Physics/Electronics - University of Tasmania

KJP Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Introduction to Electronics
Enrolment code: KJP131
Offered: Launceston: semester 1
First unit in computing electronics minor. The unit introduces students to practical
electronics and develops skills in circuit construction. Electronic circuits and devices are
examined in detail. Semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors are investigated
with particular emphasis on practical applications in microprocessor and computer
Staff Dr WN Hugrass, Mr DC Visentin
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures, 3 hrs practical weekly (13 wks)
Mutual exclusions KJP201
Assessment mode continuous, including practicals (50%), 2-hr final exam (50%)
Required texts etc
Diefenderfer AJ and Holton BE, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, 3rd edn, ISBN
Courses [E3Hps] [S3F] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Digital and Microprocessor Systems
Enrolment code: KJP132
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
Introduces students to digital electronics with particular emphasis on computer
applications. The unit serves as a foundation for understanding practical digital
electronics, computer hardware and assembly language programming. Skills developed in
this unit are applied to program and interface with an 8 bit microprocessor.
Staff Dr WN Hugrass, Mr DC Visentin
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs of lectures, 3 hrs practical weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KJP131
Mutual exclusions KJP222
Assessment mode continuous, including practicals (50%), 3-hr final exam (50%)
Required texts etc
Diefenderfer AJ and Holton BE, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, 3rd edn, ISBN
Mazidi M and Mazidi J, The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible computers, vols 1 & 2, (Assembly
Language, Design and Interfacing), 2nd edn, ISBN 0136989381
Courses [S3G] [S3F]
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
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KJP Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Introduction to Astronomy
Enrolment code: KJP142
Offered: not offered in 2002
For details of this unit, please contact the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Unit weight 12.5%
Faculty website <>
Computer Control and Communications
Enrolment code: KJP231
Offered: Launceston: semester 1
Students investigate modern PC-based (8088/86 to PentiumTM) architectures, assembly
language programming, digital communications, networks and interfacing. Students are
also provided with the skills needed to design and build expansion slot cards for PCs.
Hardware interfacing and software experiments are also conducted.
Staff Dr WN Hugrass, Mr DC Visentin
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures, 4 hrs practical weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KJP132; KJP131(or as coreq)
Mutual exclusions KJP321
Assessment mode continuous, including laboratory/projects (50%), 3-hr final exam (50%)
Required texts etc
Mazidi M and Mazidi J, The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible computers, vols 1 & 2, (Assembly
Language, Design and Interfacing), 2nd edn, ISBN 0136989381
Driscoll FF, Data Communications, ISBN 0030266378
Courses [S3F]
Faculty website <>
Laboratory Instrumentation
Enrolment code: KJP232
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
The final unit of the Electronics minor. Students apply skills developed in previous units
to design, test and build devices which interface with PC-based computers in both
expansion slots and communications ports. They develop skills using modern schematic
design tools such as ProtelTMfor Windows 95TMincluding schematic design, circuit
simulation and printed circuit design. Students are also introduced to microcontrollers
used widely in industry today via the Intel 8051TMand the relevant hardware and
assembly language required for control and interfacing. Applications of the 8051TMare
introduced by investigating, in a series of practical sessions, the programming and design
of electronic instrumentation used in industry, such as sensors and transducers.
Staff Dr WN Hugrass, Mr DC Visentin
University of Tasmania unit details
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KJP Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures, 4 hrs practical weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KJP231
Mutual exclusions KJP322
Assessment mode continuous, including laboratory/projects (50%), 3-hr final exam (50%)
Required texts etc
MacKenzie IS, The 8051 Microcontroller, ISBN 0137800088
Mazidi M and Mazidi J, The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible computers, vols 1 & 2, (Assembly
Language, Design and Interfacing), 2nd edn, ISBN 0136989381
Courses [S3F]
Faculty website <>
Physics 5E
Enrolment code: KJP321
Offered: Launceston: semester 1
Offers and hands-on approach to the physics and instrumentation used in scientific
Applied Physics – provides students with the physical principles underlying modern
instrumentation used in science and industry. Some of the topics investigated are:
applications of electromagnetism, optical fibres, optics, optoelectronic devices.
PC Interfacing for Scientific Applications – an investigation of modern PC-based
(8088/86 to PentiumTM) architectures, assembly language programming, digital
communications, networks and interfacing. Students are also provided with the skills
needed to design and build expansion slot cards for PCs. Some hardware interfacing and
software experiments are also conducted.
Staff Dr WN Hugrass, Mr DC Visentin
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 4 hrs lectures, 8 hrs practical weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KJP201, KJP222
Mutual exclusions KJP232
Assessment mode laboratory (50%), 3-hr final exam (25%), oral exam/test (25%)
Required texts etc
Mazidi M and Mazidi J, The 80x86 IBM PC & Compatible Computers, Vols 1 & 2, (Assembly
Language, Design and Interfacing), 2nd edn, ISBN 0136989381
Streetman BG and Banerjee S, Solid State Electronic Devices, ISBN 0130261017
Recommended texts etc
Driscoll FF, Data Communications, ISBN 0030266378
Faculty website <>
Physics 6E
Enrolment code: KJP322
University of Tasmania unit details
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KJP Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Offered: Launceston: semester 2
Electromagnetic fields and waves – propagation of electromagnetic waves in dielectric
media, propagation in good conductors and the skin effect. Transmission lines and
waveguides. Radiation and antennas.
Scientific Instrumentation and Electronic Design – Applies skills developed in Physics
5E to test and build devices which interface with PC-based computers in both expansion
slots and communications ports. Students develop skills using modern schematic design
tools such as ProtelTMfor Windows 95TMincluding schematic design, circuit simulation
and printed circuit design. Students are also introduced to advance memory mapped
microcontrollers used widely in industry today via the Intel 8051TMand the relevant
hardware and assembly language required for control and interfacing. Applications of the
8051TMare also introduced by investigating, in a series of practical sessions, the
programming and design of electronic instrumentation used in industry, such as sensors
and transducers.
This unit is final unit in the Applied Physics and Electronics major stream. Assessment
places emphasis on the completion of a major applied physics/electronics project and the
presentation of the project in a formal report.
Staff tba
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 6 hrs lectures, 6 hrs lab session weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KJP321
Assessment mode laboratory (50%), 3-hr final exam (25%), oral exam/test (25%)
Required texts etc
Mazidi M and Mazidi J, The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible computers, vols 1 & 2, (Assembly
Language, Design and Interfacing), 2nd edn, ISBN 0136989381
MacKenzie IS, The 8051 Microcontroller, ISBN 0137800088
Faculty website <>
Physical Sciences Honours
Full time/Part time (BAppSc)
Enrolment code: KJP400 or KJP401
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2
Special note: full-time students enrol in KJP400 (100%); part-time students in KJP401 (50%)
The honours program aims to (a) develop written skills to a level appropriate for the
submission of a paper for a refereed journal; (b) develop oral communications skills to a
level appropriate for the delivery of a presentation at a national conference; (c) develop the
ability to acquire relevant information on a particular subfield from the published
literature and to synthesise a systematic and logical review which identifies key issues,
concepts and theory; (d) provide practical research training through a specialised project to
facilitate the design and conduct of future investigations in the chosen subfield and related
areas; and (e) prepare candidates for undertaking higher degrees by research.
University of Tasmania unit details
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KJP Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Content varies to accommodate staffing constraints and the candidate’s individual
program. However, all candidates pursue a program of coursework comprising 40% of
total assessment and a 60% research component as follows:
(a) Coursework – specialist lectures, seminars, assigned advanced reading in the
discipline(s) specific both to the project and of a more general nature, and enrolment in
specific undergraduate unit(s) to add breadth where necessary.
(b) Research Project –- a clearly defined program of original research in a chosen area.
Staff Dr SJ Edwards, Dr J Ellison, Dr P Hanson, Assoc Prof DC McWilliam, Prof AW
Osborn, Dr WN Hugrass, Mr DC Visentin, Dr AJ Seen, Mr G Unwin, Dr TW Lewis
Unit weight 100%/50%
Teaching pattern weekly seminars and/or consultation with supervisor; lab/fieldwork
Prerequisites a sound bachelor degree with generally credit level or better in the final 3 sem
of the appropriate major(s) for the proposed research project (or an appropriate
alternative background approved by Faculty)
Assessment mode coursework seminar (10%), literature review (10%), 3-hr exam (20%),
thesis (50%), seminar presentation of thesis results (10%)
Required texts etc
Courses [S4C]
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
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