetare dezvoltare, directiile de cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare Misiunea centrului de cercetare este cercetarea ştiinţifică fundamentală în domeniul analizei reale şi complexe. Prin crearea centrului de cercetare-dezvoltare se urmăreşte: coagularea eforturilor in vederea obţinerii de rezultate de cercetare valoroase şi de fonduri necesare cercetării, evidenţierea existenţei unei entităţi capabile de colaborări cu mediul ştiinţific şi cu cel socio-economic, dezvoltarea unui parteneriat puternic cu cercetători şi cu instituţii dedicate cercetării din ţară şi străinătate. Direcţiile de cercetare ale centrului sunt următoarele: � Teoria aproximării funcţiilor � Semigrupuri de operatori pe spaţii ne-local convexe � Teoria geometrică a funcţiilor � Mulţimi fuzzy intuiţioniste � Matematica fuzzy cu aplicaţii în procesarea imaginilor şi geologie � Numere fuzzy, interpolare fuzzy, ecuatii diferentiale si integrale fuzzy � Teoria KKM şi teoreme de minimax � Teoria generală a punctului fix � Modelare matematică cu aplicaţii în biologie şi medicină � Orbite periodice în problema celor N-corpuri 1 � Incluziuni diferenţiale � Teoria stabilităţii ecuaţiilor diferenţiale � Analiză numerică: cuadraturi numerice, operatori de interpolare, metode numerice pentru ecuatii diferentiale si integrale 3.2. Modul de valorificare a rezultatelor de cercetare, dezvoltare,inovare si gradul de recunoastere a acestora • Elaborarea de lucrări ştiinţifice publicate în reviste de specialitate cotate ISI/BDI sau prezentate la conferinţe/simpozioane naţionale şi internaţionale. • Participarea în programe de cercetare-dezvoltare naţionale şi internaţionale. • Elaborarea de cărţi de specialitate/monografii, capitole din cărţi şi cursuri universitare legate de direcţiile de cercetare ale centrului. • Integrarea rezultatelor cercetării în alte domenii. • Creşterea nivelului ştiinţific şi de instruire a membrilor centrului 3.3. Situatia financiara, datorii la bugetul de stat: nu exista 4. CRITERII PRIMARE DE PERFORMANŢĂ 4.1. Lucrări stiintifice/tehnice publicate în reviste de specialitate cotate ISI. Numar de lucrari stiintifice: 108 Nr. Data Autor(i) Titlul articolului Revista ISI crt. publicarii An Lu na 1 2007 D. Pasca 2 2007 A.I. Ban, I. Fechete 3 2007 M. Balaj, L. Lin 4 2007 S.G. Gal, J. Goldstein 5 2007 A. M. Bica 6 2007 7 2007 A.M. Bica, V.A. Caus, I. Fechete, S. Muresan J. Llibre, D. Pasca Periodic solutions of secondorder differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian Componentwise decomposition of some latice-valued fuzzy integrals Alternative theorems and minimax ineqaulties in Gconvex spaces Semigroups of linear operators on p-Frechet spaces Algebraic structures for fuzzy numbers from categorial point of view Application of the CauchyBuniakowski-Schwarz's inequality to an optimal property for cubic splines Erratum to "Periodic orbits of the planar collision” 8 2007 J. Llibre, D. Pasca Periodic orbits near a heteroclinic loop 9 2007 M. Balaj Intersection theorems, analytic alternatives 10 2007 G.A. Anastassio u, S.G. Gal 11 2007 A.M. Bica, S. Muresan On the best approximation of vector valued functions by polinomials with coefficients in vector spaces Approaching nonlinear Volterra neutral delay integro-differential equations with the Perov’s fixed point theorem 12 2008 08 Sorin G. Gal Approximation and geometric properties of complex Favard-Sz'asz- 2 ISSN Facto rul de impa ct al revist ei Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 235, pp. 90-100 Information Sciences, 177, pp. 1430-1440 0022247X 0,758 00200255 1,003 Nonlinear Analysis, Theory and Methods, 67, pp. 14741481 Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 114, pp. 13-36 0362546X 0,677 02365294 0,384 Soft Computing, 11, pp.1009-1105 14337479 0,500 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 9, pp. 43-53 15729206 0,019 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 98, pp. 217-217 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17, pp. 2175-2183 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 336, pp. 363-371 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 186, pp. 251265 09232958 1,175 02181274 0,866 0022247X 0.758 03733114 0,182 Fixed Point Theory and Applications (Cluj), vol. 7, pp. 43-51 15835022 0.700 Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56(2008), 1121-1127 08981221 0.720 Mirakjan operators in compact disks Voronovskaja's theorem and iterations for complex Bernstein polynomials in compact disks Approximation and geometric properties of some nonlinear complex integral convolution operators 13 2008 09 Sorin G. Gal 14 2008 05 Sorin G. Gal 15 2008 03 M. Balaj, L J. Lin Selecting families and their applications 16 2008 05 M. Balaj 17 2008 06 M. Balaj 18 2008 01 M. Balaj, L J. Lin 19 2008 02 Daniel Pasca, Chun-Lei Tang 20 2008 07 21 2008 Vasile Mioc, Daniel Pasca, Cristina Stoica O. Mendez, L.H. Popescu Alternative principles and minimax ine-qualities in Gconvex spaces Coincidence and maximal element theorems and their applications to generalized equilibrium problems and minimax inequalities Fixed points, coincidence points and maximal elements with applications to generalized equilibrium problems and minimax theory Subharmonic solutions for nonautonomous sublinear second order differential inclusions systems with pLaplacian A Pitchfork Bifurcation at Infinity in a Generalized Henon-Heiles Model 22 2008 23 2008 03 24 2008 05 O. Mendez, L.H. Popescu, E. D. Schwab Georgia Irina Oros, Adriana Cătaş, Gheorghe Oros Adriana Cătaş, Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros Mediterranean J. of Mathematics, 5(2008), no. 3, 253-272 16605446 0.350 Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 19(2008), No. 5, 367-375 10652469 0.322 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 08981221 0,720 Applied Mathemtis and Mechanics (English Ed.) 02534827 0,200 Nonlinear Anal.: Theory, Methods & Applications 0362546X 1.097 Nonlinear Anal.: Theory, Methods & Applications 0362546X 1.097 Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, vol. 69, nr. 4 (2008) 1083-1090 0362546X 1.097 American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, Nr. 1043 (2008) 116-125 0094243X Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 337, No. 1 p.425-430 Balkan Journal of Geometry and Applications Vol. 13,Nr.2 p.59-65 0022247X 0,872 12242780 0.781 On Certain Subclasses of Meromorphic Close-toConvex Functions Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 246909, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/246909 10255834 0.408 Differential subordinations associated with multiplier transformations Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 845724, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/845724 10853375 0.163 On admissible perturbations for exponential dichotomy Inner separation structures for topological spaces 3 25 2008 05 Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros, Daniel Breaz Gheorghe Oros, Georgia Irina Oros Georgia Irina Oros 26 2008 27 2008 09 28 2008 06 Adrian Ioan Ban 29 2008 12 30 2008 03 Adrian Ioan Ban, Janusz Kacprzyk, Krassimir Atanassov A.M. Bica 31 2009 G. Cicortas 32 2009 G. Cicortas 33 2009 A. Catas 34 2009 08 A. Catas 35 2009 04 A.M. Bica 36 2009 37 2009 07 Sorin G. Gal 38 2009 07 Sorin G. Gal 39 2009 08 G.A. Anastassio u, Sorin G. Gal L.H. Popescu Sufficient conditions for univalence of an integral operator Journal of Inequalities and Applications,Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 127645, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/127645 10255834 0.408 A class of univalent functions which extends the class of Mocanu functions Mathematical Reports, Vol. 10(60), No.2, 2008, pp. 165168 15823067 Necal culat inca A univalence preserving integral operator Journal of Inequalities and Applications, vol. 2008, Article ID 263408, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/263408 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 159, 1327-1344 10255834 0.408 01650114 1.373 Comptes Rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 61, 1535-1540 13101331 0,106 Information Sciences, vol.178, no.5 (2008), 12791292. 00200255 2.147 Balkan Journal Of Geometry and Applications, 14, 34-41 Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods Appl., 71, 50905092 Banach J. Math. Anal., 3 (1), 111-121 12242780 0362546x 0.781 17358787 0.419 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 11 (3), 500-506 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 11, no.2, 271-273 Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods Appl., 71, (3-4), 15211398 0.614 15211398 0.614 0362546x 1.295 Results in Mathematics, vol. 53(2009), No. 3-4, July, 245-256 14226383 Necal culat inca Results in Mathematics, Vol. 53(2009), No. 3-4, July, 257-268 14226383 Necal culat inca Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 58(2009), No. 4, August, 734-743 08981221 0.997 Approximation of fuzzy numbers by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers preserving the expected interval On de-I-fuzzification of intuitionistic fuzzy sets Error estimation in the approximation of the solution of nonlinear fuzzy Fredholm integral equations Product type inequalities for the geometric category Note on a function satisfying Palais-Smale condition Neighbourhoods for a certain class of analytic functions with negative coefficients On a simple criteria of convexity of order for meromorphic a functions On iterates of CheneySharma operator Exponential dichotomy roughness and structural stability for evolution families wothout bounded growth and decay Approximation by complex Bernstein-Stancu polynomials in compact disks Generalized Voronovskaja's theorem and approximation by Butzer's linear combinations of complex Bernstein polynomials in compact disks Approximation by complex Bernstein-Schurer and Kantorovich-Schurer polynomials in compact 4 1.295 40 2009 Balaj Mircea, Lin Lai-Jiu 41 2009 42 2009 Agarwal Ravi P, Balaj Mircea, O'Regan Donal Balaj Mircea 43 2009 Adrian Ban 44 2009 Adrian Ban 45 2009 46 2009 47 2009 48 2009 49 2009 50 2009 Georgia Irina Oros 51 2009 52 2010 A.O. Taut, Georgia Irina Oros, R. Sendrutiu A.M. Bica, M. Curila, 07 Adrian Ban, Lucian Coroianu Gheorghe Oros, Adela Olimpia Taut Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros Georgia Irina Oros 03 disks Fixed points, coincidence points and maximal elements with applications to generalized equilibrium problems and minimax theory Common fixed point theorems and minimax inequalities in locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces New minimax theorems On the nearest parametric approximations of a fuzzy number-revisited Triangular and parametric approximations of fuzzy numbers-inadvertences and corrections Continuity and additivity of the trapezoidal approximation preserving the expected interval operator Best subordinants of the strong differential superordination Second order non-linear strong differential subordinations Strong differential subordination New results related the convexity and starlikeness of Bernardi integral operator Briot-Bouquet differential subordinations and superordinations using the Dziok-Srivastava differential operator On a class of univalent functions defined by Sălăgean differential operator Approximating the solution of second order differential 5 Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 70 (2009), no. 1, 393--403 0362546X 1.295 Applicable Analysis 88 (2009), no. 12, 1691--1699 00036811 Necal culat inca Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 24 (2008), 287-292 Fuzzy Sets and Systems; vol. 160; 2009; pp. 3027-3047 15842851 Necal culat inca 1,833 01650114 Fuzzy Sets and Systems; vol. 0165160; 0114 2009; pp. 3048-3058 1,833 Proceedings of the Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 20-24, 2009; pp. 798-802 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,Volume 38 (3) (2009), 293 – 298 97898995079 -6-8 13035010 0.163 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society – Simon Stevin, Vol. 16(2009), pp.171-178 Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 33(2009), pp. 249-257 13701444 0.758 13000098 0.138 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 38 (2), (2009), pp.137-143 Mathematical Reports, Vol. 11(61), No.2, 2009, pp. 155163 13035010 0.163 15823067 0.273 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Volume 3, No.1, 2009, pp.61-67 17358787 0.419 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 15211398 0.697 S. Curila equation with retarded argument A.M. Bica, Smooth dependence by lag at L.F. Galea initial value problems for delay integro-differential equation A. Catas Class of Analytic Functions Associated with New Multiplier Transformations and Hypergeometric Function A. Catas Note on meromorphic m– valent starlike function A. Alb A Note on a Subclass of Lupaş, A. Analytic Functions Defined Catas by Ruscheweyh Derivative G. Cicortas The existence of critical values in an abstract perturbation problem G. Cicortas, Isomorphic homotopy groups C. Pintea, of certain regular sets and L. Topan their images Georgia Sufficient conditions for Irina Oros univalence obtained by using second order linear strong differential subordinations Georgia First order differential Irina Oros superordinations using the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator Gh. Oros Briot-Bouquet strong differential superordinations and sandwich theorems M. Balaj, Equivalent forms of a Lai-Jiu Lin generalized KKM theorem and their applications M. Balaj, Inclusion and intersection Donal O’ theorems with applications in Regan convex spaces M. Balaj, On mixed variational relation Dinh The problems Luc M. Balaj A fixed point-equilibrium theorem with applications 53 2010 04 54 2010 04 55 2010 12 56 2010 06 57 2010 11 58 2010 02 59 2010 60 2010 61 2010 62 2010 08 63 2010 09 64 2010 11 65 2010 12 66 2010 03 67 2010 D. Pasca 68 2010 69 2010 D. Pasca, M. Santoprete, C. Stoica D. Pasca, Chun-Lei Tang M. Balaj A common fixed point theorem with applications to vector equilibrium problems Periodic solutions of a class of nonautonomous second order differential systems with (q,p)-Laplacian Escape dynamics in collinear atomic-like three mass point systems Some existence results on periodic solutions of nonautonomous second order differential systems with 6 vol. 12, no.1-A, 37-47 Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 26, no.1 (2010), 41-51 15842851 0.900 Taiwanese J. Math., 14, No.2, (2010) 403-412 10275487 0.777 J. Math. Inequal., 4, no. 4 (2010), 601–607 J. Math. Inequal., 4, no. 2 (2010), 233-236 1846579X 1846579X necal culat necal culat Anal. Stiint. Univ. „Ovidius” Constanta, Ser. Mat. 18 (2) (2010) 53-58 Topology Appl., 157 (3) (2010) 635-642 12240835 0.044 01668641 0.447 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 34 (2010) , 13 – 20 13036149 0,467 Mathematical Reports, 12 (62), 1 (2010), 37–44 15823067 0,273 Mathematical Reports 12 (62), 3 (2010), 277–283 15823067 0,273 Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 73 (3) (2010) 673-682 J. Korean Math. Society, 47 (5) (2010), 1017-1029 0362546X 1.298 03049914 0.464 Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 60 (9) (2010), 2712-2722 Bull. of the Belgian Math. Society Simon Stevin, 17 (5) (2010), Applied Mathematics Letters, 23 (3) (2010), 241245 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, 17, nr. 5 (2010) 841-850 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 239 nr. 16 (2010) 1516-1526 08981221 1.472 13701444 0.341 08939659 1.155 13701444 0.341 01672789 1.555 08939659 1.155 Applied Mathematics Letters, 23, nr. 3 (2010) 246251 70 2010 71 2010 04 72 2010 02 73 2010 02 74 2010 11 75 2010 04 76 2010 09 77 2010 12 78 2011 05 79 2011 11 80 2011 11 81 2011 10 82 2011 04 83 2011 10 (q,p)-Laplacian V. Mioc, D. Collision and escape orbits in Pasca, C. Henon-Heiles model Stoica Ciprian Higher order Gal, Sorin heat and Laplace type G. Gal, equations with real time Jerome variable and complex Goldstein spatial variable G.A. A note on shape preserving Anastassio weighted uniform u, Sorin G. approximation Gal, M. Ganzburg G.A. Approximation by Anastassio a nonlinear Cardaliaguetu, L. Euvrard neural network Coroianu, operator of max-product Sorin G. kind Gal G.A. Approximation by complex Anastassio Bernstein-Durrmeyer u, Sorin G. polynomials in compact Gal disks B. Bede, L. Approximation and shape Coroianu, preserving properties of the Sorin G. nonlinear Meyer-Konig and Gal Zeller operator of maxproduct kind B. Bede, L. Approximation and shape Coroianu, preserving properties of the Sorin G. nonlinear Favard-SzaszGal Mirakjan operators of maxproduct kind Sorin G. Approximation by complex Gal genuine Durrmeyer type polynomials in compact disks A.M. Bica, About a numerical method of M. Curila, successive interpolations for S. Curila two-point boundary value problems with deviating argument A.M. Bica The numerical method of successive interpolations for Fredholm functional integral equations A.M. Bica The numerical method of successive interpolations for two-point boundary value problems with deviating argument M. The two-body problem with Barbosu, V. generalized Lennard-Jones Mioc, D. potential Pasca, F. Szenkovits D. Pasca Periodic solutions of secondorder differential inclusions systems with (q,p)-Laplacian L.H. Trichotomy and topological 7 Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11, nr. 2 (2010) 920-931 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 55(2010), No. 4, 357--373 14681218 2.138 17476933 necal culat Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 12 (2010), No. 1-B, 263-267 15211398 0.697 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, vol. 12(2010), No. 2, 396-406 15211398 0.697 Mediterr. J. Math., 7(2010), No. 4, 471-482 16600563 0.492 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 31(3)(2010), 232-253 01630563 0.586 Filomat, vol. 24(2010), No. 3, 55-72 03545180 Necal culat Appl. Math. Comput., 217(2010), 1913-1920 00963003 1.124 (IF) Appl. Math. Comput., 217 (2011) 7772-7789. 00963003 1.534, SRI: 0.605 59 Numerical Algorithms, 58 (2011) 351-377 10171398 Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 62 (2011) 3829-3843 08981221 0.784, SRI: 0.844 72 1.472, SRI: 1.076 28 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, vol. 49, nr. 9 (2011) 1961-1975 02599791 1.259, SRI: 1,230 54 Analysis and Applications, vol. 9, nr. 2 (2011) 201-223 02195305 0.795 Bull. of the Belgian Math. 1370- 0.758, Popescu, T. Vesselenyi equivalence for evolution families Society-Simon Stevin, 18 (4) (2011) 679-694 1444 Mathematical Communications, 16 (2011) 67-75 J. Comp. Anal. Appl., 13 (1) (2011) 11-19 13310623 J. Comp. Anal. Appl., 13 (1) (2011) 127-156 15211398 Turkish J. Math., 35 (2011), 1-14 13000098 Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina, 52 (1) (2011) 89-107 00416932 0.077 Analysis and Applications, 9 (3) 249-274 17936861 0.795 J. Comp. Anal. Appl., 13 (1) (2011) 84-97 15211398 0.453, SRI : 0.277 39 Comp. Math. Appl., 61 (10) (2011) 3003-3009 08981221 Quantitative estimates for a new complex Durrmeyer operator in compact disks Approximation by nonlinear Lagrange interpolation operators of max-product kind on Chebyshev knots of second kind Voronovskaja's theorem, shape preserving properties and iterations for complex qBernstein polynomials Generalized Variational Relation Problems with Applications Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (6) (2011) 2944-2951 00963003 J. Comp. Anal. Appl., 13 (2) (2011) 211-224 15211398 1.472, SRI: 1.076 28 1.536, SRI: 0.605 59 0.453, SRI : 0.277 39 Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 48 (1) (2011) 23-43 00816906 Journal of Global Optimization 50 (2011), no. 3, 537—547 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 48, No. 5 (2011), 939-949 Math. Commun. 16, No.2 (2011) Soft Computing, vol. 15, 84 2011 04 Sorin G. Gal Approximation by complex Lorentz polynomials 85 2011 02 86 2011 02 Approximation properties of some multivariate generalized singular integrals in the unit polydisk Approximation properties of some multicomplex singular integrals in the unit polydisk 87 2011 G. A. Anastassio u, Sorin G. Gal G. A. Anastassio u, Sorin G. Gal S.G. Gal 88 2011 03 B. Bede, L. Cooroianu, Sorin G. Gal 89 2011 08 90 2011 02 L. Coroianu, Sorin G. Gal G.A. Anastassio u, Sorin G. Gal 91 2011 11 Sorin G. Gal 92 2011 07 Sorin G. Gal, V. Gupta 93 2011 04 L. Coroianu, Sorin G. Gal 94 2011 03 Sorin G. Gal 95 2011 01 Mircea Balaj, Lai Jiu- Lin 96 2011 07 M. Balaj Alternative principe and their applications 97 2011 09 98 2011 12 M. Balaj, L. Coroianu M. Balaj 99 2011 03 Adrian I. Matching theorems and simultaneous relation problems New matching theorems and their applications Remarks and corrections to Approximation by complex potentials generated by the Gamma function Approximation and shape preserving properties of the truncated Baskakov operator of max-product kind Classes of functions with improved estimates in approximation by the maxproduct Bernstein operator Quantitative estimates in the overconvergence of some complex multivariate generalized singular integrals in polystrips Approximation in compact sets by q-Stancu-Faber polynomials, q > 1 8 15211398 Journal of Optimization 0022Theory and Applications 148 3239 (2011), no. 1 , 1-13 09255001 10158634 13310623 1432- SRI: 0.457 99 0.176 0.453, SRI : 0.277 39 0.453, SRI : 0.277 39 0.467 0.197, SRI: 0.368 95 1.011, SRI: 0.706 1.160, SRI: 0.698 0.370 0.176 1.512/ Ban A. Ban, A. Brândaş, L. Coroianu, C. Negruţiu, O. Nica A. Ban, L. Coroianu, P. Grzegorze wski A. Ban, L. Coroianu the triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers using αweighted valuations Approximations of fuzzy numbers by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers preserving the ambiguity and value 2011, pp. 351-361 7643 SRI: 0.827 Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 61, 2011, pp. 1379-1401 08981221 1.472/ SRI: 1.076 Trapezoidal approximation and aggregation Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 177, 2011, pp. 45-59 01650114 1.875/ SRI: 1.050 Metric properties of the nearest extended parametric fuzzy number and application Discontinuity of the trapezoidal fuzzy numbervalued operators preserving core Note on a general PalaisSmale condition International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 52, 2011, pp. 488-500 0888613X 1.684/ SRI: 1.134 Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 62, 2011, pp. 3103-3110 08981221 1.472/ SRI: 1.076 Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Method & Appl. 74 (14) (2011) 4718-4722 Appl. Math.Letters 24 (6) (2011) 864-868 0362546X 1.903, SRI: 0.877 0.911, SRI: 0.746 89 0.453, SRI : 0.277 39 necal culat 100 2011 02 101 2011 06 102 2011 04 103 2011 09 A. Ban, L. Coroianu 104 2011 10 G. Cicortas 105 2011 06 2011 05 On neighbourhoods and partial sums of certain meromorphic multivalent functions Sandwich theorem associated J. of Computational Analysis with new multiplier & Appl. 13 (4) (2011) 663transformations 672 08939659 106 Wang ZhiGang; Liu Zhi-Hong, A. Catas A. Catas 107 2011 Differential subordination associated with the DziokSrivastava operator Mathematical Reports, 13 (1) (2011) 57-64 15823067 108 2011 G.I. Oros, G. Oros, Kim In Hwa, Cho Nak Eun L. Coroianu Best Lipschitz constant of the trapezoidal approximation operator preserving the expected interval Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 165 Issue 1 (2011) 81-97 01650114 15211398 1.875 ,SRI: 1.049 73 Numar de citari in reviste de specialitate cotate ISI: 292 Nr. crt. 1 Data publicarii An Autor(i) citat(i) 2007 B. Bede, S. G. Gal 2 2007 G. A. Anastassi ou, S. G. Autor(i) care citeaza Titlul articolului care citeaza Revista ISI ISSN M. T. Mizukoshi, L. C. Barros, Y. ChalcoCano, H. RomanFlores, R. C. Bassanezi B. Bede, I. J. Rudas, A. L. Fuzzy differential equations and the extension principle Information Sciences, 177 (2007), pp. 36273635 00200255 First order linear differential equations under generalized differentiability Information Sciences, 177 (2007), pp. 16481662 00200255 9 Gal P. Fjelstad, S. G. Gal Bencsik R. M. Yamaleev G. A. Anastassi ou, S. G. Gal B. Bede, S. G. Gal Gong Zengtai, Wang Ling Geometrical and physical interpretation of the evolution governed by mass-shell equation The numerical calculus of expectations of fuzzy random variables Gong Zengtai, Wang Ling 2007 D. Pasca 7 2007 S. G. Gal 8 2007 B. Bede, S. G. Gal 9 2007 S. G. Gal 10 2007 M. Balaj G.-S. Tang, Q. Zhang, C. Cheng 11 2007 M. Balaj L. Deng, M. Yang 12 2007 M. Balaj Z. D. Mitrovic 13 2007 Gh. Oros S.-M. Yuan, Z.M. Liu 14 2007 Gh. Oros H. M. Srivastava, A. A. Attiya 15 2007 A. I. Ban, I. Fechete 16 2007 C. S. Gal, S. G. Gal H. RomanFlores, A. FloresFranulic, Y. ChalcoCano B. Bede, I. J. Rudas, A. L. Bencsik 17 2007 A.M. Bica 18 2008 S.G. Gal 19 2008 S.G. Gal, 3 2007 4 2007 5 2007 6 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 66 (2007), pp. 1-8 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158 (2007), pp. 722-738 01650114 The numerical calculus of expectations of fuzzy random variables Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158 (2007), pp. 722-738 01650114 B. Xu, C.-L. Tang Some existence results on periodic solutions of ordinary pLaplacian 0022247X B. Bede, I. J. Rudas, A. L. Bencsik M. T. Mizukoshi, L. C. Barosisi, et. al Gong Zengtai, Wang Ling First order linear differential equations under generalized differentiability Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 333 (2007), pp. 1228-1236 Information Sciences, 177 (2007), pp. 16481662 00200255 Fuzzy differential equations and the extension principle Information Sciences, 177 (2007), pp. 36273635 00200255 The numerical calculus of expectations of fuzzy random variables Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158 (2007), pp. 722-738 01650114 W-G-F-KKM mappings, intersection theorems and minimax inequalities in FCspaces Weakly R-KKM mappings intersection theorems and minimax inequalities in topological spaces On scalar equilibrium problem in generalized convex spaces Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 334 (2007), pp. 1481-1491 Applied Mathematics Mechanics, 28 (2007), pp. 103-109 0022247X Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 330 (2007), pp. 451-461 Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188 (2007), pp. 1142-1150 0022247X Some properties of alphaconvex and alpha-quasiconvex functions with respect to nsymmetric points An integral operator associated with the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function and differential subordonation A Jensen type inequality for fuzzy integrals 00963003 Integral transforms and special functions, 18 (2007), pp. 207-216 Information Sciences, 177 (2007), pp. 31923201 00200255 First order linear fuzzy differential equations under generalized differentiability Information Sciences, 177 (2007), pp.16481662 00200255 V.A. 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Bica Error estimation in the approximation of the solution of nonlinear fuzzy Fredholm integral equations Information Sciences, vol. 178(2008),No. 5, p. 1279-1292 00200255 24 2008 S.G. Gal, B. Bede Alexandru M. Bica Error estimation in the approximation of the solution of nonlinear fuzzy Fredholm integral equations Information Sciences, vol. 178(2008),No. 5, p. 1279-1292 00200255 25 2008 S.G. Gal, B. Bede M. Chen, Congxin Wu, si altii On fuzzy boundary value problem Information Sciences, 178(2008), No. 7, p. 1877-1882 00200255 26 2008 S.G. Gal, B. Bede Rosana RodriguezLopez Comparison results for fuzzy differential equations Information Sciences, 178(2008), No. 6, p. 1756-1779 00200255 27 2008 S.G. Gal, B. Bede ChalcoCano, Y. RomanFlores, H. On new solutions of fuzzy differential equations Chaos Solitons & Fractals, , vol. 38(2008), No. 1, p. 112-119 09600779 28 2008 S.G. Gal, B. Bede ChalcoCano, Y. RomanFlores, H. 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Doria Neto Chi-Tsuen Yeh On the approximation of compact fuzzy sets Intuitionistic Fuzzy Probability Filomat Vol. 25, Issue 2 (2011) 08981221 Weighted semi-trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers Weighted semi-trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers Weighted semi-trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers Best Lipschitz constant of the trapezoidal approximation operator preserving the expected interval Best Lipschitz constant of the trapezoidal approximation operator preserving the expected interval Best Lipschitz constant of the trapezoidal approximation operator preserving the expected interval Posibilistic Soil Roughness Identification for Uncertainty Reduction on SAR-Retrieved Soil Moisture Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 165 (2011), pp. 6180 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 165 (2011), pp. 6180 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 165 (2011), pp. 6180 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 165 (2011), pp. 8197 01650114 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 165 (2011), pp. 8197 01650114 Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 165 (2011), pp. 8197 01650114 Option pricing with fuzzy parameters via Monte-Carlo simulation Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 211 (2011), PART 4, pp. 25-33 Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 211 (2011), PART 4, pp. 25-33 Advanced in Intelligent 28 IEEE Transactions on Geosience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 49, no. 2 (2011), pp. 628-638 01650114 01650114 01650114 Liu, Qinghe Sun Xuecheng Liu, Qinghe Sun M Kumar, S.P. Yadav, S. Kumar 279 2011 A. I. Ban 280 2011 A. I. Ban 281 2011 A. I. Ban G. Wang, P. Shi, P. Messenger 282 2011 A. I. Ban 283 2011 A. I. Ban 284 2011 A. I. Ban 285 2011 A. I. Ban 286 2011 A. I. Ban 287 2011 A. I. Ban 288 2011 A. I. Ban 289 2011 290 2011 Wang Zhi-Gang; Liu ZhiHong, A. Catas A. Catas, G.I.Oros, G. Oros 291 2011 P. Grzegorze wski, K. PasternakWiniarska P. Grzegorze wski, K. PasternakWiniarska P. Grzegorze wski, K. PasternakWiniarska P. Grzegorze wski, K. PasternakWiniarska L. Coroianu, S. G. Gal, B. Bede L. Coroianu, S. G. Gal, B. Bede L. Coroianu, S. G. Gal, B. Bede Wang ZhiGang; Liu Zhi-Hong, Xiang RiGuang Deniz Erhan, Orhan Halit A. AlbLupas G.I.Oros, G. Oros given its finite set of alha-cuts Approximating a fuzzy vector given its finite set of alha-cuts A new approach for analysing the fuzzy system reliability using intuitionistic fuzzy number Constructing n-cell numbers by using double-side separation degrees and pattern recognition based on the maximal membership principle Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers with restrictions on the support and core and Soft Computing, 100 (2011), pp. 635-642 (ISI Proceedings) Advanced in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 100 (2011), pp. 635-642 (ISI Proceedings) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, vol. 8 (2011), pp. 135--156 Signal Processing (IET), 5 (2011), pp. 652-661 EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 749-756 Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers with restrictions on the support and core EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 749-756 Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers with restrictions on the support and core EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 749-756 Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers with restrictions on the support and core EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 749-756 Approximation of fuzzy numbers by nonlinear Bernstein operators of max-product kind EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 734-741 Approximation of fuzzy numbers by nonlinear Bernstein operators of max-product kind EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 734-741 Approximation of fuzzy numbers by nonlinear Bernstein operators of max-product kind EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, pp. 734-741 Some criteria for meromorphic multivalent starlike functions Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (3) (2011) 1107-1111 00963003 Certain subclasses of Arabic J. for Science & multivalent functions defined by Engineering, 36 (9) new multiplier transformations (2011) 1091-1112 13198025 On special differential subordinations using a generalized Salagean operator and Ruscheweyh derivative 08981221 29 Comput. Math. Appl. 61 (4) (2011) 1048-1058 292 2011 G.I.Oros, G. Oros, D. Breaz B.A. Frasin Univalence criteria for general integral operator Mathematical Communications 16 (1) (2011) 115-124 13310623 4.2. Brevete de invenţie Numar de brevete: 0 Nr. crt. Data acordarii An Luna Autor(i) Denumire brevet Institutia care a acordat brevetul Tip brevet Denumire brevet Institutia care a acordat brevetul Tip brevet Numar de citari de brevete in sistemul ISI: 0 Nr. crt. Data acordarii An Luna Autor(i) 4.3. Produse, tehnologii, studii, servicii: 0 Nr. crt. Data acordarii An Luna Tip Denumire Institutia utilizatoare (produs, tehnologie, studiu, serviciu) Numarul contractului 5. CRITERII SECUNDARE DE PERFORMANŢĂ 5.1. Lucrări publicate în reviste de specialitate fără cotaţie ISI: 104 BDI=Mathematical Reviews (MR) sau Zentralblatt Math. (Zbl) Nr. crt. Data publicarii An Luna Autor(i) Titlul lucrarii Revista ISSN Tipul revistei 1 2007 A. Bica, S. Muresan Applications of the Perov’s fixed point theorem to delay integro-differential equations Fixed Point Theory and Applications, vol. 7 (Teol Je Cho, editor), Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 17-41 ISBN: 159454877-3 2 2007 15492907 2007 Mathematica (Cluj), vol. 49 (72), pp. 117-130 12209016 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 4 2007 A. M. Bica Analele Univ. Oradea, fasc. Matem, Tom XIV, pp. 101-121 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 5 2007 Analele Univ. Oradea, fasc. matem, Tom XIV, pp. 211-219 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 6 2007 I. Fechete, D. Fechete, A. M. Bica Gh. Oros, Georgia Oros Application of the Picard operators to second order Ode’s Existence, uniqueness and approximation for the solution of a second order neutral differential equation with delay in Banach spaces Trapezoidal inequality for Lipschitzian vectorvalued functions and an application Semidirect products and near rings International Journal of Evolution Equations, vol. 3, pp. 277-285 3 A. Bica, L. Galea, S. Muresan A. M. Bica, R. Gabor Capitol de carte in volum colectiv (BDI:MR) Recenzata in BDI Mathematica (Cluj), vol. 49 (72), no. 1, pp. 63-68 12209016 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 7 2007 Gh. Oros, Georgia I. Oros Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, vol.36, no. 1, pp. 1-8 03854035 Recenzata in BDI 8 2007 A.I. Ban, I. Fechete Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, vol. 3, pp.1-7 13104926 Recenzata in BDI 9 2007 S.G. Gal, Global Journal of Pure and Applied 0973- Recenzata Differential superordination defined by Ruscheweyh derivative On a differential superordination defined by Ruschewey derivative Componentwise decomposition of intuitionistic L-fuzzy integrals Almost periodic 30 G.M. N'Guerekata 10 2007 G.A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal 11 2007 12 2007 Gh. Oros, Georgia I. Oros Gh. Oros, Georgia I. Oros 13 2007 Gh. Oros, Georgia I. Oros 14 2007 M. Balaj 15 2007 S.G. Gal 16 2007 A. I. Ban, A. Pelea 17 2007 S. G. Gal, G. N’Guerekata 18 2007 S. G. Gal 19 2007 S. G. Gal 20 2007 C. G. Gal, S. G. Gal, G. N’Guerekata 21 2007 G. Cicortas 22 2008 G. A. Anastassiou, S. G. Gal 23 2008 S. G. Gal functions with values in p-Frechet spaces, 0<p<1 On the best approximation of vector valued functions by polynomials First order linear strong differential subordonations First order nonlinear strong differential superordination Differential subordination obtained using generalized Salagean and Ruscheweyh operators Intersection theorems, analytic alternatives Bernstein-Markov inequalities for bivariate convex functions of higher order Fuzzy entropies of the product and division of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers Almost periodic functions with values in p-Frechet spaces, 0<p<1 Approximation and geometric properties of some Bernstein-Stancu polynomials in compact disks On some limits and series arising from semigroup theory Almost automorphic solutions to some semilinear fuzzy differential equations Critical point theory on quasi-metric spaces Geometric and approximation properties of some complex Sikkema and spline operators in the unit disk Shape preserving approximation by complex Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 1 1768 in BDI Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, vol. 186, no.2, pp. 251265 00034622 Recenzata in BDI General Mathematics, vol. 15, no.23, pp. 98-107 12215023 Recenzata in BDI, B+ General Mathematics, vol. 15, no.23, pp. 77-87 12215023 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Acta Universitatis Apulensis, vol. 14, pp. 129-140 15825329 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., vol.14, pp.133-143 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., vol. 14, pp. 123-132 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., vol. 14, pp. 155-174 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 3, pp. 89-103 09731768 Recenzata in BDI Revue d’Analyse Numerique and Theory Approximation, vol. 36, pp. 67-77 12229024 Recenzata in BDI, B+ General Mathematics, vol. 15, pp. 35-40 12215023 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Trends in African diaspora mathematics research, Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 23-35 1600213316 Recenzata in BDI Nonlinear Functional Analysis Applications, 12, p. 635-644 12291595 Recenzata in BDI J. Concr. Applic. Math., 6(2008), 177-188 15485390 Recenzata in BDI Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, New Series, 3(2008), No. 2, 323338 03049825 Recenzata in BDI 31 polynomials in the unit disk Evolution equations with real time variable and complex spatial variables 24 2008 Ciprian Gal, Sorin G. Gal, Jerome Goldstein 25 2008 26 2008 01 27 2008 04 28 2008 11 29 2008 09 Ciprian G. Almost automor. Gal, Sorin G. functions with Gal, G. M. values in pN’Guerekata Fr'echet spaces M. Balaj, Y. Fixed point theory J. Cho, D. for permissible O’Regan maps via index theory M. Balaj, D. Weak-equilibrium O’Regan problems in Gconvex spaces M. Balaj, D. An intersection O’Regan theorem and its applications Georgia Irina On a class of Oros, univalent functions Gheorghe defined by a Oros generalized Sălăgean operator 30 2008 31 2008 07 32 2008 06 A. Bica, L.F. Galea 33 2008 08 34 2008 S. Pasca, T. Vesselenyi, V. Fireteanu, P. Mudura, T. Tudorache, M. Tomse and S. Muresan A. Bica, L. Galea, S. Muresan Georgia Irina Oros Adrian Ioan Ban A new differential inequality Trapezoidal approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers expressed by value, ambiguity, width and weighted expected value On Picard iterative properties of the Bernstein operarators and an application to fuzzy numbers Numerical Analysis of Transient Phenomena in Electromagnetic Forming Processes Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 53(2008), No. 8, 753774 17476933 Recenzata in BDI Electr. J. Diff. Eq., 2008, No. 21, 18 pp 10726691 Recenzata in BDI East Asian Mathematical Journal 12266973 Recenzata in BDI Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 0009725X Recenzata in BDI Cubo a Mathematical Journal 07167776 Recenzata in BDI Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations.An International Journal, Volume 53, Issue 9, September 2008 , pages 869 – 877 doi:10.1080/17476930802187770 Print ISSN: 17476933 Online ISSN: 17476941 Recenzata in BDI Acta Universitatis Apulensis, nr.16, 2008, pp.81-85 Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 14, 38-47 15825329 13104926 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Recenzata in BDI Communications in Math. Analysis, Vol.5, no.1, (2008), 819. 19389787 Recenzata in BDI Acta Electrotehnica, Volume 49, Number 3, 2008, pp.359-365. 12242497 B Trends in evolution equation research, 43-51 978-1604562-705 Recenzata in BDI Application of the Picard operators to second order 32 35 2008 A. AlbLupas, A. Catas 36 2008 A. Catas 37 2008 A. Catas 38 2008 A. Catas 39 2009 A. AlbLupas, A. Catas 40 2009 A. AlbLupas, A. Catas 41 2009 A. Catas 42 2009 A. Catas, A. Alb-Lupas 43 2009 A. Catas 44 2009 A. Catas 45 2009 A. AlbLupas, A. Catas ODE’s On a class of analytic functions defined by a generalized Salagean and Ruscheweyh operators A note on a class of analytic functions defined by a generalized Salagean operator On univalent functions defined by a generalized Salagean operator Some simple criteria of starlikeness for meromorphic functions A note on a subclass of analytic functions defined by a differential operator On a subclass of analytic functions defined by a generalized Sălăgean and Ruscheweyh operator II On a Class of Holomorphic Functions Defined by a Generalized Sălăgean operator On Sufficient Conditions for Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions Defined by Differential Sălăgean Operator On certain analytic functions with positive real part On a Class of Holomorphic Functions Defined by a Generalized Sălăgean Operator On a subclass of analytic functions defined by Ruscheweyh Journal of Approximation Theory and Applications, 4, (1-2), 1-5 0973287X Recenzata in BDI Libertas Math. 28, 131-136 02785307 Recenzata in BDI Studia Universitatis BabesBolyai, 53 (2), 29-34 02521938 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Filomat, 22 (2), 109-113 03545180 Recenzata in BDI Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica nr. 2 (60), 131-134 10247696 Recenzata in BDI ROMAI Journal, vol. 5, nr. 1, 1-6 18415512 Recenzata in BDI An. Univ. Oradea Fasc. Mat., Tom XVI, 127–131 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ International Journal of Open Problems in Complex Analysis (IJOPCA) ), Vol. 1, No. 2, 14-18 20742827 Recenzata in BDI Libertas Math., Tomus XXIX , 117-122 02785307 Recenzata in BDI An. Univ. Oradea Fasc. Mat., Tom XVI, 127–131 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ An. Univ. Oradea Fasc. Mat., Tom XVI, p. 225-228 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 33 46 2009 A. Catas 47 2009 05 A.M. Bica, L. Radomir 48 2009 01 A.M. Bica, H. Oros 49 2009 B. Bede, L. Coroianu, S.G. Gal 50 2009 A.I. Ban, L.C. Coroianu 51 2009 A.I. Ban 52 2009 53 2009 Emil Popescu, Daniel Pasca, Vasile Mioc, Nedelia Antonia Popescu Daniel Pasca 54 2009 Sorin G. Gal 55 2009 Sorin G. Gal derivative A note on a differential superordination defined by a generalized Sălăgean operator Optimal property for quadratic splines generated by initial conditions Combined new numerical method for Volterra integral equations of pantograph type General Math., Vol.17, 1, 49-57 12215023 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Analele Univ. Oradea, fasc. Matematica, vol. XVI, 259-266 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Discrete, Continuous and Impulsive Dynamical Systems, Series A, Mathematical Analysis vol.16, No. S1, Supplement, 162168 12013390 Recenzata in BDI Approximation and Shape Preserving Properties of the Bernstein Operator of Max-Product Kind Intern. J. Math. Math. Sci, vol. 2009, Article ID 590589, 26 p. 01611712 Recenzata in BDI A method to obtain trapezoidal approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers from trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers Chebyshev type inequalities for Sugeno integrals with respect to intuitionistic fuzzy measures Seeliger's twobody problem (II): Equilibria Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume15, No 1, 13-25 13104926 Recenzata in BDI Cybernetics and Information Technologies; vol. 9; pp. 5-13 13119702 Recenzata in BDI Romanian Astronomical Journal vol. 19, nr. 2 (2009) 141-151 12105168 Recenzata in BDI Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 16, nr. 2(2009) 13-23. 1074133X Recenzata in BDI J. Concrete Applic. Math., vol. 7(2009), no. 3, 215-220 15485390 Recenzata in BDI J. Fuzzy Mathematics, vol. 17(2009), No. 3, 535-553 10668950 Recenzata in BDI Periodic solutions for nonautonomous second order differential inclusions systems with pLaplacian Exact orders in simultaneous approximation by complex Bernstein polynomials Linear continuous functionals on FNtype spaces 34 56 2009 Sorin G. Gal 57 2009 Sorin G. Gal si Vijay Gupta 58 2009 Barnabas Bede, Lucian Coroianu si Sorin G. Gal 59 2009 60 2009 Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros, Shigeyoshi Owa Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros 61 2009 62 2009 63 2009 01 Georgia Irina Oros A.M. Bica 64 2010 11 A.M. Bica 65 2010 05 A.M. Bica 66 2010 10 Georgia Irina Oros A. Catas Remarks on the strong approximation by Taylor series in the unit disk Approximation of vector-valued functions by $q$Durrmeyer operators with applications to random and fuzzy approximation Approximation and shape preserving properties of the Bernstein operator of max-product kind Differential subordinations on p-valent functions of missing coefficients Subordinations and superordinations using the DziokSrivastava linear operator New results related the starlikeness of Bernardi integral operator Strong differential superordination Quartic spline of interpolation with minimal quadratic oscillation in average Application of a perturbed trapezoid inequality to first order delay differential equations New numerical method for Hammerstein integral equations with modified argument On a starlikeness of order alpha condition for meromorphic m- Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., vol. 16(2009), 229-232 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 16(2009), 233-240 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sci., volume 2009, Article ID 590589, 26 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/590589 01611712 Recenzata in BDI International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 22, No.6, 2009, 1021-1030 13111728 Recenzata in BDI Journal of Mathematics and Applications, vol.31 (2009), 99-106 17336775 Recenzata in BDI Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations.An International Journal, Volume 54, Issue 10, October 2009 , pages 923 – 926 17476933 Recenzata in BDI Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No.19/ 2009 pp.101-106 Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5434, 200-207 Inequality theory and applications, vol.6, Nova Science Publ. (ed. Yeol Je Cho), New York, 2010, pp. 71-86. 1582Recenzata 5329 in BDI, B+ ISBN: Proceedings 978-3ISI 642(recenzat 00463BDI) 6 ISBN: Proceedings 978-1ISI 61668(recenzat 737-3 BDI) Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no.1 (2010), 33-44 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 3 (2010) 5-11 17336775 Recenzata in BDI 35 67 2010 A. Catas 68 2010 A. Catas 68 2010 A. Alb Lupaş, A. Catas 69 2010 A. Alb Lupaş, A. Catas 70 2010 A. Catas 71 2010 A. Alb Lupaş, A. Catas 72 2010 A. Catas 73 2010 A. Catas, A. Alb Lupaş, L. Galea 74 2010 A. Alb Lupaş, A. Catas 75 2010 G. Cicortas valent functions Convolutions of univalent functions with negative Coefficients using a generalized Sălăgean operator The radius of univalence of a certain class of analytic functions defined by a generalized Sălăgean operator A note on a subclass of analytic functions defined by a generalized Salagean operator A subclass of analytic functions defined by a generalized Sălăgean operator Some inclusion relations for a certain family of multivalent functions involving nonhomogeneous Cauchy-Euler differential equation On a subclass of analytic functions defined by differential Sălăgean operator On Radii of Starlikeness and Close-to-Convexity of a Subclass of Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients Note on Modified Hadamard Product of p-Valent Starlike Functions Involving Multiplier Transformations Certain Special Differential Superordinations Using Sălăgean and Ruscheweyh Operators Categorical sequences and relative LusternikSchnirelmann Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, 55 no.3 (2010) 93-104 02521938 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no.2 (2010), 23-30 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform., 21 (2010), 35-41 15825329 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no.2 (2010), 53-56 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no.1 (2010), 51-64 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no.1 (2010), 7-10 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ ROMAI Journal, 6, no. 1 (2010), 2940 18415512 Recenzata in BDI Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics, 19, no.1 (2010), 77-88 1221437X Recenzata in BDI Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics, 19, no.2 (2010), 229239 1221437X Recenzata in BDI Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no.2 (2010), 107-112 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 36 category Georgia Irina Oros 76 2010 77 2010 78 2010 79 2010 80 2010 11 81 2010 01 09 13110454 Recenzata in BDI 02521938 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 13110454 Recenzata in BDI 14495910 Recenzata in BDI 35, Springer 2010, p. 201-211 ISBN 9781441901576 Volum recenzat BDI An application of Fractional Calculus & Applied the subordination Analysis, 13, No. 5 (2010), 521chains 530 Georgia Irina A convexity Univ. “Babes-Bolyai”, Oros, Gh. property for an Mathematica, 60, no. 3, (2010) Oros integral operator 169-178 Fm Gh. Oros, On a convexity Fractional Calculus & Applied Georgia Irina preserving integral Analysis, 13, No. 5 (2010), 531Oros operator 536 A.I. Ban A Jensen type Polish Academy of Sciences, inequality for Warszawa, 2010, 43-51 Sugeno integrals with respect to intuitionistic fuzzy measures, in: Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics M. Balaj Austral. J. Math. Analysis & A coincidence Applications, 7 (1), art. 12, 7 pag. theorem for two Kakutani maps M. Balaj, Nonlinear Analysis and A generalized Donal Variational Problems, quasi-equilibrium O’Regan Optimization and its Applications problem 82 2010 05 M. Balaj A KKM concept for families of maps Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., 17, no. 1 (2010), 29—31 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ 83 2010 04 G.A. Anastassiou, Sorin G. Gal Nonlinear Studies, 17 (2010), no. 2, 139-149 13598678 Recenzata in BDI 84 2010 02 G.A. Anastassiou, Sorin G. Gal Communications in Applied Analysis, 14 (2010), No. 1, 13-20 09733841 Recenzata in BDI 85 2010 02 B. Bede, Sorin G. Gal Quantitative estimates in the overconvergence of Chebyshev and Legendre orthogonal expansions on [1,1] Quantitative estimates in the overconvergence of some singular integrals Approximation by nonlinear Bernstein and Favard-SzaszMirakjan operators of maxproduct kind J. Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, vol. 8 (2010), No. 2, 193-207 15485390 Recenzata in BDI 37 86 2010 10 B. Bede, L. Coroianu, Sorin G. Gal 87 2010 04 S. G. Gal, Richard Greiner 88 2010 05 Sorin G. Gal 89 2010 07 B. Bede, L. Coroianu, Sorin G. Gal 90 2010 12 L. Coroianu, Sorin G. Gal 91 2010 04 B. Bede, Sorin G. Gal 92 2010 12 Sorin G. Gal 93 2011 07 A.M. Bica Approximation and shape preserving properties of the nonlinear Baskakov operator of max-product kind Convolution polynomials through Beatson kernels in the unit disk Approximation by complex BernsteinDurrmeyer polynomials with Jacobi weights in compact disks Approximation and shape preserving properties of the nonlinear Bleimann-ButzerHahn operators of max-product kind Approximation by nonlinear Hermite-Fejer interpolation operators of maxproduct kind on Chebyshev nodes Solutions of fuzzy differential equations based on generalized differentiability Approximation of analytic functions without exponential growth conditions by complex Favard-SzaszMirakjan operators Properties of the method of successive approximations for two-point boundary value Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, ser. math., vol. LV (2010), 193—218 02521938 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Anal. Univ. Oradea, fasc. math., (XVII) 2010, No. 2, 213-217 12211265 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Mathematica Balkanica (N.S.), 24 (2010), no. 1-2, 103-119 02053217 Recenzata in BDI Comment. Math. Univ. Carol., 51 (2010), No. 3, 397-415 00102628 Recenzata in BDI Rev. d' Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. (Cluj), 39 (2010), No. 1, 29-39 12229024 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Commun. Math. Analysis, vol. 9 (2010), No. 2, 1-20 09733841 Recenzata in BDI Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 59 (2010), No. 3, 367-376 0009725X Recenzata in BDI J. of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications, 1 (2011) 1-22 21613680 Recenzata in BDI 38 94 2011 10 95 2011 96 2011 01 D. Pasca, Chun-Lei Tang 97 2011 03 Sorin G. Gal 98 2011 02 B. Bede, L. Coroianu, Sorin G. Gal 99 2011 03 G.A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal 100 2011 03 L. Coroianu, S.G. Gal 101 2011 03 Sorin G. Gal 102 2011 10 L. Coroianu, S.G. Gal J. Cringanu, D. Pasca 103 2011 104 2011 L.F. Galea, A.M. Bica 05 R. P. Agarwal, M. Balaj, D. O’Regan A. Ban, L. Coroianu problems Good and special weakly Picard operators for the Stancu operators with modified coefficients Duality mappings and the existence of periodic solutions for nonautonomous second order differential systems with (p_1,p_2)Laplacian Some existence results on periodic solutions of ordinary (q,p)Laplacian systems , Remarks on the generation of semigroups of nonlinear operators on p-Frechet spaces Approximation by truncated FavardSz\'asz-Mirakjan operator of maxproduct kind Quantitative estimates in the overconvergence of some generalized singular integrals Approximation by max-product Lagrange interpolation operators Approximation by max-product type nonlinear operators Approximation by max-product sampling operators based on sinc-type kernels Variational relation problems in locally convex spaces Approximate solutions preserving parameters of intuitionistic fuzy linear systems Australian J. of Math. Analysis & Appl., 8 (1) (2011), art. No. 8, pp. 1-6 14495910 Recenzata in BDI Annals of the University of Bucharest (Mathematical Series), vol. 2 (LX), nr. 2 (2011) 20679009 Recenzata in BDI, B+ Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, vol. 29, nr. 1-2 (2011) 39-48 22348417 Recenzata in BDI CUBO Math. J., vol. 13, No. 2, 37-57 07167776 Recenzata in BDI Demonstratio Mathematica, vol. XLIV, No. 1, 105-122 13598678 Recenzata in BDI Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA), vol. 2, No. 2, 105-113 20413165 Recenzata in BDI Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Math., vol. 56, No. 2, 315-325 02521938 Recenzata in BDI Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Math., vol. 56, No. 2, 341-352 02521938 Recenzata in BDI Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, vol. 10, Isue 3, 211-230 15306429 Recenzata in BDI Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. A Math. Anal. 18, No. 4 (2011) 501-512 12013390 Recenzata in BDI Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, vol. 17, 2011, pp. 58-70 13104926 Recenzata in BDI 39 5.2. Lucrări ştiinţifice prezentate la conferinţe internaţionale cu comitet de program: 67 Nr. crt. Data publicarii An Lun a Autor(i) Titlul lucrarii 1 2007 11 M. Balaj A coincidence theorems and its applications 2 2007 06 A. Bica Numerical method for pantograph equation 3 2007 10 S. G. Gal 4 2007 11 S. G. Gal Approximation and shape preserving properties of complex Bernstein-Stancu polynomials and their iterates in compact disks Kurepa’s functions in some hypercomplex variables 5 2007 11 A. Bica Survey on optimal properties in piecewise smooth interpolation 6 2007 09 D. Pasca Periodic orbits of a collision restricted 3body problem 7 2007 06- Gh. Oros, 07 Georgia Irina On univalent functions defined by a generalized Salagean operator Strong differential subordination Oros Gh. Oros, Georgia Irina Oros 8 2007 08 9 2007 08 Georgia Irina Oros Strong differential superordination 10 2007 08 Georgia Irina Oros First order strong differential superordination 12 2007 08 Georgia Irina Oros, Gh. Oros First order linear strong differential superordination 13 2007 08- Georgia Irina 09 Oros 14 2007 08 G. Cicortas, C. Pintea, L. Topan Closed sets which are not critical for some special maps 15 2007 08 A. Catas On certain class of p-valent functions First order nonlinear strong differential subordinations 40 Conferinta Proceedings of International Conference of Fundamental Sciences, Baile Felix, Noiembrie 2007, pp. 5-12 Proceedings International Conference Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences, Lozenec, Bulgaria, 6-8 June 2007, vol. 4, pp. 45-49, ISBN 978-954-91147-3-7 Bilateral Workshop RomaniaGermany, Approximation and Wavelets, Konigswinter, 1-4 October, Germany, pp. 4 Proceedings of International Conference on Fundamental Sciences ICFS, Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Oradea, pp. 51-57, ISBN 978-973-759-367-2 Proceedings of International Conference on Fundamental Sciences ICFS 2007, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 9-10 Noiembrie 2007, Baile-Felix, pp. 13-26, ISBN 978-973-759-367-2 X Workshop on Celestial Mechanics, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 Septembrie 2007 6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 28-July 4, 2007, Bucharest International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory and Applications, August 2024, 2007, Instanbul International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory and Applications, August 2024, 2007, Instanbul International Symposium on Complex Analysis, Sibiu, 2629 August, 2007 International Symposium on Complex Analysis, Sibiu, 2629 August, 2007 International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics, Alba-Iulia, 30 August-3 Septembrie, 2007 The 8-th International Workshop on Geometry and Topology, August, 17-24, ClujNapoca Internat. Symposium on defined by new multiplier transformations Geometric Function Theory and Applications, August 2024, Istanbul, Turcia International Conference on Fundamental Sciences, November 9-10, Baile-Felix The 15-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, October 12-14, Pitesti COLAR 07, May 31-June1, Debrecen, Ungaria 16 2007 11 A. Catas On a certain class of analytic functions defined by multiplier transformations 17 2007 10 A. Catas On certain classes of p-valent functions associated with multiplier transformations 18 2007 06 V. Blaga, N. Chiorean, A. Catas 19 2007 06 V. Blaga, N. Chiorean, A. Catas 20 2007 05 21 2007 05 22 2007 05 23 2008 V. Blaga, N. Chiorean, A. Catas N. Chiorean, V. Blaga, A. Catas N. Chiorean, V. Blaga, A. Catas Sorin G. Gal The mathematical modelling of the presure regulator and the electromagnetic injection at engines with revolution and the temperasture of the environment surroundings The variation of effective power and specific effective fuel consume of 106-20 engine with revolution and the temperasture of the environment surroundings The mathematical modelling of engines with spark ignition electronic injection gasoline The design of Wankel rotary engine 24 2008 Sorin G. Gal Approximation by some complex Bernstein-Kantorovich-type polynomials and their iterates in compact disks International Conference Semicentennial „Tiberiu Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, ClujNapoca 25 2008 Sorin G. Gal Approximation by complex Bernstein-type operators in compact disks 26 2008 09 Mircea Balaj Generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems with applications 27 2008 04 Vasile Mioc, Daniel Pasca, Cristina Stoica 28 2008 06 Georgia Irina Oros A Pitchfork Bifurcation at Infinity in a Generalized Henon-Heiles Model Sufficient conditions for univalence obtained by using second order linear strong differential subordinations Conference on Approximation Theory Dedicated to the 70th Birthday of Jozsef Szabados „Renyi” Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest 6th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Baia Mare, septembrie 2008 Exploring the Solar System and the Univers, Bucharest, Romania, 8-12 April 2008 29 2008 05 Adrian Ioan Ban 30 2008 05 Alexandru Mihai Bica Rotary engine with sliding blade Voronovskaja's theorem and the exact degree of approximation for the derivatives of complex Riesz-Zygmund means Trapezoidal approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers expressed by numerical characteristics New numerical method for Fredholm integral equations with modified argument 41 COLAR 07, May 31-June1, Debrecen, Ungaria Zilele Academice Timisene, 24 mai, Timisoara Zilele Academice Timisene, 24 mai, Timisoara Zilele Academice Timisene, 24 mai, Timisoara The Romanian – German Seminar on Approximation Theory and its Applications „Roger 2008 – Sibiu“ "Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 2008", Conference in honour of Professor Josip Pecaric on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Trogir, Croaţia, June 8 - 14, 2008 Twelfnth International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Sofia, 17-18 Mai International Conference Semicentennial „Tiberiu Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Cluj- Napoca 31 2008 05 Alexandru Mihai Bica, Horea Oros Combined new numerical; method for Volterra integral equations of pantograph type The 6-th International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Baltimore, USA 32 2008 06 Alexandru Mihai Bica Quartic spline of interpolation with minimal quadratic oscillation in average Fourth Conference on Numerical Analysis and its Applications, Lozenec, Bulgaria 33 2008 09 Alexandru Mihai Bica New numerical method for first order ODE’s with retarded argument Conference in Numerical Analysis, NumAn 2008, Kalamata, Grecia 34 2008 11 Sequentially coupled finite element model of transient magneto-structural phenomena in electromagnetic forming processes Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2008, Bucuresti, 20 – 21 November, 2008 35 2008 11 S. Pasca, T. Vesselenyi, V. Fireţeanu, T. Tudorache, M. Tomşe, P. Mudura, E. Vladu, S. Muresan A. Catas On a subclass of certain starlike functions with negative coefficients associated with multiplier transformations 36 2008 06 A. Catas 37 2009 11 A.M. Bica Coefficient Inequalities and Distortion Bounds Associated with a New Subclass of Analytic Functions New numerical method for Hammerstein integral equations with modified argument 38 2009 11 A. Catas The XIV-th International Conference on Mathematics Informatics and Related Fields, November 7-11, 2008, Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 2008, Trogir, Croatia, June 8-14, 2008 International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea 39 2009 11 M. Balaj 40 2009 11 L.H. Popescu Topological classification for linear autonomous ODE 41 2009 11 D. Pasca 42 2009 11 A. Alb-Lupas, A. Catas Periodic solutions of second order differential inclusions systems with (q,p) Laplacian On a subclass of analytic functions defined by differential Salagean operator 43 2009 11 44 2009 11 M. Dragan, S. Dragan, S. Muresan G.I. Oros, Gh. Oros Strog differential subordinations and superordinations 45 2009 11 Gh. Oros, A.O. Taut Best subordinants of the strong differential superordinations 46 2009 11 S. Muresan, O. Nica Numerical remarks on the Cauchy problem 47 2009 05 A. Ban, L. Coroianu 48 2009 07 A. Ban, L. Coroianu A method to obtain trapezoidal approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers from trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers Continuity and additivity of the trapezoidal approximation preserving the Some inclusion relations for a certain family of multivalent functions involving nonhomogeneous Cauchy-Euler differential equation KKM families of set-valued mappings and their applications Solving a Cauchy problem with Mathematica 42 International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea International Conference on Sciences, 12-13 November, Oradea The 13th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 9—10 May 2009, Sofia International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, expected interval operator Lisabona 20-24 July 2009 International Symposium on Analysis and Theory of Functions İstanbul Kültür University, August 24-26, 2009 The International Symposium - Geometric Functions Theory and Applications – Sibiu, 28 august-1 septembrie 2009 49 2009 Gheorghe Oros, Georgia Oros and Mugur Acu Notes on Strong Differential Superordinations 50 2009 Georgia Irina Oros Strong differential superordinations: an application of the subordination chains 51 2009 Gheorghe Oros, Georgia Irina Oros Briot-Bouquet strong differential superordinations and sandwich theorems 52 2009 Gheorghe Oros, Georgia Irina Oros Strong differential subordinations and superordinations 53 2009 Oros Gheorghe, Adela Olimpia Taut, Roxana Sendrutiu On a new best subordinant of the strong differential superordination The International Symposium - Geometric Functions Theory and Applications – Sibiu, 28 august-1 septembrie 2009 54 2010 09 L. Coroianu, S.G. Gal Approximation and global smoothness preservation properties of the nonlinear interpolation operators of max-product kind 55 2010 10 A.I. Ban, L. Coroianu Approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers generated from approximations of fuzzy numbers 56 2010 10 C. Dubau, A. Catas Geometrical Outline of the Aerodynamic Profile of Wind Turbine Blades 57 2010 10 A. Catas, C. Dubau, L. Galea Mathematical Simulation of Pollution Index 58 2010 10 A. Catas, L. Galea Statistical Model for Environmental Impact Assessment 59 2010 10 G. Cicortas On some generalizations of the Palais-Smale condition 60 2010 08 Gheorghe Oros, Georgia Irina Oros On a convexity preserving integral operator Second International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Cluj Napoca, September 23-26, 2010 9th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 8, 2010, Warsaw, Poland Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, 20-23rd October 2010, Zadar, Croatia, p. 355356 Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, 20-23rd Octobe2010, Zadar, Croatia, p. 357-358 Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, 20-23rd October 2010, Zadar, Croatia, p. 359360 Proceedings of the international conference on Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS2009), Bucharest, Romania, October 8--11, 2009. Bucharest: Geometry Balkan Press. BSG Proceedings 17, 49-55 (2010). Geometric Function Theory and Applications 2010, International Symposium, Sofia, 27-31 August 2010 43 International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics, Alba Iulia, 2009, September, 3-6 International Conference of Sciences, Oradea, November 12-14, 2009 61 2010 08 Georgia Irina Oros An application of the subordination chains Geometric Function Theory and Applications 2010, International Symposium, Sofia, 27-31 August 2010 62 2010 12 Georgia Irina Oros, Gheorghe Oros, Alina Alb Lupas Univalence conditions for some integral operators The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Putra World Trade Center , Kuala Lumpur, 30 november – 3 december 2010 63 2011 07 A.M. Bica, M.Curila, S. Curila The method of successive interpolations for functional integral equations 64 2011 10 D.Pasca Existence results of periodic solutions for second order systems with (q,p)Laplacian International Conference on Nonlinear Operators Differential Equations and Applications, Cluj-Napoca, 5-8 iulie 2011 (ICNODEA 2011) International conference ``Optimization, Theory, Algorithms and Applications in Economics'', Barcelona, Spania, October 24 - 28, 2011 65 2011 08 M. Balaj An interection theorem for set-valued mappings 66 2011 07 A. Ban, L. Coroianu Translation invariance and scale invariance of approximations of fuzzy numbers 67 2011 11 L. Coroianu On the continuity of fuzzy approximation operators 1oth International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity, Cluj-Napoca 7th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Aixles-Bains 18-22 July 2011, pp. 742-748 International Conference on Sciences, Romania, University of Oradea 11-12 November 2011 5.3. Modele, prototipuri normative, proceduri Nr. crt. Data publicarii An Luna Tip Autor Denumire 6. PRESTIGIUL PROFESIONAL BDI=Mathematical Reviews sau Zentralblatt Math. 6.1. Membrii (incluzand statutul de recenzor si referent) in colectivele de redactie ale unor reviste (cotate ISI sau incluse in baze de date internationale) sau in colectivele editoriale ale unor edituri internationale recunoscute: 197 1 Journal of Concrete and Applicable Math. (USA) –membru în colectivul de redacţie 2 Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent 3 International Journal of Evolution Equations (USA) –membru în colectivul de redacţie 4 International Journal of Modern Mathematics (USA) - membru în colectivul de redacţie 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Approximation Theory (India) - membru în colectivul de 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 redacţie European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Turcia) - membru în colectivul de redacţie Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI) -referent Mathematica Slovaka (BDI)- referent Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (ISI)- referent Applicable Analysis (ISI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Nonlinear Analysis (ISI)- referent Fixed Point Theory and Applications (ISI)- referent 44 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)- referent Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (ISI) - referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society, BDI)-recenzent: Gal Sorin Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI) - referent Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (BDI) - referent Cubo (BDI) – referent Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (BDI) - referent Journal of Inequalities and Applications (ISI) - referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (BDI)-recenzent:Gal Sorin Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI) - referent Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (ISI) - referent Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)- referent Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI)- referent Mathematical Reviews (BDI)-recenzent: Ban Adrian Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (ISI)- referent New Mathematics and Natural Computation (BDI)- referent Analele Univ. din Oradea-fasc. Matematica (B+) - referent Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B (ISI)- referent International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (BDI)- referent International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (BDI)- referent Indian Journal of Mathematics (BDI)- referent Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (BDI)- membru în colectivul de redacţie Springer, “Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing” series (BDI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Mathematical Reviews (BDI)-recenzent: Balaj Mircea Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society (BDI)- referent Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications (Romania) (BDI)- membru în colectivul de redacţie Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and its Applications (BDI)- membru în colectivul de redacţie Journal of Advanced Research in Fuzzy and Uncertain Systems (BDI)- membru în colectivul de redacţie Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI)- referent Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (BDI)-recenzent: Balaj Mircea Information Sciences (ISI)- referent Soft Computing (ISI)- referent IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (ISI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (ISI)- referent Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI)- referent International Journal of Computer Mathematics (ISI)- referent Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (BDI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent SAMSA Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (BDI)- referent Arabic Journal of Science and Engineering (BDI)- referent Mathematical Reviews (BDI)-recenzent: Bica Alexandru Mihai Mathematical Reviews (BDI)-recenzent: Muresan Sorin Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (BDI)-recenzent: Bica Alexandru Mihai Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent 45 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (BDI)-recenzent: Pasca Daniel Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing (BDI)- referent Boundary Value Problems (ISI)- referent Information Sciences (ISI)- referent Soft Computing (ISI)- referent Carpathian Journal of Mathemastics (ISI)- referent Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (ISI)- referent Jornal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (BDI)- referent Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing (BDI)- referent Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (ISI)- referent Applicale Analysis (ISI)- referent Nonlinear Analysis (ISI)- referent Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ISI)- referent Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (BDI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Journal of Integral Equations & Applications (BDI)-referent Afrika Mathematica (BDI)-referent Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)- referent Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics (BDI)- referent Journal of Global Optimization (ISI)- referent Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (ISI)- referent Journal of Inequalities and Applications (ISI)- referent Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI)- referent Communications in Mathematical Analysis (BDI)- referent Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (BDI)-referent Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)-referent Fixed Point Theory (ISI)-referent Applications and Applied Mathematics (BDI)- referent Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (ISI)-referent Analele Univ. Oradea-fasc. Matematica (BDI)-referent Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society)- recenzent International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI)-referent Journal of Advanced Research in Fuzzy& Uncertain Systems (BDI)-referent Information Sciences (ISI)-referent Soft Computing (ISI)-referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)-referent International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics (BDI)-referent International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI)-referent Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI)-referent Analele Univ. Oradea-fasc. Matematica (BDI)-referent Information Sciences (ISI)-referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)- referent Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)- referent Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (ISI)-referent International Journal of the Physical Sciences (ISI)-referent Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sect. A (BDI)-referent ROMAI Journal (BDI)-referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Acta Mathematica Scientia (ISI)-referent Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (ISI)-referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)-referent 46 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)-referent Mathematica Slovaca (ISI)-referent Mathematica Bohemica (BDI)-referent Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI)-referent Acta Matematica Scientia (ISI)-referent Arabian Journal for Science and Engeneering – Mathematics (BDI)-referent Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (BDI)-referent Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI)-referent Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI)- referent International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (ISI)- referent Information Sciences (ISI)-referent Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)-referent Fixed Point Theory (ISI)-referent Applied Mathematical Modelling (ISI)-referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Math. Comput. Modelling (ISI)-referent Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems (ISI)-referent Nonlinear Analysis (ISI)- referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Fixed Point Theory and Applications (ISI)- referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)- referent Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI)- referent Information Sciences (ISI)-referent Mathematical Reviews (BDI)-recenzent: Pasca Daniel Nonlinear Analysis. Theory Methods and Applications, Elsevier (ISI)-referent Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (BDI, B+)- referent Computer and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)- referent Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (ISI)- referent Applicable Analysis (ISI)- referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)- referent Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (ISI)- referent Applied Mathematics and Computation (ISI)- referent Neural Networks (ISI)- referent Computer and Mathematics with Applications (ISI)- referent Applicable Analysis (ISI)- referent Fixed Point Theory (ISI)- referent Nonlinear Studies (BDI)-referent Studia Universitatis “Babes-Bolyai”, ser math. (BDI, B+)- referent Mathematica Slovaca, Springer (ISI)-referent Boundary Value Problems, Springer (ISI)-referent Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (BDI)-referent Journal of Inequalities (ISI)-referent Numerical Algorithms (ISI)-referent Mathematica Slovaca (ISI)-referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)-referent Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI)-referent Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (ISI)-referent Abstract and Applied Analysis (ISI)-referent International Journal of Differential Equations (BDI)-referent Carpathian J. Math (ISI)-editor Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications (ISI)-referent Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI)-referent Computers and Mathematics with Applictions (ISI)-referent Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISI)-referent 47 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 6.2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fixed Point Theory and Applications (ISI)-referent Journal of Optimization Teory and Applications (ISI)-referent Mathematica Slovaca (ISI)-referent Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (ISI)-referent Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics(BDI)-referent Mathematical Reviews (BDI)-recenzent: Coroianu Lucian Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (BDI)-recenzent: Coroianu Lucian Informatio Sciences (ISI)-referent Mathematica Slovaca (ISI)-referent Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI)-referent Communications in Numerical Analysis (BDI), Iran – referent si membru in comitetul de redactie ROMAI Journal (BDI), Romania – referent si membru in comitetul de redactie Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISI), Elsevier – referent Information Sciences (ISI), Elsevier - referent IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (ISI), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society - referent Computers and Mathematics with Applications (ISI), Elsevier - referent Revue d'Analyse Numerique et de Teorie de l'Approximation (BDI), Romania - referent Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI), Iran - referent Technological and Economic Development of Economy (ISI), Taylor&Francis - referent Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (BDI), India - referent Applied Mathematics Letters (ISI), Elsevier - referent Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computers & Electronics) (ISI), Springer - referent Membrii in colectivele de redactie ale revistelor recunoscute national (categ. B): 10 Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (B+, CNCSIS 428)- editor sef (S.G. Gal) Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (B+, CNCSIS 428)- editor sef adjunct (M. Balaj) Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (B+, CNCSIS 428)- membru în colectivul de redacţie (A.I. Ban) Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (B+, CNCSIS 428)- membru în colectivul de redacţie (D. Pasca) Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (B+, CNCSIS 428)- membru în colectivul de redacţie (A.M. Bica) Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fasc. math. (B+, CNCSIS 428)- membru în colectivul de redacţie (Gh.Oros) Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (Bulgaria, BDI)- membru în colectivul de redacţie (A.I. Ban) J. of Concrete and Applicable Math. (BDI) )- membru în colectivul de redacţie (S.G. Gal) International Journal of Evolution Equations (BDI) )- membru în colectivul de redacţie (S.G. Gal) European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (BDI) )- membru în colectivul de redacţie (S.G. Gal) 6.3. Premii internationale obtinute printr-un proces de selectie 6.4. Premii nationale ale Academiei Romane 6.5. Conducatori de doctorat membrii ai unitatii de cercetare 6.6. Numar de doctori in stiinta membrii ai unitatii de cercetare 7. VENITURI REALIZATE PRIN CONTRACTE DE CERCETARE 7.1. Numarul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare internationale finantate din fonduri publice: 1 Nr. Valoare (Euro) LLP-LdV/PLM/2008/RO/008 (prof. univ. dr. 35946 A.M. Bica, membru); perioada 10.10.200820.04.2010; Director proiect: Prof. univ. dr. 48 Mircea Curila 7.2. Numarul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare internationale finantate din fonduri private Nr. Valoare (Euro) 7.3. Numarul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare nationale finantate din fonduri publice: 6 Nr. Valoare 2008 (RON) Granturi nationale CEEX nr. 2-CEx-06-11-10 / 25.07.2006 162.915 Conducator de Proiect: (suma totala) Institutul de Matematică "Simion Stoilow" al Academiei Romane (IMAR) Responsabil proiect: Cerc. St. Pr. I. Lucian Beznea Partener: Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca Responsabil: prof. dr. Grigore Sălăgean Membru din centrul ARC: Lect. univ. dr. Georgia Irina Oros GAR 114 nr. 20/2008 5.500 (Granturile Academiei Române) : Conducator de proiect: Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia Director: conf. dr. Daniel Breaz Membru din centrul ARC: Lect. univ. dr. Georgia Irina Oros CNCSIS 1319/34GR/21.05 84.000 Conducator de Proiect: (suma totala) Universitatea din Oradea Director: Conf. univ. Sorin Pasca Membru din centrul ARC: Conf. univ. dr. Sorin Muresan 2-CEEX 06-11-96/19.09.2006 70.000 Parteneri: (Universitatea din Institutul de Calcul „Tiberiu Popoviciu” Cluj Oradea) Universitatea din Oradea Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai” Universitatea de Nord din Baia Mare Director: Cerc. St. Pr. I. Emil Catinas Echipa Univ. din Oradea Prof. univ. Ban Adrian Prof. univ. Gal Sorin Conf. univ. Bica Alexandru 35.575 Cod CNCSIS 1467-Puncte critice si categorie Lusternik-Schnirelmann. Probleme variationale, Grant CNCSIS, director de proiect conf. univ. dr. Pintea Cornel, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, 32.200 RON 2007, 35.575 RON 2008 Proiect IDEI, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0861/20112014, Universitatea din Oradea, director prof. univ. dr. S.G. Gal (echipa proiectului: S.G. Gal, A.I.Ban, L. Coroianu) 49 69773RON (pe2011),Total20112014: 812.400 Ron Proiecte din PNCDI II Proiecte internationale Contracte de cercetare/consultanta pentru mediul economic 7.4. Numarul si valoarea contractelor de cercetare nationale finantate din fonduri private Nr. Valoare (RON) 7.5. Alte surse Nr. 7.6. Valoare (RON) Venituri realizate din activitati economice (servicii, microproductie) Nr. Valoare (RON) 8. RESURSA UMANĂ DE CERCETARE An 8.1 Total personal de cercetare care realizează venituri din activitatea de cercetaredezvoltare: 9 (20072009); 12 (2010-2011) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 An 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 An 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 An 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 8.1.1. Cercetatori stiintifici gradul 1 (profesori) 4 5 6 6 6 8.1.2. Cercetatori stiintifici gradul 2 (conferentiari) 2 3 2 2 2 8.1.3. Cercetatori stiintifici gradul 3 (lectori) 2 1 1 3 3 8.1.4. Cercetatori stiintifici (asistenti) 1 0 0 1 1 8.1.5. Personal auxiliar de cercetare – nu are 50 Din care doctori in stiinta 4 5 6 6 6 Din care doctori in stiinta 2 3 2 2 2 Din care doctori in stiinta 2 1 1 3 3 Din care doctori in stiinta 1 0 0 0 0 8.2. Date privind perfectionarea resursei umane 8.2.1.Numar de doctoranzi si masteranzi care lucreaza 1 (L. Coroianu): doctorand cu bursa de studii oferita de Universitatea in unitatea de cecetare-dezvoltare la data completarii „Babes-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca formularului An Numar 2007-2011 0 8.2.2. Numarul de teze de doctorat realizate in Total 0 unitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare in perioada pentru care se face evaluarea 8.3. Structura de personal: prof. univ. dr. Bica Alexandru Mihai (director), prof. univ. dr. Gal Gh. Sorin, prof. univ. dr. Balaj Mircea, prof. univ. dr. Ban Adrian, prof. univ. dr. Oros Gheorghe, prof. univ. dr. Pasca Daniel, conf. univ. dr. Popescu Liviu, conf. univ. dr. Muresan Sorin, lect. univ. dr. Oros Georgia Irina, lect. univ. dr. Cicortas Gratiela, lect. univ. dr. Catas Adriana, asist. univ. Coroianu Lucian. 9. INFRASTRUCTURA DE CERCETARE – DEZVOLTARE 9.1. Laboratoare de cercetare – dezvoltare Nr. crt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Denumirea spatiului Suprafata (m2) Grad de ocupare pentru cercetare (%) 45 15% 30 16 16 15 10% 80% 80% 80% Laborator de retele de calculatoare si securitatea datelor - C 103 Laborator Informatica II - C 108 Cabinet cadre didactice I – C 102 Cabinet cadre didactice II –C 202 Cabinet cadre didactice III –C 201 Laborator de retele de calculatoare si securitatea datelor - C 103 Nr. crt. 1. Echipament / soft Nr. buc. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fujitsu-Siemens AMD 64 3500+, 1GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, monitoare 17” Videoproiector Toshiba TDP S8 retroproiector ecran de proiectie Windows XP+Linux Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional 7. Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 8. 9. SQL Server 2000 Developer OpenOffice 14 2 1 2 licenta MSDNAA licenta MSDNAA Laborator Informatica II - C 108 Nr. crt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Echipament / soft Nr. buc. Fujitsu-Siemens AMD 64 3500+, 1GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, monitoare 17” Fujitsu-Siemens Celeron 2,8 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 80 GB HDD, monitoare 17” Videoproiector Toshiba TDP S8 retroproiector ecran de proiectie 51 8 2 1 1 1 Obs. 6. 7. Windows XP Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 8. OpenOffice licenta MSDNAA Cabinet cadre didactice I - C 102 Nr. crt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Echipament / soft Nr. buc. Fujitsu-Siemens AMD 64 3500+, 1GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, monitoare 17” Laptop HP Compaq 8710p Imprimanta HP M2727nfs Videoproiector Toshiba TDP S8 Ecran proiectie Windows XP OpenOffice 3 2 1 1 1 Cabinet cadre didactice II - C 202 Nr. crt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Echipament / soft Nr. buc. Memorie stick 8GB Memorie stick 2GB Windows XP OpenOffice Notebook HP nx 9420, Intel Core 2 Duo T 7400, 2.16 GHz, FSB 667 MHz, Memorie DDR2 4 GB, HDD SATA 120 GB 2.5”, Mobility Radeon X 1600 256 MB, 4 USB 2.0; Windows Vista Notebook Dell Latitude D620, Intel Core 2 Duo T550, 1.16 GHz, FSB 667 MHz, Memorie 2GB, HDD 80 GB, 4 USB 2.0; Windows XP Professional Sistem PC, Intel Pentium 4 HT, 3000 MHz, FSB 800 MHz, 2 GB, HDD 80 GB 7200 SATA II, 8 USB 2.0 Imprimanta+Copiator+Scanner HP 3052 2 1 Fonduri CEEX Fonduri CEEX 1 Fonduri CEEX 1 Fonduri CEEX 1 Fonduri CEEX 1 Fonduri CEEX Cabinet cadre didactice III - C 201 Nr. crt. 1. 2. 3. Echipament / soft Nr. buc. Memorie stick 8GB Sistem PC Intel Pentium 4, 3000MHz, FSB 800 MHz, 2GB, 7200 SATA II 80 GB, 8 USB 2.0 Notebook HP nx 9420, Intel Core 2 Duo T 7400, 2.16 GHz, FSB 667 MHz, Memorie DDR2 4 GB, HDD SATA 120 GB 2.5”, Mobility Radeon X 1600 256 MB, 4 USB 2.0; Windows Vista 9.2. Lista echipamentelor performante achiziţionate în ultimul an Data: 08.04.2012 Director Centru de Cercetare : Bica Alexandru Mihai 52 1 1 Fonduri CEEX Fonduri CEEX 1 Fonduri CEEX