Cover Sheet for Course Outline (Instructor’s Handout) SEMESTER AND YEAR SPRING 2010 COURSE PREFIX, NUMBER, AND TITLE BIOL2401 Human Anatomy & Physiology I COURSE MEETING DAYS, TIMES, AND LOCATION Mondays, Wednesdays 1:00 PM-2:15 PM ROOM 265 INSTRUCTOR’S NAME CRN # 20632 Geneen G. Lannom INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE LOCATION (campus, bldg., room) Sugarland # 242 INSTRUCTOR’S OFFICE HOURS: Mondays: 10:00 am- 1:00 pm Tues, Thurs 12:30 pm-2:30 pm e-mail (office or lab room 247) Wednesdays: 12 noon-1:00 pm Fridays: 10:00 am-1:00 pm (office or lab room 247) INSTRUCTOR’S TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (281) 795-2251 cell or (281) 243-8556 office BEST TIME TO REACH INSTRUCTOR BY PHONE During office hours or leave voice mail. COURSE’S CATALOG DESCRIPTION BIOL 2401 Human Anatomy and Physiology.I 4:3:2 Cellular organization and the skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems. Prerequisites: THEA reading and writing requirement met. Type: Acad INSTRUCTOR’S GRADING SYSTEM Lecture Exams (3) Average = 50% of Course Grade Laboratory Practicals(3) Avg.=25% (50 pts each) Comprehensive Final Exam = 25% (150 pts) Total points possible for the course 600- 540 pts = A Total possible Total possible Total possible 300 pts 150 pts 150 pts 600 pts 539- 480 pts = B 479-420 pts =C 419-360 =D; below 360 = F Last day to withdraw: Friday, April 16, 2010 Any student with a disability or other special circumstance requiring academic accommodations or other consideration in order to successfully complete the requirements of this course should identify himself or herself individually to the instructor to discuss the matter in a private and confidential manner. BIOL 2401 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Spring 2010 Textbook: Anatomy & Physiology, 8th Ed. Martini & Nath, 2009 Lab Manual: See Laboratory instructor Course Outline – Tentative Date Orientation, Chapter 1 Chap 2 (self study- handout will be provided) Chap 3 Chap 4 EXAM I CHAP 1-4 Jan 20-25 Chap 5 Chap 6 Chap 9 EXAM II CHAP. 5,6,9 SPRING BREAK Feb. 22-24 March 1-3 March 8 MARCH 10 (WED) MARCH 15-19 Chap 10 Chap 12 Chap 13 EXAM III CHAP 10,12,13 March 22-24 March 29-31 April 5-7 APRIL 12 (MON) Chap 14 Chap 15 MAKEUP EXAM (ALL CHAPTERS) Chap 16, 18 April 13-19 April 21-26 APRIL 28 (Wed) May 3-5 Comprehensive Final Exam as scheduled Jan 27-Feb3. Feb. 8-15 FEB 17 (WED) Wednesday, May 12 12:30 pm Last day to withdraw with a grade of W is Friday, April 16, 2010 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Describe the basic organization of the human body and recognize the complexity of structures and functions involved in homeostasis. 2. Identify important anatomical structures of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems 3. Compare the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems with respect to : 1) overall function 2) function of important anatomical structures of each system 3) homeostatic mechanisms and 4) interaction between systems. The makeup exam is scheduled for anyone who has missed any of the 3 regularly scheduled lecture exams. It will be comprehensive over all the material covered at that point. It will be approximately 100 multiple choice question. Any student who has NOT missed a test can take the makeup test and if the grade is higher than the lowest test grade (lecture tests only) then the makeup will take the place of that grade. If the makeup test grade is lower than all three test grades; it will not be counted. There will be no make ups of the makeup test. BIOLOGY CLASS ATTENDANCE Regular attendance of classes is essential to optimum achievement. The student is expected, therefore, to attend ALL meetings of the course. An excused absence is still counted as an absence. There are no free cuts or absences from class or lab. A student is responsible for all work missed for whatever reason. At the SIXTH absence the student will likely have missed too much work to pass the course. These six absences will be for both lecture and lab combined. The student will be reported to the appropriate administrative office. Each lab absence MUST be made up—You may attend another lab THAT SAME WEEK; but only with permission When a student’s attendance record makes the attainment of minimum course objectives impossible, the case may be reported to the appropriate administrative officer with the recommendation that the student be dropped from the course with the appropriate grade, and the student should be denied further admission to the class. *Please make sure you do not leave the classroom during lecture unless an emergency arises *Academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the school handbook Course Drop Date: The last day to drop this course is Friday, April 16, 2010. A dropped course will receive a transcript grade of W. Once dropped (this course) will not satisfy the prerequisite status for future courses and will not affect your G.P.A. If a student stops attending ; the student must be responsible for dropping the course before the drop date. Cell Phone: Please make sure cell phones and pagers are “off” or at least on the silent mode. No cell phones or any electronic equipment is allowed on the desks during exams or quizzes. Laboratory Usage: No eating, drinking, or use of tobacco products are allowed. No guests are allowed without prior permission from the instructor. Students are required to take reasonable care of all school equipment. More specific information will be discussed in lab. Makeup Policy: If a student misses a lecture exam; that student will be required to take the makeup exam ( see scheduled date). The makeup exam can be taken by any student who did NOT miss a regularly scheduled test and substitute the grade for a lower test grade. This essentially gives a student the opportunity to drop their lowest test grade. There are NO makeups for lab exams. SOME SUGGESTIONS: a. Figure out NOW how you are going to keep up with the tremendous amounts of vocabulary Any method that will serve you to keep on top of it will improve your grade b. Find a “study buddy” or a small study group. It really helps to have someone to study with and person you can call if you miss something c. Understand from the beginning that this is a labor-intensive course and will require large amounts of time and self-motivation. d. Don’t hesitate to ask Mrs. Lannom for help if you need it!