JHR 001111 PA to CEO - Extranet

Recruitment: Support Office
Job Description – Personal Assistant to Chief
PA to the Chief Executive
To support the CE in the performing of his functions and managing of his day to day
Immediate Supervisor:
Chief Executive
One Up Manager:
Cost Centre:
Grading System:
Grading Level:
Salary From:
Key Performance Area
Diary Control
Weekly Focus
Ensure that the CE's diary is kept up to date with all appointments and
important dates
Note any requests for time slots in diary and on a Tuesday collate them
onto the agenda which, once checked by CE, is distributed to all
attendees on a Thursday.
Ensure boardroom is set up on a Friday for the meeting on Monday.
Buy snacks, prepare and serve lunchtime refreshments.
Throughout the day ensure boardroom is cleared of dirty dishes and check
that there is sufficient water.
Board Packs
Cashbuild Calendar
Minimum Grade 12 or NQF 4
Minimum 10 years experience in a similar position
Good command of English Language, written and verbal
Advanced knowledge of MS Office package (Word, Excel and Power point,
Ability to handle pressure
Prepared to work extended hours
Attention to detail
Strong negotiation skills
Integrity beyond reproach (confidentiality)
Strong organisational skills
Own transport with valid drivers license
Capture dates for board meetings on annual calendar.
On scheduled dates obtain contributions from relevant departments,
collate and distribute board packs for :Cashbuild Board Pack (to be distributed during week prior to meeting).
Cashbuild Audit Pack (to be distributed during week prior to meeting).
Lesotho Board Packs (to be sent in couriers’ bag 3 weeks before meeting
for members to receive it 2 weeks before meeting).
Botswana, Namibia & Malawi
Swaziland Board Packs (to be sent in courier bag 3 weeks before meeting
for members to receive it 2 weeks before meeting).
Set up the annual Cashbuild calendar in both Excel and Outlook calendar
at beginning of December each year and update throughout the year with
all pertinent dates :o Public holidays
o Private & Government school Board meetings.
Filename: 106755237
Effective Date: July 2014
Previous Version: February 2013, i.1.0 change PO
Revision: i.1.1
Process Owner: Chantelle Hattingh
Page 1 of 5
Company Confidential
Recruitment: Support Office
Job Description – Personal Assistant to Chief
Key Performance Area
Expense Claims
6-monthly Analyst
o Management Focus meetings.
o Regular review meetings.
o CE meetings.
o Strategy meetings.
o Any other regular meetings - Holcim, OSI etc.
o Hall of Fame.
o Family Day.
Distribute to all Directors, Ops Managers, Divisional Managers, Internal
Audit, Support Office Staff and Outsource Partners
Non-Exec’s to receive separate calendar for Board, Audit, Strategic
Flight and car hire bookings:Immediately a request is received from a Staff member note it on the
""Travel Bookings"" schedule and allocate an order number.
Either make bookings on internet or pass to Club Travel to do the booking.
Once bookings are done enter details on ""Travel Bookings"" schedule.
Give copy of booking (s) to passenger and file other copy with booking
request form.
Budget Door2Door bookings:
When a request comes in for passenger(s) to be picked up at either the
airport, station, hotel or Support Office, note it on the ""Travel Bookings""
schedule and allocate an order number.
Make up a Budget Door2Door order with all the collection times and
places and email it.
Receive confirmation and details on ""Travel Booking"" schedule , attach
to travel request form and file.
When invoices are received attach to booking request form, enter details
on ""Travel Booking"" schedule and file in awaiting payment file.
Reconcile Diners Club account, Standard Bank Credit Card statement and
Avis account each month.
Work out itineraries for CE's site / Store / Supplier visits.
Hotel Express Discount Card (not a credit card)
Keep record of all Hotel Express cards.
Each year when cards need to be renewed confirm who requires cards to
be renewed and add or delete as necessary.
Control usage of Company cards.
On a monthly basis update vehicle log sheets for CE and PA as well as
the travel claims forms.
Reconcile credit card statements each month for CE and PA.
Book venues with Nedbank / other venue (dates decided when CB
calendar put together) as well as venue for the presentation to SO Staff.
Check on list of analysts/Outsource Partners/Staff to be invited and update
where necessary.
Liaise with sponsor (Nedbank) on venue, food etc.
Liaise with Alyson of Northern Graphics with regard to invitation and
Ensure that all travel arrangements and hotel bookings are made for CE's
and Directors and book buses for SO Staff presentation.
Ensure final presentation is on laptop with backup on flash stick and / or
disc as well as the Cashbuild song.
On the presentation days be at venue at least 1½ hours prior to arrival of
Filename: 106755237
Effective Date: July 2014
Previous Version: February 2013, i.1.0 change PO
Revision: i.1.1
Process Owner: Chantelle Hattingh
Page 2 of 5
Company Confidential
Recruitment: Support Office
Job Description – Personal Assistant to Chief
Key Performance Area
guests to check on venue, put out books, check that all name badges are
put out, set up laptop, and go through presentation and generally ensure
that everything runs smoothly.
Other Presentations
and meetings.
Prepare and arrange any other presentations / meetings as and when they
Hall of Fame (with the help of the 2 other PA's)
12 Months in advance view and book venue and accommodation.
Together with Décor and production partners decide on theme.
Send out nomination advices in CB Mail (for 4 weeks). During April
Design invitations. End July
Do up files for nominations committee members and after meeting get
final award winners names from Chairman. Mid May
Get results of DM & SM winners from Finance. Mid August
Send out invitations and keep record of all RSVP’s. Mid August
Get detailed information on all winners from Line management and
manage response – End August
Constant liaison with décor & production teams.
Supply hampers.
Manage travel & transport arrangements.
Put together seating plans.
Put together rooming list.
Finalise transport schedules.
Constant liaison with PA’s that everything is on track,
o trophies
o watches
o certificates
o cheques
o updating of honors board.
Ensure that everything is taken by PA’s to the venue.
On the day be at venue from ± 09:00am to set up trophies, hampers etc,
check on room setup, décor, arrival of guests into accommodation.
On night be at function to manage smooth running of function.
Morning after manage & ensure that everyone gets their transport to
airport and station.
SO Family Fun Day
o View and decide upon venue. 12 Months in advance o Get in quotes for entertainment. – End August
o Book venue and entertainment.
o Send out invitations. 1st Week Oct
o Get in replies. By mid Oct
o Keep recorded for meals, drink vouchers, sweet packs, and busses.
o Book buses. – Mid October
o Make up drinks vouchers for all attendees. – end Oct
o Constant liaison with venue and entertainers.
On day check on
o buses,
o do registration,
o hand out vouchers
Filename: 106755237
Effective Date: July 2014
Previous Version: February 2013, i.1.0 change PO
Revision: i.1.1
Process Owner: Chantelle Hattingh
Page 3 of 5
Company Confidential
Recruitment: Support Office
Job Description – Personal Assistant to Chief
Key Performance Area
and party packs
and generally see that everything runs smoothly. Do Checklists
Make out request for orders for stationery, copy paper, various request for
services by Outsource Partners.
Follow through to payment stage.
Managing of supplies
Ensure that there is always sufficient stock.
Type and distribute all correspondence from CEO, Chairman and
occasionally any other Director or Manager.
At beginning of each month, do up attendance register for previous month
for Directorate Department.
Backup for other PA's
As and when required, backup Ops and Finance Director's PA's.
 Implement appropriate control mechanisms to ensure the effective
completion of allocated responsibilities timely and correctly
 Plan daily duties and review progress
 Allocate the necessary resources within the framework of the established
priorities and time tables.
 Must be able to analyze problems, identify the cause of the problem and be
able to take the necessary steps to rectify the problem and to put measures
in place to ensure that the problem does not re-occur
Concern For
 Strive to continuously improve performance through the achievement of
goals and objectives
 Take personal accountability for own performance and the performance of
others and share responsibility for each others success
 Understand the importance of delivering on time
 Remove boundaries to improve work performance of self and others.
Pressure Handling
 To be able to remain calm and focused no matter what the situation is
 Manage thru the implementation of basic business principles (Planning,
Delegating and following up)
 Recognise potential problems and/or threats and take appropriate action to
prevent the identified issues to become problems
 Clearly convey and receive information and ideas through a variety of
channels in the working environment in a way that engages people and
helps them to understand and retain the communicated information.
 Get buy in from Staff, peers and seniors by means of effective two way
 Make use of communication approaches that are effective and appropriate.
Water Still & Sparkling,
cold drinks, coffee,
milk, tea
Attendance Register
As an Employee of the Company, it would be expected of you to perform all such duties and
exercise all such powers in relation to the business of the Company as may from time to time be
requested or assigned to you by the Company.
It would be expected of you to comply with all policies and procedures of the Company and to
abide by all rules and regulations concerning its Employees.
I agree that this job description conveys an accurate description of this job.
Filename: 106755237
Effective Date: July 2014
Previous Version: February 2013, i.1.0 change PO
Revision: i.1.1
Process Owner: Chantelle Hattingh
Page 4 of 5
Company Confidential
Recruitment: Support Office
Job Description – Personal Assistant to Chief
Manager Name
Manager Signature
Employee Name
Employee Signature
Filename: 106755237
Effective Date: July 2014
Previous Version: February 2013, i.1.0 change PO
Revision: i.1.1
Process Owner: Chantelle Hattingh
Page 5 of 5
Company Confidential