Study Guide ch 1-8

Chapter 1 - Leadership, Supervision, and Training
This chapter covers basic leadership skills, instructional methods, and PQs.
• The Fundamentals of Leadership is another term for basic principals of
leadership. The following publications govern the rules and regulations of
the petty officer:
1. US Navy Regulations
2. Manual for Courts-Matrial
3. Standard Organization and Regulation of the US Navy
• Review pages 1-3 Personal Qualities of a Leader.
Human Needs
• There are 5 basic human needs:
1. Survival- Basic needs, food, water, sleep
2. Safety/Security- Being secure in your environment
3. Social- Belonging; family, friends, co-workers.
4. Esteem- The feeling of self-importance.
5. Self Actualization- the full realization of one’s own potential.
• Survival is the most important human need.
• Safety- The 5100 series of OPNAV provides info on a wide range of safety
Status Reporting
• Make careful, accurate, and up-to-date reports. Remember the four “B’s”:
1. Be on time
2. Be accurate
3. Be Brief
4. Be Gone
Performance Feedback
• Positive Feedback is the most important type of feedback. It is when you
tell your people they are doing a good job.
• Constructive Feedback is done when your subordinates fail to meet
established standards. Remember correct in private and praise in public.
• There are four major types of counseling.
1. Personal
2. Career
3. Performance
4. Disciplinary
• Be a good listener, be fair, be confidential. Do not be quick to judge, and
not all problems are solved in one session.
Personnel Qualification Standards PQS
OPNAVIST 3500.34
• PQS is the minimum knowledge and skills necessary to qualify for a specific
watch station or maintain specific equipment.
• PQS is not used in nuclear propulsion or the fleet ballistic missile
weapons systems.
• There are two methods of PQS records keeping:
1. Hard copy (chart)
2. Automated data processing (computer)
• Training subordinates is one of the most important challenges faced by a
senior petty officer.
• For guidelines and training policies refer to OPNAVIST 3120.32 and Standard
organization and Regulations of the US Navy Chapter 8.
• Instructional methods:
1. Lecturing (most frequently used)
2. Telling
3. Discussing
4. Demonstrating
• Command Training Team (CTT) consists of command personnel trained to
present the Navy Rights and Responsibilities workshop (NR&R). All personnel
must attend an NR&R workshop within 90 days of reporting to a new command.
Class sizes should be kept below 20 people. All lesson topics and guidelines
for NR&R are provided by the Chief of Naval Education and Training.
• CTT Manning Requirements:
Command size..........CTT
• CTT members who are inactive in CTT training for over 24 months must repeat
the formal training.
• Review Chapter 1 MR for 3&2 (14504)
Chapter 2 - Military Justice and Bearing
Chapter 2 covers authority, EMI, PO responsibilities and duties, UCMJ, and
· Your general authority as a petty officer stems from article 1037 of the
U.S. Navy Regulations.
· Petty officers derive their organizational authority from their assigned
billets within a particular command.
· The command organization structure comes from the Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy.
· All orders must be lawful. Any order imposing punishment outside the
framework of the Uniform Code Military Justice (UCMJ) is unlawful. ·
Punishment may only be through judicial process, or non-judicially through
the article 15 of the UCMJ, commanding officer non-judicial punishment. This
is also known as captain’s mast.
· EMI is NOT extra duty.
· EMI is a lesson in a phase of military duty, designed to correct a
deficiency of performance. EMI is non-punitive
· It will normally not be assigned for more than two hours per day.
· It may be assigned at a reasonable time outside normal working hours, but
it will not be used to deprive a person of normal liberty.
· The duration of EMI will be limited to the period of time required to
correct the training deficiency.
· It should not be assigned on the individual’s Sabbath.
· Permission for delegation of authority for EMI is not ordinarily given
below that of a Chief Petty Office.
· Withholding of privileges is another nonpunitive measure.
· Examples of privileges that may be withheld are:
Special liberty, exchange of duty, special pay, special command programs,
base of ship library use, base or ship movies, base parking, and base special
services events.
· The final authority to withhold a privilege (however temporary), rests with
the authority that grants the privilege.
· You must request the withholding of a privilege through the chain of
· Deprivation of normal liberty as a punishment, except as specifically
authorized the UCMJ is illegal.
· Extension of working hours are authorized to complete work assignments,
perform additional essential work or maintain the required level of
operational readiness.
· Authority should be delegated to the lowest level of competence.
-OPNAVINST 3120.32
· When you delegate authority you do not delegate responsibility. You are
still responsible to your superiors when you delegate authority to complete a
· Your responsibility as a petty officer never ends. It is 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, on duty, or on liberty.
· If an enlisted person violates a regulation in the presence of both an
officer and a petty officer, the petty officer should correct the person.
· The three official sources for basic disciplinary laws are:
-Manual for Court Martials
-United States Navy Regulations
-Standard Organization and Regulations
· Putting people on report should only be done as a last resort, such as
major infractions to the UCMJ.
· Figure 2-2, page 2-5, shows a Report and Disposition of Offense(s), NAVPERS
1626/7 (Rev.8-81)
· When placing a person on report, your notification can be oral or in the
form of a written report chit (NAVPERS 1626/7)
· Article 31, UCMJ are the suspects rights. They must be of all the charges
against them and of their right to remain silent, anything they say may be
used as evidence against them at a trial by court-martial.
· Article 138 of the UCMJ states that any member of the armed forces that
feels that they have been refused redress from their commanding officer can
forward the complaint to the officer exercising general court-martial
jurisdiction over the commanding officer.
· Based on Article 16 of the UCMJ, the Commanding Officer decides on what
three types of court-martials to award:
- summary
- special
- general
· Seabag inspection should be done at regular intervals for E-1/E-2/E-3 to
ensure that each person has a full and complete seabag. Also, prior to
transfer all E-1/E-2/E-3 will have a seabag inspection.
· The Uniform Regulations call for uniform components of E-1 through E-6
personnel to have their clothing stenciled with 1/2 Inch stencil.
· Embroidered letters on utility (chambray) shirts and utility trousers, and
blue working jackets, shall be approximately 1/2 inch high and blocked.
· Embroidered letters on camouflage uniforms and Navy coveralls shall be
approximately 3/4 inch high and blocked3 ¼ inches wide. Women’s measure 2 ½
inches wide.
· Peacoat chevron rating badges are the same for men and women.
· Service stripes are worn on dress blue/service dress white uniform for men
and service dress blue only for women.
· Insignias worn on ball caps consist of an eagle and chevrons of either
silver or bright gold finish. The device is centered on the front of the ball
cap 1 ¼ inches above the visor.
· Grooming standards for men:
- Hair will be neat and clean and present a well-groomed appearance. Hair
above the ears and around the neck will be tapered from the lower hairline
upward at least 3/4 inch. Hair on the back of the neck may not touch the
collar. Hair will be no longer than 4 inches.
- Sideburns are permitted, but they are to be an even width (not flared) and
end with a claen-shaven horizontal line. Sideburns cannot extend below the
middle of the ear.
- While in uniform, men may wear either one necklace or choker, but it must
not be visible.
· Grooming standards for women
- Hair must be neatly arranged and styled to present a neat feminine
appearance, but may not fall below the lower edge of the uniform collar. The
only ornaments permitted in the hair are bobby pins and barretts (maximum of
two) of a color that matches the hair.
- Fingernails must not exceed 1/4 inch measured from the tip of the finger.
Nail polish must be of a soft shade, complementary to the skin tone.
- Cosmetics should be of conservative color and applied sparingly.
- Earrings must be the 6mm ball (approximately ¼ inch) type with a brushed
matte finish. Either the screw on or post type may be worn.
- E-6 and below must wear silver earrings.
- CPO and Officers must wear gold. Note: small single pearl earrings are
authorized for dinner or formal dress uniforms.
- While in uniform, women may wear one necklace or choker, but it must not be
- The wearing of a maternity uniform is mandatory for all pregnant women in
the Navy when a uniform is prescribed and regular uniforms no longer fit.
· Articles such as pencils, pens, watch chains, pins, jewelry, handkerchiefs,
combs, cigars, cigarettes, or pipes must not be worn or carried exposed upon
the uniform.
Chapter 3 - Quality of Life
None at this time.
Chapter 4 - Career Information
Chapter Four covers the highly complex Navy Organization, warfare,
designations, LDO/CWO Programs & service records, fleet reserve, and
• The Navy Enlisted Classification Structure NEC has three major subsystems:
1. Enlisted rating structure
2. Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Structure
3. Special Qualification
• The official reference for NECs is the manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower &
Personnel Classification and Occupational Standards.
Special Programs
• LDO & CWO- These you will want to remember, you may see them on an exam
sooner or later.
• CWO & LDO programs do not require a college education.
• For CWO you must be an E7, E-8, or E-9. You must have at least 12 years of
service but no more than 24 years of service.
• For LDO you must be en E-7 or E-8 with at
more than 16 years of service. Please note:
requirements for CPO and have taken the E-7
equal to or greater than the final multiple
least 8 years of service but no
E-6s that have completed all the
exam and have a final multiple
to pass are eligible for the LDO
• These were just some of the key points for LDO & CWO eligibility. Page 4-4
in the 3&2 has more information.
• Brig Staff Duty: Must be at least an E-4 and have at least 24 months of
active duty.
• US Navy Ceremonial Guard: E-3 and below are selected from the recruit
training command. E-4 and above are selected from those who are eligible for
shore duty. This is a 36 month tour for petty officers.
Service Records
• The enlisted service record is an official record of a person’s Navy
Career. The record is the property of the Navy.
• Papers required for safe keeping or for record keeping purposes are filed
on the left hand side of the folder. A separator called the Career
Performance Data NAVPERS 1070/617 divides the left side. Under this you will
find your evaluations and counseling record, commendations and awards
correspondence, and previous DD-214s.
• Page 2- The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data, NAVPERS
1070/602: used by both enlisted and officers. Is used for casualty reporting
to next of kin.
• Page 4-Enlisted Qualifications History, NAVPERS 1070/604: This page
contains Education, Classification, ASVAB testing qualifications, off duty
education, correspondence courses, Navy schools, NEC codes, awards, PQS
standards, rate advancements, special warfare, etc.
• When you reenlist a copy of your record is sent to the Bureau of Naval
Personnel and becomes part of your permanent service record.
Fleet Reserve and Retirement
Categories of Retirement
• Fleet Reserve: Enlisted members with at least 20 years. You may be ordered
back to duty without your consent until you reach 30 years of combined duty.
• Regular Navy Retired List- An enlisted member of the regular Navy who has
completed at least 30 years service. Cannot be called back to active duty
without your consent except at time of war or at the discretion of the
Secretary of the Navy.
• Naval Reserve Retired List: This list is composed of members who are
entitled to receive retired pay. You cannot be recalled to active duty
without your consent unless it is done by the Secretary of the Navy with the
approval of the Secretary of Defense.
• Retired Reserve: Consists of the reservists who retired to the Retired
Reserve list without pay.
Transfer to the Fleet Reserve
• This requires that you complete 2 years at your duty station. You must
submit the application no sooner than 12 months and no later than 6 months
before your requested transfer date.
Chapter 5 - United States Military Organization
This chapter covers military organization and some typical duties of a petty
• President (Commander in Chief) Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution
provides this executive power. The president may declare an emergency and
call out the reserves.
• Secretary of Defense: The SECDEF is the principal defense policy advisor to
the President.
• Joint Chiefs of Staff: Consists of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the
Chief of Staff US Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff US
Airforce, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The Chairman is the
principal military advisor to the President. The Chairman holds the rank of
general or admiral and outranks all other officers of the armed forces
. • Department of the Airforce was established on Sept 18, 1947. They are
responsible for defending the United States through control and exploitation
of air and space.
• Department of the Army was established by the Continental Congress on June
14, 1775. The Army focuses on land operations.
• The United States Marine Corps was established on Nov 10, 1775. The Marines
are able to fight on land, air or sea.
• Pages 5-6 through 5-10 (MR 3&2) cover other Department of Defense agencies.
I recommend reviewing these pages.
• Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is under the direction of the SECNAV. The
CNO takes precedence over all other officers.
• Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) serves as the senior
enlisted representative of the Navy. Started in 1966 by the CNO to help with
retention. The office was formally set up on March 1 1967 with a tour length
of four years. The MCPON reports directly to the CNO regarding matters on
active duty and retired enlisted members and their dependants.
• Naval Reserve Force- numbering over 728,000 men and women. Consists of
Ready Reserve, (SELRES) the Standby Reserve, and the Individual Ready Reserve
(IRR). The SELRES is the Navy's primary source of immediate mobilization
• Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) Plans and directs the procurement,
distribution, and career motivation of both the regular and reserve Navy.
• Review pages 5-16, 5-17 and 5-18 for other DoN organizations.
Chapter 6 - Safety and Hazardous Materials
This chapter covers safety rules and regulations, DCPO and MOPP Levels.
• As a petty officer you are responsible for ensuring the safety awareness of
• Safety: The ultimate responsibility for the safety of the command lies with
the commanding officer.
• Division Safety Petty Officer reports directly to the division safety
officer in all matters concerning their division. Division Safety Petty
Officers are responsible for mishap prevention, training and maintaining
records in the division.
• The objectives of a safety program is to improve operational readiness.
• Safety Council: some large commands may have a safety council. They meet
once a month.
• Master-at Arms/Safety Force is a vital link in the unit safety
organization. They can act as roving inspectors for hazardous conditions.
• Equipment Tag-Out procedures: If you are not familiar with the Navy Tag-out
system, please review pages 6-5 and 6-6.
• OPNAVINST 3120.32 contains basic guidelines for tag-out procedures.
• The equipment tag-out bill has three purposes:
1. Provides a procedure for personnel to prevent the improper operation of a
component, system, equipment, etc.
2. To provide a procedure for personnel to use when operating an instrument
that is unreliable.
3. To provide procedures for personnel to accomplish maintenance (PMS).
• Tag Out logs control the entire tag out procedure. The size of the ship
will determine the number of tag-out logs. The individual force commanders
specify the number of logs.
• The tag-out log is a record of authorization of each effective tag-out
action. It contains the following documents:
- A copy of the main instruction of any current directives (kept in front of
the log)
- A Danger/Caution tag-out index and record of audits
- Cleared Danger/Caution tag-out records
• Audits are an important part of the tag-out system. They can detect
discrepancies quickly and effectively. Audits are required at least every 2
weeks for conventional ships. Nuclear powered ships require weekly audits.
• Hazardous Materials Information System (MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheets
provide information on hazardous materials to people that work with these
• For information on cleaning solvents refer to NSTM Chapter 631
• Cleaning Solvent Precautions: As a petty officer you are responsible to use
the following safety precautions:
- Proper ventilation
- Wear protective clothing, goggles, respirators, gloves, etc.
- Ensure accessible fire-fighting equipment is nearby.
• Ventilation for enclosed spaces is an air exchange every 3 minutes
• Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense (CBR):
This will cover the four MOPP levels. MOPP stands for Mission Oriented
Protective Posture.
• The higher the level, the greater the threat, and the more your readiness
level increases.
• MOPP Level – 1: Suspected. Issue protective equipment, set yoke/condition
III wartime steaming.
• MOPP Level – 2: Possible. Maintain mask in carrier on your person. Test
counte-rmeasures, wash down system.
• MOPP Level – 3: Probable. Don chemical protective suit, hood down. Go to
GQ, set material condition Zebra.
• MOPP Level – 4: Imminent. Don protective mask, hood up, active countermeasures wash down system, set circle William (ventilation).
• You can promote safety by using safety inspections, posters, safety
patrols, and warning & caution signs.
• Damage Control Petty Officers are assigned to maintain damage control
equipment and closures in the divisional spaces. DCPO must complete their PQS
before being designated as a DCPO. They normally serve as a DCPO for 6
• Damage Control Closure Log Entries are maintained at all times, in port or
underway (24-7). This log will show if any existing material condition of
readiness has been modified. The maximum time any closure or fitting can be
logged open is 24 hours.
Chapter 7 - Supply Procedures
None at this time.
Chapter 8 - Military Responsibilities and Duties
This chapter covers typical military duties of a petty officer. Watch
standing, log books, master-at-arms, drills & formations.
• Watch Standing: You may be assigned as Petty Officer of the Watch (POOW).
You will be the primary enlisted assistant to the Officer of the Deck (OOD).
Some of you duties will include carrying out the daily routine. Notifying the
ODD of any changes in the barometric pressure readings of 0-04 inch or more
in an hour. Make entries in the log book as directed by the ODD.
• This ship’s log book is one of the most important logs that you will
maintain. The basic requirements for maintaining the ship’s deck log are
contained in:
- US Navy Regulations
- Standard Organization
- Regulations of the US Navy
• A ship’s deck log has both historical importance and legal standing. It can
be used both in Navy courts or civil courts. At sea the quartermaster of the
watch (QOOW) keeps the ship’s deck log. In port the entries are made by the
If you make a mistake, draw a single line through the entry and then place
your initials in the left margin.
• The overall responsibility for the deck log belongs to the ODD. They will
sign the log book at the end of the watch.
• For sample deck log entries, refer to OPNAVINST 3100-7B. Also review pages
8-6 through 8-9 for more sample deck log entries.
• The passdown log is used to pass pertinent information along to each watch
• If unauthorized access to the ship is made, the ODD should sound the alarm
to alert the security alert team (SAT). The security alert team is trained
and armed for security threats of this nature.
• Weapon Safety: Details of weapons, safety, and use of force can be found in
OPNAVINST 3120.32.
• The pistol is normally carried unloaded aboard a ship. There will be three
magazines. Two of the magazines each hold 5 rounds and are attached to the
pistol belt. The 3rd magazine is empty and is kept in the pistol to protect
the internal parts.
• If the pistol has a lanyard attached to it, keep the lanyard around your
neck until your relief has positive control of the pistol.
• Deadly force is when such force is used, could create a substantial risk of
causing death or serious bodily harm. It is only used in extreme conditions.
• Weather related responsibilities: measuring barometric pressure is done by
using the aneroid barometer. The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is
29.92 inches.
• Measure wind speed and direction by using an installed anemometer.
• United States Storm Warning Signals:
- Small Craft Warning: One red pennant at day and a red light over a white
light at night. For winds up to 38 mph (33 knots)
- Gale Warning: Two red pennants at day and a white light above a red light
at night. For winds from 39 to 54 mph (34 to 47 knots)
- Storm Warning: One square red flag with a black center for day and two
vertical red lights at night. This is for winds 55 to 73 mph (48 to 63 knots)
- Hurricane Warning: Two square red flags with black centers for daytime, and
a white light between two vertical red lights at night. For winds 74 mph or
greater (64 knots or greater)
• When you ship is moored at a pier it is normally visible and safe from a
collision. However, special precautions must be taken after sunset. You will
be required to make certain the anchor lights and the aircraft warning lights
are turned on at sunset and turned off at sunrise. Be sure to test all of
your lights 30 minutes before sunset..
• When anchored you must be very alert to other ships moving about. The other
ships will be aware that you are anchored by an anchor ball displayed in the
forward part of your ship. The ball is black in color and a minimum of two
feet in diameter. The duty Quartermaster will check to ensure the ship stays
anchored securely.
• Section Leader: On a small ship you may be assigned as a section leader. As
a section leader you will be responsible for your division on your duty days.
You will report to the CDO after normal working hours.
• Master-At-Arms: The chief Master-At-Arms (CMAA) is responsible to the
executive officer (XO). You may be assigned to the MAA force as a collateral
duty. This tour of duty usually will be 6 months.
• Shore Patrol Mission and Duties: Shore Patrol (SP) is another collateral
duty that you may be assigned to. This duty is usually 24 hours or less. Your
primary duty is to preserve good order among other members of the armed
forces who are in liberty status.
• The Secretary of the Navy has delegated the authority to create the shore
patrol. You have to be an E-4 or above to be a member of the SP. When
standing patrol duties you normally have no jurisdiction over civilians. When
you are shore patrol never solicit favors or gifts.
• Apprehension- When taking a person into custody.
• Apprehending Officers: Only when the situation offers no other alternative
should an enlisted SP apprehend an officer.
• Apprehending the opposite sex: Physical contact should be avoided. If force
is necessary for restraining a person or taking the member to headquarters
utmost care must be used.
• Close-Order Drill Squad: Full strength, normally consists of 12 persons.
• Platoon: Consists of 2 squads, a platoon headquarters, and a guide.
• Company: consists of two or more platoons
• If you are not familiar with Close-Order Drill commands, you may want to
review pages 8-25 through 8-28
• Honors and Ceremonies: Side honors consist of parading the proper number of
side boys to render honors to officials and officers. Side boys are not
paraded on Sunday or between sunset and 0800, or during crew meal hours, GQ,
fire drills, or other evolutions.
• An informal visit of courtesy requiring no special ceremony is a call.