PISCATAWAY TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Course Syllabus Course Title: Textbook: Teacher: English IV Resource Program (RP) Short Fiction: an Introduction, Poetry: an Introduction, The Prentice-Hall Reader Ms. Monica Herits 732-981-0700 ext.7143 mherits@pway.org I am available before and after school all days, except Tuesdays, by appointment. Course Description: English IV Resource Program (RP) is a five-credit survey course focusing on works of fiction and non-fiction. Genres include, but are not limited to, the short story, poetry, drama, and the novel. Students will read, analyze, respond to, and discuss literature, as well as to continue to develop their writing skills and their use of the writing process. Senior Themes: Origins Identity Family and Community Journey Materials Needed: 3 ring binder Journal (provided) Blue and/or black pen Classroom procedures: All school rules apply. Being on time means being ready in your seat by the bell. Six lates to class will result in failure for the marking period. Major assignments are due on the assigned dates even if you are not in school that day. Late homework and class work will only be accepted with prior approval from teacher; major assignments will be accepted with a ten percent deduction from the grade that you would have received on the assignment. After the one-day grace period, students will need permission from the teacher to submit late work. (If you miss work due to absence, you have the number of days you were absent to make up that work). Work can be handed in via email or on paper; if you email something to me, be sure to confirm that the email was received. Plagiarism- Its simple—don’t do it! There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating. If you cheat, you will receive a zero without having the opportunity to finish/make up the assignment. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teachers, and the classroom at all times. Maintain your student responsibilities of punctuality, attentiveness, effort, and inquisitiveness. Bathroom Use: You will be given 5 passes per marking period to use for the bathroom. You must have one pass signed each time you need to use the bathroom. Please note, if you don’t have the pass—you cannot use the bathroom! Any of the passes NOT used by the end of the marking period will be turned into a +1 point added onto your FINAL GRADE for that marking period. (You have the opportunity to raise your grade +5 points by not using the bathroom during class, just wait for homeroom!). Grading Policy: Marking Period One, Two, Three, and Four Essays / Writing / projects: 30% Tests: 20% Quizzes: 10% Class work: 25% Homework: 10% Weekly Class Participation Grade 5% Course Schedule: Scope and Sequence Approximate Time Frame Marking Period 1 – Sept. to Nov. Semester 1 Marking Period 2 – Nov. to Jan. Semester 1 Topics/Skills Topic/Theme: Origins Specific Content: Oedipus Rex, selected stories and poetry Skills: Organization, content specific vocabulary, essay writing, literary devices, theme, critical reading, critical thinking, analysis of poetic devices and techniques, author’s purpose, interpretation of text, Standard English conventions, author’s style Assessments: Various Writing Workshops: Persuasive, Narrative, and Expository Writing Topic/Theme: Family and Community Specific Content: Hamlet, selected stories and poetry Skills: Organization, content specific vocabulary, essay writing, literary devices, theme, critical reading, critical thinking, analysis of poetic devices and techniques, author’s purpose, interpretation of text, Standard English conventions, author’s style Marking Period 3 – Jan. to Mar. Semester 2 Assessments: Various Writing Workshops: Persuasive, Narrative, and Expository Writing Topic/Theme: Journey Specific Content: Speak, A Lesson Before Dying, selected stories and poetry Skills: Organization, content specific vocabulary, essay writing, literary devices, theme, critical reading, critical thinking, analysis of poetic devices and techniques, author’s purpose, interpretation of text, Standard English conventions, author’s style Marking Period 4 – April to June Semester 2 Assessments: Various Writing Workshops: Persuasive, Narrative, and Expository Writing Topic/Theme: Self-Discovery and Identity Specific Content: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, selected stories and poetry Skills: Organization, content specific vocabulary, essay writing, literary devices, theme, critical reading, critical thinking, analysis of poetic devices and techniques, author’s purpose, interpretation of text, Standard English conventions, author’s style Assessments: Various Writing Workshops: Persuasive, Narrative, and Expository Writing STUDENT CONTRACT I, ____________________________________________, have read the course syllabus and understand what is required of me in English IV RP, for the 2015-2016 school year. I am aware that the completion of this course is necessary for my graduation in June and that I will be expected to perform at a well above average level in reading and writing to meet more stringent academic classroom requirements. I am also aware of both the grading policy, as well as, the late policy. I understand that no assignments will be accepted late, cell phones and text messaging are strictly prohibited, and all school rules apply. I am familiar with Piscataway’s zero tolerance policy for cheating/plagiarism and the consequences if I do cheat. I fully understand all of the classroom procedures and know that extra help is available to me both before and after school by appointment. I understand that if I break any of these rules or procedures, appropriate action will be enforced including: teacher detention, phone calls to parents, referrals, suspension, or failure for the marking period. ___________________________________________ (Student Signature) ___________________ (Date) ___________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) ___________________ (Date) Parent Email Address: ____________________________________________ Parent Cell Phone #: ______________________________________________ Parent Home #:___________________________________________________ Which is the best way to contact you? _____________________________