Validation of Sort Sizes in an Oracle10g Database Michael R. Ault This test was constructed as a repeatable test case to show that the principles set forth in Don Burleson’s article Undocumented secrets for super-sizing your PGA are correct in most of the cases that I see as an Oracle tuning consultant. . Test Plan: 1. Establish test parameters: This test is designed to show the affects of varying the settings of pga_aggregate_target, “_pga_max_size” and “_smm_px_max_size” on a users sort area size for both serial and parallel queries. 2. Methodology: a. Establish a large enough table that will ensure all test sorts will spill to disk, thus ensuring the maximum sort area is utilized b. Using the table from (a.) run repeated tests with varying set points for the parameters in a 10g database and utilize the v$workarea tables to view the changes in sort areas for both serial and parallel sorts. c. Values to be checked: a. Pga_aggregate_target of 1 gigabyte with default values for all undocumented parameters with a serial sort. b. Pga_aggregate_target of 4 gigabytes with default values for all undocumented parameters with a serial sort. c. Pga_aggregate_target of 4 gigabytes with “_pga_max_size” set to 200 megabytes and default for all other undocumented parameters with a serial sort. d. Pga_aggregate_target of 4 gigabytes with “_pga_max_size” set to 200 megabytes and “_smm_px_max_size” set to 333, varying the degree of parallel for the test query from 2 to 7. d. Correlate the values and generate test documentation with findings. Test System The test is being accomplished utilizing a 3.0 gigahertz hyper threading P4 based system running the RedHat 3 kernel and utilizing the release of Oracle. The test system runs against an 8 disk Nstore disk array that is in a RAID1 configuration with 1 128K stripe width; all disks participate in the stripe. The total available capacity is 120 gigabytes of external storage with two additional internal drives each with 110 gigabytes of formatted capacity. The internal drives are used for the operating system and programs as well as swap area. The external drive array is utilized strictly for Oracle data. ASM is not being utilized. Test Table The test table consists of the columns shown in Figure 1 and contains simulated health record related data. desc test_pga Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------NAME CODE1 CODE2 DISTRICT_NAME MONTH CODE3 CODE_3_DESC FIRST_DATE SEC_DATE COUNT1 COUNT2 COUNT3 Type ---------------------------VARCHAR2(128) VARCHAR2(4) VARCHAR2(4) VARCHAR2(30) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(9) VARCHAR2(30) DATE DATE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER Figure 1: Test Table Columns The table size and row count data are shown in Figure 2: SQL> select table_name,num_rows,(blocks*8192)/(1024*1024) meg, avg_row_len from user_tables where table_name='TEST_PGA'; TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS MEG AVG_ROW_LEN ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------TEST_PGA 4547752 624.78125 124 Figure 2: Test Table Size Data With a size of over 624 megabytes this table should provide maximum sort segment sizing with the test SQL statement shown in Figure 3 for both serial and parallel sorts. SQL for serial tests: select * from test_pga order by district_name,name / SQL for parallel tests: select /*+ parallel(test_pga 7) */ * from test_pga order by district_name,name / Figure 3: Test SQL Statements The degree of parallel in the PARALLEL hint in the test SQL will be varied between 2 and 7 during the test. Figure 4 shows the validation of the Oracle version and options used during the test. SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version – Production Figure 4: Test System Oracle Verification Figure 5 shows the operating system version validate data. [oracle@aultlinux3 test]$ uname -a Linux aultlinux3 2.6.9-5.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 5 19:30:39 EST 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Figure 5: OS Validation Appendix A contains the full list of documented and undocumented parameters form the start of the test. Figure 6 shows the baseline startup statistics from the test system. SQL> ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1073741824 bytes Fixed Size 782568 bytes Variable Size 355208984 bytes Database Buffers 717225984 bytes Redo Buffers 524288 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. Figure 6: Startup Statistics Figure 7 shows all non-default initialization parameters at the start of testing. Mon Sep 05 page 1 Non-Default Initialization Parameters NUM TYPE NAME ---- ----- ------------------------------------317 6 __db_cache_size 96 6 __java_pool_size 94 6 __large_pool_size 92 6 __shared_pool_size 779 2 audit_trail 751 2 background_dump_dest 389 2 compatible 296 2 control_files 754 309 668 465 787 2 3 2 3 2 core_dump_dest db_block_size db_domain db_file_multiblock_read_count db_name VALUE ---------------------717225984 8388608 4194304 234881024 TRUE /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump /home/oracle/oradata/test/con trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/ oracle/oradata/test/control03 .ctl /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump 8192 32 test 479 2 db_recovery_file_dest 480 331 675 6 db_recovery_file_dest_size 3 db_writer_processes 2 dispatchers 119 706 790 939 20 662 52 285 807 98 608 609 752 3 3 3 6 3 2 6 6 2 6 2 2 2 enqueue_resources job_queue_processes open_cursors pga_aggregate_target processes remote_login_passwordfile sga_max_size sga_target star_transformation_enabled streams_pool_size undo_management undo_tablespace user_dump_dest /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar ea 2147483648 7 (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX DB) 3000 10 300 1073741824 600 EXCLUSIVE 1073741824 1073741824 TRUE 104857600 AUTO UNDOTBSP2 /home/oracle/admin/test/udump 30 rows selected. Figure 7: Non-Default Initialization Parameters The test results will be captured by procedure and placed into the test_results table: desc test_results Name Null? ----------------------------------------- -------SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW Type ------------------NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(12) The following procedure will be used to populate the test results table: create or replace procedure get_results as x boolean; i integer; begin x:=true; while x loop insert into test_results SELECT sid, work_area_size, expected_size, actual_mem_used, max_mem_used, tempseg_size, to_char(sysdate,'ddmmyyhh24miss') FROM V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE WHERE operation_type='SORT'; commit; select count(*) into i from V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE WHERE operation_type='SORT'; if i=0 then x:=false; end if; dbms_lock.sleep(1); end loop; end; / The procedure selects results into the test results table every second while it still sees sorts occurring. This is a test environment dedicated to this test so no other users will be present on the system. In a busy system the procedure would have to be modified to allow for the proper SIDS to be captured. The TEST_RESULTS table will be truncated after each test run (the results will be moved to an excel spreadsheet for analysis). This concludes the documentation of the test platform and start conditions for the test. Results The results show close agreement with the predicted behavior. The two sets of tests involved serial sort behavior and parallel sort behavior. Serial Sort Behavior For the serial sort test Chart 1 shows the results in graphic form. Predicted Verses Actual Sort Size 250 Megabytes 200 150 100 50 0 1g 4g PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 4g 400 pms Predicted Actual Chart 1: Predicted Verses Actual Sort Size (Serial Sorts) The data used to compile chart one is shown in Table 1 and was derived by taking the maximum sort memory utilized from the results for a specific test. All serial test results are in Appendix B. PAT/PMS 1g Default PMS 4g Default PMS 4g 400M PMS Predicted 51.2 100 200 Actual 45.5 97.578125 172.890625 Table 1: Predicted Verses Actual Data Chart While we didn’t achieve the full 200 megabytes expected, we still increased available sort size by a factor of 3.8, very close to the predicted factor of 4. Parallel Sort Behavior Parallel sort area size behavior under different settings of DOP and a constant 4 Gigabyte (actually 4g-1 byte) PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and 333 megabyte setting for “_smm_px_max_size” also tracked with predictions within expected overhead margins. Chart 2 shows the actual results verses predicted results for the parallel query testing. Memory (Meg) Predicted Verses Actual Size for Differing DOP 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 DOP 2 DOP 3 DOP 4 DOP 5 DOP 6 Degree of Parallel DOP 7 Predicted Size Actual Size Chart 2: Actual Verses Predicted Sort Size for Various DOP Settings Predicted sizes were calculated by dividing the “_smm_px_max_size” setting by the degree of parallel. Actual sizes were taken form the results data for the maximum sort memory size value for the parallel sessions. Table 2 shows the numerical data for Chart 2. DOP DOP 2 DOP 3 DOP 4 DOP 5 DOP 6 DOP 7 Predicted Sort Size 166.5 111 83.25 66.6 55.5 47.57143 Actual Sort Size 142.8828125 97.578125 80.6328125 55.0625 55.0625 42.4140625 Table 2: Actual Verses Predicted Values for Various DOP Settings Notice that a DOP of 5 or 6 resulted in the same memory setting for sorts. Also notice that the actual size of 80.63 is very close to the predicted setting of 83.25 (84 if a ceiling function is used) for a DOP of 4. The complete results for all DOP tests are in Appendix C. Appendix A: All Initialization Parameters In this appendix I list all of the initialization parameters, both documented and undocumented for the TEST environment. Documented Initialization Parameters Mon Sep 05 page INIT.ORA PARAMETER LISTING NUM TYPE NAME ---- ----- ------------------------------------660 1 O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY 317 6 __db_cache_size 96 6 __java_pool_size 94 6 __large_pool_size 92 6 __shared_pool_size 208 3 active_instance_count #### 3 aq_tm_processes 450 3 archive_lag_target #### 2 asm_diskgroups #### 2 asm_diskstring #### 3 asm_power_limit 761 2 audit_file_dest VALUE -----------------------------FALSE 717225984 8388608 4194304 234881024 0 0 1 /home/oracle/DBHome1/rdbms/aud it 666 779 750 751 167 712 802 349 350 679 469 472 180 672 389 303 296 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 audit_sys_operations audit_trail background_core_dump background_dump_dest backup_tape_io_slaves bitmap_merge_area_size blank_trimming buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle circuits cluster_database cluster_database_instances cluster_interconnects commit_point_strength compatible control_file_record_keep_time control_files FALSE TRUE partial /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump FALSE 1048576 FALSE 754 42 711 653 714 690 323 320 324 321 322 304 630 308 2 3 3 2 2 1 6 6 6 6 6 3 1 1 core_dump_dest cpu_count create_bitmap_area_size create_stored_outlines cursor_sharing cursor_space_for_time db_16k_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size db_block_buffers db_block_checking db_block_checksum /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump 2 8388608 FALSE 1 1 7 /home/oracle/oradata/test/con trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/ oracle/oradata/test/control03 .ctl EXACT FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE TRUE 1 Mon Sep 05 page INIT.ORA PARAMETER LISTING NUM TYPE NAME ---- ----- ------------------------------------309 3 db_block_size 378 2 db_cache_advice 318 6 db_cache_size 473 2 db_create_file_dest 474 2 db_create_online_log_dest_1 475 2 db_create_online_log_dest_2 476 2 db_create_online_log_dest_3 477 2 db_create_online_log_dest_4 478 2 db_create_online_log_dest_5 668 2 db_domain 465 3 db_file_multiblock_read_count 301 2 db_file_name_convert 464 3 db_files 557 3 db_flashback_retention_target 325 6 db_keep_cache_size 787 2 db_name 479 2 db_recovery_file_dest VALUE -----------------------------8192 ON 0 480 326 789 331 163 576 #### 6 6 2 3 3 1 2 2147483648 0 test 7 0 FALSE /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr1hf dwh.dat #### 2 dg_broker_config_file2 /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr2hf dwh.dat #### 160 675 1 dg_broker_start 1 disk_asynch_io 2 dispatchers FALSE TRUE (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX DB) 670 575 #### 119 45 440 441 522 523 625 185 152 154 778 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 60 2924 FALSE 3000 db_recovery_file_dest_size db_recycle_cache_size db_unique_name db_writer_processes dbwr_io_slaves ddl_wait_for_locks dg_broker_config_file1 distributed_lock_timeout dml_locks drs_start enqueue_resources event fal_client fal_server fast_start_io_target fast_start_mttr_target fast_start_parallel_rollback file_mapping fileio_network_adapters filesystemio_options fixed_date 32 200 1440 0 test /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar ea 0 0 LOW FALSE none 2 Mon Sep 05 page INIT.ORA PARAMETER LISTING NUM TYPE NAME ---- ----- ------------------------------------486 2 gc_files_to_locks 197 3 gcs_server_processes 667 2 global_context_pool_size 669 1 global_names 739 3 hash_area_size 58 3 hi_shared_memory_address #### 1 hs_autoregister 791 4 ifile 44 2 instance_groups 673 2 instance_name 585 3 instance_number 113 2 instance_type 104 3 java_max_sessionspace_size 97 6 java_pool_size 103 3 java_soft_sessionspace_limit 706 3 job_queue_processes 95 6 large_pool_size 654 2 ldap_directory_access 25 3 license_max_sessions 663 3 license_max_users 26 3 license_sessions_warning 681 2 local_listener 19 2 lock_name_space 61 1 lock_sga 397 2 log_archive_config 405 2 log_archive_dest 407 2 log_archive_dest_1 416 2 log_archive_dest_10 408 2 log_archive_dest_2 409 2 log_archive_dest_3 410 2 log_archive_dest_4 411 2 log_archive_dest_5 412 2 log_archive_dest_6 413 2 log_archive_dest_7 414 2 log_archive_dest_8 415 2 log_archive_dest_9 417 2 log_archive_dest_state_1 426 2 log_archive_dest_state_10 418 2 log_archive_dest_state_2 419 2 log_archive_dest_state_3 420 2 log_archive_dest_state_4 421 2 log_archive_dest_state_5 422 2 log_archive_dest_state_6 423 2 log_archive_dest_state_7 424 2 log_archive_dest_state_8 425 2 log_archive_dest_state_9 406 2 log_archive_duplex_dest 434 2 log_archive_format 433 1 log_archive_local_first 427 3 log_archive_max_processes VALUE -----------------------------0 FALSE 131072 0 TRUE test 0 RDBMS 0 0 0 10 0 NONE 0 0 0 FALSE enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 3 Mon Sep 05 page INIT.ORA PARAMETER LISTING NUM TYPE NAME ---- ----- ------------------------------------430 3 log_archive_min_succeed_dest 399 1 log_archive_start 432 3 log_archive_trace 445 3 log_buffer 447 3 log_checkpoint_interval 448 3 log_checkpoint_timeout 528 1 log_checkpoints_to_alert 302 2 log_file_name_convert 538 3 logmnr_max_persistent_sessions 387 3 max_commit_propagation_delay 678 3 max_dispatchers 753 2 max_dump_file_size 657 3 max_enabled_roles 677 3 max_shared_servers 140 2 nls_calendar 146 2 nls_comp 137 2 nls_currency 136 2 nls_date_format 135 2 nls_date_language 145 2 nls_dual_currency 139 2 nls_iso_currency 132 2 nls_language 147 2 nls_length_semantics 148 2 nls_nchar_conv_excp 138 2 nls_numeric_characters 134 2 nls_sort 133 2 nls_territory 141 2 nls_time_format 143 2 nls_time_tz_format 142 2 nls_timestamp_format 144 2 nls_timestamp_tz_format 764 3 object_cache_max_size_percent 763 3 object_cache_optimal_size #### 6 olap_page_pool_size 790 3 open_cursors 771 3 open_links 772 3 open_links_per_instance 960 3 optimizer_dynamic_sampling 777 2 optimizer_features_enable 872 3 optimizer_index_caching 871 3 optimizer_index_cost_adj 795 2 optimizer_mode 793 2 os_authent_prefix 655 1 os_roles 847 1 parallel_adaptive_multi_user 849 1 parallel_automatic_tuning 729 3 parallel_execution_message_size 726 2 parallel_instance_group 721 3 parallel_max_servers 708 3 parallel_min_percent VALUE -----------------------------1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE 2148 40 0 4 Mon Sep 05 page INIT.ORA PARAMETER LISTING NUM TYPE NAME ---- ----- ------------------------------------720 3 parallel_min_servers 470 1 parallel_server 471 3 parallel_server_instances 848 3 parallel_threads_per_cpu 939 6 pga_aggregate_target 702 2 plsql_code_type 698 2 plsql_compiler_flags 704 1 plsql_debug 699 2 plsql_native_library_dir 700 3 plsql_native_library_subdir_count 705 3 plsql_optimize_level 697 1 plsql_v2_compatibility 701 2 plsql_warnings 56 1 pre_page_sga 20 3 processes 881 2 query_rewrite_enabled 882 2 query_rewrite_integrity 656 2 rdbms_server_dn 467 1 read_only_open_delayed 529 3 recovery_parallelism 396 2 remote_archive_enable 693 2 remote_dependencies_mode 682 2 remote_listener 662 2 remote_login_passwordfile 658 1 remote_os_authent 659 1 remote_os_roles 579 1 replication_dependency_tracking 24 1 resource_limit 171 2 resource_manager_plan 627 3 resumable_timeout 600 2 rollback_segments 689 2 serial_reuse 674 2 service_names 691 3 session_cached_cursors 766 3 session_max_open_files 21 3 sessions 52 6 sga_max_size 285 6 sga_target 749 2 shadow_core_dump 57 3 shared_memory_address 100 6 shared_pool_reserved_size 93 6 shared_pool_size 680 3 shared_server_sessions 676 3 shared_servers #### 1 skip_unusable_indexes 695 2 smtp_out_server 781 3 sort_area_retained_size 780 3 sort_area_size 788 2 sp_name 112 2 spfile VALUE -----------------------------0 FALSE 1 2 1073741824 INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1073741824 1073741824 partial 0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil 5 Mon Sep 05 page INIT.ORA PARAMETER LISTING NUM TYPE NAME VALUE ---- ----- ------------------------------------- ---------------------etest.ora 800 792 913 #### 431 482 807 981 98 161 517 23 22 124 2 597 598 608 621 609 59 752 694 941 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy 259 rows selected. FALSE FALSE NATIVE DEFAULT ?/dbs/arch MANUAL TRUE TYPICAL 104857600 TRUE 0 0 TRUE TRUE 731 5 AUTO 900 UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO 6 Undocumented Initialization Parameters In the interest of full disclosure, here is the complete list of undocumented parameters at the start of the test. Mon Sep 05 page 1 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_4031_dump_bitvec bitvec to specify 20479 20479 dumps prior to 4031 error _4031_dump_interval Dump 4031 error once 300 for each n-second interval 300 _4031_max_dumps Maximum number of 4031 dumps for this process 100 100 _4031_sga_dump_interval Dump 4031 SGA heapdump error once for each n-second interval 3600 3600 _4031_sga_max_dumps Maximum number of SGA heapdumps 10 10 _NUMA_instance_mapping Set of nodes that Not specified Not specified this instance should run on _NUMA_pool_size aggregate size in bytes of NUMA pool _PX_use_large_pool Use Large Pool as FALSE source of PX buffers FALSE __db_cache_size Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers 717225984 __java_pool_size Actual size in bytes 8388608 of java pool 8388608 __large_pool_size Actual size in bytes 4194304 of large pool 4194304 __shared_pool_size Actual size in bytes 234881024 of shared pool 234881024 _abort_recovery_on_join if TRUE, abort recovery on join reconfigurations FALSE _active_standby_fast_reconfiguration if TRUE optimize dlm TRUE reconfiguration for Not specified Not specified 717225984 FALSE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 2 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------active/standby OPS _adaptive_direct_read _adaptive_fetch_enabled Adaptive Direct Read TRUE enable/disable TRUE adaptive fetch in parallel group by TRUE TRUE _add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list add stale mv to dependency list TRUE TRUE _addm_auto_enable governs whether ADDM TRUE gets run automatically after every AWR snapshot TRUE _addm_skiprules comma-separated list of ADDM nodes to skip _affinity_on enable/disable TRUE affinity at run time TRUE _aiowait_timeouts Number of aiowait timeouts before error is reported 100 100 _alert_expiration seconds before an alert message is moved to exception queue 604800 604800 _all_shared_dblinks treat all dblinks as shared _allocate_creation_order should files be FALSE examined in creation order during allocation FALSE _allocation_update_interval interval at which 3 successful search in L1 should be updated 3 _allow_commutativity allow for commutativity of +, * when comparing expressions TRUE TRUE _allow_error_simulation Allow error simulation for FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 3 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------testing _allow_level_without_connect_by allow level without connect by FALSE FALSE _allow_read_only_corruption allow read-only open FALSE even if database is corrupt FALSE _allow_resetlogs_corruption allow resetlogs even FALSE if it will cause corruption FALSE _allow_terminal_recovery_corruption Finish terminal FALSE recovery even if it may cause corruption FALSE _always_anti_join always use this CHOOSE method for anti-join when possible CHOOSE _always_semi_join always use this CHOOSE method for semi-join when possible CHOOSE _always_star_transformation always favor use of star transformation FALSE FALSE _app_ctx_vers enable app ctx versioning FALSE FALSE _aq_tm_scanlimit scan limit for Time 0 Managers to clean up IOT 0 _arch_io_slaves _array_update_vector_read_enabled ARCH I/O slaves Enable array update vector read 0 FALSE _ash_disk_filter_ratio Ratio of the number 10 of in-memory samples to the number of samples actually written to disk 10 _ash_disk_write_enable To enable or disable TRUE Active Session History flushing TRUE _ash_dummy_test_param Oracle internal 0 0 FALSE 0 Mon Sep 05 page 4 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for testing! _ash_eflush_trigger The percentage above 66 which if the in-memory ASH is full the emergency flusher will be triggered 66 _ash_enable To enable or disable TRUE Active Session sampling and flushing TRUE _ash_sample_all To enable or disable FALSE sampling every connected session including ones waiting for idle waits FALSE _ash_sampling_interval Time interval between two successive Active Session samples in millisecs 1000 _ash_size To set the size of 1048618 the in-memory Active Session History buffers 1048618 _asm_acd_chunks initial ACD chunks created 1 1 _asm_allow_only_raw_disks Discovery only raw devices TRUE TRUE _asm_ausize _asm_blksize _asm_disk_repair_time allocation unit size 1048576 metadata block size 4096 seconds to wait 14400 before dropping a failing disk 1048576 4096 14400 _asm_libraries library search order ufs for discovery ufs _asm_maxio Maximum size of 1048576 1000 1048576 Mon Sep 05 page 5 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------individual I/O request _asm_stripesize _asm_stripewidth ASM file stripe size 131072 ASM file stripe 8 width 131072 8 _asm_wait_time Max/imum time to wait before asmb exits 18 _asmlib_test _asmsid _async_recovery_claims Osmlib test event 0 ASM instance id asm if TRUE, issue TRUE recovery claims asynchronously (DFS) 0 asm TRUE _async_recovery_reads if TRUE, issue TRUE recovery reads asynchronously (DFS) TRUE _avoid_prepare if TRUE, do not prepare a buffer when the master is local (DFS) TRUE TRUE _awr_corrupt_mode _awr_restrict_mode _b_tree_bitmap_plans AWR Corrupt Mode AWR Restrict Mode enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE _backup_disk_io_slaves BACKUP Disk I/O slaves 0 0 _backup_io_pool_size memory to reserve from the large pool 1048576 1048576 _backup_kgc_bufsz specifies buffer size to be used for kgc compression 0 0 _backup_kgc_niters specifies number of iterations used for kgc compression 0 0 _backup_kgc_type specifies compression type used for kgc 0 0 18 Mon Sep 05 page 6 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------compression _backup_ksfq_bufcnt number of the ksfq buffers used for backup/restore 0 0 _backup_ksfq_bufsz size of the ksfq buffer used for backup/restore 0 0 _bct_bitmaps_per_file number of bitmaps to 8 store for each datafile 8 _bct_buffer_allocation_max maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes 104857600 104857600 _bct_buffer_allocation_min_extents mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer allocation 1 1 _bct_buffer_allocation_size size of one change 2097152 tracking buffer allocation, in bytes 2097152 _bct_chunk_size change tracking 0 datafile chunk size, in bytes 0 _bct_crash_reserve_size change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in bytes 262144 _bct_file_block_size block size of change 0 tracking file, in bytes 0 _bct_file_extent_size extent size of change tracking file, in bytes 0 0 _bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size initial number of 0 entries in the private change tracking dba buffers 0 262144 Mon Sep 05 page 7 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_bct_public_dba_buffer_size total size of all 0 0 public change tracking dba buffers, in bytes _bitmap_or_improvement_enabled controls extensions TRUE to partition pruning for general predicates TRUE _block_change_tracking change tracking possible TRUE TRUE _blocks_per_cache_server number of consecutive blocks per global cache server 128 128 _bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled allow rewrites with multiple MVs and base tables TRUE TRUE _buffer_busy_wait_timeout buffer busy wait 100 time in centiseconds 100 _bufq_stop_flow_control Stop enforcing flow FALSE control for buffered queues FALSE _bump_highwater_mark_count how many blocks should we allocate per free list on advancing HWM 0 _bwr_for_flushed_pi if TRUE, generate a TRUE BWR for a flushed PI (DFS) TRUE _cache_stats_monitor if TRUE, enable cache stats monitoring TRUE TRUE _cgs_send_timeout CGS send timeout value 300 300 _check_block_after_checksum perform block check after checksum if both are turned on TRUE TRUE _check_ts_threshold check tablespace 0 0 0 Mon Sep 05 page 8 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------thresholds _cleanup_rollback_entries no. of undo entries to apply per transaction cleanup 100 100 _close_cached_open_cursors close cursors cached FALSE by PL/SQL at each commit FALSE _cluster_library cluster library selection clss clss _collapse_wait_history collapse wait history FALSE FALSE _collect_undo_stats Collect Statistics v$undostat TRUE TRUE _column_compression_factor Column compression ratio 0 0 _column_elimination_off turn off predicate-only column elimination FALSE FALSE _column_tracking_level column usage tracking 1 1 _complex_view_merging enable complex view merging TRUE TRUE _controlfile_block_size control file block size in bytes 0 0 _controlfile_enqueue_dump dump the system states after controlfile enqueue timeout FALSE FALSE _controlfile_enqueue_timeout control file enqueue 900 timeout in seconds 900 _controlfile_update_check controlfile update sanity check OFF OFF _convert_set_to_join enables conversion of set operator to join FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 9 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_coord_message_buffer parallel recovery 0 0 coordinator side extra message buffer size _corrupted_rollback_segments corrupted undo segment list _cost_equality_semi_join enables costing of equality semi-join TRUE TRUE _cpu_to_io divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost 0 0 _cr_grant_global_role if TRUE, grant lock TRUE for CR requests when block is in global role TRUE _cr_grant_local_role if TRUE, grant lock for CR using 3way ping when block in local role FALSE _cr_server_log_flush if TRUE, flush redo TRUE log before serving a CR buffer (DFS) TRUE _cursor_bind_capture_area_size maximum size of the cursor bind capture area 400 400 _cursor_bind_capture_interval interval (in 900 seconds) between two bind capture for a cursor 900 _cursor_cache_frame_bind_memory frame & bind buffer caching FALSE _cursor_db_buffers_pinned additional number of 140 buffers a cursor can pin at once 140 _cursor_plan_enabled enable collection and display of cursor plans TRUE TRUE _cursor_plan_hash_version version of cursor 1 1 FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 10 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------plan hash value _cursor_plan_unparse_enabled enables/disables TRUE using unparse to build projection/predicate s TRUE _db_aging_cool_count Touch count set when 1 buffer cooled 1 _db_aging_freeze_cr Make CR buffers always be too cold to keep in cache FALSE FALSE _db_aging_hot_criteria Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list 2 2 _db_aging_stay_count Touch count set when 0 buffer moved to head of replacement list 0 _db_aging_touch_time Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list 3 _db_always_check_system_ts Always perform block TRUE check and checksum for System tablespace TRUE _db_block_buffers Number of database blocks cached in memory: hidden parameter 85671 85671 _db_block_cache_clone Always clone data blocks on get (for debugging) FALSE FALSE _db_block_cache_history buffer header 0 tracing (non-zero only when debugging) 0 _db_block_cache_num_umap number of unmapped buffers (for tracking swap calls 0 3 0 Mon Sep 05 page 11 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------on blocks) _db_block_cache_protect protect database blocks (true only when debugging) FALSE FALSE _db_block_check_for_debug Check more and dump block before image for debugging FALSE FALSE _db_block_granule_interval number of granules to process 10 10 _db_block_hash_buckets Number of database block hash buckets 262144 262144 _db_block_hash_latches Number of database block hash latches 1024 1024 _db_block_hi_priority_batch_size Fraction of writes for high priority reasons 0 0 _db_block_known_clean_pct Initial Percentage 2 of buffers to maintain known clean 2 _db_block_lru_latches number of lru latches 56 _db_block_max_cr_dba Maximum Allowed 6 Number of CR buffers per dba 6 _db_block_max_scan_pct Percentage of buffers to inspect when looking for free 40 40 _db_block_med_priority_batch_size Fraction of writes for medium priority reasons 0 0 _db_block_numa _db_block_prefetch_limit Number of NUMA nodes 1 Prefetch limit in 0 blocks 1 0 _db_block_prefetch_quota Prefetch quota as a percent of cache size 10 56 10 Mon Sep 05 page 12 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_db_block_trace_protect trace buffer protect FALSE calls FALSE _db_cache_advice_batch_size cache advisory simulation batch size 128 128 _db_cache_advice_sample_factor cache advisory sampling factor 4 4 _db_cache_crx_check check for costly crx FALSE examination functions FALSE _db_cache_pre_warm Buffer Cache Pre-Warm Enabled : hidden parameter TRUE TRUE _db_fast_obj_check enable fast object drop sanity check FALSE FALSE _db_fast_obj_truncate enable fast object truncate TRUE TRUE _db_file_direct_io_count Sequential I/O buf size 1048576 1048576 _db_file_format_io_buffers Block formatting I/O 4 buf count 4 _db_file_noncontig_mblock_read_count number of noncontiguous db blocks to be prefetched 11 11 _db_handles System-wide simultaneous buffer operations 3000 3000 _db_handles_cached Buffer handles cached each process 5 5 _db_large_dirty_queue Number of buffers which force dirty queue to be written 25 25 _db_mttr_advice _db_mttr_partitions MTTR advisory ON number of partitions 0 for MTTR advisory ON 0 Mon Sep 05 page 13 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_db_mttr_sample_factor MTTR simulation sampling factor 64 64 _db_mttr_sim_target MTTR simulation targets _db_mttr_sim_trace_size MTTR simulation trace size 256 256 _db_mttr_trace_to_alert dump trace entries to alert file FALSE FALSE _db_percent_hot_default Percent of default buffer pool considered hot 50 50 _db_percent_hot_keep Percent of keep buffer pool considered hot 0 0 _db_percent_hot_recycle Percent of recycle buffer pool considered hot 0 0 _db_percpu_create_cachesize size of cache created per cpu in deferred cache create 2 2 _db_recovery_temporal_file_dest default database recovery temporal file location _db_todefer_cache_create buffer cache deferred create FALSE FALSE _db_writer_chunk_writes Number of writes 0 DBWR should wait for 0 _db_writer_coalesce_area_size Size of memory allocated to dbwriter for coalescing writes 1048576 1048576 _db_writer_coalesce_write_limit Limit on size of coalesced write 131072 131072 _db_writer_flush_imu If FALSE, DBWR will not downgrade IMU TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 14 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------txns for AGING _db_writer_histogram_statistics maintain dbwr FALSE histogram statistics in x$kcbbhs FALSE _db_writer_max_writes Max number of outstanding DB Writer IOs 0 0 _db_writer_scan_depth_pct Percentage of LRU buffers for dbwr to scan when looking for dirty 25 25 _dbg_proc_startup debug process startup FALSE FALSE _dbwr_async_io Enable dbwriter asynchronous writes TRUE TRUE _dbwr_scan_interval dbwriter scan interval 300 300 _dbwr_tracing Enable dbwriter tracing 0 0 _dedicated_server_post_wait dedicated server post/wait FALSE FALSE _dedicated_server_post_wait_call dedicated server post/wait call FALSE FALSE _default_non_equality_sel_check sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate TRUE TRUE _delay_index_maintain delays index maintenance until after MV is refreshed TRUE TRUE _diag_daemon _disable_datalayer_sampling start DIAG daemon disable datalayer sampling TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE _disable_file_locks disable file locks for control, data, redo log files FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 15 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_disable_function_based_index disable FALSE function-based index matching FALSE _disable_health_check _disable_image_check Disable Health Check FALSE Disable Oracle FALSE executable image checking FALSE FALSE _disable_incremental_checkpoints Disable incremental checkpoints for thread recovery FALSE FALSE _disable_kcbhxor_osd disable kcbh(c)xor OSD functionality FALSE FALSE _disable_latch_free_SCN_writes_via_32 disable latch-free cas SCN writes using 32-bit compare & swap FALSE FALSE _disable_latch_free_SCN_writes_via_64 disable latch-free cas SCN writes using 64-bit compare & swap FALSE FALSE _disable_logging _disable_multiple_block_sizes Disable logging disable multiple block size support (for debugging) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE _disable_odm _disable_recoverable_recovery disable odm feature FALSE Disable the new FALSE recoverable recovery mechanism FALSE FALSE _disable_sample_io_optim disable row sampling FALSE IO optimization FALSE _disable_savepoint_reset disable the fix for bug 1402161 FALSE FALSE _disable_selftune_checkpointing Disable self-tune checkpointing FALSE FALSE _disable_sun_rsm Disable IPC OSD support for Sun RSMAPI TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 16 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_disable_system_state disable system state FALSE FALSE dump _disable_txn_alert disable txn layer alert 0 _discrete_transactions_enabled _dispatcher_rate_scale enable OLTP mode FALSE scale to display rate statistic (100ths of a second) _dispatcher_rate_ttl time-to-live for rate statistic (100ths of a second) _distinct_view_unnesting enables unnesting of FALSE in subquery into distinct view 0 FALSE FALSE _distributed_recovery_connection_hold number of seconds _time RECO holds outbound connections open 200 200 _dlm_send_timeout DLM send timeout value 30000 30000 _dlmtrace Trace string of global enqueue type(s) _dml_monitoring_enabled enable modification monitoring TRUE TRUE _domain_index_batch_size maximum number of rows from one call to domain index fetch routine 2000 2000 _domain_index_dml_batch_size maximum number of 200 rows for one call to domain index dml routines 200 _ds_iocount_iosize Dynamic Sampling Service defaults: #IOs and IO Size 6553664 6553664 _dss_cache_flush enable full cache flush for parallel execution FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 17 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_dump_common_subexpressions dump common subexpressions FALSE FALSE _dump_connect_by_loop_data dump connect by loop FALSE error message into trc file FALSE _dump_cursor_heap_sizes dump comp/exec heap FALSE sizes to tryace file FALSE _dump_interval_limit trace dump time interval limit (in seconds) 120 _dump_max_limit max number of dump 5 within dump interval 5 _dump_system_state_scope scope of sysstate local dump during instance termination local _dump_trace_scope scope of trace dump during a process crash global global _dynamic_rls_policies rls policies are dynamic TRUE TRUE _dynamic_stats_threshold delay threshold (in seconds) between sending statistics messages 30 30 _eliminate_common_subexpr enables elimination of common sub-expressions TRUE TRUE _enable_NUMA_optimization Enable NUMA specific TRUE optimizations TRUE 120 _enable_block_level_transaction_recov enable block level ery recovery TRUE TRUE _enable_cscn_caching enable commit SCN caching for all transactions FALSE FALSE _enable_default_affinity to enable default implementation of 0 0 Mon Sep 05 page 18 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------affinity osds _enable_fast_ref_after_mv_tbs enable fast refresh after move tablespace FALSE FALSE _enable_hash_overflow TRUE - enable hash cluster overflow based on SIZE FALSE FALSE _enable_kgh_policy temporary to disable/enable kgh policy FALSE FALSE _enable_list_io _enable_nativenet_tcpip Enable List I/O FALSE Enable skgxp driver FALSE usage for native net FALSE FALSE _enable_refresh_schedule enable or disable MV TRUE refresh scheduling (revert to 9.2 behavior) TRUE _enable_tablespace_alerts enable tablespace alerts TRUE TRUE _enable_type_dep_selectivity enable type dependent selectivity estimates TRUE TRUE _enqueue_debug_multi_instance debug enqueue multi instance FALSE FALSE _enqueue_hash enqueue hash table length 1365 1365 _enqueue_hash_chain_latches enqueue hash chain latches 2 2 _enqueue_locks locks for managed enqueues 8150 8150 _expand_aggregates _explain_rewrite_mode expand aggregates allow additional messages to be generated during explain rewrite TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE _fair_remote_cvt if TRUE enables fair FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 19 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------remote convert _fairness_threshold number of times to CR serve before downgrading lock (DFS) 4 4 _fast_dual_enabled enable/disable fast dual TRUE TRUE _fast_full_scan_enabled enable/disable index TRUE fast full scan TRUE _fast_start_instance_recovery_target cluster availability 0 target time in RAC environment 0 _fic_algorithm_set Set Frequent Itemset automatic Counting Algorithm automatic _fic_area_size size of Frequent Itemset Counting work area 131072 131072 _fic_max_length Frequent Itemset Counting Maximum Itemset Length 20 20 _fic_outofmem_candidates Frequent Itemset Counting Out Of Memory Candidates Generation FALSE FALSE _fifth_spare_parameter fifth spare parameter - string _first_spare_parameter first spare parameter - integer _flashback_allow_noarchivelog Allow enabling flashback on noarchivelog database FALSE FALSE _flashback_barrier_interval Flashback barrier interval in seconds 1800 1800 _flashback_copy_latches Number of flashback copy latches 10 10 Mon Sep 05 page 20 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_flashback_fuzzy_barrier Use flashback fuzzy TRUE TRUE barrier _flashback_generation_buffer_size flashback generation 2097152 buffer size 2097152 _flashback_hint_barrier_percent Flashback hint barrier percent 20 20 _flashback_log_min_size Minimum flashback log size 100 100 _flashback_log_size _flashback_logfile_enqueue_timeout Flashback log size flashback logfile enqueue timeout for opens 1000 600 1000 600 _flashback_max_log_size Maximum flashback log size in bytes (OS limit) 0 0 _flashback_n_log_per_thread Desired number of flashback logs per flashback thread 128 128 _flashback_standby_barrier_interval Flashback standby barrier interval in seconds 1800 1800 _flashback_verbose_info Print verbose information about flashback database FALSE FALSE _flashback_write_size_qm Desired flashback write size in quarter MB 4 4 _force_datefold_trunc force use of trunc for datefolding rewrite FALSE FALSE _force_temptables_for_gsets executes concatenation of rollups using temp tables FALSE FALSE _fourth_spare_parameter fourth spare parameter - string _full_pwise_join_enabled enable full TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 21 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------partition-wise join when TRUE _gby_onekey_enabled enable use of one comparison of all group by keys TRUE TRUE _gc_affinity_limit dynamic affinity limit (DFS) 50 50 _gc_affinity_minimum dynamic affinity 1200 minimum activity per minute (DFS) 1200 _gc_affinity_time how often in minutes 10 to check affinity (DFS) 10 _gc_check_bscn if TRUE, check for stale blocks (DFS) TRUE TRUE _gc_defer_time how long to defer down converts for hot buffers (DFS) 3 3 _gc_element_percent global cache element 103 percent (DFS) 103 _gc_global_lru if TRUE, enable global lru (DFS) FALSE FALSE _gc_integrity_checks if TRUE, enable expensive integrity checks (DFS) TRUE TRUE _gc_keep_recovery_buffers if TRUE, make recovery buffers current (DFS) FALSE FALSE _gc_latches number of latches per LMS process (DFS) 5 5 _gc_statistics if TRUE, kcl statistics are maintained (DFS) TRUE TRUE _gc_use_cr if TRUE, allow CR pins on PI and WRITING buffers TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 22 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------(DFS) _gc_vector_read if TRUE, vector read TRUE current buffers (DFS) TRUE _gcs_fast_reconfig if TRUE, enable fast TRUE reconfiguration for gcs locks TRUE _gcs_latches number of gcs resource hash latches to be allocated per LMS process 0 _gcs_process_in_recovery if TRUE, process gcs TRUE requests during instance recovery _gcs_resources number of gcs resources to be allocated _gcs_shadow_locks number of pcm shadow locks to be allocated _generalized_pruning_enabled controls extensions TRUE to partition pruning for general predicates TRUE _ges_dd_debug if TRUE enables GES deadlock detection debug diagnostics FALSE FALSE _ges_diagnostics if TRUE enables GES diagnostics TRUE TRUE _ges_trace if TRUE enables TRUE GES/GCS debug traces TRUE _groupby_nopushdown_cut_ratio groupby nopushdown cut ratio 3 3 _groupby_orderby_combine groupby/orderby don't combine threshold 5000 5000 0 TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 23 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed enable anti/semi TRUE TRUE join for the GS query _hang_detection Hang Management detection interval 0 0 _hard_protection if TRUE enable H.A.R.D specific format changes FALSE FALSE _hash_join_enabled enable/disable hash join TRUE TRUE _hash_multiblock_io_count number of blocks hash join will read/write at once 0 0 _high_server_threshold high server thresholds 0 0 _hj_bit_filter_threshold hash-join bit filtering threshold (0 always enabled) 50 50 _idl_conventional_index_maintenance enable conventional index maintenance for insert direct load TRUE TRUE _idxrb_rowincr proportionality 100000000 constant for dop vs. rows in index rebuild 100000000 _ignore_desc_in_index ignore DESC in indexes, sort those columns ascending anyhow FALSE FALSE _improved_outerjoin_card improved outer-join cardinality calculation TRUE TRUE _improved_row_length_enabled enable the improvements for computing the average row length TRUE TRUE _imr_active Activate Instance TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 24 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------Membership Recovery feature _imr_max_reconfig_delay Maximum Reconfiguration delay (seconds) 300 300 _imr_splitbrain_res_wait Maximum wait for 600 split-brain resolution (seconds) 600 _imu_pools _in_memory_undo in memory undo pools 3 Make in memory undo TRUE for top level transactions 3 TRUE _index_join_enabled enable the use of index joins TRUE TRUE _index_prefetch_factor index prefetching factor 100 100 _init_sql_file File containing SQL statements to execute upon database creation ?/rdbms/admin ?/rdbms/admin/s /sql.bsq ql.bsq _init_tempfile_on_open if TRUE re-init tempfile bitmaps on db open whenever possible FALSE FALSE _insert_enable_hwm_brokered during parallel inserts high water marks are brokered TRUE TRUE _inst_locking_period period an instance can retain a newly acquired level1 bitmap 5 5 _interconnect_checksum if TRUE, checksum interconnect blocks (DFS) TRUE TRUE _intrapart_pdml_enabled Enable intra-partition updates/deletes TRUE TRUE _intrapart_pdml_randomlocal_enabled Enable TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 25 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------intra-partition updates/deletes with random local dist _io_slaves_disabled Do not use I/O slaves FALSE FALSE _ioslave_batch_count Per attempt IOs picked 1 1 _ioslave_issue_count IOs issued before completion check 500 500 _ipc_fail_network Simulate cluster network failer 0 0 _ipc_test_failover Test transparent cluster network failover 0 0 _ipc_test_mult_nets simulate multiple cluster networks 0 0 _job_queue_interval Wakeup interval in seconds for job queue co-ordinator 5 5 _kcl_commit if TRUE, call kjbcommit (DFS) TRUE TRUE _kcl_conservative_log_flush if TRUE, conservatively log flush before CR serving (DFS) FALSE FALSE _kcl_debug if TRUE, record le history (DFS) TRUE TRUE _kcl_index_split if TRUE, reject pings on blocks in middle of a split (DFS) TRUE TRUE _kcl_undo_grouping grouping for undo block locks (DFS) 32 32 _kcl_undo_locks number of locks per undo segment (DFS) 128 128 _kdbl_enable_post_allocation allocate dbas after FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 26 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------populating data buffers _keep_remote_column_size remote column size does not get modified FALSE FALSE _kernel_message_network_driver kernel message network driver FALSE FALSE _kffmap_hash_size size of kffmap_hash table 1024 1024 _kffmop_hash_size size of kffmop_hash table 2048 2048 _kghdsidx_count _kgl_bucket_count max kghdsidx count index to the bucket count array 1 9 1 9 _kgl_hash_collision whether KGL hash collision is possible FALSE FALSE _kgl_keep_cache_pct KGL keep cache minimum threshold 30 30 _kgl_keep_cache_retain_pct KGL keep cache retain threshold 20 20 _kgl_latch_count number of library cache latches 0 0 _kgl_multi_instance_invalidation whether KGL to support multi-instance invalidations TRUE TRUE _kgl_multi_instance_lock whether KGL to TRUE support multi-instance locks TRUE _kgl_multi_instance_pin whether KGL to support multi-instance pins TRUE _kgl_session_cached_objects maximum length of 10 the KGL object cache lru TRUE 10 Mon Sep 05 page 27 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_kgl_time_to_wait_for_locks time to wait for 15 15 locks and pins before timing out _kglsim_maxmem_percent max percentage of shared pool size to be used for KGL advice 5 5 _kill_java_threads_on_eoc Kill Java threads and do sessionspace migration at end of call FALSE FALSE _kkfi_trace trace expression substitution FALSE FALSE _kolfuseslf allow kolf to use slffopen FALSE FALSE _ksdxw_cini_flg ksdxw context initialization flag 0 0 _ksdxw_nbufs ksdxw number of buffers in buffered mode 1000 1000 _ksdxw_num_pgw number of watchpoints on a per-process basis 10 10 _ksdxw_num_sgw number of watchpoints to be shared by all processes 10 10 _ksdxw_stack_depth number of PCs to 4 collect in the stack when watchpoint is hit 4 _kse_die_timeout amount of time a dying process is spared by PMON (in centi-secs) 60000 60000 _ksi_trace KSI trace string of lock type(s) _ksmg_granule_locking_status granule locking 1 1 Mon Sep 05 page 28 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------status _ksmg_granule_size granule size in bytes 4194304 4194304 _ksmg_lock_check_interval timeout action interval in minutes _ksmg_lock_reacquire_count repeat count for 5 acquisition of locks 5 _kspptbl_mem_usage amount of memory used for unused session parameter tables 1556016 1556016 _ksu_diag_kill_time number of seconds ksuitm waits before killing diag 5 5 _ktc_debug _ktc_latches for ktc debug number of ktc latches 0 0 0 0 _ktu_latches number of KTU latches 0 0 _ku_trace datapump trace parameter none none _large_pool_min_alloc minimum allocation 3 size in bytes for the large allocation pool 3 _last_allocation_period period over which an 5 instance can retain an active level1 bitmap 5 _latch_class_0 _latch_class_1 _latch_class_2 _latch_class_3 _latch_class_4 _latch_class_5 _latch_class_6 _latch_class_7 _latch_classes latch class 0 latch class 1 latch class 2 latch class 3 latch class 4 latch class 5 latch class 6 latch class 7 latch classes override Mon Sep 05 page 29 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_latch_miss_stat_sid Sid of process for which to collect latch stats 0 _latch_recovery_alignment align latch recovery 998 structures 998 _ldr_io_size size of write IOs used during a load operation 262144 262144 _left_nested_loops_random enable random distribution method for left of nestedloops TRUE TRUE _lgwr_async_broadcasts LGWR Asynchronous Broadcasts enabling boolean flag TRUE TRUE _lgwr_async_io LGWR Asynchronous IO FALSE enabling boolean flag FALSE _lgwr_delay_write LGWR write delay for FALSE debugging FALSE _lgwr_io_slaves _lgwr_max_ns_wt LGWR I/O slaves Maximum wait time for lgwr to allow NetServer to progress 0 1 _lgwr_ns_nl_max Variable to simulate 1000 network latency or buffer threshold 1000 _lgwr_ns_nl_min Variable to simulate 500 network latency or buffer threshold 500 _lgwr_ns_sim_err Variable to simulate 0 errors lgwrns 0 _library_cache_advice whether KGL advice should be turned on TRUE TRUE _lightweight_hdrs Lightweight headers for redo TRUE TRUE 0 1 0 Mon Sep 05 page 30 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_like_with_bind_as_equality treat LIKE predicate FALSE with bind as an equality predicate FALSE _lm_activate_lms_threshold threshold value to activate an additional lms 100 _lm_cache_lvl0_cleanup how often to cleanup 0 level 0 cache res (in sec) 0 _lm_cache_res_cleanup percentage of cached 25 resources should be cleanup 25 _lm_cache_res_type cache resource: string of lock types(s) TMHW TMHW _lm_dd_interval dd time interval in seconds 60 60 _lm_drm_max_requests dynamic remastering maximum affinity requests processed together 100 100 _lm_drm_window dynamic remastering bucket window size 0 0 _lm_dynamic_lms dynamic lms invocation FALSE FALSE _lm_dynamic_load dynamic load adjustment TRUE TRUE _lm_dynamic_remastering if TRUE enables dynamic remastering FALSE FALSE _lm_enq_lock_freelist Number of ges enqueue element freelist _lm_enq_rcfg if TRUE enables enqueue reconfiguration TRUE TRUE _lm_enqueue_freelist Number of enqueue 3 3 100 Mon Sep 05 page 31 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------freelist _lm_file_affinity mapping between file id and master instance number _lm_global_posts if TRUE deliver global posts to remote nodes TRUE TRUE _lm_lmd_waittime default wait time for lmd in centiseconds 8 8 _lm_lms number of background 0 gcs server processes to start 0 _lm_lms_waittime default wait time for lms in centiseconds 8 8 _lm_locks number of enqueues configured for cluster database 12000 12000 _lm_master_weight master resource weight for this instance 1 1 _lm_max_lms max. number of background global cache server processes 0 0 _lm_min_lms min. number of background global cache server processes 0 0 _lm_msg_batch_size GES batch message size 0 0 _lm_msg_cache_thresholds GES message buffer caching threshold _lm_msg_cleanup_interval GES message buffer cleanup interval time 3000 3000 Mon Sep 05 page 32 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_lm_node_join_opt cluster database FALSE FALSE node join optimization in reconfig _lm_non_fault_tolerant disable cluster FALSE database fault-tolerance mode FALSE _lm_num_pcmhv_latches number of latches covering the PCM HV buckets in cgs 0 0 _lm_proc_freeze_timeout reconfiguration: process freeze timeout 300 300 _lm_process_batching GES implicit process TRUE batching for IPC messages TRUE _lm_procs number of client 127 processes configured for cluster database 127 _lm_rcfg_timeout Reconfiguration timeout 180000 180000 _lm_rcv_buffer_size the size of receive buffer 32768 32768 _lm_res_hash_bucket number of resource hash buckets 0 0 _lm_res_part number of resource 1289 partition configured for gcs 1289 _lm_ress number of resources configured for cluster database 6000 6000 _lm_send_buffers number of cluster database send buffers 10000 10000 _lm_send_mode _lm_send_queue_batching GES send mode GES send queue message batching auto TRUE auto TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 33 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_lm_send_queue_length GES send queue 5000 5000 maximum length _lm_sendproxy_reserve GES percentage of send proxy reserve of send tickets 25 25 _lm_share_lock_opt if TRUE enables share lock optimization FALSE FALSE _lm_sq_batch_factor GES send queue minimum batching factor 2 2 _lm_sq_batch_type GES send queue batching mechanism auto auto _lm_sq_batch_waittick GES send queue 3 batching waittime in tick _lm_sync_timeout Synchronization timeout for DLM reconfiguration steps _lm_ticket_active_sendback Flow control ticket active sendback threshold _lm_tickets GES messaging tickets _lm_tx_delta TX lock localization 16 delta 16 _lm_validate_resource_type if TRUE enables resource name validation FALSE FALSE _lm_xids number of transaction IDs configured for cluster database 139 139 _load_without_compile Load PL/SQL or Database objects without compilation none none 1000 3 1000 Mon Sep 05 page 34 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_local_communication_costing_enabled enable local TRUE TRUE communication costing when TRUE _local_communication_ratio set the ratio between global and local communication (0..100) 50 _lock_sga_areas Lock specified areas 0 of the SGA in physical memory 0 _log_archive_buffer_size Size of each archival buffer in log file blocks 2048 _log_archive_buffers Number of buffers to 10 allocate for archiving _log_archive_callout _log_archive_compress_enable archival callout Bypass database rules for enabling archivelog compression _log_archive_delta_sync_wait iterative sleep time 0 in centiseconds seconds when SYNC=PARALLEL 0 _log_archive_net_timeout maximum network wait 0 time in seconds when SYNC=PARALLEL 0 _log_archive_prot_auto_demote log archive protection auto demotion FALSE _log_archive_security_enabled log archive security TRUE enabled TRUE _log_blocks_during_backup log block images when changed during backup TRUE _log_buffers_corrupt corrupt redo buffers FALSE before write 2048 FALSE FALSE TRUE 50 10 FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 35 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_log_buffers_debug debug redo buffers FALSE FALSE (slows things down) _log_checkpoint_recovery_check # redo blocks to verify after checkpoint 0 0 _log_committime_block_cleanout Log commit-time block cleanout FALSE FALSE _log_debug_multi_instance debug redo multi instance code FALSE FALSE _log_deletion_policy archivelog deletion policy for mandatory/all destination mandatory mandatory _log_io_size automatically initiate log write if this many redo blocks in buffer 0 0 _log_parallelism Number of log buffer 1 strands 1 _log_parallelism_dynamic Enable dynamic strands TRUE TRUE _log_parallelism_max Maximum number of log buffer strands 2 2 _log_private_mul Private strand multiplier for log space preallocation 5 5 _log_private_parallelism Number of private log buffer strands for zero-copy redo FALSE FALSE _log_private_parallelism_mul Active sessions 10 multiplier to deduce number of private strands 10 _log_simultaneous_copies number of simultaneous copies into redo buffer(# of copy latches) 4 4 Mon Sep 05 page 36 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_log_space_errors should we report TRUE TRUE space errors to alert log _log_switch_timeout Maximum number of 0 seconds redos in the current log could span 0 _longops_enabled longops stats enabled TRUE TRUE _low_server_threshold low server thresholds 0 0 _master_direct_sends direct sends for 31 messages from master (DFS) 31 _mav_refresh_consistent_read refresh materialized TRUE views using consistent read snapshot TRUE _mav_refresh_double_count_prevented materialized view MAV refreshes avoid double counting FALSE _mav_refresh_opt optimizations during 0 refresh of materialized views 0 _mav_refresh_unionall_tables # tables for union 3 all expansion during materialized view refresh 3 _max_exponential_sleep max sleep during exponential backoff 0 0 _max_protocol_support Max occurrence protocols supported in a process 10000 10000 _max_shrink_obj_stats number of segments for which shrink stats will be maintained 0 0 _max_sleep_holding_latch max time to sleep 4 4 FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 37 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------while holding a latch _media_recovery_read_batch media recovery block 128 read batch 128 _mem_annotation_pr_lev private memory annotation collection level 0 0 _mem_annotation_scale memory annotation pre-allocation scaling 1 1 _mem_annotation_sh_lev shared memory annotation collection level 0 0 _mem_annotation_store memory annotation in-memory store FALSE FALSE _memory_broker_log_stat_entries memory broker num stat entries 9 9 _memory_broker_shrink_heaps memory broker allow policy to shrink shared pool 0 0 _memory_broker_shrink_java_heaps memory broker allow policy to shrink java pool 900 900 _memory_broker_shrink_timeout memory broker allow policy to shrink shared/java pool 60000000 60000000 _memory_broker_stat_interval memory broker 300 statistics gathering interval 300 _memory_management_tracing trace memory management activity 0 0 _messages message queue resources dependent on # processes & # buffers 1200 1200 _minimal_stats_aggregation prohibit stats TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 38 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------aggregation at compile/partition maintenance time _minimum_blocks_to_shrink minimum number 0 freeable blocks for shrink to be present 0 _minimum_extents_to_shrink minimum number 1 freeable extents for shrink to be present 1 _minimum_giga_scn Minimum SCN to start 0 with in 2^30 units 0 _mirror_redo_buffers Save buffers for debugging redo corruptions FALSE FALSE _mmv_query_rewrite_enabled allow rewrites with multiple MVs and/or base tables FALSE FALSE _multi_join_key_table_lookup TRUE iff TRUE multi-join-key table lookup prefetch is enabled TRUE _multiple_instance_recovery use multiple instances for media recovery FALSE _mv_refresh_ana what percent to 0 analyze after complete/PCT refresh 0 _mv_refresh_costing refresh decision based on cost or on rules rule rule _mv_refresh_delta_fraction delta mv as fractional percentage of size of mv 10 10 _mv_refresh_eut refresh materialized TRUE views using EUT(partition)-based algorithm FALSE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 39 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_mv_refresh_force_parallel_query force materialized 0 0 view refreshes to use parallel query _mv_refresh_new_setup_disabled materialized view MV FALSE refresh new setup disabling FALSE _mv_refresh_rebuild_percentage minimum percentage 10 change required in MV to force an index rebuild 10 _mv_refresh_selections create materialized views with selections and fast refresh TRUE TRUE _mv_refresh_use_stats pass cardinality hints to refresh queries TRUE TRUE _mv_refsched_timeincr proportionality 300000 constant for dop vs. time in MV refresh 300000 _mwin_schedule Enable/disable Maintenance Window Schedules TRUE TRUE _nchar_imp_cnv NLS allow Implicit Conversion between CHAR and NCHAR TRUE TRUE _nchar_imp_conv should implicit conversion bewteen clob and nclob be allowed TRUE TRUE _ncmb_readahead_enabled enable multi-block readahead for an index scan 0 0 _ncmb_readahead_tracing turn on multi-block readahead tracing 0 0 _nested_loop_fudge _nested_mav_fast_oncommit_enabled nested loop fudge nested MAV refresh fast on commit allowed 100 TRUE 100 TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 40 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_new_initial_join_orders enable initial join orders based on new ordering heuristics TRUE TRUE _new_sort_cost_estimate enables the use of new cost estimate for sort TRUE TRUE _no_objects no object features are used FALSE FALSE _no_or_expansion OR expansion during optimization disabled FALSE FALSE _notify_crs notify cluster ready FALSE services of startup and shutdown FALSE _ns_max_flush_wt Flush wait time for NetServer to flush oustanding writes 1 1 _num_longop_child_latches number of child latches for long op array 2 2 _number_cached_attributes maximum number of cached attributes per instance 10 10 _object_statistics enable the object level statistics collection TRUE TRUE _offline_rollback_segments offline undo segment list _ogms_home _olap_aggregate_buffer_size GMS home directory OLAP Aggregate max buffer size 1048576 1048576 _olap_aggregate_flags OLAP Aggregate debug 0 flags _olap_aggregate_function_cache_enable OLAP Aggregate d function cache enabler TRUE 0 TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 41 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter ------------------------------------_olap_aggregate_function_merge_thresh old Description Session Value Instance Value -------------------- ------------- --------------OLAP Aggregate 32768 32768 function merge threshold _olap_aggregate_max_thread_tuples OLAP Aggregate max thread tuples creation 5000 5000 _olap_aggregate_min_buffer_size OLAP Aggregate min buffer size 1024 1024 _olap_aggregate_min_thread_status OLAP Aggregate minimum cardinality of dimensions for thread 64 64 _olap_aggregate_multipath_hier OLAP Aggregate Multi-path Hierarhies enabled FALSE FALSE _olap_aggregate_statlen_thresh OLAP Aggregate status array usage threshold 1024 1024 _olap_aggregate_store_probability OLAP Aggregate function storeback probability 100 100 _olap_aggregate_work_per_thread OLAP Aggregate max work parents 1024 1024 _olap_aggregate_worklist_max OLAP Aggregate max worklists generated at once 5000 5000 _olap_allocate_errorlog_format OLAP Allocate Errorlog Format %8p %8y %8z % %8p %8y %8z %e e (%n) (%n) _olap_allocate_errorlog_header OLAP Allocate Errorlog Header format Dim Sour Dim Source ce Basis Basis %-8d %-8s %-8 %-8d %-8s %-8b b Description Description -------- ------------- ---- -- -------- ------ -------- ------------------ _olap_continuous_trace_file Specify TRUE to enable continuous OLAP tracing - FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 42 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------otherwise only exceptional events will be logged _olap_dbgoutfile_echo_to_eventlog OLAP DbgOutfile copy FALSE output to event log (tracefile) FALSE _olap_dimension_corehash_class OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Class 1 1 _olap_dimension_corehash_max OLAP Dimension In-Core Hash Table Maximum Size 10000 10000 _olap_dimsave_restore_cache_values OLAP Dimsave restores cached dimension values TRUE TRUE _olap_eif_export_lob_size OLAP EIF Export BLOB 2147483647 size 2147483647 _olap_object_hash_class OLAP Object Hash Table Class 2 2 _olap_page_pool_expand_rate OLAP Page Pool Expand Rate 20 20 _olap_page_pool_hi OLAP Page Pool High Watermark 50 50 _olap_page_pool_hit_target OLAP Page Pool Hit Target 100 100 _olap_page_pool_low OLAP Page Pool Low Watermark 262144 262144 _olap_page_pool_pressure OLAP Page Pool Pressure Threshold 90 90 _olap_page_pool_shrink_rate OLAP Page Pool Shrink Rate 50 50 _olap_parallel_update_threshold OLAP parallel update 1000 threshold in pages 1000 _olap_poutlog_echo_to_eventlog OLAP POutLog copy output to event log (tracefile) FALSE FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 43 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_olap_sesscache_enabled OLAP Session Cache knob TRUE TRUE _olap_sort_buffer_size OLAP Sort Buffer Size 262144 262144 _olap_statbool_corebits OLAP Status Boolean max incore bits 20000000 20000000 _olap_statbool_threshold OLAP Status Boolean CBM threshold 8100 8100 _olap_table_function_statistics Specify TRUE to output OLAP table function timed statistics trace FALSE FALSE _olapi_history_retention enable olapi history FALSE retention FALSE _olapi_iface_object_history enable olapi interface object history collection 1000 1000 _olapi_iface_object_history_retention enable olapi interface object history retention FALSE FALSE _olapi_iface_operation_history_retent enable olapi ion interface operation history retention FALSE FALSE _olapi_interface_operation_history enable olapi interface operation history collection 1000 1000 _olapi_memory_operation_history enable olapi memory alloc/free history collection 1000 1000 _olapi_memory_operation_history_pause enable olapi memory _at_seqno alloc/free history collection pausing 0 0 _olapi_memory_operation_history_reten enable olapi memory tion operation history retention FALSE FALSE _olapi_session_history enable olapi session 300 300 Mon Sep 05 page 44 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------history collection _olapi_session_history_retention enable olapi session FALSE history retention FALSE _old_connect_by_enabled enable/disable old connect by FALSE FALSE _omf _oneside_colstat_for_equijoins enable/disable OMF sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate enabled TRUE enabled TRUE _optim_adjust_for_part_skews adjust stats for skews across partitions TRUE TRUE _optim_dict_stats_at_db_cr_upg enable/disable dictionary stats gathering at db create/upgrade TRUE TRUE _optim_enhance_nnull_detection TRUE to enable index TRUE [fast] full scan more often TRUE _optim_new_default_join_sel improves the way default equijoin selectivity are computed TRUE TRUE _optim_peek_user_binds enable peeking of user binds TRUE TRUE _optimizer_adjust_for_nulls adjust selectivity for null values TRUE TRUE _optimizer_autostats_job enable/disable auto TRUE stats collection job TRUE _optimizer_block_size standard block size used by optimizer 8192 8192 _optimizer_cache_stats cost with cache statistics FALSE FALSE _optimizer_cbqt_factor cost factor for cost-based query transformation 50 50 Mon Sep 05 page 45 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_optimizer_ceil_cost _optimizer_choose_permutation CEIL cost in CBO TRUE force the optimizer 0 to use the specified permutation TRUE 0 _optimizer_compute_index_stats force index stats collection on index creation/rebuild TRUE TRUE _optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity force correct TRUE computation of subquery selectivity TRUE _optimizer_cost_based_transformation enables cost-based LINEAR query transformation LINEAR _optimizer_cost_filter_pred enables costing of FALSE filter predicates in IO cost model FALSE _optimizer_cost_model _optimizer_degree optimizer cost model CHOOSE force the optimizer 0 to use the same degree of parallelism CHOOSE 0 _optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel use join selectivity TRUE in choosing star transformation dimensions TRUE _optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_chec disable star ks transformation sanity checks 0 0 _optimizer_dyn_smp_blks number of blocks for 32 optimizer dynamic sampling 32 _optimizer_ignore_hints enables the embedded FALSE hints to be ignored FALSE _optimizer_invalidation_period time window for invalidation of cursors of analyzed objects 18000 _optimizer_join_order_control controls the 3 optimizer join order 18000 3 Mon Sep 05 page 46 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------search algorithm _optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check enable/disable sanity check for multi-column join selectivity TRUE TRUE _optimizer_max_permutations optimizer maximum join permutations per query block 2000 2000 _optimizer_mjc_enabled enable merge join cartesian TRUE TRUE _optimizer_mode_force force setting of optimizer mode for user recursive SQL also TRUE TRUE _optimizer_new_join_card_computation compute join cardinality using non-rounded input values TRUE TRUE _optimizer_percent_parallel optimizer percent parallel 101 101 _optimizer_push_down_distinct push down distinct from query block to table 0 0 _optimizer_push_pred_cost_based use cost-based query TRUE transformation for push pred optimization TRUE _optimizer_random_plan optimizer seed value 0 for random plans 0 _optimizer_save_stats enable/disable saving old versions of optimizer stats TRUE TRUE _optimizer_search_limit optimizer search limit 5 5 _optimizer_skip_scan_enabled enable/disable index TRUE skip scan TRUE _optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled enable/disable TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 47 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------sort-merge join method _optimizer_squ_bottomup enables unnesting of TRUE subquery in a bottom-up manner TRUE _optimizer_system_stats_usage system statistics usage TRUE TRUE _optimizer_undo_changes undo changes to query optimizer FALSE FALSE _optimizer_undo_cost_change optimizer undo cost change _or_expand_nvl_predicate enable OR expanded plan for NVL/DECODE predicate TRUE TRUE _oradbg_pathname path of oradbg script _ordered_nested_loop enable ordered nested loop costing TRUE TRUE _ordered_semijoin enable ordered semi-join subquery TRUE TRUE _parallel_adaptive_max_users maximum number of users running with default DOP 2 2 _parallel_broadcast_enabled enable broadcasting of small inputs to hash and sort merge joins TRUE TRUE _parallel_default_max_instances default maximum number of instances for parallel query 1 1 _parallel_execution_message_align Alignment of PX buffers to OS page boundary FALSE FALSE _parallel_fake_class_pct fake db-scheduler percent used for testing 0 0 Mon Sep 05 page 48 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_parallel_fixwrite_bucket Number of buckets 1000 1000 for each round of fix write _parallel_load_bal_unit number of threads to 0 allocate per instance 0 _parallel_load_balancing parallel execution load balanced slave allocation TRUE TRUE _parallel_min_message_pool minimum size of shared pool memory to reserve for pq servers 902160 902160 _parallel_recovery_stopat stop at -position32767 to step through SMON 32767 _parallel_replay_bucket Number of buckets for each round of parallel replay 1000 1000 _parallel_server_idle_time idle time before parallel query server dies (in 1/100 sec) 30000 30000 _parallel_server_sleep_time sleep time between 10 dequeue timeouts (in 1/100ths) 10 _parallel_slave_acquisition_wait time(in seconds) to 1 wait before retrying slave acquisition 1 _parallel_txn_global enable parallel_txn hint with updates and deletes FALSE FALSE _parallelism_cost_fudge_factor set the parallelism cost fudge factor 350 350 _partial_pwise_join_enabled enable partial partition-wise join when TRUE TRUE TRUE _partition_view_enabled enable/disable partitioned views TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 49 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_passwordfile_enqueue_timeout password file enqueue timeout in seconds 900 900 _pct_refresh_double_count_prevented materialized view PCT refreshes avoid double counting TRUE TRUE _pdml_gim_sampling control separation 5000 of global index maintenance for PDML 5000 _pdml_gim_staggered slaves start on FALSE different index when doing index maint FALSE _pdml_slaves_diff_part slaves start on different partition when doing index maint TRUE _percent_flashback_buf_partial_full Percent of flashback 50 buffer filled to be considered partial full 50 _pga_large_extent_size PGA large extent size 1048576 1048576 _pga_max_size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process 209715200 209715200 _ping_level fusion ping level (DFS) 3 3 _pkt_enable enable progressive kill test FALSE FALSE _pkt_pmon_interval PMON process clean-up interval (cs) 50 50 _pkt_start start progressive kill test instrumention FALSE FALSE _plsql_anon_block_code_type PL/SQL anonymous block code-type INTERPRETED INTERPRETED TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 50 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_plsql_dump_buffer_events conditions upon which the PL/SQL circular buffer is dumped _pmon_load_constants server load balancing constants (S,P,D,I,L,C,M) _pre_rewrite_push_pred push predicates into TRUE views before rewrite TRUE _precompute_gid_values precompute gid TRUE values and copy them before returning a row TRUE _pred_move_around enables predicate move-around TRUE TRUE _predicate_elimination_enabled allow predicate elimination if set to TRUE TRUE TRUE _prescomm presume commit of IMU transactions FALSE FALSE _print_refresh_schedule enable dbms_output false of materialized view refresh schedule false _private_memory_address Start address of large extent memory segment _project_view_columns enable projecting out unreferenced columns of a view TRUE TRUE _projection_pushdown _projection_pushdown_debug projection pushdown TRUE level for projection 0 pushdown debugging TRUE 0 _push_join_predicate enable pushing join predicate inside a view TRUE TRUE _push_join_union_view enable pushing join predicate inside a TRUE TRUE 300,192,64,3, 300,192,64,3,10 10,10,0 ,10,0 Mon Sep 05 page 51 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------union all view _push_join_union_view2 enable pushing join predicate inside a union view TRUE TRUE _px_async_getgranule asynchronous get FALSE granule in the slave FALSE _px_broadcast_fudge_factor set the tq broadcasting fudge factor percentage 100 100 _px_buffer_ttl ttl for px mesg buffers in seconds 30 30 _px_compilation_debug debug level for 0 parallel compilation 0 _px_compilation_trace tracing level for 0 parallel compilation 0 _px_dynamic_opt turn off/on TRUE restartable qerpx dynamic optimization TRUE _px_dynamic_sample_size num of samples for 50 restartable qerpx dynamic optimization 50 _px_granule_size default size of a rowid range granule (in KB) 100000 100000 _px_index_sampling parallel query sampling for index create (100000 = 100%) 200 200 _px_kxib_tracing _px_load_publish_interval turn on kxib tracing 0 interval at which 200 LMON will check whether to publish PX load 0 200 _px_loc_msg_cost CPU cost to send a PX message via shared memory 1000 1000 _px_max_granules_per_slave maximum number of 100 100 Mon Sep 05 page 52 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------rowid range granules to generate per slave _px_min_granules_per_slave minimum number of 13 rowid range granules to generate per slave 13 _px_net_msg_cost CPU cost to send a PX message over the internconnect 10000 10000 _px_no_granule_sort prevent parallel FALSE partition granules to be sorted on size FALSE _px_no_stealing prevent parallel granule stealing in shared nothing environment FALSE _px_proc_constrain reduce TRUE parallel_max_servers if greater than (processes - fudge) TRUE _px_send_timeout IPC message send timeout value in seconds 300 _px_slaves_share_cursors slaves share cursors 0 with QC 0 _px_trace _px_xtgranule_size px trace parameter default size of a external table granule (in KB) none 10000 _qa_control Oracle internal 0 parameter to control QA 0 _qa_lrg_type Oracle internal 0 parameter to specify QA lrg type 0 _query_cost_rewrite perform the cost based rewrite with materialized views TRUE FALSE 300 none 10000 TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 53 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_query_execution_cache_max_size max size of query execution cache 65536 _query_rewrite_1 perform query TRUE rewrite before&after or only before view merging TRUE _query_rewrite_2 perform query TRUE rewrite before&after or only after view merging TRUE _query_rewrite_drj mv rewrite and drop redundant joins TRUE TRUE _query_rewrite_expression rewrite with cannonical form for expressions TRUE TRUE _query_rewrite_fpc mv rewrite fresh partition containment TRUE TRUE _query_rewrite_fudge cost based query rewrite with MVs fudge factor 90 90 _query_rewrite_jgmigrate mv rewrite with jg migration TRUE TRUE _query_rewrite_maxdisjunct query rewrite max disjuncts 257 257 _query_rewrite_or_error allow query rewrite, FALSE if referenced tables are not dataless FALSE _query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable perform general rewrite using set operator summaries TRUE TRUE _query_rewrite_vop_cleanup prune frocol chain TRUE before rewrite after view-merging TRUE _rcfg_parallel_cleanup if TRUE enables parallel cleanup at reconfiguration TRUE TRUE 65536 Mon Sep 05 page 54 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_rcfg_parallel_fixwrite if TRUE enables TRUE parallel fixwrite at reconfiguration TRUE _rcfg_parallel_replay if TRUE enables parallel replay at reconfiguration TRUE TRUE _rcfg_parallel_verify if TRUE enables parallel verify at reconfiguration TRUE TRUE _real_time_apply_arch_delay Archival delay with real time apply 0 0 _real_time_apply_sim Simulation value 0 with real time apply 0 _realfree_heap_max_size minimum max total 32768 heap size, in Kbytes 32768 _realfree_heap_mode mode flags for real-free heap 0 0 _realfree_heap_pagesize_hint hint for real-free page size in bytes 65536 65536 _recoverable_recovery_batch_percent Recoverable recovery 50 batch size (percentage of buffer cache) 50 _recovery_asserts if TRUE, enable expensive recovery sanity checks (DFS) FALSE FALSE _recovery_percentage recovery buffer cache percentage 50 50 _recursive_imu_transactions recursive transactions may be IMU FALSE FALSE _recyclebin recyclebin processing TRUE TRUE _release_insert_threshold maximum number of 5 unusable blocks to unlink from freelist 5 Mon Sep 05 page 55 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_reliable_block_sends if TRUE, block sends FALSE across interconnect are reliable FALSE _remove_aggr_subquery enables removal of subsumed aggregated subquery TRUE TRUE _reuse_index_loop number of blocks being examine for index block reuse 5 5 _right_outer_hash_enable Right TRUE Outer/Semi/Anti Hash Enabled TRUE _rollback_segment_count number of undo segments 0 0 _rollback_segment_initial starting undo segment number 1 1 _rollback_stopat stop at -position to 0 step rollback 0 _row_cache_cursors number of cached cursors for row cache management 10 10 _row_cr enable row cr for all sql FALSE FALSE _row_locking _rowsource_execution_statistics row-locking always if TRUE, Oracle will FALSE collect rowsource statistics always FALSE _rowsource_statistics_sampfreq frequency of rowsource statistic sampling (must be a power of 2) 128 128 _sample_rows_per_block number of rows per block used for sampling IO optimization 4 4 _scn_scheme _second_spare_parameter SCN scheme second spare Mon Sep 05 page 56 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------parameter - integer _selftune_checkpoint_write_pct Percentage of total physical i/os for self-tune ckpt 3 3 _selftune_checkpointing_lag Self-tune 300 checkpointing lag the tail of the redo log 300 _send_ast_to_foreground if TRUE, send ast message to foreground TRUE TRUE _send_close_with_block if TRUE, send close TRUE with block even with direct sends TRUE _send_requests_to_pi if TRUE, try to send TRUE CR requests to PI buffers (DFS) TRUE _serial_direct_read enable direct read in serial FALSE FALSE _serial_recovery force serial FALSE recovery or parallel recovery FALSE _serializable _session_idle_bit_latches serializable one latch per session or a latch per group of sessions FALSE 0 FALSE 0 _session_idle_check_interval Resource Manager session idle limit check interval in seconds 60 60 _session_wait_history enable session wait history collection 10 10 _seventh_spare_parameter seventh spare parameter - string list _shared_pool_max_size shared pool maximum size when auto SGA 0 0 Mon Sep 05 page 57 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------enabled _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc minimum allocation size in bytes for reserved area of shared pool 4400 4400 _shared_pool_reserved_pct percentage memory of 5 the shared pool allocated for the reserved area 5 _shrunk_aggs_disable_threshold percentage of exceptions at which to switch to full length aggs 60 60 _shrunk_aggs_enabled enable use of variable sized buffers for non-distinct aggregates TRUE TRUE _side_channel_batch_size number of messages to batch in a side channel message (DFS) 200 200 _side_channel_batch_timeout timeout before 5 shipping out all the batched side channelmessages 5 _simulator_bucket_mindelta LRU bucket minimum delta 8192 8192 _simulator_internal_bound simulator internal bound percent 10 10 _simulator_lru_rebalance_sizthr LRU list rebalance threshold (size) 2 2 _simulator_lru_rebalance_thresh LRU list rebalance threshold (count) 10240 10240 _simulator_lru_scan_count _simulator_pin_inval_maxcnt LRU scan count maximum count of invalid chunks on pin list 8 16 8 16 Mon Sep 05 page 58 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_simulator_reserved_heap_count simulator reserved 4096 4096 heap count _simulator_reserved_obj_count simulator reserved object count 1024 1024 _simulator_sampling_factor sampling factor for the simulator 2 2 _simulator_upper_bound_multiple upper bound multiple 2 of pool size 2 _single_process run without detached FALSE processes FALSE _sixth_spare_parameter sixth spare parameter - string list _skip_assume_msg if TRUE, skip assume TRUE message for consigns at the master TRUE _slave_mapping_enabled enable slave mapping TRUE when TRUE TRUE _slave_mapping_group_size force the number of slave group in a slave mapper 0 0 _small_table_threshold threshold level of table size for direct reads 1713 1713 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) used by sort/hash-join in auto mode 248 248 Mon Sep 05 page 59 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) used by sort/hash-join in auto mode 56 56 _smm_bound overwrites memory manager automatically computed bound 0 0 _smm_control provides controls on 0 the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the 5120 instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in auto mode (serial) 52428 52428 _smm_min_size minimum work area size in auto mode 1024 1024 _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in auto mode (global) 314571 314571 _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 0 _smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for SQL memory manager 0 0 _smon_internal_errlimit limit of SMON internal errors 100 100 _smu_debug_mode <debug-flag> - set debug event for testing SMU operations 0 0 _smu_error_simulation_site site ID of error simulation in KTU code 0 0 Mon Sep 05 page 60 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_smu_error_simulation_type error type for error 0 simulation in KTU code 0 _smu_timeouts comma-separated *AND double-quoted* list of AUM timeouts: mql, tur, sess_exprn, qry_exprn, slot_intvl _sort_elimination_cost_ratio cost ratio for sort eimination under first_rows mode 0 0 _sort_multiblock_read_count multi-block read count for sort 2 2 _sort_space_for_write_buffers tenths of sort_area_size devoted to direct write buffers 1 1 _spin_count Amount to spin waiting for a latch 2000 2000 _spr_max_rules maximum number of rules in sql spreadsheet 10000 10000 _spr_push_pred_refspr push predicates through reference spreadsheet TRUE TRUE _spr_use_AW_AS enable AW for hash TRUE table in spreadsheet TRUE _spr_use_hash_table use hash table for spreadsheet FALSE FALSE _sql_connect_capability_override SQL Connect Capability Table Override 0 0 _sql_connect_capability_table SQL Connect Capability Table (testing only) Mon Sep 05 page 61 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_sqlexec_progression_cost sql execution 1000 1000 progression monitoring cost threshold _sqltune_category_parsed Parsed category qualifier for applying hintsets DEFAULT DEFAULT _sta_control SQL Tuning Advisory control parameter 0 0 _stn_trace SQL tracing parameter 0 0 _subquery_pruning_cost_factor subquery pruning cost factor 20 20 _subquery_pruning_enabled enable the use of subquery predicates to perform pruning TRUE TRUE _subquery_pruning_mv_enabled enable the use of subquery predicates with MVs to perform pruning FALSE FALSE _subquery_pruning_reduction subquery pruning reduction factor 50 50 _swrf_metric_frequent_mode Enable/disable SWRF TRUE Metric Frequent Mode Collection TRUE _swrf_mmon_dbfus Enable/disable SWRF MMON DB Feature Usage TRUE TRUE _swrf_mmon_flush Enable/disable SWRF MMON FLushing TRUE TRUE _swrf_mmon_metrics Enable/disable SWRF MMON Metrics Collection TRUE TRUE _swrf_on_disk_enabled Parameter to enable/disable SWRF TRUE TRUE _swrf_test_action test action parameter for SWRF 0 0 Mon Sep 05 page 62 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_swrf_test_dbfus Enable/disable DB Feature Usage Testing FALSE FALSE _sysaux_test_param test parameter for SYSAUX 1 1 _system_index_caching optimizer percent 0 system index caching 0 _system_trig_enabled are system triggers enabled TRUE _table_lookup_prefetch_size table lookup 40 prefetch vector size 40 _table_lookup_prefetch_thresh table lookup prefetch threshold 2 _table_scan_cost_plus_one bump estimated full TRUE table scan and index ffs cost by one TRUE _temp_tran_block_threshold number of blocks for 100 a dimension before we temp transform 100 _temp_tran_cache determines if temp table is created with cache option TRUE TRUE _test_ksusigskip test the function ksusigskip 5 5 _test_param_1 test parmeter 1 integer 25 25 _test_param_2 test parameter 2 string _test_param_3 test parameter 3 string _test_param_4 test parameter 4 string list _test_param_5 test parmeter 5 deprecated integer 25 25 TRUE 2 Mon Sep 05 page 63 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_test_param_6 test parmeter 6 0 0 size (ub8) _third_spare_parameter third spare parameter - integer _threshold_alerts_enable if 1, issue threshold-based alerts 1 1 _total_large_extent_memory Total memory for allocating large extents 0 0 _tq_dump_period time period for duping of TQ statistics (s) 0 0 _trace_archive _trace_buffer_flushes start DIAG process FALSE trace buffer flushes FALSE if otrace cacheIO event is set FALSE FALSE _trace_buffer_gets trace kcb buffer FALSE gets if otrace cacheIO event is set FALSE _trace_buffer_wait_timeouts trace buffer busy wait timeouts 0 0 _trace_buffers trace buffer sizes per process ALL:256 ALL:256 _trace_cr_buffer_creates trace cr buffer FALSE creates if otrace cacheIO event is set _trace_events trace events enabled at startup _trace_file_size maximum size of trace file (in bytes) 65536 65536 _trace_files_public Create publicly accessible trace files FALSE FALSE _trace_flush_processes trace data archived by DIAG for these ALL ALL FALSE Mon Sep 05 page 64 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------processes _trace_instance_termination trace instance termination actions FALSE FALSE _trace_multi_block_reads trace multi_block FALSE reads if otrace cacheIO event is set FALSE _trace_navigation_scope enabling trace navigation linking global global _trace_options trace data flush options text,multiple text,multiple _trace_pin_time trace how long a current pin is held 0 0 _trace_processes enable KST tracing in process ALL ALL _transaction_auditing transaction auditing TRUE records generated in the redo log TRUE _transaction_recovery_servers max number of parallel recovery slaves that may be used 0 0 _tts_allow_charset_mismatch allow plugging in a tablespace with an incompatible character set FALSE FALSE _two_pass enable two-pass thread recovery TRUE TRUE _two_pass_reverse_polish_enabled uses two-pass reverse polish alg. to generate canonical forms TRUE TRUE _uga_cga_large_extent_size UGA/CGA large extent 262144 size 262144 _ultrafast_latch_statistics maintain fast-path statistics for ultrafast latches TRUE TRUE Mon Sep 05 page 65 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_undo_autotune enable auto tuning TRUE TRUE of undo_retention _undo_debug_usage invoke undo usage functions for testing 0 0 _union_rewrite_for_gs expand queries with GSets into UNIONs for rewrite YES_GSET_MVS YES_GSET_MVS _unnest_subquery enables unnesting of TRUE correlated subqueries TRUE _use_column_stats_for_function enable the use of column statistics for DDP functions TRUE TRUE _use_ism Enable Shared Page Tables - ISM TRUE TRUE _use_ism_for_pga Use ISM for allocating large extents TRUE TRUE _use_new_explain_plan if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions FALSE FALSE _use_nosegment_indexes use nosegment indexes in explain plan FALSE FALSE _use_realfree_heap use real-free based allocator for PGA memory TRUE TRUE _use_seq_process_cache whether to use process local seq cache TRUE TRUE _use_vector_post _validate_flashback_database use vector post Scan database to validate result of flashback database TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE _vendor_lib_loc Vendor library search root directory Mon Sep 05 page 66 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_verify_flashback_redo Verify that the redo TRUE logs needed for flashback are available TRUE _verify_undo_quota TRUE - verify consistency of undo quota statistics FALSE FALSE _wait_for_sync wait for sync on commit MUST BE ALWAYS TRUE TRUE TRUE _walk_insert_threshold maximum number of 0 unusable blocks to walk across freelist 0 _watchpoint_on is the watchpointing FALSE feature turned on? FALSE _write_clones _xsolapi_auto_materialization_bound write clones flag 3 OLAP API lower bound 20 for auto materialization. 3 20 _xsolapi_auto_materialization_type OLAP API behavior for auto materialization PRED_ONLY PRED_ONLY _xsolapi_cursor_max_rows_to_cache_per OLAP API max rows to 15000 _req cache per request 15000 _xsolapi_cursor_max_time_for_partial_ OLAP API cursor max cache execute time for partial cache 5000 5000 _xsolapi_cursor_use_row_cache OLAP API enable cursor caching TRUE TRUE _xsolapi_debug_output OLAP API debug output disposition _xsolapi_densify_cubes OLAP API cube densification TABULAR TABULAR _xsolapi_dimension_group_creation OLAP API symmetric overfetch OVERFETCH OVERFETCH _xsolapi_fetch_type OLAP API fetch type PARTIAL PARTIAL Mon Sep 05 page 67 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_xsolapi_load_at_process_start When to load OLAP NEVER NEVER API library at server process start _xsolapi_materialization_rowcache_min OLAP API min number _rows_for_use of rows required to use rowcache in query materialization 1 1 _xsolapi_materialize_sources TRUE TRUE OLAP API Enable source materialization _xsolapi_sql_all_multi_join_non_base_ OLAP API multi-join hints non-base hints _xsolapi_sql_all_non_base_hints OLAP API non-base hints _xsolapi_sql_auto_dimension_hints OLAP API enable automatic dimension hints FALSE FALSE _xsolapi_sql_auto_measure_hints OLAP API enable automatic measure hints TRUE TRUE _xsolapi_sql_dimension_hints OLAP API dimension hints _xsolapi_sql_hints OLAP API generic hints _xsolapi_sql_measure_hints OLAP API measure hints _xsolapi_sql_optimize OLAP API enable optimization TRUE TRUE _xsolapi_sql_prepare_stmt_cache_size OLAP API prepare 16 statement cache size 16 _xsolapi_sql_remove_columns OLAP API enable remove unused columns optimizations TRUE TRUE _xsolapi_sql_result_set_cache_size OLAP API result set cache size 32 32 Mon Sep 05 page 68 Undocumented Oracle Parameters TEST Database Parameter Description Session Value Instance Value ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- --------------_xsolapi_sql_symmetric_predicate OLAP API enable TRUE symmetric predicate for dimension groups _xsolapi_sql_top_dimension_hints OLAP API top dimension hints _xsolapi_sql_top_measure_hints OLAP API top measure hints _xsolapi_sql_use_bind_variables OLAP API enable bind TRUE variables optimization TRUE _xt_coverage external tables code none coverage parameter none _xt_trace external tables trace parameter none none _xtbuffer_size buffer size in KB needed for populate/query operation 0 0 _xtts_allow_pre10 allow cross platform FALSE for pre10 compatible tablespace FALSE _xtts_set_platform_info set cross platform info during file header read FALSE FALSE _yield_check_interval interval to check whether actses should yield 100000 100000 918 rows selected. TRUE Appendix B: Test Results form Serial Sort Tests 1 Gigabyte PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, Default _pga_max_size SQL> show parameter sga NAME -----------------------------------lock_sga pre_page_sga sga_max_size sga_target SQL> show parameter pga TYPE ----------boolean boolean big integer big integer VALUE -----------------------------FALSE FALSE 1G 1G NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------------pga_aggregate_target big integer 1G SQL> @get_undocs Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 209715200 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 52428 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 314571 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 _smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for SQL memory manager 0 15 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SQL> 1 2* SQL> set autotrace traceonly set timing on get test_serial select * from test_pga order by district_name,name / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:03:29.54 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=133048 Card=454775 2 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=133048 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Cost=15683 Ca rd=4547752 Bytes=513895976) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------609 recursive calls 49 db block gets 79730 consistent gets 89546 physical reads 0 redo size 253974127 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 1 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SQL> select * from test_results; SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 4194304 050905105926 623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 10485760 050905105927 623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 16777216 050905105928 623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 23068672 050905105930 623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 28311552 050905105931 623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 34603008 050905105932 623 47708160 6602752 47710208 47710208 40894464 050905105933 623 6602752 6602752 5587968 47710208 46137344 050905105934 623 6602752 4571136 4645888 47710208 51380224 050905105935 623 6602752 4571136 4047872 47710208 56623104 050905105936 623 6602752 4571136 4301824 47710208 62914560 050905105937 623 6094848 6094848 3064832 47710208 68157440 050905105938 623 6094848 6094848 5047296 47710208 73400320 050905105939 623 7618560 7618560 7316480 47710208 78643200 050905105940 623 7618560 7618560 7316480 47710208 84934656 050905105941 623 8634368 8634368 7382016 47710208 89128960 050905105942 623 8634368 8634368 8365056 47710208 95420416 050905105943 623 8634368 8634368 8111104 47710208 101711872 050905105944 623 8634368 8634368 8111104 47710208 106954752 050905105945 623 10158080 10158080 9364480 47710208 112197632 050905105946 623 10158080 10158080 9364480 47710208 118489088 050905105947 623 10158080 10158080 9618432 47710208 123731968 050905105948 623 10158080 10158080 9110528 47710208 128974848 050905105949 623 10158080 10158080 9110528 47710208 135266304 050905105950 623 11681792 11681792 10871808 47710208 140509184 050905105951 623 11681792 11681792 11379712 47710208 145752064 050905105952 623 11681792 11681792 11379712 47710208 152043520 050905105953 623 11681792 11681792 11125760 47710208 157286400 050905105954 623 11681792 11681792 11125760 47710208 163577856 050905105955 623 13205504 13205504 12444672 47710208 168820736 050905105956 623 13205504 13205504 12444672 47710208 175112192 050905105957 623 13205504 13205504 12444672 47710208 180355072 050905105958 623 13205504 13205504 12444672 47710208 186646528 050905105959 623 13205504 13205504 12444672 47710208 190840832 050905110000 623 13205504 13205504 12444672 47710208 197132288 050905110001 623 14729216 14729216 13952000 47710208 202375168 050905110002 623 14729216 14729216 13952000 47710208 208666624 050905110003 623 14729216 14729216 14459904 47710208 212860928 050905110005 623 14729216 14729216 14459904 47710208 219152384 050905110006 623 14729216 14729216 13698048 47710208 224395264 050905110007 623 14729216 14729216 13698048 47710208 230686720 050905110008 623 14729216 14729216 13698048 47710208 236978176 050905110009 623 16760832 16760832 16237568 47710208 241172480 050905110010 623 16760832 16760832 16237568 47710208 247463936 050905110011 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 47710208 252706816 050905110012 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 47710208 258998272 050905110013 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 47710208 265289728 050905110014 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 47710208 269484032 050905110015 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 47710208 275775488 050905110016 623 16760832 16760832 15729664 47710208 281018368 050905110017 623 16760832 16760832 15729664 47710208 286261248 050905110018 623 16760832 16760832 15729664 47710208 292552704 050905110019 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 296747008 050905110020 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 303038464 050905110021 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 309329920 050905110022 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 313524224 050905110023 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 319815680 050905110024 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 326107136 050905110025 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 330301440 050905110026 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 336592896 050905110027 623 18284544 18284544 17490944 47710208 341835776 050905110028 623 20824064 20824064 19792896 47710208 346030080 050905110029 623 20824064 20824064 19792896 47710208 352321536 050905110030 623 20824064 20824064 19792896 47710208 357564416 050905110031 623 20824064 20824064 17826816 47710208 360710144 050905110032 623 20824064 20824064 19792896 47710208 365953024 050905110033 623 20824064 20824064 19792896 47710208 372244480 050905110034 623 20824064 20824064 19792896 47710208 378535936 050905110035 623 20824064 20824064 20300800 47710208 382730240 050905110036 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 20824064 20824064 20824064 20824064 20824064 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 27934720 27934720 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 20824064 20824064 20824064 20824064 20824064 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 25395200 27934720 27934720 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 20300800 20300800 20300800 20300800 20300800 20972544 21824512 21824512 21824512 21824512 21824512 21824512 5964800 21824512 21824512 21824512 22586368 22586368 22586368 22586368 21824512 21824512 21824512 21824512 25142272 25142272 25142272 25142272 19055616 24888320 24888320 24888320 3605504 24380416 24380416 24380416 24380416 11994112 24380416 24380416 24380416 24380416 24888320 24888320 24888320 24888320 11584512 12305408 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 387973120 394264576 398458880 404750336 411041792 415236096 421527552 426770432 433061888 437256192 443547648 449839104 455081984 460324864 466616320 471859200 476053504 482344960 488636416 494927872 498073600 504365056 509607936 514850816 519045120 525336576 530579456 536870912 537919488 542113792 548405248 554696704 559939584 562036736 568328192 573571072 579862528 583008256 586153984 592445440 597688320 603979776 606076928 611319808 617611264 623902720 628097024 633339904 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 050905110037 050905110038 050905110039 050905110040 050905110041 050905110042 050905110044 050905110045 050905110046 050905110047 050905110048 050905110049 050905110050 050905110051 050905110052 050905110053 050905110054 050905110055 050905110056 050905110057 050905110058 050905110059 050905110100 050905110101 050905110102 050905110103 050905110104 050905110105 050905110106 050905110107 050905110108 050905110109 050905110110 050905110111 050905110112 050905110113 050905110114 050905110115 050905110116 050905110117 050905110118 050905110119 050905110120 050905110121 050905110123 050905110124 050905110125 050905110126 050905110127 050905110128 050905110129 050905110130 050905110131 050905110132 050905110133 050905110134 050905110135 050905110136 050905110137 050905110138 050905110139 050905110140 050905110141 050905110142 050905110143 050905110144 050905110145 050905110146 050905110147 050905110148 050905110149 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 203 rows selected. SQL> spool off 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24379392 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 24641536 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 47710208 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 050905110150 050905110151 050905110152 050905110153 050905110154 050905110155 050905110156 050905110157 050905110159 050905110200 050905110201 050905110202 050905110203 050905110204 050905110205 050905110206 050905110207 050905110208 050905110209 050905110210 050905110211 050905110212 050905110213 050905110214 050905110215 050905110216 050905110217 050905110218 050905110219 050905110220 050905110221 050905110222 050905110223 050905110224 050905110225 050905110226 050905110227 050905110228 050905110229 050905110230 050905110231 050905110232 050905110233 050905110234 050905110235 050905110236 050905110237 050905110239 050905110240 050905110241 050905110242 050905110243 050905110244 050905110245 050905110246 050905110247 050905110248 050905110249 050905110250 050905110251 050905110252 050905110253 050905110254 4 Gigabyte PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, Default _pga_max_size SQL> show parameter pga NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------------pga_aggregate_target big integer 4G SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> / 2273876 rows selected. Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=108710 Card=259414 8 Bytes=456570048) 1 2 0 1 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=108710 Card=2594148 Bytes=456570048) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Cost=7873 Car d=2594148 Bytes=456570048) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------305 recursive calls 29 db block gets 39850 consistent gets 77988 physical reads 0 redo size 128100029 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 1668013 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 151593 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 1 sorts (disk) 2273876 rows processed SQL> spool off SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------623 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 66060288 050905111327 623 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 72351744 050905111328 623 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 78643200 050905111329 623 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 84934656 050905111330 623 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 90177536 050905111331 623 9142272 9142272 8635392 102318080 95420416 050905111332 623 9142272 9142272 8635392 102318080 101711872 050905111333 623 9142272 9142272 8127488 102318080 106954752 050905111334 623 9142272 6094848 5497856 102318080 112197632 050905111335 623 9142272 6094848 5047296 102318080 118489088 050905111336 623 9142272 6094848 5809152 102318080 123731968 050905111337 623 9142272 6094848 3802112 102318080 127926272 050905111338 623 9142272 6094848 5555200 102318080 134217728 050905111339 623 8126464 8126464 7078912 102318080 139460608 050905111340 623 8126464 8126464 7586816 102318080 144703488 050905111341 623 8126464 8126464 7586816 102318080 150994944 050905111342 623 8126464 8126464 7078912 102318080 156237824 050905111343 623 8126464 8126464 7586816 102318080 160432128 050905111344 623 10158080 10158080 9872384 102318080 166723584 050905111345 623 10158080 10158080 1024 102318080 171966464 050905111346 623 10158080 10158080 9110528 102318080 177209344 050905111347 623 10158080 10158080 9618432 102318080 182452224 050905111348 623 10158080 10158080 9618432 102318080 188743680 050905111349 623 10158080 10158080 9872384 102318080 193986560 050905111350 623 12189696 12189696 11142144 102318080 199229440 050905111351 623 12189696 12189696 11142144 102318080 205520896 050905111352 623 12189696 12189696 11142144 102318080 210763776 050905111354 623 12189696 12189696 11142144 102318080 217055232 050905111355 623 12189696 12189696 11396096 102318080 222298112 050905111356 623 12189696 12189696 11396096 102318080 228589568 050905111357 623 12189696 12189696 11396096 102318080 232783872 050905111358 623 14221312 14221312 9946112 102318080 239075328 050905111359 623 14221312 14221312 13681664 102318080 244318208 050905111400 623 14221312 14221312 13681664 102318080 249561088 050905111401 623 14221312 14221312 13427712 102318080 254803968 050905111402 623 14221312 14221312 13427712 102318080 261095424 050905111403 623 14221312 14221312 13427712 102318080 265289728 050905111404 623 14221312 14221312 13427712 102318080 272629760 050905111405 623 14221312 14221312 13427712 102318080 276824064 050905111406 623 14221312 14221312 13427712 102318080 283115520 050905111407 623 16760832 16760832 15983616 102318080 287309824 050905111408 623 16760832 16760832 15983616 102318080 293601280 050905111409 623 16760832 16760832 15983616 102318080 299892736 050905111410 623 16760832 16760832 16237568 102318080 305135616 050905111411 623 16760832 16760832 16237568 102318080 310378496 050905111412 623 16760832 16760832 7578624 102318080 315621376 050905111413 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 102318080 320864256 050905111414 623 16760832 16760832 16491520 102318080 327155712 050905111415 623 16760832 16760832 15729664 102318080 331350016 050905111416 623 16760832 16760832 15729664 102318080 337641472 050905111417 623 16760832 16760832 15729664 102318080 343932928 050905111418 623 18792448 18792448 18015232 102318080 348127232 050905111419 623 18792448 18792448 18015232 102318080 353370112 050905111420 623 18792448 18792448 18015232 102318080 359661568 050905111421 623 18792448 18792448 18015232 102318080 364904448 050905111422 623 18792448 18792448 18015232 102318080 370147328 050905111423 623 18792448 18792448 18015232 102318080 376438784 050905111424 623 18792448 18792448 18269184 102318080 381681664 050905111425 623 18792448 18792448 18269184 102318080 387973120 050905111426 623 18792448 18792448 18269184 102318080 393216000 050905111427 623 18792448 18792448 18269184 102318080 398458880 050905111428 623 18792448 18792448 18269184 102318080 403701760 050905111429 623 18792448 18792448 18269184 102318080 409993216 050905111430 623 18792448 18792448 18523136 102318080 415236096 050905111432 623 18792448 18792448 18523136 102318080 421527552 050905111433 623 18792448 18792448 5030912 102318080 426770432 050905111434 623 21331968 21331968 20825088 102318080 432013312 050905111435 623 21331968 21331968 20825088 102318080 437256192 050905111436 623 21331968 21331968 20825088 102318080 443547648 050905111437 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 26918912 26918912 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 21331968 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 23871488 26918912 26918912 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 21079040 21079040 21079040 20317184 20317184 20317184 508928 20825088 20825088 20825088 20825088 20825088 20825088 21210112 23569408 23569408 23569408 14656512 23569408 23569408 23569408 11469824 22807552 22807552 22807552 6882304 22807552 22807552 22807552 1442816 22807552 22807552 22807552 4391936 14287872 14287872 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 447741952 454033408 460324864 464519168 470810624 477102080 483393536 487587840 493879296 499122176 504365056 509607936 515899392 520093696 525336576 531628032 537919488 541065216 545259520 551550976 557842432 562036736 566231040 572522496 577765376 583008256 587202560 592445440 598736896 603979776 607125504 613416960 619708416 624951296 629145600 635437056 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 050905111438 050905111439 050905111440 050905111441 050905111442 050905111443 050905111444 050905111445 050905111446 050905111447 050905111448 050905111449 050905111450 050905111451 050905111452 050905111453 050905111454 050905111455 050905111456 050905111457 050905111458 050905111459 050905111500 050905111501 050905111502 050905111503 050905111504 050905111505 050905111506 050905111507 050905111508 050905111510 050905111511 050905111512 050905111513 050905111514 050905111515 050905111516 050905111517 050905111518 050905111519 050905111520 050905111521 050905111522 050905111523 050905111524 050905111525 050905111526 050905111527 050905111528 050905111529 050905111530 050905111531 050905111532 050905111533 050905111534 050905111535 050905111536 050905111537 050905111538 050905111539 050905111540 050905111541 050905111542 050905111543 050905111544 050905111545 050905111546 050905111547 050905111549 050905111550 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 186 rows selected. SQL> spool off 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 22855680 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 23624704 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 102318080 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 638582784 050905111551 050905111552 050905111553 050905111554 050905111555 050905111556 050905111557 050905111558 050905111559 050905111600 050905111601 050905111602 050905111603 050905111604 050905111605 050905111606 050905111607 050905111608 050905111609 050905111610 050905111611 050905111612 050905111613 050905111614 050905111615 050905111616 050905111617 050905111618 050905111619 050905111620 050905111621 050905111622 050905111623 050905111624 050905111625 050905111626 050905111627 050905111629 050905111630 050905111631 050905111632 050905111633 050905111634 050905111635 050905111636 050905111637 4 Gigabyte PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, 400M _pga_max_size SQL> show parameter pga NAME -----------------------------------_pga_max_size pga_aggregate_target SQL> show parameter sga TYPE ----------big integer big integer VALUE -----------------------------400M 4G NAME -----------------------------------lock_sga pre_page_sga sga_max_size sga_target SQL> @get_undocs TYPE ----------boolean boolean big integer big integer VALUE -----------------------------FALSE FALSE 1G 1G Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 1258290 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 _smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for SQL memory manager 0 15 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> get test_serial 1 select * from test_pga 2* order by district_name,name SQL> / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:04:09.13 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=133048 Card=454775 2 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=133048 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Cost=15683 Ca rd=4547752 Bytes=513895976) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------609 recursive calls 42 db block gets 79730 consistent gets 135536 physical reads 0 redo size 253978577 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 1 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------651 123808768 123808768 117547008 117547008 050905113553 651 181287936 181287936 168861696 168861696 050905113554 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 5242880 050905113555 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 11534336 050905113556 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 17825792 050905113557 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 23068672 050905113558 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 29360128 050905113559 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 35651584 050905113600 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 41943040 050905113601 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 48234496 050905113602 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 54525952 050905113603 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 59768832 050905113604 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 66060288 050905113605 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 72351744 050905113606 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 78643200 050905113607 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 84934656 050905113608 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 90177536 050905113609 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 96468992 050905113610 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 102760448 050905113611 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 108003328 050905113612 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 114294784 050905113613 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 119537664 050905113614 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 124780544 050905113615 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 131072000 050905113616 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 136314880 050905113617 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 142606336 050905113619 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 148897792 050905113620 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 154140672 050905113621 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 160432128 050905113622 651 181287936 11681792 181288960 181288960 166723584 050905113623 651 11681792 11681792 10920960 181288960 171966464 050905113624 651 11681792 11681792 7529472 181288960 177209344 050905113625 651 11681792 11681792 10871808 181288960 182452224 050905113626 651 11681792 11681792 11379712 181288960 187695104 050905113627 651 11681792 11681792 11379712 181288960 192937984 050905113628 651 11681792 7618560 7316480 181288960 198180864 050905113629 651 11681792 7618560 7316480 181288960 203423744 050905113630 651 11681792 7618560 6292480 181288960 208666624 050905113631 651 11681792 7618560 6554624 181288960 214958080 050905113632 651 11681792 7618560 6808576 181288960 220200960 050905113633 651 11681792 7618560 7062528 181288960 225443840 050905113634 651 11681792 7618560 7062528 181288960 229638144 050905113635 651 11681792 7618560 6554624 181288960 234881024 050905113636 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 240123904 050905113637 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 246415360 050905113638 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 250609664 050905113639 651 10158080 10158080 6153216 181288960 255852544 050905113640 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 261095424 050905113641 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 266338304 050905113642 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 272629760 050905113643 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 276824064 050905113644 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 281018368 050905113645 651 10158080 10158080 9364480 181288960 287309824 050905113646 651 13205504 13205504 12444672 181288960 291504128 050905113647 651 13205504 13205504 12444672 181288960 297795584 050905113648 651 13205504 13205504 12952576 181288960 301989888 050905113649 651 13205504 13205504 12952576 181288960 308281344 050905113650 651 13205504 13205504 4252672 181288960 312475648 050905113651 651 13205504 13205504 12444672 181288960 314572800 050905113652 651 13205504 13205504 12444672 181288960 320864256 050905113653 651 13205504 13205504 12444672 181288960 325058560 050905113655 651 13205504 13205504 12444672 181288960 330301440 050905113656 651 13205504 13205504 12952576 181288960 334495744 050905113657 651 13205504 13205504 12952576 181288960 340787200 050905113658 651 13205504 13205504 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asm_diskstring asm_power_limit audit_file_dest TYPE ----------boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer integer integer integer integer string string integer string audit_sys_operations audit_trail background_core_dump background_dump_dest backup_tape_io_slaves bitmap_merge_area_size blank_trimming buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle circuits cluster_database cluster_database_instances cluster_interconnects commit_point_strength compatible control_file_record_keep_time control_files boolean string string string boolean integer boolean string string integer boolean integer string integer string integer string core_dump_dest cpu_count create_bitmap_area_size create_stored_outlines cursor_sharing cursor_space_for_time db_16k_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size db_block_buffers db_block_checking db_block_checksum db_block_size db_cache_advice db_cache_size db_create_file_dest db_create_online_log_dest_1 db_create_online_log_dest_2 db_create_online_log_dest_3 db_create_online_log_dest_4 db_create_online_log_dest_5 db_domain db_file_multiblock_read_count db_file_name_convert string integer integer string string boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer integer boolean boolean integer string big integer string string string string string string string integer string VALUE -----------------------------FALSE 684M 8M 4M 224M 400M 340992 0 0 1 /home/oracle/DBHome1/rdbms/aud it FALSE TRUE partial /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump FALSE 1048576 FALSE FALSE 1 1 7 /home/oracle/oradata/test/con trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/ oracle/oradata/test/control03 .ctl /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump 2 8388608 EXACT FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE TRUE 8192 ON 0 32 NAME -----------------------------------db_files db_flashback_retention_target db_keep_cache_size db_name db_recovery_file_dest db_recovery_file_dest_size db_recycle_cache_size db_unique_name db_writer_processes dbwr_io_slaves ddl_wait_for_locks dg_broker_config_file1 dg_broker_config_file2 dg_broker_start disk_asynch_io dispatchers distributed_lock_timeout dml_locks drs_start enqueue_resources event fal_client fal_server fast_start_io_target fast_start_mttr_target fast_start_parallel_rollback file_mapping fileio_network_adapters filesystemio_options fixed_date gc_files_to_locks gcs_server_processes global_context_pool_size global_names hash_area_size hi_shared_memory_address hs_autoregister ifile instance_groups instance_name instance_number instance_type java_max_sessionspace_size java_pool_size java_soft_sessionspace_limit job_queue_processes large_pool_size ldap_directory_access license_max_sessions license_max_users license_sessions_warning local_listener lock_name_space lock_sga log_archive_config log_archive_dest log_archive_dest_1 log_archive_dest_10 log_archive_dest_2 log_archive_dest_3 log_archive_dest_4 log_archive_dest_5 log_archive_dest_6 log_archive_dest_7 TYPE ----------integer integer big integer string string VALUE -----------------------------200 1440 0 test /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar ea big integer 2G big integer 0 string test integer 7 integer 0 boolean FALSE string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr1hf dwh.dat string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr2hf dwh.dat boolean FALSE boolean TRUE string (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX DB) integer 60 integer 2924 boolean FALSE integer 3000 string string string integer 0 integer 0 string LOW boolean FALSE string string none string string integer 0 string boolean FALSE integer 131072 integer 0 boolean TRUE file string string test integer 0 string RDBMS integer 0 big integer 0 integer 0 integer 10 big integer 0 string NONE integer 0 integer 0 integer 0 string string boolean FALSE string string string string string string string string string string NAME -----------------------------------log_archive_dest_8 log_archive_dest_9 log_archive_dest_state_1 log_archive_dest_state_10 log_archive_dest_state_2 log_archive_dest_state_3 log_archive_dest_state_4 log_archive_dest_state_5 log_archive_dest_state_6 log_archive_dest_state_7 log_archive_dest_state_8 log_archive_dest_state_9 log_archive_duplex_dest log_archive_format log_archive_local_first log_archive_max_processes log_archive_min_succeed_dest log_archive_start log_archive_trace log_buffer log_checkpoint_interval log_checkpoint_timeout log_checkpoints_to_alert log_file_name_convert logmnr_max_persistent_sessions max_commit_propagation_delay max_dispatchers max_dump_file_size max_enabled_roles max_shared_servers nls_calendar nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format nls_date_language nls_dual_currency nls_iso_currency nls_language nls_length_semantics nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_territory nls_time_format nls_time_tz_format nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format object_cache_max_size_percent object_cache_optimal_size olap_page_pool_size open_cursors open_links open_links_per_instance optimizer_dynamic_sampling optimizer_features_enable optimizer_index_caching optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers parallel_server TYPE ----------string string string string string string string string string string string string string string boolean integer integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string string boolean boolean boolean integer string integer integer integer boolean VALUE -----------------------------enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE 2148 40 0 0 FALSE NAME -----------------------------------parallel_server_instances parallel_threads_per_cpu pga_aggregate_target plsql_code_type plsql_compiler_flags plsql_debug plsql_native_library_dir plsql_native_library_subdir_count plsql_optimize_level plsql_v2_compatibility plsql_warnings pre_page_sga processes query_rewrite_enabled query_rewrite_integrity rdbms_server_dn read_only_open_delayed recovery_parallelism remote_archive_enable remote_dependencies_mode remote_listener remote_login_passwordfile remote_os_authent remote_os_roles replication_dependency_tracking resource_limit resource_manager_plan resumable_timeout rollback_segments serial_reuse service_names session_cached_cursors session_max_open_files sessions sga_max_size sga_target shadow_core_dump shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size sp_name spfile sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention TYPE ----------integer integer big integer string string boolean string integer integer boolean string boolean integer string string string boolean integer string string string string boolean boolean boolean boolean string integer string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string integer big integer big integer integer integer boolean string integer integer string string VALUE -----------------------------1 2 4G INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1G 1G partial 0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil etest.ora boolean FALSE boolean FALSE string NATIVE string DEFAULT string ?/dbs/arch string MANUAL string TRUE string TYPICAL big integer 100M boolean TRUE integer 0 integer 0 boolean TRUE boolean TRUE string integer 731 integer 5 string AUTO integer 900 NAME -----------------------------------undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy SQL> @get_undocs TYPE ----------string boolean string string string VALUE -----------------------------UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 Parameter Description Value ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0 SQL memory manager 15 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.03 SQL> set timing on SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> 1 2 3* SQL> get test_parallel select /*+ parallel(test_pga 2) */ * from test_pga order by district_name,name / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:04:24.80 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=73817 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 3 2 PX COORDINATOR PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=73817 Card=454 :Q1001 7752 Bytes=513895976) SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=73817 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001 976) 4 5 3 4 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=8639 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=8639 Card=454 :Q1000 7752 Bytes=513895976) 6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=8639 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000 es=513895976) 7 6 TABLE ACCESS* (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Co :Q1000 st=8639 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------1160 recursive calls 45 db block gets 79928 consistent gets 157591 physical reads 680 redo size 253686216 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 6 sorts (memory) 2 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------633 26911744 26911744 26656768 26656768 050905115554 632 10350592 10350592 10272768 10272768 050905115554 633 47708160 47708160 44384256 44384256 050905115555 632 18368512 18368512 16785408 16785408 050905115555 633 69868544 69868544 58703872 58703872 050905115556 632 26911744 26911744 22904832 22904832 050905115556 633 84549632 84549632 75988992 75988992 050905115557 632 32572416 32572416 30048256 30048256 050905115557 633 102313984 102313984 93290496 93290496 050905115558 632 39420928 39420928 37052416 37052416 050905115558 633 123808768 123808768 110862336 110862336 050905115559 632 47708160 47708160 43515904 43515904 050905115559 633 149817344 149817344 126967808 126967808 050905115600 632 57735168 57735168 49160192 49160192 050905115600 633 149817344 149817344 143376384 143376384 050905115601 632 57735168 57735168 55549952 55549952 050905115601 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 4194304 050905115602 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115602 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 10485760 050905115603 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115603 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 16777216 050905115604 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115604 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 22020096 050905115605 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115605 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 28311552 050905115606 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115606 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 34603008 050905115607 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115607 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 40894464 050905115608 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115608 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 47185920 050905115609 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115609 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 53477376 050905115610 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115610 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 59768832 050905115611 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115611 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 66060288 050905115612 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115612 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 71303168 050905115613 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115613 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 77594624 050905115614 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115614 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 83886080 050905115615 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115615 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 90177536 050905115616 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115616 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 96468992 050905115617 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115617 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 102760448 050905115618 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115618 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 109051904 050905115620 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115620 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 114294784 050905115621 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115621 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 120586240 050905115622 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115622 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 126877696 050905115623 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115623 633 149817344 10665984 149823488 149823488 133169152 050905115624 632 69868544 69868544 58417152 58417152 050905115624 633 10665984 10665984 2606080 149823488 138412032 050905115625 632 69868544 69868544 59211776 59211776 050905115625 633 10665984 10665984 9905152 149823488 141557760 050905115626 632 69868544 69868544 62259200 62259200 050905115626 633 10665984 10665984 2491392 149823488 147849216 050905115627 632 69868544 69868544 63348736 63348736 050905115627 633 10665984 10665984 9634816 149823488 150994944 050905115628 632 69868544 69868544 66125824 66125824 050905115628 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 10665984 69868544 10665984 69868544 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 10665984 84549632 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 9650176 102313984 11681792 123808768 11681792 123808768 11681792 123808768 11681792 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050905115758 050905115759 050905115759 050905115800 050905115800 050905115801 050905115801 050905115802 050905115802 050905115803 050905115803 050905115804 050905115804 050905115805 050905115805 050905115807 050905115807 050905115808 050905115808 050905115809 050905115809 050905115810 050905115810 050905115811 050905115811 050905115812 050905115812 050905115813 050905115813 050905115814 050905115814 050905115815 050905115815 050905115816 050905115816 050905115817 050905115817 050905115818 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 632 633 633 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 3555328 16760832 16760832 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 4319232 17273856 17273856 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 179306496 460324864 460324864 050905115818 050905115819 050905115819 050905115820 050905115820 050905115821 050905115821 050905115822 050905115822 050905115823 050905115823 050905115824 050905115824 050905115825 050905115825 050905115826 050905115826 050905115827 050905115827 050905115828 050905115828 050905115829 050905115829 050905115830 050905115830 050905115831 050905115831 050905115832 050905115832 050905115833 050905115833 050905115834 050905115834 050905115835 050905115835 050905115836 050905115836 050905115837 050905115837 050905115838 050905115838 050905115840 050905115840 050905115841 050905115841 050905115842 050905115842 050905115843 050905115843 050905115844 050905115844 050905115845 050905115845 050905115846 050905115846 050905115847 050905115847 050905115848 050905115848 050905115849 050905115849 050905115850 050905115850 050905115851 050905115851 050905115852 050905115852 050905115853 050905115853 050905115854 050905115855 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 050905115856 050905115857 050905115858 050905115859 050905115900 050905115901 050905115902 050905115903 050905115904 050905115905 050905115906 050905115907 050905115908 050905115909 050905115910 050905115911 050905115912 050905115913 050905115914 050905115915 050905115916 050905115918 050905115919 050905115920 050905115921 050905115922 050905115923 050905115924 050905115925 050905115926 050905115927 050905115928 050905115929 050905115930 050905115931 050905115932 050905115933 050905115934 050905115935 050905115936 050905115937 050905115938 050905115939 050905115940 050905115941 050905115942 050905115943 050905115944 050905115945 050905115946 050905115947 050905115948 050905115949 050905115950 050905115951 050905115952 050905115953 050905115954 050905115955 050905115956 050905115958 050905115959 050905120000 050905120001 050905120002 050905120003 050905120004 050905120005 050905120006 050905120007 050905120008 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 633 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 16760832 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 17273856 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 149823488 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 460324864 050905120009 050905120010 050905120011 050905120012 050905120013 050905120014 050905120015 050905120016 431 rows selected. SQL> spool off 50905120008 50905115948 50905115929 50905115909 50905115850 50905115830 50905115811 50905115751 50905115732 50905115712 50905115652 50905115633 50905115613 160000000 140000000 120000000 100000000 80000000 60000000 40000000 20000000 0 50905115554 memory (Bytes) Parallel Session DOP2 Sort Areas Session 632 Timestamp Predicted 166.5 Actual 142.8828125 Session 633 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 4g, 400M _pga_max_size, 333M _smm_px_max_size, DOP 3 SQL> show parameter NAME -----------------------------------O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY __db_cache_size __java_pool_size __large_pool_size __shared_pool_size _pga_max_size _smm_px_max_size active_instance_count aq_tm_processes archive_lag_target asm_diskgroups asm_diskstring asm_power_limit audit_file_dest TYPE ----------boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer integer integer integer integer string string integer string audit_sys_operations audit_trail background_core_dump background_dump_dest backup_tape_io_slaves bitmap_merge_area_size blank_trimming buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle circuits cluster_database cluster_database_instances cluster_interconnects commit_point_strength compatible control_file_record_keep_time control_files boolean string string string boolean integer boolean string string integer boolean integer string integer string integer string core_dump_dest cpu_count create_bitmap_area_size create_stored_outlines cursor_sharing cursor_space_for_time db_16k_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size string integer integer string string boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer NAME -----------------------------------db_block_buffers db_block_checking db_block_checksum db_block_size db_cache_advice db_cache_size db_create_file_dest db_create_online_log_dest_1 db_create_online_log_dest_2 db_create_online_log_dest_3 db_create_online_log_dest_4 db_create_online_log_dest_5 TYPE ----------integer boolean boolean integer string big integer string string string string string string VALUE -----------------------------FALSE 684M 8M 4M 224M 400M 340992 0 0 1 /home/oracle/DBHome1/rdbms/aud it FALSE TRUE partial /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump FALSE 1048576 FALSE FALSE 1 1 7 /home/oracle/oradata/test/con trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/ oracle/oradata/test/control03 .ctl /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump 2 8388608 EXACT FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 VALUE -----------------------------0 FALSE TRUE 8192 ON 0 db_domain db_file_multiblock_read_count db_file_name_convert db_files db_flashback_retention_target db_keep_cache_size db_name db_recovery_file_dest string integer string integer integer big integer string string 32 distributed_lock_timeout dml_locks drs_start enqueue_resources event fal_client fal_server fast_start_io_target fast_start_mttr_target fast_start_parallel_rollback file_mapping fileio_network_adapters 200 1440 0 test /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar ea big integer 2G big integer 0 string test integer 7 integer 0 boolean FALSE string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr1hf dwh.dat string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr2hf dwh.dat boolean FALSE boolean TRUE string (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX DB) integer 60 integer 2924 boolean FALSE integer 3000 string string string integer 0 integer 0 string LOW boolean FALSE string NAME -----------------------------------filesystemio_options fixed_date gc_files_to_locks gcs_server_processes global_context_pool_size global_names hash_area_size hi_shared_memory_address hs_autoregister ifile instance_groups instance_name instance_number instance_type java_max_sessionspace_size java_pool_size java_soft_sessionspace_limit job_queue_processes large_pool_size ldap_directory_access license_max_sessions license_max_users license_sessions_warning local_listener lock_name_space lock_sga log_archive_config log_archive_dest log_archive_dest_1 log_archive_dest_10 log_archive_dest_2 log_archive_dest_3 log_archive_dest_4 TYPE ----------string string string integer string boolean integer integer boolean file string string integer string integer big integer integer integer big integer string integer integer integer string string boolean string string string string string string string db_recovery_file_dest_size db_recycle_cache_size db_unique_name db_writer_processes dbwr_io_slaves ddl_wait_for_locks dg_broker_config_file1 dg_broker_config_file2 dg_broker_start disk_asynch_io dispatchers VALUE -----------------------------none 0 FALSE 131072 0 TRUE test 0 RDBMS 0 0 0 10 0 NONE 0 0 0 FALSE log_archive_dest_5 log_archive_dest_6 log_archive_dest_7 log_archive_dest_8 log_archive_dest_9 log_archive_dest_state_1 log_archive_dest_state_10 log_archive_dest_state_2 log_archive_dest_state_3 log_archive_dest_state_4 log_archive_dest_state_5 log_archive_dest_state_6 log_archive_dest_state_7 log_archive_dest_state_8 string string string string string string string string string string string string string string NAME -----------------------------------log_archive_dest_state_9 log_archive_duplex_dest log_archive_format log_archive_local_first log_archive_max_processes log_archive_min_succeed_dest log_archive_start log_archive_trace log_buffer log_checkpoint_interval log_checkpoint_timeout log_checkpoints_to_alert log_file_name_convert logmnr_max_persistent_sessions max_commit_propagation_delay max_dispatchers max_dump_file_size max_enabled_roles max_shared_servers nls_calendar nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format nls_date_language nls_dual_currency nls_iso_currency nls_language nls_length_semantics nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_territory nls_time_format nls_time_tz_format nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format object_cache_max_size_percent object_cache_optimal_size olap_page_pool_size open_cursors open_links open_links_per_instance optimizer_dynamic_sampling optimizer_features_enable optimizer_index_caching optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode TYPE ----------string string string boolean integer integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string NAME -----------------------------------os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning TYPE ----------string boolean boolean boolean enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable VALUE -----------------------------enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS VALUE -----------------------------ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers parallel_server parallel_server_instances parallel_threads_per_cpu pga_aggregate_target plsql_code_type plsql_compiler_flags plsql_debug plsql_native_library_dir plsql_native_library_subdir_count plsql_optimize_level plsql_v2_compatibility plsql_warnings pre_page_sga processes query_rewrite_enabled query_rewrite_integrity rdbms_server_dn read_only_open_delayed recovery_parallelism remote_archive_enable remote_dependencies_mode remote_listener remote_login_passwordfile remote_os_authent remote_os_roles replication_dependency_tracking resource_limit resource_manager_plan resumable_timeout rollback_segments serial_reuse service_names session_cached_cursors session_max_open_files sessions sga_max_size sga_target shadow_core_dump integer string integer integer integer boolean integer integer big integer string string boolean string integer integer boolean string boolean integer string string string boolean integer string string string string boolean boolean boolean boolean string integer string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string NAME -----------------------------------shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size sp_name spfile TYPE ----------integer big integer big integer integer integer boolean string integer integer string string sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics 2148 40 0 0 FALSE 1 2 4G INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1G 1G partial VALUE -----------------------------0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil etest.ora boolean FALSE boolean FALSE string NATIVE string DEFAULT string ?/dbs/arch string MANUAL string TRUE string TYPICAL big integer 100M boolean TRUE integer 0 integer 0 boolean TRUE trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy SQL> @get_undocs boolean string integer integer string integer string boolean string string string TRUE 731 5 AUTO 900 UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 Parameter Description Value ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0 SQL memory manager 15 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01 SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> get test_parallel 1 select /*+ parallel(test_pga 3) */ 2 * from test_pga 3* order by district_name,name SQL> / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:04:07.17 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=49201 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 3 2 PX COORDINATOR PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=49201 Card=454 :Q1001 7752 Bytes=513895976) SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=49201 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001 976) 4 5 3 4 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=5759 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=5759 Card=454 :Q1000 7752 Bytes=513895976) 6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=5759 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000 es=513895976) 7 6 TABLE ACCESS* (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Co :Q1000 st=5759 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------572 recursive calls 44 db block gets 79860 consistent gets 150420 physical reads 0 redo size 253646986 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 3 sorts (memory) 2 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------632 5824512 5824512 5537792 5537792 050905120841 629 12532736 12532736 10723328 10723328 050905120841 633 47708160 47708160 43155456 43155456 050905120841 632 8547328 8547328 7921664 7921664 050905120842 629 15173632 15173632 15065088 15065088 050905120842 633 69868544 69868544 59252736 59252736 050905120842 632 10350592 10350592 9879552 9879552 050905120843 629 22234112 22234112 18587648 18587648 050905120843 633 84549632 84549632 72146944 72146944 050905120843 632 12532736 12532736 11812864 11812864 050905120844 629 26911744 26911744 22757376 22757376 050905120844 633 102313984 102313984 86941696 86941696 050905120844 632 15173632 15173632 13680640 13680640 050905120845 629 26911744 26911744 26345472 26345472 050905120845 633 102313984 102313984 101163008 101163008 050905120845 632 15173632 15173632 13803520 13803520 050905120846 629 26911744 26911744 26640384 26640384 050905120846 633 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 6291456 050905120846 632 15173632 15173632 13803520 13803520 050905120847 629 26911744 26911744 26640384 26640384 050905120847 633 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 12582912 050905120847 632 15173632 15173632 13803520 13803520 050905120848 629 26911744 26911744 26640384 26640384 050905120848 633 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 17825792 050905120848 632 15173632 15173632 13803520 13803520 050905120849 629 26911744 26911744 26640384 26640384 050905120849 633 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 24117248 050905120849 632 15173632 15173632 13803520 13803520 050905120850 629 26911744 26911744 26640384 26640384 050905120850 633 102313984 9142272 102318080 102318080 30408704 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max_commit_propagation_delay max_dispatchers max_dump_file_size max_enabled_roles max_shared_servers nls_calendar nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format nls_date_language nls_dual_currency nls_iso_currency nls_language nls_length_semantics nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_territory nls_time_format nls_time_tz_format nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format object_cache_max_size_percent object_cache_optimal_size olap_page_pool_size open_cursors open_links open_links_per_instance optimizer_dynamic_sampling optimizer_features_enable optimizer_index_caching optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode TYPE ----------string string string boolean integer integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string NAME -----------------------------------os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning TYPE ----------string boolean boolean boolean enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable VALUE -----------------------------enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS VALUE -----------------------------ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers parallel_server parallel_server_instances parallel_threads_per_cpu pga_aggregate_target plsql_code_type plsql_compiler_flags plsql_debug plsql_native_library_dir plsql_native_library_subdir_count plsql_optimize_level plsql_v2_compatibility plsql_warnings pre_page_sga processes query_rewrite_enabled query_rewrite_integrity rdbms_server_dn read_only_open_delayed recovery_parallelism remote_archive_enable remote_dependencies_mode remote_listener remote_login_passwordfile remote_os_authent remote_os_roles replication_dependency_tracking resource_limit resource_manager_plan resumable_timeout rollback_segments serial_reuse service_names session_cached_cursors session_max_open_files sessions sga_max_size sga_target shadow_core_dump integer string integer integer integer boolean integer integer big integer string string boolean string integer integer boolean string boolean integer string string string boolean integer string string string string boolean boolean boolean boolean string integer string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string NAME -----------------------------------shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size sp_name spfile TYPE ----------integer big integer big integer integer integer boolean string integer integer string string sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics 2148 40 0 0 FALSE 1 2 4G INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1G 1G partial VALUE -----------------------------0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil etest.ora boolean FALSE boolean FALSE string NATIVE string DEFAULT string ?/dbs/arch string MANUAL string TRUE string TYPICAL big integer 100M boolean TRUE integer 0 integer 0 boolean TRUE trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy SQL> @get_undocs boolean string integer integer string integer string boolean string string string TRUE 731 5 AUTO 900 UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 Parameter Description Value ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0 SQL memory manager 15 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01 SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> get test_parallel 1 select /*+ parallel(test_pga 4) */ 2 * from test_pga 3* order by district_name,name SQL> / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:04:03.77 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=36897 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 3 2 PX COORDINATOR PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=36897 Card=454 :Q1001 7752 Bytes=513895976) SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=36897 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001 976) 4 5 3 4 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=4320 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=4320 Card=454 :Q1000 7752 Bytes=513895976) 6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=4320 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000 es=513895976) 7 6 TABLE ACCESS* (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Co :Q1000 st=4320 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------615 recursive calls 58 db block gets 79861 consistent gets 150428 physical reads 672 redo size 253736283 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 3 sorts (memory) 3 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SQL> select * from test_results; SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 8388608 050905122048 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122048 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122048 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122048 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 14680064 050905122049 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122049 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122049 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122049 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 20971520 050905122050 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122050 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122050 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122050 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 27262976 050905122051 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122051 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122051 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122051 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 33554432 050905122052 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122052 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122052 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122052 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 39845888 050905122053 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122053 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122053 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122053 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 45088768 050905122054 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122054 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122054 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122054 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 51380224 050905122055 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122055 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122055 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122055 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 57671680 050905122056 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122056 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122056 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122056 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 63963136 050905122057 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122057 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122057 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122057 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 70254592 050905122058 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122058 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122058 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122058 632 84549632 8634368 84549632 84549632 76546048 050905122059 631 32572416 32572416 31662080 31662080 050905122059 629 39420928 39420928 38477824 38477824 050905122059 634 18368512 18368512 16121856 16121856 050905122059 632 8634368 8634368 8127488 84549632 78643200 050905122100 631 39420928 39420928 34668544 34668544 050905122100 629 47708160 47708160 41443328 41443328 050905122100 634 18368512 18368512 17457152 17457152 050905122100 632 8634368 8634368 8127488 84549632 84934656 050905122101 631 39420928 39420928 34668544 34668544 050905122101 629 47708160 47708160 41443328 41443328 050905122101 634 18368512 18368512 17457152 17457152 050905122101 632 8634368 8634368 8365056 84549632 87031808 050905122102 631 39420928 39420928 37101568 37101568 050905122102 629 47708160 47708160 44793856 44793856 050905122102 634 22234112 22234112 18800640 18800640 050905122102 632 8634368 5586944 2941952 84549632 92274688 050905122103 631 39420928 39420928 37961728 37961728 050905122103 629 47708160 47708160 45694976 45694976 050905122103 634 22234112 22234112 19202048 19202048 050905122103 632 8634368 5586944 1106944 84549632 96468992 050905122104 631 39420928 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optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode TYPE ----------string string string boolean integer integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string NAME -----------------------------------os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning TYPE ----------string boolean boolean boolean enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable VALUE -----------------------------enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS VALUE -----------------------------ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers 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string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string NAME -----------------------------------shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size sp_name spfile TYPE ----------integer big integer big integer integer integer boolean string integer integer string string sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics 2148 40 0 0 FALSE 1 2 4G INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1G 1G partial VALUE -----------------------------0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil etest.ora boolean FALSE boolean FALSE string NATIVE string DEFAULT string ?/dbs/arch string MANUAL string TRUE string TYPICAL big integer 100M boolean TRUE integer 0 integer 0 boolean TRUE trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy SQL> @get_undocs boolean string integer integer string integer string boolean string string string TRUE 731 5 AUTO 900 UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 Parameter Description Value ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0 SQL memory manager 15 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> get test_parallel 1 select /*+ parallel(test_pga 5) */ 2 * from test_pga 3* order by district_name,name SQL> / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:04:19.20 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=29514 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 3 2 PX COORDINATOR PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=29514 Card=454 :Q1001 7752 Bytes=513895976) SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=29514 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001 976) 4 5 3 4 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=3456 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=3456 Card=454 :Q1000 7752 Bytes=513895976) 6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=3456 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000 es=513895976) 7 6 TABLE ACCESS* (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Co :Q1000 st=3456 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------667 recursive calls 66 db block gets 79861 consistent gets 157598 physical reads 628 redo size 253806663 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 2 sorts (memory) 5 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SQL> select * from test_results; SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------618 3269632 3269632 2777088 2777088 050905122757 638 7056384 7056384 5857280 5857280 050905122757 634 18368512 18368512 15343616 15343616 050905122757 629 3269632 3269632 2875392 2875392 050905122757 632 4806656 4806656 4046848 4046848 050905122757 618 4806656 4806656 4481024 4481024 050905122758 638 10350592 10350592 8781824 8781824 050905122758 634 26911744 26911744 24248320 24248320 050905122758 629 4806656 4806656 4562944 4562944 050905122758 632 8547328 8547328 7061504 7061504 050905122758 618 7056384 7056384 5971968 5971968 050905122759 638 12532736 12532736 12165120 12165120 050905122759 634 39420928 39420928 33341440 33341440 050905122759 629 7056384 7056384 6397952 6397952 050905122759 632 10350592 10350592 9478144 9478144 050905122759 618 8547328 8547328 7979008 7979008 050905122800 638 18368512 18368512 16162816 16162816 050905122800 634 47708160 47708160 42303488 42303488 050905122800 629 10350592 10350592 8577024 8577024 050905122800 632 15173632 15173632 12582912 12582912 050905122800 618 10350592 10350592 9715712 9715712 050905122801 638 22234112 22234112 19546112 19546112 050905122801 634 57735168 57735168 50970624 50970624 050905122801 629 12532736 12532736 10387456 10387456 050905122801 632 15173632 15173632 14573568 14573568 050905122801 618 12532736 12532736 10895360 10895360 050905122802 638 26911744 26911744 22265856 22265856 050905122802 634 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 2097152 050905122802 629 12532736 12532736 11714560 11714560 050905122802 632 18368512 18368512 16621568 16621568 050905122802 618 12532736 12532736 10895360 10895360 050905122803 638 26911744 26911744 22265856 22265856 050905122803 634 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 8388608 050905122803 629 12532736 12532736 11714560 11714560 050905122803 632 18368512 18368512 16621568 16621568 050905122803 618 12532736 12532736 10895360 10895360 050905122804 638 26911744 26911744 22265856 22265856 050905122804 634 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 13631488 050905122804 629 12532736 12532736 11714560 11714560 050905122804 632 18368512 18368512 16621568 16621568 050905122804 618 12532736 12532736 10895360 10895360 050905122805 638 26911744 26911744 22265856 22265856 050905122805 634 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 19922944 050905122805 629 12532736 12532736 11714560 11714560 050905122805 632 18368512 18368512 16621568 16621568 050905122805 618 12532736 12532736 10895360 10895360 050905122806 638 26911744 26911744 22265856 22265856 050905122806 634 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 26214400 050905122806 629 12532736 12532736 11714560 11714560 050905122806 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15745024 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1050 rows selected. SQL> spool off 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 15745024 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 4063232 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 1245184 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 16004096 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 4573184 485376 485376 485376 485376 485376 485376 485376 485376 485376 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 57737216 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 318767104 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 050905123142 050905123142 050905123143 050905123143 050905123143 050905123144 050905123144 050905123144 050905123145 050905123145 050905123145 050905123146 050905123146 050905123146 050905123147 050905123147 050905123147 050905123148 050905123148 050905123148 050905123149 050905123149 050905123149 050905123150 050905123150 050905123151 050905123151 050905123152 050905123152 050905123153 050905123153 050905123154 050905123154 050905123155 050905123155 050905123156 050905123156 050905123157 050905123157 050905123158 050905123158 050905123159 050905123159 050905123200 050905123200 050905123201 050905123201 050905123202 050905123202 050905123203 050905123203 050905123204 050905123205 050905123206 050905123207 050905123209 050905123210 050905123211 050905123212 050905123213 Predicted 66.6 Actual 55.0625 Timestamp 50905123157 50905123139 50905123120 50905123102 50905123043 50905123025 50905123006 50905122948 50905122929 50905122911 50905122852 50905122834 Session 618 Session 629 Session 632 Session 634 Session 638 50905122815 70000000 60000000 50000000 40000000 30000000 20000000 10000000 0 50905122757 Memory (Bytes) Session Sort Memory 5 DOP PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 4G, 400M _pga_max_size, 333M _smm_px_max_size, 6 DOP SQL> show parameter NAME -----------------------------------O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY __db_cache_size __java_pool_size __large_pool_size __shared_pool_size _pga_max_size _smm_px_max_size active_instance_count aq_tm_processes archive_lag_target asm_diskgroups asm_diskstring asm_power_limit audit_file_dest TYPE ----------boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer integer integer integer integer string string integer string audit_sys_operations audit_trail background_core_dump background_dump_dest backup_tape_io_slaves bitmap_merge_area_size blank_trimming buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle circuits cluster_database cluster_database_instances cluster_interconnects commit_point_strength compatible control_file_record_keep_time control_files boolean string string string boolean integer boolean string string integer boolean integer string integer string integer string core_dump_dest cpu_count create_bitmap_area_size create_stored_outlines cursor_sharing cursor_space_for_time db_16k_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size string integer integer string string boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer NAME -----------------------------------db_block_buffers db_block_checking db_block_checksum db_block_size db_cache_advice db_cache_size db_create_file_dest db_create_online_log_dest_1 db_create_online_log_dest_2 db_create_online_log_dest_3 db_create_online_log_dest_4 db_create_online_log_dest_5 TYPE ----------integer boolean boolean integer string big integer string string string string string string VALUE -----------------------------FALSE 684M 8M 4M 224M 400M 340992 0 0 1 /home/oracle/DBHome1/rdbms/aud it FALSE TRUE partial /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump FALSE 1048576 FALSE FALSE 1 1 7 /home/oracle/oradata/test/con trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/ oracle/oradata/test/control03 .ctl /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump 2 8388608 EXACT FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 VALUE -----------------------------0 FALSE TRUE 8192 ON 0 db_domain db_file_multiblock_read_count db_file_name_convert db_files db_flashback_retention_target db_keep_cache_size db_name db_recovery_file_dest string integer string integer integer big integer string string 32 distributed_lock_timeout dml_locks drs_start enqueue_resources event fal_client fal_server fast_start_io_target fast_start_mttr_target fast_start_parallel_rollback file_mapping fileio_network_adapters 200 1440 0 test /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar ea big integer 2G big integer 0 string test integer 7 integer 0 boolean FALSE string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr1hf dwh.dat string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr2hf dwh.dat boolean FALSE boolean TRUE string (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX DB) integer 60 integer 2924 boolean FALSE integer 3000 string string string integer 0 integer 0 string LOW boolean FALSE string NAME -----------------------------------filesystemio_options fixed_date gc_files_to_locks gcs_server_processes global_context_pool_size global_names hash_area_size hi_shared_memory_address hs_autoregister ifile instance_groups instance_name instance_number instance_type java_max_sessionspace_size java_pool_size java_soft_sessionspace_limit job_queue_processes large_pool_size ldap_directory_access license_max_sessions license_max_users license_sessions_warning local_listener lock_name_space lock_sga log_archive_config log_archive_dest log_archive_dest_1 log_archive_dest_10 log_archive_dest_2 log_archive_dest_3 log_archive_dest_4 TYPE ----------string string string integer string boolean integer integer boolean file string string integer string integer big integer integer integer big integer string integer integer integer string string boolean string string string string string string string db_recovery_file_dest_size db_recycle_cache_size db_unique_name db_writer_processes dbwr_io_slaves ddl_wait_for_locks dg_broker_config_file1 dg_broker_config_file2 dg_broker_start disk_asynch_io dispatchers VALUE -----------------------------none 0 FALSE 131072 0 TRUE test 0 RDBMS 0 0 0 10 0 NONE 0 0 0 FALSE log_archive_dest_5 log_archive_dest_6 log_archive_dest_7 log_archive_dest_8 log_archive_dest_9 log_archive_dest_state_1 log_archive_dest_state_10 log_archive_dest_state_2 log_archive_dest_state_3 log_archive_dest_state_4 log_archive_dest_state_5 log_archive_dest_state_6 log_archive_dest_state_7 log_archive_dest_state_8 string string string string string string string string string string string string string string NAME -----------------------------------log_archive_dest_state_9 log_archive_duplex_dest log_archive_format log_archive_local_first log_archive_max_processes log_archive_min_succeed_dest log_archive_start log_archive_trace log_buffer log_checkpoint_interval log_checkpoint_timeout log_checkpoints_to_alert log_file_name_convert logmnr_max_persistent_sessions max_commit_propagation_delay max_dispatchers max_dump_file_size max_enabled_roles max_shared_servers nls_calendar nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format nls_date_language nls_dual_currency nls_iso_currency nls_language nls_length_semantics nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_territory nls_time_format nls_time_tz_format nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format object_cache_max_size_percent object_cache_optimal_size olap_page_pool_size open_cursors open_links open_links_per_instance optimizer_dynamic_sampling optimizer_features_enable optimizer_index_caching optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode TYPE ----------string string string boolean integer integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string NAME -----------------------------------os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning TYPE ----------string boolean boolean boolean enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable VALUE -----------------------------enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS VALUE -----------------------------ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers parallel_server parallel_server_instances parallel_threads_per_cpu pga_aggregate_target plsql_code_type plsql_compiler_flags plsql_debug plsql_native_library_dir plsql_native_library_subdir_count plsql_optimize_level plsql_v2_compatibility plsql_warnings pre_page_sga processes query_rewrite_enabled query_rewrite_integrity rdbms_server_dn read_only_open_delayed recovery_parallelism remote_archive_enable remote_dependencies_mode remote_listener remote_login_passwordfile remote_os_authent remote_os_roles replication_dependency_tracking resource_limit resource_manager_plan resumable_timeout rollback_segments serial_reuse service_names session_cached_cursors session_max_open_files sessions sga_max_size sga_target shadow_core_dump integer string integer integer integer boolean integer integer big integer string string boolean string integer integer boolean string boolean integer string string string boolean integer string string string string boolean boolean boolean boolean string integer string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string NAME -----------------------------------shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size sp_name spfile TYPE ----------integer big integer big integer integer integer boolean string integer integer string string sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics 2148 40 0 0 FALSE 1 2 4G INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1G 1G partial VALUE -----------------------------0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil etest.ora boolean FALSE boolean FALSE string NATIVE string DEFAULT string ?/dbs/arch string MANUAL string TRUE string TYPICAL big integer 100M boolean TRUE integer 0 integer 0 boolean TRUE trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy SQL> @get_undocs boolean string integer integer string integer string boolean string string string TRUE 731 5 AUTO 900 UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 Parameter Description Value ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0 SQL memory manager 15 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01 SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> get test_parallel 1 select /*+ parallel(test_pga 6) */ 2 * from test_pga 3* order by district_name,name SQL> / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:04:45.62 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=24593 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 3 2 PX COORDINATOR PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=24593 Card=454 :Q1001 7752 Bytes=513895976) SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=24593 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001 976) 4 5 3 4 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=2880 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=2880 Card=454 :Q1000 7752 Bytes=513895976) 6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=2880 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000 es=513895976) 7 6 TABLE ACCESS* (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Co :Q1000 st=2880 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------660 recursive calls 64 db block gets 79861 consistent gets 155978 physical reads 680 redo size 253759906 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 3 sorts (memory) 5 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool of SQL> select * from test_results; SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------616 1013760 1013760 868352 868352 050905123536 631 7056384 7056384 6414336 6414336 050905123536 628 8547328 8547328 7176192 7176192 050905123536 617 22234112 22234112 21561344 21561344 050905123536 632 3964928 3964928 3833856 3833856 050905123536 615 4806656 4806656 4136960 4136960 050905123536 616 1234944 1234944 1196032 1196032 050905123537 631 8547328 8547328 8519680 8519680 050905123537 628 10350592 10350592 9961472 9961472 050905123537 617 32572416 32572416 30621696 30621696 050905123537 632 5824512 5824512 5570560 5570560 050905123537 615 7056384 7056384 5849088 5849088 050905123537 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318767104 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 84934656 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 57671680 050905123954 050905123954 050905123955 050905123955 050905123956 050905123956 050905123957 050905123957 050905123958 050905123958 050905123959 050905123959 050905124000 050905124000 050905124001 050905124001 050905124003 050905124003 050905124004 050905124004 050905124005 050905124005 050905124006 050905124006 050905124007 050905124007 050905124008 050905124008 050905124009 050905124009 050905124010 050905124011 050905124012 050905124013 050905124014 050905124015 050905124016 050905124017 050905124018 050905124019 Session 615 Session 616 Session 617 Session 628 Session 631 Session 632 Predicted 55.5 Actual 55.0625 Timestamp 50905124010 50905123955 50905123941 50905123927 50905123912 50905123858 50905123843 50905123829 50905123815 50905123800 50905123746 50905123732 50905123717 50905123703 50905123648 50905123634 50905123619 50905123605 50905123551 50905123536 memory (Bytes) Session Sort Memory 6 DOP 70000000 60000000 50000000 40000000 30000000 20000000 10000000 0 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 4G, 400M _pga_max_size, 333M _smm_px_max_size, 7 DOP SQL> show parameter NAME -----------------------------------O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY __db_cache_size __java_pool_size __large_pool_size __shared_pool_size _pga_max_size _smm_px_max_size active_instance_count aq_tm_processes archive_lag_target asm_diskgroups asm_diskstring asm_power_limit audit_file_dest TYPE ----------boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer integer integer integer integer string string integer string audit_sys_operations audit_trail background_core_dump background_dump_dest backup_tape_io_slaves bitmap_merge_area_size blank_trimming buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle circuits cluster_database cluster_database_instances cluster_interconnects commit_point_strength compatible control_file_record_keep_time control_files boolean string string string boolean integer boolean string string integer boolean integer string integer string integer string core_dump_dest cpu_count create_bitmap_area_size create_stored_outlines cursor_sharing cursor_space_for_time db_16k_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size string integer integer string string boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer NAME -----------------------------------db_block_buffers db_block_checking db_block_checksum db_block_size db_cache_advice db_cache_size db_create_file_dest db_create_online_log_dest_1 db_create_online_log_dest_2 db_create_online_log_dest_3 db_create_online_log_dest_4 db_create_online_log_dest_5 TYPE ----------integer boolean boolean integer string big integer string string string string string string VALUE -----------------------------FALSE 684M 8M 4M 224M 400M 340992 0 0 1 /home/oracle/DBHome1/rdbms/aud it FALSE TRUE partial /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump FALSE 1048576 FALSE FALSE 1 1 7 /home/oracle/oradata/test/con trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/ oracle/oradata/test/control03 .ctl /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump 2 8388608 EXACT FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 VALUE -----------------------------0 FALSE TRUE 8192 ON 0 db_domain db_file_multiblock_read_count db_file_name_convert db_files db_flashback_retention_target db_keep_cache_size db_name db_recovery_file_dest string integer string integer integer big integer string string 32 distributed_lock_timeout dml_locks drs_start enqueue_resources event fal_client fal_server fast_start_io_target fast_start_mttr_target fast_start_parallel_rollback file_mapping fileio_network_adapters 200 1440 0 test /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar ea big integer 2G big integer 0 string test integer 7 integer 0 boolean FALSE string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr1hf dwh.dat string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr2hf dwh.dat boolean FALSE boolean TRUE string (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX DB) integer 60 integer 2924 boolean FALSE integer 3000 string string string integer 0 integer 0 string LOW boolean FALSE string NAME -----------------------------------filesystemio_options fixed_date gc_files_to_locks gcs_server_processes global_context_pool_size global_names hash_area_size hi_shared_memory_address hs_autoregister ifile instance_groups instance_name instance_number instance_type java_max_sessionspace_size java_pool_size java_soft_sessionspace_limit job_queue_processes large_pool_size ldap_directory_access license_max_sessions license_max_users license_sessions_warning local_listener lock_name_space lock_sga log_archive_config log_archive_dest log_archive_dest_1 log_archive_dest_10 log_archive_dest_2 log_archive_dest_3 log_archive_dest_4 TYPE ----------string string string integer string boolean integer integer boolean file string string integer string integer big integer integer integer big integer string integer integer integer string string boolean string string string string string string string db_recovery_file_dest_size db_recycle_cache_size db_unique_name db_writer_processes dbwr_io_slaves ddl_wait_for_locks dg_broker_config_file1 dg_broker_config_file2 dg_broker_start disk_asynch_io dispatchers VALUE -----------------------------none 0 FALSE 131072 0 TRUE test 0 RDBMS 0 0 0 10 0 NONE 0 0 0 FALSE log_archive_dest_5 log_archive_dest_6 log_archive_dest_7 log_archive_dest_8 log_archive_dest_9 log_archive_dest_state_1 log_archive_dest_state_10 log_archive_dest_state_2 log_archive_dest_state_3 log_archive_dest_state_4 log_archive_dest_state_5 log_archive_dest_state_6 log_archive_dest_state_7 log_archive_dest_state_8 string string string string string string string string string string string string string string NAME -----------------------------------log_archive_dest_state_9 log_archive_duplex_dest log_archive_format log_archive_local_first log_archive_max_processes log_archive_min_succeed_dest log_archive_start log_archive_trace log_buffer log_checkpoint_interval log_checkpoint_timeout log_checkpoints_to_alert log_file_name_convert logmnr_max_persistent_sessions max_commit_propagation_delay max_dispatchers max_dump_file_size max_enabled_roles max_shared_servers nls_calendar nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format nls_date_language nls_dual_currency nls_iso_currency nls_language nls_length_semantics nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_territory nls_time_format nls_time_tz_format nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format object_cache_max_size_percent object_cache_optimal_size olap_page_pool_size open_cursors open_links open_links_per_instance optimizer_dynamic_sampling optimizer_features_enable optimizer_index_caching optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode TYPE ----------string string string boolean integer integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string NAME -----------------------------------os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning TYPE ----------string boolean boolean boolean enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable VALUE -----------------------------enable %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 524288 0 1800 FALSE 1 700 UNLIMITED 150 AMERICAN BYTE FALSE AMERICA 10 102400 0 300 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS VALUE -----------------------------ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers parallel_server parallel_server_instances parallel_threads_per_cpu pga_aggregate_target plsql_code_type plsql_compiler_flags plsql_debug plsql_native_library_dir plsql_native_library_subdir_count plsql_optimize_level plsql_v2_compatibility plsql_warnings pre_page_sga processes query_rewrite_enabled query_rewrite_integrity rdbms_server_dn read_only_open_delayed recovery_parallelism remote_archive_enable remote_dependencies_mode remote_listener remote_login_passwordfile remote_os_authent remote_os_roles replication_dependency_tracking resource_limit resource_manager_plan resumable_timeout rollback_segments serial_reuse service_names session_cached_cursors session_max_open_files sessions sga_max_size sga_target shadow_core_dump integer string integer integer integer boolean integer integer big integer string string boolean string integer integer boolean string boolean integer string string string boolean integer string string string string boolean boolean boolean boolean string integer string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string NAME -----------------------------------shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size sp_name spfile TYPE ----------integer big integer big integer integer integer boolean string integer integer string string sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics 2148 80 0 0 FALSE 1 4 4G INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 0 2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL FALSE 600 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 true TIMESTAMP EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable test 0 10 665 1G 1G partial VALUE -----------------------------0 11744051 0 1 TRUE 0 65536 test /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil etest.ora boolean FALSE boolean FALSE string NATIVE string DEFAULT string ?/dbs/arch string MANUAL string TRUE string TYPICAL big integer 100M boolean TRUE integer 0 integer 0 boolean TRUE trace_enabled boolean tracefile_identifier string transactions integer transactions_per_rollback_segment integer undo_management string undo_retention integer undo_tablespace string use_indirect_data_buffers boolean user_dump_dest string utl_file_dir string workarea_size_policy string SQL> @get_undoc SP2-0310: unable to open file "get_undoc.sql" SQL> @get_undocs TRUE 731 5 AUTO 900 UNDOTBSP2 FALSE /home/oracle/admin/test/udump AUTO Parameter ---------------------------------------_pga_large_extent_size _pga_max_size Description ------------------------PGA large extent size Maximum size of the PGA memory for one process Value ---------1048576 419430400 _smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice TRUE _smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size of the PGA advice workarea history log 0 _smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO size policy cost functions TRUE _smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56 used by sort/hash-join in auto mode _smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0 automatically computed bound _smm_control provides controls on the memory manager 0 _smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the instance freeable PGA memory to retain 5120 _smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800 auto mode (serial) _smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024 auto mode _smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992 auto mode (global) _smm_retain_size work area retain size in SGA for shared server sessions (0 for AUTO) 0 Parameter Description Value ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0 SQL memory manager 15 rows selected. note change to parallel threads per cpu Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 SQL> set autotrace traceonly SQL> get test_parallel 1 select /*+ parallel(test_pga 7) */ 2 * from test_pga 3* order by district_name,name SQL> / 4547752 rows selected. Elapsed: 00:05:41.19 Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=21079 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 1 2 0 1 3 2 PX COORDINATOR PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=21079 Card=454 :Q1001 7752 Bytes=513895976) SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=21079 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001 976) 4 5 3 4 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=2468 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=2468 Card=454 :Q1000 7752 Bytes=513895976) 6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=2468 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000 es=513895976) 7 6 TABLE ACCESS* (FULL) OF 'TEST_PGA' (TABLE) (Co :Q1000 st=2468 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------1133 recursive calls 67 db block gets 79993 consistent gets 147701 physical reads 680 redo size 253863141 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 9 sorts (memory) 4 sorts (disk) 4547752 rows processed SQL> spool off SQL> set lines 100 SQL> set pages 10000 SQL> select * from test_results; SID WORK_AREA_SIZE EXPECTED_SIZE ACTUAL_MEM_USED MAX_MEM_USED TEMPSEG_SIZE NOW ----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------630 2220032 2220032 1851392 1851392 050905124831 626 1234944 1234944 1089536 1089536 050905124831 629 10350592 10350592 8650752 8650752 050905124831 627 830464 830464 688128 688128 050905124831 632 3269632 3269632 2957312 2957312 050905124831 628 2695168 2695168 2236416 2236416 050905124831 631 553984 553984 458752 458752 050905124831 630 2695168 2695168 2506752 2506752 050905124832 626 1503232 1503232 1417216 1417216 050905124832 629 15173632 15173632 12697600 12697600 050905124832 627 1013760 1013760 901120 901120 050905124832 632 4806656 4806656 4063232 4063232 050905124832 628 3269632 3269632 2809856 2809856 050905124832 631 553984 553984 548864 548864 050905124832 630 3269632 3269632 3080192 3080192 050905124833 626 2695168 2695168 2293760 2293760 050905124833 629 18368512 18368512 16908288 16908288 050905124833 627 1234944 1234944 1204224 1204224 050905124833 632 5824512 5824512 5677056 5677056 050905124833 628 4806656 4806656 4194304 4194304 050905124833 631 830464 830464 745472 745472 050905124833 630 3964928 3964928 3883008 3883008 050905124834 626 3269632 3269632 2949120 2949120 050905124834 629 22234112 22234112 20455424 20455424 050905124834 627 1827840 1827840 1531904 1531904 050905124834 632 7056384 7056384 6823936 6823936 050905124834 628 5824512 5824512 5341184 5341184 050905124834 631 1013760 1013760 851968 851968 050905124834 630 4806656 4806656 4612096 4612096 050905124835 626 3964928 3964928 3530752 3530752 050905124835 629 26911744 26911744 24469504 24469504 050905124835 627 2220032 2220032 1900544 1900544 050905124835 632 8547328 8547328 8003584 8003584 050905124835 628 7056384 7056384 6086656 6086656 050905124835 631 1013760 1013760 983040 983040 050905124835 630 5824512 5824512 5283840 5283840 050905124836 626 3964928 3964928 3866624 3866624 050905124836 629 32572416 32572416 28393472 28393472 050905124836 627 2220032 2220032 2138112 2138112 050905124836 632 10350592 10350592 9158656 9158656 050905124836 628 7056384 7056384 6856704 6856704 050905124836 631 1234944 1234944 1097728 1097728 050905124836 630 7056384 7056384 6086656 6086656 050905124837 626 4806656 4806656 4448256 4448256 050905124837 629 32572416 32572416 31834112 31834112 050905124837 627 2695168 2695168 2457600 2457600 050905124837 632 12532736 12532736 10420224 10420224 050905124837 628 8547328 8547328 7921664 7921664 050905124837 631 1234944 1234944 1212416 1212416 050905124837 630 7056384 7056384 6660096 6660096 050905124838 626 4806656 4806656 4702208 4702208 050905124838 629 39420928 39420928 34758656 34758656 050905124838 627 2695168 2695168 2686976 2686976 050905124838 632 12532736 12532736 11395072 11395072 050905124838 628 10350592 10350592 8765440 8765440 050905124838 631 1503232 1503232 1302528 1302528 050905124838 630 8547328 8547328 7528448 7528448 050905124839 626 5824512 5824512 5341184 5341184 050905124839 629 39420928 39420928 38150144 38150144 050905124839 627 3269632 3269632 3260416 3260416 050905124839 632 15173632 15173632 12845056 12845056 050905124839 628 10350592 10350592 9715712 9715712 050905124839 631 1503232 1503232 1458176 1458176 050905124839 630 8547328 8547328 8069120 8069120 050905124840 626 5824512 5824512 5701632 5701632 050905124840 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 47708160 3964928 15173632 12532736 1827840 10350592 7056384 47708160 3964928 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 47708160 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 12532736 7056384 6602752 47708160 3964928 15173632 12532736 1827840 10350592 7056384 47708160 3964928 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 10350592 7056384 6602752 4806656 18368512 12532736 2220032 12532736 7056384 6602752 41623552 3563520 13934592 10829824 1622016 8912896 6266880 45088768 3842048 15515648 11886592 1843200 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 132096 4038656 16359424 12296192 1990656 10428416 6889472 3302400 41623552 3563520 13934592 10829824 1622016 8912896 6266880 45088768 3842048 15515648 11886592 1843200 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4005888 16334848 12296192 1990656 9584640 6651904 47710208 4038656 16359424 12296192 1990656 10428416 6889472 47710208 2097152 8388608 14680064 19922944 26214400 32505856 38797312 44040192 44040192 050905124840 050905124840 050905124840 050905124840 050905124840 050905124841 050905124841 050905124841 050905124841 050905124841 050905124841 050905124841 050905124842 050905124842 050905124842 050905124842 050905124842 050905124842 050905124842 050905124843 050905124843 050905124843 050905124843 050905124843 050905124843 050905124843 050905124844 050905124844 050905124844 050905124844 050905124844 050905124844 050905124844 050905124845 050905124845 050905124845 050905124845 050905124845 050905124845 050905124845 050905124846 050905124846 050905124846 050905124846 050905124846 050905124846 050905124846 050905124847 050905124847 050905124847 050905124847 050905124847 050905124847 050905124847 050905124848 050905124848 050905124848 050905124848 050905124848 050905124848 050905124848 050905124850 050905124850 050905124850 050905124850 050905124850 050905124850 050905124850 050905124851 050905124851 050905124851 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 632 628 631 630 626 629 627 4806656 18368512 15173632 2220032 12532736 8547328 6602752 4806656 18368512 15173632 2695168 12532736 8547328 6602752 4806656 22234112 15173632 2695168 12532736 8547328 6602752 4806656 22234112 15173632 2695168 12532736 8547328 6602752 5824512 22234112 15173632 2695168 12532736 8547328 6602752 5824512 22234112 18368512 2695168 15173632 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