RS 108-B “Computer Literacy”

Art Institute of Tampa
Food and Beverage Operations Cul 252
Office Hours
Total Contact Hours
Weekly Contact Hours
Credit Hours
Michael Lynch
813.873.2112 ext 4224 email
By appointment
33 hours
3 hours
Varies by term
Varies by term
Class web site:
Beverage Web Sites:;;;;;;;
Required Reading: wine 101, selected handouts and postings on web site
Recommended reading: About Wine, Henderson, Rex, Thomson/Delmar Learning,
Dining Room and Banquet Management, Strianese A, Strianese P, Thomson
Delmar Learning
Course Description:
Topics covered include the psychology of service, professional standards of
performance for dining room personnel, the fundamental skills required for service-ware
handling, the service sequence, order taking, guest relations and the liability and
consumer dimensions of alcohol service. Highlight the specific management
opportunities and challenges in managing a bar, lounge, or food service establishment
serving alcoholic beverages. Significant product knowledge orientation, as well as cost
control and purchasing, production, and service issues are addressed. The students
will produce their own complete dining room and bar operation manual. This
project should be saved on diskette or jump drive, as it will be used during
Capstone or the development of a business plan.
Course Competencies:
1. For the student to gain awareness of managing service in food and beverage
Art Institute of Tampa
Food and Beverage Operations Cul 252
2. To provide the student with background information about dining room management,
specifically about pairing for dining service and delivering dining service.
3. To provide the student with an understanding of the supportive functions for the
dining room. Identify effective communication and motivational techniques to create
a positive work climate.
4. To provide management information on beverage operations.
5. To provide background information of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Course Objectives
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to identify:
1. The job responsibilities and personnel requirements of a manager of dining room
2. Match a variety of foods with the appropriate beverages.
3. Distinguish the basic production process for distilled spirits, liquors, beer and brandy.
4. Distinguish wines by grape and or other fruity variety, country, growing region, and
production process.
5. Evaluate the relationship of beverages to foods.
6. Identify equipment and glassware used for beverage preparation and service.
Policies and Procedures
Attendance. The success of the student is dependent on regular and punctual
attendance to this class. Each student is expected to remain in class until dismissed.
Any assignment or quiz that is missed at the start of class cannot be made up unless
extenuating circumstances caused the late arrival. When missing a class, the student is
expected to contact a classmate to find out what you have missed and what needs to be
done before the next class. In order to be counted present, students must be prepared
to begin class at the appropriate time. Quizzes are administered at start of class. A
student who arrives 15 minutes or more late for class will receive a daily grade of
0 for that session.
There is no make-up of the class time missed. It will be the student’s responsibility
to see the Instructor or a classmate for material covered on that day, in addition to
the regular class reading and homework.
Declare special needs on the first day of class. Any student who needs special
consideration(s) due to a disability is advised to identify the needs in private to the
instructor before the end of the first day of class. Those who wish not to identify
themselves must not expect and special considerations in class performance and
Art Institute of Tampa
Food and Beverage Operations Cul 252
Grading Schedule - Total Points are 292.
Attendance, Participation, Daily Grades, 22 points
11 x 2= 22
Dining Room and Bar Operations Manual, 100 points
Mission Statement: 5 points
Menu: 5 points
Check Average: 15 points
Weekly Sales: 5 points
Zero-based Annual Sales: 15 points
Staffing Guide-Organizational Chart: 10 points
Weekly Employee Schedule-Front of the house: 10 points
Job Description and Duties: 10 points
Opening China, Glass, Silver Purchase, including dining room 10 points
Tabletop diagram of one table: 5 points
Annual Profit and Loss Plan 10 Points
Wine Quizzes, 32 points
8 x 4= 32 points
Spirits Quizzes,
7x4= 28 points
Mid-Term 25 points
Profit-Loss Quiz, 25 points
Final Exam, 50 points,
Beer and/or Wine Seminar, 10 points
Assignments/Grading Sheet
Assignments reinforce and demonstrate student synthesis of materials presented in
class. Each week a different competency is addressed and an assignment directed to
be turned in the following week. These assignments are to be professionally completed,
and typed as appropriate for business.
Food and Beverage Weekly Reading, Assignments, and Grading
Art Institute of Tampa
Food and Beverage Operations Cul 252
Participation: 2 points are awarded each week for participation. If you are absent from
class, or more than 15 minutes late, you cannot receive participation/daily grade points
for that week.
Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Work is to be
prepared in a professional manner (either in Microsoft word or Excel) APA format, typed
and using spreadsheets where appropriate. Handwritten work will not be accepted.
Late work will not be accepted without a reasonable explanation such as illness
or extenuating circumstances. (All work must be saved on either a flash drive or a
CD-RW disc) (Crashed hard drives or computer failure is not an acceptable
excuse for late assignments) Particularly with a management class, it is important to
build sound work habits. That means being on time to class with assignments
completed in a professional manner. Numerous assignments in food and beverage are
incorporated into a business plan, which would be submitted to potential investors.
Your responsibility is to present such information in a clear, professional manner.
Grading: Grades are calculated and assigned as per AiH policies, including the
assignment of + and – grades. Weekly Assignments
Week One- 7/14: Introduction to F&B Operations, including Mission Statement and
Menu Review. . Intro to Wine Power point, Wine Quiz # 1 (4 points)
Assignment for Week Two: Mission Statement (5 points) and Menu (5 points)
Week Two: Turn in Mission Statement (5 points) and Menu (5 points). Calculating
Check Averages for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner using student menus. Review service
styles. Calculate Weekly Restaurant Sales based upon seating and reasonable “turns.”
Chardonnay Wine Power Point, Wine Quiz # 2 (4 points)
Assignment for Week Three: Use menu/s to forecast 50 prospective customers and
then calculate check averages for each day part (15 points). Then calculate the weekly
sales (5 points).
Week Three: Turn in Check Averages (15 points) and weekly sales (5 points).
Building Annual Sales Plan/Zero B based Revenue. Review service styles. Wine
Palates and Opening of Wines. Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Power Point, Wine Quiz #3
(4 points);
Spirits Quiz #1
Assignment for Week Four: Calculate Annual Sales Plan.
Week Four: Turn in Annual Sales Plan (15 points). Sauvignon Blanc Wine Power
Point, Wine Quiz #4 (4 points).
Spirits Quiz 2
Assignment for Week Five: Study for mid-term.
Art Institute of Tampa
Food and Beverage Operations Cul 252
Week Five: Mid-Term. Staffing Guide and Organizational Chart. Pinot Noir-Merlot
Wine Power Point, Wine Quiz # 5 (4 points).
Spirits Quiz 3
Assignment for Week Six: Design Organizational Chart for student restaurant.
Week Six: Turn in Organizational Chart (10 points). Employee Schedules and Job
Descriptions/duties for Front-of-House. Champagne-Grape Invaders Power Point, Wine
Quiz # 6 (4 points).
Spirits Quiz 4
Assignment for Week Seven: Develop Weekly Front of the House Schedules, which
would be posted in Employees’ Lounge. Complete job descriptions/duties for front-ofhouse.
Week Seven: Turn in Employee Schedules (10points) and Job Descriptions (10
points). Profit-Loss Statements. Syrah-Shiraz Video, Wine Power Point # 7 (4 points).
Spirits Quiz 5
Assignment for Week Eight: Begin working on Profit-Loss for student restaurant.
Week Eight: Service settings, and initial China, Glass, Silverware order. Tabletop
diagram. Profit-Loss Statements. Riesling Wine Power Point, Wine Quiz # 8 (4 points).
Profit-Loss continued.
Spirits Quiz 6
Assignment for Week Nine: Complete Opening order of China, Glass, and Silverware.
Turn in Tabletop diagram.
Week Nine: Turn in opening order of china, glass, and silverware; turn in tabletop
diagram (10 points). Beer or Wine Seminar, depending upon availability of Guest
Speaker (10 points). Profit-Loss Quiz (25 points)
Spirits Quiz 7
Assignment for Week Ten: Review for final exam
Week Ten: Profit and Loss statement for student restaurant due
Beer or Wine Seminar, depending upon availability of Guest Speaker (10 points)
Assignment for Week Eleven: Study for final exam
Week Eleven: Final Exam
**This syllabus is subject to change based upon learning requirements of the class and
availability of resources, such as vendors. **