College of Southern Maryland PHY 2210 – General Engineering

College of Southern Maryland
PHY 2210 – General Engineering Physics III
INSTRUCTOR: Neal Wilsey, Ph. D.
OFFICE: Room 208, Bldg. B, Leonardtown Campus
TELEPHONE: Office, Voice Mail: (240) 725-5463 Direct Dial Line
(301) 934-7790 Ext. 5463 Charles County
(301) 870-2309 Ext. 5463 DC area
Monday: by appointment
Tuesday: 3:00 – 5:00 and 8:45 – 9:15
Wednesday: by appointment
Thursday: 1:00 - 3:00 and 8:45 - 9:15.
Friday: by appointment
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is the third of a three semester, calculus-based
course sequence designed to introduce students to the general principles of
engineering physics. Specifically, the course covers the topics of
electrodynamics, alternating current, Maxwell’s equations, geometrical optics,
physical optics, relativity, quantum theory, wave mechanics, atomic physics, solid
state physics, and nuclear physics.
A. Students should gain an understanding of:
Geometric and physical optics
Special relativity
Foundations of quantum theory
Quantum mechanics
Modern atomic, nuclear, and solid-state physics
B At the end of the course, students should be able to apply the course
materials to a variety of engineering and scientific problems.
PREREQUISITES: PHY 2200 and PHY 2200L. PHY 2210L must be taken in the
same semester.
CLASS SESSIONS: Section 50955, Monday and Wednesday 7:05 – 8:30 p.m.
WEB ENHANCEMENT: WebCT is a convenient internet-based software
package (provided free of charge to the student) and one of many tools we will
utilize this semester. During the semester, the instructor will be using WebCT to
post bulletins, send and receive email, post answer keys and occasionally post
assignments. WebCT is designed to enhance the course, but not meant to
substitute for class sessions. You are required to attend class as usual. If you
have any questions or concerns about WebCT, please contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
TEXT: Physics for Scientists and Engineers - with Modern Physics by Raymond
A. Serway and John W. Jewett, 6th Edition (Required)
Study Guide and Students’ Solution Manual by Van Wyk, McGrew, Gordon, and
Serway (Optional)
CALCULATOR: Graphing Calculator (Required) TI-83, TI-83+ and TI 84+
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Student performance will be measured as
3 unit exams (non-comprehensive – see attached schedule): 25 % each,
75% total.
6 quizzes (non-comprehensive, unscheduled). The lowest quiz score will
be dropped. 4% each, 20 % total.
Class participation 5%. Students will be required to ask a question,
answer a question or present a homework solution at each class meeting.
Final grades will be assigned as follows:
90 – 100% A
80 – 89% B
70 – 79% C
60 – 69% D
Below 60% F
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned in class. Successful independent
completion of the homework assignment serves as an invaluable aid in
understanding the concepts presented in the course. Students should be
prepared to present homework solutions in class on the due date.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance will be taken at each class session. Each
student is responsible for any and all announcements, assignments, lectures,
materials, handouts, and scheduled exams presented during the class session.
AUDIT AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Students are reminded to consult the
College Catalog for dates, procedures, responsibilities and impacts of changing
registration status. November 16 is the last day to withdraw from a course or
change from AUDIT status to CREDIT status or from CREDIT to AUDIT. Change
from credit to audit status requires a written contract between the student and
instructor. The contract must be in place prior to November 16. Students who fail
to adhere to the terms of the contract will receive a grade of WD.
MAKEUP EXAM POLICY: Makeup exams will be allowed without penalty for
legitimate reasons if the instructor is notified in advance or if an emergency
occurs. Quizzes will be available online at the course WEB-CT site as scheduled
by the instructor. All quizzes must be completed within the time allocated. All
makeup exams will be administered in the instructor’s office or in the Testing
Center and will be scheduled by the instructor.
STUDENT INTEGRITY POLICY: Students are expected to perform
independently on exams and quizzes without the use of unauthorized materials
(unauthorized notes, etc.). Any violations of the Student Code of Conduct as
outlined in the Student Handbook result in a score of zero for the exam or quiz.
The violation will be reported to the Director of Student Affairs and to the College
Judicial Committee for review and possible disciplinary action.
DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with disabilities who believe
they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled
Student Services in the Learning Assistance Department at 301.934.7614 as
soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in
a timely fashion.
UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS: Unauthorized persons (children, friends, family
members, and any other persons not registered for the course) are not allowed in
the classroom. Details of this college policy can be found in the Student
COURSE OUTLINE: PHY 2210 – Fall, 2006
Review of Electric and Magnetic Fields
8/28 & 8/30
9/6 & 9/11
Introduction to Electromagnetism
Faraday's Law: Faraday's law of induction;
Motional emf; Lenz's law; Induced emfs and
electric fields; Maxwell's wonderful
Inductance: Self-inductance; RL circuits;
Energy in a magnetic field; Mutual
inductance; Oscillations in an LC circuit; The
RLC circuit
Alternating Current Circuits: ac sources;
Resistors in an ac circuit; Inductors in an ac
circuit; Capacitors in an ac circuit; Power in
an ac circuit; Resonance in a Series RLC
circuit; Filter circuits; The transformer and
Power Transformer
Electromagnetic Waves: Maxwell’s
equations and Hertz’s discoveries; Plane
electromagnetic waves; Energy carried by
electromagnetic waves; Momentum and
radiation pressure; Radiation from an infinite
current sheet; The production of
electromagnetic waves by an antenna; The
spectrum of electromagnetic waves
Review PHY 2200
Materials and
Reread Chapters
29 and 30 before
31.1 – 31.4
5, 7, 13, 15, 21,
33, 37, 45, 47, 57
32.1 – 32.6
1, 3, 7, 17, 21, 29,
33, 35, 47, 57, 71
33.1 – 33.9
1, 5, 9, 11, 17, 19,
23, 25, 29, 32, 37,
45, 49, 55
34.1 – 34.4
5, 9, 15, 17, 25,
29, 33, 35, 51
31 – 34
9 & 10
10 &11
9/27 &10/2
10/2 &10/4
12 & 13
10/9 &10/11
Unit #1 Test
The Nature of Light and the Laws of
Geometric Optics: The nature of light;
Measurements of the speed of light; The ray
approximation in geometric optics;
Reflection and refraction; Dispersion and
prisms; Huygens’s principle; Total internal
Geometric Optics: Images formed by flat
mirrors; Images formed by spherical mirrors;
Images formed in refraction; Thin lenses;
Interference of Light Waves: Conditions
for Interference; Young’s double-slit
experiment; Intensity distribution of the
double-slit interference pattern; Phasor
addition of waves; Change of phase due to
reflection; Interference in thin films; The
Michelson interferometer
Diffraction and Polarization: Introduction
to diffraction; Single-slit diffraction;
Resolution of single-slit and circular
apertures; The diffraction grating;
Polarization of light waves.
31 - 34
1, 3, 7, 11, 19, 29,
31, 32, 37, 47, 53,
55, 61,
36.1 – 36.4
1, 3, 9, 15, 19, 21,
27, 31, 37, 45, 45,
51, 63, 65,
37.1 – 37.7
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15,
21, 29, 37, 41, 51,
38.1 – 38.4
1, 3, 13, 15, 17,
18, 25, 29, 33, 37,
45, 46
Review of Unit II
37 – 38
Unit II Test
35 – 38
17 & 18
10/25 and
19 and 20
11/ 1 and
20 and 21
11/5 and
22 and 23
11/13 and
11/15 &11/20
Relativity: The principle of Newtonian
relativity; The Michelson-Morley experiment;
Einstein's principle of relativity;
Consequences of special relativity; The
Lorenz transformation equation; Relativistic
momentum and the relativistic form of
Newton's laws; Relativistic energy;
Equivalence of mass and energy; Relativity
and electromagnetism.
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics:
Blackbody radiation and Planck's
hypothesis; The Photoelectric effect; The
Compton effect; Atomic spectra; Bohr's
Quantum model of the atom; Photons and
electromagnetic waves; The wave
properties of particles
Quantum Mechanics: Double slit
Experiment; Uncertainty principle;
Probability density; Particle in a box;
Schrödinger Equation, Particle in a Well of
Finite Height; Tunneling Through a Barrier
Atomic Physics: Early models of the atom;
The hydrogen atom revisited; Spin magnetic
quantum number; Wave functions for
hydrogen; Other quantum numbers; The
Pauli exclusion principle and building the
periodic table; Atomic spectra; Atomic
Transitions; Lasers
Molecules and Solids: Molecular bonds;
Molecular Spectra, Bonding in Solids; Band
Theory of Solids; Free Electron Theory of
Metals; Electrical Conduction;
Semiconductor Devices
Nuclear Structure Some Properties of Nuclei,
Binding Energy, Models, Radioactivity, Decay
Processes, Natural Radioactivity, Nuclear
Reactions, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and
39.1 - 39.9
1, 3, 9, 11, 14, 23,
31, 33, 35, 43, 49,
40.1 - 40.7
1, 3, 7, 9, 17, 19,
27, 31, 37, 41, 57,
41.1 - 41.7
1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 17,
23, 37
42.1 - 42.9
5, 11, 17, 49, 50
43.1 – 43.7
1, 3, 7, 11, 21, 35,
44.1 – 44.8
3, 29, 33
27 & 28
12/4 & 12/6
Applications of Nuclear Physics:
Interactions Involving Neutrons, Nuclear
Fission, Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Fusion,
Radiation Damage, Radiation Detectors
45.1 – 45.7
Particle Physics and Cosmology: The
Fundamental Forces in Nature, Positrons and
Other Antiparticles, Mesons & Particle Physics,
Classification of Particles, Conservation Laws,
Strange Particles and Strangeness, Patterns,
Quarks, The Standard Model, Cosmology,
Problems and Perspectives
46.1 – 46.13
11, 19, 43
1, 13, 17, 27,
Review of Unit III
39 - 43
Unit III Exam
31 – 43