
CS211 Final. 9:00-11:30PM, Friday, 14 May 2004.
Uris Auditorium.
The final is optional —you can accept the grade that is
posted on the CMS or take the final. If you do not take
the final, you must do project A7 or risk having your
letter grade drop one notch (e.g. A to A-).
We will attempt to make sure that you have adequate time to answer the questions on the final. We
expect people to start walking out after 1.5 hours.
Some review questions are given later in this document, and following all the questions are sample andwers. Other review questions are in the handouts for
reviewing prelims 1 and 2.
You are responsible for everything that was on the
first and second prelims. Please see the web page for
the handouts explaining what they covered.
You are responsible for the following additional
1. Definition of a directed and an undirected graph.
2. Two major ways of implementing a graph: adjacentcy matrix and adjacency list. Know their advantages
and disadvantages (with respect to space and time).
3. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. If we ask you to
show it, we will give you the invariant.
4. Spanning tree. Know the definition. Know the DFS
and BFS spanning tree algorithms. You do NOT have
to know about minimum spanning trees.
You do not need to know gory details of GUI classes
and their methods. You should have a basic understanding of GUIs, as discussed below. One way to get
this understanding is to download the demos GUIs we
used in class and read them and execute them and experiment with them.
1. A JFrame jf is a window on your monitor. You have
to execute jf.show() to see it. You can place things in a
JFrame with its default layout manager, BorderLayout.
So, you can place objects in the north, south, east, west,
and center.
2. Some of the components that you can place in a
JFrame are a JButton, JLabel, JTextField (know what
each one is), a JPanel, and a Box.
3. A JPanel is a component that can contain other components. The default layout manager is FlowLayout
(you should know how it lays out components).
4. A Box is a component that can contain other components. The default layout manager is BoxLayout (you
should know how it lays out components).
5. You should know basically how to get a button to
listen to a click on it:
Register with the button an instance of a class that
implements interface ActionListener. This means
that the class contains a method actionPerformed
(ActionEvent). This method is called when the
button is clicked (in the GUI).
Development of algorithms
You should be able to develop these algorithms, given
their specifications: linear search, binary search, partition algorithm, Dutch national flag, selection sort,
quicksort, mergesort, Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm
(for this one only, we will give you the invariant).
There are two reasons for asking you to be able to
develop these algorithms. (1) These are basic algorithms with which every programmer should be familiar. (2) If you can develop these algorithms from their
specs whenever you are asked for them, you are well
on your way to developing good programming habits.
We do not memorize the code. We memorize the specifications and perhaps one or two keys points. We are
then able to develop the algorithm. That is what we
would like you to be able to do.
The way to learn this is to practice. Don’t just
study by reading. Get a fresh piece of paper and try to
develop the algorithms yourself. Note that we may give
you a variation of the original problem. For example,
we may ask you to write selection sort to sort b, to sort
b[0..k-1], or to sort b[h..k]. The idea is the same in all
of them; the details are different, and it does not help to
memorize code.
You should know the worst-case and best-case execution times of the algorithms mentioned above.
This ends the discussion of what the final will
cover. We now give some sample questions (followed
by answers).
Questions on interfaces and classes
Interface and Class 1
Why is a class disallowed from extending several
classes (in Java)?
Interface and Class 2
Consider the two classes that both implement interface
Coin. (Method bodies have been omitted for simplicity.)
public class Nickel implements Coin{
public int getValue(){}
public String getMetal(){}
public short getYear(){}
public bool flip(){}
public class Quarter implements Coin{
public int getValue(){}
public String getMetal(){}
public String getYear(){}
(a) Assuming that these two classes compile, what
is the maximum number of methods that can be
defined in Coin? What are they?
Interface and class 7
Below is class HashSet. –we have left off method
specification because they are not needed for this
question, and we have omitted method remove()
from HashSetEnum.
public class HashSet {
private HashEntry[] b;
private int size;
private class HashSetEnum implements Iterator {
private int pos= -1;
// items in …
private int visited= 0; //…
(b) If Nickel and Quarter extended a class Coin
instead of implementing an interface, how does
your answer to 2 change?
public boolean hasNext()
{ return visited != size; }
Interface and Class 3
What is wrong with the following code:
public Object next() {
pos= pos+1;
while (pos != b.length && … )
{ pos= pos+1; }
public class Wrong{
int a;
public static int value(){
return a;
Interface and Class 4
Consider the following hierarchy, where they nodes
could be classes or interfaces (except for Object, which
is a class).
Is HashSetEnum a nested class or an inner class?
Which of the following expressions are legal?
(a) Boat b= new Boat();
(b) WaterCraft wc= (WaterCraft) b;
(c) Vehicle v= (Vehicle) wc;
(d) MotorVehicle mv= (MotorVehicle) b;
(e) MotorVehicle mv2= (MotorVehicle) wc;
Interface and class 5
What are the reasons for using a nested class?
Get it out of the way; make it private so others can’t
refer to it directly.
Interface and class 6
(1) What are the reasons for using an inner class (a
non-static class that is placed inside another
Interface and class 7
Draw a diagram of an instance of HashSet see
previous questions) named a1 with size 256 and
an instance of HashSetEnum named a3, with the
variables pos and visited set to 20 and 3 respectively.
Questions on linked lists
Linked list 1
A cyclic linked list is a linked list that contains a
cycle —one of the nodes in the linked list links to a
previous node.
Here is an example:
A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> C
G links back to C, so the cycle is: C D E F G C
The linked lists nodes conform to the following
public class LinkedList {
public Object data;
public LinkedList next;
Write a method that, given a LinkedList, returns
true if the linked list has a cycle and false if it does not.
Linked list 2
Count the number of elements in a circular
LinkedList (use class definition from previous question). The circular linked list does not use a sentinel or
head node
Linked list 3
Given are two linked lists that contain ints and are
sorted in ascending order. Write a function that returns
a new linked list containing all the elements of both
linked lists in ascending order.
Linked list 4
Given two linked lists, create a new linked list that
is the first linked list followed by the second. For example:
L1 A->B->C->D->E->F->null
L2 Z->Y->X->W->null
return A->B->C->D->E->F->Z->Y->X->W>null
Questions on binary trees
These questions use this class TreeNode:
/** = a new binary tree that has the same shape as t but
with each datum replaced with the result of
calling fn.translate() */
TreeNode treeTrans(Translator fn, TreeNode t
Binary tree 3
The following is a sample binary search tree:
/ \
3 7
/ \ \
1 5 9
What order would the BST’s nodes be visited for
each of the following traversals?
Preorder, postorder, inorder
Draw the tree after inserting the value 4, followed
by inserting the value 10.
Draw the two possible trees that could result from
deleting the value 6 from the original tree at top:
Is the following a BST? Explain why or why not.
class TreeNode {
Object datum;
TreeNode left, right;
Binary tree 1
Write the body of method isMirror() below, which
determines whether two binary trees are mirror images
of each other. For example, these two trees are mirror
images because both the shape and data are reversed
/ \
/ \
Hint: Use method equals() declared in Object to
determine if two tree nodes contain the same datum
(you can assume that no datum value is null).
// = “the tree rooted at a is a mirror image of
the tree rooted at b” */
public static boolean isMirror(TreeNode a, TreeNode
Binary tree 2
We define interface Translator, which encapsulates
a method that converts the given object to another
form. We do not need to know what the original form
was, or what the new form is.
interface Translator {
Object translate(Object ob);
Write the body of method treeTrans():
/ \
5 9
/ \ \
2 8 12
Binary tree 4
An N-tree is a logical extension of the binary trees
we have discussed. Instead of each node having 0, 1, or
2 children, nodes in an N-tree can have any number of
children. To accomplish this, child nodes make up a
linked list called the sibling list.
public class NTreeNode {
public Object datum;
// leftmost child node
public NTreeNode firstChild;
// next child that shares this node’s parent, or null
// this is the rightmost child
public NTreeNode nextSibling;
Example: In the N-tree below, root node A has
three children, and its second child C has two
children of its own.
Write the bodies for the following two methods:
// Print out all the data in the tree in preorder
public void printNTree(NTreeNode t)
// = the number of levels in the tree
// (a tree with 0 nodes has 0 levels)
int ntreeHeight(NTreeNode t)
Binary tree 5
Write the body of method isInHeap() below, which
searches for a specific value within a heap. Use method equals() declared in Object to determine if two heap
nodes contain the same datum (you can assume that no
datum value is null).
// = “the heap contains the target value”
// Precondition: t is the root of a min- or max-heap
public bool isInHeap(TreeNode t, Object target)
Write down its worst-case order of execution time
assuming a tree containing n nodes, and informally
explain your answer.
Assume that some method isInBST() exists that
operates on balanced binary search trees. Write down
the worst-case order of execution time of this method,
given a tree of n nodes, and informally explain your
Binary tree 6
Write the body of method treeMax() below, which
finds the maximum element in an arbitrary binary tree.
Assume that every datum in the tree implements Comparable and that no datum is null.
/** = the maximum element in the binary tree rooted at
(or null if the tree is empty). Precondition: every
datum implements interface Comparable */
public Comparable treeMax(TreeNode t
Write the worst-case big-O for the running time of
this method given a balanced binary tree containing n
nodes, and informally explain your answer.
Write the body of method bstMax below, which
finds the maximum element in a binary search tree.
/** = the max element in BST t (or null if the tree
is empty)
Precondition: every datum implements interface
Comparable */
public Comparable bstMax(TreeNode t
Write the big-O for the running time of this method given a balanced BST containing n nodes, and informally explain your answer.
Binary tree 7
Recall that the values in any complete binary tree
(such as a heap) can be stored in an array according to
the following rules (note that this is slightly different
than what we did in lecture, where we used index 0):
The root is at index 1
Index 0 is unused
The left child of a node at i is at 2i
The right child of a node at i is at 2i+1
Where is the parent node of a child at i?
Write the body for the method below. You may
define helper methods if you wish, but any helper
method must have a suitable specification.
/** = a complete binary tree containing the data
stored in b */
TreeNode toTree(Object[] b)
Questions on priority queues and heaps
PQ and heap 1
In a (binary) heap, for a node at position i, where
are its parent, left child and right child located?
PQ and heap 2
Given the binary max-heap,
/ \
/ \
/ \
34 20 19
show what the heap will look like after EACH step of
the following sequence of operations:
1. Insert 80
2. Insert 40
3. Remove
PQ and heap 3
A priority queue can be implemented using an ordered linked list (descending order) rather than a heap.
What are the orders of execution times of the insert and
remove operations when an ordered list is used?
PQ and heap 4
A priority queue can also be implemented using an
unsorted linked list. What are the orders ofworst-case
execution time of the insert and remove operations in
this case? ?
PQ and heap 5
Write a recursive method isHeap() that takes in the
root node of a binary tree and returns true if the node is
the root of a max-heap and false otherwise. Note that
the tree may be empty. The relevant part of the TNode
class is shown below:
class TNode() {
public int value;
public TNode left;
public TNode right;
Graph 4
Draw one spanning tree for this graph:
Questions on graphs
Graph 1
(1) Given a directed graph below, write its adjacency
matrix and adjacency list.
(2) What is the time complexity of constructing adjacency matrix for a graph with n nodes?
Graph 2
Fill in the blanks in the Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, given below. The invariant is:
(a) For each red node r in R, L[r] is the length of the
shortest path from v to r.
(b) For each node f in F, L[f] is the length of the shortest path from v to f using only red nodes (except for f)
(c) For each node that is not in R or F, L[w] is ∞.
(d) Any edge that leaves red set R goes to a node in F.
L[w]= _________________
L[v]= 0;
F= {v};
while (F not empty) {
f= a node in F with min L value;
Make f red (delete from F);
for each node w adjacent to f:
if (L[w] = =  ) {
if (L[f] + weight (f,w) < L[w])
V -= {A}; E -= {}; //start off with one-node
s -= _________________
/** invariant:(V,E) is a tree.
For all edges (v,w) in s: v is in V and (v,w)
Not in E.
Any node in graph that is not in V is reacable from the end node of some edge is s.
while (s is not empty do) {
(v, w) = pop(s); // Take top edge (v,w) off s;
if (w is not in V) {
add (v,w) to E;
Analysis 1
Put the following in descending order of growth:
n, n3, n2, n0, n½, nlog(n), log(n2), n2log(n3), n!
Fill in the blanks in the BFS spanning tree algorithm:
Analysis of algorithms questions
Graph 5
Graph 6
What is the difference between the BFS spanning tree
algorithm and the DFS spanning tree algorithm.
Graph 3
Write the shortest path from V1 to each node:
Analysis 2
Consider the following java code. Determine its
Big-O asymptotic complexity and provide a brief justification.
int b[] = new int[N];
int i= 0;
while (i < N) {
for ( int j= 0;j<5; j= j+1) {
b[i]= i+j;
i= i+1;
i= i+1;
Analysis 3
Answer the following questions:
What is a witness pair?
Prove that 3n+9 is O(n).
Prove that 2n^2 + 3n + 6 is O(n^2)
What is the worst case big-Oh of the remove
method for a hash table that employs the concept
of buckets.
Analysis 4
What would happen to the big-oh complexity of
MergeSort if instead of dividing the array in two equal
length halfs, we divided the array into 3 equal-length
sub-arrays at each recursive step?
Analysis 5
Determine the Big-O complexity of the following
recursive method, assuming a complete binary tree.
public int traverse(Node root) {
if (root==null) return 0;
if (root.left.value > root.value)
return traverse(root.left)
if(root.right.value > root.value)
return traverse(root.right)
return root.value;
Analysis 6
Consider the following iterative code. Determine
its Big-Oh:
Let N= a + b.
int b[][]= new int[a][b];
for (int i= 0; i < b; i= i+1) {
int j= 0;
while (j < a) {
b[j][i]= i+j;
j++, i++;
Analysis 6
Explain why the in best case, insertion sort is
Interface and class 1
Suppose class C could extend both C1 and C2, and
that there were methods C1.m() and C2.m(). Which
one should C inherit? If one inherits both, what does a
call m() in C do? These sorts of questions have never
been answered satisfactorily, so Java outlaws multiple
inheritance so these questions don’t arise.
Interface and class 2
If the classes compile, then any method defined in
Coin must also be defined in Nickel and Quarter. The
only two methods defined in both are getValue() and
getYear(), so the answer is 2, and these are the two
Interface and class 3
A static method may not refer to a nonstatic field.
Interface and class 4
(a) Boat b= new Boat(); Legal
(b) WaterCraft wc= (WaterCraft) b; Legal
(c) Vehicle v= (Vehicle) wc; Illegal
(d) MotorVehicle mv= (MotorVehicle) b; Legal
(e) MotorVehicle mv2= (MotorVehicle) wc; Illegal
Interface and class 5
Remember, a nested class is a static class that is placed
inside another class. Get it out of the way; make it private so others can’t refer to it directly.
Interface and class 6
(2) You don’t want the reader to have to deal with it;
user should not see it.
(3) Reduce the number of files one has to deal with.
(4) Methods in class I have to refer to fields of class O
in which it is placed (so it can’t be a nested class
(i.e. a static class). Placing class I within class O
simplifies referring to these fields.
Interface and class 7
It is an inner class because it is non-static. Also nested
classes cannot access member variables of the outer
class (and in this case it does).
Interface and class 7
// not a circular linked list
if( p == null)
return 0;
// otherwise looped through entire list
return count;
Linked list 3
/** = l1 is sorted. l2 is sorted.
Return a sorted links list that with all their elements
public LinkedList merge(LinkedList l1, LinkedList
if (l1 == null && l2 == null) return null;
Questions on linked lists
Linked list 1
Keep two pointers that march down the list at different speeds 1 and 2. If they become equal, there
is a cycle
// = “head has a cycle”
public boolean isCyclic(LinkedList head) {
if (head == null) return false;
// p advances 2 nodes per iteration
// tp advances 1 node per iteration
LinkedList p, head.next;
LinkedList tp = head;
while (p != null && p != tp) {
tp= tp.next;
p= p.next;
if (p == null) return false;
p= p.next;
// { p is null or p = tp }
if (p == null) return false;
return true;
Linked list 2
/** = number of nodes in circular list head */
public int numNodes(LinkedList head) {
if ( head == null) return 0;
LinkedList p= head.next;
int count= 1;
// invariant: p is a node in the list
// c is the number of nodes before it
// if p = head, that means c is no of nodes in list
while (p != head) {
p= p.next;
count= count + 1;
LinkedList head= new LinkedList();
LinkedList lc1= l1;
LinkedList lc2= l2;
LinkedList cursor= head;
/** invariant: lc1 and lc2 are names of nodes in the
two lists l1 and l2 (null if the lists have been
completely copied).
There is an empty node at beginning of head,
To be removed at the end.
All the nodes before lc1 and lc2 appear in list
head, and cursor is the last node in list head
(null if head is null).
All the values in list head are no bigger than
those in lc1 and lc2
while (lc1 != null && lc2 != null) {
cursor.next = new LinkedList();
cursor = cursor.next;
cursor.next = null;
if (lc1.data < lc2.data) {
cursor.data= lc1.data;
lc1= lc1.next;
} else {
cursor.data= lc2.data;
lc2= lc2.next;
// Set lc1 to the one of lc1 and lc2 that is not
if (lc2 != null) lc1= lc2;
// Copy the rest of list lc21 (if any)
while (lc1 != null) {
cursor.next= new LinkedList();
cursor= cursor.next;
cursor.next= null;
cursor.data= lc1.data;
lcc1= lc1.next;
// { head contains an empty node followed by
all the values in l1 and l2, in sorted order }
return head.next;
TreeNode tCopy= new TreeNode();
tCopy.datum= fn.translate(t.datum);
tCopy.left= treeTrans(fn, t.left);
tCopy.right= treeTrans(fn, t.right);
return tCopy;
Linked list 4
/** = a linked list consisting of l1 nodes followed by
l2’s nodes */
public LinkedList append(LinkedList l1, LinkedList
l2) {
LinkedList l3= new LinkedList();
LinkedList lc3= null;
LinkedList lc= l1;
Binary tree 3
/ \
3 7
/ \ \
1 5 9
/** inv: l3 contains an empty node followed by the
nodes in list l1 up to but not including node lc.
The last node in l3 is lc3 */
while (lc1!= null) {
lc3.next= new LinkedList();
lc3 = lc3.next;
lc3.data = lc.data;
lc = lc1.next;
lc= l2;
/** inv: l3 contains an empty node followed by the
nodes in list l1 followed by the nodes in l2
up to but not including node lc.
The last node in l3 is lc3 */
while (lc1!= null) {
lc3.next= new LinkedList();
lc3 = lc3.next;
lc3.data = lc.data;
lc = lc1.next;
return l3.next;
Questions on binary trees:
Binary tree 1.
// = “the tree rooted at a is a mirror image
of the tree rooted at b”
public static boolean isMirror(TreeNode a, TreeNode
b) {
if (a==null && b==null) return true;
if (a==null || b==null) return false;
if (!a.datum.equals(b.datum)) return false;
return isMirror(a.left,b.right) &&
Binary tree 2
/** = a new binary tree that has the same shape as t
but with each datum replaced with the result of
calling fn.translate() */
TreeNode treeTrans(Translator fn, TreeNode t) {
if (t==null) return;
6, 3, 1, 5, 7, 9
1, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
/ \
3 7
/ \
3 9
/ \
1 5
No. One of the values in the left subtree of the root (8)
is not less than the value at the root (7).
Binary tree 4
// Print out all the data in the tree in preorder
public void printNTree(NTreeNode t) {
if (t==null) return;
NTreeNode child= t.firstChild;
while (child!=null) {
child= child.nextSibling;
// = the number of levels in the tree
// (a tree with 0 nodes has 0 levels)
public int ntreeHeight(NTreeNode t) {
if (t==null) return 0;
int maxHt= 0;
int curHt;
NTreeNode child= t.firstChild;
while (child!=null) {
curHt = ntreeHeight(child);
if (curHt > maxHt) maxHt= curHt;
child= child.nextSibling;
return bstMax(t.right);
// add the current level to tallest subtree
O(log n). The algorithm traverses one path from
the root to the rightmost node in the BST. The length
of this path is the height of the tree, which is log n for
any balanced tree of n nodes.
return maxHt + 1;
Binary tree 5
// = “the heap contains the target value”
// Precondition: t is the root of a min- or max-heap
public bool isInHeap(TreeNode t, Object target) {
if (t==null) return false;
if (t.datum.equals(target)) return true;
return isInHeap(t.left,target) || isInHeap(t.right,target);
Binary tree 7
O(n). In the worst case, the target value is not in the
tree and we examine every node in the heap looking for
this value.
/** = a complete binary tree containing representing
tree rooted at i (or null if i is outside the bounds of b)
TreeNode toTreeHelper(Object[] b, int i) {
if (i>=b.length) return null;
O(log n). To search in a BST, walk down just one path
from the root of the tree to a leaf. That is, at each node,
we look down only the branch that could contain the
target value and ignore the other branch. In the worst
case, target is not present, and the path from root to leaf
is walked. In a balanced tree of n nodes, the height of
the tree (the length of this path) is log n.
Binary tree 6
/** = the maximum element in binary tree rooted t
(or null if t is empty). Precondition: every
datum implements interface Comparable */
public Comparable treeMax(TreeNode t) {
if (t==null) return null;
Comparable current= (Comparable)t.datum;
Comparable m= treeMax(r.left);
if (m != null && m.compareTo(current) > 0)
current= ;
m= treeMax(r.right);
if (m != null && m.compareTo(current) > 0)
current= m;
At i/2 (using Java integer division, which always
rounds down)
/** = a complete binary tree containing the data
stored in b */
TreeNode toTree(Object[] b) {
return toTreeHelper(b, 1);
TreeNode current= new TreeNode();
current.datum= b[i];
current.left= toTreeHelper(b, 2*i);
current.right= toTreeHelper(b, 2*i + 1);
return current;
PQ and heap 1
In a heap, we number the nodes left-right breadthfirst. If we start with 0, the root is at 0, its left child is
at 1, right child is at 2 and so on. For a node at position
i, its parent is at: FLOOR((i-1)/2), left child is at: 2i+1,
and right child is at: 2i+2. The only exception is the
root node, which does not have a parent.
Some authors start numbering at 1. This means
that if the heap is stored in an array, array element 0 is
unused, and the formulas are slightly different.
PQ and heap 2
/ \
return current;
O(n). In an arbitrary tree, any value could be anywhere, so we much examine every node in the tree to
find the maximum.
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
34 20 19 45
/** = maximum element in BST t (or null if t is
Precondition: every datum implements interface
Comparable */
Public Comparable bstMax(TreeNode t) {
if (t==null) return null;
if (t.right==null) return (Comparable)t.datum;
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
20 19
12 3null
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
35 20 19 34
Graph 2
PQ and heap 3
Insert: O(n) - worst case, the new node goes at the
end of the list
Remove: O(1) - the maximum value is always at
the root.
PQ and heap 4
Insert: O(1) - always insert the new node at the
Remove: O(n) – in the worst case, the maximum
value is at the end of the list
PQ and heap 5
/** = “t is a max-heap”
public static boolean isHeap(TNode t) {
// no nude is good news
if (t==null) return true;
L[w]=  for all nodes
L[v]= 0;
F= {v};
while (F not empty) {
f= a node in F with min L value;
Make f red (delete from F);
for each node w adjacent to f:
if (L[w] = =  ) {
L[w]= L[f] + weight(f,w);
Put w in F;
} else if (L[f] + weight (f,w) <
L[w]= L[f] + weight(f,w);
Graph 3
// return false if right node exists but left node
if (t.left == null && t.right != null) return false;
// return false if either child is smaller than node t
if (t.left != null && t.value < t.left.value)
return false;
if (t.right != null && t.value < t.right.value)
return false;
// { children, if the exist, are smaller }
return isHeap(t.left) && isHeap(t.right);
The shortest paths from V1 to all nodes in this
graph are:
Graph 4
Here is one spanning tree of the graph:
Graph questions
Graph 1
Adjacency Matrix:
Adjacency List:
Graph 4
The filled BFS spanning tree algorithm is:
V = {A}; E = {}; //start off with one-node tree
s = queue of edges to neighbors of A;
/** invariant:(V,E) is a tree.
For all edges (v,w) in s: v is in V and (v,w) not in
Any node in graph that is not in V is reachable
from the
end node of some edge is s. **/
while (s is not empty do) {
(v, w) = pop(s); // Take top edge (v,w) off s;
if (w is not in V) {
Add w to V;
add (v,w) to E;
Push onto s all edges with start node w;
Graph 4
The BFS spanning tree algorithm uses a queue to store
edges. The DFS spanning tree algorithm uses a stack to
store edges,
Analysis of algorithms questions
Analysis 1
n!, n3, n2log(n3), n2, nlog(n), n, n½, log(n2), n0
Notes: n^0 = 1, log(n^2) = 2log n = O(log n),
n^2log(n^3) = 3n^2log(n) = O(n^2 log n)
Analysis 2
O(N). Despite the nested loop structure, each of
the N elements in array b is processed only once.
Analysis 3
e. What is a witness pair?
In proving that f(n) is O(g(n), one must find c>0 and
N0 > 0 such that f(n) <= c*g(n) for all n > N0. The
witness pair is (c,N0).
f. Prove that 3n+9 is O(n).
The witness pair (c, No) = (4,9) does the trick.
g. Prove that 2n^2 + 3n + 6 is O(n^2)
The witness pair (c, No) = (4,3) does the trick.
h. O(N)
Analysis 4
Normally, MergeSort divides the array into two
equal halfs and recurses on them. Hence, because of
this halving effect, the depth of recursion is log N.
However, at each depth, all N objects of the array are
visited, so the complexity is N log N. We can apply
similar informal logic in this case. We know that because of the three way split, the depth of recursion is
going to be log3N (instead of log2N. At each depth, all
N nodes will be visited. Hence, the complexity is O(N
log3N), which we know is O(N log N) [Provable by a
witness pair argument, definition of Big-Oh].
Analysis 5
O(log N) (where N is the number of nodes in the
tree) because traverses each node on only one path
down to the leaf nodes and the tree is complete, so its
depth is log(N)
Analysis 6
Analysis 6
The best case for insertion sort is when the array is
already sorted in ascending order. Then, at each iteration, the algorithm make only one comparison, determining that the current item is already in its place.
Hence, there would be a total of N comparisons (and
no array-element swaps), one for each of the N elements in the array.