Greenhouse_Feedback - Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park

(Bullets represent verbal comments at the December 11th community
meeting. All other comments were received via e-mail.)
1. General Comments
What a fantastic idea!!!-Cassandra H.
I think it is a great idea. I have watched this show and they always seem to do a
good job. –Laurie Z.
that will be fantastic for the park...charlene
Anna Hill from Friends of Trinity Bellwoods introduces David Coulter from
Green Force TV.
Focus of Green Fore TV show is an environmental makeover.
Shooting season goes through to end of February.
Idea to do a community greenhouse in TB Park
Show led by landscape designer
Erecting a standalone greenhouse structure
A place for community to garden in all year round
Idea: Install benching and divvy up garden plots among community
Require a person to be the community point person on the show… Maybe
Deputy Mayor Joe.
Project length is 10 business days.
City and Parks is in support.
Proposed location: To the south east of the rec centre. West of gate drive.
South of centre.
Fire access road behind Gibson House isn’t working. Widen the path to the
south of the rec. centre. May need to take out trees.
It is to happen because the larger extending/peri-scoping fire trucks cannot
negotiate the narrow fire lane that is beside Gibson House.
Since access from Queen is not longer available, the solution is to add the new
one on the south side of the TRC.
The eastern part of the walking path will probably be removed and landscaped
because of the angle of the bend needed to accommodate the turning radius of
a fire truck of that size.
The construction of the new fire road will not nterfere with the
construction/greenhouse. The trees to be removed, will be relocated, not
removed permanently.
Friends will communicate the comments of the community.
o How detailed can the community get involved with things such as
detailed plans
o Community would like to have a detailed site map showing things
such as water, electrical.
o Site plan is required and will be forwarded to the community.
2. Programs and Maintenance
I think that we need a community plan for the Green House. Parks and
Recreation wants to treat the Greenhouse as a “Community Garden” which
essentially means that it is run by the community. We will need to negotiate with
Parks and Recreation regarding how much maintenance assistance they provide.
To come up with a community plan, we can create a greenhouse committee, visit
other greenhouses in the city and then propose a plan. For example, if there is
about 350 sf of “real estate” within the greenhouse, some of it could be divided
into individual plots and some into plots for local schools, the Rec. Centre and/or
community groups. Perhaps we need a designated green house caretaker. Anna H.
What will the community ongoing role ./ committment be? The community
(Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park, as an example) would need to assume
responsibility for the upkeep and security of the greenhouse structure. I don't
think we have the means to financially responsible for the upkeep of the
greenhouse depending on how this defined. Scott C.
Could we do a children's garden? Laurie Z.
Would this be open to the public for winter escape? For growing of seedlings etc
for park use only? How would it fit into the long term needs?- Scott C.
wow, that's fabulous. I would like to suggest that an "artist in the park" type
program would be an asset to the park and they could use this space for classes
as could a "gardner in the park" run a junior gardner program for children. I
wonder if there are any seniors or retired neighbourhood folk who would be
interested? -Lesley
A few of my ideas for how we might make this a better greenhouse:
Build an area as a "kids corner" with low beds, where we can have the little ones
plant and tend some small and easy to grow veggies. We could make the
greenhouse available to schools in the area to visit - and label the plants - and
maybe even work out partnerships where the kids come and do some work watering, feeding the part of their science programs Get some vintage seeds and then host tastings of those veggies in the dead of
Partner with a group like the Fort York Food Bank and donate some of our fresh
veggies there and encourage their clients to come and do some work in the
greenhouse for a part of the harvest (especially if we grow things like tomatoes in
the winter - they are easy to grow and so expensive that some people never get
them). Jenna H.
Peter Leiss would like the greenhouse to be viewed as a community garden.
o Community responsible for divying up the use
o Negotiate with the city regarding paid maintenance / community
Propose to look at other community greenhouses to see how they work
When would any agreement need to be in place by? Before greenhouse
construction / after construction. Greenhouse would be in place by January
Jane - Sense of ongoing commitment from the councilors office that they want
this long term.
Lisa – If city run, difficult maintenance means no maintenance
Can the greenhouse come with a better access control system than a key?
o Perhaps a lockbox.
o What is done at other places? Sign out a key at Scadding Court for
Generally agreed that Friends or Community will not likely make any
agreements before the building starts.
3. Sustainability
I have been thinking for some months that it
would be great if the Trinity-Bellwoods community could make a
statement about our concern for the environment by, for example, all
taking up some simple challenges posed by the David Suzuki Challenge,
or by Tim Flannery, author of "The Weather Makers" on his web site. A
majority of residents around the park switching to Bullfrog Power,
for instance, and then making that known to the press in conjunction
with inaugurating this new green house, would be very cool.
Something along those lines. Placing our neighbourhood at the vanguard, the
way cities like Seattle and Portland have done, is an inspiring thing to do.-Patricia
I would like to suggest a solar heating system to the greenhouse done in
canada?We dont need windows under the tables I think it is a waste of space,
can it be better insulated inside on the floor and walls. We should visit highpark
greenhouses and others this big first or as part of a meeting.-Martin R.
Solar panel questions.
Potential panel manufacturer to install panels on the roof of the centre
to power greenhouse and more.
What about other solar considerations?
 Solar retention wall.
Vestibule to keep cold draft out.
Stormwater integration?
 Rain barrels?
Could excavated earth be used to create a berm vs. a curved wall?
Add insulation and make wall higher to act as a better heat source.
Thoughts about how to use larger space between bench and green house.
Is bench necessary?
4. Location
Where will the greenhouse go? If it is going to encroach on space that is
currently used by various impromptu or organized sports or by others for
individual pursuits (TaiChi for e.g.) then we feel that it will not serve our park well.
If it will go in a space that is currently unused or significantly underused then that
is fine. -Laurie Z. and Robin B.
What location is being proposed for this greenhouse-Sue C.
My comments are:
a) the green house sounds great in principle
b) I am somewhat concerned about location - I have not been able to open the
attachment, and would like to have some input on this issue
Where is it to be located? –David P.
Does the Rec Centre facility have a different spot in mind for the toddler / pre
school sports activities they operate in that location of the park (Blast Ball,
Soccer, etc.) That space is used by a fair amount of ad-hoc recreation (frisbee,
soccer, catch, etc.), as it is one of the few unplanned spaces without
thoroughfare in the south part of the park. What will the community reaction be?
Do we need to consider how this would potentially conflict with any long term
plans for a water feature at the south end? – Scott C.
Stan – Does location fulfill sustainability?
Scott – Lots of uses for the current space, (Sports, Art in the Park, Yard Sale).
Where will these go?
Jane – If this fails, it will be a shame as the space is prominent and currently
5. Plants
In our opinion the best use of the greenhouse for the spring would be to use it to
let people grow their own seedlings. It is our understanding that one of the longterm objectives of the Trinity Bellwoods Organic Market is to get growing their
own food and this would actively initiate and encourage people to grow their own.
This edible landscaping is both a political and practical action.
While giving a large number of people access to work in the green house would
be logistically difficult, they could plant their own seeds and volunteers could look
after them for six to eight weeks. The seedlings would then be picked up with
instructions on planting and care.. The initial planting session could be part of a
larger activity such as a "Seedy Saturday" with both gardening and other
environmental displays. The most popular varieties would likely be tomatoes,
peppers, squashes, herbs and some flowers. Seeds could be donated by
exhibitors or market vendors. –Lou Riklik and Kate Hamilton, White Stag
Orchards, Vendors, Trinity Bellwoods Market, formerly, Angelina’s Orchards
I am well acquainted with Allen Gardens, the greenhouse at College/Jarvis from
many glorious hours spent photographing the flowers there. They have a series
of rooms which focus on habitat, and are thus climate controlled. The first room is
tropical and has a variety of Bromeliads and Orchid specimans, as well as The
second room is slightly cooler in temperature, has a pond and they generally
rotate the flowering plants according to season, usually Daffodils, beds of tulips
and a variety of Iris. Following this is the Palm room which contains an amazing
assortment of species, including a date Palm. Most have grown to a great height,
so dimensions of the greenhouse gift would be an asset. The Palm room flows
into an other tropical zone with Tradescantia (SpiderWort), more Bromeliads, a
few Trumpet Flower trees and a variety of beds that they alternate. The last room
focuses on Cacti, and is simply aligned on both sides with both flowering and non
flowering varieties, including one called Old Man Winter which if my memory
serves me correct blooms in January.
If you haven't ever visited it, then I hope this has been helpful. The staff there are
also friendly and would undoubtedly be of tremendous assistance with
suggestions. I personally would like to see something warm and colourful..., but
perhaps you can let us know what the specifics regarding the greenhouse will be.
Thank you, -Jessica
Many of our gardeners will want to involve themselves in plant selection etc,
which is a good thing. Ed
Amazing - this is just amazing. I know nothing about plants and stuff
but if we can link into Adopt a Tree for the seedlings - I will organize
that part!!!-Jenna
Stan – Tree seedlings for the park.
6. Commercialization of the Park
Will there be any sort of HGTV branding on the greenhouse? If so, then I don't
think we need it in our park. – Laurie Z. and Robin B.
What sort of signage would be added
o Plaque stating “Donated by ….”
o Request to send plan of signage through to city office and Friends.
7. Vandalism
Can I suggest that you speak to them about vandalism damage? From previous
research we know there are certain paints and surfaces from which graffiti can be
easily removed. There is a lot of graffiti and damage eg to bulletin boards in the
park these days, although my sense is it's either not hitting or getting quickly
removed form the gates, so maybe this new building and surrounding walls will
be similarly respected. -Patricia C.
What would be done about graffiti?
o Planting around the base of the greenhouse to keep people away
o Agreement with city needs to be in place regarding graffittii.
o Can you replace panels? Probably, at cost.
o Is there a coating possible? Probably not, but we will keep ears open.
8. Community Consulation
I think this is a pretty major new project in the park,
and it should have had more opportunity for feedback. -Patricia C.
The implication appears to be that this is a fait accompli and the neighbourhood
has no input into WHETHER there will be a greenhouse at all in the first place. David P.
Anna – why wasn’t this brought forward sooner, there really hasn’t been any
Nobody at the meeting or online has stated "We don't want a Greenhouse at
Trinity Bellwoods Park." on the other hand, most people feel that the
community should have been consulted earlier, particularly if it is assumed
that the community is largely responsible for running it.
There is a general concern that the City will not follow through long term with
maintenance of the building. Perhaps the City is concerned that the
Community will not program the building properly. How do we put in place
agreements that can withstand the loss of key individuals?
9. Other Suggestions or Concerns
 Martin – It will need lots of hands to make it work.
 Scadding Court sent 600 lbs of food to food banks.
 What Liabilities, if any, would the Friends have?
Need to here from Parks and Rec about where soccer programs etc. will
relocate if necessary due to green house.