Workbook For Funds Transfer Version: 1.0 © 2001 by i-flex solutions limited All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, adopted or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, graphic, optic recording or otherwise, translated in any language or computer language, without the prior written permission of i-flex solutions limited (iflex). Due care has been taken to make this workbook as accurate as possible. However, i-flex makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the user by the direct or indirect use of this workbook. Furthermore, i-flex reserves the right to alter, modify or otherwise change in any manner the content hereof, without obligation of i-flex to notify any person of such revision or changes. All company and product names are trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. File Name Creation Date: 07th Nov 2002 Review Date: 29th Jan 2003 Last Saved On: 30th August 2002 Workbook-Funds Transfer By : Archana Naidu By : Ravi Handigol Group: FC-COL Banking Products Group Table of Contents iii Table of Contents Funds Transfer Introduction Types of funds transfers Parties in a Funds Transfer Funds Transfer in FLEXCUBE Product Creation Contract Input Capturing Settlement Instructions The Autobook Function What is SWIFT? SWIFT Interface Device (SID) Message Types – MT for short Distribution of messages to respective departments/branches Typical SWIFT Messages for a Funds Transfer 3 3 3 4 7 7 8 10 13 14 14 14 15 15 _______________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 3 Funds Transfer Introduction A Funds Transfer is a sequence of events that results in the movement of funds from the sender / remitter to the receiver / beneficiary. It is also defined as the remittance of funds from one party to itself or to another party through the banking system. The Funds Transfer (FT) Module that constitutes a part of FLEXCUBE, is a front office system that handles the processing of the transfer of funds (local and foreign) between Financial Institutions. Financial institutions or banks can initiate these for themselves, or on behalf of their customers. The FT Module is a comprehensive transaction handling and management system, which integrates with the overall system for settlement of payments, charges, commissions and MIS. The system handles all the necessary activities during the life of a contract, once it is booked. All the relevant account balances will be updated when Transfers are processed. Types of funds transfers Funds Transfers can be classified as Incoming, Outgoing or Internal. Incoming or Outgoing transfers are indicative of whether funds are coming in or going out of the bank. Internal transfers indicate funds being transferred within the bank itself on behalf of its customers. No other financial institution is involved in such transfers. Therefore, a funds transfer could be: Incoming - indicating that funds are coming into the bank. Outgoing - indicating that funds are going out from the bank. Internal - indicating that fund are transferred within the bank or between the branches of the bank. Broadly speaking, there are three types of funds transfers: a customer transfer, a bank transfer and bank transfer for own account. Customer Transfer: A customer transfer is a transfer made by the financial institution of the ordering customer to the financial institution of the ultimate beneficiary. Here the originator and the beneficiary of the transfer are not financial institutions. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT Ordering Customer 4 Sender Receiver Beneficiary Customer Bank Transfer: A bank transfer refers to the transfer of funds between the ordering institution and beneficiary institution. Here the originator and beneficiary are financial institutions. Sender Receiver Account With Institution Bank Transfer for Own Account: A transfer initiated by a bank to transfer funds from one Nostro account to another Nostro account. Parties in a Funds Transfer To affect a Funds Transfer, you may have to pass on funds through a series of banks before it actually reaches the Ultimate Beneficiary. Intermediary Reimbursement Institution An ‘Intermediary Reimbursement Institution’ is the financial institution between the Sender’s Correspondent and the Receiver’s Correspondent, through which the reimbursement of the transfer will take place. Intermediary The ‘Intermediary’ in a transfer refers to the financial institution, between the ‘Receiver’ and the ‘Account With Institution’, through which the transfer must pass. The Intermediary may be a branch or affiliate of the Receiver or the account with Institution, or an entirely different financial institution. Here you can enter either the: ISO Bank Identifier Code of the bank or the Name and address of the Bank. Receiver’s Correspondent The ‘Receiver’s Correspondent’ is the branch of the Receiver or another financial institution at which the funds will be made available to the Receiver. You can enter one of the following: ISO Bank Identifier Code of the bank The branch of the Receiver’s Correspondent Name and address of the Receiver’s Correspondent. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 5 Account With Institution An ‘Account With Institution’ refers to the financial institution, at which the ordering party requests the Beneficiary to be paid. The Account With Institution may be a branch or affiliate of the Receiver, or of the Intermediary, or of the Beneficiary Institution, or an entirely different financial institution. You can enter one of the following: ISO Bank Identifier Code of the bank. The branch of the Receiver’s Correspondent. Name and address of the Receiver’s Correspondent. Other identification codes (for example, account number). Ordering Institution The ‘Ordering Institution’ is the financial institution, which is acting on behalf of itself, or a customer, to initiate the transaction. In this field you can enter one of the following: The ISO Bank Identifier Code of the Ordering Institution. The branch or city of the Ordering Institution. The Name and address of the Bank. Ordering Customer The ‘Ordering Customer’ refers to the customer ordering the transfer. Here you can enter the name and address or the account number of the Customer, ordering the transaction. You will be allowed to enter details in this field only if you have initiated a customer transfer (MT 100 and MT 202). Beneficiary Institution Here, you can enter details of the institution in favor of which the payment is made. It is in reality the bank that services the account of the Ultimate Beneficiary. You will be allowed to make entries into this field only for Bank Transfers (when the remitter and beneficiary of the transfer are financial institutions — MT 100 or MT 202). Here you can enter either: The ISO Bank Identifier Code of the Beneficiary Institution or The Name and Address of the Beneficiary Institution. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 6 Ultimate Beneficiary The Ultimate Beneficiary refers to the Customer to whom the transfer amount is to be paid. You can make entries into this field only for a customer transfer (MT 100 and MT 202). The number of banks involved between the remitter and the Ultimate Beneficiary determines if the transfer is a one party, two party or a three party transfer. The number of banks involved in the transfer would therefore depend on the: Relationships and arrangements between the sending and receiving banks. Customer instructions. Location of parties. The banking regulations of a country. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 7 Funds Transfer in FLEXCUBE Product Creation You can define the following attributes for a product: Define the General Ledger mapping for the applicable accounting items. Choose an accounting entry scheme. Indicate the advices to be generated for various events in the lifecycle of contracts to which the product is associated. State the branches that are allowed or disallowed to offer the product and the currencies in which the product can be made available. List the customers and customer categories that are allowed or disallowed from using the product. Define preferences for a product. Specify the tax rules applicable to the product. Define commissions and charges. The attributes defined for the product are inherited by all the funds transfer contracts involving the product. Yet you have room for flexibility. You can change the inherited attributes to suit your requirement at the time of processing a transfer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 8 You can perform the following operations on a product: Copy the attributes of an existing product onto a new product. Delete a product. Print the details of a product. Authorize any operation on a product. Amend an existing product. Closing a product. View the details of a product. Contract Input A Funds Transfer (FT) contract is an instruction wherein a customer requests the bank to transfer funds from one bank account to another. An FT Contract would therefore require information on: Who is the remitter? What is the transfer amount and currency? Is it a cross currency transfer? Are any intermediate banks involved in the transfer? What route should the transfer follow before it actually reaches the beneficiary? When is it to be settled? Details of the beneficiary (name, account number etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT The mode of reimbursement. The method of transfer. The type of transfer (incoming, outgoing or internal). 9 You can choose to enter the details of a transfer either by: Selecting a template that has been created earlier - If you do so, the details that have been stored in the template will be displayed. You can change the values in any of the fields except the Product Code. Copying contract details from an existing contract and changing only the details that are different for the contract you are entering. Using the pick-lists that are available at the various fields to enter the details of an FT afresh. After saving the details of a transfer, the Settlement Route can be viewed from the contract details screen. This facility provides you a quick means of verifying the transfer route. If the route of the transfer is incorrect, you can delete or change the contract suitably. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 10 A Funds Transfer can be settled either in the form of an instrument (a Demand Draft, a Manager’s Check or a Check) or a Message (a S.W.I.F.T, TELEX or Mail message to be sent to the receiver). The details regarding the instrument or message have to be specified in the Message Details screen. Specifying message details For a SWIFT message, you have to specify: Whether a Cover has to be sent to the Reimbursement Bank, along with the payment message to the receiver; Bank to bank payment details, (these can be in the form of instructions or additional information to any of the parties involved in the transfer); and Information from the sender to the receiver. Capturing Settlement Instructions The Settlement Instructions are captured through four different screens. You can capture the following information: Account details (details about the accounts involved in the transfer that have to be either debited or credited in your branch) Message details (details about the output of the transfer -- instrument or message details) Party details (details about the various parties involved in the transfer) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 11 Capturing account details You would have specified the accounts to be debited and credited for the Transfer Amount in the FT Contract Main Screen. For a foreign currency transaction, the local currency equivalent of the Transfer Amount is called the ‘Amount Equivalent’. Amount Equivalent is also the term used for the amount involved in the second leg of the accounting entry for the transfer at your bank. Thus, the accounts and amount involved in the Debit and Credit legs of the accounting entry for the transfer amount will be displayed, as you have already entered them in the FT Contract Main screen. These details cannot be changed. If a change is necessary, you have to go back to the FT Contract Main screen and specify the change. For the other components involved in a transfer, like charges, you have to specify the account details in this screen. These details include the component, the currency in which it is expressed, the payment account and its currency, the branch of your bank to which the account belongs, the exchange rate (in the case of the component currency being different from the account currency). Capturing details of the transfer output A Funds Transfer can be settled either in the form of an instrument (a Demand Draft, a Manager’s Check or a Check) or a Message (a S.W.I.F.T, TELEX or Mail message to be sent to the receiver). The details regarding the instrument or message have to be specified in the Message Details screen. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 12 The message details that you specify here are applicable only for S.W.I.F.T. The type of S.W.I.F.T. message that is generated depends on the parties involved in the transfer. Depending on the method in which you want to settle the Funds Transfer, you should input either Instrument or Message details. Capturing Party Details To affect a Funds Transfer, you may have to pass on funds through a series of banks before it actually reaches the Ultimate Beneficiary. Through the two ‘Parties’ screens you can capture details of all the parties that will be involved in the transfer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 13 These screens contain fields that explore possible routes of the transfer. Depending on the type of transfer you are initiating and on the number of banks involved in the transfer, you can enter details of the parties involved in the transfer route. The Autobook Function The autobook function handles the processing of future valued contracts. A future valued contract is one that has been stored with a value date in the future and may have rate pickup specifications as of the day you defined for the contract. The values that you enter in the ‘rate as of’ and ‘message as of’ fields will drive the processing of a future dated contract. All authorized contracts that are due for initiation as of a particular day are picked up and processed by this batch processing function at EOD or BOD as the case may be. In a nut shell the main functions of ‘Autobook’ is to: Update the transfer amounts based on the Rate Pick up code or mark contracts as needing a Rate Update on that day Pass Accounting Entries Generate settlement messages and advices based on the message code that you specify All transfers that have been processed by the Autobook Function will be marked as ‘Liquidated’ once the accounting entries for the transfers have been passed. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 14 What is SWIFT? SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. This is a non-profit organization owned by a group of bankers serving the needs of financial institutions worldwide. This group is head quartered in Belgium. This is a private network having main nodes in selected regions such as Asia, Europe, America, Far East and the Middle East. Any bank wanting to become a member of this network needs to apply to the Society and obtain an ID. Once the respective bank obtains the BIC, the bank can start sending and receiving messages on this network. The ID of the bank wishing to become a member of SWIFT is called Bank Identifier Code, BIC for short. BIC code is made up of 11 characters. The messages can only be exchanged between the members of SWIFT. SWIFT Interface Device (SID) The whole unit i.e. the hardware and the software once installed at the bank’s premises becomes known as the SWIFT Interface Device, SID for short. Typically a bank can have only one SID. This becomes the point of access to the SWIFT network. The software that is installed at the SID will be generally used by the banks to key in messages on behalf of its branches. In a normal scenario, there are operators working at the SID or the SWIFT Centre of the bank receiving messages in the form of fax or email from their respective branches to be keyed into the SID. Once these messages are keyed-in by the concerned staff, these messages can be released on the SWIFT network. Message Types – MT for short In SWIFT a message type identifies each message. A message type is composed of three digits, generally defined as Category, Group and Type. In other words, a three-digit number identifies each message. MT nnn where First n = Category Second n = Group Third n = Type The category usually describes at a general level, the underlying business function of the message. E.g.: category 1 = Customer payments and cheques. There are currently 9 categories defined by SWIFT each pertaining to a specific business function. The group describes the function of a message within a specified category. Eg: 11n = Cheque payment messages in category one. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd. Workbook – Funds Transfer & SWIFT 15 The type describes the specific function, e.g.: MT 112 Status of a request for stop payment of a cheque under message category 1. Distribution of messages to respective departments/branches The SID is also a place where the bank receives messages from other banks. The messages pertaining to various departments of the bank are received in one common place. In situations where the bank has multiple branches, the messages may also be belonging to other branches of the bank. In these situations, the staff working at the SWIFT centre need to go through the individual messages and decide based on the contents of the message as to the department to which the message belongs. The decision can either be taken by looking at the contents of the message or the header where the actual branch to which the message belongs to will be available. For eg: MT100 messages are related to customer transfers, hence all MT100 messages will be directly sent to the transfer department for further processing. Typical SWIFT Messages for a Funds Transfer The following SWIFT messages are supported for Funds Transfers: Type of transfer Message type Customer Transfer MT 100 / 103 Customer Transfer with Cover MT100/ 103 and MT202 Bank Transfer MT200 Bank Transfer with cover MT 202 Bank Transfer for Own Account MT200 and MT210 Notice to Receive MT 210 Incoming Bank Transfer with MT 202 and MT 210 Notice to Receive Confirmation of Debit MT 900 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i-flex solutions ltd.