CONFIDENTIAL SCHOOL OF FASHION & TEXTILES RESEARCH AND HIGHER DEGREES COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting 4/2011, held Thursday 9 June 2011, 2pm, in 511.01.06 Chair: Dr Rajiv Padhye 1. 1.1 ATTENDANCE Present: Dr Rajiv Padhye (Chair), Keith Cowlishaw, Dr Jenny Underwood, Chris Clark, Jane Conway, Antida Liistro, Claire Beale, Tina Guglielmino, Kent Williamson, Dr Lijing Wang, Kate Kennedy, Fiona Gavens (Minute secretary) 1.2 Apologies: Patrick Snelling, Dr Olga Troynikov 1.3 Welcome Keith welcomed Emma, Kent, Claire, Lijing and Kate to their first meeting, giving a brief overview of the development of the committee and its role. He emphasised the need to further develop the research profile of the school, in terms of completions, publications, income and collaborations. 2. *2.1 CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA Notice of Agenda Items Reference No agenda items were raised or withdrawn from discussion. *2.2 Starring of items Items were starred for discussion. It was resolved that all unstarred items be received or approved as appropriate. *2.3 Order of Business The order of business was changed by agreement. 2.4 3. Papers circulated with the agenda Attachment 1 – Minutes of the May 2011 meeting Attachment 2 - Research Master database report Attachment 3 - Improvements for ERA 2012 Attachment 4 - Research Integrity CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Committee resolved that the Minutes of meeting 3/2011 held 11 May 2011 be received as a true and accurate record. 4. 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES It was agreed to invite Denise Meredyth, the new Deputy Dean of Research, DSC to address issues related to ERA. Valentina Verbni has applied for Leave of Absence for a year and is approved Jenny Underwood has applied for registration as a HDR supervisor. The School Policy for External Funding Applications has been circulated, no comments to date, hence the policy has been approved as it is. Arrangements are nearly finalised for Patricia Brien to have Lyndal Jones as first supervisor (at no cost to the school) and Jennifer Craik as second supervisor. Most of the research students have agreed to attend the 3 Minute Thesis training workshop at the end of June. *5.1 Research Master database report There are not many outstanding issues, as Progress Reports have been received and are with Keith for signature. Minor problems with listing of supervisors are being resolved, but some students are still without second supervisors, partly because more supervisors need to be registered. Page 1 of 3 Attachment 1 Rajiv Attachment 2 CONFIDENTIAL *5.2 Important changes to supervisor registration Second supervisors are no longer required to hold the same level of degree, it can be one level lower, and other qualifications/experience may be allowable in exceptional circumstances. Adjunct Professors are now eligible to be senior supervisors. More second supervisors / consultant supervisors need to be recruited, suggestions are welcome. Dr Rex Brady was nominated by Lijing. Remuneration was discussed – at present senior supervisors are paid $4,000pa but second supervisors aren’t paid, their work is acknowledged in publications. However exceptional cases can be presented for consideration. 5.3 Mid Year Scholarships This item was noted without discussion. *5.4 Improvements for ERA 2012 Two important changes are being introduced for ERA 2012. The number of citations and frequency of publication of journals will be used for ranking instead of ERA ranking of journals. This acknowledges change in the nature of journals, as many good new journals are being developed. It is important to keep publishing in higher-ranking journals as this is likely to lead to more citations. Lijing advised on web links which can be used for tracking down publication Citation Records and Journal Impact Factor: - Citation Record - Journal Impact Factor Early career researchers need to refer to the list of ranked journals and conferences that is on the shared drive under Research. Conferences are not included in the ranking at present. IFFTI is not a fully reviewed conference, so is not highly ranked. Tina advised that this is being worked on. *5.5 Research integrity RMIT researchers need to follow the guidelines and work is being done on compliance. Feedback on the report is invited, and can be directed to Rajiv or Fiona Gavens. 6. OTHER BUSINESS 6.1 Equipment Jane advised that new sampling equipment is due to be installed in August. ALL Breakdown of equipment in the sustainability lab has been a major issue. Jane and Geraldine are following up with the suppliers to resolve these issues, including the involvement of RMIT Legal in one dispute. 6.2 6.3 6.4 Fashion Future Network It was confirmed that the Fashion Future Network will be meeting in Queensland in early August, and that consideration needs to be given to how many people attend. Drawn Out Conference, London 2012 Keith advised that the University of Arts, London and RMIT will be running a conference before the Olympics in London next year. 50 RMIT staff will be funded to attend, so Keith encouraged all staff to submit proposals. Research funding Keith advised that Kent is working on research proposals through Testing Services. There are a number of prospects but not many are finalized as yet. Rajiv added that this year we are on track and will achieve our research budget target Page 2 of 3 Keith/Tina ALL CONFIDENTIAL 6.5 Sustainability awards Everyone wished the Textile Design team good luck at the Premier’s Sustainability Awards which are to be presented that evening. 6.5 Ranking of creative work It was acknowledged that the difference between creative and written final works needs further discussion. Rajiv encouraged everyone to submit agenda items for discussion by sending details to him a week before the meeting. NEXT MEETING Next meeting of the School Research Committee – Thursday 14 July 2011 Meeting closed at 3.00pm Page 3 of 3 ALL