GREAT BASIN COLLEGE HUMAN NUTRITION 121 Fall 2014 Professor: Dr. Betty Elliott, Ed.D. Dates: August 25 - December 13, 2014 Delivery: Canvas Webcampus - online Lab: Saturday. Sept 20th: 9:00 – 4:00 Saturday, Oct. 18th: 9:00 – 12:00 Lab Location: Elko: Room No. GHS SCI 107 Ely: Campus science lab Winnemucca – Campus science lab Pahrump - Check with Campus Director Office Hours: Call my home at 775-738-2676 E-mail: Best contact is through Canvas Webcampus email or my home phone number. Text: Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies Sizer and Whitney Wadsworth, Cengage Learning 13th Edition COURSE KEY AT CENGAGE: C9JPJETDURXTYN If you purchased your text from the GBC bookstore, you will have an access code in your text that tells the publisher that you have paid for access to the Diet Analysis Plus software we will be using in the course. I have provided several different instructions; you may use the one that makes the 1 most sense to you; There is a power point demonstration with instructions on how to log into the Cengage site; there are instructions on how to register for our course and instructions on how to use the Diet Analysis Program. Look for this information on the Canvas webpage in a module titled, ‘ Navigating Cengage and Diet Analysis Plus’ Your first assignment will be to log into Cengage, become familiar with the site, and set up your account and personal profile in Diet Analysis +. If you purchased your text from a source other than GBC, you will need to purchase access to the Diet Analysis Plus software program. The cost is approximately $ 33.00 and you can purchase after you have entered the COURSE KEY NUMBER on the registration page. If you have any question or concern, at any time, please don’t hesitate to email me or call me at home. Course Description: An introductory nutrition course focused on the major nutrients and their roles in maintaining good health. Students will learn to recognize well-balance diets and acquire shopping tips and preparation techniques for optimum utilization of food dollars. Class includes four required labs, three of which will be taught by Kara Coates (Elko and Battle Mountain), Doug Hogan (Winnemucca), and Rita Bagwa (Pahrump), and Mary Swetich (Ely) Course Requirements: This course has two components: the theory, which will be presented in Canvas and three three-hour labs which meet on Saturday, September 18 (9:00 – 4:00) and Saturday, October 20 (9:00 – 12:00). The labs are an integral part of the course since the course fulfills a science requirement in the general education degree requirements at GBC. In order to pass the course, you must participate in all aspects of the course: theory presentation, homework assignments, exams, laboratory attendance and reports. 2 Method of Instruction: The course is divided into weekly modules which you will access through Canvas. You should check in after 8:00 a.m. Monday of each week to see what your assignments are for the week. You should read the chapter, take the chapter quiz, and submit your assignments by the following Sunday night at 11:30 p.m. On two weeks you will have a new chapter, plus take an exam of the chapters you have previously covered. The schedule of assignments may be found after the Student Outcomes in this syllabus. Your text has been bundled with a software application that will be used extensively throughout the course. If you purchase your text through GBC bookstore, you have paid for the software and can access the software from the Cengage site. If you purchase your text from another source, you will need to purchase the software from Cengage. Look on the Canvas webpage for the instructions and demonstrations that have been provided on how to login into the Cengage site to access Diet Analysis Plus and the ancillary resource materials. The Diet Analysis Plus program will allow you to analyze your own diet giving you extensive personal information about yourself and your eating patterns. The program allows you to send your assignment directly to me for assessment. Your earned points will be based on how well you follow instructions, NOT on your diet or eating patterns. The idea is to learn what you’re eating and change, if that is your desire, or be pleased with your good choices. Three labs are scheduled on Saturdays, September 20, 9:00 – 4:00 and October 18, 9:00 – noon. Attendance is mandatory to earn a passing grade in the class. The labs are designed to reinforce and demonstrate the application of concepts discussed in the text. They will be interesting and give you a chance to “see” science at work in the laboratory. The labs are posted on our Canvas Web page in the second module labedled ‘Labs’ so you need to print them out prior to the scheduled lab date and read the experiments ahead of time. At the beginning of each lab, you will take a 10 point lab quiz on the lab topic prior to doing the lab, so READ the LAB BEFORE YOU GO TO LAB so you will know what you are doing. 3 Exams: There will be three lecture exams, each worth 100 points, scheduled in the syllabus, for a total of 300 points. Unless there is a clear, documented reason, students are expected to take the exam at the scheduled time. The exams will be taken online during the scheduled week and will be timed for two hours. Earning your Final Grade Theory Component: Quizzes: Every week there will be a chapter quiz of 10 points. The quiz will be taken online and automatically submitted to me. The quiz will be opened at 8:00 a.m. each Monday morning and will close the following Sunday night at 11:30 p.m., giving you seven days to take each chapter quiz. You may take it at your convenience, but only one time. There will be a time limit of twenty minutes to take the quiz. I would suggest that you take the review quiz at the end of each chapter and the practice quizzes in the supplementary material. There will be 14 quizzes for a total of 140 points possible for the chapter quizzes. In order to finish the quiz in time, it is imperative that you have read the chapter material prior to taking the quiz. Don’t expect to do well if you have not studied the information in the chapter. A good method to prepare for the quizzes and exams would be to take notes or make an outline of the chapter as you read it, noting the important information. Objectives are posted for each chapter telling you exactly what I want you to concentrate on learning. To prepare for the quizzes, answer the questions in the objectives and you will know what questions will be on the quiz each week. These become good study sheets. Assignments: Each week there will be an assignment relevant to the chapter topic. The assignments will vary in approach and are designed to help you learn much about your diet and health. The assignments’ point value will vary, but the total point value of assignments will be 166. We will use the Diet Analysis+ software for a number of the chapter assignments which you will complete online and automatically submit to me. 4 Lab Component: As mentioned earlier, there are three laboratory sessions scheduled on Saturdays. Prior to beginning of each lab exercise, there will be a short quiz on the lab exercise ( 10 points) to insure that you have read and understand the lab you are about to conduct. Lab attendance is mandatory and lab activities will constitute 25% of the final course grade. Each of the three lab write-ups is worth 40 points for a total of 120 points, making each lab worth 50 points. Lab assignments are to be turned into your lab instructor who will grade and assign points. The fourth lab, a comprehensive 3 – day Diet Analysis, is worth 50 points bringing the total lab points to 200 out of the 806 possible. You will use the Diet Analysis+ software for this assignment. The instructions and questions to be answered for Lab #4 are posted on our Canvas webpage in the second module labeled ‘Labs.’ You should print it out, complete the analysis, and submit to me via Canvas. All four labs may be found in the second module labeled ‘Labs’ on the course webpage in Canvas. Policy of Academic Integrity: A GBC student is expected to conduct him or herself in accordance with college standards. The GBC catalog contains the Student Conduct Policy and prohibits certain specific behaviors, including academic dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism, falsifying research data and results, and assisting others to do the same. In this course, I will expect your work to represent your efforts alone. Accommodations: Students with documented physical or learning disabilities have the right to free accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at Great Basin College. For assistance, contact the Student Services Office at 753-2279. Any student needing special accommodations should notify me immediately. Grading Policy: During the course you will earn points for all of the activities in the class. This means that completing the chapter quizzes and exercises can positively influence exam scores as well as your final course grade. 5 Points will be earned for the following activities and exercises: Lecture 606 Chapter quizzes 14 @ 10 points = 140 Chapter exercises = 166 3 Exams @ 100 pts. each = 300 Lab 200 Lab reports: 3 @ 40 points each = 120 Lab Quizzes: 3 @ 10 points each = 30 Diet Analysis = 50 Total Points 806 The final grade will be determined by the percentage of the points earned in the entire course, lecture and lab combined, according to the following scale: A B C D F or W* 90% - 100% 80% - 89% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% Below 60% 725 - 806 points 644 - 724 points 564 - 643 points 483 - 563 points 000 - 482 points To receive a ‘W’ a student must officially ‘Withdraw’ by the specified date posted in the schedule. Student Outcomes: General Education Student Learner Outcomes It is the goal of the faculty of Great Basin College that all students that graduate with either an Associate or Bachelor’s degree from this institution have had the opportunity presented to them during their attendance to have acquired ability and awareness with the following objectives: 1. Communications Skills: students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively in written and oral form, embracing discussion, reading, listening, and accessing information. 6 Communication Outcomes Discuss or summarize nutritional concepts, either in writing or in person, using the appropriate vocabulary and relevant research findings. Conduct four laboratory exercises and report upon the procedures and results in the prescribed format in such a way that the reader can identify the purpose of the experiments, the results, and the conclusions. Collect information from electronic, print and live sources Evaluate the validity of the nutrition information collected Organize information into a usable format Measurement of Communication Outcomes: Class participation, lecture exams, lab reports, access electronic and print media, quizzes 1. Students will participate in class discussions, using appropriate vocabulary to present ideas, beliefs, values, or knowledge to contribute to the discussion. 2. Students will provide a written response to essay questions on each lecture exam using a standard rubric. 3. Students will report on each of the four laboratory sessions using the format and rubric as provided by the instructor. 4. Students will pass a quiz at the beginning of each laboratory. 5. Students will cite appropriate electronic and print information resources. 6. Laboratory write-ups will be organized in the correct format with results displayed according to MLA standards. 2. Critical Thinking: students will integrate creativity, logic, quantitative reasoning, and the hierarchy of inquiry and knowledge in social scientific understanding. Critical Thinking Outcomes: 7 Assess a dietary pattern to determine the adequacy of nutrient intake to maintain a healthy body, taking into consideration age and lifestyle of the individual. Use scientific research to explain nutritional concepts. Utilizing standard laboratory procedures, apply the scientific method by developing a hypothesis, conducting experiments, tabulating results in table and graph form, and presenting conclusions in a research format. Apply appropriate mathematical operations to problems and achieve correct solutions. Evaluate validity of scientific findings and their sources in explaining the relationship between nutrition, disease and health. Measurement of Critical Thinking Outcomes: Assignments, lecture exams, lab exercises, diet history assignment, class participation. 1. Conduct an assessment of his/her dietary intake of specific nutrients and compare to the recommended dietary standards, identifying those above or below the standards, and stating how the diet might be modified to conform to the standard. Each student will demonstrate this assessment in class. 2. Earn a passing score on lecture exams 3. Conduct four science labs, using correct procedures, to examine the chemical and physical properties of foods. 4. Test a food for evidence of enzyme activity and determine the effects of temperature, concentration, and substrate on the activity level. 5. Conduct, and report results and conclusion of a lab experiment. 6. Complete a three-day dietary record and analyze it for nutritional content. 3. Personal/Cultural Awareness: students will understand the roles of individuals in society, the development of human societies, and significance of creativity in the human experience. Personal/Cultural Awareness Outcomes: 8 Students will recognize the roles of individuals, families, communities, and society as they impact nutritional status. Students will recognize the influence of personal beliefs, values, economic, and psychosocial factors on food choices Students will recognize personal biases regarding physical health and wellness in themselves and others Measurement of Personal/Cultural Awareness outcomes: Lecture exams, lab participation, assignments. reports, class 1. Students will identify cultural, personal, psychosocial, and economic factors that influence food choices on lecture exams and in assignments. 2. Students will state how dietary requirements change throughout the life span on lecture exams. 4. Personal Wellness: students will develop knowledge, skills, and behaviors which promote personal well being. Personal Wellness Outcomes: Assess dietary patterns to determine the adequacy of nutrient intake to maintain a healthy body. Recognize personal biases regarding physical health and wellness in themselves. Make recommendations on how to correct dietary deficiencies in a diet for themselves, a child, a teen, and a senior citizen. Measurement of Personal Wellness outcomes: lecture exams, assignments, pre and post class diet survey, class participation 1. Scores earned on lecture exams. 2. Students will identify personal factors that influence food choices in the 3-day diet history, state whether there are health risks associated with the pattern of intake, and state how to correct nutritional deficiencies, if any. 9 3. Students will complete a pre and post class diet survey to assess the level of nutritional knowledge, skills, and behaviors which are known to promote health and compare the results 5. Technological Understanding: Students will function effectively in modern society through the use of technology. Technological Understanding Outcomes: Use basic computer technology competently to complete assignments. Students will use scientific equipment in appropriate and correct manner. Measurement of Technological Understanding: Lecture exams, lab exercises, history assignment. online discussions, diet 1. Students will access supplementary materials from the instructor’s webpage. 2. Students will complete the lecture exams online. 3. Lab assignments will be typed and formatted according to instructions. 4. Students will use appropriate websites for dietary information and analysis. 5. Students will perform the laboratory assignments as instructed using correct equipment to obtain results. 6. Communicate with instructor online or in person to complete assignments. Course Objectives: Upon completing Human Nutrition 121, student will be able to: 1. define terms common to a discussion of a nutritional topic; 2. identify the six major categories of nutrients and discuss how the roles of the nutrients in each of those categories affect health status; 3. describe how foods are grouped in the Daily Food Guide; 4. discuss how the Food Guide Pyramid provides guidance to achieving adequacy and balance in food choices; 5. describe mechanical and chemical digestion of food; 6. identify and compare nutritional needs and problems of various age groups (infants through seniors); 10 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. identify common nutritional deficiencies in the United States among various age groups and ethnic groups and discuss treatment modalities; demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of energy balance and physical activity; discuss the role of nutrition in disease prevention and health promotion; state the basic concepts of safe food handling; apply the principles of nutritional assessment, demonstrating data collection and interpretation, including elementary statistical concepts. 11 CLASS SCHEDULE Week 1 Date Aug. 25 Theory Topic Course Introduction Food Choices and Human Health Assignments 1) Read the instructions for “Student Registration” and “Getting Started with Diet Analysis “(DA+) 2) Register at using the COURSE KEY : C9JPJETDURXTYN 3) View the tutorial in DA+ and answer this one question: how many reports can DA+ generate? Send your answer to me via email with your name. 4) Set up your personal profile in Diet Analysis+ (10 pts.) 5) With paper and pencil, record everything you eat and drink for three days; two days should be week days and one day a weekend day. Be honest and careful, estimating amounts of foods and beverages consumed. Include condiments, gravies, sauces, sugar, everything that goes into your 12 mouth. Enter this information into ‘Track Diet’ in the DA+ program. 6) Read Chapter 1 7) Take Chapter 1 Quiz (#1) 8) If you need to contact me, do so via Canvas. or phone me at home, 775-738-2676. 2 Sept. 1 Nutrition Tools – Standards and Guidelines Read Chapter 2 Take Chapter 2 Quiz (#2) Assignment: complete the DA+ Intakes Compared to MyPlate-13 pts. 3 Sept 8 The Remarkable Body Read Chapter 3 Take Chapter 3 Quiz (#3) View Pop-up Tutorials: GI Tract, Absorption in the Small intestine and Circulation. Assignment: Complete Food Label Worksheet 1-1 (10 pts.) 4 Sept. 15 Carbohydrates: Sugar, Starch, Glycogen and Fiber Read Chapter 4 Take Chapter 4 Quiz (#4) 13 Assignment: DA+ - Carbohydrates (10 pts.) Internet Assignment: Complete the Diabetes Risk Test 4-5 (5 pts.) 5 Sept. 22 The Lipids: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids, and Sterols Read Chapter 5 Take Chapter 5 Quiz (#5) Assignment: DA+ - Lipids (14 pts.) View Pop-up Tutorial: Lipoproteins Sept. 29 – Oct. 6 EXAM #1 Chapter 6 is also due. Chapters 1,2,3,4,5 6 Sept. 29 The Proteins and Amino Acids Read Chapter 6 Take Chapter 6 Quiz (#6) Assignment: DA+ - Proteins (12 pts.) View Pop-up Tutorial; Protein Synthesis 7 Oct. 6 The Vitamins Read Chapter 7 Take Chapter Quiz 7 (#7) Assignment: DA+ - Vitamin Intake (14 pts.) 14 8 Oct. 13 Water and Minerals Read Chapter 8 Take Chapter Quiz 8 (#8) Assignment: DA+ - Calcium Intake (12 pts.) 9 Oct. 20 Energy Balance and Healthy Body Weight Read Chapter 9 Take Chapter Quiz 9 (#9) Assignment: DA+ - Energy Balance (10 pts.) Complete the Case Study (5 pts.) Oct. 27 –Nov. 3 EXAM #2 Chapter 10 is also due. Chapters: 6,7, 8, 9 10 Oct. 27 Nutrients, Physical Activity, And the Body’s Responses Read Chapter 10 Take Chapter Quiz (# 10) Assignment: Go to and answer the questions provided in the module 11 Nov. 3 Diet and Health Read Chapter 11 Take Chapter Quiz (#11) Internet Assignment: Disease Risk 3-5 (from chapter 3) (10 pts.) 15 12 Nov. 10 Food safety and Food Technology Food Safety Read Chapter 12 Take Chapter Quiz (# 12) Video Assignment: Food Safety and Take quiz on food safety. Keep food diary for Lab #4 13 Nov. 17 Life Cycle Nutrition: Mother and Infant Read Chapter 13 Take Chapter Quiz (# 13) Assignment: Questions 1-4 (10 pts.) Work on Lab #4 14 Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Holiday Work on Lab #4 15 Dec. 1 Teen, Child, and Older Adult Read Chapter 14 Take Chapter Quiz (# 14) Submit Lab # 4- Diet Analysis 16 Dec. 8 – 12 EXAM # 3 Chapters: 10,11, 12, 13, 14 16