Kabat, Elvin A - University of Colorado Denver

Kabat, Elvin A. , Experimental Immunoschemistry
Kabir, Mohammed J. , CGI Primer Plus For Windows
Kac, Mark , Probability and Related Topics in Physical Sciences
Kac, Mark , Mathematics and Logic
Kacmarek, Robert M. , Monitoring in Respiratory Care
Kaczinski, Tomasz , Computational Homology
Kadanoff, Leo P. , From Order to Chaos: Essays: Critical, Chaotic, and Otherwise
Kadanoff, Leo P. , Statistical Physics: Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization
Kadanoff, Leo P. , Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Kadesch, Robert R. , The Crazy Cantilever and Other Science Experiments
Kadin, Alan M. , Introduction to Superconducting Circuits
Kadomtsev, B. B. , Tomomak Plasma: a Complex Physical System
Kaelble, David H. , Physical Chemistry of Adhesion
Kaelble, Emmett F. (ed.) , Handbook of X-rays: For Difrraction, Emission,
Absorption, and Microscopy
Kaempffer, F. A. , Concepts in Quantum Mechanics
Kafatos, Menas , The Conscious Universe: Part and Whole in Modern Physical
Kafri, Oded , The Physics of Moire Metrology
Kafrissen, Edward , Inudstrial Robots and Robotics
Kahaner, David , Numerical Methods and Software
Kahn, Douglas , Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde
Kahn, Peter B. , Mathematical Methods For Scientists and Engineers: Linear and
Nonlinear Systems
Kailath, Thomas , Linear SYstems
Kaimal, J. C. , Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Their Structure and
Kaiser, Gerald , A Friendly Guide to Wavelets
Kaiser, Joe , Electrical Power: Motors, Controls, Generators, Tranformers
Kaiser, W. , Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Applications
Kak, Avi , Spatial Reasoning and Multi-sensor Fusion
Kak, Avinash C. , Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging
Kaku, Michio , Introduction to Superstrings
Kaku, Michio , Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
Kaku, Michio , Quantum Field Theory: a Modern Introduction
Kaler, James B. , The Ever-changing Sky: a Guide to the Celestial Sphere
Kaler, James B. , Stars
Kaler, James B. , Cosmic Clouds: Birth, Death, and Recycling in the Galazy
Kaler, James B. , Stars and Their Spectra
Kales, Anthony , Evaluation and Treatment of Insomnia
Kalinovskii, A. N. , Passage of High-energy Particles Through Matter
Kallen, G. , Quantum Electrodynamics
Kallen, Howard P. , Handbook of Instrumentation and Controls
Kallenberg, Lawrence , Modeling in Wax For Jewellry and Sculpture, 2nd ed.
Kalos, Malvin H. , Monte Carlo Methods Vol. 1, Basics
Kalouptsidis, N. , Signal Processing Systems: Theory and Design
Kalpakjian, Serope , Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 2nd ed.
Kalpakjian, Serope (ed.) , Tool and Die Failure Sourcebook
Kalvoda, RObert , Operational Amplifiers in Chemical Instrumentation
Kamas, Alan , Digital Signal Processing Experiments Using a Personal Computer
With Software Provided
Kamen, E. W. , Introduction to Optimal Estimation
Kamen, Edward W. , Introduction to Signals and Systems, 2nd ed.
Kamichik, Stephen , Semiconductor Essentials: For Hobbyists, Technicians &
Kamichik, Stephen , Oscillator Circuits & Projects
Kamien, Morton I. , Dynamic Optimization: the Calculus of Variations and Optimal
Control in Economics and Management, 2nd ed.
Kaminow, Ivan P. , Laser Devices and Applications
Kamke, E. , Theory of Sets
Kamm, Lawrence J. , Designing Cost-efficient Mechanisms
Kamm, Lawrence J. , Real-world Engineering: a Gyuide to Achieving Career Success
Kanare, Howard M. , Writing the Laboratory Notebook
Kandel, Abraham , Fuzzy Control Systems
Kandel, Eric R. , Principles of Neural Science, 2nd ed.
Kandel, Robert , Our Changing Climate
Kandinsky, Wassily , Point and Line to Plane
Kane, Gordon , Modern Elementary Particle Physics: the Fundamental Particles and
Kane, Les A. (ed.) , Process Control and Optimization Handbook For the
Hydrocarbon Processing Industries
Kane, Raymond , Revolution in Lamps: a Chronicle of 50 Years of Progress
Kaneko, Kunihiko , Collapse of Tori and Genesis of Chaos in Dissipative Systems
Kaneko, Kunihiko , Complex Systems: Chaos and Beyond: a Constructive Approach
With Applications in Life Sciences
Kaneko, Kunihiko , Life: an Introduction to Complex Systems Biology
Kanen, John D. , Appled Hydraulics For Technology
Kang, Henry R. , Color Technology For Electronic Imaging Devices
Kangro, Hans (ed.) , Planck's Original Papers in Quantum Physics: German and
English Edition
Kanicki, Jerzy , Amorphous & Microcrystalline Semiconductor Devices
Kanigel, Robert , Apprentice to Genius: the Making of a Scientific Dynasty
Kant, Immanuel , Logic
Kantele, Juhani , Handbook of Nuclear Spectrometry
Kantrowitz, Philip , Electronic Measurements
Kantz, Holger , Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
Kanwal, Ram P. , Generalized Functions: Theory and Technique, 2nd ed.
Kao, Charles K. , Optical Fiber Systems: Technology, Design, and Applications
Kapandji, I. A> , The Physiology of the Joints, Vol 3: the Trunk and the
Vertebral Column
Kaper, H. G. , Spectral Methods in Linear Transport Theory
Kapitaniak, Tomasz , Chaos in Systems With Noise
Kapitaniak, Tomasz , Controlling Chaos: Theoretical and Practical Method Sin
Non-linear Dynamics
Kaplan , MCAT Home Study Notes: Physics
Kaplan, Daniel , Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics
Kaplan, Irving , Nuclear Physics
Kaplan, Robert , The Nothing That Is: a Natural History of Zero
Kaplan, Wilfred , Advanced Calculus
Kapon, Eli , Semiconductor Lasers I: Fundamentals
Kappraff, Jay , Connections: the Geometric Bridge Between Art and Science
Kapps, Charles , Assembly Language For the PDP-11
Karakash, John J. , Transmission Lineas and Filter Networks
Karapetoff, Vldimir , Electrical Laboratory Experiments: Theory and Practice
Karassik, Igor J. , Centrifugal Pump Clinic, 2nd ed.
Karatzas, Ioannis , Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus, 2nd ed.
Karch, R. Randolph , Graphic Arts Procedures: the Offset Process
Kardestuncer, Hayrettin , Finite Element Handbook
Karim, M. , Experimental Gravitation
Karim, Mohammad A. , Electro-optical Devices and Systems
Karim, Mohammad A. , Optical Computing: an Introduction
Karlen, Arno , Biography of a Germ
Karmeli, David , Rain Bird ® Trickle Irrigation Design
Karniadakis, George Em , Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: a
Seamless Approach to Parallel Alhorthms and Their Implementation
Karow, Hank H. , Fabrication Methods For Precision Optics
Karp, Jeff , Ricoh Camera Guide & Photo Answer Book
Karplus, Martin , Atoms and Molecules
Karplus, Walter J. , Analog Simulation: Solution of Field Problems
Kartam, Nabil , Artificial Neural Networks For Civil Engineers: Fundamentals and
Kasdorf, William E. (ed.) , The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing
Kashima, Norio , Passive Optical Components For Optical Fiber Transmission
Kashyap, Raman , Fiber Bragg Gratings
Kasper, Joseph E, , The Complete Book of Holograms: How They Work and How to
Make Them
Kasper, Louis , Cams, Design and Layout
Kasriel, Robert H. , Undergraduate Topology
Kassab, Vincent , Technical C Programming
Kassakian, John G. , Principles of Power Electronics
Kasson, John F. , Civilizing the Machine: Technology and Republican Values in
America, 1776-1900
Kasten, Stephen D. , Electronic Prototype Construction
Kastner, Bernice , Space Mathematics: a Resource For Secondary School Teachers
Katchalsky, A. , Nonequilbrium Thermodynamics in Biophysics
Kates, Edgar J. , Electric Generators: Operation and Maintenance
Kathren, R. L. , Radiation Protection
Katsaras, J. , Lipid Bilayers: Structure and Interactions
Katsnelson, A. , Microscopic Theory of Nonhomogenous Structures
Katz, Amnon , Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Field Theory
Katz, Bernard , Nerve, Muscle, and Synapse
Katz, J. , Photographic Analysis: a Textbook of Photgraphic Science
Katz, Jack , Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 2nd ed.
Katz, Michael J. , Elements of the Scientific Paper: a Step-by-step Guide For
Students and Professionals
Katz, Milton , Introduction to Geometrical Optics
Katz, Paul , Digital Control Using Microprocessors
Katznelson, Yithak , An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis
Kauffman, Louis H. , On Knots
Kauffman, Stuart , At Home in the Universe: the Search For the Laws of Selforganization and Complexity
Kauffman, Stuart , Investigations
Kauffman, Stuart A. , The Origins of Order
Kaufman, James A. , Laboratory Safety and Health
Kaufman, John E.(ed.) , IES Lighting Handbook, 4th ed. 1966
Kaufman, Morris , Giant Molecules: the Technology of Plastics, Fibers, and
Kaufmann, Arnold , Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic: Theory and Applications
Kaufmann, William J., III , Black Holes and Warped Spacetime
Kaufmann, William J., III , Discovering the Universe
Kaufmann, William J., III , Supercomputing and the Transformation of Science
Kauzmann, Walter , Quantum Chemistry: an Introduction
Kauzmann, Walter , Kinetic Theory of Gases
Kavalar, Lucy , Freezing Point: Cold As a Matter of Life and Death
Kavanagh, Barry F. , Surveying: Principles and Applications
Kawaguchi, Hitoshi , Bistabilities and Nonlinearities in Laser Diodes
Kaxiras, Efthimios , Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids
Kay, David C. , Graphics File Formats, 2nd ed.
Kay, Desmond H. (ed.) , Techniques For Electron Microscopy
Kay, J. M. , Fluid Mechanics and Transfer Processes
Kay, J. M. , Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 3rd ed.
Kaye, Brian H. , Direct Characterization of Fineparticles
Kaye, G. W. C. , Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and Some Mathematical
Functions, 13th ed.
Kaye, G. W. C. , Tableof Physical and Chemical Constants, 16th ed.
Kays, W. M. , Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd ed.
Kazainoff, Nicholas D. , Geometric Inequalities
Kazan, B. , Electronic Image Storage
Kearman, Jim , Now You're Talking: Discover the World of Ham Radio
Keast, David N. , Measurements in Mechanical Dynamics
Keating, Eugen , Applied Combustion
Keating, Terrence J. , Quantification of Non-point Sources Sedimentaion Through
Densitometric Analysis of Color Infrared Aerial Photography
Kedem, Benjamin , Time Series Analysis By Higher Order Crossings
Keedy, Mervin L. , A Modern Introduction to Basic Mathematics
Keefer, William R. , The Geologic Story of Yellowstone National Park
Keen, Martin L. , How It Works, Vol. 2
Keen, Martin L. , Let's Experiment: Over 150 Safe, Easy Experiments For Junior
Scientists to Perform at Home
Keenen, Joseph H. , Steam Tables: Thermodynamic Properties of Water Including
Vapor, Liquid, and Solid Phases (S.I. Units)
Keener, James P. , Principles of Applied Mathematics: Transformation and
Keener, james , Mathematical Physiology
Kehl, George L. , The Principles of Metallographic Laboratory Practice, 3rd ed.
Keister, William , The Design of Switching Circuits
Keithley Instruments , Low Level Measurements For Effective Low Current, Low
Voltage, and High Impedance Measurements, 3rd ed.
Keithley, Joseph F. , The Story of Electrical and Magnetic Measurements: From
500 BC to the 1940s
Keizer, Joel , Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes
Kellaway, F. W. , The Penguin-Honeywell Book of Tables
Keller, Edward A. , Environmental Geology, 5th ed.
Keller, Edward A. , Active Techtonics: Earthquakes, Uplift, and Landscape
Keller, Evelyn Fox , Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development
With Models, Metaphors, and Machines
Keller, Evelyn Fox , A Feeling For the Organism: the Life and Work of Barbara
Keller, George V. , Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting
Keller, H. C. , Unit-load and Package Conveyors: Application and Design
Keller, Herbert B. , Lectures on Numerical Methods in Bifurcation Problems
Keller, Herbert B. , Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems
Keller, Herbert B. , Numerical Methods For Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
Keller, Peter A. , The Cathode-ray Tube: Technology, History, and Applications
Keller, Peter A. , Electronic Display Measurement: Concepts, Techniques, and
Keller, Peter R. , Visual Cues: Practical Data Visualization
Keller, W. E. , Helium-3 and Helium-4
Kellert, Stephen H. , In the Wake of Chaos
Kelley, John l. , General Topology
Kelley, Michael C. , The Earth's Ionosphere: Plasma Physics and Electrodynamics
Kelley, Vincent C. , Tectonic Map of the Colorado Plateau Showing Uranium
Kellog, Winthrop N. , Porpoises and Sonar
Kellogg, Oliver Dimon , Foundations of Potential Theory
Kelly, A. , Strong Solids, 2nd ed.
Kelly, Harold C. , Clock Repairing As a Hobby
Kelly, Harold C. , Improving Your Clock Repairing Skills
Kelly, John , The Robot Zoo
Kelman, Barbara , Keeping Warm: a Guide For Wintertime
Kelsall, Robert , Nanoscale Science and Technology
Kelso, J. A. Scott , Dynamic Patterns: the Self-organization of Brain and
Kelvin, George V. , Illustrating For Science
Kemeny, John G. , Mathematical Models For the Social Sciences
Kemmer, Frank N. (ed) , The NALCO Water Handbook
Kemmer, N. , Vector Analysis: a Physicist's Guide to the Mathematics of Fields
in Three Dimensions
Kemp, Alice Abel , Women's Work: Degraded and Devalued
Kemp, Martin , Visualizations: the Nature Book of Art and Science
Kemp, Martin , The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art From
Brunelleschi to Seurat
Kemp, Martin , Spectacular Bodies: the Art and Science of the Human Body From
Leonardo to Now
Kemp, Peter , The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea
Kemper, Donald W. , Kaiser Permanente Healthwise Handbook: a Self-care Guide For
You and Your Family
Kempton, R. G. , Electronic Components Hobby Manual
Kendall, David N. (ed.) , Applied Infrared Spectroscopy
Kendall, Florence Peterson , Muscles: Testing and Function
Kendall, Maurice G. , Rank Correlation Methods, 3rd ed.
Kendall, Maurice G. , The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 2: Inference and
Relationship, 2nd ed.
Kendall, Maurice , Time Series, 3rd ed.
Kendrew, John , The Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology
Kenjo, Tak , Electric Motors and Their Controls: an Introduction
Kenjo, Takashi , Power Electronics For the Microprocessor Age
Kenjo, Takashi , Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls
Kennard, Earle H. , Kinetic Theory of Gases
Kennedy, Clifford W. , Inspection and Gaging, 6th ed.
Kennedy, George , Electronic Communication Systems
Kennedy, James , Swarm Intelligence
Kennedy, Philip , Do-It-Yourself TV Servicing
Kennedy, Tom, Jr. , Fun With Electricity
Kenny, Peter , A Handbook of Public Speaking For Scientists and Engineers
Kent, Anthony , Experimental Low-temperature Physics
Kent, Earle L. (ed.) , Musical Acoustics: Piano and Wind Instruments
Kent, Raymond D. , The Speech Sciences
Kentfield, John A. C. , Nonsteady, One-dimensional, Internal, Compressible
Flows: Theory and Applications
Keoke, Emory Dean , American Indian Contributions to the World: 15,000 Years of
Inventions and Innovations
Keosian, John , The Origin of Life, 2nd ed.
Keown, John , PSpice and Circuit Analysis
Keown, John , Orcad PSpice and Circuit Analysis, 4th ed.
Kepes, George (ed.) , Structure in Art and Science
Kepes, George (ed.) , Education of Vision
Kepes, George (ed.) , The Nature and Art of Motion
Keppel, Geoffrey , Design & Analysis: a Researcher's Handbook, 2nd ed.
Keppel, Geoffrey , Design & Analysis: a Researcher's Handbook, 3rd ed.
Keppler, Herbert , The Honeywell Pentax Way
Kerestecioglu, Feza , Change Detection and Input Design in Dynamical Systems
Kerker, Milton , The Scattering of Light and Other Electromagnetic Radiation
Kerlow, Isaac Victor , The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Imaging, 2nd ed.
Kern, Stephen , The Culture of Time and Space 1800-1918
Kernighan, Brian W. , Software Tools
Kernighan, Brian W. , The Elements of Programming Style
Kernighan, Brian W. , The C Programming Language
Kerr, Donald E. , Propagation of Short Radio Waves
Kerrod, Robin , The Way it Works: Man and His Machines
Kerrod, Robin , Geta Grip on Astronomy
Kershaw, Kenneth A. , Quantitative and Dynamic Ecology
Kershner, William K. , The Advanced Pilot's Flight Manual, 6th ed.
Kersten, Robert D. , Enginering Differential Systems
Kessel, Richard G. , Basic Medical Histology: the Biology of Cells, Tissues, and
Kessin, Richard H. , Dictyostelium: Evolution, Cell Biology, and the Development
of Multicellularity
Kessler, Edwin (ed.) , The Thunderstorm in Human Affairs, 2nd ed. revised and
Kessler, Edwin (ed.) , Instruments and Techniques For Thunderstorm Observation
and Analysis, 2nd ed.
Kesteloot, Andre , The ARRL Spread Spectrum Sourcebook
Kester, Walt (ed.) , Mixed-signal and DSP Design Techniques
Ketchum, Donald J. , Pulse and Switching Circuits
Ketchum, Milo S. , Structural Engineers' Handbook, 3rd Ed.: Data For the Design
and Construction of Steel Bvridges and Buildings
Kettani, M. Ali , Heliotechnique and Development, Vol. 2
Kettenmannm, Helmut , Practical Electrophysiological Methods: a Guide For in
Vitro Studies in Vertebrate Neurobiology
Keuffel & Esser Co. , K + E Slide Rules: Deci-Lon, an Instruction Manual
Kevles, Bettyann Holtzmann , Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth
Kevles, Daniel J. , The Physicists: the History of a Scientific Community in
Modern Amercia
Kevorkian, J. , Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics
Keyes, John , Harnessing the Sun to Heat Your House
Keyes, R. J. (ed.) , Optical and Infrared Detectors
Keyes, Robert W. , The Physics of VLSI Systems
Keylin, Arleen (ed.) , Science of the Times 2: a New York Times Survey
Keylin, Arleen (ed.) , Science of the Times 3: a New York Times Survey
Keyne, R. D. , Nerve & Muscle, 2nd ed.
Keyser, Carl A. , Materials Science in Engineering: Second ed.
Kezer, Charles F. , One Hundred Electronic Circuits, Vol. 2: Circuits 101-200
Khalatnikov, I. M. , Introduction to the Theory of Superfluidity
Khan, Faiz M. , The Physics of Radiation Therapy, 2nd ed.
Khandpur, R. S. , Printed Circuit Boards: Design, Fabrication, and Assembly
Khazan, Alexander D. , Transducers and Their Elements
Khinchin, A. I. , Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
Khinchin, A. I. , Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory
Khomchenko, A. V. , Waveguid Spectroscopy of Thin Films
Khoo, Iam-Choon , Liquid Crystals: Physical Properties and Nonlinear Optical
Kiang, Yen-Hsiung , Waste Energy Utilization Technology
Kibble, T. W. B. , Classical Mechanics, 4th ed.
Kicklighter, Clois E. , Architecture: Residential Drawing and Design
Kidder, Rushworth M. , Reinventing the Future: Global Goals For the 21st Century
Kidder, Rushworth M. (ed.) , An Agenda For the 21st Century
Kidder, Tracy , House
Kiel, L. Douglas , Managing Chaos and Complexity in the Government
Kiely, Gerard , Environmental Engineering
Kiencke, U. , Automotive Control Systems: For Engine, Driveline, and Vehicle
Kiernan, J. A. , Histological & Histochemical Methods: Theory and Practice
Kiesel, Rodney F. , Problems For Chemistry
Kihara, T. , Intermolecular Forces
Kikoin, A. , Molecular Physics
Killen, A. H. [P] , Physics
Killing, Steve , Yacht Design Explained: a Sailor's Guide to the Principles and
Practice of Design
Kim, John C. , Naval Shipboard Communications Systems
Kim, Jong Hyun , Applied Chaos
Kim, Sung Jin , Air Cooling Technology For Electronic Equipment
Kimbark, Edward W. (ed.) , Principles of Radar, 2nd ed.
Kimbark, Edward Wilson , Electrical Transmission of Power and Signals
Kimbark, Edward Wilson , Power System Stability, Vol. I: Elements of Stability
Kimbark, Edward Wilson , Power System Stability, Vol. III.: Synchronous Machines
Kimbrell, Andrew , The Human Body Shop: the Engineering and Marketing of Life
Kimmel, Marek , Branching Processes in Biology
Kimura, Ken-Ichi , Scientific Basis of Air Conditioning
Kinariwala, Bharat , Linear Circuits and Computation
Kinata, Chris , Working With Word: the Definitive Guide to Microsoft Word on the
Apple Macintosh, 2nd Ed, Version 4
Kinderlehrer, David , Microstructure and Phase Transition
King, A. J. , The Measurement and Suppression of Noise
King, C. Judson , Separation Processes
King, Henry C. , The Histroy of the Telescope
King, John , Reaching For the Sun: How Plants Work
King, Michael R. , Principles of Cellular Engineering: Understanding the
Biomolecular Interface
King, P. B. , The Evolution of North America
King, Richard , Sunracing
King, Ronald W. P. , Transmission-line Theory
King, Ronold W. P. , Arrays of Cylindrical Dipoles
King, Ronold W. P. , The Scattering and Diffraction of Waves
King-Hele, Desmond , Observing Earth Satellites
Kingery, W. D. , High Technology Ceramics: Past, Present, and Future: the Nature
of Innovation and Change in Ceramic Technology
Kingery, W. D. , Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd ed.
Kingslake, R. (ed.) , Applied Optics and Optical Engineering
Vol.1 Light:
Its Generation and Modification
Kingslake, R. (ed.) , Applied Optics and Optical Engineering
Vol.2 The
Detection of Light and Infrared Radiation
Kingslake, R. (ed.) , Applied Optics and Optical Engineering
Vol.3 Optical
Kingslake, R. (ed.) , Applied Optics and Optical Engineering
Vol.4 Optical
Instruments, Part 1.
Kingslake, R. (ed.) , Applied Optics and Optical Engineering
Vol.5 Optical
Instruments, Part 2.
Kingslake, Rudolph , Lens Design Fundamentals
Kingslake, Rudolph , Optical System Design
Kingsley, Simon , Understanding Radar Systems
Kingston, R. H. , Detection of Optical and Infrared Radiation
Kingston, Robert H. , Optical Sources, Detectors, and Systems: Fundamentals and
Kinloch, A. J. , Adhesion and Adhesives: Science and Technology
Kinloch, A. J. (ed.) , Durability of Structural Adhesices
Kino, Gordon S. , Acoustic Waves: Devices, Imaging, and Analog Signal Processing
Kinsler, Lawrence E. , Fundamentals of Acoustics
Kinsler, Lawrence E. , Fundamentals of Acoustics, 3rd ed.
Kinsman, Blair , Wind Waves: Their Generation and Propogation on the Ocean
Kinsman, Blair , Wind Waves: Their Generation and Propogation on the Ocean
Kinsman, Robert G. , Crystal Filters: Design, Manufacturing, and Application
Kint, Lila , Constructors of Colorado
Kintchine, A. Y. , Mathemaical Methods in the Theory of Queueing, 2nd ed.
Kip, Arthur F. , Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed.
Kipfer, Barbara Ann , The Order of Things: How Everything in the World is
Organized into Hierarchies, Structures & Pecking Orders
Kipiniak, Walerian , Dynamic Optimization and Control: a Variational Approach
Kippenhahn, R. , Stellar Structure and Evolution
Kippenhahn, Rudolf , Light From the Depths of Time
Kipphan, Helmut (ed.) , Handbook of Print Media
Kipphardt, heinar , In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer
kirban, Salem , Heart Disease: the Medical Approach Versus the Nutritional
Kirby, Michael , Geometric Data Analysis: an Empirical Approach to
Dimensionality Reduction and the Study of Patterns
Kirby, Richard Shelton , Engineering in History
Kircher, John F. , Effects of Radiation on Materials and Components
Kirillin, V. A. , MHD Energy Conversion: Physiotechnical Problems
Kirillov, A. A. , Elements of the Theory of Representations
Kirk, Franklyn W. , Instrumentation, 2nd ed.
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 1: A to Anthrimides
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 2: Anthrone to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 3: Carbon to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 4: Cineole to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 5: Di- to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 6: Explosives to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 7: Furnaces to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 8: Ion Exchange to
Metal Plating
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 9: Metal Surface
Treatment to Penicillin
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 10: Pentacene to
Polymethine Dyes
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 11: Polyols to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 12: Sabadine to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 13: Stilbite to
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 14: Thermodynamics
to Waterproofing
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 15: Waxes to
Zymoisterol & Index
Kirk, Raymond E. , Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, First Supplement Volume
Kirk, Ruth , Snow
Kirker, Harold , The Architecture of Charles Bullfinch
Kirkwood, J. G. , Selected Topics in Statistical Mechanics
Kirkwood, J. G. , Chemical Thermodynamics
Kirkwood, J. G. , Chemical Thermodynamics
Kirkwood, John G. , The Theory of Liquids
Kirkwood, John G. , Proteins
Kirkwood, Tom , Time of Our Lives: the Science of Human Aging
Kirsch, Helmut , Applied Mineralogy: For Engineers, Technologists, and Students
Kirschke, Alan J. Barrett , Lysomal Cystein Proteinases, 2nd ed.
Kirschman, Randall K. (ed.) , Low-temperature Electronics
Kirschner, Marc W. , The Plausibility of Life
Kirsh, Andrea , Seeing Through Paintings
Kish, Leslie , Survey Sampling
Kissam, Philip , Optical Tooling For Precise Manufacture and Alignment
Kissam, Philip , Surveying Practice
Kisslo, Joseph , Doppler Color Flow Imaging
Kitaigorodsky, A. I. , Introduction to Physics
Kitaigorodsky, A. I. , Order and Disorder in the World of Atoms
Kitano, Hiroaki , Foundations of Systems Biology
Kitcher, Philip , Abusing Science: the Case Against Creationism
Kitchin, C. R. , Journeys to the Ends of the Universe
Kitchin, C. R. , Optical Astronomical Spectroscopy
Kitchin, C. R. , Astrophysical Techniques
Kitchin, C. R. , Astrophysical Techniques, 2nd ed.
Kitchin, C. R. , Telescopes and Techniques: An Introduction to Practical
Kitchin, Charles , RMS to DC Conversion Application Guide, 2nd ed.
Kitchin, Chris , Seeing Starts: the Night Sky Through Small Telescopes
Kittel, C. , Quantum Theory of Solids
Kittel, Charles , Thermal Physics
Kittel, Charles , Introduction to Solid State Physics, 2nd ed.
Kittel, Charles , Introduction to Solid State Physics, 4th ed.
Kittel, Charles , Introduction to Solid State Physics, 5th ed.
Kittel, Charles , Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th ed.
Kittel, Charles , Mechanics, 2nd ed. (Berkeley Physics Course Vol.1)
Kittredge, Robert Y. , Self-taught Navigation: Ten Easy Steps to Master Celetial
Kivenson, Gilbert , The Art and Science of Inventing, 2nd ed.
Kivenson, Gilbert , Durability and Reliability in Engineering Design
Kiver, Milton S. , Television Simplified
Klaasen, Klaas B. , Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
Klaassen, Curtis D. , Casarett and Dooull's Toxicology: the Basic Science of
Poisons, 3rd ed.
Klaidman, Stephen , Saving the Heart: the Battle to Conquer Coronary Disease
Klar, Erhard (ed.) , Powder Metallurgy: Applications, Advantages and Limitations
Klauder, John R. , Fundumentals of Quantum Optics
Kleen, W. J. , Electronics of Microwave Tubes
Kleiman, Valeria D. , Companion to Angular Momentum
Klein, Cornelis , Manual of Minerology, 20th ed. (after James D. Dana)
Klein, H. Arthur , Bioluminescence
Klein, H. Arthur , The Science of Measurement: a Historical Survey
Klein, H. Arthur , The World of Measurements
Klein, Larry , Exhibits: Planning and Design
Klein, Miles V. , Optics
Klein, Miles V. , Optics, 2nd ed.
Kleinert, Eric , Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances
Kleinknecht, Konrad , Detectors For Particle Radiation
Kleman, Maurice , Soft Matter Physics: an Introduction
Klemm, E. Barbara , The Fluid Earth: Physical Science and Technology of the
Marine Environment
Klemperer, O. , Electron Optics, 3rd ed.
Kleppner, Daniel , Quick Calculus: For Self-study and Classroom Use
Kleppner, Daniel , Quick Calculus: a Short Manual of Self-instruction
Kliemann, Wolfgang , Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics
Klimek, Grazyna , Discovering Curves and Surfaces With Maple
Kline, M. , Mathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times
Kline, Morris , Mathematics and the Physical World
Kline, Morris , Mathematics For the Nonmathematician
Kline, Morris , Electromagnetic Theory and Geometrical Optics
Klingshirn, C. F. , Semiconductor Optics
Klinker, Gudrun J. , A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding
Klip, Willem , Theoretical Foundations of Medical Physics, Vol. II: an
Introduction to Medical Physics (with an Emphasis on Cardiovascular Research)
Klipp, E. , Systems Biology in Practice: Concepts, Implementation, and
Klivington, Kenneth A. , The Science of Mind
Kloeden, Peter E. , Numerical Solution of Stochasitc Differential Equations
Kloeden, Peter E. , Numerical Solution of SDE Through Computer Experiments
Klopf, A. Harry , The Hedonistic Neuron: a Theory of Memory,learning, and
Kloth, Luther C. , Wound Healing: Alternatives in Management
Klotz, Irving , Energy Changes in Biochemical Reactions
Klotz, Irving M. , Introduction to Biomolecular Energetics: Including LigandReceptor Interactions
Kluger-Bell, Barry , The Exploratorium Guide to Scale and Structure
Klute, Arnold (ed.) , Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1: Physical and
Mineralogical Methods, 2nd ed.
Klutz (eds.) , Disaster Science
Kmetz, A. R. , Nonemissive Electrooptic Displays
Knable, Alvin H. , Electric Power Systems Engineering
Knapp, Connie L. , Insolation Data Manual: Long-term Monthly Averages of Solar
Radiation, Temperature, Degree-days and Global Kt For 248 National Weather
Service Stations
Knapp, Loren , Perspectives in Human Biology
Knaster, Scott , Macintosh Programming Secrets
Knaster, Scott , How to Write Macintosh Software: the Debugging Reference For
Macintosh, 2nd ed.
Knauth, Percy , The Metalsmiths
Knief, Ronald Allen , Nuclear Energy Technology
Knight, Austin M. , Modern Seamanship, 12th ed.
Knight, Austin M. , Modern Seamanship, 15th ed.
Knight, Austin M. , Modern Seamanship, 16th ed.
Knight, P. L. , Concepts of Quantum Optics
Knight, Paul A. , The Nergy Resources Cneter Illustrated Guide to Home
Retrofitting For Energy Savings
Knight, Randall , Physics: a Contemporary Perspective, Vol. 1 Preliminary ed.
Knight, Randall , Physics: a Contemporary Perspective, Vol. 1 Preliminary ed.
Knight, Randall D. , Five Easy Lessons: Stragegies For Successful Physics
Knight, U. G. , Power Systems Engineering and Mathematics
Knighton, David , Fluvial Forms and Processes
Knoepfel, Heinz E. , Magnetic Fields: a Comprehensive Theoretical Treatise For
Practical Use
Knoll, Andrew H. , Life on a Young Planet: the First Three Billion Years of
Evolution on Earth
Knoll, Glenn F. , Radiation Detection and Measurement
Knopfmacher, John , Abstract Analytic Number Theory
Knopp, Konrad , Infinite Sequences and Series
Knopp, Konrad , Thoery and Application of Infinite Series
Knott, Eugene F. , Radar Cross Section Measurements
Knott, Julie , 101 Projects, Plans and Ideas For the High-tech Household
Knowles, Ralph L. , Sun Rhythm Form
Knowlton, A. A. , Laboratory Manual in Physics
Knox, J. H. , High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Knudsen, J. M. , Elements of Newtonian Mechanics
Knudsen, Jens W. , Biological Techniques: Collecting, Preserving, and
Illustrating Plants and Animals
Knuth, Donald E. , The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 1, Fundamental
Knuth, Donald E. , The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 2, Seminumerical
Algorithms, 2nd ed.
Knuth, Donald E. , The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 3: Sorting and Searching
Knuth, Donald E. , TeX: the Program
Knuth, Donald E. , The TeXbook
Kobayashi, Albert S. (ed.) , Experimental Techniques in Fracture Mechanics
Kobayashi, yutaka , Biological Applications of Liquid Scintillation Counting
Kober, H. , Dictionary of Conformal Representations
Koch, Christof , Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single
Koch, Christof , Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Ions to Networks, 2nd ed.
Koch, George S., Jr. , Statistical Analyiss of Geological Data, Vol. I
Koch, William J. , Plants in the Laboratory: a Manuall and Text For Studies of
the Culture, Development, Reproduction, Cytology, Genetics, Collection, and
Identification of the Major Plant Groups
Kochman, Karl , Black Forest Clockmaker and the Cuckoo Clock
Kochsiek, M. , Comprehensive Mass Metrology
Kock, Winston E. , Seeing Sound
Kock, Winston E. , Lasers and Holography: an Introduction to Coherent Optics
Kock, Winston E. , Sound Waves and Light Waves: the Fundamentals of Wave Motion
Kockler, Norbert , Numerical Mthods and Scientific Computing: Using Software
Libraries For Problem Solving
Kocurek, M. J. , Pulp and Paper Manufacture, Vol. 1: Properties of Fibrous Raw
Materials and Their Preparation For Pulping, 3rd ed.
Koelble, Frank T. (ed.) , Cast Iron Soil Pipe Fittings Engineering Manual
Koenig, David M. , Control and Anaysis of Noisy Processes
Koerner, Michael (ed.) , Speech Recognition: the Future is Now!
Koff, Richard M. , How Does It Work?
Kogan, Josef , Crane Design: Theory and Calculations of Reliability
Kogan, Philip , The Unseen Spectrum
Kohavi, Zvi , Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 2nd ed.
Kohen, Elli , Cell Structure and Function By Microspectrofluorometry
Kohl, Walter H. , Handbook of Materials and Techniques For Vacuum Devices
Kohler, Friedrich , The Liquid State
Kohler, Lucartha , Glass: an Artist's Medium
Kohlrausch, F. , Praktische Physik
Kohnke, Helmut , Soil Physics
Kojima, Ken-Ichi , Mathematical Topics in Population Genetics
Kokotovic, Petar , Singular Perturbation Methods in Control: Analysis and Design
Kolander, Cheryl , A Silk Worker's Notebook, Rev. ed.
Kolb, Bryan , The Cerebral Cortex of the Rat
Kolb, Bryan , Fundamentals of Human Neurophysiology, 3rd ed.
Kolb, Edward W. , The Early Universe
Kollberg, Erik L. (ed.) , Microwave and Millimeter-wave Mixers
Kolman, Bernard , Introductory Linear Algebra With Applicaitons, 5th ed.
Kolmogorov, A. N. , Introductory Real Analysis
Kolmogorov, A. N. , Measure, Lebesque Integrals, and Hilbert Space
Kolpack, Ronald L. , Biological and Oceanographical Survey of the Santa Barbara
Channel Oil Spill 1969-1970: Vol. II Physical, Chemical and Geological Studies
Kolsky, H. , Stress Waves in Solids
Kolsky, H. , Stress Waves in Solids
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 1
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 2
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 3
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 4
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 5
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 6
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part I Theory and Practice,
Volume 10
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \ Vol. 1
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \ Vol. 1
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \ Vol. 3
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. 4
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \vol. 5
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \vol. 6
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \vol. 8
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of the Elements \vol. 9
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. 11
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. 12
Kolthoff, I. M. , Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part II Analytical Chemistry
of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. 13
Kolthoff, I. M. , Polarography, 2nd ed., Vol. I
Kolthoff, I. M. , Polarography, 2nd ed., Vol. II
Koltun, Daniel S. , Quantum Mechanics of Many Degrees of Freedom
Koltun, M. M. , Solar Cells: Their Optics and Metrology
Komen, G. J. , Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves
Komkov, Vadim , Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics With Engineering
Applications: Volume 2: Introduction to Optimal Design Theory
Komo, John J. , Random Signal Analysis in Engineering Systems
Komp, Richard J. , Practical Photovoltaics: Electricity From Solar Cells, 2nd
Kondepudi, Dilip , Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative
Konikow, Robert B. , Exhibit Design: the Graphics of Trade Show Communication
Konikow, Robert B. , Exhibit Design 2: Trade Show Graphics
Konikow, Robert B. , Exhibit Design 3: Trade Show Graphics
Koningsveld, R. , Polymer Phase Diagrams: a Textbook
Konopka, Andrzej K. (ed.) , Systems Biology: Principles, Methods, and Concepts
Konvalina, John , Programming With Pascal
Kooijman, S. A. L. M. , Dynamic Energy and Mass Budgets in Biological Systems,
2nd ed.
Koonin, Steven E. , Computational Physics
Koopmans, Lambert H. , The Spectral Analysis of Time Series, 2nd ed.
Koopoman, Barnard Osgood , Search and Screening: General Principles and
Historical Applications
Koppel, Tom , Powering the Future: the Ballard Fuel-Cell and the Race to Change
the World
Korbel, Petr , The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals
Kordon, Claude , The Language of the Cell
Koren, Herman , Handbook of Environmental Health and Safety: Principles and
Practices, Vol. 1
Koren, Herman , Handbook of Environmental Health and Safety: Principles and
Kormilitsin, Y. N. , Theory of Submarine Design
Korn, Granino A. , Random-process Simulation and Measurements
Korn, Granino A. , Interactive Dynamical System Simulation
Korn, Granino A. , Electronic Analog and Hybrid Computers
Körner, Stephan , The Philosophy of Mathematics: an Introductory Essay
Korpel, Adrian , Acousto-optics
Korsch, Dietrich , Reflective Office
Korte, Friedhelm (ed.) , Methodicum Chimicum: a Critical Survey of Proven
Methods and Their Application in Chemisty, Natural Science, and Medicine, Vol. 1
Analytical Methods, Part A
Korte, Friedhelm (ed.) , Methodicum Chimicum: a Critical Survey of Proven
Methods and Their Application in Chemisty, Natural Science, and Medicine, Vol. 1
Analytical Methods, Part B
Korzhinskii, D. S. , Physicochemical Basis of the Analysis of the Paragenesis of
Koschmieder, E. L. , Bénard Cells and Taylor Vortices
Koshlyakov, N. S. , Differential Equations of Physics
Kosko, Bart , Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: a Dynamical Systems Approach to
Machine Intelligence
Kosloff, Albert , Screen Printing Techniques
Koslow, Stephen H. , Databasing the Brain: From Data to Knowledge
Kosow, Irving L. , Transistors: a Self-instructional Programmed Manual
Kosow, Irving L. (ed.) , Microwave Theory and Measurements
Kosower, Edward M. , Molecular Mechanisms For Sensory Signals: Recognition and
Kosslyn, Stephen M. , Image and Brain: the Resolution of the Imagery Debate
Kosslyn, Stephen M. , Wet Mind: the New Cognitive Neuroscience
Koster, G. F. , Space Groups and Their Representations
Kostrov, B. V. , Principles of Earthquake Source Mechanics
Kotel'nikov, V. A. , The Theory of Optimum Noise Immunity
Kotsch, William J. , Weather For the Mariner, 3rd ed.
Kotz, Samuel , Educated Guesses: How to Cope in an Uncertain World
Koukkari, Willard L. , Introducing Biological Rhythms
Kovach, Robert L. , Earth's Fury: an Introduction to Natural Hazards and
Kovarik, Tom , Wind Energy: the Generation, Storage, and Conversion of Wind
Power For Practical Use Today
Kowal, James A. , Analyzing Systems
Koyré, Alexandre , The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus - Kepler - Borelli
Koyré, Alexandre , Fromt the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
Koza, John R. , Genetic Programming: on the Programming of Computers By Means of
Natural Selection
Kozen, Dexter C. , The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Kozloff, Keith Lee , A New Power Base: Renewable Energy Policies For the
Nineties and Beyond
Krabbe, Gregers , Operational Calculus
Kraehenbuehl, John O. , Electrical Illumination
Kraemer, Robert S. , Beyond the Moon: a Golden Age of Planetary Exploration
Krafft, Maurice , Volcano: Introduction By Eugene Ionesco
Kraft, Maurice , Volcanoes: Fire From the Earth
Kraftmakher, Yaakov , Experiments and Demonstrations in Physics
Kragh, Helge , Quantum Generations: a History of Physics in the Twientieth
Kragh, Helge , Cosmology and Controversy: the Historical Development of Two
Theories of the Universe
Krainov, Vladimir P. , Qualitative Methods in Physical Kinetics and
Krall, Nicholas A. , Principles of Plasma Physics
Kramer, Edna E. , The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics
Kramer, Gregory (ed) , Auditory Display: Sonification, Audificatrion, and
Auditory Interfaces
Kramer, Karl Robert , Coppercraft and Silver Made at Home
Kramer, Kevin M. , Semiconductor Devices: a Simulation Approach
Krane, Kenneth , Modern Physics
Kranzberg, Melvin , Technology in Western Civilization, Vol. I: the Emergence of
Modern Industrial Society, Eraliest Times to 1900
Kranzberg, Melvin , Technology in Western Civilization, Vol. II: Technology in
the Twentieth Century
Krar, Steve F. (ed.) , Illustrated Dictionary of Metal Working and Manufacturing
Krasner, Saul (ed.) , The Ubiquity of Chaos
Kraus, Bertram S. , Dental Anatomy and Occlusion
Kraus, John D. , Electromagnetics, 4th ed.
Kraus, John D. , Antennas, 2nd ed.
Kraus, John D. , Radio Astronomy
Kraus, John D. , Radio Astronomy, 2nd ed.
Kraus, Pansy D. , Introducion to Lapidary
Krause, Bernie , Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World
Krause, Eugene F. , Taxicab Geometry: an Adventure in Non-Euclidian Geometry
Krause, Paul C. , Analysis of Electrical Machinery
Krause, Paul C. , Electromechanical Motion Devices
Krause, Paul C. , Analysis of Electrical Machinery
Kraushaar, Jack J. , Energy and Problems of a Technical Society, 2nd ed.
Krauss, Gerhard , Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation, 2nd ed.
Krauss, Herbert L. , Solid State Radio Engineering
Krauss, Lawrence M. , Fear of Physics: a Guide For the Perplexed
Krauss, Lawrence M. , The Physics of Star Trek
Krauss, Lawrence M. , Beyond Star TrekL Physics From Alien Invasions to the End
of Time
Krausz, A. S. , Deformation Kinetics
Krautkrämer, J. , Ultrasonic Testing of Materials, 4th ed.
Kravtsov, Yu. A. , Predictability of Complex Dynamical Systems
Kravtsov, Yu. A. , Caustics, Catastrophes and Wave Fields, 2nd ed.
Krebs, Charles , Ecology, 4th ed.
Kreglewski, Aleksander , Equilibrium Properties of Fluids and Fluid Mixtures
Kreider, Jan F. , The Solar Heating Design Process: Active and Passive Systems
Kreider, Jan F. , Solar Heating and Cooling: Engineering, Practical Design, and
Kreider, Jan F. , Solar Energy Handbook
Kreighbaum, Ellen , Biomechanics: a Qualitative Approach For Studying Human
Movement, 2nd ed.
Krein, S. G. , Linear Equations in Banach Spaces
Kreis, Thomas , Guidebook to the Cytoskeletal and Motor Proteins, 2nd ed.
Kreiss, Heinz-Otto , Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier Stokes
Kreith, Frank , Principles of Solar Engineering
Kreith, Frank , Economics of Solar Energy and Conservation Systems: Vol. III
Energy Managment and Conservation
Krell, Bruce E. , Pocket PC Developer's Guide
Krenz, Jerrold H. , Energy: From Opulence to Sufficiency
Kreuzer, H. J. , Nonequilbrium Thermodynamics and Its Statistical Foundations
Kreuzer, Helen , Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology: a Guide For Teachers
Kreysig, Erwin , Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Kreysig, Erwin , Differential Geometry
Krick, Edward , An Introduction to Engineering
Kricka, Larry J. , Nonisotropic Probing, Blotting, and Sequencing, 2nd ed.
Krieger, Martin H. , Doing Physics: How Physicists Take Hold of the World
Krieger, Martin H. , Constitution of Matter: Mathematically Modeling the Most
Everyday of Phsyical Phenomena
Kriete, Andres , Compuational Systems Biology
Krinsky, Carol Herselle , Contemporary Native American Architecture: Cultural
Regeneration and Creativity
Krishna, C. M. , Real-time Systems
Krishna, Prem , Cable-suspended Roofs
Krishnamurti, T. N. , An Introduction to Global Spectral Modeling
Krishnan, K. Gopala , Atomic and Nuclear Physics, 3rd ed.
Krishnan, Venkatarama , Nonlinear Filtering and Smoothing: an Intoduction to
Martingales, Stochastic Integrals and Estimation
Kristel, Dru , Breath Was the First Drummer: a Treatise on Drums, Drumming and
Krivoglaz, Mikhail A. , Theory of X-Ray and Thermal Neutron Scattering From Real
Krock, Richard , Ceramics, Plastics, and Metals: an Introduction to the Science
of Solids
Kroes, Michael J. , Aircraft Power Plants, 6th ed.
Krolik, Julian H. , Active Galactic Nuclei: From the Central Black Hole to the
Glalactic Environment
Kroll, Lucien , An Architecture of Complexity
Kron, Gabriel , Equivalent Circuits of Electric Machinery
Kronquist, mil F. , Metalwork For the Craftsman: a Step By Step Guide With 55
Kroto, H. W. , Molecular Rotation Spectra
Krotov, V. V. , Physicichemical Hydrodynamics of Capillary Systems
Krstic, Miroslav , Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design
Krug, Wolfgang , Contributions to Interference Microscopy
Krugman, Leonard , Fundamentals of Transistors
Krugman, Paul , Geography and Trade
Krumbein, W. C. , An Introduction to Statistical Models in Geology
Krumbein, W. C. , Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Krummenacker, Markus , Prospects in Nanotechnology
Kruse, Paul W. , Elements of Infrared Technology: Generation, Transmission, and
Krusz, Dorie , Building Miniature Houses and Furniture
Krut'ko, P. D. , Statistical Dynamics of Sampled Data Systems
Kruyt, H. R. , Colloid Science, Vol. 1: Irreversible Systems
Kryeger, Meir H. , Pathophysiology of Respiration
Krylov, Nikolai Sergeevish , Works on the Foundations of Statistical Physics
Kryter, Karl D. , The Effects of Noise on Man
Kubat, Milan , Power Semiconductors
Kubo, R. , Statistical Physics II: Nonequilibrium Statisitical Mechanics, 2nd
Kubo, Ryogo , Thermodynamics: an Advanced Course With Problems and Solutions
Kubo, Ryogo , Statistical Mechanics: an Advanced Course With Problems and
Kuby, Janis , Immunology, 2nd ed.
Kuecken, John A. , Fiber Optics
Kuecken, John A. , Talking Computers and Telecommunications
Kuecken, John A. , Antennas and Transmission Lines
Kuethe, Arnold M. , Foundations of Aerodynamics: Bases of Aerodynamic Design,
3rd ed.
Kuffler, Stephen W. , From Neuron to Brain
Kuffler, Stephen W. , From Neuron to Brain, 2nd ed.
Kuhn, H. G. , Atomic Spectra
Kuhn, Thomas S. , The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Aastronomy in the
Development of Western Thought
Kuhn, Wilfried , Physik: IIIC Felder and Ladungen
Kuhn, Wilfried , Physik: IIID Schwingungen Und Wellen
Kuhnel, Claus , BASIC Stamp, 2nd ed.
Kuiper, Gerard P. , The Sun
Kuipers, Jack B. , Quaternions and Rotation Sequences: a Primer With
Applications to Orbits, Aerospace, and Virtual Reality
Kula, Witold , Measures and Men
Kularatna, Nihal , Modern Component Families and Circuit Block Design
Kullander, Sven , Out of Sight! From Quarks to Living Cells
Kumakhov, M. A. , Radiation From Charged Particles in Solids
Kumar, A. , Microwave Cavity Antennas
Kumar, Vinay , Basic Pathology, 5th ed.
Kundu, Pijush K. , Fluid Mechanics
Kundur, Prabha , Power System Stability and Control
Kung, S. Y. , VSLI Array Processors
Kunii, Daizo , Fluidization Engineering
Kunkel, Paul , Digital Dreams: the Work of the Sony Design Center
Kuo, Benjamin C. , Automatic Control Systems, 4th ed.
Kuo, Benjamin C. , Analysis and Synthesis of Sampled-data Control Systems
Kuo, Benjamin C. , Digital Control Systems
Kuo, Benjamin C. (ed.) , Step Motors and Control Systems
Kuo, Shan S. , Computer Applications of Numerical Methods
Kuperman, I. B. , Approximate Linear Algebraic Equations
Kupfmuller, K. , Einfuhrung in Die Theoreticsche Elektrotechnik, Zweite Auflage
Kuramoto, Y. , Chemical Oscillations, Waves, and Turbulence
Kurata, Deborah , Dong Objects in Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0
Kurinsky, Samual , The Glassmakers: an Odyssey of the Jews: the First Three
Thousand Years
Kurrein, Max , Plasticity of Metals
Kurrent, Friedrich (ed.) , Scale Models: Houses of the 20th Century
Kursunoglu, Behram , Quantum Statistical Mechanics in the Natural Sciences: a
Volume Dedicated to Lars Onsager on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
Kurtz, Edwin B. , Introduction to Electric Transients
Kurtz, Edwin B. , The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook, 5th ed.
Kurtz, Edwin B. , The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook, 8th ed.
Kurtz, Max , Handbook of Applied Mathematics For Engineers and Scientists
Kurtzweil, Ray , The Age of the Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human
Kurzinski, Michal , The Thermodynamic Machinery of Life
Kushner, Harold , Introduction to Stochastic Control
Kusko, Alexander , Solid State DC Motor Drives
Kuttner, Paul , Science's Trickies Questions: 402 Qustions That Will Stump,
Amuse, and Surprse
Kutz, Myer , Mechanical Engineers' Handbook
Kutz, Myer , Temperature Control
Kuznetov. Boris , Einstein and Dostoyevsky
Kuznetsow, B. V. , Russian-English Polytechnic Dictionary
Kwakernaak, Huibert , Linear Optimal Control Systems
Kyle, Chester R. , Racing With the Sun: the 1990 World Solar Challenge
L'Air Liquide , Gas Encyclopedia
L'e Turner, Gerard , Antique Scientific Instruments
L'Hote, Francois , Robot Technology: Vol. 4, Robot Components and Systems
La Salle, Joseph , Stability By Liapunov's Direct Method: With Applications
Labzowsky, L. , Relativist Effects in the Spectra of Atomic Systems
Lacey, A. J. (ed.) , Light Microscopy in Biology: a Practical Approach, 2nd ed.
Lacey, A. J. (ed.) , Light Microscopy in Biology: a Practical Approach
Lacey, Richard W. , Hard to Swallow: a Brief History of Food
LaChappelle, Edward R. , Field Guide to Snow Crystals
Lacy, Edward A. , Complete Guide to Understanding Electronics Diagrams
Ladenburg, R. W. , Physical Measurements in Gas Dynamics and Combustion
Ladyzhenskaya, O. A. , The Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics
Ladyzhenskaya, O. A. , The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow,
revised 2nd ed.
Ladyzhenskaya, Olga , Attractors For Semigroups and Evolution Equations
Lafferty, Peter , Force & Motion
LaForest, J. J. (ed.) , Transmission Line Reference Book: 345 KV and Above, 2nd
Lafrance, Pierre , Fundamental Concepts in Communication
Lagal, Roy , Gold Panning is Easy
Lagerstrom, P. A. , Matched Aysmptotic Expansions: Ideas and Techniques
Lagerstrom, P. A. , Laminar Flow Theory
Lahee, Frederic H. , Field Geology, 6th ed.
Lahee, Frederic H. , Field Geology
Laithwaite, E. R. (ed.) , Transport Without Wheels
Laithwaite, Eric , An Inventor in the Garden of Eden
Lake, Larry W. , Enhanced Oil Recovery
Lake, Simon , The Submarine in War and Peace: Its Developments and Its
Lakin, William D. , Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations
Lakoff, George , Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings
Mathematics into Being
Lakowicz, Joseph R. , Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 2nd ed.
Lakshminarayana, Budugur , Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery
Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan , Lagrangian Optics
Lam, Lui , Nonlinear Physics For Beginners: Fractals, Chaos, Solitons, Pattern
Formation, Cellular Automata and Complex Systems
Lam, Lui (ed.) , Introduction to Nonlinear Physics
Lam, Lui , Modeling Complex Phenomena
Lamb Jr., G. L. , Elements of Soliton Theory
Lamb, Horace , Statics, 3rd ed.
Lamb, Horace , Dynamics, 2nd ed.
Lamb, Horace , The Dynamical Theory of Sound, 2nd ed.
Lamb, Linda , Learning the vi Editor, 5th ed.
Lamb, Sir H. , Hydrodynamics, 6th ed.
Lamb, Sir H. , Hydrodynamics, 6th ed.
Lambe, C. G. , Differential Equations For Engineerings and Scientists
Lambe, T. William , Soil Testing For Engineers
Lambek, Joachim , Lectures on Rings and Modules, 2nd ed.
Lambert, M. B. , Volcanoes
Lambrechts, M. , Biosensors: Microelectochemical Devices
Lamey, Carl A. , Allic and Industrial Mineral Deposits
Lammas, David , Adhesives and Sealants
Lammeraner, Jiri , Eddy Currents
Lampert, Murray A. , Current Injectionin Solids
Lancaster, D. , TTL Cookbook
Lancaster, Don , Active Filter Cookbook, 2nd ed.
Lancaster, Don , The Cheap Video Cookbook
Lancaster, Don , CMOS Cookbook, 2nd ed.
Lancaster, Gordon , DC and AC Circuits, 2nd ed.
Lancaster, Peter , Theory of Matrices
Lancaster, Peter , Curve and Surface Fitting: an Introduction
Lance, A. L. , Introduction to Microwave Theory and Measurements
Lanczos, Cornelius , The Variational Principles of Mechanics, 4th ed.
Lanczos, Cornelius , Applied Analysis
Land, Barbara , The Telescope Makers: From Galileo to the Space Age
Landahl, M. T. , Turbulence and Random Processes in Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Landahl, M. T. , Turbulence and Random Processes in Fluid Mechanics
Landahl, Marten T. , Unsteady Transonic Flow
Landau, Edmund , Vorlesungen Uber Zahlentheorie, 3rd ed.
Landau, L. D. , Mechanics and Electrodynamics (A Shorter Course of Theoretical
Physics, Vol. 1)
Landau, L. D. , Mechanics, 3rd ed. (Course in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 1)
Landau, L. D. , The Classical Theory of Fields, 4th Rev. English ed. (Course in
Theoretical Physics, Vol. 2)
Landau, L. D. , Quantum Mechanics (Non-relativistic Theory), 3rd ed. (Course in
Theoretical Physics, Vol. 3)
Landau, L. D. , Statistical Physics, 2nd ed. (Course in Theoretical Physics,
Vol. 5)
Landau, L. D. , Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed. (Course in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 6)
Landau, L. D. , Fluid Mechanics (Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 6)
Landau, L. D. , Fluid Mechanics (Course in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 6)
Landau, L. D. , Theory of Elasticity (Course in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 7)
Landau, L. D. , Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (Course in Theoretical
Physics, Vol. 8)
Landau, L. D. , Statistical Physics, Part 1, 3rd Ed.(Course in Theoretical
Physics, Vol. 5)
Landau, Rubin H. , A First Course in Scientific Computing: Symbolic, Graphic,
and Numeric Modeling
Landau, Ted , Mac OS X Help Line: Tiger Edition
Lande, Alfred , The Physics of Flight
Landee, Robert W. , Electronic Designers Handbook
Landin, Joseph , An Introduction to Algebraic Structures
Landsberg, Peter T. , Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Lane, Frank W. , The Violent Earth
Lane, Nick , Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life
Lang, Kenneth R. , Astrophysical Formulae, 2nd ed.
Lang, Serg , Algebraic Structures
Lang, Serge , Algebraic Geometry
Lang, Serge , SL2(R)
Lang, Serge , Complex Analysis, 3rd ed.
Langdon, William K. , Movable Insulation
Lange, F. H. , Correlation Techniques
Lange, Jerome C. , Interactive Computer Graphics Applied to Meechanical Drafting
and Desing
Lange, Kurt , Handbook of Metal Forming
Lange, Oswald H. , Space Carrier Vehicles: Design, Development, and Testing of
Launching Rockets
Langenkamp, Robert D. (ed.) , The Illustrated Petroleum Reference Dictionary,
2nd ed.
Langer, Rudolph E. , Nonlinear Problems
Langetepe, Elmar , Geometric Data Structures For Computer Graphics
Langford, Michael , Advanced Photography, 6th ed.
Langford-Smith, F. , Radiotron Designer's Handbook
Langley, B. C. , Electric Controls For Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Langley, Billy C. , Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Langley, G. , Telecommunications Primer, 2nd ed.
Langley, Pat , Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative
Langley, Russell , Practical Statistics: Simply Explained
Langone, John , Superconductivity: the New Alchemy
Langsam, Yedidyah , Data Structures For Personal Computers
Langtangen, Hans Petter , Python Scripting For Computational Science, 2nd ed.
Langton, Christopher G. (ed.) , Artificial Life III
Laning, J. halcombe, Jr. , Random Processes in Automatic Control
Lankford, Terry T. , Aircraft Icing: a Pilot's Guide to Supercooled Drizzle
Droplets, Icing Accident Case Studies, Cold Weather Techniques
Lanteri, Edouard , Modelling and Sculpting Animals
Lanteri, Edouard , Modelling and Sculpting the Human Figure
Lanteri, Edouard , Modelling and Sculpture: a Guide For Artists and Students
(with a New Introduction By Nathon Cabot-Hale), Vol. I
Lanteri, Edouard , Modelling and Sculpture: a Guide For Artists and Students
(with a New Introduction By Nathon Cabot-Hale), Vol. II
Lanteri, Edouard , Modelling and Sculpture: a Guide For Artists and Students
(with a New Introduction By Nathon Cabot-Hale), Vol. III
Lapedes, Daniel N. (ed.) , McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of the Geological Sciences
LaPelle, Rolland Rutledge , Practical Vacuum Systems
Lapidus, Leon , Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science
and Engineering
Laplace, Marquis de , Celestial Mechanics, Vol. 1
Laplace, Marquis de , Celestial Mechanics, Vol. 2
Laplace, Marquis de , Celestial Mechanics, Vol. 3
Laplace, Marquis de , Celestial Mechanics, Vol. 4
Laplace, Marquis de , Celestial Mechanics, Vol. 5
Lapp, R. E. , Nuclear Radiation Physics, 3rd ed.
Lapp, R. E. , Nuclear Radiation Physics, 2nd ed.
Lapp, Ralph E. , Roads to Discovery
Lardner, R. W. , Mathematical Theory of Dislocations and Fracture
Larew, Walter B. , Ignition Systems
Larimer, James , Introduction to Animal Physiology
Lark-Horovitz, K. , Solid State Physics, Part A: Preparation, Structure,
Mechanical and Thermal Properties
Lark-Horovitz, K. , Solid State Physics, Part B: Electrical, Magnetic, and
Optical Properties
Larmore, Lewis , Introduction to Photographic Principles
Larrick, James W. , Gene Therapy: Application of Molecular Biology
Larrick, James W. , Reverse Transcriptase PCR
Larsen, Egon , Great Ideas in Engineering
Larsen, Lawrence E. , Medical Applications of Microwave Imaging
Larsen, Paul C. , To the Third Power: the Inside Story of Bill Koch's Winning
Strategies For the America's Cup
Larson, Boyd , Power Control Electronics
Larson, Harold J. , Intro. to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference
Larson, Harold J. , Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences, Vol. I: Random
Variables and Stochastic Processes
Larson, Harold J. , Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences, Vol. II:
Random Noise, Signals and Dynamic Systems
Larson, Ronal , Implementation of Solar Thermal Technology
Larson, Wiley J. , Space Mission Analysis and Design
Larsson, Lars , Principles of Yacht Design
Lascoe, O. D. , Machine Shop Operations and Setups, 4th ed.
Laseau, Paul , Graphical Thinking For Architects and Designers
Laseau, Paul , Graphic Problem Solver For Architects and Builders
Laskin, David , Braving the Elements: the Stormy History of American Weather
Lasota, Andrzej , Chaos, Fractals, and Noise: Stochastic Aspects of Dynamics,
2nd ed.
Lass, Harry , Vector and Tensor Analysis
Lass, Harry , Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Laster, Clay , The Beginner's Handbook of Amateur Radio, 2nd ed.
Laster, Clay , The Beginner's Handbook of Amateur Radio, 3rd ed.
Laster, Clay , Thyristor Theory and Application
Latchman, David , Gene Regulation: a Eukaryotic Perspective
Latchman, David S. , Eukaryotic Transcription Factors, 3rd ed.
Latham, R. V. , High Voltage Insulation: the Physical Basis
Lathi, B. P. , Signals, Systems, and Communication
Lathi, B. P. , Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems
Lathrop, James K. (ed.) , Life Safety Code Handbook
Latour, Bruno , Aramis: the Love of Technology
Latour, Bruno , Science in Action
Latour, Bruno , Laboratory Life: the Construction of Scientific Facts
Lau, John H. (ed.) , Flip Chip Technologies
Laubin, Reginald , American Indian Archery
Laud, B. B. , Electromagnetics, End ed.
Lauda, Niki , The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving
Laudon, Kenneth C. , Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology
Lauer, Henri , Servomechanism Fundamentals
Laufer, Gabriel , Introduction to Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Läuger, Peter , Electrogenic Ion Pumps
Launder, B. E. , Turbulence Models and Their Applications, Vol. 2
Launder, B. E. , Lectures in Mathematical Models of Turbulence
Lauriente, Michael , ELV Payload Environment
Laurila, Simo H. , Electronic Surveying & Navigation
Lauterborn, W. , Coherent Optics: Fundamentals and Application
Lauwerier, Hans , Fractals: Endlessly Repeated Geometrical Figures
Lave, Lester B. , Air Pollution and Human Health
Lavenda, Bernard H. , Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
Lavenda, Bernard H. , Statistical Physics: a Probabilistic Approach
Laverack, M. S. , Essential Invertebrate Zoology, 2nd ed.
Laverghetta, Thomas , Microwave Materials and Fabrication Techniques, 2nd ed.
Laverghetta, Thomas S. , Microwaves and Wireless Simplified
Laverghetta, Thomas S. , Microwave Measurements and Techniques
Lavery, H. I. , Shipboard Operations, 2nd ed.
Lavie, Peretz , The Enchanted World of Sleep
Lavigne, John R. , Instrumentation Applications For the Pulp and Paper Industry
Lavin, John H. , Stroke: From Crisit to Victory, a Family Guide
Lavoisier, Antoine , Elements of Chemistry
Lavrent'ev, M. A. , Variational Methods For Boundary Value Problems For Systems
of Elliptic Equations
Law, Averill M. , Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Law, Averill M. , Simulation Modeling & Analysis, 2nd ed.
Law, Chung K. , Combustion Physics
Lawn, B. R. , Fracture of Brittle Solids
Lawn, Brian , Fracture of Brittle Solids, 2nd ed.
Lawrence, Anthony , Modern Inertial Technology: Navigation, Guidance, and
Control, 2nd ed.
Lawrence, Gale , A Field Guide to the Familiar: Learning to Observe the Natural
Lawrence, J. Dennis , A Catalog of Special Plane Curves
Lawrence, L. George , D-C Instrumentation Amplifiers
Lawrence, Pater A. , The Making of a Fly: the Genetics of Animal Design
Lawrence, Peter D. , Real Time Microcomputer System Design, an Introduction
Lawrence, Ruth A. , Breastfeeding: a Guide For the Medical Profession
Lawrence, W. G. , Ceramic Science For the Potter
Lawrie, Ian D. , A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics
Laws, Priscilla W. , The X-Ray Information Book: a Consumers' Guide to Avoiding
Unnecessary Medical and Dental X-rays
Lawson, B. L. , SPWLA Reprint Volume: Gamma Ray, Neutron, and Density Logging
Lawson, James L. , Yagi Antenna Design
Lawson, James L. , Threshold Signals
Lax, Peter D. , Scattering Theory: revised Edition
Layzer, David , Constructing the Universe
Lazar, M. , Chemical Reactions of Natural and Synthetic Polymers
Lazebnik, George E. , Monitoring of Soil-Structure Interaction: Instruments For
Measuring Soil Pressures
Lazzari, Eugene P. , Dental Biochemistry
Le Corbusier , Towards a New Architecture
Le Corbusier , The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning
Le Couteur, Penny , Napoleon's Buttons
Le Couteur, Penny , Napoleon's Buttons: 17 Molecules That Changed History
Le Lionnais, F. , Great Currents of Mathematical Thought, Vol. 1: Mathematics:
Concepts and Development
Le Lionnais, F. , Great Currents of Mathematical Thought, Vol. 2: Mathematics in
the Arts and Sciences
Le Méhauté, Bernard , An Introduction to Hydrodynamics and Water Waves
Leach, Andrew R. , Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications
Leaf, Alexander , Renal Pathophysiology
League of Women Voters Education Fund , The Nuclear Waste Primer: a Handbook For
Leakey, Richard , The Origin of Humankind
Leakey, Richard , The Making of Mankind
Leakey, Richard E. , Origins: What New Discoveries Reveal About the Emergence of
Our Species and Its Possible Future
Leary, Michael , Web Designer's Guide to Typography
Lebedev, N. N. , Special Functions and Their Applications
Lebedev, N. N. , Worked Problems Applied Mathematics
Lebovitz, Norman R. , Fluid Dynamics in Astrophysics and Geophysics
Lebovitz, Norman , Theoretical Principles in Astrophysics and Relativity
Lebowitz, J. L. , Nonequlibrium Phenomena I: The Boltzmann Equation
Lebowitz, J. L. , Nonequlibrium Phenomena II: From Stochastics to Hydrodynamics
Lechner, Norbert , Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Design Methods For Architects
Leck, J. H. , Pressure Measurement in Vacuum Systems, 2nd ed.
Lecoultre, Francois , Les Montres Compliquees
Lederer, C. M. , Table of Isotopes, 6th ed.
Lederer, C. M. , Table of Isotopes, 7th ed.
Lederer, Edgar , Chromatography: a Review of Principles and Applications
Lederman, Leon M. , From Quarks to the Cosmos: Tools of Discovery
Lederman, Leon , The God Particle: If the Universe is the Answer, What is the
Ledin, Jim , Simulation Engineering: Build Better Embedded Systems Faster
LeDoux, Joseph , Synamptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are
Lee Company , Electro-fluidic Systems Technical Handbook, 6th ed.
Lee, Arthur Bolles , THe Microtomist's Vade-Mecum: a Handbook of the Methods of
Microscopic Anatomy, 5th ed.
Lee, Bok Y. , The Wound Management Manual
Lee, Donald L. , Electromagnetic Principles of Integrated Optics
Lee, E. W. , Magnetism: an Introductory Survey
Lee, Glen W. , The Auto ID Book: Bar Coding and Automatic Identification
Technologies - an Introduction to Improving Productivity and Accuracy, 2nd ed.
Lee, Henry C. , Henry Lee's Crime Scene Handbook
Lee, Hua , Imaging Technology
Lee, Hua , Modern Acoustical Imaging
Lee, John N. (ed.) , Design Issues in Optical Processing
Lee, Kai Fong , Principles of Antenna Theory
Lee, Kai N. , Compass and Gyroscope: Integrating Science and Politics For the
Lee, Leslie W. , Elementary Principles of Laboratory Instruments, 2nd ed.
Lee, Leslie W. , Elementary Principles of Laboratory Instruments, 4th ed.
Lee, Leslie W. , Elementary Principles of Laboratory Instruments, 5th ed.
Lee, Marshall , Bookmaking: Editing/design/production, 3rd ed.
Lee, Peter M. , Bayesian Statistics: an Introduction, 2nd ed.
Lee, Robert Edward , Phycology
Lee, William C. Y. , Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog and Digital
Systems, 2nd ed.
Lee, Y. W. , Statistical Theory of Communication
Lee, Y. W. , Statistical Theory of Communication
Leebaert, Derek , Technology 2001: the Future of Computing and Communications
Leech, J. W. , Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Leeming, Joseph , Modern Ship Stowage: Including Methods of Handling Cargo at
Ocean Terminals
Leeson, C. Roland , Human Structure
Leff, Harvey S. , Maxwell's Demon: Entropy, Information, Computing
Leffler, William L. , Petroleum Refining For the Non-technical Person, 2nd ed.
Lefond, Stanley J. , Industrial Minerals and Rocks, 4th ed.
Lefort, Marc , Nuclear Radiations
Lefschetz, Solomon , Differential Equations: Geometric Theory
LeGaye, E. S. , The Electronic Metal Detector Handbook: For Serious Beginners
and Inquisitive Professionals
Leggett, A. J. , The Problems of Physics
Leggett, A. J. , The Problems of Physics
Lehmann, Lilli , Meine Gesangskunst
Lehmkuhl, L. Don , Brunsstrom's Clinical Kinesiology
Lehninger, Albert L. , Biochemistry: the Molecular Basis of Cell Structure and
Lehninger, Albert L. , Principles of Biochemistry
Lehninger, Albert L. , Bioenergetics: the Molectular Basis of Biological Energy
Lehr, Jay , Design and Construction of Water Wells: a Guide For Engineers
Lehrer, Steven , Understanding Lung Sounds, 3rd ed.
Leibovich, Sidney , Nonlinear Waves
Leicester, Henry M. , The Historical Background of Chemistry
Leiden, Candace , TCP/IP For Dunnmies, 2nd ed.
Leigh, Julia , The Day That Lightning Chased the Housewife and Other Mysteries
of Science
Leighou, Robert B. , Chemistry of Engineering Materials, 4th ed.
Leighton, Robert B. , Principles of Modern Physics
Leighton, Robert B. , Exercises in Introductory Physics
Leighton,T. G. , The Acoustic Bubble
Leimkuhler, Benedict , Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics
Leipold, L. E. , William P. Lear: Designer and Inventor
Leithold, Louis , Calculus With Analytic Geometry, 2nd ed. Part 1: Functions of
One Variable, Plane Analytic Geometry, and Infinite Series
Lemaitre, J. , A Course on Damage Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Lemaitre, J. , Mechanics of Solid Materials
Lemay, Laura , Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML in a Week
Lemay, Laura , Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML r in 14 Days, 2nd ed.
Lemay, Laura , Teach Yourself Java For Macintosh in 21 Days
Lemon, Harvey Brace , Analytical Experimental Physics
Lemon, Roger , Methods For Neuronal Recording in Conscious Animals
Lena, Pierre , Observational Astrophysics
Lenchek, Thomas , Superinsulated Design and ConstructionL a Guide For Building
Energy-efficient Homes
Lengyel, Bela A. , Lasers, 2nd ed.
Lenihan, John , Human Engineering: the Body Re-examined
Lenk, John D. , Lenk's RF Handbook: Operation and Troubleshooting
Lenk, John D. , Handbook of Electronic Meters: Theory and Application
Lenk, John D. , Lenk's Laser Handbook: Featuring CD, CDV, and CD-ROM Technology
Lenk, John D. , Handbook of Practical Solid-state Troubleshooting
Lenk, John D. , Handbook of Basic Electronic Troubleshooting
Lenk, John D. , Circuit Troubleshooting Handbook
Lenk, John D. , Handbook of Modern Solid-state Amplifiers
Lenk, John D. , Electronic Corrosion Control For Boats
Lenk, John D. , Simplified Design of IC Amplifiers
Lenk, John D. , Simplified Design of Data Converters
Lenk, John D. , Simplified Electrical Wiring Design Handbook
Lenk, John D. , Simplified Design of IC Amplifiers
Lenk, John D. , Handbook of Simplified Solid-state Circuit Design, 2nd ed.
Lenk, John D. , Manual For Integrated Circuit Users
Lenk, John D. , Manual For MOS Users
Lenoble, Jacqueline , Atmospheric Radiation Transfer
Lent, Deane , Analysis and Design of Mechanisms, 2nd ed.
Lentner, C. (ed.) , Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. 1: Units of Measurement, Body
Fluids, Composition of the Body, Nutrition, 8th ed.
Lentner, C. (ed.) , Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. 2: Introduction to Statistics,
Statistical Tables, Mathematical Formulae
Lentner, C. (ed.) , Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. 3: Physical Chemistry,
Composition of Blood, Hematology, Somatometric Data
Lentner, C. (ed.) , Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. 4: Biochemistry, Metabolism of
Xenobiotics, Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Pharmacogenetics and Ecogenetics
Lentner, C. (ed.) , Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. 5: Heart and Circulation
Lentz, Kendrick W., Jr. , Design of Automatic Machinery
Leo, W. R. , Techniques For Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: a How-to
Leon, Simon I. , An Encyclopedia of Candy and Ice-cream Making
Leon-Garcia, Alberto , Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key
Leonard, Charles T. , The Neuroscience of Human Movement
Leonard, Timothy E. , Vax Architecture Reference Manual
Leondes, C. T. , Advances in Contol Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 3
Leondes, Cornelius T. (Ed.) , Modern Control Systems Theory
Leopold, Luna B. , Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology
LePage, Wilbur R. , Complex Variable and the Laplace Transform For Engineers
Leprince-Pinguet, Louis , Cosmic Rays
Lerner, Rita G. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Physics
Lerski, R. A. (ed.) , Practical Ultrasound
Leshner, Alan I. , An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology
Lesieur, M. , Turbulence in Fluids
Lesko, Jim , Industrial Design: Materials and Manufacturing Guide
Leslie, D. C. (ed) , Developments in the Theory of Turbulence
Lesser, Milton A. , Modern Chemical Specialties
Lester, Peter F. , Turbulence: a New Perspective For Pilots
Lestienne, Remy , The Creative Power of Chance
Lesurf, J. , Millimeter-Wave Optics, Devices & Systems
Lesurf, J. C. G. , Information and Measurement
Letcher, John S., Jr. , Self-steering For Sailing Craft
Letham, Lawrence , GPS Made Easy, 3rd ed.
Letherman, K. M. , Automatic Controls For Heating and Air Conditioning:
Principles and Applications
Letov, A. M. , Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems
Levarie, Siegmund , Tone: a Study in Muscial Acoustics
Levens, A. S. , Graphics: With an Introduction to Conceptual Design
Levens, AAlexander S. , Nomography
Levenson, Marc D. , Introduction to Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy, revised
Leventhal, Lance A. , 8080A/8085 Assembly Language Programming
LeVeque, Randall J. , Numerical Methods For Conservation Laws, 2nd ed.
Leverenz, H. W. , An Introduction to Luminescence in Solids
Levi, A. F. J. , Applied Quantum Mechanics
Levi, Enrico , Electromechanical Power Conversion, 2nd Corrected ed., Including
Levi, Leo , Applied Optics: a Guide to Modern Optical System Design, Vol. 1
Levi, Leo , Applied Optics: a Guide to Modern Optical System Design, Vol. 2
Levi, Primo , The Periodic Table
Levi, Primo , The Periodic Table
Levi-Civita, Tullio , The Absolute Differential Calculus (calculus of Tensors)
Levich, Veniamin G. , Physicochemical Hydrodynamics
Levick, Melba , Mexicolor: the Spirit of Mexican Design
Levin, B. R. , Statistical Communication Theory and Its Applications
Levin, Harold L. , The Earth Through Time, 6th ed.
Levine, Arnold J. , Viruses
Levine, Goerge , One Culture: Essays in Science and Literature
Levine, I. E. , Inventive Wizard: George Westinghouse
Levine, Ira N. , Physical Chemistry, 4th ed.
Levine, Joseph , The Secret of Life: Redesigning the Living World
Levine, Robert , A Geography of Time: the Temporal Misadventures of a Social
Levine, Robert I. , A Comprehesive Guide to AI and Expert Systems: Turbo Pascal
Levine, Sumner N. (ed.) , Selected Papers on New Techniques For Energy
Conversion: Thermoelectric Methods; Thermiionic, Photovoltaic, and
Electrochemical Effects; Fusion
Levine, Sy , Basic Concepts and Passive Components
Levine, William S. , The Control Handbook
Levinson, Marc , The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and
the World Economy Bigger
Levitan, Irwin B. , The Neuron: Cell and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed.
Levitan, Lois , Improving Your Gardening With Backyard Research
Levitt, B. P. , ed. , Findley's Practical Physical Chemistry, 9th ed.
LeVitus, Bob , Dr. Macintosh: Tips, Techniques, and Advice on Mastering the
LeVitus, Bob , WebMaster Macintosh: How to Build Your Own World Wide Web Server
Without Really Trying
Levy, David H. , the Ultimate Universe: the Most Up-to-date Guide to the Cosmos
Levy, David H. , Skywatching: a Nature Company Guide
Levy, David H. , The Quest For Comets: an Explosive Trail of of Beauty and
Levy, H. , Finite Difference Equations
Levy, Joel , Really Useful: the Origins of Everyday Things
Levy, Matthys , Why Buildings Fall Down
Levy, Matthys , Why the Earth Quakes: the Story of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Levy, Raymond , Making Mechanical Marvels in Wood
Levy, Richard C. , From Workshop to Toy Store: a Faxcinating Inside Look at How
Toy Inventors Develop, Sell, and Cash in on Their Ideas
Levy, Steven , Artificial Life: the Quest For a New Creation
Lewellen, John , The Boy Scientist
Lewin, Benjamin , Genes V
Lewin, L. , Theory of Waveguides
Lewin, Roger , Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos
Lewin, Roger , The Origin of Modern Humans
Lewin, Roger , Patterns in Evolution: the New Molecular View
Lewin, Roger , Thread of Life: the Smithsonian Looks at Evolution
Lewis, Adele , The Best Resumes For Scientists and Engineers
Lewis, Bernard , Combustion, Flames, and Explosions of Gases
Lewis, C. I. , Symbolic Logic
Lewis, Frank L. , Optimal Control
Lewis, G.N. , Thermodynamics, 2nd ed.
Lewis, Geoff , Communications Technology Handbook, 2nd ed.
Lewis, H. W. , Why Flip a Coin? the Art and Science of Good Decisions
Lewis, Harry R. , Elements of the Theory of Computation
Lewis, Richard J., Sr. , Rapid Guide to Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace,
2nd ed.
Lewis, Richard S. , Challenger: the Final Voyage
Lewis, T. J. , Science of Materials
Lewis, T. , Introduction to Experimental Ecology
Lewis, Tom , Empire of the Air: the Men Who Made Radio
Lewontin, Richard , Human Diversity
Ley, Steven V. , Ultrasound in Synthesis
Ley, WIlly , The Discovery of the Elements
Leyson, Burr W. , More Modern Wonders and How They Work
Li,Wen-Hsiung , Principles of Fluid Mechanics
Liao, Samuel Y. , Microwave Devices and Circuits
Liao, Samuel Y. , Microwave Electron-tube Devices
Libbey, RObert L. , Signal and Image Processing Sourcebook
Libby, James R. , Modern Prestressed Concrete: Desing Principles and
Construction Methods
Libby, Paul A. , Introduction to Turbulence
Libby, Willard F. , Radiocarbon Dating, 2nd ed.
Liberty, Jesse , C++ Unleashed
Libes, Sol , Repairing Transistor Radios
Liboff, Richard L. , Introduction to the Theory of Kinetic Equations
Liboff, Richard L. , Kinetic Theory: Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic
Lichtenberg, A. J. , Regular and Stochastic Motion
Lichtenberg, A. J. , Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Lichtenstein, Claude , Steamlined: a Metaphor For Progress: the Esthetics of
Minimized Drag
Lichty, Lester C. , Internal Combustion Engines, 5th ed.
Lichty, Lester C. , Internal Combustion Engine Processes
Lide, David R. (ed.) , Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 81st ed. 2000-2001
Lidwell, William , Universal Principles in Design
Lieb, Elliott H. (ed.) , Mathematical Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Soluble
Models of Interacting Particles
Lieberman, J. Ben , Printing As a Hobby
Liebing, Ralph W. , Architecural Working Drawigs, 3rd ed.
Liebman, Joel F. , Molecular Structure and Energetics, Vol. 1: Chemical Bonding
Liebman, Joel F. , Molecular Structure and Energetics, Vol. 2: Physical
Liebman, Joel F. , Molecular Structure and Energetics, Vol. 4.: Biophysical
Liebson, Milt , Direct Stone Sculpture: Techniques and Insigths into Creativity
From One of America's Foremost Sculptors and Teachers
Lieder, Tracy , Gravity Rules
Liepmann, H. W. , Introduction to Aerodynamics of a Compressible Fluid
Liepmann, H. W. , Elements of Gasdynamics
Liff, Alvin A. , Color and Black & White Television Theory & Servicing, 2nd ed.
Lifshey, Earl , The Housewares Story
Lifshits, E. M. , A Supplement to "Helium"
Lifshits, Il'ya M. , Introduction to the Thoery of Disordered Systems
Lifshitz, E. M. , Physical Kinetics (Course in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 10)
Lifshitz, E. M. , Statistical Physics, Part 2: Theory of the Condensed State
(Course in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 9)
Lifshitz, E. M. , Relativistic Quantum Theory, Part 2 (Course in Theoretical
Physics, Vol. 4)
Lighthill, James , Waves in Fluids
Lighthill, James , An Informal Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics
Lighthill, M. J. , Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Generalized Functions
Lighthill, M. J. , Dynamics of Ionized Gases
Lightman, Alan , Great Ideas in Physics
Lightman, Alan , Great Ideas in Physics, 2nd ed.
Lightman, Alan , Ancient Light: Our Changing View of the Universe
Lightman, Alan , Time For the Starts: Astronomy For the 1990s
Lightman, Alan , A Modern Day Yankee in a Connecticut Court and Other Essays in
Lightman, Alan P. , Time Travel and Papa Joe's Pipe
Lightman, Alan , Origins: the Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists
Likhtenshtein, Gertz I. , Biophysical Labeling Methods in Molecular Biology
Liller, Bill , The Cambridge Astronomy Guide: a Practical Introduction to
Liller, William , The Cambridge Guide to Astronomical Discovery
Lillesand, Thomas M. , Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 2nd ed
Lilley, Samuel , Men, Machines and History: the Stroy of Tools and Machines in
Relation to Social Progress
Lilly, Leonard S. (ed.) , Pathophysiology of Heart Disease, 2nd ed.
Lin, C. C. , The Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability
Lin, C. C. , Statistical Theories of Turbulence
Lin, C. C. (ed.) , Turbulent Flows and Heat Transfer
Lin, C. C. , Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural
Linchevsky, B. , Methods of Metallurgical Experiment
Lincoln, David , Programming and Customizing the Picaxe Microcontroller
Lind, David , The Physics of Skiing: Skiing at the Triple Point
Lind, Karen K. , Exploring Science in Early Childhood: a Developmental Approach
Lindberg, Roy A. , Welding and Other Joining Processes
Lindbergh, Kristina , Coal: a Contemporary Energy Story
Lindeberg, Michael R. , Consolidated Gas Dynamic Tables: Data For Isentropic,
Rayleigh, and Fanno Flow, and Normal Shock Waves
Lindeberg, Michael R. , Fire and Explosion Protection Systems: a Design
Professional's Introduction, 2nd ed.
Lindelof, Ernst , Le Calcul Des Residus
Linden, David , Handbook of Batteries, 3rd ed.
Lindgren, Anders , Heart Physiology and Stimulation: an Introduction
Lindgren, Waldemar , Mineral Deposits, 4th ed.
Lindinger, Herbert (ed.) , Ulm Design: Hichschule Fur Gestaltun Ulm 1953-1968
Lindl, John D. , Inertial Confinement Fusion: the Quest For Ignition and Energy
Gain Using Indirect Drive
Lindley, Craig A. , Practical Image Processing in C: Acquisition, Manipulation,
Lindley, David , The End of Physics: the Myth of a Unified Theory
Lindley, David , Boltzmann's Atom: the Great Debate That Launched a Revolution
in Physics
Lindley, David , Degrees Kelvin: a Tale of Genius, Invention, and Tragedy
Lindmayer, Jospeh , Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices
Lindquist, Claude S. , Active Network Design: With Signal Filtering Applications
Lindsay, David , House of Invention: the Secret Life of Everyday Products
Lindsay, R. Bruce (ed.) , Physical Acoustics
Lindsay, Robert Bruce , Physical Mechanics: an Intermediate Text For Students of
the Physical Sciences
Lindsay, Robert Bruce , Mechanical Radiation
Lindsay, Robert Bruce , Foundations of Physics: Fundamental Concepts of Physical
Theory Explained; Foundations, Background Ideas, Meaningfulness of Data ...
Lindseth, Roy O. , Digital Processing of Geophysical Data: a Review
Lindsey, J. K. , Introductory Statistics: a Modelling Approach
Lindsey, Jack L. , Applied Illumination Engineering, 2nd ed.
Lindsey, William C. , Telecommunication Systems Engineering
Lindsey, William C. , Phase-Locked Loops & Their Application
Lindzen, Richard S. , Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics
Lines, David , Building Power Supplies: Useful Designs For Hobbyists and
Technicians, 2nd ed.
Lines, Malcolm E. , On the Shoulders of Giants
Linfoot, E. H. , Fourier Methods in Optical Image Evaluation
Ling, Frederick Fongsun , Surface Mechanics
Ling, Gilbert N. , A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell
Linne, Kean Jorgenson , Basic Techniques in Clinical Laboratory Science, 3rd ed.
Linsey Ray K. , Hydrology For Engineers, 2nd ed.
Linsey, Leslie , Crafts of Dummies
Linsley, Ray K. , Hydrology For Engineers, 2nd ed.
Linstromberg, Walter W. , Organic Chemistry: a Brief Course, 6th ed.
Linton, George E. , Applied Textiles: Raw Materials to Finished Fabrics, 6th ed.
Lion, Kurt S. , Instrumentation For Scientific Research: Electrical Input
Lions, J. -L. , Control of Distributed Singular Systems
Lipin, B. R. , Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth Elements
Lipovski, G. J. , 16- and 32-bit Microcomputer Interfacing: Programming Examples
in C and M68000 Family Assembly Language
Lipovski, G. J. , Single- and Multiple-Chip Microcomputer Interfacing
Lippert, Lynn , Clinical Kinesiology For Physical Therapist Assistants, 2nd ed.
Lippincott, Kristen , The Story of Time
Lippman, Stanley B. , C++ Primer, 2nd ed.
Lippman, Stanley B. , C++ Primer
Lipson, Charles , Statistical Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments
Lipson, H. , Optical Transforms
Lipson, H. S. , Crystals and X-rays
Lipson, H. , The Determination of Crystal Structures
Lipson, S. G. , Optical Physics, 2nd ed.
Lipson, S. G. , Optical Physics, 3rd ed.
Lipson, S. G. , Optical Physics, 3rd ed.
Liptak, Bela G. (ed.) , Instrument Engineer's Handbook, 3rd Ed.: Process
Measurement and Analysis
Liptak, Bela G. (ed.) , Instrument Engineer's Handbook, 3rd Ed.: Process Control
Liscouski, Joseph G. (ed.) , Computers in the Laboratory
Lish, Kenneth C. , Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Equipment
Lishman, William , Father Goose: One Man, a Gaggle of Geese, and Their Real Life
Incredible Journey South
Lister, Eugene C. , Electric Circuits and Machines, 6th ed.
Little, Noel C. , Magnetohydrodynamics
Littman, Mark , The Heavens on Fire: the Great Leonid Meteor Storms
Littmann, Mark , Totality: Eclipses of the Sun
Littmann, Mark , Eclipses of the Sun, 2nd ed.
Litton Aero Products , Fundamentals of Intertial Navigation
Liveri, Vincenzo , Controlled Synthesis of Naoparticles in Microheterogeneous
Livingood, John J. , Principles of Cyclic Particle Accelerators
Livingston, Bob , RVRepair & Maintenance Manual
Livingston, Donald C. , The Physics of Microwave Propagation
Livingston, Dorothy Michelson , The Master of Light: a Biography of Albert A.
Livingston, James D. , Driving Force: the Natural Magic of Magnets
Livingston, M. Stanley , High-energy Accelerators
Livingston, M. Stanley (ed.) , The Dvelopment of High-energy Accelerators
Livingston, M. Stanley , Particle Accelerators
Livingston, Robert , Physico Chemical Experiments, revised ed.
Livingstone, Margaret , Vision and Art: the Biology of Seeing
Livio, Mario , The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius
Dicovered the Language of Symmetry
Ljung, Lennart , System Identification: Theory For the User
Llewellyn-Jones, F. , Ionization Avalanches and Breakdown
Llewellyn-Jones, F. , Ionization Avalance and Breakdown
Llowarch, W. , Ripple Tank Studies of Wave Motion
LLwellyn-Jones, F. , The Physics of Electrical Contacts
Lo, Jack , How to Make Patent Drawings: a Patent It Yourself Companion
Lobban, Christopher S. , Succesful Lab Reports: a Manual For Science Students
Lochte-Holtgreven, W. (ed.) , Plasma Diagnostics
Lock, G. S. H. , The Growth and Decay of Ice
Lock, G. S. H. , The Tubular Thermosyphon: Variations on a Theme
Locke, Jim , The Well-built House: Everything You Need to Know Before Building a
New House Or Remodeling an Old One
Lockhart, Gary , The Weather Companion
Lockley, Martin , Tracking Dinosaurs: a New Look at an Ancient World
Lockley, Martin , The Eternal Trail: a Tracker Looks at Evolution
Lockley, Martin , A Field Guide to Dinosaur Ridge, 2nd ed.
Lockley, Martin , Tracking Dinosaurs: New Interpretations of Dinosaurs Based on
Lockrey, A. J. , Plastics in the School and Home Work Shop
Lockshin, Richard A. , When Cells Die: a Comprehensive Evaluation of Apoptosis
and Programmed Cell Death
Locotte, Gerard , Introduction to Molecular Cloning Techniques
Lodge, Don , Radio Control Model Helicopter Handbook
Lodish, Harvey , Molecular Cell Biology, 3rd ed.
Loeb, Leonard B. , The Kinetic Theory of Gases, 3rd ed.
Loeb, Leonard B. , Fundamentals of Electrictyh and Magnetism, 3rd ed.
Loew, E. A. , Direct and Alternating Currents: Theory and Machinery, 3rd ed.
Loew, E. A. , Direct and Alternating Currents: Theory and Machinery,4th ed.
Loewenstein, Werner R. , The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell
Communication, and the Foundations of Life
Loftus, Michele , How to Start and Operate a Home-based Word Processing Or
Desktop Publishing Business
Logan, J. David , Applied Mathematics: a Contemporary Approach
Logan, William Bryant , Dirt: the Ecstatic Skin of the Earth
Lomas, Charles G. , Fundamentals of Hot Wire Anemometry
Lomas, Robert , Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science
Lomax, Harvard , Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Lombardi, Michael A. , NIST Time and Frequency Services
Lombardo, David , Advanced Aircraft Systems
Lombardo, David A. , Aircraft Systems: Understanding Your Airplane
Lomborg, Bjorn , The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the
London, Fritz , Superfluids, Vol.1
London, Fritz , Superfluids, Vol.1, 2nd Ed.: Macroscopic Theory of
London, Fritz , Superfluids, Vol. II: Macroscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium
London, Fritz , Superfluids, Vol. II: Macroscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium
Loney, S. L. , An Elementary Treatise on Statics
Long, Calvin T. , Elemerntary Introduction to Number Theory
Long, Harry (ed.) , Basic Compounding and Processing of Rubber
Long, Maurice W. , Radar Reflectivity of Land and Sea
Long, Pamela O. (ed.) , Science and Technology in Medieval Society
Long, Paul E. , An Introduction to General Topology
Long, Paulette , Paper - Art & Technology: the History and Mehtods of Find
Papermaking With a Gallery of Contemporary Paper Art
Long, Robert R. , Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
Longair, M. S. , Theoretical Concepts in Physics
Longair, Malcolm S. , High Energy Astrophysics, Vol. 1: Particles, Photons, and
Their Detection, 2nd ed.
Longair, Malcolm S. , High Energy Astrophysics, Vol. 2: Satrs, the Galax and the
Interstellar Medium, 2nd ed.
Longuski, Jim , The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist
Longwell, Chester R. , Physical Geology, 3rd ed.
Lonngren, Karl E. , Introduction to Physical Electronics
Lonsdale, K. , Crystals and X-rays
Loomes, Brian , Westmorland Clocks and Clockmakers
Loomis, William F. (ed.) , The Development of Dictyostelium Discoideum
LOOOO?, Sheldon G. , Industrial Process Control
Lord, E. A. , The Mathematical Description of Shape and Form
Lord, Gail Dexter , The Manual of Museum Planning
Lord, John , Sizes, the Illustrated Encyclopedia: How Big (or Little) Things
Really Are
Lorentz, H. A. , Problems in Modern Physics
Lorentz, H. A. , The Principle of Relativity: a Collection of Original Memoirs
on the Special and General Theory of Relativity
Lorenz, Edward N. , The Essence of Chaos
Lorenz, Konrad , Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour, Vol. 1
Lorenz, Konrad , Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour, Vol. 2
Lorenz, Konrad Z. , Man Meets Dog
Lorenz, Konrad Z. , King Solomon's Ring: New Light on Animal Ways
Lorenz, Michael D. , Handbook of Veterinary Neurology, 4th ed.
Lorenz, Ralph D. , Spinning Flicth: Dynamics of Frisbees, Boomerangs, Samaras,
and Skipping Stones
Loretto, M. H. , Electron Beam Analysis of Materials
Lorie, Peter , History of the Future: a Chronology
Lorrain, Paul , Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, 2nd ed.
Lorrain, Paul , Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomena
Lotka, Alfred J. , Elements of Mathematical Biology
Lotspeich-Steininger, Cheryl A. , Clinical Hematology: Principles, Procedures,
Loucks, T. L. , Augmented Plane Wave Method: a Guide to Performing Electronic
Structure Calculations
Loudon, Rodney , The Quantum Theory of Light, 2nd ed.
Loudon, Rodney , The Quantum Theory of Light
Louisell, William H. , Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation
Louisell, William H. , Radiation and Noise in Quantum Electronics
Louisell, William H. , Coupled Mode and Parametric Electronics
Lounasmaa, O.V. , Experimental Principles and Methods Below 1K
Lounsbury, John F. , Introduction to Geographic Field Methods and Techniques
Love, A. E. H. , A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, 4th ed.
Love, Clyde E. , Analytic Geometry, 5th ed.
Love, John A. , Sea Otters
Love, R. Malcolm , The Chemical Biology of Fishes
Loveday, George , Electronic Testing and Troubleshooting
Lovelock, David , Tensors, Differential Forms, and Variational Principles
Lovelock, James , The Ages of Gaia: a Biography of Our Living Earth
Lovesey, Stephen W. , Theory of Neutron Scattering From Condensed Matter, Vol. 1
Lovesey, Stephen W. , Theory of Neutron Scattering From Condensed Matter, Vol. 2
Lovesey, Stephen W. , Condensed Matter Physics: Dynamic Correlations
Lovesey, Stephen W. , Condensed Matter Physics: Dynamic Correlations, 2nd ed.
Lovett, D. R. , Tensor Properties of Crystals
Lovett, David , Demonstrating Science With Soap Films
Lovins, Amory B. , Least-cost Energy: Solving the CO2 Problem
Lovitt, William Vernon , Linear Integral Equations
Lovitt, William Vernon , Linear Integral Equations
Low, F. E. , Symmetries and Elementary Particles
Low, William , Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids
Lowdin, Per-Olov , Linear Algebra For Quantum Theopry
Lowdon, Eric , Practical Transformer Design Handbook
Lowe, Belle , Experimental Cookery: From the Chemical and Physical Standpoint,
3rd ed.
Lowenberg, Edwin C. , Electronic Circuits
Lowenheim, Frederick A. (ed.) , Modern Electroplating, 3rd ed.
Lowenheim, Frederick A. , Industrial Chemicals
Lowenstam, Heinz A. , On Biomineralization
Lowry, T. Martin , Optical Rotary Power
Loyd, David H. , Physics Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed.
Loyd, David H. , Instructor's Manual to Accompany Physics Laboratory Manual, 2nd
Lozier, Herbert , Model Making
Lu, Ning , Fractal Imaging
Lucas, G. B. , Introduction to Plant Diseases: Identification and Management
Lucas, J. R. , Spacetime & Electromagnetism
Lucas, John W. (ed.) , Fundamentals of Spacecraft Thermal Design
Lucas, Ted , How to Build a Solar Heater
Luce, Gay Gaer , Biological Rhythms in Human & Animal Physiology
Luce, R. Duncan , Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey
Luckiesh, M. , Visual Illusions: Their Causes, Characteristics, and Applications
Lucretius , On Nature
Ludwick, M. T. , Indium
Lueg, Russel E. , Basic Electronics For Engineers and Scientists
Luenberger, David G. , Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Luey, Beth , Handbook For Acadmic Authors
Luggen, William W. , Fundamentals of Numerical Control
Lugt, Hans J. , Vortex Flow in Nature and Technology
Luikov, A. V. , Heat and Mass Transfer
Lumley, J. L. (ed.) , Whither Trubulence? Turbulence at the Crossroads
Lumley, J. L. , The Structure of Atmospheric Turbulence
Lumley, John L. , Engines: an Introduction
Lund, Herbert F. , The McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook
Lund, Herbert F. (ed.) , Industrial Pollution Control Handbook
Lunde, Peter J. , Solar Thermal Engineering: Space Heating and Hot Water Systems
Lundmark, Torbjorn , Quirky Qwerty: the Story of the Keyboard @ Your Fingertips
Lundquist, Lynn , On-line Electrical Troubleshooting
Lundstrom, Mark , Fundamentals of Carreir Transport
Lundy, Derek , Godforsaken Sea: Racing the World's Most Dangerous Waters
Lunetta, Vincent N. , Inquiring and Problem Solving in the Physical Sciences: a
Lunt, Karl , Build Your Own Robot
Lupis, C. H. P. , Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials
Luquer, lea McIlvaine , Minerals in Rock Sections: the Practical Methods of
Identifying Minerals in Rock Sections With the Microscope
Lusk, Ewing (et al) , Portable Programs For Parallel Processors
Lutgens, Frederick K. , The Atmosphere: an Introduction to Meteorology, 3rd ed.
Lüth, H. , Surfaces and Interfaces of Solid Materials, 36d ed.
Luther, Arch C. , Digital Video in the PC Environment
Luttgens, Kathryn , Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion
Lutz, Frank E. , Culture Methods For Invertebrate Animals
Luxenberg, H. R. , Display Systems Engineering
Luxon, James T.. , Industrial Lasers and Their Applications
Luzadder, Warren J. , Introduction to Engineering Drawing: the Foundations of
Engineering Design and Computer-aided Drafting
Lwoff, Andre , Biological Order
Lyle, D. P. , Foreniscs For Dummies
Lyle, John Tillman , Regenerative Design For Sustainable Development
Lyman, Warren J. , Mobility and Degradation of Organic Contaminants in
Subsurface Environments
Lyn, Craig , The Mac 3D Handbook, 3rd ed.
Lynch, David K. , Color and Light in Nature
Lynch, Stephen , Dynamical Systems With Applications Using MAPLE
Lynch, Thomas J. , Data Compression: Techniques and Applications
Lynde, Carleton John , Science Experiences With Home Equipment
Lynn, Jeffrey W. , High Temperature Superconductivity
Lynton, Ernest A. , Superconductivity, 2nd ed.
Lynwander, Peter , Gear Drive Systems: Design and Application
Lyon, William S. , Guide to Activation Analysis
Lyons, Albert S. , Medicine: an Illustrated History
Lyons, Jerry L. , Lyon's Valve Designer's Handbook
Lyons, Jery L. , The Designer's Handbook of Pressure-sensing Devices
Lyons, John W. , Fire
Lyons, Louis , A Practical Guide to Data Analysis For Physical Science Students
Lyons, Louis , Statistics For Nuclear and Particle Physicists
Lyons, Walter A. , The Handy Weather Answer Book
Lyons, William C. , Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Engineering,vol. 1
Lyons, William C. , Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Engineering,vol. 2
Lyshevski, Sergey Edward , Control Systems Theory With Engineering Applications
Lytel, Allan , Transistor AF and RF Circuits
Lytel, Allan , ABC's of Antennas
Lytel, Allan , ABC's of Lasers & Masers, 3rd ed.
Ma, Shang-Keng , Statistical Mechanics
Ma, Shang-Keng , Modern Thery of Critical Phenomena
Maass, Wolfgang , Pulsed Neural Networks
Macaulay, David , The Way Things Work
Macaulay, David , The New Way Things Work
Macaulay, David , Castle
Macaulay, David , Cathedral: the Story of Its Construction
Macaulay, David , City: a Story of Roman Planning and Construction
Macaulay, David , Mill
Macaulay, David , Pyramid
Macaulay, David , Ship
Macaulay, David , Underground
Macaulay, M. A. , Introduction to Impact Engineering
Maccarone, Sal , Tune Up Your Tools: the Woodshop Maintenance Handbook
MacColl, Leroy A. , Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms
MacColl, Leroy A. , Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms
MacCracken, Helen Dolman , Scientists at Work
Maccurdy, Edward , The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
MacDermott, Charles P. , Selecting Thermoplastics For Engineering Applications,
2nd ed.
Macdonald, Anne L. , Feminine Ingenuity: How Women Inventors Changed America
MacDonald, D. K. C. , Noise and Fluctuations: an Introduction
MacDonald, D. K. C. , Near Zero: The Physics of Low Temperature
Macdonald, F. , Molecular Biology of Cancer, 2nd ed.
MacDonald, Gordon A. , Volcanoes
Macdonald, Gordon A. , Volcanoes in the Sea: the Geology of Hawaii, 2nd ed.
Macdonald, Gordon A. , Volcanoes of the National Parks in Hawaii, 7th ed.
Macdonald, Lindsey , Display Systems: Design and Applications
Macedo, Jorge , Theoretical Basis of the Living System
Macenroth, Donald R. , Illustrate Encyclopedia o f Solid-state Circuits and
Macey, Samuel L. , The Dynamics of Progress: Time, Method, and Measure
Macfarlan, Allen , Knotcraft: the Art of Knot Tying
Macfayden, K. A. , A Physics Laboratory Handbook in S.I. Units, 2nd ed.
MacGregor, David R. , The Schooner: Its Design and Development From 1600 to
Macgregor-Morris, Pamela , The Book of the Horse
Mach, Ernst , The Science of Mechanics, 6th ed
Mach, Ernst , The Principles of Physical Optics: an Historical and Philosophical
Machamer, Peter , The Cambridge Companion to Galileo
Machat, Jeffery J. , Eximer Laser Refractive Surgery
Macher, Janet , Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control
Machine Design , Basics of Design Engineering 1991
Machol, Robert E. , System Engineering Handbook
Machowksi, Jan , Power System Dynamics and Stability
Macinante, Joseph A. , Seismic Mountings For Vibration Isolation
MacInnes, Duncan A. , The Principles of Electrochemistry
Macintosh, Sir Robert , Physics For the Anaesthetist: Including a Section on
Explosions, 2nd ed.
Mack, John , The Museum of the Mind: Art and Memory in World Cultures
Mack, Lorrie , Calm Working Spaces
Mackay, K. M. , Introduction to Mdoern Inorganic Chemistry
MacKay, R. S. , Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems: a Reprint Selection
Mackenzie, Dorothy , Design For the Environment
MacKenzie, I. Scott , The 8051 Microcontroller
MacKeown, P. Kevin , Stochastic Simulation in Physics
MacKeown, P. Kevin , Computational Techniques in Physics
Mackey, George W. , Induced Representations of Groups and Quantum Mechanics
Mackey, Michael C. , Time's Arrow: the Origins of Thermodynamic Behavior
Mackin, RObert J. , The Solar Wind
Mackintosh, Allan , Advanced Telescope Making Techniques, Vol. 1: Optical
Mackintosh, Allan , Advanced Telescope Making Techniques, Vol. 2: Mechanical
Mackintosh, Ray , Nucleus: a Trip into the Heart of Matter
Macknight, Nigel , Technology of the Champ Car
MacLeod, H. A. , Thin-film Optical Filters
MacMillan, William Duncan , Statics and the Dynamics of a Particle
MacNicol, gregory , Desktop Computer Animation: a Guide to Low-cost Computer
Macpherson, Gordon (ed.) , Black's Medical Dictionary, 40th ed.
Macrae, Norman , John Von Neumann: the Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the
Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More
MacRitchie, Finlay , Chemistry at Interfaces
Madala, Hema R. , Inductive Learning Algorithms For Complex Systems Modeling
Maddalon, Dal V. , Laminar Flow Control: 1981 Research and Technology Studies
Maddox, John , What Remains to Be Discovered
Madelung, O. , Introduction to Solid State Theory
Madhu, Swaminathan , Electronics: Circuits and Systems
Madhusudana, C. V. , Thermal Contact Conductance
Madisetti, Vijay K. , The Digital Signal Processing Handbook
Madison, James , CNC Machining Handbook
Madland, Glen R. , Integrated Circuit Engineering: Basic Technology, 4th ed.
Madou, Marc J. , Chemical Sensing With Solid State Devices
Maeda, John , Design By Numbers
Maeder, Roman , Programming in Mathematica
Maffei, Anthony C. , Classroom Computers: a Practical Guide For Effective
Maffett, Andrew Lewis , Topics For a Statistical Description of Radar Cross
Magar, Magar E. , Data Analysis in Biochemistry and Biophysics
Magid, Leonard M. , Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Magie, William Francis , A Source Book in Physics
Magison, Ernest C. , Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Locations, 2nd ed.
Magne, Lawrence (ed.) , Passportg to World Band Radio
Magnus, Rudolf , Goethe As a Scientist
Magnus, Wilhelm , Hill's Equation
Magnusson, Philip C. , Transmission Lines and Wave Propagation
Magrab, Edward B. , Computer Integrated Experimentation
Magulis, A. R. , Modern Imaging of the Alimentary Tube
Mahajan, Subash , Principles of Growth and Processing of Semiconductors
Mahajan, Virendra N. , Optical Imaging and Abberations: Part 1 Ray Geometrical
Mahan, Gerald D. , Many Particle Physics
Mahan, Gerald D. , Many-particle Physics, 2nd ed.
Mahler, Henry R. , Biological Chemistry, 2nd ed.
Mahlke, Gunther , Fiber Optic Cables: Fundamental, Cable Technology,
Installation Practice
Mahn, William J. , Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety: Physical Hazards in the
Academic Laboratory
Mahoney, Peter F. , Bassitic Trauma: a Practical Guide, 2nd ed.
Maidment, David R. , Handbook of Hydrology
Maiman, Theodore , The Laser Odyssey
Maindonald, J. H. , Statistical Computation
Mainzer, Klaus , Thinking in Complexity: the Complex Dynamics of Matter, Mind,
and Mankind
Maitland, A. , Laser Physics
Maitland, Geoffrey C. , Intermolecular Forces: Their Origin and Determination
Major, F. G. , The Quantum Beat: the Physical Principles of Atomic Clocks
Majumdar, S. J. , Pneumatic Systems: Principles and Maintenance
Makofsky, Steve , Windows CE Programming in 24 Hours
Makower, Joel , The Air & Space Catalog
Makower, Joel , The Map Catalog: Every Kind of Map and Chart on Earth and Even
Some Above It
Makower, M. S. , Operational Research
Makridakis, Spyros , Interactive Forecasting: Univariate and Multivariate
Methods, 2nd ed.
Malacara, Daniel (ed.) , Geometrical and Instrumental Optics
Malacara, Daniel (ed.) , Physical Optics and Light Measurements
Malacara, Daniel, ed. , Optical Shop Testing
Malacara, Daniel , Interferogram Analysis For Optical Testing
Malacinski, George , Pattern Formation: a Primer in Developmental Biology
Malec, Michael A. , Essential Statistics For Social Research, 2nd ed.
Malina, Frank J. (ed.) , Kinetic Art: Theory and Practice (selections From the
Journal Leonardo)
Malinowsky, H. Robert , Science and Engineering Literature, 2nd ed.
Malladi, Ravikanth (ed.) , Geometric Methods in Bio-medical Image Processing
Mallat, Stephane , A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing
Mallet, Jean-Laurent , Geomodeling
Mallette, Vincent , The Science of the Summer Games
Mallinson, John C., , The Foundations of Magnetic Recording
Mallow, Alex , Laser Safety Handbook
Malm, Lloyd E. , Chemistry: An Experimental Science Laboratory Manual
Malmstadt, H. V. , Digital Electronics For Scientists
Malmstadt, Howard V. , Electronics and Instrumentation For Scientists
Malmstadt, Howard V. , Digital and Analog Data Conversions: Text With Lab
Malmstadt, Howard V. , Digital and Analog Data Conversions: Text With
Malmstadt, Howard V. , Control of Electrical Properties in Instrumentation: Text
With Experiments
Malmstadt, Howard V. , Electronic Analog Measurements and Transducers
Malmstadt, Howard V. , Optimization of Electronic Measurements (Moodule 4: Text
With Experiments)
Malone, John , It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist: Great Amateurs of Science
Malone, Mike , The Microprocessor: a Biography
Malone, Terry R. , Muscle Injury and Rehabilitation, Vol. 1 No. 3
Maloney, Timothy J. , Industrial Solid State Electronics: Devices and Systems,
2nd ed.
Maltby, Ralph , Golf Club Design, Fitting, Alteration, and Repair: the
Principles and Procedures, 2nd ed.
Malthus, T. R. , An Essay on the Principle of Population
Malvino, Albert Paul , Electronic Principles, 2nd ed.
Malvino, Albert Paul , Experiments For Electronics Principles: a Laboratory
Manual For Use With Electronics Principles, 3rd ed.
Malvino, Albert Paul , Transitor Circuit Approximations, 2nd ed.
Malvino, Albert Paul , Experiments For Transitor Circuit Approximations, 3rd ed.
Manasreh, M. O. (ed.) , Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Superlattices For Longwavelength Infrared Detectors
Manasse, Fred K. , Modern Transistor Electronics and Design
Manassewitsch, Vadim , Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design
Manchester, Harland , The New World of Machines
Mandel, John , The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
Mandel, L. , Selected Papers on Coherence and Fluctuations of Light, Vol. I:
Mandel, L. , Selected Papers on Coherence and Fluctuations of Light, Vol. II:
Mandel, L. , Coherence and Quantum Optics
Mandel, Leonard , Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics
Mandel, Siegfried , Writing For Science and Technology: a Practical Guide
Mandelbrot, Benoit B. , The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Mandelbrot, Benoit B. , Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension
Mandelbrot, Benoit B. , Multifractals and 1/f Noise: Wild Self-affinity in
Mandelkern, Leo , An Introduction to Macromolecules
Mandell, Muriel , Simple Kitchen Experiments: Learning Science With Everyday
Mandell, Muriel , Physics Experiments For Children
Mandl, F. , Statistical Physics
Mandl, M. M. , Biology, revised ed.
Mangelsdorf, J. , River Morphology: a Guide For Scientists and Engineers
Mangold, E. C. , Coal Liquification and Gasification Technologies
Mangonon, Pat L. , The Principles of Materials Selection For Engineering Design
Manheimer, W. M. , MHD and Microinstabilities in Confined Plasma
Manheimer, Wallace , Plasma Science and the Environment
Manigault, Sandra , The Book For Math Emppowerment: Rethinging the Subject of
Manko, Howard H. , Solder and Soldering: Materials, Design, Production, and
Analysis For Reliable Bonding, 2nd ed.
Mankovsky, V. S. , Acoustics of Studios and Auditoria
Manly, Harold P. , Drake's Cyclopedia of Radio and Electronics: a Practical
Reference Book, 11th ed.
Manly, Peter L. , Unusual Telescopes
Manly, Peter L. , The 20-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Mann, George B. , Abc's of Transistors, 3rd ed.
Mann, Micael D. , The Nervous System and Behavior
Mann, Wilfrid B. , Radioactivity and Its Measurement
Mann, William M. , Wild Animals in and Out of the Zoo
Manners, David X. , The Great Tool Emporium
Manners, Terry , Moonshadow: the Story of the Total Eclipse
Manneville, Paul , Dissipative Structures and Weak Turbulence
Manneville, Paul , Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence: an Introduction to
Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems
Manning, D. A. C. , Introduction to Industrial Minerals
Manning, Diana H. , Disaster Technology: an Annotated Bibliography
Manning, John C. , Applied Principles of Hydrology, 2nd ed.
Manning, W. R. D. , High Pressure Engineering
Manning, W. R. D. , High Pressure Engineering
Manolakis, Dimitis G , Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral
Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering, and Array Processing
Manolatou, Christina , Passive Components For Dense Optical Integration
Manrubia, Susanna C. , Emergence of Dynamical Order: Synchronization Phenomena
in Complex Systems
Mansell, George , Anatomy of Architecture
Mansperger, Dale E. , Plastics: Problems and Processes
Mansuripur, Masud , Classical Optics and Its Applications
Mantell, Charles L. , Carbon and Graphite Handbook
Manz, A. , Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Sciences
Manzini, Ezio , The Material of Invention: Materials and Design
Manzione, Louis T. , Plastic Packaging of Microelectronic Devices
Maor, Eli , To Infinity and Beyond: a Cultural History of the Infinite
Maples, William R. , Dead Men Do Tell Tales: the Strange and Fascinating Cases
of a Forensic Antorhpologist
Marafioti, P. Mario , Caruso's Method of Voice Production: the Scientific
Culture of the Voice
Marathay, Arvind S. , Elements of Optical Coherence Theory
Marbek Resource Consultants , Handbook on Air Sealing Homes For Energy
Conservation, Preliminary ed.
March, Jerry , Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure,
4th ed.
March, N. H. , Chemical Physics of Liquids
March, N. H. , Collective Effects in Solids and Liquids
March, N. H. , Atomic Dynamics of Liquids
March, N. H. , The Many-body Problem in Quantum Mechanics
March, Robert H. , Physics For Poets, 2nd ed.
Marchaj, C. A. , Sail Performance: Theory and Practice
Marchaj, C. A. , Aero-hydrodynamics of Sailing
Marchand, Erich W. , Gradient Index Optics
Marchant, Alan B. , Optical Recording: a Technical Overview
Marconi, Degna , My Father Marconi
Marcus, Abraham , Elements of Radio
Marcus, Marvin , A Survey of Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities
Marcus, Mitchell P. , Swithing Circuits For Engineers
Marcus, Yizhak , Introduction to Liquid State Chemistry
Marcuse, Dietrich , Theory of Dielectric Optical Waveguides
Marcuse, Dietrich , Light Transmission Optics
Marcuse, Dietrich , Light Transmission Optics, 2nd ed.
Marcuse, Dietrich , Engineering Quantum Electrodynamics
Marder, Michael P. , Condensed Matter Physics
Marek, Milos , Chaotic Behavior of Deterministic Dissipative Systems
Margaritondo, Giorgio , Introduction to Synchotron Radiation
Margaritondo, Giorgio , Elements of Synchotron Light For Biology, Chemistry &
Medical Research
Margenau, Henry , The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry, 2nd ed.
Margenau, Henry , The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry
Margenau, Henry , The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry, Vol.2
Margolis, James M. (ed.) , Conductive Polymers and Plastics
Margolis, Simeon , The Johns Hopkins Medical Handbook: the 100 Major Medical
Disorders of People Over the Age of 50 and Directory to the Leading Teaching
Hospitals, Research Organizations, Treatment Centers, and Support Groups
Margulis, Lynn , Origins of Life: Chemistry and Radioastronomy
Margulis, Lynn , What is Life?
Marieb, Elaine N. , Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual: Cat Version,
4th ed.
Marieb, Elaine N. , Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual: Cat Version,
5th ed.
Marieb, Elaine N. , Interactive Physiology
Marieb, Elaine N. , Human Anatomy
Marier, Donald , Wind Power For the Homeowner: a Guide to Selecting, Siting, and
Installing an Electricity-generating Wind Power System
Marinescu, Dan C. , Approaching Quantum Computing
Marino, Riccardo , Nonlinear Control Design: Geometric, Adaptive & Robust
Marion, J. B. , Nuclear Research With Low Energy Accelerators
Marion, Jerry B. , Classical Electromagnetic Radiation
Marion, Jerry B. , Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 2nd ed.
Marion, Jerry B. , Physics For Science nd Engineering, Part 1
Mark, Dave , Learn C++ on the Macintosh
Mark, Dave , Macintosh Programming Primer, Vol. II: Mastering the Toolbox Using
Think's C™
Mark, Dave , Macintosh Programming Primer: Inside the Toolbox Using Think C™,
Wnd ed.
Mark, Dave , Macintosh Programming Primer: Inside the Toolbox Using Think's
Lightspeed C™
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 1 A to
Amino Acids
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 2 Amino
Resins to Casein
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 3 Casting
to Cohesive Energy-density
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 4
Collagen to Dialysis
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 5
Dielectric Heating to Emulsion
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 6 Enzymes
to Finishing
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 7 Fire
Retardancy to Isotopic Labeling
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 8 Keratin
to Modacrylc Fibers
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 9 Molding
to Petroleum Resins
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 10
Phenolic Resins to Polyelectrolytes
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 11
Polyester Fibers and Rayon
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 12
Reinforced Plastics to Starch
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 13 Step
Reaction Polymerization to Thermoforming
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 14
Thermogravimetric Analysis to Wire and Cable Coverings
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 15 Wood
to Ziegler-Natta Catalysts
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 16 Index
to Volumes 1-15
Mark, Herman F. , Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Supplement
Vol. 1 Acrylonitrile Polymers Deregulation to Vinyl Chloride
Mark, James E. , Inorganic Polymers
Mark, James E. , Physical Properties of Polymers
Markovich, Alex (ed.) , The Home Owner's Survival Manual: a Beginner's Guide to
Home Maintenance and Repair
Markowski, Michael . , Ultralight Aircraft: the Basic Handbook of Ultralight
Aviation, 2nd ed.
Marks, Lionel S. , Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, 4th ed.
Markus, John , Modern Electronic Circuits Reference Manual
Markus, John , Communications Circuits Ready Reference
Marle, C. M. , Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Marler, Peter , Mechanisms of Animal Behavior
Marlow, W. H. (ed.) , Aerosol Microphysics I: Particle Interaction
Marmarelis, Vasilis Z. , Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of Physiological Systems
Maroon, Fred J. , Keepers of the Sea
Marov, Mikhail Ya. , The Planet Venus
Marquand, C. , Thermofluids: an Integrated Approach to Thermodynamics and Fluid
Mechanics Principles
Marr, G. W. , General Engineering Science in SI Units, Vol. 1
Marr, G. W. , General Engineering Science in SI Units, Vol. 2
Marrinan, Corinne , Ultimate CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Marsden, Ben , Watt's Perfect Engine: Steam & the Age of Invention
Marsden, J. E. , The Hopf Bifurcation and Its Applications
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Marsden, Jerrold E. , Introdution to Mechanics and Symmetry, 2nd ed.
Marsh, K. N. (ed.) , Recommended Reference Materials For the Realization of
Physicochemical Properties
Marshak, Robert E. , Meson Physics
Marshall Cavendish Books Limited , The Mind Alive Encyclopedia: Technology
Marshall, Alan G. , Fourier Transforms in NMR, Optical and Mass Spectrometry: a
User's Handbook
Marshall, C. E. , Introduction to Crystal Optics, 2nd ed.
Marshall, Robert T. , Ice Cream, 5th ed.
Marshall, Roger , Designed to Win
Marshall, Stanley V. , Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications
Marshall, Thomas C. , Free-electron Lasers
Marshall, W. , Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering
Marshek, Kurt M. , Design of Machine and Structural Parts
Marston, Hope Irvin , Load Lifters: Derricks, Cranes, and Helicopters
Marston, R. M. , Instrumentation and Test Gear Circuits Manual
Marston, R. M. , Integrated Circuit and Waveform Generator Handbook
Marston, R. M. , Power Control: Circuits Manual
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Marston, Ray , Newnes Electronic Circuits Pocket Book
Marszalec, Janusz A. , Integration of Lasers and Fiber Optics into Robotic
Martens, Charles R. , Emulsion and Water-soluble Paints and Coatings
Martin Marietta , The Viking Mission to Mars
Martin Marietta Corporation , Viking Mars Expedition 1976
Martin, Andre J. , Distrubution Resource Planning: Distrubution Management's
Most Powerful Tool
Martin, Bernice M. , Tissue Culture Techniques: an Introduction
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Martin, Frederick N. , Introduction to Audiology
Martin, George E. , Transformation Geometry: an Introduction to Symmetry
Martin, Hugh , The Design of Hydraulic Components and Systems
Martin, J. L. , Basic Quantum Mechanics
Martin, James , Technology's Crucible
Martin, James , Communications Satellite Systems
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Martin, James , Fourth Generation Languages, Vol. 1: Principles
Martin, James N. , Systems Engineering: a Process For Developing Systems and
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Martin, Joe , Tabletop Machining: a Basic Approach to Making Msall Parts on
Miniature Machine Tools
Martin, John H. , Principles of Field Crop Production, 3rd ed.
Martin, John W. , Materials For Engineering
Martin, Keith , Web Color Expert
Martin, Mike W. , Ethics in Engineering, 2nd ed.
Martin, Perry L. , Electronic Failure Analysis Handbook
Martin, Robert M. , Scientific Thinking
Martin, Tom , Rappelling, Edition II
Martin, Vaughn D. , Optoelectronics: Vol. 1 The Introduction
Martin, Vaughn D. , Optoelectronics: Vol. 2 Intermediate Study
Martin, Vaughn D. , Optoelectronics: Vol. 3 Lab Manual
Martin, William F. , Hazardous Waste Handbook For Health and Safety
Martin, William Ted , Elementary Differential Equations
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Marton, L. , Electron and Laser Beam Technology
Marton, L. , Problems and Solutions For Students
Marvin, Carolyn , When Old Technologies Were New: Thinking About Electric
Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century
Marx, S. , Astrophotography With the Schmidt Telescope
Marz, Reinhard , Integrated Optics: Design and Modeling
Mase, George E. , Theory and Problems of Continuum Mechanics
Maskill, Howard , The Physical Basis of Organic Chemistry
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Mason, Bill , Sports Illustrated Fly Fishing: Learn From a Master
Mason, John R. , Switch Engineering Handbook
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Mason, Max , The Electromagnetic Field
Mason, Max , The Electromagnetic Field
Mason, Robert J. , Atlas of United States Environmental Issues
Mason, Robert L. , Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: With
Applications to Engineering and Science
Mason, Stephen F. , A History of the Sciences
Mason, Stephen F. , Chemical Evolution: Origins of Elements, Molecules, and
Living Systems
Mason, Timothy J. , Sonochemistry: Theory, Applications and Uses of Ultrasound
in Chemistry
Mason, W. P. , Physical Acoustics and the Properties of Solids
Mason, W. P. (ed.) , Physical Acoustics, Vol.1, Part A
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Mason, Warren P. , Crystal Physics of Interaction Processes
Mason, Warren P. , Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods, Vol.7
Masoro, Edward J. , Handbook of the Biology of Aging
Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Inadvertent Climate Modification; Report
of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate (SMIC)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology , MIT Wavelength Tables
Massel, Stanslaw R. , Ocean Surface Waves: Their Physics and Prediction
Massey, B. S. , Mechanics of Fluids, 3rd ed.
Massey, H. S. , Electronic and Ionic Impact Phenomena
Massey, Harrie , Space Physics
Massignon, Daniel , Mecanique Statistique Des Fluides: Fluctuations Et
Proprietes Locales
Masson, Louis T. , Physics Made Easy
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Masters, Timothy , Neural, Novel & Hybrid Alogrithms For Time Series Prediction
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Contrsutction From Kits
Maté, Ferenc , Shipshape: the Art of Sailboat Maintenance
Math, Irwin , Wires & Watts: Understandig and Using Electricity
Mather, K. B. , Nuclear Scattering
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Mathews, Jon , Mathematical Methods of Physics, 2nd ed.
Mathews, Keith , Encyclopedia MAC ROM: a Complete A-Z Reference For Macintosh
Toolbox and Operating System Routines
Mathieu, J. P. , Optics
Mathieu, Jean , An Introduction to Turbulent Flow
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Matsch, Charles L. , North America and the Great Ice Age
Matsen, F. A. , Vector Spaces and Algebras For Chemistry and Physics
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Mattauch, J. , Nuclear Physics Tables and Introduction to Nuclear Physics
Matthews, Clifford , Case Studies in Engineering Design
Matthews, G. Peter , Experimental Physical Chemistry
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Matthews, J. , Creative Light Wood Carving
Matthews, John I. , Solid-state Electronics Concepts
Matthews, L. Harrison , The Life of Mammals, Vol. 1
Matthews, Robley K. , Dynamics Stratigraphy: a Guide to Sedimentation and
Stratigraphy, 2nd ed.
Matthies, Kurt W. G. , Macintosh C Programming By Example: a Step-by-step Guide
to Developing Programs With Think C
Matthys, Robert J. , Crystal Oscillator Circuits
Matthys, Robert J. , Accurate Clock Pendulums
Mattingly, Jack D. , Aircraft Engine Design
Mattis, D. C. , The Theory of Magnetism I: Statics and Dynamics
Mattis, D. C. , The Theory of Magnetism II: Thermodynamics and Statistical
Mattson, Roy H. , Basic Junction Devices and Circuits
Mattuck, R. D. , A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many Body Problem, 2nd ed.
Matveev, Alexey S. , Qualitative Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Maunder, Michael , The Sun in Eclipse
Maurer, H. R. , Disc Electrophoresis and Related Techniques of Polyacrylimide
Gel Electrophoresis
Maurette, Michel , Hunting For Stars
Maxfield, Clive "Max" , Beebop to the Boolean Boogie: an Unconventional Guide to
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Maxwell, Jonathan , Catadioptric Imaging Systems
Maxwell, M. Walter , Reflections: Transmission Lines and Antennas
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Maycock, Paul D. , Photovoltaics: Sunlight to Electricity in One Step
Mayer, E. , Mechanical Seals, 2nd ed.
Mayer, Edmund , Introduction to Dynamic Morphology
Mayer, Joseph Edward , Statistical Mechanics
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Mayer-Kress, G. (ed.) , Dimensions and Entropies in Choatic Systems
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Mayo, Jonathan L. , The Radio Amateur's Digital Communications Handbook
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Mazda, F. F. , Electronic Instruments and Measurement Techniques
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Mazda, F. F. , Power Electronics Handbook: Components, Circuits, and
Applications, 2nd ed.
Mazlish, Bruce , The Fourth Discontinuity: the Co-evolution of Humans and
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McAfee, John , Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs, and
Other Threats to Your System: What They Are, How They Work, and How to ...
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Performance, 3rd ed.
McArthur, J. Vaun , Microbial Ecology: an Evolutionary Approach
McCabe, Robert E. , Metering Pump Handbook
McCabe, Warren L. , Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 3rd ed.
McCafferty, J. , Antibody Engineering: a Practical Approach
McCall, J. S. , Ultracentrifugation
McCamy, Calvin S. , Precision Measurement and Calibration: Selected NBS Papers
on Image Optics
McCance, Kathryn L. , Pathophysiology: the Biologic Basis For Disease in Adults
and Children, 2nd ed.
McCarthy, Wil , Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the
Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms
McCarty, Goerge , Topology: an Introduction With Application to Topological
McCash, Elaine M. , Surface Chemistry
McCauley, J. L. , Chaos, Dynamics, and Fractals: an Algorithmic Approach to
Deterministic Chaos
McCauley, Joseph L. , Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable
and Chaotic Dynamics
McCaw, W. W. , Fundamentals of Roentgenologic Physics and Technique, 2nd ed.
McClean, W. G. , Theory and Problems of Engineering Mechanics
McClelland, James , Parallel Distributed Processing: A Handbook of Models,
Programs, and Exercises
McClelland, James , Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the
Microsctructure of Cognition, Vol. 2: Psychological and Biological Models
McClements, David Julian , Food Emulsions: Principles, Practice, and Techniques
McClintock, Michael , Cryogenics
McClintock, P. V. E. , Matter at Low Temperatures
McCluney, Ross , Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry
McClung, David , The Avalanche Handbook
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McComb, Gordon , Constructing Robot Bases
McComb, Gordon , Robot Builder's Sourcebook
McComb, W. D. , The Physics of Fluid Turbulence
McConkey, James , The Anatomy of Memory: an Anthology
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McConnel, Charles N. , Pipefitters and Welders Pocket Manual
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McConnell, Steve , Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules
McCormac, Jack C. , Structural Steel Design
McCormac, Jack C. , Structural Analysis
McCormack, P. D. , Physical Fluid Dynamics
McCormick, Barnes W. , Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics
McCormick, Barnes W., Jr. , Aerodynamics of V/STOL Flight
McCormick, David , Measurement, Statistics, and Computation
McCormick, Michael E. , Ocean Engineering Wave Mechanics
McCormick, Michael E. , Ocean Wave Energy Conversion
McCormmach, Russell , Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist
McCourt, Frederick R. W. , Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Polyatomic Gases
McCoy, Barry M. , The Two Dimensional Ising Model
McCoy, NEal H. , Rings and Ideals
McCready, Stuart (ed.) , The Discovery of Time
McCreight, Tim , The Complete Metalsmith, revised ed.
McCreight, Tim , Practical Casting: a Studio Reference
McCrone, Walter C. , Polarized Light Microscopy
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McCrum, N. G. , Principles of Polymer Engineering
McCrum, N. G. , Anelastic and Dielectric Effects of Polymeric Solids
McCullagh, James C. , Pedal Power: in Work, Leisure, and Transportation
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McCulloch, Joseph M. , Wound Healing: Alternatives in Management, 2nd ed.
McCullough, David , The Great Bridge: the Epic Story of the Building of the
Brooklyn Bridge
McCullough, Robert D. , A New Look at Technical Analysis
McCurnin, Denis M. , Clinical Textbook For Veterinary Technicians, 3rd ed.
McDaniel, Earl W. , The Mobility and Diffusion of Ions in Gases
McDermott, Catherine , Book of 20th Century Design
McDermott, Lillian , Physics By Inquiry, Vol. I
McDermott, Lillian , Physics By Inquiry, Vol. II
McDivitt, James F. , Minerals and Men: Rev. and Enlarged ed.
McDonald, John J. , Flying the Helicopter: All About the History, Operation,
Control, and Use of These Fascinating Flying Machines
McDonald, W. I. , Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord: Perspectives
of a Neurologist
McDonell, Edwin D. , Document Imaging Technology: How Automated Solutions Are
Revolutionizing the Way Organizaitons and People Work
McDonough, William , Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things
McDougall, D. J. (ed.) , Thermoluminsescence of Geological Materials
McDowell, Charles A., ed. , Mass Spectrometry
McEliece, Robert J. , The Theory of Information and Coding
McFadden, RIchard H. (ed.) , Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis
McFadden, William H. , Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatogrpahy / Mass
McFall, Christie , America Underground
McFarland, D. E. , Analysis of Plates
McFerrin, W. V. , The Piano - Its Acoustics, 2nd ed.
McGaw, Judith A. , Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in
Berkshire Paper Making, 1801-1885
McGeary, David , Physical Geology: Earth Revealed
McGee, Henry A., Jr. , Molecular Engineering
McGee, Thomas D. , Principles and Methods of Temperature Measurement
McGeough, J. A. , Principles of Eletrochemical Machining
McGeough, J. A. , Advanced Methods of Machining
McGillem, Clare D. , Continuous and Discrete Signal and System Analysis
McGiton, Henry , Introduction to the Unix System
McGovern, James A. , The Essence of Engineering Thermodynamics
McGovern, John , The Fireside University: For Home Circle Study and
McGrae, John D. , Optical Tooling in Industry
McGrath, Jinks , Basic Jewelry Making Techniques
McGrath, jinks , Basic Jewelry Making Techniques
McGraw-Edison Company , The Language of Lighting
McGraw-Hill Book Company , Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices:
Lesson 1 Bipolar and Field-effect Transistor Circuit Models
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Lesson 1 FETs and Linear Amplifier Design
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Lesson 3 Differential and Operational Amplifiers
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Lesson 4 Applications of Linear Integrated Circuits
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Lesson 5 Switching Properties of Transistors Iin Design
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Lesson 6 Digital Logic Gates
McGraw-Hill Book Company , Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices:
Lesson 7 Bistable Logic Design
McGuigan, Dermot , Harnessing Water Power For Home Energy
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McGuiness, WIlliam J. , Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Buildings, 5th
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McGuire, Michael , An Eye For Fractals: a Graphic and Photographic Essay By
Michael McGuire
McHarg, Ian L. , Design With Nature
McHugh, Mark , Supercritical Fluid Extraction: Principles and Practice
McIntosh, Jane , The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know About the
Past, 2nd ed.
McIntosh, Jane , The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know About the
Past, 2nd ed.
McIntyre, R. L. , Electric Motor Control Fundamentals, 3rd ed.
McKelvey, John P. , Solid State and Semiconductor Physics
McKenzie, Shirlyn B. , Textbook of Hematology, 2nd ed.
McKibben, Bill , The Age of Missing Information
McKinley, D. W. R. , Meteor Science and Engineering
McKinley, James L. , Maintenance and Repair of Aerospace Vehicles, 3rd ed.
McKinley, James L. , Electricity and Electronics For Aerospace Vehicles, 2nd ed.
McKinney, Bruce , Hardcore Visual Basic Version 5.0
McKown, Robin , The Fabulous Isotopes: What They Are and What They Do, 2nd ed.
McLachlan, Dan, Jr. , Statistical Mechanical Analogies
McLachlan, N. W. , Theory and Application of Mathieu Functions
McLachlan, N. W. , Ordinary Non-linear Differential Equations in Engineering and
Physical Sciences, 2nd ed.
McLachlan, N. W. , Theory of Vibrations
McLachlan, N. W. , Theory of Vibrations
McLanathan, Richard , Images of the Universe: Leonardo DaVinci: the Artist As
McLaughlin, Jean W. , The Nature of Craft and the Penland Experience
McLean, A. C. , Geology For Civil Engineers, 2nd ed.
McLean, Ian S. , Electronic Imaging in Astronomy: Detectors and Instrumentation
McLean, W. G. , Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Engineering
Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, 4th ed.
McLean, W. G. , Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Engineering Mechanics
McLellan,H.J. , Elements of Physical Oceanography
McLennan, James A. , Introduction to Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
McLucas, John L. , Space Commerce
McLuhan, Marshall , The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man
McLuhan, T. C. , The Way of the Earth: Encounters With Nature in Ancient and
Contemporary Thought
McLyman, William T. , Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, 2nd ed.
McMahon, Thomas A. , On Size and Life
McMahon, Thomas A. , Muscles, Reflexes, and Locomotion
McMillan, Gregory K. , Process/industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, 5th
McMullan, J. T. , Energy Resources
McMullen, Thomas , FM Repeaters For the Radio Ameteur
McMurry, Sara M. , Quantum Mechanics
McNair, Don , How to Make Holograms
McNamara, Leo F. , The Ionosphere: Communications, Surveillance, and Direction
McNarry, Donald , Shipbuilding in Miniature, 2nd ed.
McNeil, Ian (ed.) , An Encyclopdia of the History of Technology
McNeil, Ian (ed.) , An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology
McNeill, Daniel , Fuzzy Logic
McNichol, Dan , The Big Dig
McPartland, J. F. , Motor Cicuits and Controls
McPartland, Joseph F. , McGraw-Hill's National Electrical Code Handbook, 21st
Ed.: Based on the Current 1993 National Electrical Code
McPartland, Joseph F. , Handbook of Practical Electrical Design, 2nd ed.
McPhee, John , Assembling California
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McPhee, John , The Control of Nature
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McPherson, Frank , How to Do Everything With Your PocketPC & HandheldPC
McPherson, George , An Introduction to Electrical Machines and Transformers, 2nd
McPherson, Steven P. , Respiratory Care Equipment, 5th ed.
McPherson, Steven P. , Respiratory Therapy Equipment, 2nd ed.
McQuarrie, Donald A. , General Chemistry
McQuillin, R. , An Introduction to Seismic Interpretation
McQuiston, Faye C. , Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning: Analysis and
Design, 3rd ed.
McRae, Hamish , The World in 2020
McRobbie, Donald W. , MRI: From Picture to Proton
McRuer, Duane , Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control
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McShane, William R. , Traffic Engineering
McSween, Harry Y. , Stardust to Planets: a Geological Tour of the Universe
McWhinnie , Polar Research: to the Present, and the Future
McWhorter, Gene , Understanding Digital Electronics
Mead, Carver , Analog VLSI and Neural Systems
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Mead, Carver , Introduction to VLSI Systems
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Mead, Denys J. , Passive Vibration Control
Mead, Margaret (ed.) , Cultural Patterns and Technical Change
Meadows, Donella H. , The Limits to Growth
Meadows, Gary G. , Integration / Interaction of Oncological Growth
Means, W. D. , Stress and Strain: Basic Concepts of Continuum Mechanics For
Mech, L. David , Handbook of Animal Radio Tracking
Medawar, P. B. , Advice to a Young Scientist
Medawar, P. B. , The Art of the Soluble
Medawar, P. B. , The Life Science: Current Ideas of Biology
Medawar, P. B. , Aristotle to Zoos: a Philosophical Dictionary of Biology
Medawar, Peter , Pluto's Republic: Incorporating The Art of the Soluble and
Induction and Intuition in Scientific Thought
Medina, John J. , The Clock of Ages: Why We Age, How We Age, Winding Back the
Meditch, J. S. , Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control
Mednieks, Zigurd R. , C Programming For the Macintosh
Mee, C. D. , The Physics of Magnetic Recording
Mee, C. Dennis , Magnetic Recording Technology, 2nd ed.
Mee, C. Dennis , Magnetic Recording: Vol. 1: Technology
Mee, C. Dennis , Magnetic Recording: Vol. 3: Video, Audio, and Instrumentation
Meehan, E. J. , Optical Methods of Analysis
Meek, G. A. , Analytical and Quantitative Methods in Microscopy
Meeks, M. L. (ed.) , Astrophysics, Part B: Radio Telescopes
Meeks, M. L. (ed.) , Astrophysics, Part C: Radio Observations
Meeldijk, Victor , Electroic Components: Selection and Application
Mees, Alistair I. , Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics
Megyesy, Eugene F. , Pressure Vessel Handbook, 5th ed.
Mehata, Anita (ed.) , Granular Matter: an Interdsciplinart Approach
Mehlhorn, Kurt , Graph Algorithms and NP-completeness
Mehra, Jagdish , The Beat of a Different Drummer: the Life and Science of
Richard Feynman
Mei, Chiang C. , The Applied Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves
Meier, G. E. A. (ed) , Flow of Real Fluids
Meijer, P. H. E. , Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Meijer, P. H. E. , Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Meilach, Dona Z. , Presentation Graphics, 2nd ed.
Meilach, Dona Z. , Contemporary Batik Anbd Tie-dye: Methods, Inspiration, Dyes
Meindl, J. D. , Micropower Circuits
Meindl, James D. (ed.) , Brief Lessons in High Technology: Understanidng the End
of This Century to Capitalize on the Next
Meinel, Aden B. , Applied Solar Energy: an Introduction
Meinel, Aden B. , Sunsets, Twilights, and Evening Skies
Meiners, Harry E. , Laboratory Phyiscs, 2nd ed.
Meinesz, F. A. Vening , The Earth's Crust and Mantle
Meirovitch, Leonard , Elements of Vibration Analysis
Meirovitch, Leonard , Methods of Analytical Dynamics
Meis, Reinhard , Pocket Watches: From the Pendant Watch to the Tourbillon
Meites, Louis , Polarographic Techniques, 2nd ed.
Meites, Louis , Polarographic Techniques
Melaragno, Michele , Wind in Architectural and Environmental Design
Melcher, James R. , Field-Coupled Surface Waves: a Comparative Study of Surfacecoupled Electrohydrodynamic and Magentohydrodynamic Systems
Melchior, Paul , The Physics of the Earth's Core: an Introduction
Melissinos, Adrian C. , Experiments in Modern Physics
Melissinos, Adrian C. , Principles of Modern Technology
Mellichamp, Duncan A. (ed) , Real Time Computing: With Applications to Data
Acquisition and Control
Melnyk, Steven A. , Shop Floor Control
Melrose, D. B. , Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media: a Treatment
Based on the Dielectric Tensor
Melsa, James L. , Linear Control Systems
Meltzer, Steve , Photographing Your Craftwork: and Hands-on Guide For
Melzak, Z. A. , Bypasses: a Simple Approach to Complexity
Melzak, Z. A. , Mathematical Ideas, Modeling, and Applications: Vol. II of
Companion to Concrete Mathematics
Members of the Staff of Bell Telephone Labs , Radar Systems and Components
Memmott, Harry , The Art of Making Pottery
Menard, H. W. , Islands
Mendelowitz, Daniel M. , A Guide to Drawing
Mendelson, Bert , Introduction to Topology, 3rd ed.
Mendelssohn, K. , Cryophysics
Mendelssohn, K. , The Quest For Absolute Zero: the Meaning of Low Temperature
Physics, 2nd ed.
Mendenhall , Cat Physics
Mendler, Sandra F. , The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design
Menke, William , Geophysical Data Analysis: Dscrete Inverse Theory
Menn, Naftaly , Practical Optics
Menzel, Donald H. , Selected Papers on Physical Processes in Ionized Plasmas
Menzel, Donald H. , Our Sun, Rev. ed.
Menzel, Donald H. , Mathematical Physics
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Menzel, Donald H., ed. , Fundamental Formulas of Physics, Vol.1
Menzel, Donald H., ed. , Fundamental Formulas of Physics, Vol.2
Menzel, Peter , Material World
Menzel, Peter , Robosapiens: Evolution of a New Species
Mercer, E. H. , Electron Microscopy: a Handbook For Biologists
Mercier, Andre , Analytical and Canonical Formalism in Physics
Mercier, Andre , Analytical and Canonical Formalism in Physics
Merck , The Merck Index, 11th ed.
Meredith, Dale D. , Design and Planning of Engineering Systems
Merhav, Shmuel , Aerospace Sensor Systems and Applications
Meriam, J. L. , Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, SI Version
Meriam, J. L. , Mechanics: Part I Statics
Meriam, J. L. , Mechanics: Part II Dynamics
Merit (Philip Morris) , Breakthrough!
Merkel, Richard H. , Well Log Formation Evaluation
Merkin, David R. , Introduction to the Theory of Stability
Merletti, Roberto , Electromyography: Physiology, Engineering, and Noninvasive
Mermin, N. David , Boojums All the Way Through: Communicating Science in a
Prosiac Age
Merrick, Ronald C. , Valve Selection and Specification Guide
Merrill, George P. , Part I.The Story of Meteorites; Part II. Gems and Gem
Merrill, John R. , Using Computers in Physics
Merrill, Ronald T. , The Magnetic Field of the Earth: Paleomagnetism, the Core,
and the Deep Mantle
Merritt, Frederick S. , Building Engineering and Systems Design
Merritt, Frederick S. , Applied Mathematics in Engineering Practice
Merritt, Frederick S. , Standard Handbook For Civil Engineers, 4th ed.
Mertle, J. S. , Photomechanics and Printing: Practical Information on Platemking
and Presswork By Recognized Procedures
Mertz, Lawrence , Excursions in Astronomical Optics
Merzbacher, Eugene , Quantum Mechanics
Merzkirch,W. , Flow Visualization, 2nd ed.
Mesirov, Jill P. , Mathematical Approaches to Biomolecular Structure and
Mess, K. -H., Schmuser, P. , Superconducting Accelerator Magnets
Messadié, gerald , Great Modern Inventions
Messersmith, Charles W. , Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Messiah, Albert , Quantum Mechanics Vol.1
Messiah, Albert , Quantum Mechanics Vol.2
Mesterton-Gibbons, Michael , A Concrete Approach to Mathematical Modeling
Mesyats, Gennady A. , Pulsed Gas Lasers
Metaxas, A. C. , Foundations of Electroheat: a Unifed Approach
Metcalf, Harold J. , Laser Cooling and Trapping
Metcalf, Michael , Fortran 90 Explained
Metherell, A. F. , Acoustic Holography, Vol. 1
Metherell, A. F. , Acoustic Holography, Vol. 1
Mettler, Fred A. , Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging, 3rd ed.
Metzger, Th. , Blood and Volts: Edison, Tesla & the Electric Chair
Meyer, Carl H. , Cryptography: a New Dimension in Computer Data Security
Meyer, Donald L. , Bayesian Statistics
Meyer, Ernst , Scanning Probe Microscopy
Meyer, Eugene , Chemistry of Hazardous Materials, 2nd ed.
Meyer, Eugene , Chemistry of Hazardous Materials
Meyer, Jerome S. , Great Inventions
Meyer, R. E. (ed) , Transition and Turbulence
Meyer, Richard E. , Introduction to Mathematical Fluid Dynamics
Meyer, Rudolf X. , Elements of Space Technology
Meyer, Stuart L. , Data Analysis For Scientists and Engineers
Meyer-Arendt, Jurgen R. , Introduction to Classical and Modern Optics, 2nd ed.
Meyer-Spasche, Rita , Pattern Formation in Viscous Flows: the Taylor-Couette
Problem and Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Meyers, Arthur R. , Basic Machining Reference Handbook
Meyers, James , Eggplants, Elevators, Etc.: an Uncommon History of Common Things
Meyers, Robert A. (ed.) , Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: a Comprehensive
Desk Reference
Meyers, Robert A. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Modern Physics
Meystre, P. , Elements of Quantum Optics, 3rd ed.
Mezei, Louis M. , Laboratory Lotus: a Complete Guide to Instrument Interfacing
Miannay, Dominique P. , Fracture Mechanics
Michael, Henry N. , Dating Techniques For the Achaeologist
Michaeli , Training in Plastics Technology: a Text- and Workbook
Michalec, George W. , Precision Gearing: Theory and Practice
Michalewicz, Zbignieww , How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics, 2nd ed.
Michel, Stephen L. , Hypercard: the Complete Reference
Michelotti, Leo , Intermediate Classical Dynamics With Applications to Beam
Michelson, A. A. , Studies in Optics
Michl, Josef , Spectroscopy With Polarized Light: Solute Alignment By
Photoselection, in Liquid Crystals, Polymers, and Membranes
Michlovitz, Susan L. , Thermal Agents in Rehabilation
Mickelson, Alan Rolf , Guided Wave Optics
Mickelson, Alan Rolf , Physical Optics
Mickens, Ronald Elbert , An Introduction to Nonlinear Oscillations
Micowave Associates , Transistor Designers Guide
Miczo, Alexander , Digital Logic Testing and Simulations0-06-04444404
Middelhoek, S. , Silicon Sensors
Middendorf, William H. , Design of Devices and Systems, 2nd ed.
Middleman, Stanley , The Flow of High Polymers
Middleman, Stanley , Modeling Axisymmetric Flows
Middleton, David , An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory
Middleton, Robert G. , 101 Ways to Use Your Oscilloscope
Middleton, Robert G. , Realistic Guide to Oscilloscopes
Middleton, Robert G. , Bob Middleton's Handbook of Electronic Time-savers and
Middleton, Robert G. , Designing Electronic Circuits: a Manual of Procedures and
Essential Reference Data
Middleton, Robert G. , Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment Without Service
Data, 2nd ed.
Middleton, Robert G. , Television Service Manual, 4th ed.
Middleton, Robert G. , Color TV Servicing Guide
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Middleton, W. E. Knowles , Invention of Meteorological Instruments
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Middleton, W. E. Knowles , The History of the Barometer
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Middleton, W. E. Knowles , Meteorological Instruments, 3rd ed.
Migliori, Albert , Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: Applications to Physics,
Materials Meaurements, and Nondestructive Evaluation
Migulin,V. ed. , Basic Theory of Oscillations
Mihalas, Dimitri , Stellar Atmospheres
Mihalas, Dimitri , Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics
Mihura, Bruce , LabVIEW For Data Acquisition
Mikhailovskii, A. B. , Electromagnetic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
Mikkelsen, Susan R. , Bioanalytical Chemistry
Milazzo, Guilio , Tables of Standard Electrode Potentials
Milburn, Gerard J. , Schrodinger's Machines: the Quantum Technology Reshaping
Everyday Life
Milburn, Gerard J. , The Feynman Processor: Quantum Entanglement and the
Computing Revolution
Milby, Robert V. , Plastics Technology
Miles, E. R. C. , Supersonic Aerodynamics: a Theoretical Introduction
Miles, Kenneth , Functional Computed Tomography
Miles, Pete , Build Your Own Combat Robot
Miles, Ralph F., Jr. , Systems Concepts: Lectures on Contemporary Approaches to
Milgrom, Lionel R. , The Colours of Life: an Introduction to the Chemistry of
Porphyrins and Related Compounds
Millar, C. E. , Fundamentals of Soil Science
Miller, A. I. , Imagery in Scientific Thought
Miller, Albert , Meteorology
Miller, Brent A. , Bluetooth Revealed: the Insider's Guide to an Open
Specification For Global Wireless Communications
Miller, Chas E. , Valve Radio & Audio Repair Handbook, 2nd ed.
Miller, Drew , Black Hat: Physical Device Security: Exploiting Hardware and
Miller, E. Willard , Environmental Hazards: Radioactive Materials and Wastes: a
Reference Handbook
Miller, Edward , Intoduction to Plastics and Composites: Mechanical Properties
and Engineering Applications
Miller, Franklin, Jr. , College Physics, 2nd ed.
Miller, Freeman , Cerebral Palsey: a Complete Guide For Caregiving
Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. , Living in the Environment, 10th ed.
Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. , Living in the Environment, 7th ed.
Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. , Environmental Science: an Introduction
Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. , Energetics, Kinetics, and Life
Miller, Gary M. , Modern Electronic Communication, 2nd ed.
Miller, George A. , The Science of Words
Miller, Hary B. (ed.) , Acoustic Measurements: Methods and Instrumentation
Miller, John E. , The Reciprocating Pump: Theory, Design, and Use
Miller, Kenneth S. , Complex Stochastic Processes
Miller, Kenneth S. , Elements of Modern Abstract Algebra
Miller, Kenneth S. , Engineering Mathematics
Miller, M. K. , Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy
Miller, Malcolm E. , Anatomy of the Dog
Miller, Marc D. , The Color Mac: Production Techniques, 2nd ed.
Miller, Nathan , The U.S. Navy: an Illustrated History
Miller, R. B. , An Introduction to the Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams
Miller, Raymond W. , Soils: an Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth, 6th ed.
Miller, Raymond W. , Soils in Our Environment, 8th ed.
Miller, Richard , Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook, 2nd ed.
Miller, Robert H. , Power System Operation, 3rd ed.
Miller, Robert , Making and Enjoying Telescopes: 6 Complete Projects &
Stargazer's Guide
Miller, Ron , The Grand Tour: a Traveller's Guiide to the Solar System
Miller, Ronald D. (ed.) , Anesthesia, 3rd ed., Vol. 1
Miller, Ronald D. (ed.) , Anesthesia, 3rd ed., Vol. 2
Miller, Russell , Continents in Collision
Miller, Sam F. , Design Process: a Primer For Architectural and Interior
Miller, Samuel C. , Neon Techniques and Handling
Miller, Stephen Wilmot , Cardiac Radiology: the Requisites
Miller, Stewart E. , Optical Fiber Telecommunications
Miller, Stewart E. , Optical Fiber Telecommunications II
Miller, W. Thomas (ed.) , Neural Networks For Control
Miller, Willard , Symmetry and Spearation of Variables
Miller, William H. , Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, Part A
Miller, William H. , Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, Part B
Millerson, Gerald , Video Production Handbook
Millerson, Gerald , The Technique of Lighting For Television and Motion Pictures
Millikan, Robert Andrews , The Electron: Its Isolation and Measurements and the
Determination of Some of Its Properties, 2nd ed.
Millikan, Robert Andrews , The Electron: Its Isolation and Measurements and the
Determination of Some of Its Properties
Millikan, Robert Andrews , Mechanics, Molecular Physics, and Heat
Millikan, Robert Andrews , Mechanics, Molecular Physics, and Heat
Millikan, Robert Andrews , A First Course in Physics, Rev. ed.
Millikan, Robert Andrews , A Laboratory Course in Physics For Secondary Schools
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Millikan, Robert Andrews , Exercises in Laboratory Physics For Secondary Schools
Milliken, George A. , Analysis of Messy Data, Vol. 2: Nonreplicated Experiments
Millman, Jacob , Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems
Millman, Jacob , Microelectronics, 2nd ed.
Millman, Jacob , Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems
Millman, Jacob , Electronic Devices and Circuits
Millman, Jacob , Pulse, Digital, and Switching Waveforms: Devices and Circuits
For Their Generation and Processing
Millman, Jacob , Pulse and Digital Circuits
Millonas, Mark , Fluctuations and Order: a New Synthesis
Mills, H. Robert , Practical Astronomy: a User-friendly Handbook For Sky
Mills, John , Encyclopedia of Sculpture Techniques
Mills, John FitzMaurice , Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments
Mills, N. J. , Plastics: Microstructure & Engineering Applications, 2nd ed.
Mills, Robert , Propogators For Many Particle Systems
Mills, Robert , Space, Time, and Quanta: an Introduction to Contemporary Physics
Millspaugh, Ben , Aviation and Space Science Projects
Millward, Simon , User's Guide to Sound Synthesis With VST Instruments
Milne, George W. A. , ed. , Mass Spectrometry: Techniques and Applications
Milne, Lorus J. , The Senses of Animals and Men
Milne, Lorus J. , The World of Night
Milne, Lorus J. , Patterns of Survival
Milne, Murray , Residential Water Re-use
Milne, William Edmund , Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Milne-Thompson,L.M. , Theoretical Hydrodynamics, 4th ed.
Milnes, A. G. , Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Electronics
Milsom, John , Field Geophyiscs
Milton, J. , Epilepsy As a Dynamic Disease
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Notebook: IC Applications
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: 555 Timer IC Circuits, 3rd
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Op Amp IC Circuits, 2nd ed.
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Optoelectronics Circuits
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Basic Semiconductor Circuits
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Digital Logic Circuits
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Communications Projects
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Formulas, Tables, and Basic
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Schematic Symbols, Device
Packages, Design and Testing
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Science Projects
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Engineer's Mini-notebook: Environmental Projects
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Electronic Formulas, Symbols and Circuits
Mims, Forrest M., III. , Timer, Op Amp & Optoelectronic Circuits & Projects
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Mims, Forrest M., III. , Electronic Sensor Circuits & Projects
Minahen, Charles D. , Vortex/t: the Poetics of Turbulence
Mingos, D. Michael P. , Introduction to Cluster Chemistry
Minifie, Fred D. , Normal Aspects of Speech, Hearing, and Language
Ministry of Aviation , Atmospheric Turbulence and Its Relation to Aircraft
Minkoff, John , Signals, Noise, & Active Sensors
Minnaert, M. , The Nature of Light and Color in the Open Air
Minnaert, M. G. J. , Light and Color in the Outdoors
Minnaert, M. G. J. , Practical Work in Elementary Astronomy
Minor, Ralph S. , Physical Measurements, Part One: Mechanics, Properties of
Matter, Heat and Sound
Minorsky, Nicholas , Nonlinear Oscillations
Minsky, Marvin , The Society of Mind
Minsky, Marvin L. , Perceptrons: an Introduction to Computational Geometry,
Expanded ed.
Mirkin, Gabe , The Sports Medicine Book
Mirosawa, Marie , Streams: Their Dynamics and Morphology
Mirowski, Philip , More Heat Than Light: Economics As Social Physics, Physics As
Nature's Economics
Mirsky, L. , An Introduction to Linear Algebra
Mirvis, David M. , Electrocardiography: a Physiologic Approach
Mishkin, Frederic S. , The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets,
5th ed.
Mislow, Kurt , Introduction to Stereochemistry
Misner, Charles W. , Gravitation
Misner, Charles , Spreadsheet Physics
Mitchell, A. R. , The Finite Difference Method in Partial Differential Equations
Mitchell, Allan C. , Resonance Radiation and Excited Atoms
Mitchell, Colin , Terrain Evaluation, 2nd ed.
Mitchell, Frank , Reading the Irish Landscape, Rev. ed.
Mitchell, John W. , Energy Engineering
Mitchell, John, Jr. , Aquametry, Part I, 2nd ed.
Mitchell, Ralph (ed.) , Water Pollution Microbiology
Mitchell, Ronald B. , Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea: Environmental Policy and
Treaty Compliance
Mitchell, William J. , The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Postphotographic Era
Mitchell, William J. , City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn
Mitchell, William J. , The Art of Computer Graphics Programminig: a Strcutured
Introduction For Archtiects and Designers
Mitra, Sanjit K. , Active Inductorless Filters
Mittal, K. L. (ed.) , Treatise on Clean Surface Technology, Vol. 1
Mittal, K. L. (ed.) , Adhesion Measurement of Thin Films, Thick Films, and Bulk
Mittelbach, Frank , The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed.
Mitton, Simon , Daytime Star: the Story of Our Sun
Mitton, Simon (ed.) , The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy
Miu, Denny K. , Mechatronics: Electromechanics and Controlmechanics
Mix, Paul E. , Introduction to Nondestructive Testing: a Training Guide
Miyamoto, Kenro , Plasma Physics For Nuclear Fusion, revised ed.
Mize, Joe H. , Essentials of Simulation
Mizon, Bob , Light Pollution: Espones and Remedies
Mkhitaryan, A. M. , Hydraulics and Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics
Mneyan, M. G. , The Wonderful Wizard of Magnesia
Mobberley, Martin , Astronomical Equipment For Amateurs
Modern Plastics , Guide to Plastics
Modest, Michael F. , Radiative Heat Transfer
Modin, Helfrid , Metallurgical Micrscopy
Modinos, A. , Quantum Theory of Matter: a Novel Introduction
Modley, Rudolf , Pictographs and Graphs: How to Make and Use Them
Moe, Martin A., Jr. , The Marine Acquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder, 2nd
Moeller, Bill , RV Electrical Systems: a Basic Guide to Troubleshooting, Repair,
and Improvement
Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A. , States of Matter
Moffa, Peter E. (ed.) , The Control and Treatment of Industrial and Municipal
Moffatt, H. K. , Magnetic Field Generation in Electrically Conducting Fluids
Moffatt, William G. , The Structure and Properties of Materials, Vol. I:
Moffitt, Francis H. , Surveying, 6th ed.
Moffitt, Francis H. , Photogrammetry
Mofrad, Mohammad R. K. , Cytoskeletal Mechanics: Models and Measurements
Moggridge, Bill , Designing Interactions
Mogil, H. Michael , Tornoadoes
Mogil, H. Michael , The Amateur Meteorologist: Explorations and Investigations
Moglestue, C. , Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices
Mohammadi, B. , Applied Shape Optimization For Fluids
Mohapatra, R. N., ed. , Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions
Mohling, Franz , Statistical Mechanics: Methods and Applications
Mohr, G. A. , Finite Elements For Solids, Fluids, and Optimization
Mohr, J. GIlbert , SPI Handbook of Technology and Engineering of Reinforced
Moje, Steven W, , Paper Clip Science: Simple & Fun Expeiments
Mok, Clement , Designing Business: Multiple Media, Multiple Disciplines
Mollenauer, L. F. , Tunable Lasers
Moller, Anders Pape , Asymmetry, Developmental Stability, and Evolution
Moller, Hans Joachim , Semiconductors For Solar Cells
Möller, K. D. , Optics
Möller, Karl Dieter , Far Infrared Spectroscopy
Möller, Karl Dieter , Far Infrared Spectroscopy
Mollerup, Per , Collapsible: the Genius of Space-Saving Design
Mollison, Bill , Permaculture: a Designers' Manual
Moltrecht, K. H. , Machine Shop Practice, Vol. 1
Molyneux-Child, J. W. , EMC Shielding Materials: a Designer's Guide
Monaco, A. P. (ed.) , Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis: a Practical Approach
Moncrief, J. William , Elements of Physical Chemistry
Monin, A. S. , Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence, Vol.1
Monin, A. S. , Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence, Vol.2
Monin, Andrei S. , Weather Forecasting As a Problem in Physics
Monk, George S. , Light: Principles and Experiments, 2nd ed.
Monmonier, Mark , Air Apparent: How Meteorologists Learned to Map, Predict, and
Dramatize Weather
Monmonier, Mark S. , Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Projects
Monmonier, Mark S. , Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in America
Monod, Jacques , Chance and Necessity: an Essay on the Natural Philosophy of
Modern Biology
Monser, George J. , Antenna Design: a Practical Guide
Monster Garage , How to Weld Damn Neat Everything
Montagna, Frank C. , Responding to "rountine" Emergencies
Montaigne, Fen , Medicine By Design: the Practice and Promise of Biomedical
Montaser, Akbar , Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Spectrometry
Montenbruck, Oliver , Astronomy on the Personal Computer, 2nd ed.
Montgomery, C. G. , Principles of Microwave Circuits
Montgomery, D. Bruce , Solenoid Magnet Design
Montgomery, D. C. , Plasma Kinetic Theory
Montgomery, Scott L. , Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge Through
Cultures and Time
Montroll, E. W., ed. , Fluctuation Phenomena
Montroll, E. W., ed. , The Liquid State of Matter: Fluids,Simple and Complex
Moody, Frederick J. , Introduction To Unsteady Thermofluid Mechanics
Moody, Jay Alan , Metrics and Case Studies For Evaluating Engineering Designs
Mook, Delo E. , Inside Relativity
Moon, Francis C. , Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics: an Introduction For Applied
Scientists and Engineers
Moon, Francis C. , Applied Dynamics: With Applications to Multibody and
Mechatronic Systems
Moon, Francis C. , Chaotic Vibrations: an Introduction For Applied Scientists
and Engineeers
Moon, Francis C. (ed.) , Dynamics and Chaos in Manufacturing Processes
Moon, Francis C. , Superconducting Levitation: Applications to Bearings and
Magnetic Transportation
Moon, P. , Field Theory Handbook: Including Coordinate Systems, Differnetial
Equations and Their Solutions, 2nd ed.
Moon, Parry , The Scientific Basis of Illuminating Engineering
Moore, A. D. , Invention, Discovery, and Creativity
Moore, A. D. , Electrostatics: Exploring, Controlling, and Using Static
Electricity, 2nd ed.
Moore, Charles , The Place of Houses
Moore, Dan H. (ed.) , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. II, Part
A, Physical Chemical Techniques, 2nd ed.
Moore, Dan H. (ed.) , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. II, Part
B, Physical Chemical Techniques, 2nd ed.
Moore, David S. , The Dependent Gene: the Fallacy of "Nature vs. Nurture"
Moore, Desmond F. , Viscoelastic Machine Elements: Elastomers and Lubricants in
Machine Systems
Moore, Duane M. , X-ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay
Moore, F. K. , Theory of Laminar Flows
Moore, J. J. , Chemical Metalurgy, 2nd ed.
Moore, John A. , Science As a Way of Knowing: the Foundations of Modern Biology
Moore, John H. , Building Scientific Apparatus
Moore, John H. , Building Scientific Apparatus, 2nd ed.
Moore, Keith L. , Essential Clinical Anatomy
Moore, Keith L. , Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 4th ed.
Moore, Patrick , The Amateur Astronomer
Moore, Patrick , The Amateur Astronomer
Moore, Patrick , The Night Sky With Binoculars, 3rd ed.
Moore, Patrick (ed.) , Small Astronomical Observatories: Amateur and
Professional Designs and Constructions
Moore, Patrick (ed.) , The Modern Amateur Astronomer
Moore, Patrick (ed.) , The Observational Amateur Astronomer
Moore, Pete , E = Mc2 The Great Ideas That Shaped Our World
Moore, Pete , The Forensics Handbooks
Moore, Raymond S. , Communications Receivers: the Vacuum Tube Era: 50 Glorious
Years 1932-1981
Moore, Richard K. , Traveling-Wave Engineering
Moore, Richard K. , Wave and Diffusion Analogies
Moore, Steve , Designing With Analog Switches
Moore, Walter , Schrodinger: Life and Thought
Moore, Wayne R. , Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy
Moore-Ede, Martin C. , The Clocks That Time Us: Physiology of the Circadian
Timing Systems
Moorey, Anne , Making Mobiles: Hanging Decorations From Simple Materials
Moorhouse, W. W. , The Study of Rocks in Thin Section
Moran, Joseph M. , Meteorology: the Atmosphere and the Science of Weather
Moran, Michael J. , Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics
Morari, Manfred , Robust Process Control
Moravcsik, Michael J. , Musical Sound: an Introduction to the Physics of Music
Moravcsik, Michael J. , The Two-Nucleon Interaction
More, Louis Trenchard , Isaac Newton
More, Louis Trenchard , The Limitations of Science
Morgan, Alfred P. , Boys' Book of Science and Construction, revised ed.
Morgan, David O. , The Cell Cycle: Principles of Control
Morgan, Joseph , The Physical Basis of Musical Sounds
Morgan, Max J. , Dynamic Positioning of Offshore Vessels
Morgan, Peter , Carbon Fibers and Their Composites
Morganthaler, George W. , Energy Delta: Supply Vs. Demand
Morgera, Salvatore D. , Digital Signal Processing: Applications to
Communications and Algebraic Coding Theories
Mori, H. , Dissipative Structures and Chaos
Morikuni, James J. , Computer-aided Design of Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits
and Systems
Morlock, Edward K. , Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning
Morone, Joseph G. , Averting Catastrophe: Strategies For Regulating Risky
Morowitz, Harold J. , Mayonnaise and the Origin of Life: Thoughts of Minds and
Morowitz, Harold J. , The Thermodynamics of Pizza: Essays on Science and
Everyday Life
Morowitz, Harold J. , Entropy and the Magic Flute
Morowitz, Harold J. , The Emergence of Everything: How the World Became Complex
Morowitz, Harold J. , Beginning of Cellular Life: Metabolism Recapitulates
Morrill, Richard L. , The Spatial Organization of Society
Morris, A. L. , Air Quality Meteorology and Atmospheric Ozone
Morris, Alan S. , The Essence of Measurement
Morris, Bruce , HTML in Action
Morris, C. J. O. R. , Separation Methods in Biochemistry
Morris, Conway , Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe
Morris, George E. , Technical Illustrating
Morris, Gregory L. , Candle Power: Advanced Candlestick Recognition and
Filtering Techniques For Trading Stocks and Futures
Morris, I. E. , Handbook of Structural Design
Morris, Richard , The Edges of Science: Crossing the Boundary From Physics to
Morris, Richard , Achilles in the Quantum Universe
Morris, Skip , The Custom Graphite Fly Rod
Morrison, David , Expoloring Planetary Worlds
Morrison, Foster , The Art of Modeling Dynamic Systems: Forecasting For Chaos.
Randomness, & Determinism
Morrison, Harry L. , ed. , The Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems
Morrison, Norman , Introduction to Fourier Analysis
Morrison, P. W. , Environmental Control in Electronic Manufacturing
Morrison, Philip (ed.) , The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Morrison, Philip , The Ring of Truth: an Inquiry into How We Know What We Know
Morrison, Philip , Powers of Ten: About the Relative Size of Things in the
Morrison, Ralph , Instrumentation Fundamentals and Applications
Morrison, Ralph , Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation, 2nd ed.
Morrison, Ralph , Noise and Other Interfering Signals
Morrison, Robert Thornton , Organic Chemistry: Answers to Problems
Morrison, Robert Thornton , Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed.
Morrison, Robert Thornton , Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.
Morrison, T. P. , The Art of Computerized Measurement
Morrison, Tom , Weather For the New Pilot
Morse, Edward S. , Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings
Morse, Philip M. , Vibration and Sound
Morse, Philip M. , Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part 1
Morse, Philip M. , Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part 2
Morse, Philip M. , Theoretical Acoustics
Morse, Ray , How to Make & Fly Model Hot-air Baloons
Mort, J. , Plasma Deposited Thin Films
Mortenson, Michael E. , Geometric Modeling
Morton, Hudson T. , Anti-friction Bearings, 2nd ed.
Morton, Maurice , Rubber Technology, 3rd ed.
Mosberg, Stewart , Packaging
Mosburg, Lewis G., Jr. , Handbook on Basic Land Management
Mosca, Edoardo , Optimal, Predictive, and Adaptive Control
Moschytz, George S. , Linear Integrated Networks: Fundamentals
Moschytz, George S. , Linear Integrated Networks: Design
Moscinski, Jerzy , Advanced Control With Matlab and Simulink
Moseley, P. T. , Sensor Materials
Moseley, P. T. , Techniques and Mechanisms of Gas Sensing
Moser, Jürgen , Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems: With Special
Emphasis on Celestial Mechanics
Moser, Jürgen , Lectures on Hamiltonian Systems; Rigorous and Formal Stability
of Orbits About an Oblate Planet
Moser, Mary Anne , Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments
Moses, Alfred J. , The Practicing Scientist's Handbook
Moses, Robert , Public Works: a Dangerous Trade
Mosher, Lynn , Automechanic's Guide to Electronic Instrumentation and
Moskowitz, Lester R. , Permanent Magnet Design and Application Handbook
Moskowitz, Roland W. , Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Medical/surgical
Management, 3rd ed.
Mosley, W. H. , Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd ed.
Moss, Frank , Noise in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Moss, T. S. , Semiconductor Opto-electronics
Mosteller, Frederick , Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability With Solutions
Mosteller, Frederick , Probability With Statistical Applications
Mostowski, A. , Introduction to Higher Algebra
Motazedi, Robert T. , Aerobatics: a Comprehensive Guide For Sport and
Competition R/C Pilots
Motchenbacher, C.D. , Low Noise Electronic Design
Motor , Introduction to Auto Engines, 8th ed.
Motorola , The Semiconductor Data Book, 5th ed.
Motorola , MC68851 Paged Memory Management Unit User's Manual
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Motorola , MC68020 32-Bit Microprocessor User's Manual, 2nd ed.
Motorola , Motorola Zener Diode Manual
Motorola , Silcon Zener Diode Handbook: Theory, Design Characteristics and
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Techniques, Specs & Ratings
Motorola , Solid State Projects Manual
Motorola , Integrated Circuits Projects From Motorola
Mott, N. F. , Elements of Wave Mechanics
Mott, N. F. , Electronic Processes of Ionic Crystals, 2nd ed.
Mott, N. F. , The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys
Mott, N. F. , The Theory of Atomic Collisions, 3rd ed., Vol. II
Mott, N. F. , Wave Mechanics and Its Applications
Mott, Nevill, Sir , Metal-Insulator Transitions, 2nd ed
Mott-Smith, Morton , The Concept of Energy Simply Explained
Moullin, E. B. , Spontaneous Fluctuations of Voltage
Moullin, E. B. , The Principles of Electromagnetism
Moullin, E. B. , Electromagnetic Principles of the Dynamo
Moulson, A. J. , Electroceramics: Materials, Properties, Applications
Mound, Laurence , Insect
Moungovan, Roy , Shop Savvy: Tips, Techniques & Jigs For Woodworkers and
Mouritsen, Ole G. , Computer Studies of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
Mouritsen, Ole G. , Life - As a Matter of Fat: the Emerging Science of
Mourou, G. A. , Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics
Mouroulis, Pantazis , Visual Instrumentaion: Optical Design and Engineering
Mouroulis, Pantazis , Geometrical Optics and Optical Design
Moxon, L. A. , HF Antennas For All Locations
Moyseyev, N. N. , Dynamical Stability of Bodies Containing Fluid
Mrig, L. (ed.) , Photovoltaic Performance Reliability Workshop
Muckle, W. , Naval Architecture For Marine Engineers
Muhlhaus, H. B. , Continuum Models of Materials With Microstructure
Muir, John , The Story of My Boyhood and Youth
Muirden, James , Astonomy With Binoculars
Muirden, James , The Amateur Astronomer's Handbook, 3rd Ed.: a Guide to
Exploring the Heavens
Muirden, James , How to Use an Astronomical Telescope
Mukherjee, Amar , Introduction to NMOS and CMOS VLSI Systems Design
Mukhlyonov, J. P. , Fundamentals of Chemical Technology
Mulcahy, David E. , Materials Handling Handbook
Müller, B. , Neural Networks: an Introduction
Muller, Francis S. , Device Electronics For Integrated Circuits, 2nd ed.
Muller, Gerhard , Laser-induced Interstitial Thermotherapy
Muller, Herbert J. , Science & Criticism: the Humanistic Tradition in
Contemporary Thought
Müller, Otto H. , The Polarographic Method of Analysis
Müller, Ralph H. , Experimental Electronics
Muller, Richard S. (ed.) , Microsensors
Mullin, Mark , Object Oriented Program Design With Examples in C++
Mullin, Tom (ed.) , The Nature of Chaos
Mulller, Nathan J. , Bluetooth Demystified
Multidimensional Signal Processing Committee , Multidimensional Digital Signal
Mulvey, J. H. ed. , The Nature of Matter
Mulvey, John , Semiconductor Device Measurements
Mumford, Lewis , Technics and Civilizations
Mumford, Lewis , The Myth of the Machine, Vol. 1: Technics and Human Development
Mumford, Lewis , The Myth of the Machine: the Pentagon of Power
Mundy, J. N. , Solid State: Nuclear Methods
Munem, M. A. , Precalculus: Functions and Graphs, 4th ed
Munjal, M. L. , Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers: With Application to Exhaust and
Ventilation System Design
Munk, Petr , Introduction to Macromolecular Science
Munro, Neil , Modern Approaches to Control System Design
Munro-Smith, R. , Ships and Naval Architecture
Munshi, M. Z. A. (ed.) , Handbook of Solid State Batteries & Capacitors
Munshower, Frank F. , Practical Handbook of Disturbed Land Revegetation
Murchie, Guy , Music of the Spheres
Murdin, Paul , Supernova
Murdoch, J. B. , Network Theory
Murdoch, Joseph B. , Illumination Engineering: From Edison's Lamp to the Laser
Murdock, Bruce K. , Handbook of Electronic Design and Analysis Procedures Using
Programmable Calculators
Murdock, James A. , Perturbations: Theory and Methods
Murell, J. N. , Properties of Liquids and Solutions
Murphy, Douglas B. , Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging
Murphy, Earl Finbar , Governing Nature
Murphy, Glenn , Properties of Engineering Materials
Murphy, John S. , Basics of Digitial Computers, Vol. 1
Murphy, John S. , Basics of Digitial Computers, Vol. 2
Murphy, John S. , Basics of Digitial Computers, Vol. 3
Murphy, Michael P. , What is Life? The Next Fifty Years: Speculations on the
Future of Biology
Murphy, Pat (ed.) , Exploring Energy
Murphy, Pat (ed.) , Exploring Electricity
Murphy, Pat (ed.) , Exploring Cities
Murphy, Pat , The Color of Nature
Murphy, Pat , By Nature's Design
Murr, Lawrence , Solid-State Electronics
Murr, Lawrence E. , What Every Engineer Should Know About Material and Component
Failure, Failure Analysis, and Litigation
Murr, Lawrence E. , Electron and Ion Microscopy and Microanalysis: Principles
and Applications
Murr, Lawrence E. (ed.) , Shock Waves For Industrial Applications
Murray, Andrew , The Cell Cycle: an Introduction
Murray, Bruce , Journey into Space: the First Thirty Years of Space Exploration
Murray, C. D. , Solar System Dynamics
Murray, Dave , House Training Your VCR: a Help Manual For Humans
Murray, J. D. , Mathematical Biology, An Introduction: Vol. I, 3rd ed.
Murray, J. D. , Mathematical Biology, Vol. II, 3rd ed.
Murray, J. D. , Mathematical Biology
Murray, Partick R. , Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 6th ed.
Murray, Spencer (ed.) , Basic Engine Hot Rodding No. 2
Murray, Spencer (ed.) , Chassis Suspension and Brakes
Murray, William M. , The Bonded Electrical Resistance Strain Gage
Murrill, Paul W. , Automatic Control of Processes
Murrill, Paul W. , Fundamentals of Process Control Theory
Murt, E. M. , Physical Measurement and Analysis of Thin Films
Murthy, T. K. S. , Structural Design and Crashworthiness of Automobiles
Musa, John D. , Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Applicaion
Museum of Modern Art New York , Machine Art
Musgrave, Albert W. (ed.) , Seismic Refraction Prospecting
Musgrave, M. J. P. , Crystal Acoustics
Musgrove, John , Sir Banister Fletcher's A History of Architecture
Musikant, Solomon , What Every Engineer Should Know About Ceramics
Musk, Leslie F. , Weather Systems
Muskat, M. , The Flow of Homgenous Fluids Through Porous Media
Muskat, M. , The Flow of Homgenous Fluids Through Porous Media
Muskat, Morris , Physical Principles of Oil Production
Muskhelishvili, N. I. , Singular Integral Equations, 2nd ed.
Musser, David R. , STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming With the
Standard Template Library
Muth, Steve (ed.) , Synchro Conversion Handbook
Muvdi, B. B. , Engineering Mechanics of Materials
Muybridge, Eadward , Animals in Motion
Muybridge, Eadward , The Human Figure in Motion
Mycek, Mary-Ann , Handbook of Biomedical Fluorescence
Myers, Eugene N. , Cancer of the Head and Neck, 4th ed.
Myers, Jack , Highlights® Book of Science Questions That Children Ask
Myers, Jerome L. , Fundamentals of Experimental Design
Myers, John J. , Handbook of Ocean and Underwater Engineering
Myint-U, Tyn , Partial Differential Equations For Scientists and Engineers, 3rd
Mykura, H. , Solid Surfaces and Interfaces
Myshkis, A. D. , Low-gravity Fluid Mechanics
Naar, Jon , The New Wind Power: a Timely Report on How Business, Government, and
Independent Research Are Creating a New Energy Industry
Naar, Jon , Design For a Livable Planet: How You Can Help Clean Up the
Nabarro, F. R. N. , Theory of Crystal Dislocations
Naber, Gregory L. , The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime
Nabhan, Gary Paul , Cultures of Habitat: on Nature, Culture, and Story
Nabok, Alexei , Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures
Nabokov, Peter , Native American Architecture
Nachman, Joseph F. , Proceedings of the Second Conference on Rare Earth
Research, September 24-27, 1961
Nachod, F. C. , Determination of Organic Structures By Physical Methods, Vol. 2
Nachtigal, Chester L. (ed) , Instrumentation & Control: Fundamentals and
Nachtigall, Werner , Exploring With the Microscope
Nachtrieb, Norman H. , Principles and Practice of Spectrochemical Analysis
Nadel, Lynn (ed.) , 1990 Lectures in Complex Systems III
Nadel, Lynn (ed.) , 1991 Lectures in Complex Systems IV
Nadel, Lynn (ed.) , 1993 Lectures in Complex Systems VI
Nadkarni, M. G. , Basic Ergodic Theory
Nadler, Morton , Pattern Recognition Engineering
Nag, B. R. , Electron Transport in Compound Semiconductors
Nagaosa, N. , Quantum Field Theory in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
Nagaraja, N. S. , Elements of Electronic Navigation, 2nd ed.
Nagashima, H. , Introduction to Chaos: Physics and Mathematics of Chaotic
Nagata, Joe , Joe Nagata's LEGO Mindstorms Idea Book
Nagdi, Khairi , Rubber As an Engineering Material: Guideline For Users
Nagel, Ernest , Gödel's Proof
Nagrath, I. J. , Control System Engineering (2nd Ed.)
Nahin, Paul J. , The Science of Radio
Naiman, Arthur (ed.) , The Macintosh Bible: Thousands of Basic and Advanced
Tipes, Tricks, and Shortcuts Logically Organized and Fully Indexed
Najder, K. W> , Machine Designers' Guide: Formulas, Mechanics-graphics, Strength
of Materials, Examples
Nakajima, S. , The Physics of Elementary Excitations
Nakamura, Katsuhiro , Quantum Chaos: a New Paradigm of Nonlinear Dynamics
Nakayama, Y. , Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Nakayama, Yasuki , Atlas of Visualization II
Nakazawa, Hiromu , Principles of Precision Enegineering
Namba, S. , Science and Technology Og Mesoscopic Structures
Nanavati, Rahendra , Semiconductor Devices: BJT's, JFET's, MOSFET's and
Integrated Circutirs
Nanavati, Samir , Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World
Nancollas, G. H. , Interactions in Electrolyte Solutions
Napier, John , Hands
Nara, Andrew R. , Blood Pressure
Narayanan, R. S. , Introduction to Design For Civil Engineers
Narcus, Harold , Metallizing of Pastics
Narducci, Lorenzo M. , Laser Physics and Laser Instabilities
Narendra, Kumpati S. , Applications of Adaptive Control
Narendra, S. Kumpati , Stable Adpative Systems
Nargowalla, Sam S. , Activation Analysis With Neutron Generators
Narlikar, J. V. , Violent Phenomena in the Universe
Narlikar, Jayant V. , The Lighter Side of Gravity, 2nd ed.
NASA , A Forecast of Space Technology 1980-2000
NASA , Outlook For Space
Nasar, S. A. , Linear Motion Electric Machines
Nasar, Syed A. , 3000 Solved Problems in Electric Circuits
Nasar, Sylvia , A Beautiful Mind
Nash, Charles , Topology and Geometry For Physicists
Nash, L. K. , Elements of Chemical Thermodynamics
Nash, Stephen G. , Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Nash, William A. , Theory and Problems of Strength of Materials
Naslin, P. , Essentials of Optimal Control
Nass, Gisela , The Molecules of Life
Nass, Leonard I. , Encyclopedia of PVC, Vol. 1
Nass, Leonard I. , Encyclopedia of PVC, Vol. 2
Nass, Leonard I. , Encyclopedia of PVC, Vol. 3
Nassau, Jason John , A Textbook of Practical Astronomy
Nassau, K. , Crystals: Grwoth, Proerties, and Applications, Vol. 2: Growth and
Nassau, Kurt , The Phsyics and Chemistry of Color: the Fifteen Causes of Color
Nastuk, William L. , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. IV,
Special Methods
Nastuk, William L. , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. V,
Electrophysiological Methods Part A
Nastuk, William L. , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. VI,
Electrophysiological Methods Part B
Natanson, I. P. , Theory of Functions of a Real Variable, Vol. I
Natanson, I. P. , Theory of Functions of a Real Variable, Vol. II
Natarajan, Nasir Ahmed T. , Discrete-time Signals and Systems
Nathanson, Fred E. , Radar Design Principles: Signal Processing and the
nathanson, Jerry A. , Basic Enironmental Technology: Water Supply, Waste
Disposal, and Pollution Control
National Academy of Sciences , Fundamentals of Amorphous Semiconductors
National Academy of Sciences , Atomic & Molecular Physics
National Academy of Sciences , Physics in Perpective: the Nature of Physics and
the Subfields of Physics, Student ed.
National Academy of Sciences , Ocean Wave Spectra
National Association of Relay Manufacturers , Engineers' Relay Handbook
National Audubon SOciety , Earth From Space
National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films , Illustrated Experiments in Fluid
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements , Alpha-emitting
Particles in Lungs
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements , Review of the
Current State of Radiation Protection Philosophy
National Fire Protection Association , NFPA 101 Life Safety Code 1988
National Geographic Society , Raging Forces: Earth in Upheaval
National Geographic Society , The Craftsman in America
National Geographic Society , Builders of the Ancient World: Marvels of
National Geographic Society , Those Inventive Americans
National Geographic Society , How Things Work
National Geographic Society , Frontline of Discovery: Science on the Brink of
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Back Belt Working Group ,
Workplace Use of Back Belts
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Division of Safety
Research , Persoanl Protective Equipment For Hazardous Materials Incidents: a
Selection Guide
National Joint Steamfitter-Pipefitter Apprenticeship Committee , Instruction
Manual For Steamfitter-pipefitter Journeyment & Apprentices, 2nd ed.
National Radio Institute , Various Radio Service Manuals
National Research Council , Materials Science and Engineering For the 1990s:
Maintaining Competitiveness in the Age of Materials
National Research Council , Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation
National Research Council , Managing Coastal Erosion
National Research Council , Health Risks of Radon and Other Internally Deposited
National Research Council , Film Badge Dosimetry in Atmospheric Nuclear Tests
National Research Council , The Decade of Discovery in Astronomy and
National Research Council , Fuels to Drive Our Future
National Research Council - Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board , Technology
For Small Spacecraft
National Research Council - Engineering Research Board , Directions in
Engineering Research
National Research Council Committee on Underwater Telecommunication , Present
and Future Civil Uses of Underwater Sound
National Research Council Transportation Research Board , Highway Capacity
Manual, Special Report 209, 3rd ed.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association , People - Their Power: the
Rural Electric Factbook
Natsuk, William L. (ed.) , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. V:
Electrophysiological Methods Part A
Naugolynykh, K. , Nonlinear Wave Processes in Acoustics
Nauman, E. B. , Mixing in Continuous Flow Systems
Naumov, B. (ed.) , Philosophy of Nonlinear Control Systems
Navabi, Zainabalabedin , Embedded Core Design With FPGAs
Nave, Carl R. , Physics For the Health Sciences, 3rd ed.
Navon, David H. , Electronic Materials and Devices
Nayfeh, Ali H. , Perturbation Methods
Nayfeh, Ali H. , Introduction to Perturbation Techniques
Nayfeh, Ali H. , Applied Nonlinear Dynamics: Analytical, Computational, and
Experimental Methods
Nayfeh, Ali H. , Nonlinear Oscillations
Nayler, G. H. F. , Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering, 4th ed.
Naylor, Arch W. , Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science
Naylor, Gillian , The Bauhaus Reassessed: Sources and Design Theory
Naylor, Henry , Construction Project Management: Planning and Scheduling
Naylor, Thomas H. , Computer Simulation Techniques
Nayyar, Mohinder L. , Piping Handbook, 6th ed.
Ne'eman, Yuval (ed.) , To Fulfill a Vision: Jerusalem Einstein Centennial
Symposium on Gauge Theories and Unification of Physical Forces
Ne'eman, Yuval , The Particle Hunters
Neagu, Nicoleta , Constraint Satisfaction Techniques For Agent-based Reasoning
Neal, Arminta , Help! For the Small Museum: Handbook of Exhibit Ideas and
Neal, Homer A. , Solid Waste Management and the Environment: the Mounting
Grabage and Trash Crisis
Neal, Valerie (ed.) , Where Next Columbus: the Future of Space Exploration
Neamen, Donald A. , Semiconductor Physics & Devices: Basic Principles
Needham, Joseph , Order and Life
Needham, Joseph , Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 2: History of
Scientific Thought
Needham, Joseph , Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 3: Mathematics and the
Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth
Needham, Joseph , Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 5: Chemistry and
Chemical Technology; Part II: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Magisteries of
Gold and Immortality
Needham, Tristan , Visual Complex Analysis
Neelakanta, Perambur S. , Neural Network Modeling: Statistical Mechanics and
Cybernetic Perspectives
Neely, John E. , Practical Metallurgy and Materials of Industry, 5th ed.
Neese, William A. , Aircraft Hydraulic Systems, 3rd ed.
Neff, Herbert P. , Basic Electromagnetic Fields
Negele, John W. , Quantum Many-particle Systems
Negus, Christopher , Red Hat Linux Bible: Fedora and Enterprise Edition
Nehmer, Kathleen Suttles , Educators Guide to Free Science Materials, 43rd ed.
Neiburger, Morris , Understanding Our Atmospheric Environment, 2nd ed.
Neidell, Norman S. , Stratigraphic Modelling and Interpretation - Geophysical
Principles and Techniques
Neiswanger, William Addison , Elementary Statistical Methods: As Applied to
Business and Economic Data
Nelkin, Dorothy , Selling Science
Nelson, A. , Dictionary of Applied Geology: Mining and Civil Engineering
Nelson, Carl A. , Millwrights and Mechanics Guide, 4th ed.
Nelson, D. , Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Surfaces, Vol. 5
Nelson, Glenn C. , Ceramics: a Potter's Handbook, 4th ed.
Nelson, Glenn C. , Ceramics: a Potter's Handbook
Nelson, H. Roice , New Technologies in Exploration Geophysics
Nelson, Mark , C++ Programmer's Guide to the Standard Template Library
Nelson, Mark , The Data Compression Handbook: Featuring Fast, Efficient Data
Compression Techniques in C
Nelson, Mike , THe Colorado Weather Book
Nelson, P. A. , Active Control of Sound
Nelson, Philip , Biological Physics: Energy, Information, Life
Nelson, Robert C. , Flight Stability and Automatic Control, 2nd ed.
Nemeth, Evi , Linux Administration Handbook
Nemytskii, V. V. , Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
Nemytskii, V. V. , Qualitative Thoery of Differenatial Equations
Nentwig, J. , Chemistry Made Easy, Part I: a Programmed Course For Selfinstruction
Nentwig, J. , Chemistry Made Easy, Part II: a Programmed Course For Selfinstruction
Nernst, W. , The New Heat Theorem
Nernst, Walter , Theoretical Chemistry: From the Standpoint of Avogadro's Rule
and Thermodynamics, 5th ed.
Nero, Anthony V., Jr. , A Guidebook to Nuclear Reactors
Nero, Anthony V., Jr. , A Guidebook to Nuclear Reactors
Netravli, Arun N. , Visual Communication Systems
Nettel, Stephen , Wave Physics: Oscillations - Solitons - Chaos, 2nd ed.
Nettel, Stephen , Wave Physics: Oscillations - Solitons - Chaos
Netter, Frank H. , The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 1: Nervous
Netter, Frank H. , The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 4:
Endocrine System and Selected Metabolic Diseases
Netter, Frank H. , The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 7:
Respiratory Systems
Nettleton, L. L. , Elementary Gravity and Magnetics For Geologists and
Nettleton, M. A. , Geophysical Prospecting For Oil
Nettleton, M. A. , Gaseous Detonations: Their Nature, Effects, and Control
Neubart, Jack , Industrial Photography
Neubecker, William , The Universal Sheet Metal Pattern Cutter, Vol. One
Neubecker, William , The Universal Sheet Metal Pattern Cutter, Vol. Two
Neuberger, Hans , Principles of Climatology: a Manual of Earth Science
Neubert, Mermann K. P. , Instrument Transducers: an Introduction to Their
Performance and Design
Neudeck, Gerold W. , The PN Junction Diode, 2nd ed.
Neudeck, Gerold W. , The Bipolar Junction Transistor
Neudeck, Gerold W. , The Bipolar Junction Transistor, 2nd ed.
Neumaier, Robert , Hermetic Pumps: the Latest Innovations and Industrial
Applications of Sealless Pumps
Neuman, Gerhard , Principles of Physical Oceanography
Neumann, Gerhard , Principles of Physical Oceanography
Neumann, J. Alex , Welding of Plastics
Neurath, Otto , International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, Vol. I, Nos. 6-10
Neutra, Richard , Survival Through Design
Nevatia, Ramakant , Machine Perception
Neville, A. M. , Concrete Technology
Nevin, Charles Merrick , Principles of Structural Geology, 4th ed.
New York Public Library , The New York Public Library Desk Reference
Newall, Christopher (ed.) , Synchronous Transmission Systems
Newbury, Nathan , Princeton Problems in Physics: With Solutions
Newby, Bruce , Electronic Signal Conditioning
Newcomb, Ellsworth , Miracle Glass
Newell, Alan C. , Solitons in Mathematics and Physics
Newell, Alan C. , Nonlinear Optics
Newell, Paul , Radio Control: a Handbook of Theory and Practice
Newitt, Dudley , The Design of High Pressure Plant and the Properties of Fluids
at High Pressures
Newitt, John H. , High Fidelity Techniques
Newland, D. E. , An Introduction to Random Vibrations, Spectral & Wavelet
Analysis, 3rd ed.
Newland, D. E. , An Introduction to Random Vibrations and Spectral Analysis
Newland,D.E. , An Introduction to Random Vibrations and Spectral Analysis
Newman, Alexander , Using Java
Newman, Arnold , Tropical Rainforest: a Worlkd Survey of Our Most Vaulable and
Endangered Habitat With a Blueprint For Its Survival
Newman, D. Jay , Linux Robotics: Programming Smarter Robots
Newman, F. H. , The General Properties of Matter, 4th ed.
Newman, James R. , The World of Mathematics, Vol. 1
Newman, James R. , The World of Mathematics, Vol. 2
Newman, James R. , The World of Mathematics, Vol. 3
Newman, James R. , The World of Mathematics, Vol. 4
Newman, James R. (ed.) , The Harper Encyclopedia of Science, Vol.1, A-D, 1st ed.
Newman, James R. (ed.) , The Harper Encyclopedia of Science, Vol.2, E-L, 1st ed.
Newman, James R. (ed.) , The Harper Encyclopedia of Science, Vol.3, M-R, 1st ed.
Newman, James R. (ed.) , The Harper Encyclopedia of Science, Vol.4, S-Z, 1st ed.
Newman, Jay Hartley , Plastics For the Craftsman
Newman, Joseph Westley , The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman, 6th Ed.: an
Invention Whose Time Has Come
Newman, M. E. J. , Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics
Newman, M. H. A. , Elements of the Topology of Plane Sets of Points, 2nd ed.
Newman, Mark , The Structure and Dynamics of Networks
Newman, Q. B. , Marine Electric Power, 2nd ed.
Newman, Thelma , The Complete Book of Making Miniatures For Room Settings and
Newman, William H. , Constructive Control: Design and Use of Control Systems
Newman, William M. , Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, 2nd ed.
Newman, William M. , Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, 2nd ed.
Newmark, N. M. , Earthquake Spectra and Design
Newnham, R. E. , Structure-property Relations
Newport, John R. , Avionic Systems Design
Newton, David E. , Making and Using Scientific Equipment
Newton, David E. , Environmental Chemistry
Newton, Harry , Newton's Telecome Dictionary
Newton, Jack , The Guide to Amateur Astronomy, 2nd ed.
Newton, Jack , The Cambridge Deep-sky Album
Newton, R. E. I. , Wave Physics
Newton, Roger G. , What Makes Nature Tick?
Newton, Roger G. , Thinking About Physics
Newton, Roger G. , Galileo's Pendulum: From the Rhythm of Time to the Making of
Newton, Sir Isaac , Opticks: a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions,
Inflections, and Colours of Light
Newton, Sir Isaac , Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Selections
Newton, Sir Isaac , Principia, Vol. 1 The Motion of Bodies
Newton, Sir Isaac , Principia, Vol. 2: the System of the World
Nezlin, Mikhail V. , Physics of Intense Beams in Plasmas
Ng, Kwok K. , Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices
NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories , High Definition Television:
Hi-vision Technology
Niblack, Wayne , An Introduction to Digital Image Processing
Nibler, F. (ed.) , High-frequency Circuit Engineering
Nicholl, Desmond S. T. , An Introduction to Genetic Engineering
Nicholls, David G. , Proteins, Transmitters and Synapses
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Nicholls, Des F. , Random Coefficient Autoregressive Models: an Introduction
Nicholls, John G. , From Neuron to Brain: a Cullular and Molecular Approach to
the Function of the Nervous System
Nichols, Fred R. , Manual of Experimental Physics: For Secondary Schools
Nichols, Herbert L., Jr. , Heavy Equipment Repair
Nichols, Myron H. , Radio Telemetry, 2nd ed.
Nickell, Joe , Crime Science: Methods of Forensic Detection
Nicolis, Gregoire , Introduction to Nonlinear Science
Nicolis, Gregoire , Self-organization in Nonequilibrium Systems
Nicolis, Gregoire , Exploring Complexity
Nicollian, E. H. , MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology
Nicolson, Ian , Customizing Your Boar: Practical Ideas For Improvements, Repairs
and Fitting Out
Niebel, Benjamin W. , Product Design and Process Engineering
Niehoff, Debra , The Language of Life: How Cells Communicate in Health and
Nielsen, Jerri , Icd Bound: a Doctor's Incredible Battle For Survival at the
South Pole
Nielsen, Kjell , Designing Large Real-time Systems With Ada
Nielsen, Michael A. , Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Nieman, David C. , The Sports Medicine Fitness Course
Niemz, Markolf H. , Laser-Tissue Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications
Nievergelt, Jurg , Computer Approaches to Mathematical Problems
Niguidula, David A. , Pascal on the Macintosh: a Graphical Approach
Niinomi, M. , Structural Biomaterials For the 21st Century
NIIT , Materials and Processes For the Designer
Nijhout, H. F. , Pattern Formation in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Nikias, Chrysosomos L. , Higher-order Spectra Analysis: a Nonlinear Signal
Processing Framework
Nikolic, M. , Kinematics and Multiparticle Systems
Nikulin, V. V. , Geometries and Groups
Nillson, Lennart , The Body Victorious
Nilson, Arthur H. , Design of Prestressed Concrete
Nilson, Arthur H. , Design of Concrete Structures, 11th ed.
Nilsson, James W. , Electric Circuits
Nimitz, Jonathan S. , Experiments in Organic Chemistry: From Microscale to
Nininger, H. H. , The Nininger Collection of Meteorites: a Catalog and a History
Nisbett, Alec , The Technique of the Sound Studio For Radio, Television, and
Nisbett, Jean , The Secrets of the Dolls' House Makers
Nishihara, Hiroshi , Optical Integrated Circuits
Nisson, J. D. Ned , The Superinsulated Home Book
Nitske, W. Robert , The Zeppelin Story
Niven, Ivan , An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 3rd ed.
Noakes, Keith , The Fibreglass Manual: a Practical Guide to the Use of Glass
Reinforced Plastics
Noble, B. , Methods Based on the Wiener-Hopf Technique For the Solution of
Partial Differential Equations
Noble, Ben , Applied Linear Algebra
Noble, Ben , Applications of Undergraduate Mathematics in Engineering
Nochomovitz, Michael L. , Noninvasive Respiratory Monitoring
Noe, Keith W. , Solid State Pulse Circuits Lab Manual
Nokes, M. C. , Radioactivity Measuring Instruments: a Guide to Their
Construction and Use
Nokes, M. C. , Modern Glass Working, 5th ed.
Nolfi, Stefano , Evolutionary Robotics: the Biology, Intelligence, and
Technology of Self-organizing Machines
Noll, A. Michael , Introduction to Telephones & Telephone Systems, 2nd ed.
Noll, Edward M. , Landmobile and Marine Radio Technical Handbook
Nolting, Bengt , Methods in Modern Biophysics
Nonhebel, G. (ed.) , Processes For Air Pollution Control
Noon, Wlat , How to Build a Solar Cell That Really Works!
Norbye, Jan P. , The Wankel Engine: Design, Development, Applications
Norden, K. Elis , Electronic Weighing: Fundamentals and Applications
Nordhaus, William D. , The Efficient Use of Energy Resources
Nordlund, James J. , The Pigmentary System: Physiology and Pathophysiology
Norkin, Cynthia . , Joint Structure & Function: a Comprehensive Analysis, 2nd
Norman, David F. , Practical CB Radio Troubleshooting and Repair, 2nd ed.
Norman, Donald A. , The Design of Everyday Things
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Norman, Donald A. , Turn Signals Are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles
Norman, John , Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics
Norman, Penny , I Can Become and ElectroWiz: Magnetism
Norman, R. O. C. , Principles of Organic Synthesis
Norrie, H. S. , Electric Gas Lighting
North, Gerald , Astronomy Explained
North, Gerald , Advanced Amateur Astronomy
Northrip, John W. , Introduction to Biomechanic Analysis of Sport
Northrop, Robert B. , Noninvasive Instrumentation and Measurement in Medical
Northrup, Robert B. , Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements
Norton, F. H. , Refractories
Norton, Harry N. , Handbook of Transducers For Electronic Measuring Systems
Norton, M. P. , Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analysis For Engineers
Norton, Robert L. , Design of Machinery
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Norton, Robert L. , Solutions Manual For Machine Design - an Integrated Approach
Norton, Robert L. , Cam Design and Manufacturing Handbook
Norton, Thomas W. , Solar Energy Experiments: For High School and College
Norton,Peter , Beginning Python
Notter, Robert H. , Lung Surfactants: Basic Science and Clinical Applications
Nottingham, Jason P. , SAMS Teach Yourself Windows CE Programming in 24 Hours
Novak, Josef , Quantitative Analysis By Gas Chromatography
Novotny, Eva , Introduction to Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors
Novotny, Lukas , Principles of Nano-optics
Nowacki, Witold , Dynamics of Elastic Systems
Nowak, Martin A. , Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life
Noyes, Robert W. , The Sun, Our Star
Noyes, William Albert, Jr. , The Photochemsitry of Gases
Nozdrev, V. F. , Applications of Ultrasonics in Molecular Physics
Nozieres, Phillipe , The Theory of Quantum Liquids: Vol. 2 Superfluid Bose
Nuckolls, James L. , Interior Lighting For Environmental Designers
Nuclear Energy Agency , Guidelines For Sea Disposal of Radioactive Wastes
Nuclear Energy Policy Study Group , Nuclear Power Issues and Choices
Nuffield Foundation , Physics Guide to Experiments III
Nuffield, E. W. , X-ray Diffraction Methods
Nuhfer, Edward B. , The Citizens' Quide to Geologic Hazards
Null, Roberta L. , Universal Design: Creative Solutions For ADA Compliance
Nuridsany, Claude , Mciroscosmos: the Invisible World of Insects
Nussbaum, Allen , Semiconductor Device Physics
Nussbaum, Allen , Optical System Design
Nussbaum, Allen , Electromagnetic Theory For Engineers and Scientists
Nusse, Helena E. , Dynamics: Numerical Explorations
Nusse, Helena E. , Dynamics: Numerical Explorations
Nye, Adrian , Xlib Programming Manual (vol. 1 of X Window System Users Guide),
2nd ed.
Nye, Adrian (ed.) , Xlib Reference Manul (vol. 2 of X Window System Users Guide)
Nye, J. F. , Physical Properties of Crystals
Nye, J. F. , Natural Focusing and Fine Structure of Light: Caustics and Wave
Nyer, Evan K. , Groundwater Treatment Technology
O'Brien and Gere Engineers Inc. , Hazardous Waste Site Remediation: the
Engineer's Perspective
O'Brien, John P. , Gas Turbines For Automotive Use
O'Brien, Marian Maeve , Make Your Own Dollhouses and Dollhouse Miniatures
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O'Connor, Patrick D. T. , Practical Reliability Engineering, 2nd ed.
O'Connor, Patrick D. T. , Practical Reliability Engineering, 2nd ed.
O'Dell, T. H. , Circuits For Electronic Instrumentation
O'Halloran, William J. , Power Management: Manual 01740B
O'Hanlon, John F. , A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology, 2nd ed.
O'Hanlon, John F. , A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology
O'Hara, Walter J. , Mariner's Gyro-navigation Manual
O'Mahony, Kieran , Geographical Literacy
O'Malley, Charles D. , Leonardo Da Vinci on the Human Body: the Anatomical,
Physiological, and Embryological Drawings of Leonard Da Vinci
O'Malley, Michael , Keeping Watch: a History of American Time
O'Mongain, E. , Physics in Industry
O'Nan, Michael , Linear Algebra
O'Neil, Paul , Gemstones
O'Neil, Peter V. , Beginning Partial Differential Equations
O'Neill, Edward L. , Introduction to Statistical Optics
O'Neill, Rory , Guide to Creating 3D Worlds
O'Quinn, Donnie , Pring Publishing: a Hayden Shop Manual
O'Reilly and Associates Staff , X-Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manualk, 2nd ed.
(vo. 5 of Window System Users Guide)
O'Rourke, Joseph , Computational Geometry in C
O'Shaughnessy, Douglas , Speech Communication: Human and Machine
O'Shea, Donald C. , Elements of Modern Optical Design
O'Sullivan, Dan , Physical Computing
Oakley, C. O. , The Calculus
Oates, G. C. , Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion
Oberg, E. , Machinery's Handbook, 12th ed.
Oberg, E. , Machinery's Handbook, 21st ed.
Obert, Edward F. , Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Obert, Edward F. , Internal Combistion Engines, 3rd ed.
Obert, Edward F. , Internal Combustion Engines, 3rd ed.
Ochi, Michel K. , Applied Probablity and Stochastic Processes in Engineering &
Physical Sciences
Ockendon, H. , Viscous Flow
Oden, J. Tinsley , Qualitative Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics
Odenwald, Sten F. , Patterns in the Void: Why Nothing is Important
Odette, Louis L. , Intelligent Embedded Systems
Odum, Howard T. , Environment, Power, and Society
Oehme, Frederick W. , Textbook of Large Animal Surgery
Oelke, Barbara , Drawing and Painting Horses
Offen, Raymond J. (ed) , VLSI Image Processing
Office of Technology Assessment , Energy Efficiency: Challenges and
Opportunities For Electric Utilities
Office of Technology Assessment - U.S. Congress , Energy Efficiency: Challenges
and Opportunites For Electric Utilities
Offner, Franklin F. , Electronics For Biologists
Ogata, Katsuhiko , State Space Analysis of Control Systems
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Ogata, Katsuhiko , Discrete-time Control Systems
Ogata, Katsuhiko , Designing Linear Control Systems With MATLAB
Ogata, Katsuhiko , Modern Control Engineering, 2nd ed.
Ogawa, Akira , Separation of Particles From Air and Gases, Vol. I
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Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey , Women in Science: Antiquity Through the Nineteenth
Century: a Biographical Dictionary With Annotated Bibliography
Ogilvy, J. A. , Theory of Wave Scattering From Random Rough Surfaces
Ogrodnik, Peter J. , Fundamental Engineering Mechanics
Ogunnaike, Babatunde A. , Process Dynamics, Modeling, and Control
Ohanian, THomas A. , Digital Nonlinear Editing: Editing Film and Video on the
Desktop, 2nd ed.
Ohbayashi, K. , Elementary Excitations in Quantum Fluids
Ohio, Denise , Five Essential Steps in Digital Video: a DV Moviemaker's Tricks
of the Trade
Ohno, Eiichi , Introduction to Power Electronics
Ohring, Milton , Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices
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Oke, T. R. , Boundary Layer Climates
Oksendal, Bernt , Stochastic Differential Equations: an Introduction With
Applications, 5th ed.
Oksendal, Bernt , Stochastic Differential Equations: an Introduction With
Applications, 3rd ed.
Okubo, Akira , Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Modern Perspectives, 2n ed.
Okun, L. B. , Particle Physics: the Quest For the Substance of Substance
Olano, Marc , Real-time Shading
Old, R. W. , Principles of Gene Manipulation: an Introduction to Genetic
Engineering, 3rd ed.
Oldenburger, Rufus , Mathematical Engineering Analysis
Olds, C. D. , Continued Fractions
Oldshue, J. Y. , A Guide to Fluid Mixing
Olenick, Richard P. , The Mechanical Universe: Introduction to Mechanics and
Olenick, Richard P. , Beyond the Mechanical Universe: From Electricity to Modern
Olesko, Kathryn M. , Physics As a Calling: Discipline and Practice in the
Konigsberg Seminar For Physics
Oliner, Arthur A. , Phased Array Antennas
Oliver, Bernard M. , Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
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Oliver, David , The Shaggy Steed of Physics: Mathematical Beauty in the Physical
Oliver, David W. , Engineering Complex Systems With Models and Objects
Oliver, Jack E. , The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery
Oliver, Paul (ed.) , Shelter, Sign & Symbol: an Exploratory Work on Vernacular
Oliver, Paul (ed.) , Shelter, Sign & Symbol: an Exploratory Work on Vernacular
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Olivo, C. Thomas , Basic Machine Technology
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Your Treatment
Ollier, Cliff , Volcanoes
Ollier, Cliff , Weathering
Olomucki, Martin , The Chemistry of Life
Olsen, Frederick L. , The Kiln Book: Materials, Specifications & Construction,
3rd ed.
Olsen, Gerner A. , Strength of Materials, 2nd ed.
Olsen, John H. , Aircraft Wake Turbuelnce and Its Detection
Olson, Harry F. , Acoustical Engineering
Olson, Harry F. , Music, Physics, and Engineering, 2nd ed.
Olson, R. A. , Fertilizer Technology & Use
Olson, Reuben M. , Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Olver, F. W. J. , Introduction to Asymptotics and Special Functions
Olver, Peter J. , Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations, 2nd ed.
Omar, M. A. , Elementary Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications
Omnes, Roland , The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Omura, George , AutoCAD Release 12 Instant Reference
Onions, A. H. S. , Smith's Introduction to Industrial Mycology, 7th ed.
Onoda, George Y. , Ceramic Processing Before Firing
Onofri, M. (ed.) , Fluid Dynamical Aspects of Combustion Theory
Onwubolu, Godfrey C. , Mechatronics: Principles and Applications
Opik, Ernst J. , Physics of Meteor Flight in th Eatmosphere
Oppenheim, Alan S. , Signals and Systems
Oppenheim, Alan S. , Signals and Systems, 2nd ed.
Oppenheim, Alan V. , Papers on Digital Signal Processing
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Oppenheim, Irwin , Stochastic Processes in Chemical Physics: the Master Equation
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Orchin, Milton , Symmetry, Orbitals, and Spectra
Ord-Hume, Arthur W. J. G. , Perpetual Motion: the History of an Obsession
Ordway, Frederic I., III , Basic Astronautics: an Introduction to Space Science,
Engineering, and Medicine
Ore, Oystein , Number Theory and Its History
Ore, Oystein , Graphs and Their Uses
Orfanidis, Sophocles J. , Optimum Signal Processing, an Introduction 2nd ed.
Orford, Henry , Lens-work For Amateurs, 5th ed.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , Road Transportation
Research Outlook
Organizing COmmittee of the Japan-U.S. workshop on snow avalance, landslide,
debris flow prediction and control , Proceedins of the Japan-U.C. Workshop on
Sno Avalance, Landslide, Debris Flow Prediction and Contro - Sept. 30 - Oct. 2,
1991 - Tsukuba Japan
Orlando, Terry P. , Foundations of Applied Superconductivity
Orlicky, Joseph , Material Requirements Planning: the New Way of Life in
Production and Inventory Management
Orlock, Carol , Inner Time: the Science of Body Clocks and What Makes Us Tick
Ormerod, M. G. , Flow Cytometry
Orr, Robert T. , Vertebrate Biology, 4th ed.
Orr, William I. , Radio Handbook, 23rd ed.
Orr, William I. , VHF Amateur Radio
Orr, William I. , Beam Antenna Handbook, 2nd ed.
Orr, William I. , Simple Low-cost Wire Antennas For Radio Amateurs
Ortiz de Zarate, J. M. , Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in Fluids and Fluid Mixtures
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Orton, John , The Story of Semiconductors
Orton, Vrest , The Forgotten Art of Building a Good Fireplace: the Sotry of
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Osborn, Frederick A. , Physics of the Home
Osborne, Anthony D. , Complex Variables and Their Applications
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Oser, Jacob , The Evolution of Economic Thought
Osgood, William F. , Topics in the Theory of Funcitons of Several Complex
Osgood, William F. , Introduction to the Calculus
Osserman, Robert , A Survey of Minimal Surfaces
Oster, Gerald , Physical Techniques in Biological Research, Vol. I, Part A:
Optical Techniques
Osterbrock, Donald E. , Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic
Osterhout, Marilyn M. , Decomtamination and Decommisionaing of Nuclear
Ostovic, Vlado , Computer-aided Ananlysis of Electric Machines: a Mathematica
Ostrovityanov, R. V. , Statistical Theory of Extended Radar Targets
Ostrovsky, Lev A. , Modulated Waves: Theory and Applications
Ostwald, Phillip F. , Manufacturing Processes and Systems, 9th ed.
Othonos, Andreas , Fiber Bragg Gratincs: Fundamentals and Applications in
Telecommunications and Sensinc
Otnes, Robert K. , Digital Time Series Analysis
Otnes,R.K. , Applied Time Series Analysis, Vol. 1: Basic Techniques
Otsuka, K. , Shape Memory Materials
Ott, Edward , Chaos in Dynamical Systems
Ott, Edward , Coping With Chaos: Analysis of Chaotic Data and the Exploitation
of Chaotic Systems
Ott, Ellis R. , Process Quality Control: Troubleshooting and Interpretation of
Ott, Henry W. , Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, 2nd ed.
Ottino, J. M. , The Kinematics of Mixing: Stretching, Chaos, and Transport
Otto, Frei (ed) , Tensile Structures
Ouchi, Glenn I. , Personal Computers For Scientists: a Byte at a Time
Ouichi, Glenn I. , Personal Computers For Scientists: a Byte at a Time
Overend, R. P. , Fundamentals of Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Overman, Michael , Roads, Bridges, and Tunnels: Modern Approaches to Road
Overman, Ralph T. , Radioisotope Techniques
Owczarek, Jerzy A. , Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics
Owen, David , The Walls Around Us: the Thinking Person's Quide to How a House
Owen, David , Copies in Seconds: Chester Carlson and the Birth of the Xerox
Owen, David , Alternating Current Measurements
Owen, Keith , Automotive Fuels Reference Book, 2nd ed.
Owen, Oliver S. , Natural Resource Conservation: an Ecological Approach
Owens, Frank J., ed. , Magnetic Resonance of Phase Transitions
Oxenius, J. , Kinetic Theory of Particles and Photons: Theoretical Foundations
of Non-LTE Plasma Spectroscopy
Oxner, Edwin , Power FETs and Their Applications
Ozima, Minoru , Geohistory: Global Evolution of the Earth
Ozisik, M. Necati , Boundary Value Problems of Heat Conduction
Ozorio de Almeida, Alfredo M. , Hamiltonian Systems: Chaos and Quantization