LESSON PLAN 4 – Gabriela Deustua Hochmuth Class level Classroom Progress expectation Subject Topic Aim Objective Knowledge assumed Advanced Room 1 Lesson date 30.11.2012 Lesson duration 1 hour The student should be able to read and discuss a story or a legend, in this case, the mythological terminology. He/She should be able to use a specific vocabulary connected to the topic, and to express his/her opinion about Greek/Roman mythology with the proper vocabulary. Vocabulary of described creatures. Grammar/ Passive Voice MYTHOLOGY AND MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES To prepare student to discuss this topic with the correct vocabulary and the use of the Passive Voice. By the end of the lesson, the student should be able to discuss the Greek mythology and its creatures with the knowledge of the English terms for such a topic and to understand the use of the Passive Voice As Advanced student they should be able to comprehend and sustain a conversation on this particular topic, using the proper choice of vocabulary and how to use the Passive Voice. Material & equipment Boar for new vocabulary, worksheet with a short introduction about mythology and worksheets for practice activities. Learning assessment I will ask the students to read a worksheet with an introduction to mythology today’s topic after having written the new vocabulary words/names on the board. I will distribute some worksheet with ‘fill in’ questions and ask them to describe to the class briefly a mythological legend they have heard or read or like particularly. Then I will ask them to create their own ‘mythological’ creatures using the topic’s new words of today’s lesson, Post lesson notes I was able to follow my lesson plan in a more accurately today though it was difficult to get the students’ attention during some of the phases. The activities were probably not long enough for some students and it wasn’t easy to bring back their concentration I didn’t need to modify my structure at any moment. The topic was to the right for the students’ level. They show a real interest in topic. They already had a good knowledge of Greek mythology and its creatures. I tried to match better the vocabulary than my previous lesson. The worksheets were well presented but still insufficiently to achieve their purpose, although students found them interesting. They understood well the words connected with the topic. I had to call the class’s attention twice as the students were carried away by the topic, the mythological creatures. The feedbacks were both positive and negative from the class. I kept my talking to a minimum to answer their personal questions. My instructions were clear but I will have to improve them and to make myself more precise about what is to be done. The students could express themselves in proper English, and exchanged some interesting ideas connected to Greek Mythology. Some students were a bit shy but I found a way to engage them to talk. I found out that I have to keep the students motivated at all times. I have to work harder to achieve this purpose by rechecking my lesson plans more accurately. To review each detail and see if they are matching properly the day’s topic together with my worksheets. I have to keep in mind one of the important things. This is to maintain the students’ motivation at all times. To make the lesson an interesting time for them. To find a topic the students can relate to it, This will make the grammar’s presentation easier. Again I promise myself to follow the structure in my lesson plan closely, but my inexperience makes it very difficult during the actual class. I realize that this is my main problem. I find difficult to stick to my plan and to apply it during the practice lessons. When I will become a teacher I have to be capable to do this in a better way. Tasks Phase Duration 1. 2 minutes. 2 5 minutes Topic Introduction Teacher activity Student activity Resources I will present Filling their myself and ask names on the them to fill the worksheet. sheet with their names.. Warm up Passing a In pairs, worksheet with students gods of Greek discuss the mythology. pictures and Tell the match the students to gods with their match the names. names of the gods underneath Worksheet for names. 1st worksheet with an introduction to mythology + pictures of the Gods. 3 5 minutes 4 4 minutes 5 5 minutes 6 6 minutes with the pictures. Presentation I write on the of board English vocabulary. words that are used to describe mythological animals. I teach the meaning of the words using synonyms and definitions. Pre- Reading Do you know activity any of these mythological creatures? Centaurs, Cyclops, Furies and Pegasus. I split the students in pairs and they discuss together which mythological animals they know. Reading Tell the students to read the text about mythological creatures on the previous worksheet Vocabulary Hands out Practice worksheet activity with vocabulary and definitions ant tell the students to match the correct definition. Copying the Board for new new vocabulary. vocabulary and repeating the words twice after me. Students discuss in pairs which mythological animals they know. 2nd Worksheet about mythological creatures. Text to read. Students read Worksheet the text in pairs from phase 4 silently. Individually, 3RD students Worksheet to match words match the and definitions. word and correct meaning. 7 3 minutes 8 5 minutes 9 5 minutes 10 5 minutes Post reading Tell the Students go activity 1 students to back to the go back to pre-reading the text and descriptions check if they from the pre- have to add reading tasks or change and decide if anything to they have to their add or descriptions change their of the descriptions mythological of the creatures. mythological creatures. Post-reading Tell the The student act. 2 students to discuss in pair up and pairs which decide which creature is animals in the 'good' or text are good 'bad'. or bad by writing good' or 'bad ' beside the creature. Grammar I pick out one Student read presentation sentence listen to the form the text explanation on the board. to write on the board. By analyzing that sentence I go through the structure and the use of the Passive Voice. Grammar Tell the The students practice students to go underline in activity back to the text and underline all passive voice sentences they find. Have them read the their text all the passive voice they find. They read the sentence aloud. Worksheet from Prereading activity. Worksheet from Prereading activity. Board with one sentence picked up from the text. Worksheet 1 from previous Warm up. 11 10 minutes Produce Activity. 12 5 minutes Wrap up 13 5 minutes Back up 1 5 minutes Back up 2 Students who attended sentences aloud and we briefly discuss the structure and use. Tell them to The students Board with create in are in groups words from the students. groups of of three to three, a new 'create' their mythological own creature, to mythological give it a creature. name, They decide describe what of a name, it looks like and describe and what it it. does. Then they Present their present their new creature creature to the the rest of the rest of the class. class. Tell each The students Board with previous student to tell which tell which one mythological vocabulary words. of the new creatures they creature they prefer and like the best why. and why. Hand out a The students Worksheet with text and text with read a text Greek gods about Greek true / False questions. on. Tell Gods. students to read the text. In pairs, the The students Worksheet from previous students answer the answer True / statements of activity. false true/false statement with a about the partner. gods. Name Student Name Ismael Pilar 1 Pilar 2 Pilar 3 Nancy Anastisia Alberto Ronald Sergio Agustin Conchi Eduardo Cierlos Fernandez Age . 20ies 50ies 50ies 50ies 20ies 20ies 30ies 30ies 20ies 20ies 60ies 20ies 30ies 60ies Level ADVANCED Advanced Advanced Notes Any other details about the student you want to add. Good self confident student, good oral and written English Confident student, good general expression Advanced Capable of expression general thoughts. Advanced Advanced Less confident than Pilar 2, but still good general knowledge. Not a self-confident student but proves a good general understanding. Shy student, hesitates to express herself in oral English. Advanced Capable to express himself in oral English Advanced Good oral and good general comprehension. Advanced Shy students, doesn’t express himself orally very often Advanced Advanced Very good general comprehension, expresses himself orally in a correct way. Very clear written expression, finds more difficult the oral part. Good general understanding and English. Advanced New student, self confident Advanced Self confident, older student. Advanced Advanced