GCC 03-14-2012 Minutes

MARCH 14, 2012
Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the
radio station in Grant County and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court
was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City OR.
9:00 am -- Call to Order. Present were Commissioners Scott W. Myers and Boyd Britton,
Secretary Mary Ferrioli, and Terri Aasness. Judge Webb’s arrival was delayed due to the school
district’s request to meet with some students. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the United
States flag. The invocation was given by Terri Aasness.
EXTENSION. The court signed Extension & 4H Service District Warrant No. 117.
PROGRAM. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to accept the program as presented.
Myers had attended Tuesday’s 8 am Safety Committee meeting at the airport. Last Friday he was
(as a fisherman) asked by Mike Cosgrove to visit the old rock pit behind Wilderness Theater
where some environmental cleanup and improvements are being done.
Britton reported on Ferguson Engineering’s recent inspection of the Sale Barn and other areas
on the fairgrounds where structural improvements have been suggested. He reported on last
week’s Fair Board meeting and this week’s Airport Commission meeting. This morning he had
visited with school reps about the school’s new boiler.
As requested by the Council of Western State Foresters, the court sign a letter to Congressional
representatives in support of retaining funding for crucial State Fire Assistance and Hazardous
Fuels programs at the Forest Service and Department of the Interior.
MINUTES. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to approve the March 7 minutes as corrected.
INSURANCE AGENT OF RECORD. The court reviewed the sole Insurance Agent of Record
proposal received from Bisnett Insurance to provide the county’s property and liability
insurance. It was noted Bisnett has been the county’s insurance agent since 1999 and has
maintained the trend of keeping premiums as low as possible. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to
accept Bisnett Insurance as the county’s Insurance Agent of Record.
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. The Commission on Children and Families’ had elected
Commissioner Scott Myers as Chair and (youth) Wade Cates as Vice-Chair for 2012 at the March
6 meeting. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to accept Scott Myers as Chair and Wade Cates as ViceChair of the Commission on Children and Families for 2012.
MARCH 14, 2012
9:25 am – News Reporter Scotta Callister entered
HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Court members approved a Health-Net Credentialing Application,
Attestation & Checklist previously provided by the Health Department. Participating provider recredentialing is done every three years as part of Health-Net’s Quality Assurance Program.
MSP: Myers/Britton -- to authorize Judge Webb to sign the Health-Net Credentialing
Application, Attestation & Checklist as requested.
BUDGET RESOLUTIONS. The court reviewed and signed Resolution 12-10 Appropriating
Unexpected Grant Funds / Women, Infants & Children Fund for the Breast Feeding Performance
Bonus grant $5,000.00; Resolution 12-11 Making Budgeted Transfers / General to Senior
Citizens for the current year budget $21,000.000; Resolution 12-12 Making Budgeted Transfers
from Road to School Forest $354,300.00 and to City Streets Bridges $180,000.00; and
Resolution 12-13 Making Budgeted Transfers / Special Funds to Maternal & Child Health from
WIC $6,794.00 / Family Planning $7,134.00 / Bioterrorism $300.00 / Sanitarian $3,250.00.
10:00 am -- Ken Boethin and Kathy Smith entered
JUVENILE AND ADULT SERVICES DIRECTOR. Juvenile and Adult Services Director Ken Boethin
requested approval of an Initial Application Screening Score Sheet and Application Screening
Committee members associated with the hiring process to replace him upon retirement June 30.
Boethin reviewed items listed on the Application Scoring Sheet he developed to evaluate the
education, skills and experience requirements. Four applications were submitted during the
application period ending March 9. Boethin said other entities in the state have been having
trouble recruiting qualified individuals. He recommended extending the application period until
March 30 to see if more applications are submitted. He said Judge Cramer is willing to
participate and suggested John Day Police Chief Tirico and OSP Sgt. Larson should join him on
the Application Screening Committee. Boethin didn’t want to be on the Interview Committee
but felt participants would include a County Court member, a neighboring county Juvenile
Director, a law enforcement rep and Judge Cramer. MSP: Britton /Webb -- to extend the
Juvenile and Adult Director public recruitment period until March 30, 2012.
10:30 am -- Kimberly Lindsay, Thad Labhart, and FNP Tim Nielsen entered
ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS. Community Counseling Solutions Director Kimberly Lindsay
and Local Site Director Thad Labhart reviewed and discussed an Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Implementation Summary for Grant County Health Department prepared by CCS. The subject
was addressed on January 11 at which time the court allowed CCS to proceed with the proposal.
Public Health Administrator John Combs could not attend, but fully supports adoption of e-MDs
under Blue Mountain Hospital. The county’s Family Nurse Practitioner Tim Nielson has been
working on the EHR project and was present for discussion. The EHR Record Implementation
proposal was reviewed. A copy of the full report is on file. Labhart said Combs asked him to
MARCH 14, 2012
look at potential adoption of EHR for the health department focusing mainly on e-MDs which
the hospital has offered to license under their umbrella.
Britton asked about the program’s potential benefits to the citizens. Both Labhart and Nielson
pointed out that the EHR process is going to be a requirement in the future. Nielson said
payments to clinic providers would be reduced without EHR. Labhart explained it made business
sense and would streamline the process for efficiencies and would reduce cost, plus it would
collect metrics data and clear up some communication issues between the hospital and health
department. Nielson said access to medical records at the hospital can become paperless and
seamless when used by other care providers. Discussion followed about privacy and security
issues. Nielson expressed concern about continuity of care versus snooping and gossip. Nielson
said he understood log-in permissions can be set to assure the highest security standards.
Labhart said that security would be the same as the Education Service District. Webb felt the
same issues with confidentially and tight standards will be present with EHR as are present now.
Myers confirmed each records access would be coded. Nielson saw some dual roles at the
health department now. The e-MDs system could streamline billing and related processes, so it
could possibly change some duties in the future. The e-MDs system requires an on-site scanner,
two desktops and upgrades to existing computers / software, user license, and labor with
hospital IT staff with a total cost of about $16,291.00 for the new platform. The estimated
ongoing annual cost for e-MDs is about $6,800.00 plus licensing. Webb understood the county
could get reimbursed for annual costs through incentives. Nielson thought the yearly incentive
would eventually run out and sustainability would depend on patient volume. Labhart noted the
county is already paying some license fees for Aehler’s and costs for IT could be kept down by
staff communicating directly with e-MDs support. Lindsay felt e-MDs would pay for itself over
time and understood the budget would need to be addressed. MSP: Webb/Myers -- to allow
the Health Department to move forward with implementation of the e-MDs EHR system
and authorize the start up costs estimated at $16,291.00.
11:00 am – Kathy Smith entered
Lindsay said Combs and she have been talking about health department organization and
possibly adding another 0.5 FTE position. In that regard, Lindsay had studied the health
department’s financial history. She reviewed and discussed spreadsheets she prepared
illustrating Family Planning’s Revenue and Expenses from July 2006 to June 2012 and Sanitarian
Ending Cash Balance 2005-2006 to 2011-2012 EXHIBIT A. The graphs reflect true revenue and
not Cash on Hand and show a steady increase since 2009-2010. Individual funds were also
graphed separately. She said actual revenue in MCH could be leveling off due to added
personnel. Lindsay felt expenses may outpace revenue in the future since the cost of business
tends to increase over time. She recommended that activities become more efficient in the
future so expenses don’t exceed revenue. Discussion followed about the need to evaluate
increased internal efficiencies to help reduce costs in the future. The court felt efficiencies could
be found with increased productivity of staff leading to higher work volumes and increased
MARCH 14, 2012
patient visits.
Next, Lindsay addressed the process of accreditation for the health department and the
application process for a Public Health Authority Accreditation Readiness Grant. The deadline is
March 21. The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) requires completion of 3 items before a
grant application is submitted – Organization Strategic Plan, Community Health Assessment,
and Community Health Improvement Plan. Lindsay said the department would potentially
receive less funding if it does not become accredited. If awarded, the grant provides up to
$35,000.00 between April and July this year to develop one of the required items, or two
additional items addressing workforce readiness or quality improvement activities. Lindsay
proposed using the award to increase a current employee from 0.5 FTE to 1.0 FTE to act as
Project Coordinator responsible for completing strategic planning activities, submitting data and
issuing the final report to the state and county. The full accreditation process would take about
two years to complete and CCS plans to work collaboratively with the county to research
funding opportunities to further work on accreditation readiness. The hospital had already
submitted a letter of support for the health department’s accreditation process. Lindsay believed
the 0.5 FTE grant position may also help to increase efficiencies and allow more time to further
consider departmental organization.
11:15 am – Mark Hensley entered
Webb reported on his attendance at a Public Health Conference and discussions with Combs
and OHA representative Tom Engle about mandatory accreditation. Engle felt this grant award
for the health department was likely and fully supports the county moving forward with the
Webb understood the health department and CCS would be responsible for monthly grant
reporting. Myers confirmed that no county match is required. Treasurer Kathy Smith was told all
the money would be received this fiscal year by electronic transfer in April, May, and June; but
work would continue through July. Lindsay described the reporting requirements and timing for
submitting reports.
11:20 am – News Reporter Scotta Callister entered
Britton supported moving forward with accreditation and felt it was necessary for the
department’s future success. Smith asked Lindsay how $35,000.00 would support wages for the
0.5 FTE (full time benefits vs. temporary no-benefits). Lindsay said she and Combs were working
on the budget today. She felt the current 0.5 FTE position may be increased to full time to be
responsible as the Project Coordinator. MSP: Britton/Myers —to authorize CCS to move
forward with the Public Health Authority Accreditation Readiness Grant application.
Lindsay said she’d complete the grant application based on benefits and FTE that’s best for the
department and send a copy to the court. The court was assured Lindsay would meet with them
again -- if the grant is awarded – to obtain approval of the position.
MARCH 14, 2012
11:30 am – Judge Webb left the meeting in response to a Circuit Court subpoena
CR 20. Roadmaster Mark Hensley recommended the court initiate proceedings to vacate excess
right-of-way adjacent to County Road 20 pursuant to ORS 368.411. Hensley presented an
outline of the road vacation process provided by legal counsel Ron Yockim. The first step is to
discuss the court’s desire to vacate. If so, a resolution with legal description attached would be
signed declaring intent to vacate and directing the Roadmaster to examine the road and file a
written report pursuant to ORS 368.346(1). Next, the report is received and discussed at a court
meeting and a hearing date and place is set to consider the public’s interest in the proposed
vacation. At the hearing the court would enter an order or resolution either granting or denying
the vacation.
Hensley said nothing has changed on the CR 20 map previously presented. What has changed
is the county process. Hensley said we’re not asking the landowners to obtain the signatures. He
felt that excess ROW vacation better explains what is actually being proposed. The court
supported Hensley’s recommendation on the vacation process. Resolution 12- 14 In the Matter
of Vacating Excess Right-of-Way was signed by all court members. Hensley was given
permission to begin work on the other ROW vacations.
EXECUTIVE SESSION. Designation of the scheduled session was discussed with the News
Reporter. The employee and the Commissioners each felt the Executive Session was not needed.
12:00 pm – Lunch Recess. The meeting resumed at 1:30 pm. Present were Commissioners Britton
and Myers, the Court Secretary, Treasurer Kathy Smith, and Airport Manager Colin English.
AIRPORT PROJECT. Airport Manager Colin English provided background on FAA
apportionment authorization and Connect Oregon IV grant application associated with the
runway 09-27 rebuild project. English said we have up to $1.4 Million allocated toward capital
improvement projects and if added to COIV would meet or exceed the match. That would likely
increase our state ranking priority to Tier 2. English talked about developments with the rebuild
project and the COIV grant. To get the full apportionment of funds FAA requires a commitment
from the county that this project will happen -- contingent on receipt of COIV funds. Before the
FAA can commit to state apportionment funds, the county is required to complete an
engineering and project management consultant selection process and apply for an engineering
and design grant to make the project “shovel ready” by mid-August when COIV funds are
awarded. English hopes to find alternate source funds for the 10% match for entitlement funds
through Oregon Department of Aviation and Oregon Department of Transportation. He said the
$1,000 cost for advertising, which will be reimbursed at 90%, was within his budget.
English further explained, if about half of the original COIV request is awarded, it would make
our COIV grant match 100% which raises our selection priority by 10-12 points. He asked the
court to sign a commitment letter to Chris Cummings at Oregon Department of Transportation
for the COIV application. Myers reviewed the flow chart of project activities and timeline and
MARCH 14, 2012
was assured the final decision would be made by the court. English said the Airport Commission
would do 90% of the work in this process and make a recommendation on the selection.
English assured the court much of this work would be completed before he resigns July 31, but
the design work would start after that. Treasurer Smith saw future complications with a new
project underway before the new airport manager is familiar with the project history. English was
asked to provide a detailed flowchart identifying each funding source and where it is applied
and the source of the matching funds. The county was told, other than $100 for advertising, we
won’t be responsible for any costs for this project. English was told there must be a clear
understanding in the beginning about the project design manager’s responsibilities and costs.
The Runway 09-27 project commitment letter and Connect IV Program Application for 2011 –
2012 were signed by Commissioners Britton and Myers.
2:00 pm -- Mary Weaver entered
TRACTOR SHED REPAIR. Fair Manager Mary Weaver asked for approval to make emergency
repairs to the tractor shed. Britton previously provided Ferguson Surveying and Engineering’s
assessment of needed repairs. Ferguson’s recommendations include replacing a post and
footing and installing steel brackets, sill plates, hurricane clips on trusses, and additional bracing
for wind resistance. It was also recommended that the building not be used unless absolutely
necessary. No estimated costs were associated with the assessment. Weaver provided an
advertisement for proposals on the repairs based on the engineering report. The bid due /
award date is March 19 with March 25 as the work completion date. Treasurer Smith said the
court could not approve the project cost until March 21 which only allows a few days to
complete the project. Myers reviewed the repair work list and estimated the total cost should
not go over $2,000. Britton suggested that Weaver check with Myers about the cost of the bids
and be allowed to award, if reasonable and prudent. Repair costs were to be paid from the
Courthouse Reserve Fund. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to allow Ms. Weaver to move forward
with emergency repairs for the Tractor Shed. MSP: Britton/Myers-- to supply all
identified contractors with a list of the project work advertised and fund the project
through the Courthouse Reserve Fund.
2:20 pm -- Adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary R. Ferrioli
County Court Secretary
MARCH 14, 2012