Exposing the Cradle

Exposing the Cradle-to-Prison-Pipeline Industry, its
design and aims: Finding creative solutions to
dismantle it
Workshop at the CUNY Social Forum on Sunday,
October 19, 2008 at City College in New York City, New
By describing the present Social Control and Population
Control model in New York City, we want to explain a
social paradigm that can be applied to any other place
in the US
To prove that in New York City, the Child Exploitation Complex is a
sophisticated mechanism of Social Control and Population Control set up with
a dual purpose:
I: Identify, Isolate and Destroy the Natural Elite of those Racial/Ethnic groups
that do not belong to those groups that at present control New York City.
II: Create as much Social Harm as possible upon those groups not only by
Dumbing them Down, but by forcing upon them Social Cancers that erode their
Social Capital and dehumanize them to make sure that they are not able to
challenge their oppressors.
Note: The blueprint for this design is also used in other parts of the
country where there are no Black, Latinos, or poor new immigrants. Local
Warlords use it on whoever offers the least resistance: usually Whites who
are poor.
In New York City the Compulsory Public Schooling System is used for a dual
purpose: to dumb down the masses of the Black, Latino, and other immigrant
minorities to reduce them to compliant zombies; and also to screen out the
Natural Elite of that same population for their destruction by forcing them into
Special Education classes where they will be duly labeled, disempowered and
chemically lobotomized.
The Natural Elite, made out of the Natural Leaders is targeted while they are
young to pre-empt them from developing and reaching their full potential and
assume the natural role of defending their own, and rather re-directed them to
fill the ranks of the Criminal Justice System, the Homeless, and Mentally Ill
populations. A pre-emptive strike to destroy the potential challengers while
they are still young and thus most vulnerable. That Natural Elite, made out of
the natural rebels, the non-conformists, the troublemakers, the wildest colts, is
the one who will naturally challenge the status quo and who poses the greatest
threat to the ruling elite. The rest, the masses, the mediocre, can easily be
controlled with the help of job security/insecurity, fear of losing freedom by
imprisonment, the compulsory public schooling system, the mass media, the
entertainment industry, instant gratification, and other tools of mass hypnosis.
To demonstrate with facts, statistics and case stories how the Child Exploitation
Complex has been set up to function as a living organism, which at the present
time is still in the growing process. How the parameters (both legal and illegal)
have been set to produce the desired results, this together with the rewards,
punishments, re-enforcers, gatekeepers, pacesetters, etc.
To prove that the Child Exploitation Complex is a gross mass violation of
Human and Civil Rights of Children, Parents, and Families. In the specific case
of NYC, these Gross, Cruel, and Deliberated Human Rights and Civil Rights
Violations have been directed to poor people of color, mostly Black and Latino
Families and new poor immigrants, since they together constitute the majority
of the NYC population. The design is so efficient that it has a less than 1%
margin of error from its target, since this is the percentage of innocent White
Families whose rights are also unintentionally violated in this process. This
could be called "collateral damage", but it has an almost 100% efficiency in
destroying those who the system has been designed for.
To come with practical solutions to dismantle the Child Exploitation Complex
and instead of Social Cancer producers, promote Social Healing initiatives that
contribute to the Common Good.
Definition of the Child Exploitation Complex:
The Child Exploitation Complex two main components are:
* Special Education Classes in Public Schools
* Foster Care
A broad view of the Child Exploitation Complex with its Support Industries:
I- The “Business with Disease” Industry (sold to the public as the Health
System). Beginning of the processing and population control: Forced
Vaccinations, promotion of unnatural living conditions, unnatural birthing in
hospitals, "legal drugs" addiction, overuse of drugs, sonograms, antibiotics,
unnecessary surgery, etc. Second largest referral source for CPS kidnappings.
Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, HMOs. All of them profit from this scheme. The
driving force being the Drug Cartel. The main purpose of the MDs, being the
Priests of this New Religion of Death is to assure that people become
dependent of them, thus assuring easier control. This is part of the
Medical/Pharmaceutical Cartel, better described as the Sickness Industry.
II- Schooling Industry (sold to the public as the Education System).
Compulsory Dumbing down scheme using Public Schools. Main conditioning
mechanism to start preparing the masses to serve their masters. Screening out
of potential challengers of the status quo to be directed to Special Education for
their destruction. Main referral source of CPS kidnappings. Made out of
Teachers, Teacher's Aides, Principals, Superintendents, Custodians, etc, with
the help of the so-called School Guidance Counselors.
III- Child Kidnapping Industry: The Enforcers. Made out by the so-called
Children Protective Services agencies (ACS in NYC), with the backing of the
police, District Attorney and other Law Enforcement agencies. Their mission is
to kidnap Children under any possible excuse and arrest and criminalize their
parents if possible. They are the greatest Child Abusers in NYC.
IV- “Legal” Industry: The Legalizers: Family Court Judges, so-called Law
Guardians, Court Appointed Attorneys, Court Officers, Prosecutors. To give an
aura of legality to the crimes of this racketeering enterprise. Family Court in
NYC is an Institutionalized System of Injustice. They openly violate the I, IV,
V, VI, VIII, IX, XIII, and XIV Amendments of the Constitution and disregard
Federal Court Decisions that they find inconvenient to operate their scheme. A
criminal enterprise operating under “color of law”. They have created a new
religious cult with its own rituals, nobility titles and its own language, where
everyone is forced to depend on them. A Religion of Lies and Deception where
the attorneys are the priests and the Judges are the High Priests. All of them
(with very few exceptions) team as gatekeepers whose function is to make sure
that people are robbed of their freedom, their children and their resources.
V- Foster Care Industry: Hostage Keepers of Innocent Black and Latino
Children. Main profiteers of this racketeering scheme. Catholic Charities gets
the lion's share in NYC, but other denominations share the spoils. They force
kidnapped Children and their Parents into endless "services" which they of
course provide and profit from.
VI- Adoption Industry: Slave Auctioneers. Forced and Illegal Adoptions of
mostly Black and Latino Children against their Parents wishes. More than
20,000 Foster Care children in the last 5 years in NYC. A new form of Slavery.
Most of those Children have Parents who desperately want them back. This is a
clear case of CHILD SLAVE TRADE. Foster Care represents the continuation
in a more sophisticate form of the system of Institutionalized Slavery.
All of Industries working, inter-depending and interacting with each other,
form a living organism with good levels of communication and even tacit
understanding. This set of Industries, namely the Child Exploitation Complex,
which acts and reacts as a living organism in very predictable ways, can
metaphorically be described as a “Beast”. This “Beast” has its appetites, its
preferred tastes, its foods that avoids, and its ever-growing need to expand. If
attacked, immediately reacts in a certain specific way. It hates publicity since it
prefers to operate under the level of awareness of the vast majority of the
Inside the so-called Health Industry there is a particularly very poisonous
group: the Mental Health Industry. If MDs are the Priest of this New Religion
of Death, then Psychiatrists are the High Priests. They together with the help of
Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers (CSW), Social Workers, School
Guidance Counselors, form the army that spreads Mental Dependency and
Mental Disease with the purpose to control people. They are backed up by
impressive titles and degrees, posing as "experts" to impress people and
demand their total submission, since they are the only ones who are supposed
to know. If not so, just hear every commercial that reinforces this message:
"Doctor Recommended", or "Consult with your Doctor". Only the near God
"authority" of a Doctor, could persuade a husband who is protective of his wife
or daughter to encourage them to disrobe to a total stranger. Here I will quote
Steve Biko (Freedom Fighter from South Africa): "The most powerful weapon
in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed".
Confessions of a Medical Heretic, by Dr. Mendelsohn is a good way to learn more about
Doctors and their religion of death.
Jon Rappoport in his Bolen Report writes that “The pharmaceutical machine and its
cohorts operate along two basic hidden vectors: selling drugs that cause harm, injury and
death, and suppressing promising non-toxic cures.”
See http://bolenreport.net/feature_articles/feature_article036.htm
And to learn what Dr. Matthias Rath has to say about the Business with Disease, and
the Drug Cartel see http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/
Death by Medicine by Gary Null and others is an interesting source of statistics on abuse,
injury and death caused by the Medical Industry. Seehttp://www.whale.to/a/null9.html
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s persecution for having discovered a simple cancer cure is a
clear example on how those forces that oppose human progress, constantly work to keep
humanity as sick as possible, while making money by keeping them sick.
See http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/hamer-new-medicine-persecution.html
"We can manufacture enough diagnostic labels of normal variability of mood and thought
that we can continually supply medication to you. But when it comes to manufacturing
disease, nobody does it like psychiatry." says Dr. Stefan Kruszewski. You can read more
what he says about system abuse herehttp://www.ahrp.org/infomail/04/07/07.php
The presence of this Mental Health Industry army is felt everywhere in society.
They are spread heading Mental Disease and dependency and making sure that
no sector of the population escapes their control. Compliance with the design
must be imposed at any cost. See http://www.cchr.org/
An example of the high level of cooperation among its different Industries, is
the presence of Nurses, Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, and School
Guidance Counselors (all members of the Health Industry), working for the
Schooling Industry (Public School System) to promote, reinforce, and assure
compliance with the scheme. Another example would be the ever-growing
presence of Police Officers (members of the Child Kidnapping Industry) inside
the School premises, not only to enforce compliance with the scheme, but also
to directly channel them to the Juvenile Justice System if necessary. This is the
first step before they are channeled to the Prison System.
To insure compliance with the design and increase the level of cooperation
among its parties, everyone who directly or indirectly works for this scheme is
a Mandated Reporter. By law, under penalty of committing a crime, everyone
must report any suspicion of Child abuse or neglect. Thus the system has
created an effective army of snitches (anonymous informers) to destroy the
Family. Everyone knows that informers in their ever-growing desire to please
their benefactors will stretch the truth and if necessary invent situations in order
to “tip” about someone. This is exactly what happens here. Everyone is
encouraged to report everyone else, but those who work for the scheme are
Mandated to do so.
The system has been setup in such a way as to encourage false reporting. Any
poor Black or Latino Family with Children in NYC, is at the mercy of anyone
who wants to hurt them. All it takes is an anonymous free phone call. The
person does not have to provide name or whereabouts. Upon this information
an army of blood-thirsty predators descend on the Family, ready to tear it apart.
They will demand access to the home and the Children; check your refrigerator,
your eating habits, your income, etc. They demand that you stand literally
naked in front of them, so they can examine your whole life until they can find
"something". And sooner or later they will find "something", otherwise they
will fabricate it. After all they must find an excuse to kidnap the Children.
When the report is made by a Mandated Reporter, they do not even have to
worry about anonymity, since the State provides them with immunity.
What the system wants to sell us as the Public Education System is really a
mechanism of Social Control, better defined as the Schooling System, since
that is what really does. It schools young people on how properly serve their
masters. Thirteen years of compulsory conditioning and programming to make
servile and complaint mental slaves. The Public Education System main
function is to prepare the masses to properly serve the Ruling Elite.
One of the clearest explanations of the Real purpose of Public Schooling is
given by New York City and New York State Teacher of the year: John Taylor
Gatto. (See http://www.johntaylorgatto.com/bookstore/dumbingdown.htm). He
explains that all the complaints about NYC Public School system alleged
failures are nonsense: the system is working exactly as it was designed to
function; and that is to dumb down the masses. More funding, better teachers,
smaller classes, etc, will only make the scheme more efficient. In his
book Dumbing Us Down, when explaining about Intellectual Dependency he
"Good people wait for an expert to tell them what to do. It is hardly an
exaggeration to say that our entire economy depends upon this lesson being
learned. Think of what may fall apart if children weren't trained to be
dependent: the social services could hardly survive - they would vanish, I
think, into the recent historical limbo out of which they arose. Counselors
and therapists would look on in horror as the supply of psychic invalids
"Much of modern law, medicine, and engineering would go too, as well as
the clothing business and school teaching, unless a guaranteed supply of
helpless people continued to pour out of our schools each year".
The Underground History of American Education by the same author goes
even deeper:
Inside the Public Education system, Special Education has the specific purpose
to screen out to "neutralize" those among the masses who happen to be the
Brightest and Bravest. To make sure that few escape proper "processing"
Public Education is compulsory and Parents who refuse to place their Children
in Special Education have their Children taken away from them and placed in
Foster Care by the so-called Children Protective Services at the prodding of the
There is a symbiotic relationship between Special Education classes in Public
Schools and the so-called Children Protective Services, using the stick and
carrot to coerce/force Children into Special Ed: The threat or actual use of CPS
to kidnap the Children and do whatever they want with them; and on the other
hand offer poor Parents the "incentive" of receiving a SSI monthly check of
$571.00, from the Federal government for allowing their Child to be considered
Disabled. If the Parents refuse, the CPS kidnaps the Child and the so-called
Foster Parents receive not only the $571.00 but also a monthly check of
$450.00 by the local CPS. That is more than $1,100.00/month. Some people
make a nice living as Foster Parents by getting 3 or 4 Children.
Special Education was set up under the ridiculous pretense of "helping"
Children with disabilities. In New York City it takes 36% ($4.5 Billion) of the
total Department of Education Budget. The few Children who really need
Special Ed, either never get it or if they do the services are of very poor quality,
but a very large percentage of Bright Black, Latino, and other minority
Children who do not need it, are coerced/forced into Special Ed classes to
assure their certain destruction. A new artificially created disease has been
invented, namely ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) to give the
so-called School Guidance Counselors an excuse to destroy Bright Children's
brains with psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin, Concerta, etc.
At present 14.9% of the close to 1.1 million Public School Children in NYC
received some type of Special Ed classes and it is an ever growing percentage.
The designers have set in place a clever positive feedback mechanism, a selffeeding recycling loop to push and reinforce this growth: those few who being
disabled and really need Special Ed have an extremely hard time in getting
services at all. If the Parents of those Children happen to be educated, they will
do everything in their power to complain about the lack of services and thus
become the best advocates and lobbyists for more funding for Special Ed. Of
course those extra funds will not be applied on those who need them, but rather
on those for whom the system has been designed for: namely the Brightest and
Bravest of the Black and Latino Children.
Foster Care similarly was set up under the ridiculous pretense of "protecting"
Children from abuse by their Parents. In New York City of the 17,000 Children
presently in Foster Care, 96.1% of them are Black and Latino and poor
immigrants, and less than 1% White. It is a $2.5 Billion a year industry in New
York City alone.
These statistics match almost exactly the fact that 98% of the young people
who enter the Juvenile Criminal System in New York City are Black and
Latino. It is a well oiled Assembly Line: School-as-Prison Model and training
ground, Special Ed in Public Schools (to screen-out the rebel ones), Foster
Care, Juvenile Justice System, Prison, Homelessness, Mental Illness. They
reinforce each other and they recycle from each other.
Foster Care is a profit-driven Industry. Children are taken away under any
imaginable excuse from the people who offer the less resistance: poor Black
and Latino Parents in NYC.
To believe that those same groups of power who after Second World War
brought to the United States those Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan scientists
making surgical and biological experiments on humans, would care about
disabled Children (who they considered useless eaters) or Children of poor
Black and Latino Parents (who they considered inferior races and thus
expendable), demands a faith beyond any logical mental process. And those are
the two premises under which this cruel scheme has been set up: Special
Education, to "Help" disabled Children; and Foster Care to "Protect" poor
Black and Latino Children (at least in NYC).
Those are the same forces who conducted the Tuskegee experiment from the
early 30's up to 1972, the medical experiments at the Philadelphia's
Holmesburg Prison from the mid-1940s to 1974, the experiments at the
Willowbrook State Institution on Staten Island, New York, where children were
deliberately infected with Hepatitis B for research purposes, multiple human
radiation experiments sponsored, supported, or performed by the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) or its predecessors, and many, many more
including the ones being performed now on innocent Black and Latino babies,
kidnapped from their Parents by the local CPS under the excuse that either the
Baby or the Mother tested HIV positive (most of those test are unreliable and
are false positives), and kept at the Incarnation Children's Center in
Washington Heights, Manhattan, NYC. Here Catholic Charities teams
with Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, force-feeding them toxic drugs that they
hope to market in Africa. The Pharmaceutical Corporations contracting with
the Incarnation Children's Center have an ideal situation, since by doing drug
trials on humans, rather than on animals, the time period for FDA approval is
much shorter. After all, those Babies are "expendable": their Parents, their
Natural Protectors have been removed from the scene, and now an army of
predators is ready to use them as they see fit: Children as Chattel.
As a result of the NYC Council Hearings about the abuse with Foster Care
children at the Incarnation Children Center, ACS ordered an investigation by
the Vera Institute of Justice. As the result of this investigation, many boxes of
documents that were being warehoused by ACS in relation to this issue,
conveniently were burned in a fire, This investigation was supposed to be over
long time ago, but still no report has been issued. The last excuse we heard was
that the report is ready but was given to ACS for their review. Why don’t they
give also the report to us, real Child Welfare Advocates for our review?
Obviously ACS must be doctoring the report to make them look good.
The "Business with Children Industry" treats those Children as Chattel. They
are just a commodity that feeds a vast profiteering enterprise. CPS workers,
Foster Care agencies, Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, School
Guidance Counselors, Attorneys, Judges, etc, all agents and enforcers of Social
Conformity, make a living out of the suffering of these innocents.
This Business in reality is an assembly line that also feeds other industries: the
prison, homeless, and mentally ill populations could not grow without a
constant feed from Foster Care Children. Think about it. If we could heal
society and have no Foster Children, thousands of people would be out of jobs.
Family Court in New York City is an Institutionalized System of Injustice, its
only role to "legalize" the Child Exploitation Industry and its crimes against
innocent Black and Latino Children. The chances of Parents winning in Family
Court against the local Child Protective Service agency (ACS) is 16 cases out
of every 1000, and this includes appeals. According to the NYC Office of the
Public Advocate, a generous estimate of the cases won by Parents against ACS
in a 1028 Hearing (the most important first step in Family Court) is of 2 cases
out of every 1000. That should give us an idea of the purpose of Family Court.
Government intervention in the Family has a very negative impact in it and has
greatly contributed to the spread of Social Cancers. The family constitutes a
delicate eco-system and bringing the government into its affairs can only bring
chaos to it. Unwanted government intervention into family affairs totally
disrupts the delicate eco-system that the family represents. It maximizes and
multiplies its natural contradictions and its continuous interference eventually
destroys the family. Government intervention into the family is aimed at pitting
one member against the other: children against their parents and wife against
husband and vice-versa. Government intervention into the family is a Social
Cancer producer with the only aim to subdue and eventually destroy the family
since it represents the natural cell of human society and the last focus of
resistance to Total Government Control.
See http://www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/children.html
As an example of how the Child Exploitation Complex has been set up as a
racketeering enterprise, we could point to the fact of the non-existence of the
Statistics of the outcomes of the 1028 Hearings in Family Court. Both ACS and
the New York State Office of Court Administration (OCA) maintain records
and statistics about the most minute and meaningless facts, except for the most
important one: the 1028 Hearings. In August 2000, Parents in Action visited the
NYS Office of Court Administration in lower Manhattan, and after many
inquires had the opportunity to see the original formats for the data that they
require from Family Court. They require outcomes on the 1021 through 1027
Hearings, skip 1028, and require 1029 Hearings. Very telling, the OCA
requires data about almost non-existent events, but does not require data about
the most significant event and most frequent one. This is clear proof that
whoever designed this scheme, did it with Criminal Intent. In this case to
conceal the smoking gun: a generous estimate is that Parents with about 2 cases
out of every 1000 against ACS. This is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that
Family Court in NYC is an Institutionalized System of Injustice.
To be found Abusive or Neglectful in NYC Family Court has nothing to do
with reality. Family Court is a place sub-real, where an Alice in Wonderland
logic operates. The role of those Family Court Judges is to automatically find
Parents guilty of something. Remember that there is no Jury or Due Process.
Family Court Judges are the only Law and they team with ACS and the socalled Law Guardians to make sure that Parents get railroaded and "duly" found
guilty, everything else is just a circus: the outcomes are already known. The
only cases which ACS loses, are of those Parents who happen to be very
educated or well to do, and whose Children were kidnapped by mistake,
probably by a new ACS caseworker who was not that familiar with the rules of
the game. Of all the players in this scheme, the Family Court Judges are the
most cowards, since they are the ones who hold the most power and allegedly
are the most educated. All that those Parents found Abusive or Neglectful in
Family Court in NYC are guilty of, is that beside being Black and Latino, they
are not well to do, that they happen to have Children, and that someone decided
to target them.
Poor Black and Latino Parents in NYC are at the mercy of many potential
enemies who can make a free anonymous phone call to destroy their lives;
among them: neighbors, relatives, disgruntled spouses, ex-spouses or
significant others, teachers, School Guidance Counselors, nurses, doctors, other
Hospital personnel, landlords, superintendents of buildings, etc. Those Parents
are at the mercy of anyone who wants to harm them and their Children, and at
present they have very little recourse since those Family Court Judges are
happily waiting to find them "guilty" and streamline their Children into the
prison, homeless, and mentally ill population. This is a powerful weapon to
keep poor Black and Latinos in NYC living in constant fear and thus subdued.
The only thing that comes to my mind as a parallel situation, is the constant
fear that those living in the West Coast of Africa must have felt when they were
aware that at any moment an army of predators could descend on them, and
kidnap them and their Children, take them away into Slavery and get away with
it, since their only reason was that they Had the Force to Do So. Those
inhuman criminals had the reason of the force in their side, not the force of
There is an incestuous relationship between the Family Court Judges and ACS.
While the vast majority of Court Appointed Attorneys (18B) are very scared of
the Family Court Judges, not so the Law Guardians or the ACS attorneys. In
the rare cases when a Judge does accept a request by the parent’s attorney, the
ACS attorney openly protests that and verbally snaps at the Judge. Usually if a
Judge orders to do something to the ACS attorney or the foster care agency,
they will just ignore it and when at the next court date, at the insistence of the
parents, the attorney of the parents complains to the Judge about that fact, the
Judge just ignores the petition as he/she was deaf and talks about something
else. It is a bizarre spectacle that I have witnessed many times. No wonder that
Family Court Judges and Court Officers discourage the participation of the
public in Family Court.
Here a peeking order description of this circus is needed: at the top of the
power ladder are the Judges and the ACS attorneys, both of them work for the
Mayor; under them are the so-called Law Guardians who are appointed by the
Judges and are openly allied with ACS and are even more anti-parent than the
ACS attorneys, and whom the Judge can always use as an excuse to further
harm the parents in the rare cases when ACS may want to return the children;
then the 18B attorneys who are also appointed by the Judges and who are
supposed to defend the parents, but in reality are so afraid of the Judges that
they represent an Adversarial Defense against the parents; then come the ACS
caseworkers and Foster Care agency caseworkers who are the ones who know
more about the case but are usually ignored by the ACS attorneys and are only
allowed to speak if they have something to say that is damaging to the parents,
never if they have something good about them; then come the parents who are
not allowed by their Court Appointed attorneys to present a proper defense, to
call witnesses, to fully explain their side of the facts, to place enough evidence
in their favor on the court record so they can successfully appeal unjust
decisions against them, etc, and who are rather coerced by their own attorneys
to plead guilty.
The psychological trauma of kidnapping a Child from the people he loves and
trust the most is extremely damaging and leaves a psychological scar that last
forever. This same damaging effect is felt by the Parents and has a rippled
effect in the whole family. Under the ridiculous pretense of protecting a Child,
they come and not only destroy that Child, but also the whole Family, including
any other Children who may live in the household. The pain and shock of the
kidnapping of a Child from his Family, is similar to experiencing the death of a
very close and loved one, with the main difference being that the psychological
death promoted by the CPS scheme, does not last just few days, but rather years
and even a lifetime as in the cases of Forced and Illegal Adoptions. It also
spreads both ways: the Family mourns the lost of their Child, and the Child
becomes a "living dead". I want to quote Dr. James McIntosh, an African
American psychiatrist who at a Forum on Child Welfare in June 2000 in NYC
said: "In my 19 years of working with thousand of Children in Foster Care, I
have yet to see a Child who would be better off in Foster Care than with his
Parents... even when there was abuse". He must know what he was talking
about since he used to work for many years
for Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, NYC. Of course once the
whole Family has been traumatized, the army of predators demands that the
Parents and the Child must take all type of psychological and psychiatric
evaluations, therapies and drugs, which they will provide, thus increasing their
profits and control. See: The Pernicious Effect of Emergency
Removal at http://www.parentsinaction.net/english/Advocacy/Pernicious_Effe
Of course a baby who is taken away from his mother at birth and placed in
Foster Care, will never receive the love and attention to develop strong bonds
with his caretakers. Low life bureaucrats can never supplant Nature.
I would like to add the thoughts on this subject of Hazel McBride, a
contemporary suicide researcher and psychotherapist ... "No government and
no court should be allowed to take a child from a parent unless there is a very,
very, very good reason," says Dr. McBride. "Because to have a child ripped
from you, it's the same as a child dying. It's absolutely uncivilized, barbaric and
devastating for any parent. It's not uncommon for these people to suffer
depressive breakdowns."
In NYC Family Court, Parents Rights are routinely terminated and their
Children are put up for Adoption which is a new form of Slavery. Contact
between Children and their Natural Protectors: their Parents, is severed and if
necessary an Order of Protection is issued against the Parents to assure keeping
them away. If the parents dare to contact their children, they are arrested and
further criminalized.
Then the Foster Care agencies put these Children up for Sale and the market
forces of supply and demand play when these innocents go to the Auction
Block. Adoption Agencies make a killing, especially with the very few
Children who are very young and White. On top of that the State offers
financial incentives to those Adopters ($7,500 per child). In spite of those
financial incentives (which are much bigger if the Child is considered
"disable"), many of those Children are returned to the system after 2 or 3 years
since the Adopters can not handle them, and the stress is greater than the
financial incentive. ACS has been paying a three-card-monte scam with the
number of Children in Foster Care by pushing for these forced Adoptions in
order to lower the number of Children in Foster Care and improve their Public
Image: a Public Relations game, regardless of the damage to those Children
and their Parents. Most of those Children have Parents who desperately want
them back, but ACS does not want to recognize that they are the greatest Child
Abusers in NYC.
In the last 5 years, more than 20,000 Foster Care children have been forcibly
“Adopted” in New York City, thus artificially reducing the number of children
in Foster Care and allowing ACS to boast of how good they are doing. Almost
every one of those children had parents who love them and desperately wanted
them back but were found abusive or neglectful by a crooked Family Court
Judge and thus allowing him to “legally” terminate their parental rights. Family
Court has a Fast Track program in effect to speed up the Adoption Pipeline,
without regards to parents’ or children’s rights or well being.
Parents who are sincere about adopting Orphans should demand to interview
the parents of the child. They are never allowed to do this and instead are given
lies about unwanted and abused children. Real Orphans whose parents are both
death should be Adopted, but the first choice should be the Family, the second
choice should be friends and neighbors with whom the child feels comfortable
and last should be strangers. Of course the present predatory system uses
Children who have living and loving parents for their scheme and prefers that
the child be “Adopted” by total strangers, thus maximizing the psychological
damage. The only way that Foster Care children could be Adopted is if both
parents voluntarily agree to it.
Being New York State the most racist State in the Union, the forces of supply
and demand are easy to predict. White healthy children have the highest
demand. Remember that their supply of White children is less than 1% of the
total Foster Care population. The younger the child, the better. Adolescents are
not as desirable as young children. Children with physical defects or problems
are not as desirable in spite of the financial incentives offered by the
Government. Now, all children who have been kidnapped by the so-called CPS
are psychologically damaged by the fact of ripping them away from their
psychological niche.
Here it seems that there is a Bell Curve is relation to the psychological trauma:
children who are kidnapped at birth or just few days of age, seem not to suffer
so much as children who already have developed bonds with the parents. Also
adolescents who are close to becoming adults and may be looking for
independence may not suffer as much as younger children. Usually older
adolescents have already developed an identity that is enough to protect them
from the kidnapping. Also they can always run away from their hostage
keepers if the situation becomes unbearable. Of course this is not always the
case since troubled kids are usually placed in Group Homes
or DetentionCenters where is not so easy to escape.
On the demand side, beside a couple of misguided women who have been
infected by the Adoption Industry propaganda meme and sincerely believe that
those children are real orphans and they are rescuing these poor children from a
certain misfortune; who are those who are looking to Adopt Foster Care
children? Women who are barren or who for aesthetic reasons do not have
children and thus feeling incomplete decide to rip away a child from another
woman; women looking for a pet to stop being bored; pedophiles looking for a
young slave for their perversions; child porno and prostitution rings; guinea pig
kid providers who need subjects for their experiments; body part providers for
rich people in need of parts; gays and lesbians who usually do not have children
and want a “family” at the expense of someone’s else; people (usually poor
people) who are looking for the financial incentives given by the government
by Adopting a child; etc.
By the way, the scheme is so thorough that if the parents take back his/her child
without the blessing of the crooked Family Court Judge, the parent is charged
with kidnapping his own child (which is an oxymoron) and the FBI and
Interpol if necessary are set to bring back the parent to be put in prison and the
child back into Foster Care which is another type of imprisonment. It is very
telling that when the so-called CPS kidnaps the child, nothing happens, but
when the parent frees the child from his captors, this is considered a Federal
Crime and the FBI automatically gets involved. Alice in Wonderland logic.
All these Racketeering Industries working together represent a vast and
sophisticated system of Human Trafficking, with the profit motive being the
fuel that feeds the ever growing appetite of this "“Beast”", but Social Control
being its highest motive. Between Foster Care and the Prison System a large
portion of the population of Black and Latinos in NYC are kept under one
excuse or another under a Modern System of Slavery, continuation of the Old
Open System of Slavery, but in a clever disguised way.
In regard to the very damaging effect of adoption, Lori Carangelo has done
excellent work in exposing these facts. She has an excellent
book “Chosen Children: Billion Dollar Babies in America's Foster Care,
Adoption & Prison Systems”. She explains how the Adopted Child Syndrome
(ACS) hurts the psyche of the Adoptee, and how a disproportionate number of
them become serial killers. See: http://www.thechosenchildren.com/
In July 2008, the FBI went into ACS headquarters in Manhattan to arrest
Lethem Duncan, a Deputy Director and another ACS worker for running a
multi-million dollar adoption scam for many years. Also others at Foster Care
agencies were arrested for being part of the same scam. According to the news,
at least 60 people were part of the scam. The Controlled Media made sure that
the news disappeared fast. ACS wastes $32 million per month in adoption
subsidies, as incentives to destroy Black and Latino families faster.
See http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2008/07/31/2008-0731_acs_big_pleads_guilty_to_ripping_off_kid.html
The FBI investigation started with Judith Leekin, the woman who was arrested
in Florida with 11 former foster care children from New York City that she had
"Adopted" and kept them in cages, and did it with the complicity of many
people inside our local CPS (ACS now) and Foster Care agencies. Where were
the so-called Law Guardians and the Family Court Judges?
Once she was arrested, the thread of fraud and deception brought the Feds to
NYC and eventually several of them were arrested.
My point is that I bet that most of those 11 disabled Children that this woman
had adopted were disabled as the result of the attack on them by ACS, the
Foster Parents and others living there, the Psychiatrists, the Social Workers,
etc. Once they were really disabled, she could "Adopt" them and get millions
for them.
The system is so perverse that aims to make a disabled child out of every child
that they kidnap away from their parents and force them into Foster Care. By
converting a normal healthy child into a disabled child, the city gets 3.5 times
more money from the Federal Government. All they need is to keep the child
long enough in Foster Care and they are able to accomplish this monstrosity,
regardless of the human damage and suffering to innocent children and parents.
This adoption social cancer is spreading to most industrialized countries. Here is an
article from London, UK: How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for
Based on the work of Martin Daly and Margot Wilson, Professors of
Psychology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, we know that a child
is one hundred times more likely to be abused or killed by a step-parent than by
a genetic parent. This startling finding unearthed by these two Canadian
scientists who predicted, on Darwinian grounds, that the official orthodoxy,
which ignores family ties, obscures the increased dangers to children of living
in step families. This threat, although a recurring theme of folk-tales
worldwide, has been purposely neglected by policy makers and opinion
formers. This represents a 10,000% increase in the chances of a Child dying.
Further proof that the Social Engineers know what they are doing.
The Nordic Committee for Human Rights, For the Protection of Family Rights
in the Nordic (Scandinavian) countries comments on the book "The Truth
about Cinderella, a Darwinian View of Parental Love":
"This book also investigates the situation of adopted children, but
unfortunately Professors Daly and Martin have not looked into the situation
of foster children. The logical conclusion must however be this:
If, as Daly and Martin state, a child is one hundred times more likely to be
abused or killed by a step-parent than by a genetic parent, then the risk for a
foster child must be even greater. Yet the legislators in our different
countries - specifically the nordic welfare states - take pride in separating
children from their parents and loved ones and re-settling them among
paid-careers, who are complete strangers."
This is a phenomena common to most Industrialized Countries, where
the Nanny State makes every possible effort to dissolve the natural Family and
replace the authority of the Parents with the authority of the State.
See http://www.biorationalinstitute.com/shownews.php?nid=255
The current practice by ACS of "removing" ("feel good" euphemism for
Kidnapping) Children from their Parent's custody without a Court Order, has
the additional effect of terrorizing the Black and Latino population who are
poor. It is part of the psychological warfare being constantly waved against
them to intimidate them and "keep them in their place". Poor Black and Latino
Families in NYC know that at any moment, without any warning, their
Children could be kidnapped by the so-called CPS under any possible excuse.
And that if this happens, they have no recourse, because all Family Court does
is to reinforce ACS actions and "legalize" this gross Human Rights abuse.
Federal Courts refuse to intervene in Family Court cases and they routinely
refer the cases back to Family Court. Federal authorities pretend this reality
does not exist, and when pressed, claim that they have no jurisdiction. Poor
Families know this, and live in constant fear.
CPS agencies and Foster Care agencies are guilty of Parental Alienation
Syndrome (PAS) since that is what they do. From their very first contact with
the Children, they try to alienate them from their Natural Protectors: their
Parents; and once they kidnap them, they have total control of the Children and
by any means necessary with the help of the so-called Foster Parents (paid
sitters), the so-called Law Guardians, and the blessings of the Family Court
Judges they go on to break the natural bonds between Children and their
Parents. The Children, being in the hands of the hostage takers, are very
vulnerable and confused. They are constantly told that their Parents are bad
Parents, that they do not love them, that they do not want to see them. In most
cases these criminals succeed in creating doubts in the Children and the
Children come to resent their own Parents, believing that they do not love them
enough and blaming them for having failed to protect them from these
predators. They feel abandoned and betrayed and usually fall into despair. This
is exactly what the “Beast” wants; to ready them for the Social Cancers waiting
for them: prison, homelessness, and mental illness.
The so-called Law Guardians (Juvenile Division of the Legal Aid Society) are
the most biased, racist, anti-child and anti-family component of this scheme.
They complain that ACS is “too soft” with the parents. They represent a nest of
vipers and anyone who is sincere about protecting children knows that they
must be abolished for the sake of our children.
The so-called Law Guardians count with the common effect of the Stockholm
Syndrome as an extra weapon to severe the bonds between the child and the
parents. When originally the child is kidnapped from the parents and the child
desperately cries out to be back with the parents, the so-called Law Guardian
totally ignores the child request, but when months or years later the Stockholm
Syndrome takes effect and the child in order to survive may say that he/she
likes the foster parent and that prefers to stay there, they use this predictable
fact as the argument to stop visitations between the child and the parents and
immediately run to Court to ask for termination of parental rights. Of course
ACS, the Foster Care agency and the Family Court Judge are very happy to
terminate the parental rights. Eventually the Judge officially cuts any ties
between the child and the parents and the child is put up for Adoption to be
sold as a Slave to anyone who wishes to acquire him or her.
Let see the definition of the Stockholm Syndrome:
The Stockholm Syndrome (SS) is a psychological involuntary state in which victims
of kidnapping or abuse begin to feel sympathy, emotional bonding, and solidarity for
those who are abusing them or keeping them captive in oppressive situations.
The Stockholm Syndrome was named in 1973 by psychologist Nils Bejerot after the
hostage victims of a Stockholm, Sweden robbery and six-day kidnapping resisted
being rescued, defended their captors, and refused to testify against them. Two of the
women hostages eventually became engaged to the captors.
When victims are under tremendous emotional and physical duress, they may begin
to identify with their abusers or captors as a defensive mechanism. The victim
develops a strategy of staying alive by keeping the captor happy and eventually
sympathizes with the captor.
Small acts of kindness on the part of the abuser increases the emotional bond.
Stockholm Syndrome is a common survival mechanism of captured brides, battered
women, physically and/or emotionally abused children, incest victims, prostitutes,
cult members, concentration camp prisoners, prisoners of war, those in controlling
and/or intimidating relationships, hijacked victims, hostages..
It is believed that Patty Hearst and Elizabeth Smart experienced Stockholm
By Sheri and Bob Stritof.
See http://marriage.about.com/od/domesticviolence/g/stockholmsyn.htm
From another source:
The Stockholm incident compelled journalists and social scientists to research
whether the emotional bonding between captors and captives was a "freak" incident
or a common occurrence in oppressive situations. They discovered that it's such a
common phenomenon that it deserves a name. Thus the label, Stockholm Syndrome,
was born. It has happened to concentration camp prisoners, cult members, civilians
in Chinese Communist prisons, pimp-procured prostitutes, incest victims, physically
and/or emotionally abused children, battered women, prisoners of war, victims of
hijackings, and of course, hostages.
Virtually anyone can get Stockholm Syndrome it the following conditions are met:
Perceived threat to survival and the belief that one's captor is willing to act on that
The captive's perception of small kindnesses from the captor within a context of
Isolation from perspectives other than those of the captor
Perceived inability to escape.
Stockholm Syndrome is a survival mechanism. The men and women who get it are
not lunatics. They are fighting for their lives. They deserve compassion, not ridicule.
And another one:
The "misplaced" attachment of subjects to their abusers is not uncommon, and has
been documented in many different contexts. It happens in abused children and
women, cults, controlling relationships, prisoner of war camps, and other people or
institutions that enforce unreasonable control on those who have no recourse.
Stockholm Syndrome itself is most commonly perceived to occur with hostage
situations, with the logic behind developing this relationship with an abuser or captor
is in the interest of self-protection. (9) This development occurs when there are
perceived threats of violence, disempowerment of the subject, high levels of stress or
trauma upon subject, and ultimate dependence upon the person in control for base
In an act of self-delusion, the victim of Stockholm Syndrome develops conditions in
order to reassure themselves they will be protected or cared for. By creating a false
emotional attachment and seeking praise and approval of their captor, they attempt to
make a false reality for themselves, in which no harm can come to them. And by
defending and/or protecting their captors from police or anyone who "comes to the
rescue," they allow themselves to appear as if they have some control in a
relationship which they really have no power. The value of their lives, which the
captor grants, is seen as a sign of affection or love, and the captive wishes to
reciprocate in order to maintain their own position at that time. By accepting a level
of objectification that one should reject as a matter of basic human dignity, hostages
or captives weaken their ability to control their emotions. This allows themselves to
become malleable, thus becoming easily susceptible to the whims of their captors,
and creates this unbalanced relationship of attachment between the captor and the
And the case of Natascha Kampusch, a girl in Austria who was kidnapped by a
man when she was 12 and kept prisoner in a basement for 10 years and when
she ran away at 18 she refused to see her mother and suffered long for the
suicide of her kidnaper (Priklopil).
The paper reported that Kampusch cried a lot when she found out Priklopil
had killed himself, which could indicate she is suffering from "Stockholm
Syndrome," a condition in which captives develop a positive relationship
with their captors over time.
An additional weapon used in NYC to terrorize the Black and Latino
population who are poor, is the liberal use of the "no-knock warrants" under the
excuse of the presence of illegal drugs in the household. These warrants are
routinely given by unconscionable Judges to the police, based on "tips" from
informers. Usually the information is wrong, but it gives the police an excuse to
come at very early hours, break-down the door, throw tear gas and stun bombs,
scream and throw everyone to the floor face down (including old people and
Children), handcuff them, verbally abuse them, etc. This produces a traumatic
effect on everyone, but especially the Children. One more weapon to keep the
target population subdued. As a result of this psychological warfare, a large
percentage of the Black and Latino population grows up afraid of the police.
This so-called War on Drugs not only is a way to criminalize innocent people
and drug users, but also invent excuses to take away privacy and freedom from
the people. Prohibition on drugs doesn’t work, the same as Alcohol Prohibition
did not work. Drug abuse is a disease and should be treated as such, not
Parents whose Children have been kidnapped by the so-called CPS face a very
difficult challenge. Most of them fall into despair and depression and that
makes the job of the CPS easier, since the target needs to be destroyed
financially and psychologically.
Once the Children have been kidnapped by the so-called CPS, their Parents
have no choice but to submit to the ever increasing demands of the Hostage
Takers, if they ever hope to get their Children back. Parenting classes are
demanded, without offering any evidence that the Parents need them. Once that
is completed the target changes to Anger Management classes (I wonder if
Family Court Judges, CPS and Foster Care agency personnel, or Law
Guardians would get "angry" if their Children were kidnapped and keep
hostages under any possible excuse). After that the target changes to
psychological or psychiatric evaluations, and so on. By then, more than 18
months have passed, and now they use ASFA (Hillary Clinton gift to all CPS to
"legally" enslave poor Black and Latino Children in NYC and all poor Children
in the U.S.) to terminate the Parents' Rights, thus severing any contact with
their Children and placing them up for Adoption.
The amount of time that a Parent must dedicate to the never ending demand
from the Foster Care agency to take services that they provide (and of which
they make plenty of money) makes it impossible for the Parent to have a
regular job, thus making those Parents even weaker financially and more
dependent of ACS and the Foster Care agency. Complying with those demands
amounts to the time and resources of having a full time job and even more. By
the end of the day, even if after having done everything that they have been
asked to do, and that by a miraculous way their Parents Rights have not yet
been terminated and ACS claims that their plan is to return the Children, those
Parents being without a job and financially broke are not in any position to get
an apartment and even more so if they have many Children. Having an
apartment with enough rooms for all the Children is a pre-condition used by
ACS to return those Children. This gives them a good excuse that since the
Parents are not able to fulfill the requirements, they must terminate the Parental
Rights and put the Children up for Adoption.
In Family Court in NYC there is no Jury or Due Process. The only Law or
authority is the mind of the Family Court Judge. Most of them are former
Prosecutors, and thus see the world as full of criminals. Those 47 Family Court
Judges are appointed and re-appointed by the Mayor for periods of ten years,
and of course they work for the Mayor. Two Judges who refused to follow the
scheme where run out of town by Mayor Giuliani: Judge Philip C. Segal from
Brooklyn Family Court was denied re-appointment for refusing to destroy
families, and Judge Margarita Lopez Torres was harassed and threatened with
dismissal for the same reason. She eventually had to run for election against
the corrupt Democratic Party machine and was elected as a Surrogate Court
Judge. Mayor Bloomberg in 2006 refused to re-appoint Staten Island Family
Court Judge Ralph J. Porzio as punishment for being fair and thus spoiling the
Family Court standards are bizarre. Hearsay is accepted as valid evidence. With
those standards a flea could pass as an elephant or vice versa. Accused Parents
are not able to question or know their accusers. Accused Parents are not
allowed to see the original report against them, neither the evaluations
(psychological, psychiatric, etc) or the Uniform Case Record (UCR). Not being
able to see the evidence against them, they are unable to properly defend
themselves. The attorneys of the Parents are forbidden by the Judge to share
this information with the Parents. This is similar to the "secret evidence"
concept introduced with the Patriot Act where the defendant is not allowed to
see the evidence against him.
The similarity between Family Court practices and those of the Patriot Act do
not stop there. Family Court is an Administrative Court, similar to the Special
Courts set under the Patriot Act, which ignore constitutional protections. Also
Children kidnapped by ACS without a Court Order (which is totally illegal
according to the Tenenbaum v. Williams decision) with the tacit blessings of
the Family Court Judges (since no Judge would dare to return a Child illegally
kidnapped, except perhaps after a lengthy trial), get the same treatment as
Enemy Combatants under the Patriot Act. In the case of adults Enemy
Combatants, the government could argue that they are guilty of something, but
in the case of innocent Children, what could they be accused of? It is
stated U.S. policy not to negotiate with Hostage Takers, but in the case of CPS,
they ignore this policy. In one instance Family Court surpasses any possible
unjust system in its cruelty since it rewards the Hostage Takers to a lengthy and
full profit from their illegal acts. These practices have been going on from time
immemorial in NYC Family Court and the ACLU never complained about it.
While it was being practiced against poor Blacks and Latinos, they did not care;
now that includes other ethnic groups and classes, the ACLU cries day and
If Amnesty International, the United Nations, and most of the so-called
Progressive Organizations were not in the hands of politically correct groups,
they should be looking at the Children victims of the Child Exploitation
Complex, as Political Prisoners. As an example, when in 2000, Elian Gonzales
was kidnapped by his Miami relatives, and they refused to return him to his
father, who was living in Cuba. There were demonstrations here in NYC,
organized by the traditional left parties and groups, where thousands of people
opposed this abuse took to the streets. At that time, we had 37,000 Elian
Gonzalez here in NYC, and the traditional groups of the left could not care
about them. Parents in Action reached out to many of these groups, trying to
link and educate them about this similar abuse, but the one in NYC being much
worse since it is being performed on a mass scale, but they did not want to hear
about this issue. Charity should start at home.
The contradictory role of the Legal Aid Society and its so-called Law
Guardians in this scheme must be analyzed and exposed. The Juvenile Division
complements the role of the Criminal Division in apparently contradictory
ways, but looking at the big picture, in really complimentary ways. They play a
three-card-monte scheme where the Juvenile Division makes everything in
their power to make sure that Children stay in Foster Care as long as possible
and that eventually their Parents' Rights are terminated and they are placed up
for Adoption as if they were Slaves; and that years later when those same
individuals are facing the Criminal Justice System, the Criminal Division
representing them as Public Defenders will make a very poor job of defending
them and keeping them out of jail, and rather tries to convince them to plea
bargain and plea guilty to something, even if they are innocent. Thus the Legal
Aid Society first prepares them for and later assures their stay in the Criminal
Justice Scheme, and all in the name of "protecting" and "defending" them.
The so-called Law Guardians are appointed by the Family Court Judges over
the objections of the Parents, the Natural Protectors of their Children, allegedly
to "protect" the Children and look for their best interests. This is an oxymoron,
since only a deranged mind or someone who has been so conditioned as to have
lost his natural survival instinct, could conceive that a bureaucrat, who by
his/her profession has mastered the art of lying and deceit, could in any way,
form, or shape care more about Children that are not theirs, than the Biological
Parents, who either through God's creation or millions of years of evolution
must have the dedication, instinct, and self-preservation of what is their own
creation, otherwise we would have disappeared as a species long ago.
The so-called Law Guardians are our Children's worst nightmare, and they
team with the ACS prosecutors in the destruction of Black and Latino poor
Families, including the innocent Children who they allegedly are supposed to
defend. With "friends" like them, our Children do not need enemies. Parents
accurately call them "Lethal Guardians" instead of Law Guardians. The only
thing they "Guard" are the business interests of this racketeering enterprise. The
Justice Department should charge everyone involved in this scheme under the
RICO Statutes.
A curious fact about the so-called Law Guardians is that most of them are
White educated young career women without children. Being attorneys their
salaries put them in the economic middle class in contrast with the parents
(mostly mothers) who the vast majority are economically poor. Those women
without children have no clue what it takes to raise a child in New York City
these days and they have unresolved conflicts with Black and Latino women
who in the majority are not career women, probably are not so educated,
certainly have one or probably more children. I find them to be extremely cruel
and being in a position of power take revenge on those women who are the
total opposite of them.
Most Parents get a Court Appointed Attorney (18B) to defend them. With very
few exceptions, they represent a quarter of an attorney in value. They are
overworked (about 120 cases) and underpaid. Most of them have no support
staff, and are so used to lose cases, that psychologically are already beaten
down. They are getting paid regardless of if they lose or win the case, so they
do not make any effort to properly represent their clients. To promote proper
representation and fairness, they should get bonuses for every step
(benchmarks) in the case that they win. This is what the attorneys for the Foster
Care agencies get for every step they win against the Parents, except in the rare
case when the Child is returned to the Parents, they do not get any bonus. By
putting the rewards at their convenient place, and rewarding injustice rather
than Justice, the “Beast” uses the profit motive as a driving force for expansion
and thus assures Family destruction.
There is a need to investigate the "brain" behind the irrational and perverse
behavior of ACS. A typical example is the case of Women victims of Domestic
Violence. When those victims called the police and their aggressors where
either sent to jail or kept away with an order of protection, ACS came rushing
to take away their Children. The rationale used was that the Mothers were
accomplices in the Domestic Violence and thus unworthy of having their
Children. Only an extremely sick, sadistic, and perverse mind could have
concocted such irrational argument, but the vast majority of ACS personnel,
having limited intelligence and limited ethical values went along with this
Gross Travesty of Justice, not seeing anything wrong with it. It took the
Nicholson v. Scopetta case in front of Judge Jack Weinstein at the Federal
District Court in Brooklyn, to force ACS to stop this insanity. Judge Weinstein
in his decision called the ACS practice "tantamount to slavery". Only a sadistic
mind would think of something so gross and inhuman as to further victimize
the victim, and on top of that spend taxpayers money trying to defend
something that is indefensible, except of course in the sick mind of that "brain".
Another case where the perverse ACS "brain" is at work is the case of the
Tenenbaum decision which ACS lost on October 19, 1999 at the Second
Circuit Court of Appeals in Brooklyn. In this decision the court ruled that ACS
could not take Children away from their Parents without a Court Order, except
in very exceptional circumstances. ACS appealed this decision to the Supreme
Court arguing that it could not function if it had to abide to this decision. The
Supreme Court ruled against ACS, but in spite of this ACS is still disregarding
the Supreme Court Decision. They operate above the law. Nicholas Scoppetta,
ACS Commissioner at that time, sent an internal memo to its managers
instructing them to disregard the Tenenbaum decision and keep doing what
they were doing. When later, in another Federal Court case (Nicholson v.
Williams), and he being in the witness stand, he was confronted with this
memo, he admitted to it but his explanation was that originally the ACS
attorneys had gone to Family Court asking for a court order for taking away
children, as mandated by the Tenenbaum decision, but that the Family Court
Judges had informed them that they did not need any court order, that they
should keep doing what they had always been doing, that everything was
alright. Two groups of criminal minds in positions of power who decide to
disregard the law. Scoppetta was rewarded by his criminal behavior by being
appointed as the present Fire Commissioner by Bloomberg, the present Mayor.
To see the Tenenbaum v. Scoppetta
decision: http://www.parentsinaction.net/english/Legal/Tenenbaum%20v_%20
When the New York State Legislature needs to set aside money for its budget
for the number of beds for the prison system, they look at the number of
Children in Foster Care as the best predictor. Statistics show that 75% of them
end in the Criminal Justice System, the majority of the rest as homeless or
mentally ill.
Special Education and Foster Care are the two main Social Cancers Producers
that feed the Prison, Homeless, and Mentally Ill populations. If so-called
progressive people are ever serious of getting rid of the Prison Industrial
Complex, the Homeless, and the Mentally Ill population, we first must get rid
of the Child Exploitation Complex who feeds them. The present system works
as an assembly line where our greatest hopes are being processed for their
certain destruction while we do nothing.
Psychologist John Breeding, has done good research on the drugging of
Children, ADHD and on the role as Natural Leaders of those rebel Children.
Information on his conclusions and book The Wildest Colts Make the Best
Horses is available at http://www.wildestcolts.com/booklet/booklet.html
At present we have more than 7 million children diagnosed with ADHD in
the USA, an invented disease for which there is no scientific basis.
Seehttp://ritalindeath.com/ADHDControversy.htm and http://www.psychiatryskeptic.com/Ritalin2.html andhttp://www.motherjones.com/blue_marble_blog/archives/2008/10/10
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn’s article The Child Who Never Sits Still is
enlightening: http://www.naturalchild.com/guest/robert_mendelsohn.html
And Thom Hartmann’s
explanations: http://www.thomhartmann.com/index.php?option=com_content&
Parents who decide to raise their Children away from the prescribed formula of
mediocrity of the Social Designers are also persecuted: homeschoolers, vegans,
anti-vaccinations, naturist Parents who avoid doctors, anti-psychiatrists, etc.
The State does not like diversity, originality, or self-determinism; they love
conformity and mediocrity, and will use the CPS and the full power of the State
to punish those Parents who dare to think on their own. In this area of
persecution fall many Parents who happen to be White. The “Beast” will
persecute them regardless of their Race/Ethnicity. Social Conformity must be
enforced at all costs.
Every group, be it racial, ethnic, or based on nationality has its Natural Elite:
those who were born brightest and bravest. Now we know that the mediocres
consciously or unconsciously hate them since they are opposites, but also the
Global Ruling Elites hate them since they represent the only ones who will
naturally challenge them and their abuse of power. Of course the mediocres do
not have enough intelligence to figure out what is going on or that they are
being used as a weapon to eliminate the only ones who have what it takes to
free everyone, including the mediocres themselves.
Here the work of Philip Zimbardo and his research on the Lucifer Effect is
enlightening. This is how he refers to the few who make up the Natural Elite of
every group:
“Although most people succumb to the power of situational forces, not all do.
How do they resist social influence?”
When everyone else is being pressured, coerced to do something wrong, there
is a very small group that will always resist and will not do what is convenient,
but rather do what is right. They are the natural resisters and of course those
who want to keep their unjust privileges need to eliminate them if they want
their scheme to continue: the so-called Hyper-active children being
systematically destroying through the Special Education scam.
The Lucifer Effect helps us explain how the Child Welfare System (and all the
other supporting systems) has carefully been set up as to necessarily produce
maximum social harm to certain groups to the benefit of others. It explains how
the vast majority of people will succumb to fit into the psychological and
situational frame that has been set up for them. That everyone who is thinking
inside that box will behave in an already predicted way. That very few will dare
to think out-of-the-box and challenge the artificially created mental and social
paradigm. It explains how people who are not evil are easily coerced to become
not only insensitive but even very evil. The psychological and social terrain
determines behavior among the mediocre. They do not have the mental strength
to break through the mental frame. Seehttp://www.lucifereffect.com/index.html
Here there is an interesting article about how regular people can be made evil
by design: Abu Ghraib prison turned soldiers evil by design: researcher
The role of the so-called School Guidance Counselors in the Public Schooling
system is worth analyzing. The first generation were intelligent pacesetters who
set the agenda and "taught" the next generation to follow the routine. That
generation and the ones who followed them were not that smart as to question
the ultimate consequences of their actions. They are "just doing their job" as
they were taught. Once the system reaches this point it has a life of its own.
Everyone just keeps repeating what they learned from their predecessors. Their
role is also of active gatekeepers, by making sure that the Natural Elite of the
working class Black and Latino population gets screened-out and is sent to
Special Education classes for its certain destruction. Their main role as their
title says is to "Guide" potential challengers to the status quo into the black hole
of Special Ed. As faithful gatekeepers, the School Guidance Counselors keep
the gates of the Regular Schooling system open to only the mediocre. The
Brightest and Bravest Black and Latino Children do not belong there for sure,
but instead of sending them to Gifted and Talented classes, their role is to
assure their certain destruction by forcing/coercing them into Special Ed.
Gifted and Talented classes are reserved for other ethnic groups.
With the exception of the original School Guidance Counselors, which were
very bright, the vast majority of the present ones do not have a clue of their role
in the destruction of innocent Black and Latino Children, they are not that
bright to realize the ultimate consequences of their actions; they claim that they
"are just doing their job" and given their limited intelligence, we must conclude
that they are sincere. Albert Einstein said, "Great spirits have always
encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds". Here comes into play
another natural contradiction, which helps the designers to maximize their goal:
the natural contradiction between the vast majority of mediocres versus the
Natural Elite of Brightest and Bravest. By giving unlimited god-like powers to
a small group of very mediocre individuals over those who by a gift of nature
are their natural superiors, the designers encourage the unconscious envy that
the mediocre feel toward those who are different from them and far more
intelligent than them. Naturally the majority of present School Guidance
Counselors being mediocre will do everything in their power to eliminate those
who unconsciously or consciously they know not to be like them, not to be
mediocres. This dynamic could be called "The Revenge of the Mediocre".
Jose Ingenieros in his book, El Hombre Mediocre (The Mediocre Man),
beautifully describes most of those who populate our present Child Welfare
Wilhem Reich in his book Listen Little Man!, describes the mediocre as the
Little Man who is easily taken over by the Emotional Plague, and who from a
position of power (CPS workers), sets out to destroy innocent children and
families, ascribing to them all types of evilness, which only exist in the Little
Man, rather than in the victims:
"Those who are truly alive are kindly and unsuspecting in their human
relationships and consequently endangered under present conditions.
They assume that others think and act generously, kindly, and helpfully,
in accordance with the laws of life. This natural attitude, fundamental to
healthy children as well as to primitive man, inevitably represents a great
danger in the struggle for a rational way of life as long as the emotional
plague subsists, because the plague-ridden impute their own manner of
thinking and acting to their fellow men. A kindly man believes that all
men are kindly, while one infected with the plague believes that all men
lie and cheat and are hungry for power. In such a situation the living are
at an obvious disadvantage. When they give to the plague-ridden, they
are sucked dry, then ridiculed or betrayed."
An example of how the self-preservation instinct of the mediocre works is seen
in their automatic reaction to exposure. When a gross mistake or abuse is done
against a Child or a Family by either ACS or the Foster Care agency; instead of
trying to immediately repair the damage already done and avoid further
damage, they see no option but to cover up in order to not admit wrongdoing.
Their feeble minds solve the dilemma by keep doing more damage. The longer
they stay working for the “Beast”, the more prone they are to be part of the
present culture of "protecting the agency", instead of "protecting the Child".
They will go to any length necessary to protect themselves and the agency,
regardless of the damage that they may need to further inflict in the Children
and their Families, which they allegedly are supposed to care about and work
for. Even more, if the Parents dare to sue ACS and/or the Foster Care agency
and/or the School and/or the Hospital or any government entity while their
Children are still hostages to the State; then the State counter-attacks with full
force against the Parents and with the help of the City attorneys the mediocres
will proceed not only to fabricate facts, but to provoke the Parents into violence
and build a case to "terminate the parental rights" and ultimately put those
Children for Adoption, as if they were slaves. Once their parental rights are
"terminated" with the help of the Family Court Judges, the Parents are "legally"
out of the picture and the State feels safer since it got rid of the potential
Especially telling are the cases when ACS, in spite of all their "fishing
expedition" into the life of the Family, is not able to find anything wrong with
the Parents of the Child that they have illegally kidnapped. So, instead of
recognizing their error and returning immediately the Child to the Parents; they
try to blackmail the Parents into accepting an ACD (Adjournment in
Contemplation of Dismissal), which is a plea bargain that will taint them for
many years. The line that ACS presents to the Parents is that if they do not
agree to be supervised by them for an extra year after returning the Children,
then the Parents are Never going to get their Children back. A most Coward
action, product of a very twisted conception of life and of a mind totally void of
any ethical values. Sadly, many Parents are desperate to get their Children
back, are forced to accept this most coward imposition. In this way ACS
preserves its Public Image, regardless of the Harm to the Children. An
important Public Relations piece to preserve the scheme.
ACS when confronted with overwhelming evidence that they have made a big
mistake by kidnapping a child from loving parents and that rather they are
harming the child by keeping the child away from the parents, washes their
hands by claiming that everything is in the hands of the court. This lame
answer is disingenuous since the Family Court Judge rubber stamps anything
that ACS tells them and is making decisions based on the false information
provided by the ACS attorney. After all Family Court Judges in NYC are
appointed, re-appointed by the Mayor and they work for him. On top of that the
same Judge assigns the so-called Law Guardian (allegedly to protect the child
but in reality the child worse nightmare) and the 18-B attorney who is supposed
to defend the parent but in reality works as the gatekeeper to assure that the
parent duly loses the case.
Most of the School Guidance Counselors are Clinical Social Workers (CSW) or
at least hold a Master Degree in Social Work (MSW), so with these degrees
their egos soar. Like ancient nobility titles, they too can show off their new
nobility titles. Some of them sincerely may think that they are Social Engineers
and that they must help uneducated "stupid" parents and force them to do what
they think is right; but the "road to hell is paved with good intentions"... Many
Foundations give grants so that many poor Black and Latinos can go to College
and become Social Workers, thus becoming the new slave drivers of their own
At present in NYC a large percentage of School Guidance Counselors are
Black and Latino, but that does not stop them from being used to implement the
destruction of the Brightest and Bravest of their own people while they are
young. They are just doing their job, of course. Their Local Union 215 claims
to be "progressive" since it openly says it opposes the War in Iraq (a war on
which they have little impact, even if they were sincere), but does nothing to
solve a problem that is in their hands: they are an active part in the systematic
enslaving of Innocent Black and Latino Children, and the destruction of those
Children's Families. It is easy to claim to be "progressive" by projecting one's
concerns to a far away place where one influence is extremely small, but
refusing to deal with the situation at home of which they themselves are
instruments of oppression and Gross Human Rights Violations. On that line of
though, one could create a "Revolutionary Brigade Against the Violations of
the Rights of the Inhabitants of Pluto", and thus claim to be very "progressive".
Similarly, we could have an Union of prison guards of a Concentration Camp,
and further claim that other "progressive" Unions and Organizations must show
solidarity to them. To support Unions against their Bosses is understandable,
but to support Unions against the People is irrational.
The vast majority of Caseworkers, Social Workers, and Supervisors of both
ACS and the Foster Care agencies in NYC are Black and Latino, but that of
course does not stop them from being used to implement the destruction of the
Brightest and Bravest of their own people while they are young. They are just
doing their job, of course. Of course the master puppeteers are not Black and
Latino. The scheme has been set-up in such a clever way that a group of Blacks
and Latinos, in exchange for a meager survival salary, have been assigned the
job of destroying their own people. So even if somehow those being oppressed
were to get organized and fight back; they would be directing their anger to
some of their own people. Very clever. The ACS caseworkers are Unionized in
the Local 371, and of course they claim to be "progressive" since they say they
oppose the War in Iraq, but do nothing about a problem of which they are a
very active instrument: the systematic destruction of thousands of Innocent
Black and Latino Children and their Families under any possible excuse.
Charity starts at Home!
Social Services Unions' desire to protect their members' jobs is a strong factor
in keeping this scheme alive and growing, regardless of the Social Harm
produced to their own Communities. The Social Services mantra is that the
more services the better, and encourages dependency, domesticity, and a
parasitic mentality. Anyone questioning their role in this scheme is attacked as
being anti-labor or anti-union. They need to understand that they are in the
wrong side of history. That any person who loves Justice should rejoice when a
Concentration Camp, a Prison, or a Foster Care agency closes down: they are
all mechanisms of Oppression and Social Control.
An article in the Boston Herald, Nov 11, 1985, p. 11, describes the rationale in
the mind of many case workers and Social Workers:
But, you may ask, how can caring people, and some case workers care,
drag children into a harmful system?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, "To do evil, a human being must first of all
believe that what he's doing is good." Young, childless social workers are
taught that all parents need help whether they know it or not. After
watching the results for a few years", good ones see the damage they do
and quit. Bad ones who don't care stay.
Solzhenitsyn also pointed out that the Russian secret police needed a
constant stream of victims to justify the prison camps. Stable families
don't bring government money; troubled kids mean jobs.
If Social Workers had their way, everybody would be a parasite in order for
Social Workers to justify their jobs. In that way those children who are
kidnapped by the so-called CPS and whose families in desperation to free their
children from the hostage keepers (the foster care agencies) would do almost
anything that the social workers ask them to; eventually become desperate
because nothing is good enough: the hostage keepers keep changing the target
and even if the parents comply with the long laundry list of demands, then they
can always invent some new excuse not to return the hostage children. The
social designers use the implanted meme of the social workers, who
consciously and unconsciously want to make of everybody a mental parasite
dependent on their forced “help”, in order to impose Learned Helplessness on
every child and family they attack.
Here is a definition of Learned Helplessness from the Webster's New
Millennium™ Dictionary of English:
“a mental condition in which one becomes unable to help oneself due to
previous failed attempts at controlling one's life; also, a condition in which
a person establishes and maintains contact with another by adopting a
helpless, powerless stance. Example: Learned helplessness is conditioned
behavior in which an individual gives up trying to escape a painful situation
after repeatedly failing to escape.”
When good men learn helplessness, an article by Wendy McElroy about the
effects of Learned Helplessness can be read
CPS is like the plague: every child and family that gets touched by them, gets
hurt; and the longer they stay in contact with them, the more they get hurt.
Social Workers aim is to disempower everybody in order to justify their very
existence. Like psychiatrists and psychologists, these professions are
antagonistic to self-determination, freedom and people empowerment.
It is interesting to notice that the National Association of School Psychologists in its
article Foster Care for Children: Information for Teachers preaches the beneficial and
so convenient lie for them:
“Children in foster care have been removed from their biological homes to protect
them and to improve their well-being.”
See http://www.nasponline.org/publications/cq/mocq364fostercare_ho.aspx
Of course, self-deluding themselves makes them feel better and superior in
their justification to keep children away from their natural protectors and also
benefits them by justifying and providing work for them.
Of course that there are Parents who abuse their Children and even kill them,
but the intervention by the so-called CPS is a thousand times worse than the
problem itself. Under the excuse of saving one Child, we destroy one thousand.
State intervention can only harm the family and any contradiction or problem
that may exist inside the Family Unit will be magnified by the State
intervention. It is similar to bringing an Elephant into a small garden: the
Elephant will destroy everything with its mere presence. And it is not that the
Elephant is "bad". The Elephant should have never been there, period. The fault
lies in the "genius" who brought the Elephant there. In the USA there are about
50,000 car related deaths per year, and also more than 3,000 adults who die
every year as a result of choking while eating food. But a have not heard any
"genius" yet passing laws banning cars or food for that matter. The present CPS
response is similar to using a shotgun to kill a fly who is annoying someone by
standing on his forehead: it will kill the fly for sure, but it would also kill the
person. Either Moron's logic or Clever Evil Social Engineering.
Not only Caseworkers and Social Workers Unions become captive populations,
but all other players also. All of them have a vested interest in defending their
jobs regardless of the Social Harm that they may do, even to their own
communities. These huge bureaucracies acquire a life of its own and as such
their survival instinct drives them to grow as much as there are allowed to.
Once a bureaucracy has been created is extremely difficult to get rid of it.
Having captive populations (each one with its own rationale), contributes to the
preservation of the system: all those who make a living working for the
industry (CPS and Foster Care agency workers, Judges, Court Clerks, Court
Officers, Prosecutors, Law Guardians, Court Appointed attorneys, Social
Workers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, School
Guidance Counselors, Principals, etc), have naturally a vested interest to
preserve it and expand it; the children being kept captive in foster care against
their will, have no choice but to suffer; their parents, held captive by the CPS
through the blackmail being used on them with the hope of getting back their
children and forcing on them endless services that they provide and profit, but
the parents do not need; the not-so-bright elected officials who are held captive
to the Unions that are part of this industry, with the hope of getting their vote;
Once a system reaches a certain point and becomes self-sustained, it develops a
life of its own and like any living organism will tend to grow. The Child
Welfare System being a predatory one, will keep growing at the expense of
feeding itself on children whose parents do not have the necessary political
power to protect themselves from its voracious appetite.
This new system behaves as a new living organism: it has its preferred
appetites, it fights to self preserve itself, it fights back when attacked, it avoids
hurting groups with political power in order to avoid confrontation, it teams up
with other predatory systems, it dislikes being exposed in the mainstream
media, etc. When I metaphorically call this system a “Beast”, I am just
emphasizing the organic behavior of the entity.
New systems are relatively easy to be created, particularly when the powersthat-be control all the levers of power: the Public Schooling System to properly
condition children into believing any planned new mindset; the Mainstream
Media to selectively provide either trivia, one-sided information and false
information, all to reinforce the design; faithful bureaucrats ready to implement
the given agenda in order to preserve their jobs and the hope of a promotion;
active agents in key positions inside the government bureaucracy; an army of
attorneys who have mastered the art of lying and deception, and who work for
the elected officials, ready to twist facts and laws in order to implement the
agenda through Regulations that they write and the not-so-bright elected
officials approve; a majority of elected officials who being not that bright, are
easily manipulated by their staff attorneys into passing endless new laws that
only hurt more the people and make them less free every day; an army of
attorneys and corrupt Judges who control the Legal System making sure that
any challenge is squashed and the design is implemented; an army of medical
doctors who benefit every day more with the propagation of social cancers and
the spread of diseases and thus are faithful agents; an army of social conformity
enforcers made out of social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists, ready to
reinforce the design and mentally destroy any one who dares to question the
design; their control of the Foundations to generously fund all groups that
promote social cancers and blacklist those who promote social healing
initiatives; their control of the banks and financial institutions to promote
“politically correct” businesses with their social cancer agenda, and destroy
businesses that try to promote human values; etc.
The use of chaos Theory to explain how this perverse system functions is worth
analyzing. The system functions in a series of regulation mechanisms that each produce a
positive feedback control loop and reinforce each other. No wonder that they produce so
much chaos in society.
The family is a delicate ecosystem, relatively stable as a unit, with a certain amount of
chaos (random events), but the forced intervention of the government into this ecosystem
will always increase the chaos, thus disrupting the family and in the case of the so-called
CPS, hurting the children that they claim want to protect, thus becoming the biggest child
In my 8 ½ years researching the Child Welfare System, I have not yet found any
feedback control loop being implemented in the Child Welfare System that would
produce Social Harmony or Social Healing, but rather all of them producing the opposite.
Here is an article that shows how an ignorant doctor produces more harm than good…
similar as an ignorant social worker will always produce more harm than good, even if
he/she had the best of intentions:
Suppose you're a doctor, and you have a male patient whose blood testosterone
level seems to be about two thirds what you think it ought to be. Suppose that you
think this is negatively affecting his health. So you write a prescription for one of
the forms of testosterone at a dosage level which you estimate will result in
absorption of a quantity of testosterone equal to the apparent deficit. In other
words, you try to supply the testosterone which isn't being produced naturally, in
hopes of increasing the overall blood testosterone level in that patient by about 50%
to bring him back into the normal range. What will you actually see, clinically?
The surprising answer is that in the majority of patients, there will be no significant
long-term change in blood testosterone level at all. That's because you've run into a
regulation mechanism.
One region of the human brain is called the hypothalamus. It monitors and
regulates a lot of things such as body temperature. "Regulate" doesn't mean "hold
constant"; our body temperature drops considerably when we're asleep, for
instance. It often rises when we're sick. "Sleep" is controlled by a hormone, and the
hypothalamus responds to that hormone by turning down the temperature. "Sick"
also turns out to be a hormone, and this one is released by certain white blood cells.
The hypothalamus reacts by turning up the temperature.
In men, the hypothalamus monitors blood testosterone level, and regulates it. It
releases Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), and increases the GnRH if the
testosterone level is too low, while decreasing the GnRH if it is too high. The
pituitary responds to GnRH by producing two hormones called Leutinizing
Hormone(LH) and Follicle Stimulation Hormone (FSH), with their levels
proportional to the detected level of GnRH. The blood level of FSH controls the
rate of sperm production in the testicles, and the blood level of LH controls
production of testosterone, also in the testicles.
This turns out to be a classic negative feedback control loop. When you, the doctor,
introduce synthetic testosterone into the male patient's system at a rate of about
50% of his natural production rate, his hypothalamus decides that the blood
testosterone level is "too high" and responds by producing less GnRH, which
causes the pituitary to produce less LH, meaning that the testicles produce less
testosterone. You hoped you'd raise the blood level of testosterone by 50%, but
what you actually did was to reduce natural production of testosterone by 50%, for
a net gain of zero. To actually increase the blood level, you first have to "rail" the
feedback loop.
There are four Specialized Public High Schools in NYC: Bronx High
School of Science, Stuyvesant High School, Brooklyn Technical High
School and La GuardiaHigh School of Music & Art and Performing Arts.
Here, very few Black or Latinos are allowed to enter since the so-called School
Guidance Counselors are there to blacklist them. These are the only public high
schools that provide an Education and one of the requirements is to get a
recommendation from your School Guidance Counselor. After successfully
graduating in those High Schools, most of them become the managers who run
the system for the ruling elites.
The attack on the Civil Rights and Human Rights of CPS across the nation have
been expanding, not only producing more children to feed the ever expanding
industries of the prison, homeless and mentally ill populations, but also eroding
fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. The gross abuse to
children and parents at El Dorado, Texas, all members of the Fundamentalist
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a polygamist group) is a case in
point. CPS kidnapped all 464 children and separated them from their mothers.
Some of them were breast-feeding babies but this did not matter to the cruel
CPS. The CPS raid on this community was made based on a fake phone call
from a well known insane person. This attack was spread-headed by Marleigh
Meisner, the same woman from Texas CPS who years before (4/19/93) directed
the attack on the Waco Compound that killed 75 people, including 21 children
and two pregnant women.
To know more about the CPS attack on White Texans who do not follow the
mainstream costumes,
see http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/metro/5770183.html
To see the similarities between CPS and Family Court proceedings and
the Guantanamo Bay proceedings,
Two further attacks being prepared against the well being of Society are
Universal Pre-K and the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental
The first one, Universal Pre-K under the pretense of helping poor Parents, has
the purpose of taking away Children as young as 3 years of age away from their
Natural and best caretakers: their Parents. This state intervention in the Family
would facilitate its destruction and the earlier conditioning process of Children.
This initiative is being pushed by the politically correct oxymorons.
The second one, the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
under the pretense of concerns about the Mental Health of the population, aims
to forcibly subject to Mental Evaluation the whole US population. A truly
Orwellian design to enslave humanity. This initiative is being pushed by the
Neo-Cons in their desperate push for Permanent Planetary War and Total
Population Control. For them to succeed, they need to start with a Brave New
World here at home. The name itself of this initiative is an oxymoron: using the
word Freedom in order to Enslave people.
Some other areas that need further exploring are:
* The role of Family Court Judges in making 18-B attorneys dependent of them
by having to sign their vouchers for payments and needing to be favorably
evaluated by them yearly in order to keep working in the 18-B Panel.
*The role of the Court Appointed Attorneys (18-B) who are appointed by the
Judges allegedly to defend the parents but rather act as gatekeepers to make
sure that the parents lose. They usually refuse to give an appointment to prepare
the case; only see the parents 5 minutes before entering the courtroom; almost
never call any witness for the parents (when ACS calls people from far in the
past and even brings witnesses from other States); almost always coerces
parents to plead guilty with a 1051A Admission under false pretenses and to
the benefit of everyone except the parent; etc.
* The use by CPS, so-called Law Guardians, and Family Court Judges, of
euphemisms to desensitize its own workers about their gross abuses on
Children and Families: using "remove" instead of kidnap, and "uncooperative"
instead of clear thinker and non-dependent, etc.
* The use by CPS, so-called Law Guardians, and Family Court Judges of
deception by arguing that they work for "the best interest of the Child" when in
reality they are working for "the best interest of their pockets" and the worst
interest of the Child.
* The warehousing and drugging of Children whose Parents Rights have been
terminated, and are keep in group homes, 24 hours a day legally drugged.
When after reaching 18 years of age and are put on the streets, after few months
most of them end in jail, as homeless or in mental institutions. Those who are
not put on the streets are moved to Adult Group Homes or Nursing Homes and
kept as Drugged Prisoners for the rest of their lives.
* The role of the so-called Adult Protective Services (APS) and its private
contracting agencies to further destroy the family. They target the Elder and
Infirm Adult to forcibly place them into Nursing Homes under any possible
excuse. Traditionally Grandparents, part of the Extended Family, have been a
resource and a valuable support system for their Children and Grandchildren,
but by destroying them the role of the CPS is made easier. CPS and APS
usually team together to destroy the family.
*The dynamics in Public Schools with the so-called ADHD Children. Why
reporting by private schools is almost non-existing. The profit motive. The
School gets 3.5 times more money for a Special Ed student than for a General
Ed student. Principals want to place as many Children as possible in Special Ed
to increase the school budget. Parents who are less educated and financially
poorer would be the easier targets.
*The role of psychotropic drugs as a cause not only of addiction (with ugly
withdrawal symptoms) but also of violence among High School Students,
leading to mass murders as in the Columbine incident.
* The racist role inside ACS of the Division of Legal Services (DSL) to "make
sure that the case is won", and not for "the best interest of the Child". Their
total disregard for facts; their always delaying tactics with legal trickery to keep
Children away from their Parents as long as possible; their ignoring the
recommendations of their own caseworkers and of those of the Foster Care
agency. It is interesting to note the Ethnic/Racial contrast between the
Caseworkers (of ACS and the Foster Care agencies) who are mostly Black and
Latino and the ACS attorneys who are mostly White. On top of that Class plays
an important role since caseworkers salaries are just above survival levels, but
attorneys' are much higher.
* The racist role of the Juvenile Division of the Legal Aid Society representing
the so-called Law Guardians, who work for the "best interest of the case" rather
than the "best interest of the Child".
* The incestuous and complicit relationship between ACS and the Family
Court Judges to disregard the law about obtaining a court order before
kidnapping Children from their Parents as set in the Tenenbaum Decision. In
the Nicholson v. Scopetta Federal case in front of Judge Jack Weinstein, when
confronted by one of his internal memos directing ACS Managers to disregard
the Tenenbaum Decision and go "as business as usual", then Commissioner
Scopetta in his defense at the witness stand argued that originally ACS had
gone to ask the Family Court Judges for court orders to "remove" Children, but
that they were told that they did not need one, and to keep doing what they had
been doing. Clearly, criminal collusion to disregard the law. Further proof that
we need a Special Federal Prosecutor or the intervention of the United Nations
Humans Rights Commission to investigate this racketeering enterprise.
* The increased chances of Children being abused or killed while in Foster
Care and the role of the Mainstream Controlled Media to ignore this fact and
rather create a media circus that lasts months when a child dies in the hands of
a parent, thus creating a hysteria among the population, which gives fuel to
ACS to kidnap thousands of non-abused children under any imaginable excuse.
* The dynamics between ACS and the Mainstream Controlled Media in
propagating the Emotional Plague against Parents, not only among the general
population, but also among its CPS workers, Family Court Judges, Foster Care
agencies, Teachers, and all Child Welfare personnel in general. This
phenomenon is so well described by Wilhelm Reich.
* The strange fact that in the rare cases where there is gross child abuse and
either the police or CPS could have grounds to take the child away, the child is
left at home to be killed, which once it happens gives ACS plenty of
ammunition to put every parent as a possible child abuser, and of course they
go in a rampage kidnapping children. I maintain that purposely they leave the
children there, while going into a full and constant harassing mode in order to
drive the parent crazy and off the brink.
* The effect of legally granting immunity to all the predators involved in this
scheme, not only to protect them but also to encourage the worst and most
sadistic possible behavior among them. By denying accountability the system
encourages the lowest animal instincts.
* The new presence of Military Recruiters in Public High Schools to lure our
young people to become part of the killing machine, as the only alternative to
survival, since when they finish school, there are no jobs available, except for
menial jobs or the military. This is part of the Military/Industrial Complex.
* The role of government agencies in bringing Drugs into Black and Latino
neighborhoods in order to weaken them and eventually criminalize a large part
of its population, who will be locked in prisons and used as slave labor. This
technique is also used to destroy the social fabric of whole communities, bring
crime into the community, force home foreclosures, depopulating the area, and
eventually buy those properties for pennies on the dollar. This process is known
as gentrification. Catherine Austin Fitts, wrote an article to this effect. One can
see the article Former Bush Assistant Secretary for HUD Reveals "Ethnic
Cleansing", Connected to CIA Drug Dealing in Los
Angeles at http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/economy/ethnic_cleansing_
*The role of government and its so-called War on Drugs which is really a War
on the People to force a large percentage of them into the Prison Industry. It is
clear that there no Equal Justice under the law: Blacks make up 14% of those
who use drugs, but 36% of those arrested are blacks and 63% of those who
finally end up in prison are blacks.
* The role of government agencies in destroying the Family, especially poor
Black and Latino Families, by attacking them in every imaginable way. It uses
the all powerful resources and power of the State in order to destroy the Family
Unit. According to Northwestern University Professor Dorothy Roberts in her
book Shattered Bonds: The Color of Child Welfare: "It costs the federal
government eleven times as much to provide foster care as to provide public
aid to families".
* The role of Big Corporations bringing Huge Stores and Supermarkets into
poor and middle class communities, eventually forcing the closing of most
stores and small businesses in the area, since they can not compete with the
lower prices of the Mega Stores. In the beginning there is an apparent benefit
for the community due to the lower prices, but in the long run brings disaster:
the small business owner will lose their source of income and since they
usually live in the same community, the community will lose that revenue since
usually the Big Corporations take their profits out of the community. And more
important, those small business owners have a knowledge, usually passed from
generation to generation, on how to create wealth, be self-sufficient, and
independent. This most valuable knowledge (Social Capital) is lost to the
community, who is now an easier target on the road to dependence and
parasitic thinking.
* The fact that in poor neighborhoods banks systematically practice
"redlining", thus making it extremely difficult for members of that community
to become home owners, forcing them to be permanent renters, to the benefit of
* The fact that in poor neighborhoods, there are almost no jobs available,
except becoming a drug dealer or joining the military.
* The passage of Draconian laws: Three Strike Laws, Mandatory Sentencing,
plus the Rockefeller Laws in NYS to maximize the number of the prison
*The fact that the present Mandatory Sentencing Laws are openly racist: for 5
grams of Crack Cocaine one gets five years minimum, the same as for 500
grams of Cocaine. Most poor people can not afford to use Cocaine, they use
Crack Cocaine.
* The fact that most prisoners and former prisoners are not allowed to vote,
thus further disenfranchising a large part of the population.
* The role of forced population transfer from NYC to Upstate New York in
order to create jobs, and increase population and resources to the local White
population by bringing mostly Black and Latino NYC prisoners to be
warehoused Upstate. This is a clever scheme to create a slave population,
which is paid $0.16 per hour by private Corporations. Many of those prison
guards are openly racist and use their position of almost absolute control to
make life of those prisoners very difficult. When freed, those ex-incarcerated
people will come out very bitter against an unjust society. Due to the punitive
rather than rehabilitative nature of the present prison system, most of them are
eventually recycled back into prison. Another aspect of this Human Trafficking
scheme to artificially increase the population of Upstate New York Counties in
order to increase Federal Money allocation.
* The dynamics of the contradictions among Generations as exposed by the
Spaniard philosopher Julian Marias. If his arguments are valid (72 years
recurring cycles) and we take the middle of 1968 as the beginning of the
Revolutionary Generation period (and take New York City as the capital of the
planet), which was expressed mostly by middle and upper class White people,
then we in the first half of 2004 finished the Reactionary Generation period,
and just started the Stabilization Generation period. Based on his 18 years
natural generations cycles (Revolutionary, Reactionary, Stabilization, and PreRevolutionary), we will have to wait until 2040 for another wave of a
generation of revolutionaries willing and not afraid to challenge the status quo.
Can we afford to wait that long?
Note: A Saros (lunar) cycle is 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours (18.03102897 years). The
length of every generation according to Julian Marias is 18 years. Are they related?
Could the Moon influence the generational cycles? According to the ancient Vedas of
India, the Moon influences not only the waters and the fertility cycles of all species, but
also the Human Mind.
* The dynamics of the contradictions among individuals and sexes as exposed by Bruce
E. Morton, Ph.D. in his work with Sexuality, Hemisphericity, and Human Polarity, where
Hemispheric Dominance is based on which side the brain Executive is located. This
result in four possible types of humans: Left brain-oriented female; Right brain-oriented
female, Left brain-oriented male, Right brain-oriented male; and through observation of
their interactions to better understand human origins and behavior. The politically correct
pretend to deny reality by ignoring biology, logic, and instinct and thus negate the natural
contradiction and complementarity between the sexes, which is one of the main dynamic
forces that propel humanity, and a positive force for human progress. They claim to use
dialectics for their interpretation of reality, but when it comes to sex they ignore
dialectics and rather preach unisex and its sexual depolarization agenda.
See http://www2.hawaii.edu/~bemorton/
* The Work of James DeMeo, Ph.D, in his work Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of
Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, in the Deserts of the Old
World which explains the results of the effects of the State sponsored violence in its war
against the Family: "The scientific validity of Wilhelm Reich's Sex-Economic Theory of
human behavior, through clear and concise cross-cultural testing and verification.
Cultures which engage in child abuse and sex-repression predictably develop violent,
superstitious and warlike characteristics. Cultures which preserve Mother-Love for
children, do not beat or coerce their children and do not suppress the sexuality of their
unmarried adolescents or females predictably remain peaceful and egalitarian",
See http://www.jamesdemeo.org/ andhttp://www.orgonelab.org/saharasia.htm
* The work by James Roger Brown and his CHILD SLAVE TRADE PROJECT and the
similarities between the Swiss Child Slave Trade from 1850 to 1950 and the Current
United States Child Slave trade also executed through the Purported Child Protection
System. See http://www.thesociologycenter.com/slavetrade.html
*The coerced/forced use of Bilingual Ed mostly on Latino immigrants, under the excuse
of providing an education in their mother tongue, but actually dumbing them down by not
teaching them either Spanish or English. Latino students in Bilingual Ed are kept
confused in a mental limbo thus assuring their lack of interest in school. This is a clear
example of how "The “Beast” can use a good idea (of course Children learn better in
their mother language) and twist it in such a way as to use it against those who are
supposed to help.
* The use in Public Schools of Whole Language, Fuzzy Math, and OBE (Object Based
Education) to promote Dyslexia, Functional Illiteracy, and further dumbing down. Here
the work of Sam Blumenfeld, John Holt, Michael S. Brunner, Edward Miller is worth
investigating. See http://www.sntp.net/education/look_say_3.htm
* The lack of Shared Custody (or Shared Parenting) laws in New York State in cases of
separation or divorce to increase the contradictions between couples and profit from the
"divide and conquer" strategy, further damaging the Children. This strategy is fully
supported by the NYS Trial Lawyers Association, who handsomely profit from this
situation and also by the National Organization of Women with their narrow focused
*The use of the CPS Gestapo Terror against the Black, Latino and poor immigrants’
population, as a tool for Population Control, since parents become very afraid of having
more children for fear that they will fall victims of these Terror Squads and become
Slaves for the Foster Care Industry.
*The long term effect of CPS Brutality, Foster Care, Family Court Abuse, etc, on
children and their families from the point of view of Epigenetics and the creation of
multigenerational foster care. How much the epigenome gets imprinted by this systematic
abuse that produces a multiplying effect through and toward future generations?
*The very strange fact that a significant part of the people who work for the foster care
industry, particularly those who are in key positions, are themselves former foster care
children or parents whose children were before captives of the foster care industry.
* The effort by Politically Correct individuals and organizations who claim to be
"progressive" as the main source of Legislation to destroy Families, especially those of
poor Blacks and Latinos. When Walter Mondale was Senator (he later became VicePresident under Jimmy Carter), he implemented the passage of CAPTA (Child Abuse
Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974) which started the legal onslaught on the Family
by giving the State power to intervene against Parents in the upbringing of their Children.
And it was Hillary Clinton, when as wife of President Bill Clinton who pushed for the
passage of AFSA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997), Federal legislation which
has negatively impacted on Families, especially poor Families, by allowing Parental
Rights to be terminated after the Children are 18 months in Foster Care, allowing
Children to be sold as slaves, when they have Parents who desperately want them back.
These are the two main pieces of Federal Legislation being used by the State to destroy
Black and Latino Families. This perhaps explain why so-called "progressive" groups
have remained blind, deaf, and mute about the destruction of the Black and Latino
Family. Curiously they openly preach their concern for Blacks and Latinos, but their
actions speak otherwise. So-called 'progressive" groups verbally "criticize" the
government, but by every possible means want more government power and intervention,
until we all become slaves. What a contradiction. With "friends" like them, Children do
not need enemies, nor do Black and Latinos.
Unlimited Federal Funding (Entitlements) fuels the ever expanding Child Welfare
Industry. We need to repeal CAPTA and ASFA and cancel all Federal Funding related to
it, otherwise the laws of Economics will defy good intentions. The more children that
CPS kidnaps, the more Federal funding comes to the local town or county. Usually the
State also rewards them for every child that is captured by the Foster Care System.
In New York City: 25% of the budget of ACS (our local CPS agency) is provided by the
City, 25% by the State, and 50% comes from the Federal Government (Entitlements). On
top of that, ASFA legislation rewards the State with Federal moneys for maximizing the
number of children that are finally Adopted.
*The strange fact that although politically correct "progressive" groups are
constantly criticizing the government and apparently are in an adversarial
relationship with them, in reality they concur and team with the government in
the systematic destruction of the Black and Latino Family.
It is very telling that the ACLU has a Children’s Rights Unit, a Women Rights
Unit, a Grandparents Rights Unit, a Guy and Lesbian Rights Unit, but it lacks a
Parents Rights Unit, a Father’s Rights Unit, or a Family Rights Unit. One does
not have to be genius to see that the purpose is to fragment the Family Unit
under any imaginable excuse. The Eternal Divide and Conquer.
* The fact that in NYC there is an unwritten code among Family Court Judges,
of not allowing Children back with their Parents, if one of the Parents is taking,
has taken, or is suspected of taking any psychotropic drug. These drugs are of
course prescribed by psychiatrists who receive the Parents after being sent to
them by the CPS agency, the Foster Care agency, or even the Family Court
Judge. The excuse for referring the Parents to them is that the Parents are
depressed, emotionally upset, or angry, this of course after their Children have
been Kidnapped by ACS and regardless of what they do their Children are not
returned to them. The Judges never tell the Parents that regardless of the
classes, services, therapies, etc that they do, they will not return the Children to
them, and rather go to eventually terminate their Parental Rights. For the
Parents this is a catch-22 situation, because first they are pushed into the
psychiatrists hands and then this is a condition to terminate their Parental
Rights. Of course Parents are not told about this cruel and inhuman scheme in
Human Trafficking.
*Who benefits financially and politically from this scheme?
*Who designed this Social Engineering scheme?
*Who or what groups of power benefit the most by keeping a majority of the
population of NYC (the capital of the planet where Blacks and Latinos together
form a majority) subdued and away from their share of power?
In other parts of the country where there are not Blacks and Latinos, poor
White Children are destroyed in the same ways. The same blueprint can be
applied anywhere by local warlords.
The present Public School System and Child Welfare System are working
perfectly for what they have been designed to do. Claims that they are “broken”
and not working, are bogus and accepted by those who do not comprehend the
nature and purpose of those systems. Neither more money, more
professionalism, more education, or other reforms can chance its nature.
We have enough evidence to prove that the Child Exploitation Complex is the
result of a sophisticated Social Engineering design with the purpose of
Population Control. The system has been finely tuned to achieve the desired
results by over-enforcing certain laws and totally ignoring others; targeting the
most vulnerable ethnic groups; setting safety nets and immediate support for
certain ethnic groups in order to avoid a backlash that could threaten the
stability of the design; setting rewards and promotions for those who working
for the system faithfully make efforts to expand the business regardless of the
Social Damage; punishing, demoting and even firing those who working for the
system dare to question the system or raise ethical issues; placing pacesetters at
the beginning in certain positions to set and affirm the agenda and "teach" and
set the pace for the less intelligent who will follow them and who will repeat
the routine mechanically without question it; promoting and increasing
contradictions inside the family unit; pitting women against men and viceversa, and Children against their Parents; taking almost totally away parental
rights but at the same time demanding the raising of perfect and obedient
Children, and arresting Parents and kidnapping their Children if they dare to
discipline them; breaking the biological family unit by coercion or as a
condition to return the Children illegally kidnapped; illegally kidnapping
Children of poor Black and Latino Parents without a court order under any
possible excuse; demanding superhuman requirements to poor mothers as a
condition to get their Children back, and inventing a new target once she meets
those conditions; counting with the unconditional backing of the Family Court
System which is an Institutionalized System of Injustice set in place to give an
aura of legality to this gross and cruel slow silent genocide of innocent Black
and Latino Children; etc.
We have concluded that the design is highly thorough, and as days pass by, it is
becoming more sophisticated and efficient. The more we investigate and more
pieces of the puzzle come into place, we realize that the design permeates
almost every possible aspect of society, and we are finding more pieces almost
on a daily basis. It is a total, multi-pronged, multi-level coordinated
simultaneous attack on the vast majority of the population to degrade them to
something close to the animal level and keep them as useful semi-slaves. Those
who do not fit the scheme are re-directed to the prison system, the mental
patient population, or the homeless population. The advent of the computer, the
world wide web, and the telecommunications revolution, has opened great
possibilities, both to allow the social engineers to better track people, be more
efficient, and make better projections, and on the other hand, to allow people all
over the planet to obtain information, communicate among them and to
network to free the planet from their oppressors. The present design is so
efficient, that for practical purposes, someone trapped in it, has almost no way
out. They seem to have thought of everything.
In NYC it is clearly unspoken State Terrorism against the Black and Latino
population who is not well to do. State Sponsored Child Abuse is being fully
implemented and "they" claim that it is even "legal". But ARTICLE 6 of the
Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal states:
"(c) Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination,
enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any
civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political,
racial, or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime
within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of
domestic law of the country where perpetrated."
Family Court Judges in NYC over-enforce and stretch those laws and
regulations that they find convenient to fulfill their scheme and totally ignore
and even encourage ACS to become partners in crime with them to ignore
those laws and regulations that would hamper their scheme. And even if
everything that they are doing was "legal" (which is not), that does not mean
that what they are doing is totally immoral, nor protect them from being
charged for Crimes Against Humanity for their Cruel Crimes Against Innocent
Black and Latino Children and their Families. The fact that what all those
involved in this Cruel Slow Silent Genocide of Black and Latino Children do is
"whether or not in violation of domestic law of the country where perpetrated",
does not excuse them from being charged for crimes against humanity. Let's
hope that one day all those involved in this cruel crime are held accountable
and duly charged.
So the role of the Family Court Judges is not only to "legalize" this cruel
scheme, but to oversee and enforce its full implementation. Furthermore they
also are there to protect all those criminals involved in this criminal enterprise.
At present all those involved are fully protected and totally unaccountable and
getting away and profiting from their crimes, and State and Federal authorities
conveniently looking the other way and refusing to intervene.
We conclude that in NYC, except if by accident someone has escaped the
design (or perhaps someone who immigrates as a young adult) there are not
going to be Natural Leaders of the caliber of Martin Luther King Jr. or
Malcolm X, from the African American or Latino Communities, since they are
being systematically eliminated while they are young, at present. Very clever,
in that way the “Beast” does not need to resort to extreme measures and
eliminate them as adults, as was the case with Martin Luther King Jr. or
Malcolm X.
Our conclusions about ACS are that:
ACS is the Biggest Child Abuser in NYC: for any child they may help, they
destroy a thousand.
ACS is the Biggest Orphaner: they create Orphans out of children who have
loving parents and whose only crime is not to have political power to defend
themselves from their predatory attack. Like war and death they are the Great
Ripper who destroys every child that it touches.
ACS is the Biggest Educational Neglecter: almost every child who they kidnap
starts failing in school. It is only logical after being ripped off from the people
they love and trust the most.
ACS is the Biggest producer of Psychopaths in NYC. Not only they kidnap
babies and infants from their mothers under any imaginable excuse, but they
also kidnap new born babies from poor mothers at Public Hospitals right after
delivery, under the excuse that the mother has an open case (from another of
her children) with ACS. The innocent child is never able to properly (if at all)
bond with his mother, but the effect on the mother is total chaos and many of
them go insane; this of course to the benefit of ACS who now has further
excuses for not returning the child.
Overwhelming evidence points that Psychopaths are produced when the socalled CPS kidnaps children under 3 years of age and naturally traumatize them
for life. Between the CPS kidnapping and the forced placement into Foster
Care, they produce a child with a deficient capacity for empathy, for trust and
affection. John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth have done extensive research on
the mother-child bond and on attachment.
See http://www.psychology.sunysb.edu/attachment/online/inge_origins.pdf
Dr. Elliott Barker, Director of the Canadian Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children has made extensive research on psychopaths and he says:
"Evidence exists that psychopaths are created early in childhood;
disruptions caused by extreme and multiple separations from caregivers in
the first three to five years of life impair later capacities for trust, empathy,
and affection."
And further he states:
"Any child can be made into a psychopath through failure of attachment.
We know that. We have known it for a long time. We have to change a lot
of established patterns or ways we do things - our priorities - so that
nothing gets in the way of attachment in the earliest years. The capacities
for trust, empathy, and affection are in fact the central core of what it
means to be human, and are indispensable for adults to be able to form
lasting, mutually satisfying co-operative relationships with others".
Child psychoanalyst Selma Fraiberg when referring to psychopathy has said:
"These are the diseases that are produced in the early years by the absence
of human ties or the destruction of human ties. In the absence of human ties
those mental qualities that we call human will fail to develop or will be
grafted upon a personality that cannot nourish them, so that at best they will
be imitations of virtues, personality facades."
See http://www.naturalchild.org/elliott_barker/partial_psychopath.html and http
Psychologist J. Reid Meloy writes about psychopathy:
"The house of psychopath is built on a psychobiological foundation of no
attachment, under-arousal, and minimal anxiety…”
“Attachment is a biologically rooted, species-specific behavioral system that
maintains close proximity between child and caretaker. It was first conceptualized
and investigated by John Bowlby, James Robertson, and Mary Ainsworth at
the Tavistock Clinic in London (Robertson and Bowlby, 1952; Bowlby, 1953;
Ainsworth and Bowlby, 1954). Attachment is deeply rooted in both birds and
mammals but is generally absent in reptiles”.
See http://www.cassiopedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Psychopaths
Remember Reptilians are cold-blooded predators. So ACS insists in bringing
out the worse possible of every child it touches: creating reptilian behavior
instead of human behavior. They use everything in their power to injure the
child’s limbic part of the brain (the part where socializing, feeling, memories,
and parental instinct abide) in order to have the reptilian brain to take over and
become a psychopath. A psychopath, being a human predator will produce
plenty of social harm. See http://urban-decay.org/psych.html
We must conclude that ACS is a Social Cancer producer and also a Social
Cancer on its own rights. Without them the prison, homeless and mental illness
industries would start to shrink and eventually disappear.
We have used Hegelian Dialectics and Dialectic Materialism as research tools.
We reject the postulate that man must dominate nature. This shortsighted
approach has caused great damage to the fabric of society, since many wellintentioned people, wanting to improve society, have tried to force nature. We
maintain that man must know the laws of nature, its reasons and cycles and
then, only then, in harmony with nature work to produce significant lasting
positive changes.
Man's efforts to force and control nature are very temporary and usually
nature's logical reaction not only cancels any progress, but even sets us
backwards. It is the blind leading the blind. Good intentions are not enough.
Here the saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, fully applies.
From Information to Knowledge, from Knowledge to Wisdom, from Wisdom
to Comprehension.
The system has been designed to produce maximum social harm to certain
groups to the benefit of others. Everything else is just propaganda to fool the
victims. The Laws of Economics and the Laws of Biology are two of the main
driving forces for the present Child Welfare System that good intentions can
not undo:
1. The profit motive in an economic system that encourages and rewards
profits. Foster Care is a profit-driven industry that preys on those who offer the
least resistance. In the case of NYC, mostly Black, Latinos and poor
immigrants who have no political or economic power in order to defend
themselves. Even if all the people working for the Child Welfare Industry were
saints (which is not the case), the results will be that the system will produce
more harm than good. Thousands of people have a vested interest in not only
perpetuating this travesty of justice, but even in making it grow hoping to climb
the economic ladder at the expense of the suffering of innocent child and
2. The forced attack against the Laws of Biology. The fallacy that a stranger
either with good intentions or for the love of money can care more about
somebody else’s child that his own parents. This obvious lie defies instinct,
logic, and the laws of biology. If this nonsense were true, then we would have
disappeared as a species millions of years ago. The sad part is that many of
those who make a living in this industry tend to fool themselves and pretend to
believe this irrationality.
So the present Child Welfare Industry pretends to defy the laws of Economics
and the laws of Biology (Nature). It will always fail, because is based in false
premises. Not only that, but it will always produce more harm than good.
To those who defend the Child Welfare scam, I ask them to totally defund it
and see how many Foster Parents will be willing to “love” those children. The
same goes for the Foster Care agencies, ACS, the so-called Law Guardians and
the crooked Family Court Judges. I can guarantee you that if one takes the
profit away from the scam, the scam would disappear.
I want to add that another area that needs to be further explored is the fact that
those who work for this scheme make a living by holding captive a population
of young people and this necessarily draws into it people who have an interest
in benefiting from having access to these children, either to fulfill their
unspoken needs and perversions, be they conscious or unconscious.
We have also used the concept of Organic Society, where everything is
interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. In this concept every one of its
parts has a purpose and a function, and as such anything that happens to one,
will in some form or another, sooner or later affect all others. Not only
individuals are living organisms, but also sets of them, forming a group or
organization, behave as a living organism. The organization behaves no as the
sum of its individuals, but rather as a new organism. Here the Gestalt concept
that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" applies. Thus, Organizations
have its cycles of birth, growth, and decay.
We have concluded that although Class and Racial/Ethnic contradictions do
exist, they are not as important as the Mental contradiction between the small
minority who is awake and the vast majority who is deep asleep. That
protecting, strengthening and expanding those who are awake represents our
greater hope for the survival of our civilization.
We assume man to be fully responsible for everything that happens in the
world, either for what he does, or for what he fails to do. It is illogical that man
can ever find Peace and Justice, without his transformation. He must be in
harmony with Nature, including other living species.
We have used the assumption that there is a Collective Unconscious, as well as
a Class-Consciousness, and a Racial/Ethnic Consciousness. This Consciousness
is not static, but rather dynamic, and keeps not only changing, but also getting
stronger or weaker, according to many factors, including some relatively new
ones introduced by Social Engineers.
We have concluded that the vast majority of the population is asleep, in a state
of collective hypnosis, totally unaware of what really is going on, with almost
no conscious input in the direction of their destiny. Like cattle being taken to
the slaughterhouse, most of them seem to be happy, some of them may at the
last minute realize what is happening, but even those, would not know what to
do. The fact that only a very small percentage of the population is awake and
that through a clever design, the vast majority of them are being eliminated
while they are young, represents a real threat to planetary survival.
We have concluded that in the final analysis, this is a Spiritual Battle, and we
are Spiritual Warriors. Thus, a spiritual perspective greatly helps not only to see
the big picture, but also to be more effective in our Social Healing initiatives.
We respect all religions, and even non-religious individuals, but consider that
in the process of transformation, we must emphasize the common spiritual
background in all humans, our common humanity, and the need to work for our
common good.
We value Freedom as among the Highest Human Values, and under no
circumstance or excuse must we allow anyone to take it away from us. If we
allow this to happen, we can be certain that Society will descend into a new
Dark Age.
The “politically correct” mantra is that in order to obtain Social Justice we must
sacrifice Freedom. If we allow this non sense to happen, we will never enjoy
Freedom nor Social Justice. We must strive for Social Justice, but never at the
cost of losing our Freedom.
We are at a very crucial time in the evolution of our planet. We either rise to
the challenge and start building Paradise on Earth, or allow those forces who
oppose Human Progress to push us down the abysm and fall into the Dark
Night of History. Do we have the tools to create a civilization without
criminality, insanity, and war - where men are free to rise to greater heights? It
is up to us. Are We fit to the Task?
Work together to create practical Social Healing initiatives to get rid of this
Social Cancer, including educating everyone but especially progressive people
about this vital issue for the survival of Black, Latinos and other minorities in
NYC. If we succeed, we should spread the same strategy to the rest of the
country since in the rest of the country where there are no significant amounts
of Black and Latinos, the same scheme is applied against poor Whites.
We need to create a Human Rights movement around this issue as a necessary
tool to dismantle the Child Exploitation Complex. This movement, once
formed, will have a life of its own and behave as a living organism with the
necessary growth, strength and momentum in order to be able to dismantle the
“Beast”: another living organism.
We need to use the concept of Total War, and fight the “Beast” both from
outside and inside.
We need to re-engineer Society in a positive, healing design in order not only
to eliminate Social Cancers, but even to avoid falling into a new dark age.
We need to take away the profit motive from this scheme. At present the profit
rewards are for the destruction of the Family and Society, rather than for its
Strengthening, thus allowing people who are unconscious and weak to perform
Social Injury under the excuse that they "are just doing their job". Profit is a
very powerful drive among people who are not awake; so profit rewards must
only go for Social Healing, Betterment, and Strengthening initiatives.
We need to reject any mental straightjacket, including the politically correct
oxymoron. We must Think out-of-the-box, and bring new fresh ideas. The
Mental Box where most people have allowed themselves to be placed into, is
the main obstacle to any solution.
We must go wherever our logical conclusions lead us. For this we must not be
afraid. We must reject taboos and sacred cows, and be able to explore,
investigate and talk about everything or anything that we consider important to
solve our present situation. In this regard political correctness does a great
disservice to human progress by trying to limit freedom of thought.
Perhaps, at this stage in our development, this is not a call to everyone. Only to
the Brave Hearts, Freedom Fighters, Truth Seekers, those who in the depth of
their souls Know that a Better World is Possible. We Know that It Can Be
Quoting Wilhelm Reich from Listen Little Man!:
"It is high time for the living to get tough, for toughness is
indispensable in the struggle to safeguard and develop the life-force;
this will not detract from their goodness, as long as they stand
courageously by the truth. . . . Anyone who wants to safeguard the lifeforce from the emotional plague must learn to make at least as much
use of the right of free speech that we enjoy in America for good ends
as the emotional plague does for evil ones. Granted equal opportunity
for expression, rationality is bound to win out in the end. That is our
great hope."
Contact: Rolando Bini - Executive Director
Parents in Action
For Leadership and Human Rights
rolando@parentsinaction.net, www.parentsinaction.net, 347-624-4830
To Protect, Preserve, and Strengthen Families and
Reunify them if necessary
Parents in Action Defending the Family, the Cell
of Human Society
"The Birth of every Child reminds us that God has not lost hope in
man... yet"
Rabindranath Tagore
Parents the Best Medicine
Parents the Natural and Best Protectors of Their
The Best Interest of the Child is for that
Child to Be with his/her Parents
Children Need Both Parents
Parents, the Most Powerful Force in Human Society
Parents of the World Unite!