Outstanding Programs 5 designed to “Elevate, Educate and Inspire” MISSOURI JUVENILE JUSTICE ASSOCIATION 2006 SPRING EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE MAY 24-26, 2006 THE RESORT AT PORT ARROWHEAD Lake of the Ozarks In cooperation with: The Federal Bureau of Investigation US Attorneys Office Computer Analysis Response Team American Prosecutors Research Institute National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse National Child Protection Training Center National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges University of Nevada-Reno The Supreme Court of Missouri Missouri Office of State Courts Administrator Missouri Juvenile and Family Courts University of Missouri-Columbia- School of Social Work The Missouri Children’s Division The Missouri Children’s Division/MJJA Collaborative to Combat Child Abuse and Neglect ∆ ∆ Each Seminar is Missouri Bar Accredited for 12 Continuing Legal Education Credits The Conference and Each Seminar is approved by the University of Missouri –Columbia School of Social Work for 15.25 contact hours equivalent to 1.53 CEUs! ∆ P.O.S.T. Credits pending for Seminar # 3- Innocent Images ∆ 1 Credit Hour toward Masters Credit offered for Seminar #5 – Courts of Excellence SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MJJA SPRING 2006 STATEWIDE EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE Wednesday, May 24, 2006 11:00 – 12:30 Registration, Exhibits 12:30 – 1:30 General Opening Session: Welcome: MJJA President – Kim Moeckel Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Michael A. Wolff Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri 1:30 –3:00 Respective Seminars 3:00 –3:15 Afternoon Refreshment Pause* 3:15 – 5:00 Respective Seminars 5:00 – 6:30 Hors D’oeuvres Reception Compliments of the Resort at Port Arrowhead (Thank you!) Swearing in of MJJA Board of Directors 2006-2008 Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:45 – 8:30 Morning Breakfast* 8:30 – NOON Respective Seminars NOON-1:00 Lunch* Special Presentation: Excellence in Juvenile Court Program Award 1:00 – 3:30 Respective Seminars 4:00 Exhibitor and Raffle Prize Drawings MJJA’s 2nd Annual Quackin’ for Kids Duck Race (poolside!) Friday, May 26, 2006 8:15 – 9:00 9:00 –11:30 11:30 Morning Breakfast* Respective Seminars Adjourn The Exhibition Hall will be open for the duration of the Conference. *Meals and Breaks included in Registration Fee. Conference meals, breaks and refreshments are provided for paid, Registered Conference participants only. You may pay for attendance of family members/guests for meals/breaks in advance through an additional cost of $55.00 per guest, to be included with and in addition to your Registration Form and Fee. There is space on the Registration Form for you to note such guest(s) payment. Seminars are provided for paid, Registered participants only. HOTEL RESERVATIONS: The Resort at Port Arrowhead (previously Holiday Inn Sun Spree) is the host hotel for the Conference. A special room rate of $80, Single/double occupancy is available to Conference attendees. Make your reservations by calling 1.800.532.3575. Please advise the hotel that you are with the Missouri Juvenile Justice Association Conference. Make your Reservations no later than Friday, April 28, 2006. OR…. NEW! YOU MAY NOW ALSO MAKE YOUR ROOM RESERVATIONS ONLINE!! Go to the Resort’s website: www.theresortatportarrowhead.com, click on reservations. The MJJA Reservations Code for our Conference that you need to use is MJJA0523. ALL ROOM CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES IN ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE TIMES MUST BE MADE 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE. Guest check-in is 4:00 P.M. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Conference Registration Fee is $175.00 for MJJA members, and $240.00 for NonMJJA members. Payment must be received prior to the Conference date. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2006. Registrations received after the Deadline will be assessed a $25 late fee. (Yes, you may FAX your completed Registration Form to assure space is reserved for you. (Fax: 573.635.5159). We can invoice your circuit/agency. We cannot Invoice individuals. SEMINAR INFORMATION: The seminars run concurrently – YOU WILL BE ATTENDING only ONE SEMINAR for the duration of the three-day Conference. Please check one appropriate Box on the Registration Form for the seminar you MOST prefer under “1st Choice”, and an alternative seminar under “2nd Choice”. “Walk-Ins” are not permitted. ters in Justice Management Degree offered for Seminar #2 – Courts of Excellence CANCELLATIONS: If you cancel your Registration IN WRITING TO BE RECEIVED BY THE APRIL 28, 2006 DEADLINE, your Registration Fee will be refunded less a $25 Administrative Fee. Refunds will not be issued after the APRIL 28th deadline. Registration Fees will not be transferred to other MJJA Conferences. 1 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT ISSUES This seminar will incorporate a wide range of issues as it relates to child abuse and neglect in the following areas: Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse: Participants will learn: to develop and coordinate a multi-disciplinary response to an allegation of child abuse; to find corroborating evidence in every case of child abuse; specific trial strategies for handling a case of child abuse, including preparing children for court, pre-trial motions that will make children more comfortable, and cross-examination and closing arguments; Faith Based Collaborations: Participants will learn the dynamics that cause friction between the faith and child protection communities, the cost of the friction, and concrete strategies for building bridges between these communities. At the core of this dilemma is that both groups know far too little about the work of the other. The sad consequence of the “unknown” is that children are more likely to fall through the cracks in our faith and child protective communities; Juvenile Sex Offenders: Participants will learn to address juvenile sex offenders at the investigation, prosecution and treatment stages. Analyzing current research and practices, this portion of the seminar offers suggestions and guidelines to address the needs of juvenile sex offenders, their victims and society. It will also address the differing viewpoints concerning the prosecution and treatment of child sex offenders and seeks to bridge the differences and reach a consensus for dealing with this population. Preparing Children for Court: Participants will learn: creative strategies for empowering children to effectively handle the stress of testifying in court, and: other strategies to modify the courtroom and the procedures of testifying to reduce the stress level of child witnesses; When a Child Freezes in Court: It is common for child witnesses to “freeze,” or become unable to communicate in the courtroom. Each child’s emotional state is unique, children differ in age, biologically, and in their resiliency, and each child has different cognitive, developmental and language abilities. Trial lawyers have different child interviewing skills, and the child’s level of emotional support will vary. The nature of the crime committed against the child, the atmosphere in different courtrooms, including the actions of the judge, defense attorney, and the defendant’s presence all affect the child’s ability to communicate. This presentation will give information about which factors most contribute to children “freezing” and when it is more likely for children to become uncommunicative. This program will assist child protection attorneys and prosecutors by providing prevention techniques to avoid the child becoming uncommunicative and specific strategies for how to respond when the child “freezes”, and; Memory and Suggestibility: In this portion of the program participants will learn about the dynamics of the forensic interview process. They will gain an understanding about memory and suggestibility and the proper interviewing techniques that will assist them in the forensic interviewing process. FACULTY: Victor I. Vieth, Director of Child Abuse Programs, American Prosecutors Research Institute (APRI); National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse, National Child Protection Training Center; Tom Harbinson, Senior Attorney at APRI’s National Child Protection Training Center. 2 MISSOURI COURT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE The Standards for the Administration of Juvenile Justice were developed for use by the Missouri juvenile courts and juvenile justice professionals. These were initially developed in 2000, and revised in 2004 to incorporate standards for child abuse and neglect cases. These standards apply to juvenile courts in Missouri as defined in the Missouri Supreme Court Rule 110.05. Thus, they are applicable to the juvenile office on the whole and the services they provide, not just the formal processing of cases in the courtroom. They are premised on the notion that court performance should be driven by core values of equality, integrity, fairness, and justice. It is the belief of the committee members who developed these Standards, that, through their implementation, Missouri's juvenile justice offices can become more accountable and responsible to the public and better meet the needs of the family and children whom they serve. This seminar is geared to the seasoned Juvenile/Family Court Administrator and Juvenile Officer. It will provide participants with the following: history of the development of the standards; the eight (8) general performance areas; performance indicators, and recommended methods for measuring the standards; how to use the Standards to monitor and evaluate your work; how to use the Standards as a common framework for understanding and assessing your work and enhancing performance. For those who are not using the Standards, it will provide you with information on where to begin; how to prioritize which standards to use, and; what is the court's job for processing Child Abuse/Neglect Cases. A panel of Juvenile Officers will present how they are using the Standards in their respective courts. This program will culminate in an interactive discussion regarding the recommended changes to the Missouri Supreme Court Rules, and what has been accomplished in that regard to date. FACULTY: Gary Waint, Director-Juvenile and Adult Court Programs-Office of State Courts Administrator; The Honorable Thomas Frawley, Administratrive Judge-22nd Circuit Family Court; A Panel of Missouri Juvenile Officers 3 1 INNOCENT IMAGES Operation Innocent Images is the FBI’s Internet child pornography and child sexual exploitation initiative. In addition to conducting undercover investigations relating to federal child pornography and sexual abuse offenses, Innocent Images also provides investigative support for all FBI field divisions and other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. This seminar focuses attention on on-line sex crimes against children. It will include, but not be limited to: different ways, showing examples of investigating child analysis of offenders-profiling child sexual offenders on the internet, sexual abduction, homicide. Laws pertaining to sexual exploitation of children will also be presented. The Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) portion of the program will discuss: potential problems of executing a search warrant where computers or computer related evidence is involved; describe what a CART field Examiner or Computer Forensic Specialist can do to assist an investigation; provide a case study on why the physical evidence at a search can be an important part of the investigation, and; present what initiatives the FBI is employing to handle the increasing need and continuing challenges of preserving and obtaining computer evidence. FACULTY: Jennifer Eakin- Agent-FBI, Quantico, VA; Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) Representatives; Mike Daniels – Special Agent-FBI-Kansas City; US Attorneys Office 4 BALANCED AND RESTORATIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE: DELINQUENCY & CHILD DEPENDENCY CASES Balanced and Restorative Justice is a way of thinking about and responding to juvenile crime and child dependency cases. Juvenile Crime: Balanced and Restorative justice promotes juvenile accountability in an effort to repair harm to victims and develop competency skills that allow the juvenile to successfully reintegrate into the community. As a vision for systemic juvenile justice reform, restorative justice suggests that responses to juvenile crime must strike a balance between the needs of victim, offenders, and communities. This seminar will help you learn how to reduce recidivism, create goodwill with victims and your community, and reduce court costs. It will focus on restorative principles, restorative practices (including Victim Impact Panels, Victim Empathy classes, Restorative Community Service, Victim Offender Medication and Community Reparative Boards), and information on how to incorporate balanced and restorative justice principles and implement them in your jurisdiction. Child Dependency Mediation: Provides a non-adversarial setting in which a mediator assists parties in reaching a fully informed and mutually acceptable resolution that focuses on the best interest of the child involved in abuse and neglect and/or termination of parental rights cases. FACULTY: Rita D. Pearce, LLC, Kansas City, MO; Charla Harbour, ADR Program Specialist- 45th Judicial Circuit- Troy, MO 5 COURTS OF EXCELLENCE: DELINQUENCY GUIDELINES & GRADUATED SANCTIONS HOW DO THEY FIT? This session will introduce the Delinquency Guidelines as a comprehensive strategy for raising the standards for juvenile court performance in delinquency matters, as the Dependency Guidelines have done for Family Courts working with children as victims, rather than perpetrators. Graduated Sanctions provide an intervention model for delinquency matters, and fold into the Guidelines as a compatible programmatic strategy for achieving the goals of the Court of Excellence. . This session will: present the 16 key principles of a juvenile delinquency court of excellence; discuss the history and development of the guidelines; inform participants about how to utilize the guidelines, and how their jurisdictions can become model sites; define evidence based sanctions and explain how they relate to the Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines. A copy of the Delinquency Guidelines recently completed by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges will be provided to participants In addition, participants in this seminar may earn one graduate credit to apply toward the Master of Justice Management degree offered by the University of Nevada, Reno. Those interested in earning credit will be required to complete the 12 hours of instruction of this program, and a graded examination. There will be a $40 cost for the credit, coordinated through and paid to the University of Nevada. For further information about the Master’s Program, visit the website at www.justicemanagement.unr.edu, or contact Jane Robinson, Assistant Program Director at justmgmt@unr.nevada.edu. For further information about the Courts of Excellence Course, and especially if you wish Masters credit for this seminar, you must contact Ian Curley of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) at 775.784.6895 or email Icurley@ncjfcj.org. Don’t forget to check your interest for Masters degree credit on the Registration Form. FACULTY: James Buddy Howell, Ph.D.- Criminologist-North Carolina, The Honorable Tom Rawlings, Circuit Juvenile Court Judge – Georgia; Ian Curley, Program Manager-Juvenile & Family Law Department-NCJFCJ, Reno MJJA SPRING 2006 EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE “REGISTRATION FORM” DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2006 DESPlease print or type to assure accuracy. Please complete a separate Form for each person attending. Thank you. Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Title ________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Circuit #/Agency __________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ____________________ Fax ( Email (Very City _______________________________ ) ____________________ State __________ Zip _________________ Important!) _____________________________________________________________________________ Please identify any special dietary or adaptive needs: _______________________________________________________ DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR REGISTRATION FEE! SEMINAR CHOICES Remember, you will be attending ONLY ONE seminar for the duration of the Conference (Check 1st Choice & 2nd Choice) 1st Choice 2nd Choice ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Seminar No. 1 – Child Abuse & Neglect Issues Seminar No. 2 – Missouri Court Performance Standards Seminar No. 3 – Innocent Images __√Check here if you wish POST credits (add’l fee may apply) Seminar No. 4 – Balanced and Restorative Interventions Seminar No. 5. - Courts of Excellence–____√ Check here if you wish Masters Justice Management Credit (**Please see details for receiving Masters Credit in Seminar #5 write up and follow instructions) A $25 Late Fee will be assessed on Registrations Received after the April 28, 2006 Deadline. Please check √ all those below that apply to you: MJJA MEMBER: NON-MJJA MEMBER: $175.00 $240.00 Plus, I include additional amount of $55 for each guest for meals/breaks/refreshments + $55.00/Guest #___ Please Note: Conference meals, breaks and refreshments are provided for paid & registered Conference participants only. You may pay for family members/guests through an additional cost of $55.00/person, noted above. University of Missouri-Columbia-School of Social Work Contact Hours & CEU Credits!!: Remember, Conference & each seminar is approved for 15.25 contact hours equivalent to 1.53 CEU credits. If you wish to receive CEU credits for the seminar you are attending, please enclose a separate check, made payable to the University of Missouri for $10. The separate check for the $10 must be made payable to the University. **To expedite ___√ Check here if you want CEU Credit, and note that you are enclosing a separate check below. Complete this Form, Enclose Applicable Fee(s), and mail to be received by the April 28th deadline to: MJJA – SPRING CONFERENCE 2006 P.O. Box 1332 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1332 PLEASE NOTE TOTAL Registration & Guest Amount ENCLOSED: $________________ Attention: Julie Cole Agee, Executive Director 573.636.6101; Fax: 573.635.5159 Question? Please call number above, or email Julie at julie@mjja.org. *CEU:$_________ *Separate check for CEUs. Conference Highlights: “ELEVATE, EDUCATE & INSPIRE” This Conference offers: Outstanding Keynote Speaker! Five fabulous Seminars on a variety of cutting edge topics affecting all those who work with and care about children, youth and families Opportunities to improve skills resulting in enhancement of services to youth Well-known and celebrated faculty Multi-disciplinary legal, continuing education, Social Work Contact hours & CEUs, and law enforcement POST credits Masters Level Credit! Thank you University of Nevada-Reno and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges for assisting us in offering Masters Level Credit in Missouri for Seminar #5! Exhibitors providing a wealth of information and resources Opportunities for networking with juvenile justice professionals, child advocates, educators, law enforcement, juvenile justice partners and policymakers from across the nation and the state Conference Location & Hotel Information Pleasure Comes Naturally at this Lake of the Ozarks Resort… The Resort at Port Arrowhead (previously the Holiday Inn Sun Spree Resort) offers 207 comfortably appointed lodging accommodations, including five deluxe suites. Overlooking picturesque Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, this beautiful resort is located: • Just minutes from shopping, restaurants and nightlife • Within minutes of championship golf, two state parks, fishing and the ultimate in boating and recreation. Here are the directions: From St. Louis I-70 West to Kingdom City. Hwy 54 thru Jefferson City to Lake Ozark (about 45 miles from Jefferson City to Lake Ozark). Turn right at second stoplight on to Business Hwy 54/Bagnell Dam Boulevard. The Resort at Port Arrowhead is approximately 1/4 mile on your left. From Columbia Hwy 63 South to Jefferson City. Hwy 54 West to Lake Ozark. Turn right at second stoplight and follow Bus. Hwy 54/Bagnell Dam Boulevard 1/4 mile to the hotel. From Kansas City I-70 East to Hwy 65 South to Sedalia. Hwy 50 East to Tipton. Turn right at stop light and take South Hwy 5 to East Hwy 52 and follow to Eldon. Turn right at McDonald¹s and follow to Hwy 54 West and on to Lake Ozark. Turn right at second stoplight onto Bus Hwy 54 / Bagnell Dam Boulevard. The Resort at Port Arrowhead is approximately 1/4 mile on your left. As an alternative route you can follow Hwy 50 East from Kansas City to Tipton. From Springfield, Missouri I-44 East to Lebanon. Hwy 5 North to Camdenton. Hwy 54 East to Osage Beach. Turn left on Bus Hwy 54/ Bagnell Dam Boulevard. The Resort at Port Arrowhead is approximately 1/4 mile on left Missouri Juvenile Justice Association: “Dedicated to ensuring equal treatment, due process and enhanced opportunities for all children within Missouri’s juvenile justice system.” “The instinct for excellence, that never ending search for quality, gives certain dignity to the human spirit. It adds richness to one’s life and performance. The Missouri Juvenile Justice Association is dedicated to promoting excellence within Missouri’s juvenile justice system.” Missouri Juvenile Justice Association P.O. Box 1332 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1332 May 24-26, 2006 MJJA Spring Educational Conference! WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Juvenile and Family Court Personnel Juvenile Detention Professionals Judges Attorneys Children’s Division Division of Youth Services Defense Attorneys Prosecuting Attorneys Law Enforcement Guardians Ad Litem Court Appointed Special Advocates Educators Child Advocacy Centers Child Care Providers Residential Care Providers Youth Service Professionals Child Advocates Social Service Professionals Private Practitioners Social Workers School Representatives Parents Community Leaders State Lawmakers Policymakers School Resource Officers Anyone with an interest in children! Committed to children in need of a future. WEBSITE: www.mjja.org Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID JEFFERSON CITY, MO Permit No. 22