ATTACHMENT B SCOPE OF WORK ARCHITECT-ENGINEER SERVICES PROJECT: CUF- Cooling Towers Enclosure Design PROJECT NO.: 100-036-036-PA12-1400 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A-E shall provide for design of removal of the existing cooling tower enclosure and replacement of the eighteen inch (18”) condenser water piping located at the Central Utility Facility (CUF) at 525 North Flower, Santa Ana, California. A study by another A-E firm hired under separate agreement was performed to determine if the existing cooling tower enclosure is adequate to resist seismic loads. Based upon the results of this study, County/Orange County Public Works (OCPW) concluded that the existing cooling tower enclosure should be removed. In addition, the County has determined that the existing 18” condenser water piping is inadequate for current and future plant capacity requirements. Accordingly, as part of the project, these pipes will be upgraded to twenty-four inch (24”) piping. The new piping should have an approximate 30-plus year life expectancy. When the 18” piping is replaced with the 24” piping, the work will need to be done from the condenser water pumps to the equipment termination points on the supply side and from the equipment connection on the return side. Also included in the project will be the repair of the cooling tower so that the County may continue using the cooling tower for the remainder of its estimated useful service life, which is estimated to be another 7 to 8 years. 2. THE DESIGN: A-E design of this project shall include, but is not limited to the following: The design shall include but not be limited to the following: a. All necessary designs, drawings, specifications, equipment and utility documents, construction observation and administration necessary to complete the design and construction of this project. b. BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES A-E will be the prime for this project. Consultants to be utilized by A-E for this project include, but may not be limited to, P2S Engineering, Inc. for mechanical, electrical and plumbing and O’Connor Construction Management, Inc. for cost estimating services. Additional consultants to be utilized by A-E include Geotechnical Consultant for plan review and construction administration. A-E acting as Structural Engineer shall provide design calculations and prepare construction documents as required to accommodate the proposed work as outlined below. c. STRUCTURAL AND PRIME SCOPE OF SERVICES: 1. A-E shall provide design for repair and repainting of the cooling tower at CUF. 2. A-E shall provide design for repair and repainting of the existing stairs at the cooling tower, as required. After review of existing stair framing and subsequent removal of wall, it will determined if stairs need to be replaced or if existing stairs need to be braced with a new structure. Scope of Work (Board Awarded) Form B-4.1 Page 1 of 5 As of 5-2-08 3. A-E shall provide design for removal of the entire cooling tower enclosure for seismic safety purposes and relocation of existing piping/utilities that are mounted on these cooling tower enclosure supports. 4. A-E shall provide notes for sequence of removal. 5. A-E shall provide design for removal of equipment, piping, conduit, and tubing, which is attached to the supports and is no longer in use. A-E shall provide design for replacement of electrical boxes, piping, conduit and tubing which is still in use if it is in poor shape with new. Provide anchorage of equipment noted where required. 6. A-E shall provide design for support to remaining existing pipes, conduits, lighting, and equipment currently attached to the screen wall to new supports. Lighting on the back screen wall, which will not have new supports since there is no condenser water piping along that wall can be moved to the exterior wall. 7. A-E shall provide design to modify existing supports and install new supports for the new 24" condenser water loop running just below the existing overhead crane system inside the plant. 8. A-E design to include abandoning underground (buried) condenser water piping. 9. A-E shall design removal of below floor condenser water piping in the plant. 10. A-E design shall include demolishing existing conduit and light fixtures mounted onto the enclosure. 11. A-E design shall provide for phasing for work. Phasing shall be provided with notes as opposed to phasing drawings. d. MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SCOPE OF SERVICES: 1. A-E design shall provide for removal of the entire cooling tower enclosure for seismic safety purposes and relocation of the existing piping/utilities that are mounted on these cooling tower enclosure supports. 2. A-E design shall include providing a new Condenser Water Supply and Return (CWS&R) piping and supports. 3. A-E design shall include an upgrade of the existing 18” CWS&R piping mains to 24” CWS&R piping mains, in order to meet the facilities full current and future capacity of four (4) chillers and the 18” CWS&R piping feeding the adjacent cogeneration (cogen) plant. 4. A-E shall coordinate with OCPW to provide phasing of this new CWS&R piping in the Description of Project specification section 01002, to minimize facility condenser water interruptions, in a written description on an 8-1/2” X 11” sheet for the bidding contractors. 5. A-E design shall provide that the new piping shall be black steel schedule 40. 6. A-E design shall specify that the CWS piping shall be replaced downstream of the existing condenser water pumps to the four (4) chiller CWS connections and the cogeneration 18” CWS piping main inside the facilities main equipment room. The CWR piping shall be replaced from the CWR connections on the cooling tower cells upstream to the existing CWR connections at the four (4) chillers to the cogeneration 18” CWR piping main as well. 7. A-E’s sub consultant, P2S will be working with a local cooling tower manufacturer to provide a specification for an itemized list of cooling tower refurbishment and repair components in order to extend the estimated service life of the existing cooling tower another 7 to 8 years. Scope of Work (Board Awarded) Form B-4.1 Page 2 of 5 8. A-E design to include work on the existing 18” CWS&R mains that are underground outside the facility and in the floor. Piping in the facility plant is under floor and accessible via access grates. The piping mains form a large “loop” in which the four (4) chillers and adjacent cogenplant obtain CWS&R. 9. A-E design shall include that the new 24” CWS&R piping will all be above ground and installed in “loop” arrangement to continue to feed the four (4) chillers and adjacent cogen plant. After the installation and tie-in of the new 24” CWS&R mains the existing 18” CWS&R mains underground will be abandoned and the mains in the floor will be demolished. 10. A-E shall provide design for some of the existing exterior lighting around the cooling tower enclosure to be reconfigured to provide adequate lighting once the enclosure is removed. 11. A-E shall provide for relocations of some plumbing pipes and ancillary piping and electrical conduit feeds will be required from the demolition of the existing cooling tower enclosure. 12. A-E shall design the installation and cut-over construction work that is intended to occur in the winter when only one (1) cooling tower cell and one (1) chiller are needed to operate. 13. A-E shall design to relocate or replace and re-support any cooling tower chemical water treatment and sand filter piping that needs to be relocated due to the removal of the existing cooling tower enclosure. 14. A-E, or its sub consultant, shall coordinate with the cooling tower manufacturer and list refurbishment/repair work on the construction documents. 15. A-E shall prepare plumbing plans and specifications for any plumbing pipes (i.e. make-up water, cold water, vents, above ground equipment drains, and soft water) that need to be relocated or replaced due to the removal of the existing cooling tower enclosure. 16. A-E shall prepare electrical plans and specifications to provide the following: e. a. Relocation and/or replacement of electrical conduits, electrical boxes, and devices that need to be relocated due to the removal of the enclosure. b. Modifications to exterior lighting around the cooling tower c. Design of any new power feeds for new conduit runs to reconnect lights, valves, and other equipment requiring power reconnection or relocation. Underground conduit runs may be considered by OC Public Works. d. Electrical panel schedules. COST ESTIMATING SCOPE OF SERVICES: A-E shall provide one cost estimate at the end of design development and one at the 100 percent construction document milestone. The estimates will be presented in a Systems format and submitted electronically in Portable Document Format (PDF). Estimates shall include description of work by discipline (general conditions, equipment, materials, site workstructural, mechanical, etc.) including unit costs for materials and labor, contingencies, freight, bonds, insurance and taxes. f. EXCLUDED FROM THE STRUCTURAL/PRIME/MEP PROJECT SCOPE ARE: 1. Replacement of existing condenser water pumps. 2. Replacement of cooling towers. 3. New beam and pulley (crane) system for servicing existing condenser water pumps. Scope of Work (Board Awarded) Form B-4.1 Page 3 of 5 4. No ADA upgrades are assumed to be involved with this project. 5. No architectural consultant services are assumed to be required for this project. 3. REFERENCE INFORMATION Various reports and estimates site plans and aerial photo of site. 4. ARCHITECT-ENGINEER GUIDE Services shall be in accordance with the latest Orange County A-E Guide and Computer Aided Design Guide except as noted for meetings and meeting minutes herein. MEETINGS/MINUTES: Bi-monthly progress reports will be provided during the duration of the project. One meeting with County of Orange is assumed to occur during each stage of deliverables as outlined above. During construction, it is assumed that either A-E or a representative of sub consultant P2S or both will attend weekly project meetings at the site. Duration of construction for this project is assumed not to exceed eight (8) months. Meeting minutes will be provided for all meetings. 5. ENERGY CONSERVATION The design shall fully consider the conservation of energy and water as indicated in the A-E Guide and shall meet the requirements of Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. 6. CODES AND REGULATIONS The design shall meet all federal, state, and county applicable codes, including but not limited to the state criteria for the physically handicapped pursuant to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and requirements of the State Department of Industrial Safety and local fire department regulations. 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS N/A 8. ARCHITECT-ENGINEER REVIEWS A-E shall review all drawings for inconsistencies, completion and constructability prior to the 100% submittal to OCPW/OC Facilities/A&E Project Management, and County Building Regulation. 9. PLAN REVIEWS BY ALL COUNTY PERSONNEL Any and all changes in plans due to County review shall be the responsibility of the A-E. Any and all costs for design revisions shall be borne by the A-E, except for those changes made after approval of design to proceed with next phase. Plans for review shall be full size sheets. 10. COORDINATION Coordinate design through the Project Manager of OCPW/OC Facilities/A&E Project Management 11. COMMUNICATIONS, GRAPHICS N/A Scope of Work (Board Awarded) Form B-4.1 Page 4 of 5 12. CAD DATA REQUIREMENTS The submission of all CAD data files, in order of preference, must be in AutoCad, MicroStation, or generic software format compatible with the County data system and approved in advance. The media format must be recordable/rewritable compact discs compatible with the County data system and approved in advance. 13. COST OF CONSTRUCTION The construction documents shall be prepared to permit construction within a budget of $1,200,000.00 at the time of bidding which is assumed to be August 2011. Scope of Work (Board Awarded) Form B-4.1 Page 5 of 5