CUC100 assignments


CUC100: Academic Literacies

Assignment 1: Reflection for major essay




– 200 words per task



Employability skills are defined by DEST (2002), as:

‘skills required not only to gain employment, but also to progress within an enterprise so as to achieve one’s potential and contribute successfully to enterprise strategic directions’

When you graduate, you will need to be able to apply and continue to develop a range of skills in the workplace. This assignment encourages you to reflect on the skills you have and those you will need. It also serves as a preparatory reflection on your final assignment topic (Assignment 5) which asks you to consider employability skills relevant to your chosen profession.


This assignment requires you to assess yourself against the list of employability skills* developed by DEST (2002). Write one paragraph for each of the three tasks listed in the instructions below. The answer to each of the questions will need to be presented in accordance with the formatting criteria identified below.

Compile reflection content:


Begin with a paragraph explaining what you are studying and how this study will enhance your future career.


Explain which of these employability skills* you already have and how these will help you in your studies and your proposed profession and why.


Which other of the employability skills listed below * will you still need to develop for your proposed profession and why?

Note: it may help you to do some basic research to establish what professional organisations believe are the key employability skills in your field.

* Employability skills are defined by DEST (2002) as : communication teamwork problem-solving initiative and enterprise


Background knowledge and skills: self-management learning technology planning and


Examine the list of employability skills* developed by DEST (2002), listed below.


Unlike most formal academic writing, this is a personal reflection and therefore it is appropriate to refer to yourself in the first person ‘I’. Note: this is the only assignment in this unit in which you can use the first person.


You must use conventional sentence and paragraph structure with no bullet points.

Apply the following formatting to your assignment document:

 Margins: Top & Bottom (3.00cm ), Left & Right ( 2.5cm)

 Header and Footer – include personal details for this assignment.

Text Styles: Body text – set to Times New Roman, 12pt size, left alignment with

1.5 line spacing. Paragraph spacing – 0pt ‘before’ and 12pt ‘after’, with no additional spacing.

 Complete a spelling and grammar check.

 Save your document with a concise file name – name, unit code and assignment number.

Department of Education, Science and Training, 2002, Employability skills for the future , Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, viewed 30 June 2009,

< s/default.htm>

Assignment 1: Pre-submission Checklist

Document preparation

Are the correct details included on a cover sheet as Page 1 of the assignment document?

Has a concise file name been used to save the document

– name, unit code and assignment number?


Are the required topics addressed?

Are the ideas in the paragraphs organised logically?

Have examples been provided to illustrate the points made?

Do the answers demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of the chosen profession?


Does the assignment include:

 correct margin settings?

 appropriate information in the header and footer?

 suitable text style applied for Body text?

 correct spelling?

 correct punctuation?

 correct sentence structure?

 the required number of words per paragraph?

 correct paragraph spacing with no additional spacing included?


Has the assignment been submitted

Assignment 2: Summarising the key readings - an annotated bibliography



200- 300 words per reading



For each of the three core readings , summarise the key ideas in one or two paragraphs and then comment on how these ideas could be applied to the profession you are studying for.

The core readings are:

Chapter 25

Winch et al. (2006) Literacy: Reading, Writing and Children’s Literature 3 rd edn,

Melbourne, Oxford University Press.



Chapter 4

Foreman, P. (ed), (2008). Inclusion in action (2nd ed.). Sth Melbourne, VIC:

Cengage Learning Australia.

Chapter 3

Arthur-Kelly, M., Lyons, G., Butterfield, N., & Gordon, C. (2006). Classroom management: Creating positive learning environments (2nd ed.). South Melbourne,

VIC: Thomson

With your final essay in mind, read and take notes of the key ideas from the assigned readings for your summary. (These are the three core readings for the unit provided on

Learnline under the Readings button ).

Present your assignment as an Annotated Bibliography.

Each reading should begin with the full bibliographical details of the reading concerned.

Beneath these details, write the summary and comment in paragraph/s with continuous prose (i.e. not note form) and in the third person. Begin your summary with the author’s name and date of publication eg. Harvey (1999) suggests….

The three readings should appear on one document in alphabetical order according to author’s surname


Follow Assignment 1 requirements for format of: Margins, Header and Footer, Text

Styles: Body text .

This should be formatted using a hanging indent (with the first line at the margin and the indent set at 1cm) and highlighted ‘Bold’. Use ‘Italic’ formatting for each title – see example over the page.

Include a cover sheet as the first page of your assignment.

Complete a spell and grammar check and save your document as per Assignment 1.


An ex CUC100 student has kindly provided this example annotated bibliography based on previous



CUC readings. We have just included the first reading’s summary and comment and the beginning of the second reading. Note how it follows straight on from the previous reading.

(You will notice they are not the same readings you need to summarise for this Assignment.)

Example Annotated Bibliography:

Belenky, M.F., Clinchy, N.R. & Tarule, J.M. 1986, ‘Constructed Knowledge: Integrating the voices’, in

Women’s ways of knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind , Basic Books, n.p., pp. 131 –


The authors of this book state that there are five ways of knowing; silence, received knowledge, subjective knowledge, procedural knowledge and constructed knowledge. Their main focus in this particular excerpt is

‘constructed knowledge, a more integrated way of knowing’ (Belenky, Clinchy & Tarule, 1986), discussing some characteristics central to Constructivist Women .

Constructed knowledge has been described as more than the need to acquire knowledge, it is also about knowing how and from where the knowledge was/is acquired. It takes self reflection, inquisitiveness, a need to question outside the normal boundaries. Constructivist women display such tendencies as, posing questions and posing problems, examining fundamental assumptions, evaluating experts and an appreciation for complexity and ambiguity. They are committed to a quest for truth and learning and are passionate about caring for people and the moral and spiritual element of their lives and the betterment of the wider community.

In the profession of nursing it is essential to be able to integrate medical knowledge with the all the social and psychological complexities that being a care giver in the community entails. Belenky et al’s (1986) description of the characteristics of a constructivist approach suggests an important additional aspect of thinking critically in the nursing profession: consideration for the moral and spiritual elements of themselves and the community of people they work with. In this way the points the authors raise are relevant for a nursing context because they highlight interpersonal skills all nurses should possess.

Lohe, M. 1999, Logic and rational argument , unpublished lecture notes for CUC103 Thought and

Communication, Northern Territory University, Darwin.

These lecture notes outline logical processes for judging the relevancy and value of ideas and opinions and indicate how ……………………………………………

Assignment 2: Pre-submission Checklist

Text organisation

Each individual reading summary has a heading comprised of the bibliographical details?

Bibliographical details and summaries follow one after the other (as per example).

Content In each annotation:

Are the bibliographical details correctly referenced using the Harvard style?

Are only the main points summarised?

Does the summary accurately capture the meaning of the original texts?

Does the comment clearly show critical analysis and synthesis of the ideas in the reading in order to draw connections between the reading and essay topic.

Have the original ideas been paraphrased and summarized rather than copied or quoted?

Does the writing express conceptual clarity?

Is the writing grammatically correct?


Assignment 2 has been word-processed and presented with:

 a completed cover sheet attached as Page 1 of the document?

 correct margin settings?

 appropriate information in the header and footer?

 an informative title heading?

 suitable text styles for Heading 1 and Body text?

Each annotation:

 uses formal/academic tone?

 is the required length?

 has been thoroughly edited and proofread for spelling and punctuation?

 contains bibliographical details with correct formatting applied?


The document contains the required file name and has been submitted correctly

Assignment 3: Outlining your essay: PowerPoint presentation


10% (5% PowerPoint / 5% Presentation)


Create a 5 minute PowerPoint of the key points you intend to cover in your final essay (Assignment 4) and present it to the class.

You should present your essay plan/taxonomy as a slide after the introduction which you can then elaborate on in subsequent slides.

Steps to follow:



Finalise essay plan /taxonomy:

Now that you have had the opportunity to undertake further research on the essay question, review the question for Assignment 4 and add to/refine your initial essay plan /taxonomy (see an example of an effective essay plan/ taxonomy over the page).

Structure PowerPoint:


Translate your taxonomy into no more than 8 PowerPoint slides to create a PowerPoint presentation. Structure your PowerPoint presentation content in the following way:

Title slide (include your name and the presentation title).

Introduction/overview slide (introduce what you will cover in the presentation)

Body slides (Introduce thesis, taxonomy and elaborate on each key point and supporting arguments of your essay on separate slides.

Conclusion/summary slide (summarise the key idea/s in your presentation).

Reference slide (provide a list of references you intend to use for your final essay).

Format Presentation:


Present your PowerPoint in accordance with the ICT skills and PowerPoint design criteria in the

Pre-submission Checklist.


Complete a cover sheet in a word document with details of this assignment and place it in a folder with your presentation file. Ensure the folder is saved with the correct filename.

Deliver a 5 minute oral presentation using your PowerPoint to support and guide the presentation. The assessment will be based on both the information supplied in your PowerPoint and your verbal presentation

(See Pre-submission Checklist).

NB Here is an example of the kind of essay plan we expect you to have made and included in your presentation. You may choose to present the hierarchy down the page with headings and subheadings.

The middle column gives you the main sub-sections of your essay and the right-hand column gives you the topics of the paragraphs of each sub-section the source of evidence you have found and a + or – to show if the evidence supports or contradicts your thesis.

Thesis Sub topics / arguments Supporting arguments/evidence


Language development (James 2008) + /-

Reading ability (Brown 2003) & (Lin 2004) -

Emotional effects (Wells 2009) -

Effects of childcare are positive



Abstract ideas

Exercise - playground (Jones 1989) +

Fine motor develop - art & craft (Lin 2004) +

General physical health (Fin & Sims 2009) _

Conflict resolution. & socialising (Wells

2009) +

Forming friendships (Reed 2002) +

Independence from parents (Lovell 2000) +

Pre-submission Checklist

Mastery of ICT skills

Are the slides inserted in the correct order?

Have design templates been used for a consistent background?

Have appropriate text/content layouts been used to organise presentation content?

Have promote/demote tools been used correctly to indent sub-headings and body text points to create a hierarchy of headings?

Has suitable (consistent) text animation been applied for each bullet point?

Has a suitable (consistent) transition been applied to each slide.

Has the presentation been saved using the correct filename?

Has the presentation file been zipped into a folder with a completed cover sheet

Can the presentation be delivered using Slideshow view?

Do the slides (and bullet points) in the presentation move at the appropriate pace to allow the reader/speaker to view all the information properly?

PowerPoint design

Has a professional slide design suited to a tertiary environment been used?

Has the PowerPoint content been structured according to the instructions above with a Title slide, Body slides,

Conclusion/summary and Reference slides?

Are headings concise and do they map the content of the presentation?

Are body text points succinct (mostly key words/phrases), easy to follow and do they complement/support presentation content?

Is text size large enough to be viewed from a distance?

Is the Reference slide organised correctly

– fully referenced, alphabetically ordered by author?

Does the background colour and text contrast and enhance readability?

Is formatting consistent throughout the presentation (headings/body text size/style/colour, slide background, text animation and transition)?

Are slides well laid out (uncluttered, balanced, with good use of space to enhance readability)?


Does the essay plan show careful preparation and thought?

Are all important points covered?

Are all the points covered relevant to the essay question?

Are real workplace examples provided to illustrate the points clearly

Are the key points organised logically?

Are the listed references valid and relevant?

Is there sufficient detail to provide a comprehensive plan for your essay?

Practice checklist for Presentation

Is the presentation no more than 5 minutes in length?

Have the key points in each of the slides been elaborated on during the presentation?

Are the ideas verbalized in a clear, suitably paced voice?

Is the presentation engaging (good body language, eye contact, humour)?

Does the presentation avoid the use of unnecessary jargon?

Assignment 4: The final product - a discursive essay

Length: At least 1500 words (no more than 2000 words)

Value: 65%


Employers seek university graduates who are “employable” through their possession and workplace expression of a host of generic skills in addition to specific professional skills and knowledge ’

(Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry & Business Council of Australia, 2002)

Argue which three employability skills employers would consider to be the most important in your chosen profession when you graduate.


Prepare essay content:


Your discussion should be drawn from academic publications sourced through your own research such as textbooks in your own discipline, academic and professional journals and websites.


You should write in an essay format , without headings and in the third person (not using I, we or you).


Your ideas must be supported by at least 6 references . You can use and reference core readings from the unit readings and also use your textbook from your own discipline if relevant.

However, you should also find at least 5 references to appropriate publications beyond the unit readings.

Note : These references must be used within your text to support your argument as well as in a final reference list or your assignment will not be accepted and will be returned unmarked to you so that you can correctly reference your assignment and resubmit it for a maximum of a pass grade.


When researching any assignment, it is important to gain background knowledge of your topic. For example, sometimes it can be useful to get general information from professional associations and


websites. ( Note: Wikipedia is not accepted as a credible source in CUC100).

When undertaking your research ensure that you take time to:

 analyse your search topic;

 consider your search terms including synonyms and alternative spelling;

 consider your sources (the library catalogue, relevant databases, internet);

 consider your search statement (use of truncation, Boolean and field searching);

 review and evaluate your results to make sure the resources you have chosen are relevant to your topic.

Important, please note:


If your essay does not sufficiently meet the assessment criteria, provided under assessments on learnline (if for example it does not address the given topic or if your referencing is incorrect) we will treat your assignment as a draft and ask you to resubmit a final version that satisfies the requirements for an academic essay.


If your assessment is submitted late without prior arrangement with your tutor, the maximum grade you can achieve is a pass.

Assignment 4: Pre-submission Checklist

Text Organization




Does the introduction include:

 a clear thesis statement?

 an outline of the key ideas to be covered in the essay?

 an orientation to the topic?

Are the ideas organised logically into paragraphs which are arranged in an order that reflects the outline and the thesis?

Does the conclusion include:

 the thesis statement?

 a summary that is clear, captures the key issues and flows from the body of the paper?


Response to the question

Critical analysis



Are the ideas presented relevant and do they provide a comprehensive response to the essay question?

Is evidence of critical analysis of the issues reflected in:

 the presentation of different viewpoints related to the issues?

 analysis of these?

Is the essay written in formal academic style?

Does the essay include persuasive language to reinforce the argument?



Is the sentence structure consistently logical and clear with ideas appropriately linked within sentences?

Word choice Are formal/technical words relating to the issues used?

Grammatical conventions

Is the writing is free of grammatical and spelling errors?

Quality of evidence



Are the ideas are supported by a minimum of six different credible and relevant sources?

Are in-text references and a reference list provided to support ideas and consistently follow accepted referencing conventions?


Word processing conventions

University assignment conventions

Is the essay presented with correct formatting, line-spacing with headers and footers (with student name, student number, unit code, and tutor)?

Does the essay include a cove r sheet with the student name, tutor’s name, course, unit code, unit title, date, and the CDU Logo?
