MULTI-LEVEL UPQC CONNECTED WITH DG (SOLAR–CELL) Mohammad Shirin Tabassum Malli Peddi Anitha M.Tech Scholar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Department of EEE R. V. R & J. C. College of Engineering, R. V. R & J. C. College of Engineering Chowdavaram, Guntur (A.P), India. Chowdavaram, Guntur (A.P), India ABSTRACT: 1. INTRODUCTION This paper presents a new Unified power quality conditioning system connected to solar cell, which is capable of simultaneous compensation for voltage and current disturbances in multibus/multi-feeder systems. In this configuration, shunt multi-level voltagesource converter (shunt VSC) and series multi-level voltage source converter are connected to the solar cell through DC link capacitor. The system can be applied to adjacent feeders to compensate voltage sag, voltage swell and voltage interruptions. In the proposed configuration, Cascaded H-bridge multiconverters with DC sources of different voltage levels are used with SVPWM control technique. Multi-level inverters are used as to obtain the output waveform as sinusoidal with reduced harmonics. The performance of the ML-UPQC with DG is designed by using MATLAB Simulink With increasing applications of nonlinear and electronically switched devices in distribution systems and industries, power-quality (PQ) issues, like harmonics, flicker, and imbalances have become a serious consideration. Additionally, lightning strikes on transmission lines shift of capacitor banks, and numerous network faults may cause PQ issues, like transients, voltage sag/swell, and interruption. So as to satisfy PQ normal limits, it should be necessary to incorporate some kind of compensation. Fashionable solutions may be found with the kind of active rectification or active filtering. A shunt active power filter is appropriate for the suppression of negative load influence on the provision network, however if there is a unit provide voltage imperfections, a series active power filter could also be required to produce full compensation. In recent years, solutions supported versatile AC transmission systems (FACTS) have appeared. Application of FACTS ideas in distribution systems has resulted in an exceedingly new generation of compensating devices. A unified power- Keywords: Multi level inverter, solar cell, power quality, sensitive load, voltage sag, voltage-interruption. quality conditioner (UPQC) is that the extension of the unified power-flow controller (UPFC) idea at the distribution level. It consists of combined series and shunt converters for co-occurring compensation of voltage and current imperfections in a feeder. The interest in distributed generation (DG) has been increasing rapidly because DG might play an important role in the future power system. Security problem caused by some transmission-line trip can be alleviated if a large number of DGs are installed in the power system. Moreover, DG can yield economic bene๏ฌts, such as reducing the loss of transmission line and the cost of highvoltage equipment. II.PROPOSED SYSTEM In this paper, a brand new configuration of a UPQC known as the multi converter unified power-quality conditioner (ML-UPQC) is conferred. The projected topology is used for synchronic compensation of voltage and current imperfections in feeder. The system is additionally capable of compensating for interruptions while not the necessity for a battery storage system and consequently while not storage capability limitations. Overall diagram: Fig1: the overview diagram of source connected UPQC system III. MULTI-LEVEL INVERTER The principle function of the inverters is to generate an AC voltage from a DC source voltage. Multilevel converter UPQC which improves the performance of the system. Cascaded H-Bridge inverters are used. Cascaded H-Bridge inverters can be classified into two types based on the amplitudes of the DC sources used. They are: symmetrical multilevel inverters in which sources are of equal amplitudes and asymmetrical multilevel inverters in which sources are of different amplitudes. Compared to symmetrical multilevel inverter it can be seen that asymmetrical multilevel inverters can generate more voltage levels and higher maximum output voltage with the same number of bridges. The asymmetric multilevel inverter can produce N=2n+1-1, levels (n is the number of sources and N is the number of levels in the inverter output). The main advantage of the asymmetric configuration is that if minimizes the redundant output levels. The inverter s^3 voltages (e.g. an inverter with s=3 cells can generate 3^3=27 different voltage levels. This multilevel inverter consists of series connected cells. Each cell consists of a 4-switch H-bridge voltage source inverter. The output inverter voltage is obtained by summing the cell contributions. Fig 2: Schematic structure of a VSC IV. Theory and Operation SVPWM for converters of Space vector modulation is based on remodeling 3 phase quantities into the α-β plane. In general, a three phase n-level VSI features a total of n^3 space vectors, therefore within the case of 3-phase three level VSI there are twenty seven space vectors that represent the various combos of the ON/OFF of the twelve switches of the three-phase VSI.The space vector of phase voltage Vαβ can be defined in αβ-reference frame as follows: where a=ej(2/3) π is the complex operator and Va,Vb and Vc are voltages of terminals A, B and C with respect to the neutral point O of DC bus. The magnitudes of the area vectors shown in Fig. have only four values as follows: (i) Large magnitude with 2/3 p.u. value. (ii) Medium magnitude with 1/√3 p.u. value. (iii) Little magnitude with 1/3 p.u. value. (iv) Zero magnitude. The angle between adjacent area vectors is 30º that divide the area vector diagram into twelve sectors(from sector I to sector XII) and 3 planes. Fig3. Three-phase VSI phase voltage space vectors in the αβ plane. The basic plan of Space Vector Modulation is to compensate the specified volt-seconds exploitation separate switching states and their on-times created by electrical converter. Based on the principle of voltsecond equivalent, that's volt-second worth balance between magnitude of the reference vector and also the actual shift state vectors, standard space vector modulator uses the closest three vectors ( tiny, medium and large) and zero vector in one sector to approximate reference voltage vector. Three main problems should be resolved in SVPWM procedure: detection of nearest three voltage vectors to the reference vector, determining of the corresponding perform time and also the process sequence of those 3 voltage vectors. In order to discover the closest 3 vectors to the reference vector, the normal SVPWM technique compares there reference vector with all the divided sections successively beneath α-β reference system. The computation is relative advanced in a three-level device. In this work, one large, medium and tiny space vectors are used to generate the specified gating pulses for the αβ- plane of the three-phase electrical converter. The times (ta and tb) may be calculated using large and medium space vectors, then for odd-numbered sectors And for even-numbered sectors V. SOLAR CELL Solar cell converts sunlight directly to dc power. Photovoltaic cell generates electricity from the sun. PV panel works under the phenomenon of photoelectric effect. When solar cell are exposed to sunlight, it converts solar energy into electrical energy It is used so as to maintain maximum power at output side we are boosting the voltage by controlling the current of array with the use of PI controller. Depending upon ( the boost converter output voltage this AC voltage may be changes and finally it connects to the utility grid which is a load for various applications. INCRIMENTAL CONDUCTANCE MPPT ALGORITHM In Incremental conductance method the array terminal voltage is always adjusted according to the MPP voltage it is based on the incremental and instantaneous conductance of the PV module. Fig. shows that the slope of the P-V array power curve is zero at The MPP, increasing on the left of the MPP and decreasing on the Right hand side of the MPP. The basic equations of this method are as follows. ๐๐ผ/๐๐ = − ๐ผV at MPP Fig4 : solar photovoltaic cell The system configuration for the subject is as shown figure3.Here the PV array may be a combination of series and parallel solar cells. This array develops the ability from the solar power directly and it'll be changes by relying informed the temperature and star irradiances. Fig5: system configuration of PV ๐๐ผ/๐๐> −๐ผ๐Left of MPP ๐๐ผ/๐๐< −๐ผ๐Right of MPP Where I and V are P-V array output current and voltage respectively. The left hand side of equations represents incremental conductance of P-V module and the right hand side represents the instantaneous conductance. When the ratio of change in output conductance is equal to the negative output conductance, the solar array will operate at the maximum power point. This method exploits the assumption of the ratio of change in output conductance is equal to the negative output Conductance Instantaneous conductance. We have, P = VI Applying the chain rule for the derivative of products yields to ∂P/∂V = [∂(VI)]/ ∂V At MPP, as ∂P/∂V=0 The above equation could be written in terms of array voltage V and array current I as ∂I/∂V = - I/V The MPPT regulates the PWM control signal of the dc – to – dc boost converter until the condition: (∂I/∂V) + (I/V) = 0 is satisfied. In this method the peak power of the module lies at above 98% of its incremental conductance. The Flow chart of incremental conductance MPPT is shown below Fig7: 27-level simulink model of UPQC Fig6: Incremental Conductance algorithm VI. SIMULATION RESULTS Fig8: controller block diagram D-link capacitor is connected to the distributed generation generation. system i.e., photovoltaic Fig12: Fault voltage waveform where the voltage swell occur in between time of 0.016 and 0.0833 Fig9: Bus voltage on source side Fig10: multi level series inverter waveform Fig13: Fault voltage waveform of sag occurrence in between time of 0.016 and 0.0833 fig11: multi waveform Fig14: Fault voltage waveform the interruption occurrence in between time of 0.016 and 0.0833 level shunt inverter Fig15: Load voltage after clearing fault systems. In this paper 27-level inverter UPQC prototype is used. The idea can be theoretically extended to multi-bus/multifeeder systems by adding more series VSCs. The performance of the ML-UPQC is evaluated under various disturbance conditions and it is shown that the proposed ML-UPQC can compensate sag/swell and interruption compensation. Compensation for interruptions without the need for a battery storage system and consequently, without storage capacity limitation. REFERENCES Fig16: Load side Current waveformm VII. CONCLUSION In this paper, a new configuration for simultaneous compensation of voltage and current in adjacent feeders has been proposed. The new configuration is named Multi-level converter unified power-quality conditioner (ML-UPQC). In this paper Multi-level prototype model was implemented and simulation is done on the 11kv line and this proposed method decreases the THD value. Compared to a conventional UPQC, the proposed topology is capable of fully protecting critical and sensitive loads against distortions, sags/swell, and interruption in feeder [1] H. Akagi and H. 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