industrial informatics - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

YEAR: Second
TOTAL CREDITS: 11 (Theory: 5,5 - Laboratory: 5,5)
SUBJECT TYPE: Core subject
DEGREE: Electronic Engineering
PROFESSOR: Houcine Hassan Mohamed
The Industrial Informatics course has two objectives. The first aim is to introduce the industrial
computer science basic concepts, by presenting the specification techniques, design
methodologies and more common development tools in the elaboration of industrial informatics
systems. Therefore, the study of the PC as the platform for the development of an industrial
informatic project, is outlined. Finally, by means of basic software tools, the programming of
industrial informatic projects of small complexity is instructed.
The second objective is the development of embedded systems that complete the industrial
informatic engineer formation. The student learns the global architecture of MCS 51 microcontroller
based systems and then he is trained in the use of the required development tools for designing
real embedded systems.
Advanced programming in C
Lecture 1.
Introduction to industrial informatics
Lecture 2.
Microprocessor based systems structure
Lecture 3.
Process interfaces
Lecture 4.
Sensory and control modules
Lecture 5.
Graphical user interfaces
Lecture 6.
Industrial informatics projects
Lecture 7.
Distributed industrial computer engineering
Lab. 1
Lab. 2
Lab. 3
Lab. 4
Lab. 5
C++ Builder
Modular programming
Process interface
Graphical user interface
Project modular design
Lecture 1
Introduction to embedded systems
Lecture 2
MCS 51 microcontrollers Architecture
Lecture 3
MCS 51Assembler programming
Lecture 4
MCS 51 C programming
Lecture 5
Input and output digital ports
Lecture 6
Interrupt system
Lecture 7
Counters and Timers
Lecture 8
Analogic/digital conversion
Lecture 9
Advenced microcontrollers
Lecture 10
Serial communication
Lab. 1
Lab. 2
Lab. 3
Lab. 4
Lab. 5
Lab 6.
Lab. 7
Development tools and assembler
C Cross compiler
Digital input/output
External interrupts
Analogic/digital conversion
Serial communication
- Laboratory: along each lab session. Score: success or fail.
- Objective test: to evaluate the basic principles, at the end of each semester, an individual test is
proposed to the students. Score: 40%
- Miniproject: to integrate the knowledge of the subject with the rest of subjects of the specialty of
Electronic Engineering, the miniprojects are proposed. Score: 60%.
Part 1:
•[Charte1998] Charte F. C++ Builder 3. Ed. Anaya, 1998
•[DeMiguel2000] De Miguel P. Fundamentos de computadores. Ed. Paraninfo, 2000.
•[Tischer1996] Tischer M, Jennrich B. PC interno 5. Ed. Marcombo, 1996.
•[Hassan2003a] H. Hassan, A. Perles, C. Domínguez, J.M. Martínez, J. Albaladejo, JV. Capella.
Curso de Informática Industrial: Aplicación con el PC. Ed. UPV, 2003.
•[Hassan2003b] H. Hassan, A. Perles, C. Domínguez, J.M. Martínez, J. Albaladejo, JV. Capella.
Informática Industrial: Actividades
de laboratorio con PC. Ed. UPV, 2003.
•[Adlink1998] PCI-9112 Users Manual. ADLink, 1998
•[Micro2000] Microsoft. Diseño de Interfaz de Usuario para aplicaciones Windows. Ed. McGrawHill. 2000
•[Halang1992] W.A. Halang, K.M. Sacha. Real-time systems: Implementation of industrial
computerised process automation. Ed. World Scientific, 1992.
Part 2:
•[Perles2003] A. Perles, H. Hassan, C. Domínguez, J. Albaladejo, J. Martínez. Curso de
Informática Industrial: Aplicación con el microcontrolador. Editorial Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia, 2003.
•[Domíng2001] Domínguez C, Martínez JM, Perles A, Albaladejo J, Hassan H. Curso de
Informática Industrial: Aplicación con el microcontrolador. Editorial Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia, 2001.
•[Martínez2001] Martínez JM, Domínguez C, Perles A, Hassan H, Albaladejo J. Problemas de
microcontroladores de la familia MCS-51. Ed. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2001
•[Campelo1998] Campelo JC, Perles A, Rodríguez F. Microcontroladores Intel MCS-51.
Arquitectura y programación. Ed. UPV, 1.998
•[Gonzalez1992] González JA. Introducción a los Microcontroladores: Hardware, software y
aplicaciones.8x52, 8x51. Ed. McGraw-Hill, 1992.
•[MacKenz1999] MacKenzie IS. The 8051 Microcontroller. Ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
•[Stewart1999] Stewart JW, Miao KX. The 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and
interfacing. Ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
•[Ibrahim2000] D. Ibrahim. Microcontroller Projects in C. Ed. Newnes, 2000.
•[Iar1997] IAR C Compiler programming guide. 1997
•[Intel386, PC104] -