Prophetic Headlines Discussion Session 2: America's Political

Prophetic Headlines Discussion
Session 2: America’s Political Realm
A. Politics and People’s Response:
In this session we are going to focus on the headlines that deal directly
with America at a political and the societal response, as these two
concepts seem very closely connected in the various headlines. We will
take a look at the headlines themselves and at the cause and effect
relationship that these events have on eachother.
B. Time Magazine’s Cover:
The July 4th 2011 addition of Time Magazine featured a cover, which
showed a picture of the US Constitution being shredded with the caption
“does it even matter anymore?” as the title. In no way do I think that this
cover is a fulfillment of the below headlines but I do think it is very telling
that such a cover would come into print in the season following the
release of these headlines which were prophesied some months long
ahead of time and all of which seem to clearly point to unrest pertaining
to the constitution.
1. “Governors Call for Constitutional Convention” (Terry Bennet
headline received August 2010)
2. “New People’s Party Gaining Ground with Hearts” (Terry Bennet
headline received August 2010)
3. “Deep in the Heart of Texas – Independence Fervor in Austin; More
Rallies Planned” (Terry Bennet headline received December 2010)
C. Abbreviations:
For the sake of brevity from here forward I have shorted Terry Bennett to
the abbreviations of “TB” and John Paul Jackson to “JPJ,” their initials
instead of writing out their full name each time.
D. Organizing the Headlines:
I have done my best to categorize the roughly 130 headlines into
categories for us to better see how they may fit together and more clearly
pain the picture of how these events and trends will effect each sphere of
life. In some cases I have categorized a particular headline in more than
one category if it seemed to fit in more than one. Below are the themes
that I have categorized the headlines into; which we will look at the ones
related to American politics this week and the rest in the next session.
1. Political Upheaval
2. New Governmental Policies / Regulations
3. Public Reponses to Issues
4. Government’s Response to Issues
5. Civil War
6. Financial Collapse
7. Disasters Specific to America
8. National Security
9. Unnatural Disasters Across the Globe
10. International Conflicts
11. Global Identity Changes
E. Ask Ourselves Some Tough Questions:
Last week we looked at what God’s purpose is in permitting these
difficulties and how His aim is to draw the Church to lean on Him alone,
namely to the place prayer and a corporate wholehearted pursuit. Now
as we look at these headlines that speak about darkness coming to
America and a bleak future wrought with uncertainty we need to soberly
consider some things that perhaps previous generations never had to
ponder. To get us thinking I have included a few such questions at the
end of each section that are specific to the headlines that precede it. Over
all however we need to do some serious soul searching and assess our
role as believers and the role that the Church should be playing.
1. What are we going to do if even a fraction of these things unfold?
2. What is the appropriate and Biblical response from the Church?
3. Why hasn’t the Church already responded after what has already
transpired and is underway in our nation?
4. What will have to happen for the Church to respond? For you
personally to respond?
Political Upheaval:
We have probably already entered into what could be called a season of
political unrest. Tensions are already high and the problems are complex,
but these headlines tell us that things are going to get a lot worse. If the
headlines that have already found fulfillment tell us anything it’s that there is
real cause for alarm that the rest will follow suit.
A. Headlines About the Political Upheaval:
1. TB -The Trial for the Unborn - the conscience pulse of our nation. To
vote or not to vote, and a nation hanging in the balance.
2. JPJ -Decay in America - Is the Infrastructure of America beyond repair?
3. JPJ -The Rise and Fall of the political parties – New third party gains
4. TB -New People’s Party Gaining Ground with Hearts
5. TB -Protesting the Republican and Democratic Parties. Their power
challenged in court.
6. JPJ -Politics and Trust the new Oxymoron
7. TB -Emergency Meetings being Held by U.S. Senate and Congress
8. TB -The Embattled Bill of Rights, the Basis of Our Freedoms on Trial.
9. TB -Governors Call for Constitutional Convention
10. TB -Constitution Questioned, Constitution Opposed, Constitutional
Changes, Constitutional Convention. A Line Drawn in the Sand in
11. TB -A Band of Brothers - "Rule 101" = State's Rights Governors United
to Take a Stand.
12. TB -Finger-Pointing Continues to Fuel Resignations in Washington
13. TB -Who Will Pick Up the Pieces? (Editor’s Note: this refers to political
14. TB -Resignation Fever Hits Washington D.C.
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What terrible things have to happen for no one to want to lead the
2. What do things look like when new no name, traditional non-political
individuals become candidates for governing?
3. If the Constitution can change, not just the interpretation of it, then
what is the fabric of America? What is America at that point?
New Governmental Policies / Regulations:
Though not included in these headlines two additional references that deal
with New Governmental Policies and Regulations come one from Terry and
the other from John Paul: TB spoke about the fall of the banking system in
his prophetic encounter that he had on August 20th 2012. Additionally JPJ
gave a clear prophetic warning in his Perfect Storm prophecy against the
insurance companies for their greed. This will greatly play into the economic
woes as well as change the governmental role in both realms.
A. Headlines About the Governmental Regulations:
1. TB -Oil prices, Oil crisis, and Big Oil in crisis. Manipulation, Money, and
2. TB -Pharmaceutical Nightmare; Uncovering the hidden intentions and
cover ups, big money vs. the hidden long-term health effects of drugs.
3. TB -Overhauling the FDA; unveiling the corruption of payoffs and
4. TB -The Taming of the Shrewd! Restrictions and transparency
measures increased toward Wall Street investors, insurers, and the
business of profit.
5. TB -The Postman Isn't Coming: Reduction and Closures of Personnel
and Offices.
6. TB -The Big Freeze – Government Spending Cut by 50 Percent;
Education and Military at Front of Cuts
7. JPJ -Military Cuts Number of Soldiers
8. TB -The Last battle of the Marine Corps; the few and proud may
become fewer. Necessary or Unnecessary? Corps or single Brigade?
Will they survive?
9. TB -Islam, American Politics, and Policy. Exploring the boundaries of
religious freedom.
10. TB -The Silencing of the Lambs: Crack Down on Church Voices and
11. TB -The Muzzling of the Oxen: Free Speech is Costly!
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What if the only way to deal with the expanding power of Islamic
religious freedom is to limit the Church’s freedoms as well?
2. What will your church do when it becomes illegal to say certain things
from the pulpit?
3. How will American’s in general respond when told they can’ say or
speak out against certain things?
Public Reponses to Issues:
It is not surprising that people will not respond well to what they deem a
tyrannical government. And human nature has a nasty tendency where once
someone oversteps their bounds we somehow feel justified to overstep ours
as well. When you’re talking about a few people responding in this way you
can overcome it with the Justice System, but when you are talking about
widespread unrest things escalate quickly. We have never seen anything like
what these headlines describe except in isolated smaller scale incidents.
A. Headlines About the Public Reponses:
1. JPJ -The New Face of Robinhood – Flash Mobs Loot Rich Neighborhoods
2. TB -Washington D.C. embroiled! Protestors Unlimited
3. JPJ -Washington DC Riots continue
4. TB -Washington D.C. Shaken, Rioting and Looting Continue
5. TB -Major Rioting in Baltimore Threatens Services and Deliveries
6. JPJ -Chicago up in Arms – Death Toll Mounts
7. JPJ -Sysco Co and Kraft Considers Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food
Nears 40% of the Family Budget
8. TB -The Riots of Montreal Canada; French Disturbance
9. TB -The Shots Heard Round the World: "But There Were Some Who
Resisted." Face Off Turns Bloody!
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. How will our neighbors respond to these difficulties?
2. What will be the response of our friends and families?
3. In light of all this disorder and the anxiety it will cause what happens
to the importance, even the demand for places that provide an
atmosphere of peace and worship all day long (houses of prayer)?
Government’s Response to Issues:
When the above trends begin to unfold the U.S. Government is put into a very
difficult position. Order and safety will take precedence over rules, laws, the
Constitution and whatever else might have previously mattered. We have to
interpret the complexity of this situation; it’s too perfect of a problem. This
sort of disorder isn’t normal for America, so we should ask why is it
happening? It cannot be quickly resolved with man-made solutions and even
more telling is that it could all have been avoided in the first place.
A. Headlines About the Government’s Response:
1. TB -Martial Law Declared in Nation’s Capital (Washington D.C.)
2. TB -Martial Law Declared in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia,
Miami, Chicago and Other U.S. Cities
3. JPJ -Martial Law to be extended for 30 More Days
4. JPJ -Record Set for Number of Cities with Riot Curfews
5. TB -The Shots Heard Round the World: "But There Were Some Who
Resisted." Face Off Turns Bloody!
6. JPJ -Radical Solutions Create Shockwave – Administration says, “We
Ran Out of Answers”
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What will things look like here in our city when these things come?
2. What is the government supposed to do when cities are in this
measure of unrest?
3. What is going to be the overall response of America when we see our
government responding this way (think of all the innocent people that
will be effected by these crack downs)?
America in a Modern Day Civil War:
The measure of comfort that we have been permitted to know in our
generation has painted a historically unbalanced perspective. We tend to
think of America as untouchable and yet every major world power has
eventually fallen (see Rome, Greece, Babylon and the British Empire to name
a few). When a nation makes itself adversarial to the only one who has
power to decide the fate of a nation, the King of all the kings, then it is only
time before God Himself tears it down. We cannot imagine that civil war
could actually be possible in our civilized, post modern culture; I bet you that
during the mid 1800s they didn’t think they’d be sending their sons off to
war to fight against their cousins in battle either. Being “unbelievable”
doesn’t determine anything about reality.
A. Headlines About Civil War:
1. TB -A Band of Brothers - "Rule 101" = State's Rights Governors United
to Take a Stand.
2. TB -Breakup, Breakdown, or Breakthrough, which will it be? United
We Stand or Divided We Stand.
3. TB -Constitution Questioned, Constitution Opposed, Constitutional
Changes, Constitutional Convention. A Line Drawn in the Sand in
4. TB -Deep in the Heart of Texas – Independence Fervor in Austin; More
Rallies Planned
B. Terry Bennett’s Related Encounter:
In Terry’s June 7th 2010 prophetic encounter with the five angels he was
shown several more details regarding the fifth angel, the one that had
authority to raise up or tear down America. He was shown a vision about
America pertaining to the activity of that angel, below is some of what he
came away with.
“I know this from the encounter, we will be too, we will be forced, in these
times, to take a stand. It will be inescapable for us…dealing with the
tyranny that is coming to our nation and the reality that is coming to our
nation…we are looking at war. I know that we have talked about this
before, civil unrest, civil war. I am convinced that there is almost a certainty
that some measure of that is going to happen in our nation and the people
of God will have to take a stand, they will be forced to take a stand. We will
not be able to not take a stand.”
C. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. Have you considered what civil war would do to our nation?
2. Where will you draw the line? Religion? Justice? Geography?
3. What happens to our national borders while we fight internally?
4. When is it the right thing to consider succession? Under what set of
circumstance? Or is the answer never, no matter what?