Table of Contents Page Executive Summary xiv Introduction A. Background of the Study B. Methodology and Limitations C. Objectives and Outline of the Study D. Decent Work Framework of the ILO E. Decent Work Concept: Work is More than Labor F. Problem of Measurement G. Soft Critique of Decent Work H. Limitations of Existing Measures of Decent Work in Philippine Agriculture 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 6 7 Chapter 1: General Agricultural Situation in the Philippines A. Background on the Philippine Agricultural Sector and Rural Areas 1. Geography and Climate 2. Land Resources B. Agriculture in Philippine Society and Development 1. In General 2. Growth in Philippine Agriculture 3. Food Security and Employment 4. Agricultural Productivity 5. Trade in Agriculture and Competitiveness 6. Conclusions C. General Farm Level Situation 1. Agricultural Land Utilization and Employment 2. Patterns of Farm Systems Development D. Patterns of Family Income and Expenditures in the Rural Areas 1. Overall Situation 2. Situation in the Rural Areas E. The Rural Workers: Bulk of the Rural Poor 1. General Definition of Rural Workers 2. Types of Rural Workers 3. How Many are They? 4. Rural Workers as a Poverty Group F. Issues in Rural Poverty and Globalization 1. Poverty: Rural in Locus and Agriculture-Driven 2. Globalization 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 13 16 16 21 21 21 24 32 32 34 35 35 36 38 39 40 40 41 Chapter 2: Decent Work Deficit in Philippine Agriculture: How Decent is Work in the Agricultural Sector? A. Opportunities for Work: Access to Land, Employment and Income 1. Summary 2. Access to Land: Landless Rural Workers are Losers in Land Reform 3. Employment in Agriculture and Rural Areas 4. Income and Earnings in Agriculture: Not Enough to Rise Out of Poverty 43 43 43 43 45 51 i Page B. Work in Conditions of Freedom: Working Conditions of Rural Workers and Children 1. Labor Arrangements and Working Conditions of Rural Workers in Selected Crops and Agricultural Industries 2. Unacceptable Work: Child Labor C. Equity in Work: Unequal Treatment and Quite Balanced Work-Life 1. Summary 2. Overall Status of Women 3. Balancing Work and Family Responsibility D. Productive Work: Access to Support Services for Better Yield and Prices 1. Summary 2. Access to Credit 3. Access to Infrastructure Support 4. Extension Services E. Security and Stability at Work: Social Protection, Occupational Health and Safety and Security of Tenure for Better Quality of Work and Life 1. Summary 2. Security of Tenure 3. Social Protection in the Philippines 4. Occupational Health and Safety F. Dignity at Work: Promoting Social Dialogue for a Better Workplace Relations 1. Summary 2. Industrial Relations in the Philippines 60 60 68 71 71 71 76 78 78 79 80 83 84 84 85 90 101 104 104 105 Chapter 3: Government Initiative and the Decent Work Agenda in Philippine Agriculture A. Summary B. Government Initiatives Require Legal Foundation C. Constitutional Provisions 1. On Labor 2. On Agrarian Reform and Rural Development D. Laws and Policies 1. Pertaining to Labor 2. Pertaining to Agrarian Reform and Rural Development E. Plans and Programs 1. Overall: The July 2001 SONA and the MTPDP 2001-2004 2. Assessment of Specific Plans Under the MTPDP as it Relates to Decent Work F. Other Key Issues Affecting the Government’s Ability to Deliver Services 1. Poor Implementation of Official Development Assistance (ODA) 2. Corruption and Waste 3. Shifting Paradigm in Political Economy: Enhancing Competitiveness 128 Chapter 4: The People’s Movements, NGOs and Decent Work in Agriculture A. Description of the Status of Trade Unions and Rural Workers Organizations in the Agricultural Sector 1. The Legal Basis 165 128 128 129 129 133 133 133 136 141 141 146 158 158 161 163 148 150 ii Page 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Socio-Economic Framework Organizational Framework and Structures Recognition and Acquisition of Legitimate Personality Popular Perceptions of Trade Unions The Role of Trade Unions and Rural Workers’ Organizations in Improving the Quality of Life of Rural Workers B. The Contribution of the Cooperative Sector in the Promotion of Decent Work 1. Nature and Role of Cooperatives 2. Status of the Philippine Cooperative Movement 3. Cooperatives and Decent Work C. The Contribution of NGOs in the Promotion of Decent Work 1. Rationale for NGOs 2. A Profile of the Philippine NGO Sector D. Trends in Promoting Decent Work: the Experiences of Peoples’ Movements, Cooperatives and NGOs 150 151 152 154 156 Chapter 5: ILO, Decent Work and the Philippines A. “Deficits” 1. Non-Ratification 2. Inconsistencies 3. Weak Application 4. Action Programme for Decent Work: Philippines B. Decent Work in the Context of Philippine Agriculture 1. ILO and Decent Work in Agriculture C. Accomplishments 1. On Responses to Promote and Realize Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 2. On Responses to Create Greater Opportunities for Women and Men to Secure Decent Employment 3. On Responses to Enhance the Coverage and Effectiveness of Social Protection for All 4. On Responses to Strengthen Tripartism and Social Dialogue 5. The Integrated Responses D. The Road Beyond 189 189 189 189 190 190 191 191 191 191 Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 196 References 203 Annexes 219 Tables 252 158 158 159 160 162 162 162 166 192 192 192 193 193 iii List of Tables Table Table 1.1 Table 1.2 Table 1.3 Table 1.4 Table 1.5 Table 1.6 Table 1.7 Table 1.8 Table 1.9 Table 1.10 Table 1.11 Table 1.12 Table 1.13 Table 1.14 Table 1.15 Table 1.16 Table 1.17 Table 1.18 Table 1.19 Table 1.20 Table 1.21 Table 2.1 Table 2.2 A Table 2.2 B Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Table 2.5 Title Page Selected Statistics on Philippine Farms, 1960-1991 Urban and Rural Incidence of Poverty, 1991-2000 (In Percent) Annual Growth Rates of Agricultural Production 1996-2001 Agricultural Growth in Selected Asian Countries GVA in Agriculture at Current Prices GVA in Agriculture at Constant Prices Palay Yield, Philippines and Selected Asian Countries Average 1989 - 91 & 1998-2000 (In MT/Hectare) Yield losses (kg/ha) reported by farmers from household survey, 1992-1994 Labor Productivity Indicators, 1993-1999 (In percent) Share of selected Philippine agricultural export commodities to world export trade, 1997- 2001(In Percent) Coconut Yield, Philippines & Selected Asian countries Average 1989-91 & 1998-2000 (In MT/Hectare) Agricultural Crop Area Labor Force and Employment Status in Agriculture, 19982001 Land Acquisition & Distribution by Land Type, by Region, by Year (Hectares; 1986 - December 2002) Employment in Crop Farms, 1969- 1973 (May series in percent) Sources and Average Levels of Annual Income (1975) per H.A.Z. per Rural Household in Pesos (WesternVisayas) Land Acquisition and Distribution, by Land Type, By Region, By Year, (Hectares; 1972 - December 2002) Average Farm Size and Landholding Distribution Landless Rural Workers, 1990, 1995, 2000 (In ‘000) Percent of Families by Income Class in Rural Area, Agriculture and by Source of Income Evolution of Poverty by Sector and Employment Commercial Farm Deferment (CFD) As of July 1999 Employment of Specific Group of Workers, (in establishments employing 10 or over), All Industries, 1992 to 1997 Table 2.2-B: Employment of Specific Group of Workers, (in establishments employing 10 or over), Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry, 1992 to 1997 Table 2.3: Average Weekly Hours Worked of Total Employed at Work in Agriculture By Major Industry Group, By Major Occupation Group, By Sex. 1998 - 2001 (Househld Data) PALAY: Average mandays per hectare by source of labor, by farm activity, by sex, Philippines, 2001 Number of Establishments Classified by the Size and by Region: 2000 [Annex] [Annex] 11 12 [Annex] [Annex] 15 15 16 18 19 [Annex] 23 [Annex] 24 25 [Annex] 29 [Annex] 39 40 [Annex] [Annex] [Annex] [Annex] 50 [Annex] iv Table Table 2.6 Table 2.7 Table 2.8 Table 2.9 Table 2.10 Table 2.11 Table 2.12 Table 2.13 Table 2.14 Table 2.15 Table 2.16 Table 2.17 Table 2.18 Table 2.19 Table 2.21 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Title Page Distribution of Employment by Size & by Industry: 2000 Average Cost and Returns of Palay Production by Farm Type, Philippines (pesos per hectare) 2001p Average Cost and Returns of Corn Production, by Variety, Philippines, 2001 P (pesos per hectare) How Much Does An Ordinary Farmer in Quezon Earn? Nominal Minimum Wage Rates for Agriculture in Selected Regions, 2001 Trends in Agricultural Wages, Philippines, by Crop, 1999-2000 (In Pesos) Average Wage Rate of Farm Workers by Bases of Payment and by Crop, by Man Labor Only, 1999-2001, Philippines Average Wage Rate of Farm Workers by Bases of Payment and by Farm Activity, Philippines, 2001 Summary Statistics on Child Labor Statistics on Women in Rural Areas and Agricultural Sector, Philippines, 1998-2001 National Roads by Surface Type, 1990-2000 (In percent share) Telephone Lines & Population Distribution by Region As of December 1999 (In thousands) Three-Tiered Structure of Formal Social Protection in the Philippines Structure of Institutional Social Insurance in the Philippines Social Security Coverage, 1999-2000 Commodity Targets (Selected Commodities/Low Scenario only) ADB Projects in the Philippines List of Ratifications of the International Conventions, Philippines Ratification of the ILO Fundamental Conventions, Asia [Annex] 52 53 54 56 58 59 59-60 69 [Annex] 82 83 90-91 95 [Annex] 155 160 [Annex] [Annex] v List of Figures Figure Title Figure 1.1 Average Percentage Share of Subsectors to Agricultural Gross Value Added, 1997-2001 Agricultural Growth Rate Vs. Population Growth Rate, 19972001 Total Agricultural Exports by Quantity and Value, Philippines Agricultural Export Volume Growth Rates of Selected Agricultural Imports, 1997-2000 Balance of Trade in Agriculture Accomplishment of Land Distribution by Region, 1986-2002 Usage Rate of Selected Farm Tools, 1960-1991 Percent of Household Income, 1991-2000 Female Participation in Farming Activities Case Flow: Notice of Strike and Lockouts Case Flow: Preventive Mediation How a Bill Becomes a Law Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6 Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8 Figure 1.9 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 3.1 Page 13 14 17 17 19 20 28 30 33 74 115 116 130 vi List of Boxes Box Title Page Box 2.1 Box 2.2 Box 2.3 Box 2.4 Landless Farmworkers are Losers in Land Reform 9 Out of 10 Enterprises in the Philippines are Microenterprises Other Labor Arrangement Practiced in Rice Farming Coconut Farmworkers Have Specialized Skills that are Important to the Production of Coconuts and Copra Impact of Pesticide Abuse Labor Management Councils Changing Landscape of Industrial Relation Specific Labor Laws Relevant to Rural Workers A Modern Agriculture Sector Agrarian Reform Communities Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZs) Effect of Corruption on the Rural Poor Major Groupings in the Trade Union, Cooperative and Peasant Movements 44 51 61 Box 2.5 Box 2.6 Box 2.7 Box 3.1 Box 3.2 Box 3.3 Box 3.4 Box 3.5 Box 4.1 62 103 109 124 134 140 152 153 162 169 vii List of Annexes Annex Title Annex 2.1 Kapit-Bisig Laban Sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services: Kapangyarihan at Kaunlaran sa Barangay (KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB) The Poverty-Free Zone Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation Profile of the PAKISAMA Mutual Benefit Association Inc. (As of November 30, 2002) Summary of Social Welfare, Assistance and Insurance Benefits in a Sample Collective Bargaining Agreement DOLE Functions and Responsibilities DOLE Organizational Chart Ginintuang Masaganang Ani (GMA) Highlights of the Status of Activities Under the IRR of the AFMA (As of December 31, 2002) Non-Traditional Trade Union Services: The KMPI Case Case Study: The Story of the Diffun Credit and Development Cooperative FAO: Building Partnership for Food Security in the Philippines Annex 2.2 Annex 2.3 Annex 2.4 Annex 2.5 Annex 2.6 Annex 2.7 Annex 3.1 Annex 3.2 Annex 4.1 Annex 4.2 Annex 5.1 viii Guide to Acronyms AARRD ACEF ADB AFMA AFMP AFTA AIDS ALI ALRP AMA APEC APIS APL ARB ARC AR-NOW ARMM ASEAN AsiaDHRRA ATI BAEcon BAR BARC BAS BLES BLR BOT BMBE BRW BSWM BWC BWYW CA CAC CALF CAR CARL CARP CARRD CBA CBU CDA CIS CLO CLOA CODE-NGO Agriculture, Agrarian Reform, and Rural Development Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund Asian Development Bank Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plans ASEAN Free Trade Agreement Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Agrarian Law Implementation Accelerated Land Reform Program Aniban ng mga Manggagawang sa Agrikultura (Alliance of Workers in Agriculture) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Annual Poverty Indicator Survey Alliance of Progressive Labor Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Agrarian Reform Communities People’s Campaign for Agrarian Reform Network Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao Association of Southeast Asian Nations Asian Secretariat for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas Agricultural Training Institute Bureau of Agriculture Economics Bureau of Agricultural Research Barangay Agrarian Reform Committees Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics Bureau of Labor Relations Build Operate Transfer Barangay Micro Business Enterprises Bureau of Rural Workers Bureau of Soils and Water Management Bureau of Working Conditions Bureau of Women and Young Workers Census of Agriculture Cabinet Action Committee Comprehensive Agricultural Loan Fund Cordillera Autonomous Region Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law or Republic Act 6657 Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Center for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Collective Bargaining Agreement Capital Build Up Cooperative Development Authority Communal Irrigation System Congress of Labor Organizations Certificate of Landownership Award Caucus of Development NGO Networks ix COLA CPAR CPI CPP CSS CUP DA DAR DARAB DBP DCF DENR DepEd DILG DKMP DOH DOLE DOST DSWD DTI DTS ECC EP EPA FAO FFF FFW FNRI FPA FIDA FIES FLR FMR FPRDI FSP FWRC GDP GFI GMA GMO GNP GSIS GVA HAZ HDI HDMF HIV HVCC ICBP ICT Cost of Living Allowance Congress for a People’s Agrarian Reform Consumer Price Index Communist Party of the Philippines Center for Strategic Studies Cooperative Union of the Philippines Department of Agriculture Department of Agrarian Reform Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board Development Bank of the Philippines Deferred Commercial Farms Department of Environment and Natural Resources Department of Education Department of Interior and Local Government Demokratikong Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Democratic Movement of Farmers of the Philippines) Department of Health Department of Labor and Employment Department of Science and Technology Department of Social Work and Development Department of Trade and Industry Dual Training System Employee Compensation Commission Emancipation Patents Environmental Protection Agency Food and Agriculture Organization Federation of Free Farmers Federation of Free Workers Food and Nutritional Research Institute Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority Fiber Industry Development Authority Family Income and Expenditure Survey Functional Literacy Rate Farm-to-Market Road Forest Production Research and Development Institute Fisheries Sector Program Filipino Workers Resource Center Gross Domestic Product Government Financing Institution Ginintuang Masaganang Ani (Golden Bountiful Harvest) Genetically-Modified Organism Gross National Product Government Service Insurance System Gross Value Added Homogeneous Agricultural Zone Human Development Index Housing Development Membership Fund Human Immuno-deficiency Virus High Value Commercial Crops Industry Capability Build-up Program Information and Communication Technology x IFI ILO IPC ISTIV KMMMP KMMP KMP KMPI KOMPIL KPMM KASAMA-FPO LACC LAD LADECO LBP LCP LGU LMCC LMLC LLP LMC LMIS LRA LSM MASIPAG MPC MTC MTPDP NAFC NAMVESCO NATCCO NCL NEA NFA NGO NIA NIS NLRC NMP NMU NPAAAD NSCB International Financial Institutions International Labour Organization Institute of Philippine Culture Industrious, Systematic, Time-Conscious, Innovative, and has strong Value for Work Kapatiran ng mga Malayang Maliliit na Mangingisda sa Pilipinas (Federation of Independent Small Fisher folk of the Philippines) Kalipunan ng mga Maliliit na Magniniyog sa Pilipinas (Confederation of Small Coconut Farmers of the Philippines) Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Peasant Movement of the Philippines) Kaunlaran ng mga Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc. or Workers Fund Konggreso ng Mamayang Pilipino (Congress of the Filipino People) Koalisyon ng Progresibo at Makabayang Manggawa (Coalition of Progressive and Nationalist Workers) Kalipunan ng mga Samahang Mamamayan (Federation of People’s Organizations) Labor Advisory and Consultative Council Land Acquisition and Distribution Lapanday Development Corporation Land Bank of the Philippines Labor Code of the Philippines Local Government Unit Labor Management Cooperation Council Lakas Manggagawa Labor Center Low Lift Pumps Labor Management Corporation Labor Market Information System Land Registration Authority Labor Solidarity Movement Magsasaka at Syentipiko para sa Ikauunlad ng Agham at Agrikultura (Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development, Inc.) Multi-Purpose Cooperative Maritime Training Council Medium Term Philippine Development Plan National Agricultural and Fisheries Council Market Vendors Cooperative Services Federation National Confederation of Cooperatives National Confederation of Labor National Electrification Administration National Food Authority Non Government Organization National Irrigation Administration National Irrigation System National Labor Relations Commission National Maritime Polytechnic National Marketing Umbrella Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development National Statistical Coordination Board xi NSO NTC NWPC OCCP ODA OFW OSHC OWWA PAKISAMA PAMALAKAYA PMBA PAN-AP PARC PARCODE PCAMRD PCARRD PCDP PCGG PCIC PCIJ PDMP PGMA PDI PFCCI PFPA PHIC PhilDHRRA PO POEA POLO PNOC PPE PRESEED PRRI PSIC PSY PVO RP RTWPB SAFDZ SAP SARS SEC SOC National Statistics Office National Telecommunications Communication National Wages and Productivity Commission Organic Certification Center of the Philippines Official Development Assistance Overseas Filipino Worker Occupational Safety and Health Center Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (National Federation of Peasant Organizations) Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Namamalakaya ng Pilipinas (National Movement of Small Fisher folk of the Philippines) PAKISAMA Mutual Benefit Association Pesticide Action Network for Asia and the Pacific Presidential Agrarian Reform Council People’s Agrarian Reform Code Philippine Council for Agriculture and Marine Research and Development Philippine Council for Agriculture Resources Research and Development Philippine Council for Disabled Persons Presidential Commission on Good Governance Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism Pinag-isang Diwa ng Manggagawang Pilipino (United Thought of Filipino Workers) President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Philippine Daily Inquirer Philippine Federation of Credit Cooperatives Philippine Fisheries and Development Authority Philippine Health Insurance Corporation Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas People’s Organization Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Philippine Overseas Labor Officers Philippine National Oil Company Personal Protective Equipment Promotion of Rural Employment Through Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development Philippine Rice Research Institute Philippine Standard Industrial Classification Philippine Statistical Yearbook Private Voluntary Organization Republic of the Philippines Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board Strategic Agricultural and Fisheries Development Zones Social Amelioration Program Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Securities and Exchange Commission Small Owner-Cultivator xii SONA SSS STCW SUCs SWS TESDA TI TIPC TRIPARRD TUCP TVET UN WB WEED WODP WTO WYC State of the Nation Address Social Security System Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping State Universities and Colleges Social Weather Stations, Inc. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Transparency International Tripartite Industrial Peace Council Tripartite Partnership for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Implementation Trade Union Congress of the Philippines Technical Vocational Education and Training United Nations World Bank Women Workers Employment and Entrepreneurship Development Workers’ Development Program World Trade Organization Working Youth Center xiii