Associative Thinking Agents - USF Computer Science Department

Associative Sources and Aggregator Agents
David Wolber and Christopher H. Brooks
Computer Science Department
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
{wolber, cbrooks}
The goal of our research is to develop associative agents that
assist users in locating and filtering useful information, thereby
serving as virtual librarians. To this end, we have defined a family
of web services called associative sources, and a common API for
them to follow. This API, coupled with a public registry system,
makes it possible for new associative sources to register as such,
and for associative agents (clients) to access this dynamic list of
sources. The dynamic nature of this system allows for the
development of clients that collect and repurpose information
from multiple associative sources, including those created after
development of the agent itself.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.4.3. [Information Systems]: Communication Applications
General Terms
Algorithms, Design, Human Factors, Standardization,
Web services, Polymorphism, Aggregation, Reconnaissance,
Agents, Context, Associativity
1. Introduction
In many domains, web service providers are agreeing on standard
programmatic interfaces so that consumer applications need not
re-implement client code to access each particular service. For
instance, Microsoft has published a WSDL interface to which
Securities information providers can conform to[12].
Our research applies this standardization in a cross-domain
fashion by considering web services that provide similar
functionality but are not generally within the same topic domain.
In particular, we consider a class of web service which we call
associative information sources. Such services associate
documents with keywords, documents with other documents,
persons with documents, and in general information resources
with other resources. The Google and Amazon web services are
prime examples of services in this class, as are domain-specific
information sources like Lexis-Nexis for law, the Modern
Languages Association (MLA) page for literature, and CiteSeer
and the ACM Digital library for computer science.
Currently, many services fit within this class, but they all define
different programmatic interfaces (APIs). For instance, Google
and Amazon both provide a search method that accepts keywords
and returns a list of links, but a different method signature is used
by each. Because of this non-uniformity, client applications,
which we call associative agents, must talk to each associative
source using a different protocol. This prohibits a developer who
has written a client for the Google service from reusing the code
used to access the Amazon service.
More importantly, the lack of a uniform API prohibits the use of
polymorphic lists of associative sources. This is important for
associative agents that aggregate information from various
sources. Without polymorphism, the choice of which sources to
make available in a client application must be set at development
time, and the end-user of the client application is restricted to
those chosen. An end-user cannot add a newly created or
discovered source without the help of a programmer.
One potential solution to this problem involves providing an
intelligent agent with an ontology to identify functions, such as
keyword search, that are essentially the same in different services
but use different method signatures. Such automated service
discovery is an increasingly popular topic in the semantic web
community [4]. However, this is a vastly challenging problem
requiring a combination of agent intelligence and a sophisticated
description of the semantics of sources.
Our solution is based instead on standardization. We have defined
a common API for the associative information source class of web
services, and a public registry system for such sources. The API is
specified in a publicly available WSDL file that defines a number
of associative queries (see Figure 1).
With this open system, any organization or individual can expose
a data collection as an associative information source by creating
a web service that conforms to the API. If there is already a
service for the data collection, the owners or a third-party can
write a wrapper service that conforms to the API but implements
methods by calling the existing service. After the source is
implemented and deployed, it can be registered using a web page
interface found at
Aggregator agents use the registry to make the list of registered
sources available to users. A registry web service is provided that
includes a getSources() method. The objects returned from this
method contain URLs referencing the WSDL for the source and
the actual endpoint, the particular associative methods that the
source provides, and metadata about the source. The aggregator
can list the available sources for the user to choose from, or
intelligently choose the source(s) for the working task. In either
instance, the list of sources is dynamic, allowing users to benefit
from newly developed sources as soon as they are available
without the aggregator being re-programmed.
To bootstrap the system, we have developed a number of
associative source web services, including ones that access data
from Google, Amazon, Citeseer, the ACM Digital library, and the
Meerkat RSS feed site. We have also developed sample C# and
from and used to build new
associative sources.
Our goal in defining this associative sources system is to ease the
task of developing associative agents that aggregate information,
Figure 1: A snapshot of the WebTop user interface.
re-purpose it, and display it to the user. As a proof of concept, we
have modified an existing associative agent, WebTop [13], so that
it uses the common API and registry to access sources. Whereas
the old agent suggested associated links only from Google and the
user’s personal space, the new application allows the user to
dynamically choose the sources from which suggested links
appear. Our plan is to make the source code of this agent publicly
available for the benefit of other associative agent developers.
Though the agent’s primary purpose is to consume information
from other sources, it also allows the user to act, if he or she
chooses, as a producer of information-- an associative information
source. In this way, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing is facilitated,
and agents can get associations from services like Google’s and
from the user’s colleagues.
This paper is organized as follows: We first describe the newest
WebTop, our associative agent, both to share what we’ve learned
from building and using such agents, and to motivate the need for
a common associative source API. Next, we describe the
architecture of the overall system and the working API that has
been defined for an associative source. Following this, we show
how associative clients and sources can be implemented within
our framework, and discuss in more detail the idea that clients can
also serve as sources. Finally, we discuss our work in perspective
to other work, describe the current status of the system, and
suggest ideas for future work.
2. Associative Agents
Associative agents serve as virtual library assistants, peeking over
the user’s shoulder as the user writes or browses, analyzing what
associative information would be helpful, and then scurrying off
to virtual libraries (information sources) to gather data. Also
known as reconnaissance agents [7], personal information
assistants [1], and attentive systems [8], the goal is to augment the
user’s associative thinking capabilities and thereby improve the
creation and discovery process.
Figure 1 shows a screenshot of WebTop. The user can browse
web documents or edit MS-Word documents in the right panel. As
the user works, associative links are displayed in the left panel,
which we call the context view. The ‘I’,’O’, and ‘C’ icons specify
the type of association. ‘I’ stands for inward link, i.e. the
document points to the working one (the CS research page), ‘O’
stands for outward link, and ‘C’ means the documents are similar.
Color coding is used to distinguish links found from Google from
those found in the user’s own personal space.
Clicking on any expander (+) triggers another information source
access by the system. In Figure 1, the user has expanded the
“projects” page to view its associations.
public interface AssocInfoSource
// keyword related
ArrayList keywordSearch(String keyword,int n, Restriction res);
// url related
ArrayList getInwardLinks(String url, int n, Restriction res);
int getInwardLinkCount(String url);
ArrayList getSimilarWebPages(String url, int n, Restriction res); // similarity defined by source
// author related
ArrayList getAuthorDocs(String authorLast,String authorFirst, int n, Restriction res);
ArrayList getCitationsOfAuthor(String authorLast,String authorFirst, int n, Restriction res);
int getCitationCount(String authorLast,String authorFirst, Restriction res);
PersonList getSimilarAuthor(String authorLast, String authorFirst, int n, Restriction res);
// title related
ArrayList getCitationsByTitle(String title, int n);
ArrayList getSimilarDocuments(String title, int n);
// some sources allow for searches of sub-areas
ArrayList getCategories();
Figure 2. A working version of the API for an associative information source (using Java syntax).
Though many types of associative agents have been built, we have
identified several features that seem to be effective in helping
users locate and manage information. They include:
Zero-input interface [7]. In the traditional desktop, creation and
information retrieval are two distinct processes. When a user is in
need of information, he or she switches from the current task,
formulates an information query (e.g., a set of keywords) and then
invokes the query in a search engine tool.
Zero-input interfaces seek to integrate creation and information
retrieval. The agent underlying the interface analyzes the user’s
working document(s) and automatically formulates and invokes
information queries. For instance, the agent might use TFIDF[10]
or some a similar algorithm to identify the most characteristic
words in the document, then send those as keywords to an
information source search.
The results of such queries are listed on the periphery of the user’s
focus. The user periodically glances at the suggested links and
interrupts the working task only when something is of interest.
Because zero-input interfaces are always formulating associative
queries, impromptu information discovery is facilitated. There is
no need for the user to stop their current task and switch contexts
and applications in order to search for related work.
Graph/tree view of retrieved information. Search engines typically
provide results in a linear fashion. The user can select a link to
view the corresponding page, but there is no way to expand the
link to view documents related to it, and there is no mechanism
for viewing a set of documents and their relationships.
A more flexible approach, taken by WebTop, is to display
retrieved links in a file-manager-like tree view. When the user
expands a node in the tree, the system retrieves information
associated with that link and displays it at the next level in the
tree. By expanding a number of nodes, the user can view a
collection of associated documents, e.g., the citation graph of a
particular research area.
Mixing of association types. Search engines and file managers
typically focus on one type of association. For instance, Google’s
standard search retrieves content-related links, that is, links related
to a set of keywords. In the separate Advanced Search page, a
Google user can view inward links of a URL, which are pages
containing links to the URL. However, there are no queries or
views that integrate content-related and link-related associations.
Similarly, file managers focus on one association type—parentchild relationships of folders and files—and ignore hyper-link
associations and content-related associations.
An associative agent can integrate various association types, e.g.,
parent-child, link, and content-relation, into a single context tree
view. Associations from each type can be listed at each level of
the tree, allowing a user to view various multiple-degree
associations, e.g., the documents that point to the content-related
links of a document, or the inward links of the outward links of a
document (its siblings).
Mixing of external and local information. In the traditional
desktop, there are tools that work with web documents (search
engines) and tools that work with local documents (file managers
and editors). There is generally little integration between the two.
An associative agent can de-emphasize the distinction between
local and external documents by integrating both into a single
context tree view. For instance, if a local document contains a
hyperlink to a web document, the agent can display that
relationship. If an external document has similar content to that of
a local document, that association can be displayed. By
considering both the user’s own documents and documents from
external sources, the associative agent serves as both a a
remembrance agent [9] and a reconnaissance agent [7].
Aggregation of Multiple Sources. Often, a user would like to
aggregate information from various sources. For instance, a
computer science researcher might want the agent to suggest
papers from either the ACM Digital Library or Citeseer. At
another time, he might also want to see books from Amazon that
have similar content to the papers.
With the traditional desktop, users can open multiple web
browsers, visit each site, and manually aggregate the information,
but such work is tedious and the multiple-window view of the
information is hardly ideal. Associative agents can help by
automatically aggregating the information and displaying it in
useful ways.
An aggregator combines the data from various sources, processes
(repurposes) the data to better match a user’s preferences or
needs, then displays it to the user.
Unfortunately, if the web services to be aggregated do not share a
common API, the client programmer must write source-specific
code to access each source. The developer locates and learns the
API of the various sources, then writes different client code to
access the operations of each source. The following is indicative
of the code in a typical web service aggregator:
CiteseerResults = Citeseer.getCiteSeerCitations(title);
ACMResults = ACM.getACMCitations(title);
// combine and rank documents from two lists
// display links
With such code, the sources that are available to the user are
chosen by the developer at development time. When source access
is hard-coded in this way, the end-user is allowed to choose from
a provided list of sources, but the list of available sources is fixed
at development time. Without changing the code of the
aggregator, a newly discovered or newly created source cannot be
accessed by the user.
What we have defined is a scheme analogous to interfaces in
object-oriented programming. With interface inheritance, similar
behaving classes are made to conform to the API defined by the
interface, and flexible client code can be written that processes a
list of objects of the various implementing types. When new
classes are defined that conform to the interface, the client code
can access instances of these new classes without any change.
As will be shown later, both interface inheritance and
polymorphism is possible in a distributed web service setting.
3. Architecture and API
One challenge for clients is the discovery of new associative
sources. In our current architecture, we use a centralized registry
server to allow associative clients to dynamically locate new
associative sources. The following summarizes the workflow of
the dynamic associative sources and agents system:
1. Various entities create services that follow the common
“associative sources” API. Generally, these services are registered
using the registry web page. However, a programmatic web
service interface is also provided so that an agent can register a
source (our WEBTOP client does this when registering a user’s
personal space as a source).
2. Client applications access the list of all available sources
through the associative sources registry web service. Then either
the user is allowed to choose the active sources, or these are
chosen by the application using user profile and session
3. When an information retrieval operation is invoked, either
explicitly or implicitly, the operation is invoked on the chosen
sources and the results processed and displayed.
Figure 3 illustrates a set of information sources registering
themselves with the associative source registry. Notice that a
source might be a previously existing information provider, such
as Google, or another user who has chosen to allow others to
access the information in her personal web. Once these sources
are registered, a client may query the registry to find out the
availability of information sources.
A second challenge is providing a uniform API for the
associative information source class of services. The current API
(Figure 1) was created through our experience analyzing and
implementing wrapper services for Google, Amazon, and
CiteSeer. It contains keyword search and citation association
methods which accept both URL and title/author parameters. The
methods allow the client to specify the number of links to be
returned (n) and to set restrictions (e.g. date, country) on the
elements that should be considered. Results are returned in a
generic list of Metadata objects, where the Metadata class is
defined to contain the Dublin Core fields and a URL.
The current API is a working one and presented here for
illustrative purposes only. It will no doubt be modified greatly as
we analyze more sources and refine our rather vague definition of
“associative source”. We expect there will always be tension
between broadening it to allow for specialized operations and
reducing it for simplicity. Our goal is to work collaboratively with
interested organizations to define the details of this standard.
3. Building Sources
One way to access an information source is to write a web
scraper. Scrapers use the same web interface as a human; they
send HTTP requests to web servers and then extract data from the
HTML that the server returns. Unfortunately, scrapers are
dependent on the layout of a page and thus can stop working if a
page’s structure is modified even minimally.
A better model is one based on web services. Web services
provide a programmatic interface to an underlying information
source, instead of the web page interface that is essential for
humans but taxing for agents. Data is retuned using XML, rather
than HTML, without any formatting information. Because the
programmatic interface is not affected by changes in layout, it
allows for more robust access by clients.
Developers can build associative information source web services
directly on top of a data collection by implementing the given
API. Such direct development is not always possible, however, as
a developer may not have direct access to the data source. In this
case, both primary and third-party developers can leverage
existing information sources by creating “wrapper” services.
Wrappers implement the common API by wrapping calls to the
existing services in the API methods. For instance, the first
associative source we implemented wrapped the Google web
service within the associative source API. Clients call the wrapper
At the public registry, we provide a WSDL file specifying the API
along with C# and Java skeleton code we have generated from
that WSDL. If the developer wants to use a different language, the
WSDL can be downloaded and a tool can be used to generate
skeleton code in that language. If C# or Java is the language of
Associative Source
1) Register
3) Request Sources
2) Confirm
personal Web)
4) List Sources
1) Register
Figure 3: As new associative information sources come on line, they register their presence wit h the registry. When a
client wants to find new information, it queries the registry to find the location and capabilities of each information
source. Once this is complete, clients and sources communicate directly.
choice, the developer can simply download the skeleton code, add
code in the methods to access the targeted source, and then deploy
the service.
Once an associated source has been created and deployed, it can
be registered with the associative data source registry web site.
The person registering enters the name, description, WSDL URL
and endpoint URL of the service. The register parses the WSDL
to record which methods of the common API are implemented by
the source. All of this information is then made available to clients
through the registry web service method “getSources()”.
4. Building Clients
The registry provides two WSDL files for client developers. The
first is the WSDL file that provides the common API for
associative information sources. Developers use this file to
generate web service client code that calls associative information
sources. Most Web Service tools (e.g., jax-rpc, the tools in
Microsoft’s Visual.Net, Apache Axis) generate such client code
automatically from a WSDL file.
The WSDL file from the registry actually specifies a URL for a
particular associative information source, specifically our Google
wrapper service. So any code automatically generated from the
WSDL will by default accesses Google. This URL is specified in
a field within the service stub object that is generated.
To access another associative source, say our Amazon wrapper,
the developer need only modify the URL field of the service stub
before calling one of the methods of the common API:
list = serviceStub.keywordSearch(keywords);
Aggregators, of course, access multiple sources. With the registry
system, this list of sources can grow dynamically. Web service
polymorphism is facilitated through setting the URL field as in the
above example. The typical client that uses the associative sources
system will store a list of source objects, where each source
contains metadata about the source along with the URL of its
endpoint service. The client code processes each source in the list
in the following fashion:
foreach source in sourceList
Note that this is not traditional polymorphism/dynamic binding in
which an object (e.g., stubService) has a different dynamic type
on each iteration. In fact, there is only one “stubService” object
and it is always the object of the method call. The (distributed)
method is instead “bound” by changing the URL in that
“stubService” object, which changes the destination of the
underlying network operation.
To access the sources in the first place, the client developer makes
use of a second provided WSDL file. This WSDL file is used to
generate client code that obtains the list of available associative
sources from the registry. Some clients will access this list when
the user requests to modify the list of active sources. The list of
available sources are retrieved and displayed, and the user is
allowed to choose the sources that should be active. For instance,
a user working on a computer science research paper might
choose the ACM Digital Library and Citeseer as the two active
Other clients will intelligently choose sources for the user, i.e.,
analyze the working task and select sources that will predictably
return more useful results. Each source object returned from the
getSources() registry method contains metadata about the source,
including a textual description which can be used in source
discovery. We also plan to explore the use of more sophisticated
mechanisms for describing sources such as DAML-S[3].
Figure 4 illustrates how a client might use this system. After
querying the registry to determine the information sources that are
available, the client is able to use the same uniform interface to
contact each of the available associative sources. These requests
are routed through web service wrapper agents located on servers
at USF. The wrapper agents have the job of translating the client’s
request into the appropriate form for each information source. In
the case of Google or Amazon, this is a SOAP request, whereas in
the case of Citeseer, the request is done via HTTP. The wrapper
agents receives the reply from the source, either as XML, SOAP,
or an HTML-formatted web page, transforms this reply into a
uniform SOAP-encased format, and forwards the reply back to the
client. From the client’s point of view, each information source
uses the same interface, allowing the client to easily aggregate
data from multiple sources.
Associative Source
Wrappers (hosted at
Information Sources
SOAP request
SOAP reply
Google Source
AS-SOAP reply
SOAP request
SOAP reply
HTTP request
Amazon Source
AS-SOAP reply
AS-SOAP reply
Citeseer Source
HTML reply
Figure 4: A client makes a uniform request to the source wrappers. Each source wrapper repackages this request into
the appropriate form (as a SOAP or HTTP request) and forwards it to the corresponding Associative Source(AS). The
requested information from the AS is then repackaged into a uniform format (denoted as AS-SOAP) and returned to the
5. Clients as Sources
input manner. This allows users to share ‘knowledge’ in the same
way that they might share files with a traditional file-sharing
program such as Kazaa.
So far, our discussion has focused on the traditional client-server
approach, in which there are information sources (servers) who
only provide information and client applications that only
consume information.
The other scenario involves domain experts exposing their
personal webs to the larger community. Imagine working on a
document concerning autonomous agents and being able to view
associated information from Henry Lieberman’s personal space!
However, our system is also designed to function in a peer-to-peer
fashion in which a user acts as both a consumer and a producer of
information. When users install the WebTop client on their
desktops, they are asked if they want to expose their personal
spaces as information sources, and if so, the folders they want to
make public. The system then iterates through the chosen folders,
recording metadata about the documents in the system including
an inverse index and a link table. This personal web information
is updated as a user works so that it is always consistent with the
file system. For example, when a user bookmarks a web page or
adds a link from a document to a web page, that association
information is recorded.
When the user elects to expose the personal web, the system
automatically deploys a web service and registers the service as an
associative source. The personal web service follows the common
associative source API, so clients can send associative queries to
personal webs just as they do to sources such as Google. In this
way, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing is facilitated.
While this implementation is still at the prototype stage, we
imagine two powerful scenarios for its use. First, individuals in a
research group can attach to each others personal webs. As each
individual bookmarks newly discovered documents, writes new
material, or defines connections between entities, this knowledge
is instantly available to the others in the group, perhaps in a zero-
6. Related Work
Web service discovery has been the focus of many researchers in
the Semantic web community. One example is the development of
DAML-S[3,4], an agent-based language for describing Web
service semantics and complex ontologies. Most work with
DAML and DAML-S focuses on the composition of complex
tasks from simpler services, but one could also envision an
associative agent using DAML-S source descriptions to
automatically identify sources that provide associative methods
like those in our API.
By contrast, our strategy is to require sources to implement a
standard API, or wrappers that conform to it, and then register
themselves at the central registry. Agents are simplified greatly
with this scheme. However, building consensus on a standard may
prove to be an even bigger challenge.
RSS feeds provide an alternative to XML-SOAP web services and
another way for clients to aggregate data from multiple sources.
RSS feeds work on a push model where data is delivered to clients
as it become available. Web services are based on a “pull” model
in which the client specifically requests data meeting particular
With the RSS scheme, processing and filtering of the data is all
the responsibility of the aggregator client—sources just dump
data, including information items and any associative data (link
information) they have. Associative source web services, on the
other hand, respond to queries and perform important processing
on the server end. This eliminates the need for every aggregator to
implement similar processing methods, and it is necessary or
preferable when the data collection is very large, such as with
Google’s link database.
Search engines such as Metacrawler have also been used to
aggregate search results from multiple search engines. However,
they do not typically incorporate domain-specific association
sources, nor do they provide the user with assistance in sorting or
managing this information.
One of the earliest associative agents was Letizia [7]. It identifies
the hyperlinks in the open document then performs a look-ahead
for the user by scanning the linked documents and ranking them.
Ranking is based on relevancy, as measured against a working
profile of the user.
Another early agent was Margin Notes [9]. It uses a TFIDF [10]
algorithm to find the most characteristic words in each section of
a document, then sends those words to a both a search engine and
a local information service. The resulting links are then displayed
in the margins of the document, section-by-section, providing
present-day annotations even for older documents (e.g., a link to a
document by present day novelist Milan Kundera might appear in
the margins of the Communist Manifesto).
Other associative agents include Watson [1] and Powerscout [7].
Watson performs zero-input searches on various information
sources including the web, news, images, and domain-specific
search engines. Watson has also been extended to use the
characteristic words of a document not just to build a query, but to
automatically choose the sources where the query should be sent
PowerScout uses an iterative approach in invoking automated
searches. It first sends a large set of keywords to the search
engine, looking for extremely close matches to the open
document. As searches fail, it eliminates keywords from the set
and resends the query. Searches in later iterations are more likely
to be successful, but return documents that are only somewhat
similar in content to the open document.
Status and Future Work
Though the registry web site and web service and a number of
information sources are publicly available, we have not yet
advertised their existence to the broader user community.
Similarly, the WebTop associative client is a working prototype
that has only been used by its developers and a handful of users.
We plan to publicly release WebTop in January 2004, following
extensive testing and user studies. We are extremely excited to see
what types of sources register and what types of clients are
developed to make use of the system. This information will help
in guiding the development of our API, as well as supporting
We are particularly interested in further developing the peer-topeer aspect of this project by allowing associative clients to also
act as associative sources. This opens up a number of interesting
research questions, including helping users compactly describe
their interests and information needs, helping users find similar
users in a large population, and allowing groups of similar users to
dynamically band together into larger community structures. As a
first step, we plan to proactively encourage research groups at
USF to use the system, and to also encourage experts (e.g. an
instructor of a course) to expose their personal webs to those with
interest (e.g., the students in the course). We plan to draw on the
lessons of both the blogging community and the peer-to-peer file
sharing community to determine the best ways to allow users to
share information and expertise with each other in a scalable
Allowing users to share information with each other will require
some sort of access mechanism that allows a user to specify what
can and cannot be shared. Currently, the mechanism for
specifying the public/private parts of ones personal web is
rudimentary. We plan to explore more sophisticated, declarative
mechanisms that allow a user more flexibility in specifying what
can be shared, who it can be shared with, and the allowable uses
of that information.
The addition of users as sources also provides a need for
associative clients to intelligently filter the list of available
sources, and also intelligently select sources on a user’s behalf.
The current WebTop prototype requires the user to explicitly
choose the sources that are currently active. This is fine for our
current model, which has more of a client-server feel, but as we
move into a more peer-to-peer approach, a more intelligent client
will be needed to help users manage information overload. We
plan to draw on the techniques for automatic source selection
explored in a version of Watson[6]. This will include both
intelligent querying and filtering of sources on the client end, and
the ability for sources to describe the information they provide in
a richer and more sophisticated manner.
[1] Budzik, J., Hammond, K.J., Marlow, C.A., and Scheinkman,
A., Anticipating information needs: Everyday Applications
as interfaces to Internet Information Sources. In the 1998
World Conference on the WWW, Internet, and Intranet.
[2] Google, Inc.,
[3] DAML-S., 2001.
[4] DAML-S Coalition: A. Ankolekar, M. Burstein, J. Hobbs,
O. Lassila, D. Martin, S. McIlraith, S. Narayanan, M.
Paolucci, T. Payne, K. Sycara, and H. Zeng. DAML-S:
Semantic markup for Web services. In Proc. Int. Semantic
Web Working Symposium (SWWS), 411–430, 2001
[5] Lawrence, S., Bollacker, K, and Giles, C., Index and
Retrieval of Scientific Literature, Proceedings of the Eighth
Annual Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management (CIKM, November 1999), 139-146.
[6] Leake,D., Scherle, R., Budzik, J., Hammond, K., Selecting
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