Model Syllabus – Zicklin School of Business (MBA/MS Level) Approved at April 12, 2007 Zicklin Faculty Meeting Course Information List the course code, course name, semester, contact information of instructor and teaching assistant, office hours, and time and location of the class. Course Description Explain what the course is about and tell the students what will be done in the course. Briefly describe the area of study and the topics that will be covered. Learning Objectives Specify learning goals that you want your students to achieve by taking this class. State what students will be able to do after taking the class. Course Organization Describe the format of the course, what level of preparation and participation you expect from the students, and to what extend Blackboard is going to be used in the course. Mention the specific teaching and learning methods that will be used in the course (e.g., lectures, discussions, cases, projects, teamwork, role play etc.) Course Expectations Clearly lay out the deliverables of the course (exams, projects, presentations, assignments, term papers, quizzes etc.) Prerequisites Clearly state what you expect your students to bring to the class (prerequisite courses, specific background knowledge) Course Materials Clearly list all required readings and course materials, optional readings, as well as additional recommended readings and useful online sources. About the Instructor Additional information about the instructor may be provided here. Grading Policy Your grading policy should clearly be stated in this section. Explain your policy for class participation, missed classes, and late homework. Finally, explain the structure of your exams in detail. Academic Integrity This section should state the policy on academic integrity. A link to Baruch’s general policy on academic honesty should be included here as well: Course Schedule Present a detailed, tentative course schedule. For every class session (or teaching week) state date, topic, reading assignments, preparation questions, and the due date for all the course deliverables. Course Code – Course Name Name of the Professor Email of the Professor Office Location Phone Number Fax Number Additional Contact Information Time and Location for the Class Time and Location for Office Hours Teaching Assistant Overview of the Course and Learning Goals This section should introduce the course. A brief description can be communicated via bullet points. An example is provided below for a graduate level finance class: The primary objective of this course is to provide the students with a broad overview of concepts and principles of financial decision making. Specifically, the course will have particular emphasis on: time value of money risk and return, valuation cost of capital option evaluation and the relevant corporate decisions in maximizing the firm value. Next, learning goals should be laid out. What do you expect the students to be able to do at the end of the semester? Prerequisites Prerequisites should be mentioned here. These prerequisites can be (i) the courses students are required to take, (ii) knowledge of specific software packages etc. Course Materials In this section, course materials should be presented in bullet points. Below is an example of a possible set of course materials. Textbook: Name and Edition of the specific text book. Lecture notes Study questions Newspapers & Magazines Online web pages and blogs that are related to the course material. Course communication Describe various ways of communicating with the students. Furthermore, Blackboard usage policy should also be explained here. For example, if you are going to post the lecture notes in the course materials section of the blackboard, make sure that you communicate this with your students. Grading Policy Your grading policy should clearly be stated in this section. First, present each variable that will be used to compute the students final grade. Second, make sure to report the importance of each one of these ingredients in percentages. For example, if each student’s final grade will be formed by 2 midterm exams, 1 final exam, 1 homework and class participation, the overall grade should be represented as: Overall grade=class participation (X1%) + 1 Homework (X2%)+ 2 exams (2* Y% = X3%) + final (X4%) such that X1+ X2+ X3+ X4 =100% Furthermore, make sure to explain each ingredient clearly. Explain your policy for class participation and penalties for students who miss class. Finally, explain the structure of your exams in detail. Academic Integrity This section should state the policy on Academic Honesty which states, in part: Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college’s educational mission and the students’ personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work and to uphold the ideal of academic integrity. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned. Moreover, make sure to include a web link which further describes the policy on Academic Honesty: Additional information can be found at: Please understand that a report of suspected academic dishonesty will be sent to the Dean of Students office. Tentative Course Schedule This section should present a tentative course schedule which includes exact dates (or weeks) that a specific topic will be covered. Make sure to note that the dates are subject to change as the speed of progress will depend on the specific student group. Below is an example of a table that can be used in this section. Tentative Course Schedule (Subject to Change) The date and/or the week of the semester Name of the topic that will be covered. 1 (8/31) 2 (9/5) 3 (9/7) 4 (9/12) 5 (9/14) 6 (9/19) 7 (9/21) 8 (9/26) 9 (9/28) 10 (10/5) 11 (10/10) 12 (10/12) 13 (10/17) 14 (10/19) 15 (10/24) 16 (10/26) 17 10/31) 18 (11/2) 19 (11/7) 20 (11/9) 21 (11/14) 22 (11/16) 23 (11/21) 24 (11/28) 25 (11/30) 26 (12/5) 27 (12/7) 28 (12/12) TBA Topic I Topic I Topic I Topic II Topic II Topic II Topic III Topic III Topic III Topic IV First Midterm Exam Topic IV Topic IV Topic V Topic V Topic VI Topic VI Topic VI Topic VI Second Midterm Exam Topic VII Topic VII Topic VII Topic VIII Topic VIII Topic VIII Topic IX Topic IX Final Exam Required readings for that specific date (Lecture Notes, Book Chapters, etc,.) Book Chapter I Book Chapter I Book Chapter I Book Chapter IV Book Chapter IV Book Chapter IV Book Chapter V Book Chapter V Book Chapter V Handouts Handouts Handouts Handouts Handouts Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Book Chapter Handouts Handouts Any Homework and/or study questions to be assigned Homework I Study Questions Homework II Study Questions VI VI VI VI VII VII VII VIII VIII VIII Homework III